The Trump administration and allegations of Sexual Misconduct by Les Moonves are discussed. Guests include Mollie Hemingway Federalist , former Ohio state. He said the Attorney General should stop the witch hunt right now before it continues to stain our country any further. Joining us. Mollie hemingway. Gillian turner and capri cafaro. A Washington Examiner contributor and former democratic senator in ohio. Hes suggesting his Attorney General blow off the fact that he recused himself for ethical reasons. Is the media storm around this justified . Mollie its good to talk about this. But we need media people who understand how donald trump speaks. After two years of seeing him speak in public and seeing his tweets you would expect them to understand him better. Hes expressing frustration with a probe that sidelined his administration for a year and a half. Everyone else not just being politicians, but people in the media are not Holding Mueller accountable. They think their job is to cheerlead instead of ask questions. What is the scope of his probe . Why is he not concerned with the Hillary Clinton campaign with russia. Why hasnt he found collusion with the Trump Campaign which ways we were promised by the media. We are not seeing good understanding of how President Trump speaks. Howie the president complaining about the witch hunt and the media. Doesnt he create a tidal wave of coverage of the story he hates . Gillian there is an old adage something along the lines bad coverage is better to no coverage. Donald trump is an adherent to that rule. Howie he keeps coming back to mueller. Gillian this is where the media is doing a great job at large, pointing out to the president , why do you ever tweet about anything other than the economy. Why do you tweet about anything other than 4. 1 gdp. It seems you are derailing your agenda, you are already the most of widely covered president in the history of this country. Mollie we were promised we would find treasonous collusion with russia to steal an election. I think he likes reminding people of that. Gillian how long do we have to have an administration be sidelined . Hes asking good questions. Capri it doesnt mean they shouldnt continue to do the work they are doing. Howie i interviewed Rudy Giuliani this week, the president s personal lawyer. I asked him, i said he i said he named sessions. And he said he was talking about a generic Attorney General. Capri i think there has been a lot of scrutiny on this. On one hand there are some in the media that understand sort of the nuances of donald trump. He gets frustrated. He sees something, he takes to twitter and reacts. But because of the nature of this. Because there is all the discussion sounding obstruction of justice and he is the president of the United States as we saw in that clip from cnn. What he says and when he uses his words, they matter. Howie we can all agree hes not you or me or anybody else. The Paul Manafort trial is taking place across the river. Its about alleged bank fraud and tax evasion and pretty much has nothing to do with donald trump or the campaign. Mollie everyone is interested in this trial as part of the Collusion Theory with russia. But the prosecutors say they are not bringing up collusion. We are not seeing anyone actually asking the difficult questions with the mueller probe. They seem to trust it implicitly. Questions of Hillary Clinton who had a Spy Get Sourcing from the kremlin to get sources into the election . Capri the manafort trial doesnt have anything to do with the russian collusion. One of the things trump put in his tweets. Basically everything in this trial predates manaforts relationship with the campaign. I think hes trying to get that out there. One thing i do find interesting is how Popular Culture latched on to this manafort trial. Breaking count al capone tweet. You see says inquiry talking about it. Howie this rally went on in ohio. President trump msnbc is so corrupt. Its so disgusting. So disgusting. The guys that we love, right . They are blowing them away in the race. Hannity, laura ingraham, tucker carlson. Steve doocy. Ainsley, brian. Howie calls msnbc corrupt. I am not sure it helps fox when he brings in the opinion hosts like that. It suggests the entire network is allied with him. Capri it continues that narrative that there is a preferred network that may have a specific bias and everyone else is fake news. There was a recent survey of 4,000 viewers interestingly enough show fox news as number two as the most of trusted news by most of american viewers that were surveyed. Number 1 was [inaudible] howie the president used the word disgusting at the pennsylvania rally. This morning he tweeted they purposely caused Distrust Answer they also cause war. They are over the top and sick. Mollie the best way to cover donald trump is to cover him straight. When you behave in such a clownish fashion where they are open about how they view their job as resisting him. Its a talking pointed that resonates with the American People. A recent poll shows 72 of americans believe the media regularly puts out fake, false and misleading information. This is going to continue until such time as the media take their jobs more seriously and start covering him straight. Howie ivanka trump was interviewed by axios, she said though i do not like the inaccurate media about me, but i do not view the media as the ken any of the people. Gillian there is a reason the president gets pushback on comments from the left. And not from republicans, lawmakers on capitol hill. Other government officials. Its because i think a lot of this comes from the idea the president is expressing a frustration the president has had since the reagan administration. Howie let me get a break here. Corey lewandowski weighs in. The president goes oneonone with Le Bron James. Smart. Is it smart to be brawling with an nba star . Mollie people dont like to see the president go after athletes and they dont like athletes to go after the president. He gave it to don lemon. The media and some of his colleagues only focused on what he said about le bron. Howie le bron says who is the real dummy, someone who puts kids in cages. Capri don lemon is always resisting against donald trump every night on cnn. If the tables were turned. Don lemon is giving some trump to trump. People praise donald trump for saying if he has his back up against the wall, hell fight back. Thats what don lemon did. Howie Melania Trump says it looks like Le Bron James is working to do good things. The first lady encourages that. New york Times Publisher a. G. Sulzberger has an offtherecord meeting with President Trump. And then sulzberger pushes back. The fact that he had this meeting does it suggest he cares about the opinion of his Hometown Newspaper . Gillian the more important thing with this meeting is it underscores what i love to talk. With regard to foreign policy. He believes fervently in the power of his interpersonal skills. If he can just get these people face to face he can make them see the light. Howie i have seen him do that. Suldulds berger said he warned t its leading to threats against journalists and will lead to violence. There are two problems with his statement. If inflammatory rhetoric causes violence, the media needs to be thinking about their inflammatory rhetoric against republicans. We have seen shootings of congressmen and people getting arrested. I think people are responsible for their own actions and you cant blame the rhetoric. He says Donald Trumps rhetoric is dangerous and divisive. This week the New York Times hired sarah jeong and necessity testified it as if its not a problem. Howie the president comes back with a series of tweets. When the media driven insane by their Trump Derangement Syndrome, it puts the lives of journalists at risk. Very unpatriotic. Revealing the secrets of government has gone on since the founding of the republic. Capri i suspect well continue to hear Trump Derangement Syndrome from the president in his tweets. The fact of what happened in this meeting between President Trump and the New York Times. Who do we trust answer who do we believe is telling the truth. The president of the United States or the New York Times. Howie if its the epa or hhs. Both leaders who were fired. Itits jim acosta says the president is whipping up violence against him. John kelly is still alive and walking around he would stay on for the rest of the first term and he said yes. What does that say about this Media Drum Beat based on named sources. The a. P. , its leading Trump Staffers to believe kelly is work on borrowed time. Abc, the president has once again started contemplating his possible replacements. A source telling cnn the president is talking to friends about possible replacements for john kelly. White house Chief Of Staff john kelly may be ready to leave his job very soon. It could come this week or the midjuly trip to europe. The reports he was likely to leave by july 31. And that he repeatedly referred to trump as an idiot. Hell be leaving by his own choice or by President Trump deciding he had enough. Howie trumps decision to keep kelly doesnt knock down stories that kelly has vented to others about wanting to leave or he offered his resignation after the furor over rob porter. And kelly may not make it through 2020. The president could change his mind next month or even next week. Those who work for this president dont always know what hes going to do. Using sources to predict what hes going to do and dismissing the official denial is risky business. Corey lewandowski has constantly been battling the press on twitter. With the Crowd Yelling and cursing jim acosta, well talk to the reporter who pressed howie with so many Media Controversies swirling around the president from the manafort trial to the angry antipress crowds. Joining us is corey lewandowski, President Trumps former Campaign Manager now with pences pac. I covered the mutual warfare with the press. I have never seen the president so resentful of his coverage and using language like unpatriotic and enemy of the people. Is this a strategy working for him . I dont speak for the president. But on behalf of him. When you look at the coverage of one historic thing that happened this week was almost nothing. We had u. S. Soldier remains returned back to hawaii after the north korean conflict. Mike pence went over there. Most of of the major Media Outlets didnt cover it. Its frustrating for the president to get so little credit on something so important. He has to talk about his own message. He knows if he doesnt do it, nobody will do it for him. Howie i said earlier it was a mistake. Only fox news carried the care money live. When you say he has to talk about his agenda. Beating up on the press, he has the right to do that if he thinks the coverage is mostly negative. What does he gain out of the pounding every single day . If you look at the recent numbers, the plurality of the people believe the press is not fair to this president. 90 has been negative to an unbiased source. This company delineated each individual Television Network and hot American People believe is the fairest. The bbc is number of one, fox is number two. And at the bottom is cnn. They have been so bias against this president. 4. 1 growth rate in gdp. The lowest unemployment for hispanics and africanamericans. The president is receiving almost 30 of the africanamerican you north this country. Thats unprecedented. If that was barack obama and he was a republican, they would be touting this. Hes up 15 points are covered. That the president isnt qualified to have these conversations. Other World Leaders see that and they take exception to it. Howie the summit with kim jongun got a lot of coverage. There is a way to go in the negotiations and the white house would acknowledge that. The Mueller Investigation the subject of many president ial tweets. The president is obsessed with the Russia Collusion allegations. But every time he tweets about it, and particularly the President Tweeting Jeff Sessions should do something by the and shut it down, he just drives more coverage to this story. The president knows clearly Jeff Sessions has recused himself from this investigation. I heard Newt Gingrich talk about the fact that 90 of the items Jeff Sessions recused himself from he didnt need to. I think thats probably true. The president knows Jeff Sessions wont end this investigation. But its also fair, this has been going on for a year and a half. There is no collusion, coordination and cooperation between them lets have the country move on and prove there was no collusion between the Trump Campaign and anyone in russia to impact the election. Thats a fair thing to do. Howie Paul Manafort, the trial began this week. He replaced you as Campaign Chairman in 2016. Given what we know now, millions of dollars from ukraine and he was broke at the time and trying to retain a lavish lifestyle. Do you think hiring Paul Manafort was a mistake . I think it was a mistake. I think i should have stayed until the end of the campaign. I was doing a pretty good job in primaries and caucuses. Im not a fan of Paul Manafort. Whatever he did had nothing to. With the campaign or with his Tenure Volunteering or working for the trump organization. But is he getting the same treatment every other american would get if they were accused of the same thing . Im not a Paul Manafort fan. But i look at this objectively. Would somebody else be locked in prison in Solitary Confinement when they were never audited by the irs . And the Media Scrutiny around Paul Manafort is at the highest levels because for a brief period he was associated with the campaign. Looking back on it, paul probably realizes it was a mistake to come to the campaign. A federal judge appointed by reagan says its not a crime to spend 100,000 on a vehicle or 1 million on a suit. You are entitled to do that but you have to pay your taxes. This judge is right by the book. Hes very fair and i think paul is getting a fair trial. Howie i agree another lobbyist with the same charges wouldnt be getting this attention. The reason hes back in jail is because the judge ruled he violated the terms of his bail. Corey lewandowski, good to see you. Ahead on mediabuzz, cbs chairman les moonves is challenged for his job by a guy he hired, stephen colbert. You are hearing a lot of folks letting their feeling be known at his rally in tampa. Howie Sarah Huckabee sanders was challenged the next day. Is the white house willing to say it is wrong for its most of vocal supporters to be menacing toward a reporter in that situation or any situation . The president does not support violence against anyone or anything. When it comes to the media the president does think the media holds a responsibility. We fully support a free press. But there comes a high level of responsibility with that. Howie joining us is david martosko, and sara fischer. David, why did you ask Sarah Sanders that question. She obviously didnt want to engage on this phrase enemy of the American People. I asked the question not because i thought Sarah Sanders should side with the press. But our viewers are curious whether the white house has gotten tired of his Pro Wrestling atmosphere. Clearly they havent. The president wants to define his enemies before they define him. The First Amendment of course is crucial to our republic. Everybody has the right to scream and yell. During the campaign when we had the press charters and all the reporters would enter the arena at once. It had the feeling like we were the visiting nba team coming on the floor. But it part of the pagentry, part of the event. Howie let me play for you jim acosta asking a similar question of Sarah Sanders the next day. But for the sake of this room, the people in this room, this democracy, this country, all the people around the world are watching what you are saying, sara. The white house for the United States of america, the president of the United States should not refer to us as the enemy of the people. Howie acosta gave a long speech there. I have been critical of him in terms of the way he interrupts the president. But then he walked out. How much of this was play together cameras, and how much is a serious issue, a point of visceral disagreement . Sara i think its a little bit of both. The president on the campaign trail, the contentious relationship started there. Jim acosta was not as contentious until the campaign at the time started to utilize him as a symbol of what they were calling the fake news media. A part of this is a representation of this combative relationship getting out of control. But part of it is jim acosta taking issue with the fact that the president has called the news media the enemy of the people and attacked them in a way that could potentially bring danger. Howie she got a lot of criticism for not being willing to say we have a lot of problems with the way the press performs its job. But we dont approve of angry people giving Press Correspondents the middle finger and yelling angry word at them. What the reporters see is never asking what do we do to make them angry. One said the reason they are annoyed is they look like they never changed their toil or walked into a walmart. The white house takes advantage of that and tries to drive that wedge. Howie they dont seem to look have much at their own side of it. A number of msnbc pundits likening President Trump to stalin. Enemy of the people is a phrase the soviet Mass Murderer used. Sharisara i couldnt agree mor. They are using a one will sided perspective in analyzing this relationship. If you are not look to be introspective, then it becomes harder to obtain the trust of the American People. Thats something the president recognizes and its tapping into every single time he tries to paint the media as a disassistant establishment that cant relate to the average american. Howie san antonio hannity going after acosta. Acosta coming back saying hes a prohespropagandist. When he started this, he was talking about 13 or 14. Colbert says les moonves is my guy, but criticizes him anyway. Up for its newest editorial writer. Sarah jeong wrote how much joy i get out of being cruel to old white men not to mention f the police and white men are aholes. She says she was responding with satire against tweets of hates against an asianamerican woman. Social media mobs on both sides dredge you can past writings conservatives and liberals to get them fired and its pretty ugly all around. A museum has stopped selling fake news tshirts. Look at our buzz meter. Continue the conversation on

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