Strides in these various communities. One of them i feel is in the africanamerican community. The president has reached out to this community during his first term as president in a number of ways, whether its historically black colleges, a permanent funding stream, whether its enterprise zones or school choice, we could go on and on and in four years i would argue hes done more than obama and biden did in eight years and more than clinton and gore did. The democrats are good at talking about what theyre going to do for various communities and yet they never produce. Im very excited to have as a guest tonight Candace Owens. She is a fabulous new book called blackout. Candace and my right or wrong about the president s outreach to the black community. You are correct, and i completely predicted about three years ago that we are going to see this in 2020 and what we are seeing now on the left is a desperation because they are realizing that he has shaken their foundation, their foundation being minority voters in the lies they tell minority voters. Youve written a great book , Candace Owens blackout. Heres the book. The subtitle is black america can make it second escape from the democrat plantation. Theres a show called the view that i never watch. Its a bizarre show. Its got these women on their all of whom but one are left us in the other day one of them said that black conservatives are basically props. Isnt this exactly what youre talking about. Doesnt this go to the core of your book and the way black americans are treated by the left and the media in this country . Absolutely. Its a perfect way to talk about my subtitle, how black america can make it second escape from the democratic plantations and that was controversial when i decided to name that subtitle so they really pushed back on me and said are you sure you meanness and i was so happy to actually use this book to layout my arguments about how democrats have really just modernized and updated their techniques that they use on the plantation. First and foremost the breakdown of family. So strategic to them. They virtually celebrate the breakdown of the Nuclear Family and movements like black lives matter explicitly states that there after the destruction of the Nuclear Family, that theres something backwards about it. That was crucial to maintaining slavery. Frederick douglass writes in his autobiography about how he felt absolutely nothing when his mother died and he was taken away from his sisters because they needed to make sure we didnt have back sense of familiar instincts so they would continually tweet us on plantations. What youre talking about in terms of the views, comments, were talking about social lynchings play out today. Back in the day of slavery, black americans were punished if they had the audacity to get up and leave and walk away from democrat plantations, obviously severely brutalized and punished. Today we see social lynching take place. Some say your prop and they say they align themselves with conservative principles so is such an opportunity for me to it layout my arguments and help black america to see that theyve really just buried their techniques and were really living under the same conditions that we lived in during the times of slavery. Theyve just been very good at hiding what theyre doing today. This notion of democratic socialism or marxism, i wonder how many people on the hard left, particularly back lives matter knows that marx was a racist in this whole marxist ideology when you look all over the world, look at what communist china is doing and the tibetans and christians, look at all over the world they have to wipe out religion and wipeout differences between individuals and cultural groups of individuals and yet you have groups like black lives matter, antifa, the Democrat Party marching behind this banner. What do you make of that. Actually took time talking about who karl marx wasnt what he believed in and just like you said, against faith, against family and definitely, very against religion wouldve been against black americans and yet you see us taking in those principles. I wanted to lay out what had started. When did black america start to adopt these principles and it started to happen in the mid 1960s when you had them sing razor consciousness to black america and to see that there was corruption everywhere and that there was inequality everywhere and thats what were seeing on the left that they want us to look around and see pain and disruption and corruption everywhere. Its something that black americans need to be educated about and we are seeing that they are sort of replacing education with indoctrination and if you are a black american and you go through the Public School system like i went to, you went through and you are a pocke propagandist for the left. I started on the left although i was not politically active, i believed in all of the indoctrination, i believe just four short years ago that republicans were racist and that being a black person and being a woman disadvantaged me in life, and im a pretty smart personal. These were things i learned actively, not because i wanted to be antiamerican or because i wanted to believe these things, it was because it was taught to me via the Public School system we talk a lot about my book, we talk about education and how important is that conservatives wake up to the fact that we lost the education battle with the left and what that allows democrats to do when they have a handle on the School System. When we Start Talking about the 1619 project what that really implies. If we continue to allow the Democrat Party to control education were guaranteeing them a future because the youth is the future. Is this one of the reasons the Democrat Party, the big unions, even the naacp and others oppose school choice, particularly in minority communities that would give children and their parents an opportunity to send their kids to schools other than the government facility down the street . That is absolutely correct and in talking about education, you cant help but look at the fact that its actually failing kids today. I have spoken about various inner cities and the rates of illiteracy which should astonish everything a person in america, the fact that in california, 75 of black boys cannot pass a basic literacy exam, that is astounding. You will never hear black lives matter talk about that or hear a democratic candidate talk about that and yeah im talking about that. The fact that in baltimore across five schools they couldnt find a school that was proficient in reading and writing and math is astounding and people should be talking about that. Going back to my thesis about what we are seeing is modernized techniques of the slavery pants plantation, what is the one thing theyre not allowed to do, learn to read and write. The punishment would have been severe for that and the reason for that is simple. Its because an educated mind cannot be enslaved. What we are seeing today, receiving this dumbing down of the Education System where kids are learning feelings but theyre not learning facts and skills, its problematic and its something we need to have a meaningful discussion about and it needs to be more than a discussion, it needs to be action thats taken i believe this administration has taken those actions which is why am proud to stand behind them. Mark the book is blackout by candace dolan. The subtitle is how black america can make it second escape from the democrat plantation. Let me ask you this. You hear a lot from lebron jame james. Hes a very wealthy athlete and commissioner of the nfl and the nba and again very wealthy individuals in hollywood both white and black who do not live in these communities they claim to be defending and the socalled revolution, they claim to be promoting. What you make of these folks. Im always speaking out against these people, especially lebron james. This is a man that lives in a hundred thousand dollars mediation. If youre suffering through racism please give me some of that. Hes got a white gardener, white chef, various white people who work for him, white drivers so if thats racism, please share some of that with the rest of u us, but on a more serious note i want to Say Something that will really uplift americans because sometimes i know when you see that stuff it can seem so depressing over and over on the news. If i open my inbox and showed you the amount of celebrities i have written me prop privately, the silent majority that were always talking about, theyve written and said im starting to see the truth, i cant stand being in hollywood, im not allowed to use my voice to say what i believe. These are the same celebrities that are posting the black squares on instagram and saying we must care about black lives and theyre saying theyre doing it basically under duress that they dont want to lose their entire career. So dont believe that things are shifting just because we see people like lebron james painting black lives matter on the ground. There is something shaking and something happening in this country and more people are awake and alive to whats really at risk which is really the values and principles that this country was built upon. When you walk down the streets and eat at restaurants and so forth, many people know who you are, particularly people who despise you like black lives matter and others, do you fear for your safety . I never fear for my safety and i will tell you why because the left, their actual extreme cowards. They only work well if they are in groups. If they see me and im walking down the street one on one they dont say anything. I know when to expect them to act out and thats usually going to be if im doing a College Campus or speech and they can show up in hordes and there can be 400 of them out here to say things. I know im a brave person and i think what were seeing right now is crazy as it looks, its really the last wheel of a dying animal. They feel threatened. The foundation is threatened. Minorities are waking up. We represent the achilles heel to the Democrat Party and the ideology. When minorities are wake all the games have to stop because what they love to use, we are the conduit. White supremacy, racism, these are the things they claim to be fighting even though what theyre really trying to do is usher in a period of racism. Their pro segregationists. Im unbelievably optimistic everyday because when i hear them screaming what i see and what i hear is fear. Candace owens, the book is blackout. When we come back i will ask you this. Who is behind these riots. When i watch them on tv, its really not the Mainstream Media that is the left, its citizen journalists with iphones and so forth. Im not seeing a lot of people rising up from these various communities, im seeing a lot of white people, im seeing what we learned later are some criminal criminals, im seeing marxists who were shipped in from city to city maybe there even paid but ive not seen this great uprising in the innercity communities. Id be interested in your take on that. Well be right back. Works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. What is that . Xiidra, noooo it can provide lasting relief. Xiidra is the only fda approved treatment specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. One drop in each eye, twice a day. Dont use if youre allergic to xiidra. Common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. Dont touch container tip to your eye or any surface. After using xiidra, wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. Got any room in your eye . Talk to an eye doctor about twicedaily xiidra. I prefer you didnt xiidra. Not today, dry eye. Welcome back. Im here with candace on. She likes to do books that are serious. Need to get her outstanding book coming out soon in the next few days amazon. Com for any major bookstore. Candace owens in the book is blackout. I want to ask you, who is behind these riots. Ill add to the questions. Who is behind black lives matter. Where are the billions of dollars that black lives matter has raised over the years by using black faces that were murdered or killed. Where has all the money gone to. Theres no schools or buildings on campus so where has all of these dollars gone. Its magically disappeared. Its a must like its gone into the middle of a whole these are the questions to ask. What i will say is the obvious answer is that these are tremendously wellfunded efforts. 70 of the people that were arrested writing and protesting werent from washington d. C. You recall couple years ago i was attacked in a restaurant by a group of antifa dogs and it was 9 00 a. M. On the morning on a monday morning and there was no way a bunch of people left work and got into antifa garbage and showed up unless this was therefore fulltime job. Its time for our department of justice to investigate this and find out where the money is going, whos funding the riots and the destruction of america because these are trained marxists and this is their fulltime job without question. Mark and the cofounders admit there trained marxists its right there in front of our faces. The media in this country, not to give you a break, theyre not meant talk about you or your book but any crackpot professor teaching anti americanism, arent the media in this country not just a regurgitated but what the left is saying but leaving a parade in many respects. Very much so. Im a big believer that its time for new york times. [inaudible] the media is able to go out and tell lies because theres no accountability. They are allowed to live. Theyre just protective. They can say with her want because their journalist. Even if there willfully lying and smearing. Imagine what this country would look like if the media had to tell the truth, if it was at risk to their job and establishment and organizations that they were forced to tell the truth. This is something we should be having a discussion about because its got ridiculous. They will literally make an entire story out. Theres no accountability. Im not concerned about it only because what we are seeing is people are not trusting the media anymore. Its because of this widespread distrust in the Mainstream Media that people like me were able to come to the forefront because people are desperate for a different perspective. There desperate for truth and they will say who is out there saying Something Different than the media which is essentially just saying hey trump, truck bed, orange man bad no matter what resist resist resist and voices like mine have been able to rise up on youtube, on social media and say heres why im a black conservative. Heres what i believe and why i believe you should listen to this perspective and how it will improve your life. I think the media for failing because i wouldnt exist if they hadnt. Succinctly, why are you a black conservative. , black conservative because im on the side of truth. Im a black conservative because i know my history. Im a black conservative because i know i know what the blacleft is trying to do is not progressive. Its regressive. Virtually everything they do leads to aggressive results. Every time they say there wording you can see this take place. I talk about the. [inaudible] in the School System see someone that is celebrated. We are taught as black americans in school that he saved us because he inked the civil rights bill in 19. Im a black conservative because i understand how welfare has harmed black america. I believe in myself and i dont think theres a difference between you and i mark, i dont look at you as a white man and say i cant do what you can do. I look around and say anything mark can do i can do as well and thats because of the freedoms in this country that i left a perfect tech i dont want to live in a country where because of the color of my skin i have certain advantages or theres a quota for how many black people need to be somewhere. I dont need harvard to look at my application and so you can come in because your black even though this white person had a better score because i know i can get that same score as a white person. That is what im offering in my book blackout. Im offering black americans a sense of courage and responsibility and a sense of confidence and i know that this will be the thing that can save america. Im so proud of this book and what i learned on this journey and in large part its due to some new people that have believed in me so i do want to say thank you to all the americans i have been with me on this crazy journey. If youre White American and you buy this book after you read it, please donate it to a black child because i was not black child who didnt know all that america has to offer, and i want this to be something that instills hope in the hearts and minds of every black american. Candace owen, isnt the key word here liberty come you never hear the word liberty out of the mouth of a leftist. You always hear words of government and suppression, oppression, but you never hear the word liberty and you certainly never hear the phrase individual liberty because for the left, for some reason socialism centralized governmen government, the iron fist and the democracy is supposed to be utopia but isnt that the key, liberty. Liberty is the key and the way theyre able to strip that away very simple is by making sure that people depend on nothing but the government like you just said black america was really the experiment with that. If you want to look at the reasons why, you look around Mainstream Media and the mock people who have faith and thats because they want there to be faith in nothing but the government. They want people to turn to government for all of their problems and they want the government to offer all of the solutions. In many ways the left wants to replace god with government. Its the same with family. Why do you see this attack on the family through various means, radicalized feminism which i cover my book on black lives matter which we talked about in my book. Its because if you remove the pillars of faith and you remove the pillars of family, gives the government the room to grow and say we are your family now, where the only faith that you should have and thats really ethical core of marxist ideology. Give the people nothing to believe in but the government itself so youre absolutely right. But where we are right now, its a scary time in america, but i also always want people to feel optimistic because im hopeful everything okay that people like you, people like me, people who are fighting on the ground are really changing the narrative and showing people what the truth is. I do think the president is going to make significant inroads in the selection with minorities, particularly africanamericans and hispanic americans who have seen what the Democrat Party will do and the Democrat Party will do nothing. More centralized government, more and more phony promises, the Democrat Party is not power. Thats her history. Thats who they are. Candace owens, lubricants blackout. How black america can make it second escape from the democrat plantation. Well done. God bless you. Thank you so much well be right back. Here . Nope. Here. When the middle of nowhere. Is somewhere. The allnew chevy trailblazer. Live from americas news headquarters on marianne. Two los angeles deputies with only 14 months on the job done down while they were sitting in their squad car last night in compton. Both were rushed to surgery and in Critical Condition as of yesterday. Authorities have offered a 100,000 reward for any information leading to their capture. The president weighed in on the incident, calling the suspect animals that must be hit hard. The president not too far from that shooting incident as he continued to tour of the west with another Campaign Rally in henderson nevada. This will be the president s first indoor rally since the event in tulsa three months ago. Can watch the rally live on foxnews. Com or on the fox news youtube channel. Now back to life, liberty and levin. Welcome back america. Its becoming quite apparent that the media, the Democrat Party and their various aggregates have no intention of allowing donald trump to become president of the United States again. Its clear they are canceling out Election Night, that it push this whole male in voter effort on states that really cant handle any massive mail in voter effort although there prepared. We keep talking about violence, they keep talking about if they are not winning an Election Night they will in later and if they are winning on Election Night and its over. I think we used to call this in my neighborhood heads i win, tails you lose. In any event theres been a tremendously well with written piece on this by Michael Anton, it has a fantastic new book that kind of overlaps the subject, the stakes america at the point of no return, Michael Anton is a former drum National Security official, a senior fellow at the claremont institute, research fellow. The democrats are talking openly about not accepting the results of the november election. There are ten or 12 data points. When Hillary Clinton lost to donald trump in 2016 and said joe biden should not concede under any circumstances, thats a direct quote. Any would include a 50 state landslide, not that im predicting that, but any circumstance. I think what you just laid out is exactly right. If they win, if joe biden wins that its over and we stopped counting votes. If it looks like the president has one on november 3 then we just keep counting until joe biden pulls ahead in certain states and give the Electoral College to him, however long that takes. In all my life, anytime theres a close race and it goes into a recount i can think of only one prominent example and that was florida in 2000, and that only happened because the Supreme Court had to step in and shut it down, but what makes this even more ominous is biden himself, the president s opponent in this election has openly speculated about the military, speculated is actually too soft a word. He said confidently the military will drag him out of their meaning the white house. Two Army Officers wrote an open letter to the chairman of the joint chiefs and be prepared to deploy the 82nd airborne, and active duty overseas combat unit to remove the president from the white house on january 20, 2021. Now, to his credit the chairman of the joint chief has said the military will play no role in the upcoming election. I hope hes serious and i hope that holds, and also when ive had the opportunity to talk about this piece publicly ive said look, to any military officer current or foam and transformer, please get the word to your friends who are loyal to the u. S. Military, who are loyal to the constitution, to knock this off and to not, if somebody tries to whisper in your ear this is what you need to do in january 2021, tell them to buzz off and you are loyal to the constitution, you are loyal to your oath and loyal to the military founded in the revolution as one of our cornerstone institutions that defend. I think this is one of the reasons that leftists democrats, probably a couple x generals wrote the piece to try to soften up the support from the military for the president of the United States about him calling them losers and suckers, things i have never heard the president say, things im sure you never heard the president say, you work for the president of the United States, its so out of sorts for this president to ever say anything like that. You think thats what theyre doing, softening it up. I think absolutely. This alleged incident took place nearly two years ago. Why are we only writing about now. Why are we only hearing about it now. I was with the president for the first 14 months of the administration. I went on every foreign trip with him where we did a lot of base visits in the United States of america. I saw him talk to troops. I saw him sit down, have lunch or just chats with soldiers, i saw him run way over schedule because he would not get up and leave a single soldier in that room wanted to talk and shake his hand or take a picture. I never ever heard him disparage american troops like that. Its impossible for me to it believe he couldve said Something Like that. I think that story is completely made up. Its really quite amazing when you see joe biden who is supported by black lives matter which heats the United States military tells us imperialists and colonialists and is backed by Bernie Sanders and that gang which despises the United States military and Vice President through sequestration, how the left and the media get away with this. How do they get away with this. They get away with it just by having almost complete control of the media with the exception of fox news and some internet sites but all the other networks, cable networks, broadcast networks, popular entertainment, social media, something i call in the book the megaphone. They hold the megaphone and the megaphone is all of the organs, the actual institution that push out the narrative which is trump is illegitimate president elected by the russians and they just blast fat at high decibels ma sensor or the d platform people who point out the contradictions as you just pointed out. The Obama Administration for eight years inadequately funded the military even as it committed it to all kinds of missions were overcommitted to dumb missions that arent in the American Interest and now they are able to portray themselves as saviors of the military and in part because anybody like you and i, you are fortunate to have a platform and a network that backs you but its very hard for others to try to push out narratives, a counter narrative or correction on social media because will just get censored or go get their account suspended or locked though get the tube site taken down. Weve seen more of that in 2020 than weve seen in all of my lifetime. More censorship and d platform. When we come back on ask about general mattis because bob word word expose something maybe he didnt intend to expose and i want to focus on what general mattis had said or tried as well as your book which you point out in the states, america is a point of no return. How crucial this election is. 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The shapewear design provides a close and seamless fit, to ensure total discretion. Choose the solution that keeps you drier. Try always discreet underwear, with a money back guarantee. Brand power. Helping you buy better. Welcome back. Im with Michael Anton who served on the National Security council during the early parts of the trump administration. He has a fantastic new book, the States America at the point of no return and before we get to that, michael this bob woodward book, this guy goes around, he typically interviews disgruntled former employees, he interviewed the president and then he kind of stitches together a hitchcock so i dont really want to focus on this book. I will let the leftwing media promoted, but there is something in his book thats actually quite interesting about mattis and coates, the former dni in the former secretary of defense. What was that. It relates an anecdote which given this is about anonymously sourced, if its true its very troubling that former secretary mattis while he was secretary of defense contemplated polluting, i dont know what other verbal do, with other members of the cabinet to remove the president. That he had a conversation with former dni dan coats and discussed maybe the necessity of them coming together and bringing in other people to remove the president which i find utterly shocking. That may be the closest United States has ever been to an actual coup my lifetime or in its history. Two senior National Security officials discussing it. Its one thing if either the secretary or the former dni this agreed with president. Theres a way to handle very serious disagreements which is you resign and if you think its important to area your reasons for disagreements you can do so in some kind of public statements or you can go off quietly in retirement, but to think about using your sitting office to remove a duly elected president i find disturbing and shocking and it should especially trouble members of the military, member military which the general fatefully surf for some time but i just cant see any kind of justification for even speculation along those lines much less actual talk about from two officials at that rank. His name keeps popping up in an open letter where you said the president of the United States violated the constitution just in time for the liberal media to exploit it, people are speculating, and of course we dont know that one of the Anonymous Sources may have been mattis among others, now we have this piece about mattis talking with coates again, he would like to come on id love to discuss this with him. Lincoln had problems with general choose one its not just because these guys are generals, were not talking about combat. Were talking about in the political realm. This really is extraordinary, isnt. It is. Ive not seen anything like it. It reminds me of either things that happen unfortunately all too commonly in Foreign Countries or in hollywood movies, the idea of a military coup against the president but its not supposed to happen in real life in the United States so its shocking. I hope members of the military are shocked and think i hope they get in touch with maybe some of the people who have formally in the military who are openly talking about this. If any of these guys are your friends they knock it off. Youre not happen United States of america or the military. Just stop talking like this and certainly dont act on anything like this. And i might add, youre righ right, unless youre on the wrong side. Your book is the stakes, america at the point of no return. Lets begin this way. The point of no return. What you mean by that. I mean, my greatest fear, which i feared in 2016 is that the next democratic presidency, the next administration would lead eventually sooner rather than later to blue state, oneparty politics from coasttocoast. It would turn the 50 states into the kind of new york or california where there might have been, might be sort of a Republican Party minutes locked out of the Electoral College but it cant gain house and Senate Majority but its essentially not in opposition. Theres no more check or break on blue power. Thats exactly what happened in new york state california where the democrats rule and they get what they want and weve seen what its done to those places, the book starts with an account of california which is my home state, im very familiar with california, its a bittersweet account but i remember what it was when it was sort of a light red state, not a very conservative state but it means republican and has a moderate Democrat Party. Its a state that gave us Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan among others and to what it is now which is just this deep blue Pacific Coast soft tierney where the governor at whim mandates he wants. I dont want this from the United States. Im very worried about it, i was delighted that the president one election imparts that reason and in part because i believe it was program but now the stakes in 2020, unfortunately are even higher than they were in 2016 and i think that abide in victory would lead to exactly the scenario that i outlined. I want to get into that when i return. And if the democrats lose this week, god forbid, will they change the electoral process to ensure that the Democrat Party cant lose anytime in the near future . Well be right back. Claritind improves nasal airflow two times more than the leading allergy spray at hour one. [ deep inhale ] claritind. Get more airflow. Small businesses that are already struggling prop 15 raises property taxes 11 billion every year. Will be hit with higher rents and tax bills. That means higher prices for gas, food, utilities and healthcare. Increasing the cost of living for a family by 960. And supporters admit homeowners are next, changing prop 13 and raising property taxes on peoples homes. Its the wrong time to raise taxes on californians. Vote no on prop 15. All combat, former senior official of the National Security council, the early part of the trump administration. If the democrats sweep, will they make it impossible for republicans to win theyve already discussed adding state, making d. C. Estate which has been on the wish list for a long time so theres two more senators right there. Its already part of the Electoral College. Puerto rico two more from there and tomorrow electoral votes, but more ominous, biden has said he will amnesty every illegal alien in the country and the talking point number has been that its 11 million. A study from yale a couple years ago said that its 22 million. They all want amnesty which will be legal and we could see an enormous populations well just by immigration in the First Quarter alone and immigrants tend to vote democratic in fact the highest correlation between democratic voting is the percentage of foreignborns. You want to know which way district votes, look at the foreignborn spread nothing correlates higher. They cant control the senate, they might hang on in the house for a while but think about what theyll do just with executive order. I think if they have absolute power though make it so they never lose power again and go on implementing their agenda without any breaks or compromise or any real need to feel they have any reason to hold back because theres nobody to hold them back. I very much worry about what will look like and i worry what reactions it might provoke. I think we could see a period of really great and troubling instability in this country in the 2020 if the democrats get their way and refuse to moderate or compromise but the events of 2020 and the rhetoric of 2020 suggest to me, troublingly that theyre not and would compromise and they dont feel any moderation at all. They are screaming to get back in power, get back behind the wheel of the car as it were and push the gas pedal to the floor hard. I think thats right and theyre talking about eliminating the filibuster rules, in other words all the systems, the break systems that are in the legislative process and we tend to do away with them because theyre tired of having power sort of here and there. They want power all the time. Am i right about that. Yes and they dont like the system of checks and balances in separation of powers that are founders built into the constitution. The left hasnt liked those, not just today, the attacks on all of those safeguards has been going on for roughly 125 years beginning with the progressives in the late 19th century who said, the problem with america is this constitution that prevents us from doing every thing that we know, we experts, we geniuses know what needs to be done. If only we can get rid of her get around this constitution we can implement our utopia. The argument has been being made from the left for more than a century and its shipped away chipped away at our constitution over time and i believe the chipping is giving way to crumbling and we may see mass erosion all at once this year or next year. Its frightening, and thats why think the stakes of this election are so, so high. Mark and theres thing thats absently correct. I think thats why theyre pushing the propaganda of the 1619 project and thats why theyre not going to condemn black lives matter and antifa movements and this is why Bernie Sanders has such a significant input into the agenda should biden and harris get into power. They view this as the one opportunity, and even if it only takes two years there gonna push as much through as they humanly possibly can to forever change this nation in so many negative ways. Michael, i want to thank you, the book is outstanding, the stakes, america at the point of no return, you can get it on amazon. Com, i highly suggest you do. I want to thank you for your great patronage. Thank you. Well be right back allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. 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It can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. Tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness. Yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills,. Or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. Avoid grapefruit during treatment. Kisqali is not approved for use with tamoxifen. Its our time. To continue to shine. Because we are the thrivers. Ask your doctor about kisqali, the only treatment in its class proven to help women live longer in 2 clinical trials. Welcome back america in 1941, as you know this nation was attacked by Imperial Japan at pearl harbor. Sometimes i wonder with what goes on internally in this country, the fifth column as we call it, could we win world war ii again . Then i think amount family. When we were attacked at pearl harbor, my grandfather its time was 34 years old and join the marine corps. He would eventually fight at iwo jima and japan. He used to drive an old truck from the outskirts of philadelphia to pittsburgh to pick up coal and driving back to philadelphia in germantown. His brotherinlaw, teddy, he join the marines to and he would sit in the passenger side of the truck when my grandfather would get the call from the pittsburgh area. That same year another man joined the army, he was 17 years old with my father. He passed away two years ago at the age of 93. My father, my grandfather, my great uncle could see what was going on in this country, if they could see that, you know what they would say to me, fight them, fight them, fight them. Save this country. Preserve your nation, preserve your liberty, do whatever you have to do. We must organize, we must be resolute, we must win this election we must win this election big. Do you stand with me . I will see you next time on life, liberty and levin. Good evening and welcome to the next revolution. Im steve hilton and this is the home of positive populism. Pro worker, profamily, Pro Community and very proactive. Tonight Jared Kushner here with me live on peace deal, be election and more. Also, congressman matt gates and lisa booth. The election is less than eight weeks away. Rumors and bombshells and endless obsession of what trump says instead of what he

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