Cities, Rudy Giuliani live to discuss how the new president is changing the game its a packed justice and it starts now. Breaking tonight, President Trump not slowing down after a whirlwind week in the white house, and neither are the protesters. Welcome to justice, im judge jeanine pirro. Hundreds of people at new yorks Kennedy Airport and other airports protesting at this hour. They are demonstrating against the detainment of refugees being held after the president s executive action cracking down on immigration from muslim majority countries. Well talk about all of this with Rudy Giuliani live in a moment. Plus ill take you inside Kellyanne ConwaysWhite House Office for a twopart interview tonight. But first my opening statement. Like it or not, our laws are about to be enforced. Those who live in sanctuary cities that harbor illegals are now teed up to lose federal Law Enforcement funding and protect. Each and every one of you has a decision to make. Everyone in those 300 odd sanctuary counties and cities. Whats more important to you . What you rather protect illegals who flaunted our laws to come here and some committing crimes while here, or lawabiding american citizens who shouldnt have to lose Police Protection because they happen to live in a swank wary city. Now, if you believe in america, and everything we stand for, its time to demand an end to these criminal enclaves. In the first whirlwind week President Trump signed an executive order directing the withholding of grants money to sanctuary cities that refuse to comply with immigration laws. Where state and local governments share fingerprints to help identify undocumented immigrants. To force other countries to actually take back criminals by using leverage like withholding u. S. Visas. And a new Victim Program for americans who have been victim tides forr by shall who have victimized by illegals. And weekly statistics of people victimized by illegals living in sanctuary cities. So you can march and you can hate and you can shame and demonize the 45th president. But i have got news for you. Law and order is back in the west. And maam b and mayors like o and rahm emanuel who say their policies improve relations between the immigrant community and Law Enforcement are in jeopardy of losing Law Enforcement. I identify with identifying criminal activity by illegals, by the doesnt work. As prosecutor and d. A. In a county of about a million tells me otherwise. An illegal beat up and robbed every friday, every payday. I never heard a word about him. I only found out about him when his i am legal immigrant robber finally killed him. Brutally. He was more afraid of the illegal than was of the police. So if you are an illegal, and friends with a local cop, and you dont get deported. Great. But that doesnt mean that you are going to rat on another illegal. Do you really think that one illegal is going to turn in another illegal, especially when they both live in a sanctuary city . The victim knows that the criminal illegal is only going to be cut loose anyway. The sanctuary city promised not to deport him and the illegal. And an illegal smart enough to avoid apprehension to get here in the first place knows the criminal illegal has a sanctuary haven forever. So why even have a sanctuary city in hopes of improving relations when an illegal is more afraid of the other illegal than he is of the police. And so is never going to risk turning in another illegal who will be free to come after him. The whole thing is a farce. By the way, for those of you who want to protect illegals and get them to cooperate with Law Enforcement. You dont need a blanket sanctuary city, the law is already in place. Its called a visa. If you are illegal and you want to report a crime. This is a visa that protects you and aloud you and your family sanctuary from deportation. So its already the law. So sanctuary cities are safe havens for criminal aliens and not their victims legal or illegal. Juan sanchez deported five times. He admitted he came to San Francisco baits was a sanctuary city. How many parents do we have to parade in front of you to show you the loss of lives by those protected by these liberal mayors . And now, mexico gets in the mix. And they say, that a warm and crack downon Illegal Immigrants is an affront to mexico. Really . They want us to have sanctuary cities. I have an idea. How about mexico pay a tax on the billions of dollars that are sent to them by the illegals working here. Or better yet, maybe mexico should change their laws so that if you cross their border illegally, you arent sentenced to 10 years in jail. What makes mexico think they have a superior right to protect their sovereignty than we do . Enough of this benign sounding sanctuary city nonsense that protects criminals. At what point do we stop the killing and violence. Are you willing to risk it all to protect the criminal illegal. Who would you put in that spot. Who would it be okay to lose . Your son . Your mother or as steinle did, his daughter katherine who died in his arms as she walked along the San Francisco pier with him. For those in los angeles and d. C. Who say they wont retreat as a stink wary city, my question to you is this. Who put you in office. Who did you take an oath to protect . Do you understand the first order of government is the protection of its citizens . American citizens . Thats your job. So you have a decision to make. Are you willing to lose Law Enforcement dollars that pays for the cops in your city to protect americans in your effort to resist the deportation of criminals who are here illegally . Thats my open. Tell me what you have think on my Facebook Page or twitter. Hashtag judge jeanine. A federal u. S. Judge just granted and emergency stay to temporarily allow people who lands in the u. S. With valid visas to stay in the country. This will affect the people detained at these airports where people are protesting tonight. Joining me now to talk about this is former mayor of new york city, and advisor to President Trump on cyber security, Rudy Giuliani. A federal judge signing this stay just during my open. I think its i thought your opening was absolutely a terrific explanation of whats been wrong with this country for 20, 30 years. A good deal of time you were District Attorney, i was District Attorney in the Southern District of new york and i couldnt get the deportation service to deport the criminals coming out of jail. They put them on bail and they commit more crimes and i would have to arrest them again. What donald trump wants to do and Homeland Security wants to do is focus on the criminal illegal aliens and get them out of the United States. Who possibly could object to that . I have no idea what these mayors are thinking about. Judge jeanine i have the same problem. I would seek to have someone deported after they serve their jail time. Their country didnt want them, stow the United States would say well keep them. We should develop Detention Centers for them. They shouldnt be catch and release. They have shouldnt go to jail for five years for assault and attempted murder or selling drugs, then go back out on the street. They should go into a detention center. They should be held and then we should exert all the pressure we have which is denormous to deport them to the countries where they are supposed to go to. Judge jeanine in the executive action trump just signed, he talked about limiting visas from those countries that refused to accept criminals back to their countries. The countries who say hes too dangerous for to us take back. But that makes perfect sense. Now we have a president who gets. That describes his whole first week in office, which is negotiating in the best interests of the United States of america. Not the rest of the world, but protecting our citizens from whats happened with illegal criminal immigrants and in a lot of other areas. This last week i think has been a week that where he has done more than roosevelt did in 100 days. Judge jeanine i dont think there is any question. He not only hit the ground running webs been airborne for the last 24 hours. We both know him personally. This man doesnt sleep. Judge jeanine does the ban have anything to do with religion . How did the president decide the 7 countries . I understand the permanent ban on the refugees. Talk to me. So when he first announced it he said muslim ban. He called me up and said put a commission together and show me the right way to do it legally. I put a commission together with judge mew casey, congressman mccaul, pete king, a whole group of very expert lawyers on this. And what we did was we focused on instead of religion, danger. The areas of the world that create danger for us. Which is a factual basis. Not a religious basis. Perfectly legal, perfectly sensible, and thats what the ban is based on. Its not based on religion. Its based on places where there are substantial evidence that people are sending terrorists into our country. Jean were i was kinds of surprised to see that saudi arabia and pakistan are not on the list. Yet we know that the San Bernardino attack. The wife was born in pakistan and came through saudi arabia. Saudi arabia is going through a massive change. I think the kingdom particularly under the new prince has a real understanding that we are dealing with a radical islamic problem. This isnt the saudi arabia of 2000, 2001, 2002. President trump is dealing with a new saudi arabia. Than president obama was dealing with. A saudi arabia with closer relationships with israel and with us, if we know how to use it correctly. Pakistan i would have to know more about. That troubles me a little bit. Judge jeanine mr. Mayor, i cant believe im not in new york tonight. We miss each other all the time. Judge jeanine thank you so as much. Time for a different opinion. Joining me is former Foreign Policy advisor to Barack Obamas president ial campaign and former state department official. David, good to have you on the show. We just found out a federal judge put a stay on the president s ban. And its a tell fairy stay. Do you know who the judge is who put the stay on the ban . I dont. I learned about this from watching the beginning of your show. Judge jeanine maybe we can finds out who put the temporary stay on that. What is your opinion of this ban and are you surprised that the stay has been implemented . Talk to me. This executive order is a mess. It doesnt accomplish the u. S. Interests in protecting us from terrorism. Let me give an example. This ban visits from people from 7 country. Countries. But the last terrorist attacks in the u. S. The people who did those terrorist after he tacks didnt come from any of these seven countries. Yet the ban is actually too broad. Judge jeanine ma lea maleek cam two countries that are not included. Judge jeanine dont you think the white house has intelligence we dont have and stuff thats more contemporary than you and i have from months ago . We have great people in the Intelligence Community and the military. My sense is that the people who wrote this are not those people. They fashioned an order they fashioned an order that does not protect us and bands huge groups of people who are our friend who we need to support us in the fight against isis. Judge jeanine how can you say the people from somalia are our friend. We just had an attack in minnesota on thanksgiving. There are a lot of assaults. There are good people in iraq who work with us and work with the u. S. Military. We ended a Refugee Resettlement program that was designed to reward the iraqis. I served in iraq in the height of the war. I had two iraqis who helped me. Their lives became in danger because they were helping americans. They were resettled here in the u. S. As a reward for their good service and they are good, lawbiding citizens. Every military person who served in iraq or afghanistan or anywhere in the middle east will tell you we need a Refugee Resettlement program. Judge jeanine there are exceptions on a casebycase basis and i suspect thats the kind of guy just like the guy who was the translator for the army got in today. But the order makes it clear we are in the middle of a terrorist war. Why fashion an executive order that prevents grandmas come to the u. S. Judge jeanine david, i love having you on, you are smart. Next, more on the breaking news from the nations airports. Oneonone at the white house with the president s righthand woman. She is talking tough on immigration. You cant break the law then allow the liberal elites to say the illegal immigrant are here to do the jobs mayor cant dont want to do. Just like the people who own them, every business is different. But every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. Whether it be help starting your business, vendor contracts or employment agreements. Legalzooms network of attorneys can help you every step of the way so you can focus on what you do. Well handle the legal stuff that comes up along the way. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. And were partnering with cigna to help save lives. We are the tv doctors of america. By getting you to a real doctor for an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. Doctor poses. Learn your key health numbers, and take control today. Thats your underwearstrong, dude. 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Washington is not accustoms to somebody who comes here owing them nothing and owing the American People the opportunity to make good on those promises and plans. He has done everything from job creation to wage boosting to protecting us from radical islamic terrorism, from swearing in a coup cabinet secretaries. The u. K. Prime minister visit. Calls from heads of state. It makes us all step up our game. Judge jeanine do you get the sense as you are warming that there will come a point in time where some of his staffsay, i dont think i can keep with this man. Sure. But too bad for us. I always thought even when i had my own Research Company for 21 years. The boss should work the hardest. But you cant help but want to meet and exceed his expectations and keep pace with his thinking and activity. Its a joy. The country is responding. You see some of the haters out there. But no mind. Hes stillr hes their president , too. For every loud mouth hater there are 10 people calling and writing and saying thank you to him to tell him thank you. People feel there is a new vibrancy and opportunity. Hes not just changing the tone in washington. Hes change the contents. Judge jeanine the whole idea of him doing what he said he would do is stunning to the American People. Not only is he doing what he said he would do. But hes doing a lot of it in the first week. Lets talk about what happened with mexico and the talk of a 20 tax on some of the goods coming from mexico. Critics saying whether its 20 or any other number. That that burd may be held by or burdened on the American People. Is he running this like hes the president like a business . Sure, he can run the country like a business. But he also knows its a country. What Secretary Sean Spicer said its one of the options. Reince priebus said the 0 tariff is the 20 tar are is one of the options. He said i want to weigh the choices before i make a choice on behalf of the American People. Judge jeanine who needs the other one more . If you look at at trade imbalance, 60 billion dollars each year. You see the statistics that the greatest source of revenue for mexico appears to be money that mexicans in america send back to mexico. Judge jeanine why is it the mexicans see so put off by the idea of the United States as a sovereign nation putting up a wall, the United States saying we do not want illegal immigrant here, the youth doing what it can to stop illegal drug cartels from coming into this country, and the United States from caking tear of it own borders and preventing people from sending money into another country. They are just not used to it. Donald trump said as president he will put america first. 65 of americans say they like and agree with that as one of his plans. America first. That was in a poll this week that was released. There is something to that. People know what that means. It means we are a sovereign nation. And sovereign nations must have physical borders. We have sent billions of dollars helping other countries protect their own borders and their own sovereignty. We are not doing it here. Its common sense to a lot of American People. We want a Good Relationship with a lot of our neighbors. President trump said we want to have Good Relationships with all countries. It probably wont happen, but well try. This is about being fair to the American People, the American Voters and the american workers. Judge jeanine why do you think American Mayors are saying we want to protect the illegals and we are willing to risk the federal block grant monies. It seems to be a misread on the public mood. Are they serious they are going to harbor and protect Illegal Immigrants like the man who murdered kate steinle in front of her father in San Francisco almost two years ago . That poor woman should be a household name across this country and we should hold her you have as everything thats wrong with sanctuary cities. President trump stood along with these angel moms, all who have lost their children to Illegal Immigrants who should not have been here. Thats not most immigrants in this country. But the mayors saying they are going to put the protection of Illegal Immigrants above the protection of their own people and their own city resources flagrantly flouting the law. You want to be in america, we have the most generous immigration laws in the world. And we have big hearts as well. We are compassionate. Go stand in line and do you it the way our ancestors did the. You have an entryway here. But you cant break the law, then allow the liberal elites tell people they are here to do the jobs americans wont do. Americans have said i will do that job. I want to do that job but im not doing it for 5 an hour under the table. Judge jeanine more with Kellyanne Conway coming up. Im a mor mother. Of course, im worried. Judge jeanine kellyanne the mother in part two. You will find out who once worked in her White House Office. And you will be really surprised. My allstar Political Panel is here to weigh in on the president s actions on extreme vetting and sanctuary cities. You can bet on some fireworks. Stay with us on justice. vo do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. Do not go gentle into that good night. I want my tax software too charge me at the last second. Im totally fine paying extra for something i could get for free. There is nothing i can do with an extra 50. Said no one ever. File your taxes for free with credit karma tax. And for just 15. 99big festival of shrimp you can pick 2 of 6 new and classic creations on one plate new flavors like sweet bourbonbrown sugar grilled shrimp and bold firecracker red shrimp are too big to last so hurry in. Reporter this is a fox news alert. A federal judge granting stay, allowing detainees with valid visas to stay in the u. S. Dozen of people detained at the airport after president signed an executive order banning people from 7 countries from coming into the u. S. Thousands of protesters gathering pat jfk and other airports. Democratic leaders blasting the order and british fell theresa may also blasting the order. May says she does not agree with the policy and has concerns for british dual citizens. One ordering military leaders to come up with a plan to defeat isis. Another place restrictions on lobbying. Im annettea vogle. Now back to justice with judge jeanine. Judge jeanine here is part two now of my white house interview with Kellyanne Conway. Where we talked about her historymaking role in the Trump Administration. We heard a lot about white house counsel. You are counselor to the president. Very different. Don mccann is white house counsel. Your joins different. You are sitting in an office which i have yet to decorate. But im sure my kids will start hanging things on the wall soon. This office was occupied by valerie jared. And before her karl rove and first Lady Hillary Rodham clinton. She famously had an office in the west wing. Judge jeanine the significance is you are very close to the oval office. More importantly i am close to the president its a floor below. I can get there in 12 minutes. I can get there in 12 seconds. I have done it in 3 1 2 inch heels. Judge jeanine lets talk personal. First time you came in, did you go, oh, my god, this is so historical . You do feel the gravity and the enormity, but also the humility that comes with this. I was raised by a single mom in a wonderful house of italian women. I think that its the American Dream large in many ways. But Donald Trumps ascendancy to the presidency is the American Dream. People have been saying we want somebody who last is not politician and not in government, and they got him. For me its euphoric and its also a tremendous responsibility. Judge jeanine when i was a d. A. , i was the first woman d. A. There were a lot of people who were concerned that i had body guards. There was a lot of reeve distance and hate. What is it lining for you now. Sean spicer is in front of cameras, yet you are the one people are focused on, why do you think that is . Why do you need round the clock security. There have been threats to my family and i have four small children that dont deserve to have anything but love and affection and have a normal childhood. It turns out there are people are problems with women in power, and many of them are women. Look at the ridicule i face thed by wearing a gucci coat to Donald Trumps inauguration. He thought it was a beautiful coat. Judge jeanine first woman to get a president elected. You are not allowed to wear an outfit you pick as patriotic . Its no ones business. They all depends they are all independent mind and we are such a part of centerhood and it turns out it part of the centerhood. And its not iserhood and its not through. I have said i apologize to the black stretch pants women of america for adding panache to the inauguration. I want them to know, you are wasting your breath. There is no way anyone is going to redefine or unravel me in 140 characters or less. Why do women feel better about themselves by putting someone down. We have to reflect on that. I reflect on it as a mother of three daughters who are 12, 8, and 7. I have been trying to teach them to be impervious to your naysayers. Focus on who you are and what your values are. We spend billions of dollars a year on selfhelp books. How about just being kindser to each other. How about just being a better friends. If you want to walk around in yoga pants all day, thats your business. Dont insult me base added a little class to the inauguration. Judge jeanine what about your kids will be are you worried about them . I am a mother of course im worried. Im worried about them because they are in the spotlight a little bit though george and i shield them. They are big trump fans. They met the president and i think they feel the blessing of being able to know what their mom what their moms role is. They are also different. My daughter charlotte wrote a note, i love you, mom, thanks for saving the country. She doesnt realized all was doing was preserving her ability to be the first female president. My son said i want to know what data analyst had you and your team had that made you see something in wisconsin others did not. They kept sending back pence and trump to wisconsin and minnesota, and michigan. I told my daughter claudia, i dont want to come to watched and be known as Kellyanne Conways daughter. Little vanessa. I was telling her i was going on pbs, and she said, is that the news hour show . They know so much more than i did when i was tripping their age. Judge jeanine Kellyanne Conway, you are a gift. God bless you. Jenna my Political Panel is next. E to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. 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From 7 majority muslim countries by a federal judge from the Eastern District of new york that an obama appointee last year that is nationwide. This is what happens when you do executive orders without getting lawyers to vet them. I happened to help write executive orders. Judge jeanine lets just talk about this. This is exactly the problem with a disorganized white house. Hes doing this stuff to to say im getting it done. But when a federal judge looks eight he hasnt gone the anything done. Judge jeanine i want to talk about a judges authority to do a national stay. When president obamas dreamers order was stayed by a federal judge. That was zplational in scope. Sometimes what that means is the district judge can look at it as applied its violating the due process clause nationwide. Judge jeanine david, do you think there is a chance, an emergency day. What do you think of this ban . Its a 10day ban on 7 muslim majority countries for whatever reason the Trump White House thinks is possibly a danger and these people need to be vetted. That doesnt mean individual like this u. S. Army interpreter was allowed in on a case by dais basis wont come in. You had Rudy Giuliani on earlier. Trump had a number of people who helped him work at this ban cluck the Heritage Foundation so we know who is coming into this country. Look at all what he has done this week whether its this, telling the generals to have a plan within 30 days on how to defeat isis, whether its border security. Palm of it is focused on what he said he was going to do during the campaign which is make americans safer. I think its great we have courts in this country. When President Trump overstepped his bound in the views of conservatives. Courts jup upheld it or didnt. We all should be glad they are going to examine these under the constitution. Judge jeanine historically president s have had the ability to ban certain people from entering this country. This is nothing new. The question is whether there is a nexus or a reasonable connection between what the president is intending to do. I suspect there may be in a hearing possibly a closed door hearing, a nexus the Trump Administration may have to show between why this country and why this extreme vetting. If you asked Rudy Giuliani, why not pakistan, i think we are dancing around a bigger problem. Part of the problem here is we dont have a really good immigration system to begin with. A majority of senators, republicans and democrats, passed an immigration compromise that died in the house. We have to bring that back. We have to reform our immigration system. We need to know who is coming into this country. Judge jeanine i dont want to hear about comprehensive immigration reform. I want to talk about the dangers to americans by those coming here to hurt us. We are dealing with a global problem, and that is isis. They are seeking to even gang lone wolves in this country through social media or children of refugees who are killing us. We just got wrong countries. Judge jeanine how do we know . Do we know the intelligence . There is much belief those are the countries where the foreign fighters are going out of the wartorn areas and coming here. Expertssay thats why those 7 were picked. When need to have good border security. Judge jeanine im going to end it with this. No one has a right to come into the United States of america. You do not have that right. Last word. Fast. I like the. I like it. Judge jeanine im right. There is a system you have to follow to get in here. Just some breaking news. We had a short discussion. Thank you, guys. A late update on our top story straight ahead. How long until impact . Less than a minute. What do you want to do, sir . Listen carefully. 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