0 shred the second amendment and pass some lame feel good legislation that wouldn't stopped the crimes it was designed to prevent. others say it is because they oppose obama care, because they didn't stop sequestration by giving in to the things the democrats wanted. republicans, well, may have lost their way, but it is not because they won't move to the left to become nothing more than a calorie free version of democrat, but it is because they've forgotten to respect and reach out to the people who really make this country work. by the way, it is not the guys incident expensive suits in the corner office with the great view. my wife and i were in boston recently, we went to fenway, america's greatest baseball park. it is 101 years old. may not be as fancy as newer ones, but it has class, and it is a shrine to america's past time. i took some photos of people who, well, i think are as important to the experience as the athletes who get paid clubs, not just the country clubs. they need to communicate why big government and high taxes hurts the guy building the skyscraper, not just the one that owns it. why educational choice gives the children of working single moms the same opportunities as kids going to the finest private schools. they need to explain why failed energy policies of democrats are costing them at the gas pump and in their electric bills. i grew up having a lot more in common with the people working in the kitchen instead of those at the head table. to be honest with you, i had to learn how to sit at the head table. i knew how to clean up with the banquet was over. you explain to the wait staff at the gop fund-raiser how you're going to help them, you won't have to worry about the people that pay $10,000 for their ticket. don't begrudge the underemployed family getting food stamps, then justify bailouts for aig, goldman, sachs and gm. the problem with the gop, not found george zimmerman not guilty. that is not an important topic of national concern. it was beneath the office of the president, and frankly like you said, why haven't we been talking about jobs and the economy the last five years? >> he keeps talking about a laser that he needs to put the focus on. obviously the laser is out of batteries or something. >> the thing is, his latest pivot, as you said, he is pivoting, spreading in circles the past five years, but the latest pivot is because his poll numbers are plummeting. he lost nine points since april. and it is all due to phony scandals as he calls them. people have obama fatigue at this point. they're tired of this. every week it is something else. it is another abuse of power. so his numbers are falling because he is not -- he is trying to say the polls show 56% of americans disapprove his performance on the economy. >> go ahead. >> i was going to say i agree with everything emily said. it is poll numbers below 50%, like emily said, and i would they were denied entry. i think the story has to be more well played. i think the only way he can make it up to them, invite them and let them talk, have their time with him. he disagrees with the right to assemble, to free speech. where do we draw the line. only have people around the president that agree with him? >> crystal, do you think that will happen, maybe call it a beverage summit of some kind? >> ha-ha-ha. soda pop, popcorn. college republicans. doubtful. >> it is an idea. >> i like emily's idea. emily and i will push the president to do this. in all seriousness, the president slouches the first amendment, fourth amendment, i think the thing about the college republicans, i remember i don't know if i was talking about this before the show, but i thought the president of the united states of america means he is president of all americans, and so we all have a right to assemble, all have a right to hear his audience and his speeches and they were civil, these kids, in missouri i think it was. they protested a bit in advance of the speech. i don't know about you, anybody that's been to college, been a college student, you get a bee in your bonnet, you protest over something. >> i enjoy it when people protest my speeches, i feel i must be significant enough to earn the protest. i am honored. i am not going to protest you guys, i will have you back, both of you, been great. thank you. really great to have you. thanks. [ applause ] coming up, s.w.a.t. teams storming homes, tanks patrolling small town streets in america. are we turning into a police state? we'll answer that when we come back. i would like to hear from you. go to my website, mikehuckabee.com, tell me what you think in leave feedback section or sign up for my facebook page and follow me on twitter. you can find the links to that and more at mikehuckabee.com. in. julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ♪ the joint is jumpin' ♪ it's really jumpin' ♪ ♪ come in, cats ♪ and check your hats ♪ i mean this joint ijumpin' [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex helps revitalize your joints to keep 'em jumpin'.° like calcium supplements can help your bones osteo bi-fle n help your joints. ♪ osteo bi-flex... the best stuff in the joint. now in joint and muscle formula for people that demand even more for their bodies. for people that demand always go the extra mile. to treat my low testosterone, i did my research. my doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as uneected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and meditions. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarg or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about e only underarm low t treatment, axiron. >> well, they are they're supposed to serve and protect, but there's been a recent string of law enforcement treating ordinary citizens like warriors on the battlefield. >> washing dishes. i look up, there's a rambo guy with a vest and gun pointing at me. >> that was florida nurse luis goldfairy, describing what it was like when her home was raided by what she thought were home invaders. >> i dropped to the floor, yelled to my boyfriend, there's somebody with a gun there. >> the police knocked down her door, handcuffed she and her boyfriend, and searched the home without a warrant. searching for a suspect they believed might be somewhere in the complex. no suspect was found. in a charlottesville, after they left with what the officers thought was a case of beer, terrified by plain clothes officers with weapons, the girls fled the scene, made this frantic 911 call. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god! >> what's going on? >> we don't know, sir. we don't fo if they are police officers or not and we're freaking out. >> the case of beer was a case of sparkling water. >> a mayor in his own home. >> three or four men in masks walking across the yard carrying rifles. i didn't have time to process that before i heard an explosion. >> explosion of my door being blown open, followed by immediate gunfire. >> upon entry, the s.w.a.t. team shot and killed his two dogs. >> they bound my hands, pulled me across the living room, had me laying on the floor in front of the front door. i thought i was about to be executed. >> later, it was discovered the invasion was due to a drug raid mixup. in utah, army veteran david stewart's home was in vaded by a s.w.a.t. team over suspected use of marijuana. 12 officers from the narcotics strike force made up of agencies raided the home. forced entry resulted in a shootout between the officers and the suspect. >> several officers down. several officers down. get a unit up here now. >> he killed one officer and injured five others. he was arrested, would later take his own life in prison. no knock raids increased from 3,000 a year in the mid 1980s to nearly 80,000 raids in 2011. just for the math, increase of 3,000%. joining me, john whitehead, constitutional attorney, founder of the rutherford institute, author of a new book "a government of wolves" the emerging american police state. john, great to have you here. >> thank you. >> we are living in a time in police agent speak that i always supported and still do, but they're becoming militaristic. how widespread is this? >> very widespread. there were 3,000 so-called s.w.a.t. team raids, 80,000 now, the increase is dramatic. what happened in the early 1980s, the pentagon started handing out free equipment to 17,000 police agencies across the country, you're talking about peace makers that have tour its, assault vehicles, armor for policemen. assault rifles, black hawk helicopters, police agencies with 50 officers with black hawk helicopters now. what's happened, they militarized the police, and the police as some army officers told me, once you put that gear on and you've got someone wearing masks now, pretty far out, that's what they do in afghanistan, you can't see who you're up against, they become the military, it is not like the peace officer that would say sir, here is a warrant, i would like to talk to you. >> isn't officer o'toole with his club saying hi to the kids. >> they have tasers, assault rifles, shoot the dogs first. i have seen some raids, it is awful. a young girl, seven years old in detroit, two years ago asleep on the couch. in storms the guys in the middle of the night, one of the officers guns go off, shoot her, kill her, princess blanket top of her. her dad comes out, what's happened, slam him face down. the guy they were looking for was -- >> wrong house. >> wrong house. >> what happens to the police agency and to responsible parties when they do this? >> most people sue. that case is on-going now. the courts basically ruled most police officers have qualified entry. the courts, it is difficult. you get damages against police officers, guess who pays the bill, taxpayer. of course. those things are going on. a case in arizona, ex-marine, bang. 3:00 a.m. in the morning, door goes down, wife starts screaming, takes his wife and child, puts them in the closet. he stands at the end of the hallway with a hunting rifle. the police enter the scene, 90 rounds are fired, 60 hit him. he falls down. they wouldn't let the medics take care of him. he bled to death on his own floor. the police claim he shot them. investigation shows case never came off the weapon. those are the cases, shocking. as a civil libertarian, i been in this 40 years, this is a trend if we don't reverse, i am creeped out i say and worried. >> i think we all ought to be. i want to talk to you more when we come back. when we do, i am going to ask john if there's a way to stop militarization of police departments across the country. what can you do to protect yourself. we'll be right back. in the first 24 hours. but not just any cold. i only use new thermacare® cold wraps. targettemp technology delivers a consistent, therapeutic cold to stop pain and start healing. new thermacare® cold wraps. a better way to treat pain.