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Msnbcs report on mr. Trumps taxes which he has refused to make public. Rachel maddow revealing two pages showing mr. Trump paying 38 million in taxes. Lets go to our chief intelligence correspondent john roberts. I hope everyone was taking notes. Good morning heather. You have to take copious notes to keep up. The president left to board marine one professing outrage over the fact that a couple of pages of his 2005 tax returns were released. Quoting, does anybody really believe that a reporter who nobody ever heard of went it his mail box and found my tax returns . Fake news. No question this plays well for the president about how much money he made and how much taxes he paid. It shows that he made about 38 million in income taxes and other taxes on an income of just over 153 million. He made about 5 million in regular income tax. 32 million in the alternative minimum tax, which a lot of people including the president want to get rid of. And 2 million in selfemployment taxes. That makes an effective tax rate of about 25. 3 . That compares to 22. 48 at machining people who are in his income bracket. 18. 7 for president obama back in 2015. And bernie sanders, effective tax rate of 13. 5 back in 2014. All of this bringing a sharp response from the white house. You know youre desperate for ratings when youre willing to veil late the law to push a story about two pages of tax returns over a decade ago. He had the responsibility to pay no more tax than legally required. He took fairly substantial writeoffs on the two pages of tax returns. Write off of 105 million left over from the 118 left over. He was eligible for a charitable donation, the conservative easement he took on his golf course in new jersey. He promised he would never develop that into anything other than green space, golf course and he gets a charitable deduction for that. Thats common practice. Some people bundle those things together and sell them as tax breaks. The returns were published on dc repor reports. Org. Want reporter says he found them in his mail box on monday, David K Johnston says the president himself may have forwarded the documents to him to prove he actually does pay taxes, which is in doctor contradiction to what a lot of democrats including Hillary Clinton said during the campaign. The white house taking a what can saying it is totally illegal to steal and publish tax returns. The Dishonest Media continue to make this part of their agenda while the president will focus on his, which is tax reform that will benefit all americans. The president made a lot of money, he was a successful businessman but he also paid a lot of taxes. What else is on his agenda today . Hes headed to michigan where hes going to talk about fuel efficiency standards and auto ee milthsz with auto makers there. Theyll likely stop the obama epa rule on emission, calling for cars to have 50 mile per hours by the year 2025, the White House Position is thats burdensome regulation. It needs to be somewhere between 27. 5 which it currently is and 50 but probably not 50. Then tonight a big Campaign Style rally in nashville, tennessee where hell talk about healthcare. Another full day at the white house. All this talk about taxes, i still need to do mine. I have numbers nowhere near that. Way different. Thank you john. Jon the battle over healthcare is heating up with Republican Leaders trying to get different factions of their body on board. Millions could lose or forgo insurance under the gop plan. Conservatives hate it because it doesnt repeal the entire act. Senat senator rand paul offered his solution. This isnt going to fix the Health Insurance program. Obamacare created the problem. This bill doesnt fix it. It acknowledges it doesnt fix it because they keep the subsidies for Insurance Companies. I have an idea that would fix the insurance market. What i would do is let every individual buy a group plan and all of a sudden the individual becomes king. The patient would be king again and instead of us bowing down to the Insurance Companies they would have to come and negotiate for our business. Also, House Speaker paul ryan under the hot glare of conservative outlet Breitbart News for an audiotape of the House Speaker trash talker then candidate donald trump last year. Lets bring in this ryan tape was made of a recording just after the donald trump access Hollywood Tape was released, correct . Thats right it was actually the day after the debate in st. Louis missouri. The president ial debate. I remember driving to the airport having to pull over while people on the call were text messaging me and telling me what was going on. Now the tape in and of itself is new because we havent actually heard the audio before breitbart released it. But the contents are not new. There is no big secret that donald trump and paul ryan didnt get along during the campaign. Paul ryan frequently criticized him. His explanation is theres been a lot of stuff thats happened since then, like donald trump won the election. It was a shock to a few people on capitol hill, it was a shock to kind of hear it for yourself and not just read it in words. Jon breitbart is the organization that released this tape. Breitbart published it, im not sure how they obtained it. Obviously someone on the call. This is a members only conference call, only for members of conference. Very few aids are let on this call. You would have to imagine that a member of congress taped it and handed it over. I have no inside knowledge, no idea. I wouldnt venture to guess how breitbart got a copy of the tape. Jon its curious that those two who were at odds during the campaign, speaker ryan and now President Trump are working together to get this American Healthcare act passed. Your political playbook says its in real trouble. It is. W winning cures a lot of things. Paul ryan and donald trump are now on the same team and each others victories, if paul ryan wins, donald trump wins and vice versa, in theory. This bill that paul ryan and donald trump both support, healthcare replacement bill is running into some very tricky waters in the house of representatives. Moderates are kind of walking away from it because they dont think its going to pass the senate and condition tifls dont think it goes far enough for them. Paul ryan is caught between the two. The senate doesnt have the votes to pass it. Behind the scenes members of congress are saying to us and their own colleagues, vote for this, get it to the senate, theyre going to fix it over there, well pass this and give it to the president. It is our only opportunity, we dont have much time. A lot of the problems theyre en count terg are self inflicted wounds. Donald trump has promised to do a lot in a short amount of time. Weve all been watching washington for a long time. Things dont happen quickly here, this is a very slow moving town. I think it would have been, from what members are telling us, it would have been smarter for donald trump to say were going to get tax reform and healthcare repeal done by the midterm election, by the end of 2018. That would have been a more attainable goal. Jon he may be finding that politics is a much tougher place to get things accomplished than the Construction Industry where he comes from. So the interesting thing it me, house members have to run every two years. Right. Jon memories are very vivid every time they come up for reelection. There are a lot of people wa walk balking at voting on this bill knowing that it may not pass in its current form until the u. S. Senate. I think they think if im not going to get political upside for taking a vote on this, why would i do it if its going to die in the senate . We saw that back in the early days of the obama administrat n administration, with the cap and trade vote. The government tax the carbon emissions. That bill never got anywhere in the senate, didnt even get a vote in the senate. A lot of democrats in the midwest, ohio and wf wf, republicans ranns against that vote. When the they cast a vote for that in the house and it didnt go anywhere. Every member of congress whether they want to admit it to us or not is looking at the next election. Jon jake sherman, thank you very much. Take a look at President Trump who is leaving the white house, boarding marine one. And well you want to know about the difference between one administration to the next . He is jetting off to detroit aboard air force one to announce relaxation of fuel standards that were instituted by president obama as part of his effort to try to fight global warming. Mr. Trump is headed to michigan. Hes going to be saying that the fuel standards that have been imposed by the white house are too stringent. Hes going to relax them and, well, tell detroit that they dont have to come up with 50 mile per gallon cars. Arguing they impact jobs. That is true. We will continue to cover the president s travels. As tempers flare over President Trumps revise the travel plan, the courts are hearing arguments on blocking the order just hours before it takes affect. Dan springer is covering this for us life from seattle. High heather, there will be a lot of Court Watching today. This is a big day no doubt for the trump administration. People worried about terrorism and certainly those who are lined up against the trump revised travel band. There are federal Court Hearings in three states. One in maryland is going on now filed by the aclu on behalf of local muslims. A similar case will happen this afternoon here in washington state. In hawaii the state is suing to get a nationwide restraining order. The executive order which now affects six states is scheduled to take effect at midnight tonight. People with valid visas and green cards will not be affected. This is still an effort to ban muslims, some say. The Supreme Court has ruled that judges should not look at campaign statements to decide the standing. It has a much better shot at being upheld than the first. The second executive order is more carefully drafted. Its narrower. It creates an Exemption Program or waiver program. Even people who are clearly covered by the executive order can apply to be exempted from it and still get in. Some say it still makes muscle i am feel like second class citizens and violates, the establishment clause. But this is about countries that export terrorists. The second executive order does not convey any religious message. Those countries represent only a small fraction of the worlds 50 muslim majority nations and are home to less than 9 of the global muslim population. Today its up to three judges to decide who is right. All right. Scheduled to start midnight on thursday. Thank you dan. Jon the u. S. Department of justice putting a massive hackatack against yahoo back in the headline. Prosecutors announce charges who they say was against a secretary brief affecting half a billion hacked can accounted. A naval officer involving what investigators say he did. 03152017. Jon take you now to capitol hill. This is kevin nunes the chair of the House Select Committee on intelligence talking about his committee ease investigation of russia and its meddlingly in our investigation. Were continuing to ask more about that. Mr. Shiv and i are sending a letter today to director comey, pompey oh and admiral rogers asking for the total number of names that were unmasked during the past six months. Well pass this letter out to all of you so that you will have it. Lastly, the third issue that i have to bring to you today is we are a little uncomfortable with the od and i and whether or not theyre gonna let us have the proper Computer Technology that we need to go through the evidence that exists out at the cia, out of languagely. Were trying to work through that. But i think tell you it has become a mitt of a stumbling block for our investigators to be able to go through the information. Those are the three issues that i have for you today. I would like to ask mr. Schiff to speak. Thank you mr. Chairman. I want to join in saying that to date ive seen no evidence that supports the claim that President Trump made that his predecessor had wire tapped he and his associates at trump tower. Thus far we have seen no bases for that whatsoever. We still want the Justice Department to respond to our letter. Weve given them until march 20th. Were both willing to use compulsory process if thats necessary. Neither of us think this will be necessary, certainly, at the open hearing that we have on march 208 well be asking the director if he has seen any evidence that substantiates the president s claim. It deeply concerns me that the president would make such an action causation without basis. We think its in the publics interest that this be addressed very openly by the director and we certainly expect that he will. Its my understanding that the three witnesses who have conflicts or other issues with the march 20th hearing are all available and i believe committed to the march 28th hearing. So the following week well get the testimony from those witnesses. And well have as much time as necessary at the hearing for our members to ask their questions. Obviously theres a substantial amount they may not be able to answer in open session. We want to conduct as much as we can in the open so the public is informed of the progress that were making. Our members are going to the agencies to review the documents. Our full committee now has access to the gang of 8 materials that underlie the assessment that the Intelligence Community put out. I spent a few hours there yesterday. And would encourage all the members to spend time out at the agency reviewing those documents. Finally, you know, we i think are continuing to make progress and the chairman and i are doing everything that we can to keep this investigation by partisan or nonpartisan it make sure we follow the evidence wherever it leads. And that is certainly our hope and will continue to be our effort to do so p well be happy to answer questions. [ inaudible question ] so as it relates we know for a fact because its in public that incidental collection on general flynn was picked up. What i remain concerned about is whether or not there is additional collection that we are not aware of. If any of that information was put into any types of Intelligence Reports, and then, you know, whether or not additional names were unmasked. So if additional names were unmasked were going to have to understand were the proper procedures followed and then did additional names get leaked to the media, or were people using that information for other purposes that wouldnt have had intelligence value . Thats what i remain concerned about and thats why the letter that you see today were asking for all of those names by friday. [ inaudible question ] well you know i think it is certainly an appropriate part of our oversight to make sure that the agencies are following the correct procedures when it comes to unmasking any names of americans that may be gathered through incidental collection. This is a separate matter from whether the president s allegations have any truth. Were talking about both these issues. The two are not related until the sense that theres no evidence that there was a wiretap of trump and his associates at trump tower. [ inaudible question ] what gives you that confidence . I actually said that last week. I think the challenge here is that, you know, president obama wouldnt physically go over and wiret wiretap trump tower. Now you have to decide are you going to take the tweets literally . If you are, then clearly the president was wrong. If youre not going to take the tweet literally and if theres a concern that the president has about other people, other surveillance activities looking at him or his associates, either appropriately or inappropriately, we want to find that out. I think its all in the interpretation of what you belie believe. [ inaudible question ] any conversation between people affiliated with the Trump Campaign, people, russian officials who are not. [ inaudible question ]. Not that im aware of. You know, i wouldnt answer that question as categorically as my colleague. And you know were not privileged to talk about the contents of the investigation, but you know i think we need to be very precise when we talk about this. And i just dont think we can answer that answer categorically, and not in this forum. [ inaudible question ] youre obviously pressing doj to release evidence they may have. What about the white house . Are you also pressing them and encouraging them to reveal what the president knew . He grounds for making this claim . Yeah were going to continue to follow the facts. Were not going to make any assumptions. As i said before, for a long time here i have been very clear about my concern about, number one, the incidental collection on general flynn, how that was put into a product, how it was unmasked, how it was leaked to the public. Several crimes have been committed here. I want to make sure that i dont want to get into mr mr. Schiff i dont know if you want to respond to that . I would say i do think its incumbent if we get to march 20th and we have the testimony i think we all expect from the director that there was no substance to the accusation that barack obama illegally wire tapped trump tower, that the president explain himself. You cant level an accusation of that type without either retracting it or explaining just why it was done. And i think that i think there are, from a National Security perspective, great concerns, if the president is willing to state things like that without any basis. Because the country needs to be able to rely on him, particularly if we have a crisis that is an external crisis as every president does within their term of office. I think it is a serious matter and i appreciate the chairmans willingness to have an open hearing on this. I think the testimony will be very important. [ inaudible question ] im sorry, go ahead. Do you have any reason to believe that the president himself or anyone working for him in the white house would be one of the names that may have been swept up . Something that could. [ inaudible question ]. [ inaudible question ] . I think its possible but we should know that by friday. Do you think the president himself might have been swept up in this . Its possible. Look we know we think we understand how general flynn was picked up in incidental collection. Perhaps theres additional incidental collection or the other intelligence products where unmasking occurred. This is wli were sending a letter. Get it out in the open so we understand. Like ive said many times im concerned about unmasking of americans names. But as they relate to, as youll see in the letter, as they relate to either the Trump Campaign and his folks or Hillary Clintons campaign and her folks we would like to know if any names were unmasked and that would help answer these questions. Let me just, if i can, also respond on that in a couple ways. First, mr. Spicer has represented that he is not aware of any investigation that was targeting the president. And no presumably no Court Ordered surveillance of the president. He has also said that he is confident that the president was speaking accurately when he said he was wire tapped by his predecessor. Those two things cannot be true unless he is suggesting that the fbi was engaged in a rogue separation unsupervised by a court to wiretap trump tower. There is absolutely no evidence of that. And no suggestion of it, of any evidence of that. And i think to even put that forth, it was irresponsible of the president and his spokesman. And i also, in terms of our oversight responsibility, want to make one other point and that is while i think it perfectly appropriate that we overseeing the fisa process and unmasking of any names, if any of that is implicated in any way, i have seen no evidence of any illegality in terms of electronic surveillance pertaining to your question. I dont want anything to be surmised that we are suggesting. In ahhed irn ahhed. Most likely, yes. If they dont have a good reason for not giving us that fisa is a critical tool that our agencies use. We want to make sure that its done lawfully and legally, and part of that is going to be, even if it has to be at the gang of 8 level, through mr. Schiff and myself s. We do need to have a god understanding of how that worked. [ inaudible question ]. They were tapped to basically look at anything that was incidentally collected . Is that what youre looking for . I dont want to look, lets wait until friday, for them to come out with the information, and then well have the open hearing on monday before we start to speculate. But clearly i just want to make sure that the fisa processes were properly followed and that the unmasking of names did not occur improperly. And ill i just want to add that i certainly have seen no evidence of that. Over here we have a question . [ inaudible question ]. Yeah the office of the director of National Intelligence which is overseeing how we have access to these documents, one of the simple things that i think should be everyone should understand this, we should be able to get a basic type of Computer System out there to be able to catalog all of the data that went into the Intelligence Report that was produced, the beginning of january, i believe the date was january 6th or 7th. I just think thats a nobrainer. Why they would stop us on this is beyond me. [ inaudible question ] well the bottom line is that we dont have a computer out there to actually be able to catalog the information. If i could just add, too, one of the reasons why this is significant and obviously there was a big issue with the agency over the senates use of the computer and whether that computer was viewed by the agency, while it was in the process of review of the enhanced interrogation techniques, we feel a real sense of you are jen sir about conducting this investigation thoroughly and as swiftly as possible given the magnitude of the investigation. Anything that slows us done down is a problem. Im confident that will be ultimately resolved. The longer it takes to resolve it the longer it takes us to do our work. We had to work through the issue of gaining access to the full committee of the gang of 8 materials. Now we have to work through the issue of getting access to computers to do our work. Were working our way through the budget process here to get increased staff to help us with the investigation. It will take time to get that staff cleared. These two or three all some of the challenges were dealing with in trying to do this expeditiously. [ inaudible question ] right now, you know, i was there yesterday taking a lot of the handwritten notes which is not ideal. Usely we have to leave our notes behind. They end of the day what we object hope to do is when the investigation is finished is compile a report, and having the information that we go through, indexed with our comments will be very important in terms of putting that report together. So this will be resolved hopefully, what the chairman and i are saying today hopefully will nudge the agency along. [ inaudible question ] well look were not going to get into what the fbi tells us or doesnt tell us as the Ranking Member said earlier. But as you can imagine, this committee has a long track record of trying to shine the light on the russian government and their activities. Weve we as the House Intelligence Committee have long had an investigation into russian activities, especially cyber activities. That continues. Clearly i think the concerns weve raised over Cyber Attacks alone, we would hope that many throughout the ic are conducting investigations into the russians and their ongoing bad activity around the globe. [ inaudible question ]. Yeah, i dont have any evidence of that. And were not gonna get into i mean this gets to the whole issue of incidental collection, who else was talking to the russian many at am, this is a slippery slope. You need to let the appropriate agencies get us information in a timely manner, which i agree with the Ranking Member o the more they stall and make it complicated for us the slower the investigation goes and the more time it takes to answer your questions. I do want to say on that question, because, director clap clap was asked a similar question, i cannot answer that question in the same way. Not certainly with the same categorically response. So i dont share that summary conclusion and thats about all i can say on that subject. [ inaudible question ]. Well this is a little unprecedented in terms of it, you know the whole committee now has access all the members on the Intelligence Committee have access to what are called the gang of 8 source documents. We now have investigators out there, many members from my side and the Ranking Members side have been out there. And you know the challenge were having now is that we need to be able to catalog all of this in a simple way. If not its going to take us longer to get through it if we have to do it all by hand. [ inaudible question ]. [ inaudible question ] so as it relates to crimes that have been committed, i am quite confident that it is illegal to leak fisa collected names of americans. Thats illegal. Its also illegal to leak any classified additional classified information. So that has happened. It remains the crimes that we know that have been committed, which im sure well get into more of that on monday. Theres a second question, i think. With respect to the second question, the curb concern that i raised a couple days ago, during our hearing with director comey, the director denied to answer it. Wasnt that i was unsatisfied with the content of the answer, it was that he simply declined. I expressed it at the time, my hope that the director would go lack to the department of justice and be prepared to come back to us and respond more fully to the questions we were asking. The fbi has now been more forthcoming on the number of the issues i was concerned about. There are still a number of other issues that remain to be ironed out, but were certainly getting more cooperation than we were initially. [ inaudible question ]. I dont think we can comment on any questions related to what kind of intelligence gathering or electronic surveillance, apart from i think the category that the president tweeted about, i dont think were at liberty to talk about either the contents of the investigation or the conducts of any of our foreign intelligence gathering. [ inaudible question ]. Well you know, i can express my view and the chairman and i may have a different perspective on this. But my interpretation frankly of what the white house has been communicating since the president s tweets were first we dont want to talk about this, were giving it to the Intelligence Committee. Then, were not sure if theres any there, there. Then, well maybe he meant something different. To, well it was the tv or the microwave. To, no, we fully believe the president will be vindicated in his claims of wire tapping. So theyve been all over the map. The reality is i dont think they have the foggiest idea what was behind the president s claim except maybe something he watched on t. V. And i think the rest is designed to down play, minimize, or obfuscate the fact that the president said something that was patently untrue. But that is might interpretation. First. [ inaudible question ] i think mr. Schiff answered that properly. I dont want to get into where intelligence is coming from or not coming from. I think i want to stop here just a second and say that its okay for mr. Schiff and i to have disagreements. He represents a district just like i do. Were clearly from different political parties. At the end of the day, its all on our interpretation of what people say or dont say, and the court of Public Opinion ultimately that has the say in all this. Were going to work together. Were probably going to have a lot that were going to agree on. We may have some things we disagree on. Well try to get through those. But as it relates to the president s claims, just like i said last week, i think you just have to be careful about how literally you take these comments, and you know, but i do remain concerned as i opened with that there could be incidental collection and unmasking of american names that i really do want to get to the bottom of. And if we move forward from this actually i agree with mr. Schiff on the point that if the white house or president want to clarify his statements more it would probably be helpful. But you know look at the end of the day from just like i said la last week, president obama doesnt do wire tapping just like President Trump cant do wire tapping. Just the whole premise of the statement was wrong. Then you have to figure out, okay, did he actually mean it literally or did he not . I think thats the question that we have here. [ inaudible question ]. Well i guess i would refer you back to, as a matter of fact i was just going through this earlier, as some of you may remember, over the course of the last year, we had a concern about members of coming who were caught up in incidental collection, the story came out publicly in the wall street journal regarding, i think it was involving the israel his. We went through a whole year wrong process working with the i. C. To ensure that when congress until that eye the dent at this are picked up in incidental collection that we, the gang of 8, are notified, of that happening. And so i kind of refer you back to that. That was a process that had to be cleaned up. Because clearly there was, you know, clearly people knew who the members of congress were, likely, that were in these. But they werent being unmasked. We the werent being notified. Thats a problem. The question i would have, has that happened again . We recall dont know that. But we want to find out. [ inaudible question ]. Look i know this will sounds i dont even know roger stone, from what ive seen on t. V. I dont know that he had any former role in the dam pain, that im aware of. [ inaudible question ] well follow facts wherever they lead us. At this point thats down the road. I could address that. A couple points i wanted to make just to followup on one of the earlier questions. The chairman is exactly right. He and i, i think, may give a different interpretation to why the president said what he said. But theres no daylight between us on the fact that neither one of us have seen any evidence to support what the president tweeted. And i think thats probably the most important point. With respect to roger stone, you know, we have a u. S. Person affiliated with the campaign, who has now you said publicly that he had communications, i think first he said with Julian Assange and then he said after that with an intermediary, to mr. Assange or wikileaks and has now you said he had communication with gucifer, too. Obviously these two platforms were used to publish documents damaging to secretary clinton and helpful to donald trump. That concerns me a great deal. You have someone affiliated with the campaign having direct communication with two of the outlets. Apparently during the campaign, and in one case as i recall mr. Stone predicted that john podestos time in the barrel would come. While mr. Stone has said he could not have predicted the dnc hack before it happened, he apparently did predict that john podesto would be in the barrel. So i think it does beg a lot of questions that i would want answered. [ inaudible question ]. You know, i dont want to go through a witness list. But i do want to respond that those facts that he has already admitted are of great interest and concern to me. Look as ive said before, if these people want to come forward to our committee, theyre welcome to, theyre welcome to provide depositions, written testimony, so that remains the case. So anybody who wants to come forward with information. But as i said were not going to just call in witnesses based on just press reports alone. [ inaudible question ] we have not spoke to mr. Flynn at this point. [ inaudible question ]. Yes. I am. I think we ought to look into, obviously the full range of active measures the russians employed. If one of the russian active mess insures was the same as what they have done in europe and that is financially attacked people, then it may be within the scope of our investigation. I dont think we want to begin with that conclusion. [ inaudible question ]. Well, look, weve talked about this here at these press conferences before. I think the president tweeting is a good thing. And then theres a fine line between having too many people monitoring what hes saying and then no one monitoring what hes saying. But look hes the president of the United States and i think him tweeting, i think the American People for the most part enjoy it, including all of you people in the press. I think you people enjoy these tweets. It would be helpful if they could be more focused. But hes elected and im not. [ inaudible question ]. Yeah, i would expect with the seriousness of the with everything as it relates to fisa, and the problems that we already had a year ago, dealing with the notification of congress on people in congress that were identified, i would hope that they would rapidly get these responses to us. Look either its going to be more evidence that well have to continue this investigation on this matter, dealing with fisa or well be able to put that to bed. The faster we can put any fisa problems to bed the better for the i. C. And the American People. I would join the chairman in what he said earlier, i would expect the fbi and the department to fully cooperate, if not i would be prepared to support the use of compulsory process. Any more questions . [inaudible question] hold on a second. Let then well come back. [ inaudible question ]. Yeah, i dont see this as i dont see that theres one important question. I think theyre all important. Overall, this is great for the work that weve done over many years here on this committee. Because finally the American People are awaking to the fact that putin is creating problems for us and our allies all over the globe. So this is something that i desperating wanted people to Pay Attention to. Perhaps if the last administration paid closer attention to what we were saying at the time, the opportunities and the options that Congress Gave to the last administration to help the ukrainians and other countries, if they would have used those and not waited until the end, until after the election, to do something, i think would have been a lot would have been very helpful and we wouldnt have had this outcome. You know i think there are really jon some of the information about one of the big investigations under way in washington. Democrat sciff and republican nunes nunes. They are looking into investigations that the government med would in our investigation and looking into President Trumps claims that he was wire stand by president obama or the obama administration. You heard some of the question and answer there. Well be getting into that more on happening now. In the meantime a high ranking naval answer part of a scandal involving 25 officers. 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This is nixon watergate. Bad or sick guy. The investigation into that is ongoing as well. Lets talk about it with simon rosenberg, former Campaign Advisor to president clinton and lisa booth. Fox news contributor. Simon, we heard, i believe it was Congress Schiff the Ranking Member say they are trying to keep this investigation bipartisan, not meander down political pathways. How do you think theyre doing . I think its been an open question. Today should be reassuring, you saw the two of it them standing sidebyside, they didnt agree on everything and they acknowledged that. I think that what i learned today is that there is going to be a very Serious Investigation into what the russians did in our elections last year. Its important for us as a country to get that. We need to pretent havent it from ever happening again and be sure to work with our allies to prevent russian from doing this again. I was heart end to hear that. Jon lisa chairman nunes was talking about the irony that led to the resignation of one of the guys that used to be one of the most respected army in held i didnt ens officers out there, mr. Flynn. A secretary advisor. He got tripped up in this investigation. And chairman nunes said crimes were committed here, in terms of how he was surveilled and more specifically how his name was released. What are your thoughts on that . Yeah i think thats problem matt i can. It doesnt seem like the media seems that interested in the legality tell you of those leaks. Its important for chairman nunes to mention that. The fact that these investigations are ongoing. They said fbi correct director comey will testify on march 20th and 28th, its important to get to the bottom of this. Theres been a lot of recklessness to go around. President trump has a responsibility to ensure that the information hes putting out there is substantiated and be careful in the language that hes using. Jon youre doubting what he tweeted . So far i hope that the white house produces that information. So far theres been nothing to substantiate that. Of course thats a concern. Its equally concerning that the media and the left have run rampant with these allegations and the notion that somehow russia stole the election for Hillary Clinton and putting it in the hands of donald trump and also theres some how collusion between Trump Officials and russia when both of those allegations remain unsubstantiated. Also putting out information like the russian dose yeah that nobody has been able to verify. And someone like bob woodward has said is a garr badge document. Theres a lot of recklessness. If im the American People sitting at home, whats true, whats not . Its sad when theres so much misinformation being put out there to the American People. Jon we may get word from james comey about whether the fbi is investigating. Simon, the russian activities l. That put the matter to rest . Were going to find out a lot in the next few weeks. These investigations in the house and senate or proceeding. Well see open testimony next week. I think were going to learn a lot. I want to comment on something that lisa said. Its not unsubstantiated that the russians intervened in our elections on behalf of donald trump. Thats not what i said. Thats a conclusion of the Intelligence Community. Thats not what the a said, though. The second thing that you said is that there hasnt been there wasnt contact between. Thats also not what what i said. We know for a fact there have been five Trump Campaign officials that interacted with russian government officials. Thats a facts. These are things that we know today. I think its why there is such an urgency to getting this investigation under way. I was heart end by what i heard from the two congress man today. John, if i can. Im sorry, lisa, because that News Conference went on, well have to leave it there. He distorted what i said. Jon thank you both. Thank you. Jon well be right back. Deartheres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced. Our senses awake. Our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say. If you love something set it free. See you around, giulia. Heather well see you back here in an hour. Jon outnumbered starts right now. Heather boi. Fox news alert President Trump hitting back at msnbc after releasing his tax returns. The much hyped doc released may actually be good news for mr. Trump. Im meaghan mccain, here today sand sandra smith, Eboni Williams and todays oneluckyguy. Former chief strata gist, steve hilton who is also the new host of the next revolution with steve hilton. Congratulations. Were going to talk more about that later. First we remind you youre outnumbered. I always love it. It is so glad to see

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