Is now hours away. Donald trump expected to hit the theme of make america safe again in his acceptance speech but first he will he be introduced by his daughter yvonne her, his son eric among speakers last night as was from bp nominee governor mike pence. You have nominated a man for president who never quits, who never backs down. A fighter, a winner. Until now we have to do it all by himself against all odds this week with this united party hes got back up. To the unemployed voter sitting at home watching me right now wondering how youre going to make your next mortgage payment or rent payment, my father is running for you to the veteran tuning in from his or her hospital with an ignored and disrespected by an ungrateful system for far too long, my father is running for you. If you want to protect the constitution of the United States, the only possible candidate this fall is the trump pants republican ticket. [applause] we should all, even all you boys with wounded feelings and bruised egos , you must honor your pledge to support donald trump now. [applause] jon but senator ted cruz did not do that last night and today he said hecant even commit to voting for trump, john roberts live in cleveland area. Reporter get behind donald trump, listening to Lauren Ingram ted cruz is basically saying not so much. He did pledge this morning he would not say anything negative but he continues to be unapologetic about not endorsing him last night. Ted cruz at a breakfast meeting of the texas delegation showing his anger at trump for what transpired during the primary campaign is still very much laid bare. I am not in the habit of supporting people who attacked my wife and attack my father and that was not a blanket commitment that if you go and slander and attack heidi that im going to nonetheless, like a servile puppy dog and say thank you very much from my wife and father. Reporter lots of reaction to what cruz did last night from the Trump Campaign, trumps son called classless this morning, Paul Manaforts Campaign Manager said it was inappropriate but indiana governor mike pence, a seasoned political veteran who supported ted cruz in the indiana primary was a little more measured in his reaction. Ive been through two top collections myself and i know that those feelings can be strong so i was grateful that came, i was grateful he congratulated our nominee and im confident that in the days ahead youre going to continue to see this party come together and present the choice to the American People area. Reporter donald trump is not letting it go, tweeting 13 minutes ago that other than a small group of people who have suffered massive and very embarrassing losses, the party is very united. John you mentioned at the top, this is probably the most important speech of Donald Trumps political life, more so now after what happened with ted cruz, hes got to bring not only the Party Together but the country together, hes going to do it in his speech that will pour on seen reach back to the theme of monday night, make america safe again arguing that safety is one of the basic foundations of economic prosperity. He looked this idea of finding isis, securing the borders, securing safety for all americans including citizens and Law Enforcement, allowing america to realize its promise of prosperity in the world. John . Jon thank you. So donald trump has an opportunity to use the speech tonight to clean the slate after a rocky couple of nights in cleveland. Vice president joe nominee mike pence appealed to party unity in his keynote speech andsupported his running mate. You have nominated a man for president who never quit , who never backs down. A fighter, a winner. Until now hes had to do it all by himself against all odds this week with this united party hes got back up and on november 8 i know we will elect donald trump to be the 45th president of the United States of america. Jon joining us in cleveland, karl rove, former advisor to george w. Bush and also joe trippi who served as howard deans Campaign Manager, both are fox news contributors area carl, i heard you say to bill and martha a moment ago that you were surprised that ted cruz did not endorse donald trump in the scope of the campaign, how big a deal is that lack of an endorsement . Well, i think he has more about ted cruz that does for donald trump. Whether ted came here last night and endorsed or supported or indicated he stood by his plate to ask the ticket of the Republican Party, that would have made it a nonstory. We had a video addressed by marco rubio about ugly things were said by donald trump and thats nowhere in the stories this morning. It would have been a nonstory had he come here and said thing about maintaining his pledge but to have come here and have done what he did is going to leave a sour taste in a lot of peoples mouths or time to come, i was very surprised by how vehement many of his strong texas supporters were both on Television Last night and this morning at the breakfast where he them down. Jon its widely believed that ted cruz plans to mount another president ial campaign. He has just gone back on a pledge. He pledged to support the nominee of the party even if it were donald trump. He has now expressly gone back on that, isnt that what people dont like about politicians . You able to hear me . Now i am. Jon dont people dislike it when a politician doesnt follow up on a promise and ted cruz promised to endorse the nominee evenif it were donald trump. I think this was a very tough move for cruz. He put. Its unbelievable to me what he did. We havent seen Something Like this since either 1964 with Nelson Rockefeller or ted kennedy in 1980, the convention against jimmy carter and its very disruptive. This thing, as much damage as it may do to cruz, today a lot of the coverage is not about mike pence the Vice President and his great speech accepting the nomination last night, for him it was exactly what he needed to do, trying to unify the party, reassure conservatives,turned toward the general election audience but thats not what anybody talking about, particularly with cruz doubling down today in the texas delegation. As carl said, it is doing damage to cruz, i agree with that but its really turned what could have been a very good night for the trump pens campaign and put on the sidelines again, this is the third night in a row where Something Like this has happened. Jon what you think about the way that trump handled it coming into the arena and giving a big thumbs up even as cruz was leaving the state and then tweeting out that he had seen the speech in advance and knew that hewas not going to get the endorsement of ted cruz and he described as no big deal, what you make of the way the nominee is handling it . I thought it was fine. I thought mike pence did it best though, mike pence was confident, big , brush by. Its astonishing to me that apparently the Trump Campaign never asked for a copy of the speech to approve it and that it. At these conventions everybodys speech gets approved and vetted and the cruz and Cruz Campaign didnt offer it. I assume they did know in advance that it was coming, they did an okay job of preparing for it. I thought the best line was the line that Newt Gingrich came up with which was that it you vote your conscience you got to vote against Hillary Clinton but this is as joe said not a good night for the republicans to have that kind of coverage on the night of mike pences speech and wake up this morning and have this discussion be about what ted cruz said, not about what mike pence said. Its a reminder that this process of unification for both parties but especially the republicans this year is not going to happen simply at the convention and in one event, its going to be a process and i think the tone Going Forward would be better to be mike pence which is im confident that republicans will find more that we agree upon then we disagree on and we will be united in the fall. Jon i wonder Going Forward those of us who watch politics each and every day like you and karl and those of us in the studio, we pay very close attention to this stuff and im wondering if when it comes down to november 8 whether that many people are actually going to be thinking about whether donald trump got ted cruzs endorsement or not . X joe . Melissa poor joe. Melissa jon carl, if youre able to hear me maybe you can answer that. Will it be abig event come november . Will there be thousands , then tens of thousands of cruz supporters . All right. Cant hear anything, were hearing that from both candidates. Melissa its the magic of television. Jon the gremlins have pulled the plug on us but those two guys have been working hard in cleveland, great guests to have. Id love to talk to them all day but i cant. Joe trippi and karl rove, thank you. Melissa after this weeks blitz from republicans, Hillary Clintons campaign is ready to punch back in the Democratic Convention. It starts on monday in philadelphia and while the speculation heats up about who secretary clinton will choose as a running mate, we could know the answer tomorrow. Jennifer griffin is covering the Campaign Live from clintons headquarters in Brooklyn New York where i imagine theyre starting to ramp up right now. Reporter absolutely melissa. By tomorrow night we should know who Hillary Clintons running mate is, the list keeps getting shorter and in fact weve learned that new jersey senator cory booker who was always on the sort short list, he will be in new york city as at a Music Festival over the weekend. That means you wont be her running mate because weve learned that she will announce her running mate in florida. We also can rule out hud secretary Julian Castro after after it was confirmed he violated the hatch act which bars mixing political views with official business. He was always seen as too inexperienced. Tom perez, the current labor secretary also seems to be out of the running. He too has the National Security credentials Hillary Clinton said she is looking for. That leaves him kaine who checks all the boxes, he is at the top of her short list we understand, he was a governor, a senator on the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committee and he can campaign in spanish. He was asked about his weekend plans and asked if he was going to florida to which he said he has not bought a ticket yet. Elizabeth warren on the other hand was quiet with attacks on donald trump on twitter during the last few weeks of betting but she returned with a vengeance this weekend after meeting Hillary Clinton at her washington dc residence last friday. She was one of five short list candidates weve learned who met in successive meetings with clinton at her residence last friday. A suggestionsome say that they were told at that time that they were no longer going to be her pick for Vice President but again we dont know for sure , Campaign Aides tell me that she has not formally made an offer to anyone yet but we should know in the next two days who were running mate is, back to you. Melissa its so hard to imagine they dont know already but we will see. Thank you so much for that report, john . Jon ted cruz and donald trump hammered each other on the campaign trail and the senator is not over it yet. We talk with Chris Wallace about the senators latest moves and what it means for Republican Party unity. Plus mister trump reading his new running mate after last nights big beach with a kiss, well see what thats all about. And we want to hear from you. Were you disappointed senator ted cruz did not endorse donald trump last night, our live chat up and running, go to foxnews. Com happeningnow to join the conversation. Jon right now we are watching the aftermath of a political earthquake resort in cleveland where Party Leaders are trying to keep the lid on dissent by senator cruz having not none of it revealing he is still smarting from personal attacks on the campaign trail. Making it clear last night that he does not endorse donald trump. To those listening, please dont stay home in november. Stand and speak and vote your conscience. Vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the constitution. I think you misunderstood one paragraph that ted cruz who is a superb orator said and i want to point it out to you. Ted cruz said you can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the constitution area in this election, there is only one candidate who will uphold the constitution. To paraphrase ted cruz, if you want to protect the constitution of the United States the only possible candidate this fall is the trump mike pence ticket. Jon that is former House Speaker Newt Gingrich trying to smooth things over after cruzs nonendorsement area we are joined now by Chris Wallace, anchor of fox news sunday. I have to hand it to the former speaker, i thought he was pretty deft up there departing from his prepared remarks and turning the nonendorsement into an endorsement. Yes, its called putting lipstick on on a pig and theres nobody better at doing it then Newt Gingrich. I call him the secretary in terms of explaining stuff, thats kind of what the obama camp has called bill clinton over the years in supporting and explaining in 2012 at the Democratic Convention why, in a way better than obama was able why he deserve to be reelected. There are so many aspects and when asked why we love covering politics thats a perfect example. Ted cruz at Donald Trumps convention in i thought a graceless way, there are ways of in effect saying lets vote for the ticket, lets go out and win in november but very pointedly say your conscience and not say anything aboutthe , i think it makes him look like a sore loser and as you pointed out, Newt Gingrich not paraphrasing he said but putting words in cruzs mouth and it was a folk throated endorsement of donald trump, it was just right. Jon i suppose if youre one of the Republican Leadership maybe there is even less reason to be a fan of ted cruz thesedays, hes never been mister popularity in the senate. Know, you know its interesting john. There was a lot of talk from the cruz camp this wasgoing to be a moment like 1976 to take you back to then , 40 years ago. Ronald reagan lost to gerald ford in a hardfought campaign. On the last night, ford made his acceptance speech and then call the reagan over and reagan spoke for six minutes and made it very clear he was supporting the ticket as a loyal republican but also keeping the flame alive for reaganism and it ended up four years later he was the nominee and then the president , cruz didnt do that at all last night, he look like a sore loser and i think hes done real damage, whether youre a trump fan or not there are people that are going to look at this and say that to bring it on the parade as he did was not something to be forgiven and just like people still remember republicans do Chris Christie hugging barack obama during the 2012 campaign when he came to new jersey after Hurricane Sandy i think there were a lot of people again, not trump fans will remember this about ted cruz from 2020. Jon we need to sell some commercial time and pay for your clip trip to cleveland. When we come back we had a couple of new tweets from donald trump and also a trump mike pence kiss . Thats coming up. Now judy doesnt think that shell be able to retire until her mortgage is fully paid off. This is mike. Mike is also 65 years old. His monthly mortgage payment was 728 a month. Now mike thought he would have to work for another 12 years until his mortgage was paid off. And then mike heard that a reverse mortgage may help him. He called one reverse mortgage to get the details. Mike retired immediately after getting his one reverse mortgage loan. Maybe you too can benefit from a reverse mortgage. Call one reverse mortgage now and find out if you qualify. Theyll send you an information guide that includes all the details and the stories of mike and others. A reverse mortgage. Is a mortgage with no required monthly payments. It was created for homeowners 62 or older so they can continue to afford and own the home they love. 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To fight for freedom, to protect our godgiven right even of those with whom we dont agree. [doing ] jon rejoin us now, Chris Wallace anchor of fox news sunday. Donald trump has taken to what appears to be his favorite medium, twitter and made comments, he says other than a small group of people who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the party is very united. Great love in the arena. Kind of interesting because a couple of his former rivals, scott walker and marco rubio had nice things to say about him last night. Yes, and i thought trump handle that exactly right, you dont wantto get into a fight with a guy youve already beaten. Take the high road and let it go. The only person that cruz, the only person cruz hurt worse was himself in terms of his political future but it also hurts trump and the cause of the fact that we are talking about it today. This should be a day in any convention when youre talking about the positive message for the candidate, the attacks on Hillary Clinton and instead were talking about an awkward moment for ted cruz and for donald trump. Its not the right message to be on trump sent out another tweet, sort of appealing to the republican faithful to ignore ted cruz. He said ted cruz talks about the constitution but doesnt condemn the new justices appointed will destroy us all. Is that effective in perhaps convincing anybody who might have been persuaded by ted cruz to jump on the trunk bandwagon . Its not going to take one to. I thought what karl rove was exactly right, all the doubts among a lot of conservatives, movement conservatives, social conservatives about donald trump, they were never going to be erased at this convention. Its going to be a long campaign. Trump can go a long way, much more so than that to buy what he does tonight in his acceptance speech. In a sense i think this Convention Starts or all the talk about mililani a trump and ted cruz, this Convention Starts at 10 00 eastern tonight when donald trump i assume takes about an hour to make his acceptance speech. That will be indirectly speaking to the American People, a lot of people love him, a lot of people have doubts about him, a lot of people want to be persuaded and what he does in that speech, it seems to be he makes the case against Hillary Clinton and that shes status quo and he is the change agent but more importantly he has to end doubts of a lot of people who would like to vote for him that they can feel safe voting for him, that he is a credible president , a crediblecommanderinchief. A lot of people still have doubts about that and hes got you that tonight and they got to continue to do that every day between now and november. Mike pence accepted the nomination, he was on stage last night when the man who chose him to be his running mate did this and i want to play it for our viewers. There it goes. A little bust from donald trump. You ever seen that inpolitics chris . Know i have never seen that. Thats the kind of thing you see a fancy dinner parties in new york city or palm beach but you dont see that on the podium of the convention. I will say i thought pence did a great job last night and its interesting because before, during and maybe after trump had selected mike pence, he repeated. Dont keep running it. Jon im not sure you see it in indiana based on pences reaction but no one there was some question apparently on trumps part about whether or not mike pence was boring and there were people, top advisers to trump who said its okay for him to be boring, youre exciting enough for this ticket. I thought what pence did last night, he was strong, he was steady, midwestern values, conservative values and boring never looked or sounded better. I began to understand last night why he picked mike pence and it provides a lot of study balance for this campaign. Is going to be trump but they need to have a Solid Rock Foundation and i think mike pence provided that last night. Jon whoever wins the white house is going to have a lot of party issues to deal with in the world and there are some new questions raised about trump and his commitment to nato. This after he told New York Times quote, the us has to fix our own mess for trying to alter the behavior of other nations. How nervous are they in brussels and places like that involved in nato, chris . Let me explain why this is important. The whole idea of a collective defensive Alliance Like nato is its saying to our enemies, our potential enemies around the world that we stand together. Theres an article 5 that says an attack against one is an attack against all and to get specific, thats a message to russia. If you want to fool around in the balkans and invaded estonia that you are taking on the United States and for donald trump to say well, im not sure if it would come to the aid of another country, we have to see whether theyve livedup to their obligations is a message. I think a dangerous message to lets say vladimir putin. You cant be sure if you were to invade estonia whether or not the United States would come to their support. Ronald reagan always talked about peace through strength and it was the idea that if you are strong, if you are united that doesnt provoke war, that prevents war and the comments that Donald Trumpmade in that interview with the New York Times by saying im not sure whether we would come to the aid of all the 28 members of nato , i think sends a very dangerous message to our enemies like latvia putin in the kremlin and i expect youre going to see them walk that back real quickly. Jon it certainly could appear in democratic Hillary Clinton came and advertising as well. Chris wallace, fox news sunday, thank you. Thank you so much john. Melissa we will ask our next guest how high when we look at what kind of a Convention Bump donald trump could get in the polls then, a deadly heat wave scorching parts of the country. Will it impact you . Our meteorologist is herenext area. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Jon a dangerous heatwave rolling across the nation, extremely hot and humid conditions putting millions on high alert or heat related illnesses and power outages. Meteorologist maria molina live in our fox weather center. Thats right, when it starts to get this hot were talking about concerns with heat illnesses such as heatstroke and let me share some of these numbers because they arent that bad just yet. In kansas city you are at 87 degrees, 85 in chicago but take a look at what happens when you factor in the humidity and these numbers highlight what it feels like when you have the door so your current heat index values in chicago already in the 90s, middle to upper 90s in kansas city, memphis and portions of oklahoma and its only forecast out here to expand over the next couple of days. It currently feels like 100 degrees. Because of how hot it is, the accommodation of hot temperatures and high humidity, we have a number of the advisories in effect for a very wide section of the nation across the midwest, parts of the planes and extending down into portions of louisiana and heres the forecast coming up later today. Places along the ghost both coast could get hotter, or talking in jackson mississippi 106 degrees is what could feel like this afternoon. In kansas city, 108 and 110 degrees in tulsa and the reason all this is happening is we have the jetstream well off to the north, highpressure in place pulling in a lot of moisture from the gulf of mexico and thats really what is making things feel so much worse out there with those heat index values. Forecast temperature today hot along the planes and take a look at what happens on friday. Midatlantic could be in the upper 90s in dc and that your forecast temperature, not your heat index value and by saturdaythat he continues to build across portions of the eastern us, you could be at 97 in new york and 98 degrees in dc. I want to mention some storms possible across parts of the midwest and the planes, damaging winds, large hail and tornadoes possible. Jon thats never good. Thanks for keeping an eye on it for us. Melissa donald trump at the center of Media Attention this week, so will the convention excitement and his message get through to voters . And give the gop nominee a big bounce in the polls . Pat mccormick is a political analyst, University Center for politics and managing editor of sonos crystal ball, thank you for joining us. I was looking back and you look at the bounce that republicans have gotten in the past. In 1988 got a huge bounce, 10 points. You look back at 2012 though, most recently and that one was very modest, only two points. Barely anything. What makes the difference . I do think the last night of the convention is pretty important. If you remember four years ago mitt romney had that Clint Eastwood speech that was kind of a mess and overall the Republican Convention in 2012 wasnt that great. I think we saw the balance wasnt that big and another thing is that modern conventions, at least the past few cycles theyve been held back to back, the republicans one week and the democrats next week because the president s party gets to pick historically to be the Second Convention and i think they schedule it precisely to step on any sort of bounce that the Challenging Party could get so thats different now than it was in past elections like 1988. Melissa is that how it happens because i did wonder that . It seems like you would want to go second because you would want to ride that bounce but whoever gets to go second . The incumbent party gets to go second. And i believe that the incumbent party and the incumbent party from here on out are going to be scheduling right after the Challenging Party because theyre very cognizant of the fact that there is a poll bounce and the polls begin to become pretty predictive after the convention. Melissa you been watching this one, not a lot of unity is an understatement. A lot of excitement and when we see donald trump youre coming out with all the smoke and everything, what do you expect from this one and how much is writing on tonight . I do think that tonight is very important. There been some rocky moments in this convention, i actually thought that contrary to what a lot of people but i didnt think that ted cruz beach was that big a deal and i thought last night was probably a better night for the convention than the first two and i think tonight very important because this is all about donald trump. Well see what kind of message he gives. Trump has been stuck in the low 40s in the polls, hes never been higher than 42, 43 in polling averages. Now is the chance to see if he can break through and a big part of that is how he performs andhow the public reacts to how this convention went and we dont really know the answer to that yet. Melissa thats a critical point. His feeling so far has been about 43 and some people wonder if he can get higher than that at any point in time. You pointed out he was sitting at about 41 going into this convention, to is all that mitt romney got in looking back through the numbers that was one of the worst pumps that i could see that anyone had gotten since weve been keeping track of this sort of thing so at this point, do you think he will get more than two points . Whats your best . Its kind of hard to say. I think he has a decent chance ultimately but if he can only get 243, 44, 45 at what should be a very high point for his campaign, thats so far short of 50. So i think needs to, that this is a collaborative about five. If trump got five that would be pretty good for him and whatever complaints there were about this convention would be proven wrong i think by what the numbers say but trump only gets what romney got, he still be well short of 50 and it would show that after we talked about a feeling during the primary for the whole time that he eventually broke through, maybe theres a harder ceiling here in the general election for him. Melissa kyle condit, piling on the pressure for donald trump tonight as if it were already there, you ratcheted up another five notches. We appreciate your time. Thank you. Melissa weve got you covered all week. Had to foxnews. Com and the fox news app for coverage of the convention through thursday with the digital hangout which by the way is very cool featuring the host at 4 pm, shepard smith. Hes on the scene at 5 pm eastern zoloft to see there and if thats not enough you can go behind the scenes for our coverage of the rnc on social media. On snapshot, get the inside scoop or anyone else by downloading the app on your iphone or android and following fox news on snapshot four of the behindthescenes he won an Investigation Underway after police shot an unarmed black man in florida. What video of the incident shows right before shots rang out. We are live with that story. Plus the protest in cleveland. The police chief commenting on what happened overnight and what we can expect on the final night of this convention. Think fixing your windshield is a big hassle . Not with safelite. This family needed their windshield replaced, but theyre daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. So we said if you need safelite to come to the zoo well come to the zoo only safelite can fix your windshield anywhere in the us. With our exclusive mobileglassshops. 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I have a lifetime of experience. So i know how important that is. [chanting] melissa thats a look at some of the protests in cleveland but the number of demonstrators not as high as expected, did you notice that . Could that change as we get ready for the final night of the convention . Live at Publix Square in cleveland, what does it look like so far today, steve . Reporter melissa, so far the quietest of all. You take a look at the square where the protesters are supposed to be speaking, a podium and largely an empty square this morning, the first figure spoke to nobody and in the distance some police are actually using the pingpong table over there so remarkably quiet so far. Yesterday a little bit busier, 18 rs overall. Two felony arrests for Punching Police officers. The big event of the day yesterday was an attempted flag burning by a man and a woman, the man unfortunately lit himself on fire in addition to the flag. He was put out by firefighters with fire extinguishers they are, there were 18 arrests at that event, there are arrests not for burning the flag but for refusal to disperse. Overall the police chief has continued to complain about the large presence of media here, actually the number of cameras overwhelming the amount of protesters area he says all the journalists are getting in the way. Our jobs are a lot more difficult, yes. Sorry. I mean most of the time when we get there we have 20 protesters, we probably have 80 people from the media there and were trying to separate out and get a handle on whats going on and we have more media than protesters. Melissa s. Reporter there have been six arrests in total, five from the state of ohio. Melissa we will see what happens today. I heard aprotester say they were waiting for thursday, they didnt want to get arrested before then because thats the big data protest. Those look like now though. Steve harrigan, thanks for that report on police answering questions this hour about another shooting of an armed man, this time in south florida. Therapist for an autistic man out while lying on the ground with his hands in the air. How did thishappen . Plus. The next president of the United States, Mister Donald j trump. Jon donald trump rarely tiptoes quietly into town and that wasnt the case in cleveland either. He is hours away from accepting the nomination for president on the last day of the Republican Convention. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Jon time to check out whats coming up on outnumbered at the top of the hour, sandra and harris what you have . Good to see you john, thank you. After getting booed off the stage last night, ted cruz doubling down tonight on his refusal to endorse donald trump area how will this affect party unity . Plus, she maybe trumps speaker and his daughter, ivanka introducing him tonight. Can she help her dad win over female voters . And knew from the pc police, even in the rnc on nearby College Offering safe face and counseling for students upset at all the goingson. What kind of message does this end . Cant wait to chat about that and our hashtagone lucky guy, it is governor Mike Huckabee, is joining us outside of the top of the hour, join us be one that is going to be fun, see you then. Melissa lots of questions right now surrounding the shooting of an unarmed black man in florida as he cared for an autistic patient. Officers responded to reports of a suspect with a gun in north miami. They found an autistic man holding a toy truck and a therapist, charles kinsey. As he lay on his back with his hand in the air, shots rang out. We pick up the story from our miami bureau, what is going on there . B6 the miami state attorney is investigating this police shooting. The officer who shot his gun is on paid administrative leave, then me while the man who was shot wears his hands were up in the air the entire time did you can see this on the cell phone video taken on the day of this incident, you see an autistic man hitting on the street while the man in yellow, this behavioral therapist is route lying down hands up pleading with the police. [inaudible] Reporter Police were called to the scene a facility called 911 saying there was a man sitting down in the street with a gun threatening suicide thats what the police were responding to. In the cell phone video you clearly see the autistic patient is holding his white toy truck in his hands. That man had escaped from his group home which is whykinsey ran after him in the first place. Im going to the ground just like this with my hands up and im down here just like this and im telling him again sir, theres no need for a firearm. Is unarmed, hes autistic, he had a toy truck in his hands. I was more worried about him and myself so i figure as long as i got my hands up there not going to shoot me, thats what im thinking. Theyre not going to shoot me. Wow, was i wrong. Reporter the cops ended up handcuffing both men, not going was found on that scene and kinsey with his bullet wound was taken to the hospital. The north miami police chief just wrapped up about a three minute long News Conference , not providing any details as to what exactly went down other than to say his department of Law Enforcement has taken over the investigation but why exactly his officer pulled the trigger, still no explanation. Melissa . Melissa we will be keeping an eye on that, thank you. Jon new next hour of happening now, Rudy Guiliani delivers a fiery Convention Speech on the terror threats facing america. He joins us live to talk about it. Thank you. Thank you. Jon so as donald trump gets ready for his big speech tonight in cleveland we want to show you the dramatic way he blew into town yesterday. The next president of the United States, mr. Donald j. Trump jon might not recognize the music, that is the theme from the fpl, air force one. Playing in the background. Melissa very subtle. Jon he met with his family and running mate mike pence after touching down with several of his private helicopters. Melissa did a few laps with a big entrance. Why dont we watch outnumbered from here and be back here in an hour. Jon that sounds like a good idea. Hope it sounds good to you as well. Outnumbered starts right now. Sandra here is fox news alert for you. Tonight is the big night. Were now hours away from Donald Trumps acceptance speech at the Republican National convention. This as the drama from last night still reverberating this is outnumbered. Im sandra smith. With us at the rnc, outside on this lovely afternoon, there she is, harris faulkner. Radio talk show host Meghan Mccain is here. Fnc contributor and author of, what the bleep just happened. Monica crowley with us today. Todays oneluckyguy, were so glad to have with us, the former governor of the great state of arkansas, and former president ial candidate governor Mike Huckabee is

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