0 everybody, i'm jenna lee. jon: good morning to you, jenna, i'm jon scott. we are learning more about what the suspects were planning after authorities say they set off shrapnel-packed pressure cooking bombs at the boston marathon killing three people and wounding others. the suspect has been transferred to a medical facility in central massachusetts. the suspects, chechens to came to the country about ten years ago. they are looking into how much of a threat chechnya is to the united states. catherine herridge is live in washington with more on that. >> reporter: this morning the chairman of the house intelligence committee who is receiving regular updates on the investigation told fox news that there appears to be a break down at the local level why the information about tamerlan tsarnaev's six-month trip to russia did not get shared among an interagency task force did not get from the cows tomorrow's and border procedure text the "wall street journal" points out we are seeing parallels between president obama and president bush write, quote, mr. obama has built the politics of his presidency, his foreign policy and economic policy around the assertion that he is the u.n. bush. now in the grimmist way possible he is bush. another american president who has come to grips with the aftermath of a mortal attack of islamic terror on u.s. soil televised to the whole world. the editor of the "wall street journal" daniel hennin skwrer joins us now. the debate rages on about policy and how safe we are. what are your observation beings in the last week about how the debate has surfaced? it's fascinating, jenna. my observation in light of the fact that we just had the opening of the bush library this week is nine months into george bush's presidency 9/11 happened. the presidency had just begun. from that point forward bush's presidency basically became the war on terror. one of the thirst things he did was pass the day tree at act, it passed within a couple of days. all of us recall how for years the proceed sreugs of the patriot act especially the wiretapping conditions became a pitched battle between the democrats. the left and the bush cheney domestic spying programs and all that. what questions are being asked all this week about the boston bombing? what did we know about the tsarnaev brothers and when did we know it and how many balls were dropped? the tools to track the tsarnaev brothers were created by the patriot act, something that i must say the obama administration has defended in court. but is it being used by these security beauracracies right now in way that it was intended? jenna: we don't know the answer to that. we are still looking into the investigations and reporting to see where the cross over or maybe the miss links are, it's interesting in your piece you have an interesting juxtaposition between the outrage of the patriot act and the spying on american citizens that was alleged, and the hypersecurity environment of that boston neighborhood, where swats teams were going into houses, people were being searched and the rights of the citizens some may argue could be more violated in that way than the patriot act. >> i think the patriot act controversy was basically partisanship run ae runamuck. if the american people were asked whether they would approve wireless wiretaps to stop the boston bombi before it occurred they'd probably say certainly. the swaat team going into people's houses, throwing them out. it was the right thing to do. that was the whole point of the patriot act, we can't predict when these things will happen, we have to be able to respond quickly. now the question is, whether the fbi, the cia and homeland security are responding as quickly as they should to the tools that they've already been created for them. jenna: you talk about the leadership of both presidents in your piece. let's extend the conversation into the future. what is this telling us about what we need to demand from future american leadership? >> well, i think what -- what we need to demand is pretty much what george bush said at the dedication of the bush library. he saw a threat, and he just decided to commit his presidency to thwarting that threat, and i have to say, jenna, that it's a little unclear what has happened with the pwaour roc bureaucracies, there is confusion in the fbi and the cia about who is responsible for that. i think president obama has to step forward and reassert and say explicit lee to them, your job is to need what you need to do to track these people, rather than worrying about the legal implications of whether you're going to get this trouble if you do something like that. jenna: it seems like the pendulum swings doesn't it. you have one side going further in one direction, the other side coming back around. do you think that gives ufrs the opportunity where you've had a republican administration, now a democratic administration deal with a terror attack on american soil that somehow gets us into the right place, not only in policy but for how that fits with our constitution as a nation? >> exactly. after 9/11 we had the consensus that it had changed everything. i think there is an opportunity now after the boston bombing to reform the consensus that we have a threat out there that is not going away, and that weiree going to not be able to bog down in partisanship fights over the nice a tees of this. we have to stop these people when they appear. jenna: let's see if that opportunity does get taken for what it is. >> let's hope so. jenna: great to have you on set as always. thank you. jon. jon: there are some new developments in morning as the obama administration weighs its options on how to deal with the civil war raging in syria. this comes after defense secretary chuck hagel confirmed yesterday that the u.s. believes the bashar al-assad regime has used chemical weapons on its own people. something syria's top leaders are now, as you might expect, denying. senior washington foreign affairs correspondent wendell goler live at the white house with more. the syrians crossed the so-called red line laid out by president obama, didn't they? >> well, frankly, jon, folks here aren't sure. they say privately there are different assessments from different u.s. intelligence agencies, and in light of the war in iraq in which we expected to find mobile biological weapons labs and other weapons of mass destruction and did not the folks here say intelligence assessments about syria's use of chemical weapons are not enough. they need proof. the evidence suggests someone used saran gas on a couple of occasions in march. about 20 people were killed. bashar al-assad has denied he ordered the attacks. it's conceivable that he could be telling the truth and that one of his generals did it or opposition extremists used the gas to get the u.s. involved. either of the last two scenarios would mean that some chemical weapons are not under bashar al-assad's direct control and that may mean another red line was crossed. jon: what is the republican response to all this. >> reporter: arizona senator john ma chain and south carolina's lindsey gray many ha both say the chemical weapons reports shows the obama administration should have got even more involved some time ago. they've been pushing for a no-fly zone to protect opposition forces in an enclave in syria and to send u.s. weapons to the opposition. mccain thinks the president's demand nor more evidence is an excuse not to act. >> they say we need to have more information, et cetera. it sounds like the british didn't, sounds like the israelis don't and the fact it that should it surprise anyone that bashar al-assad would be using chemical weapons? he will use anything that he can get his hands on in order to stay in power. >> reporter: the president meets with mayor philip giordano dan's king abdullah today. one of the tkapgers is that refugees will destabilize jordan. half a million syrians have fled to jordan since the fighting began. jon: wendell goler at the white house thank you. jenna: we'll are talking much more about that story throughout the show today. a new jersey mother with a heartbreaking story turns to her friend for help, except now police say it was all a hoax. how she allegedly bilked loved ones out of a lot of money. plus they look sleek, but they didn't sell. and that is a be proper. electric carmaker fisker on the verge of bankruptcy despite getting millions of your taxpayer dollars. was it a wise investment? sounds like a trick question, jon, that is the question we'll be asking next. we'll take a look at uncle sam's involvement with electric cars next. 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