0 tomorrow with our entire interview with the president of this country. terrible sonali been a greatl. part of the day with himaz here in the capital . amazing conversation, really telling, of course, to be back tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. so that's the sworn enemy of lies and possibly smugness and groupthink have the best night. the ones t who love you know, that . welcome to "hannity". tonight we start with a foxox news alert. we have a lot of new news for o you tonight. now on this programam we have long detailed, hyper partisan illegitimate nature of this sham january six committee now on ongoing in the dc seweret and swamp. butast over the past 48 hours, this charade hast been exposed for all to see. now after yesterday's franklyon ludicrous testimony, no one in their right mind should take this committee seriously. it has been apparent from days one this committee always c hadn a predetermined outcome and every single person on the committeee in we all know voted to impeach trump and hates donald trump and what we all witnessed was so blatantly dishonest, so unethical's s that the members of the committee, they should be ashamed of themselves, althoughhems we all know they he no shame nor do their cheerleaders known as the media mob. they are completely shamelesse now together they have lied totr this country about trump russia collusion. they haveeus ignored hillary clinton's dirty russian disinformation dossier, the democratic party , the media they together ignoredu abuse and the fisant courts. they ignored hunter biden's laptop just weeks before the twenty twenty election that could have and relevant and could have had an impact on that election. russian disinformationnel, they made it up. t it turned out to be true. they ignored the real quid pro quo with joe biden holding out billion taxpayer dollarsay unless they fired a prosecutor investigating his zeroen experience son making millions in ukraine. they ignored joe's lies about i never one time talk to huntere about his foreign business dealings. now we have a phonessings we cam 2018. he was denying everever talkingo him about it in all through twenty twenty the media they echo every lie ofc the democratic party . they protect the democratsts at all cost at all times. remember they told us yesterdaye this was an emergency hearing. we have shocking game changing new information brought forward by a white housesey a staffer nd cassidy hutchinson.n.. but that wasn't true . this was a not an emergency hearing at all. this was not t breaking new information. in fact, the committee actually discovered interviewedo miss hutchinson on tape on four separate occasions prior to the testimony. they have known about her claims for months, but apparently they never got around to corroborating any of them, which is pretty weirdan because hutchinson's claims we now have discovered her hearsay claims like for example, her wild story about trump physically assaulting two secret service agents while trying tooasas commandeer the presidential limo. the beast, as they call it, and drive it to the capitolni himself. now tonight we're learningghre l that the committee never even one time reached out and diddi their due diligence too the secret service to ever verify that far fetched claim. and now the two agents involved are prepared, according to every news report, pretty much to testifyfyfy under oath that e story told yesterday is not true and never happened. but none of that matters tos committee memberth jamie raskin. take a look. have you corroborated from other witnesses that president trump grabbed the steering wheel in that limousine and got intona an altercation with his >>ad agentwi? bill cassidy is an entirely credible witness.wified she testified under oath u in front ofnder oat the entire . everyone was able to judge her demeanor. she has no motivation orti interestva in lying in any way. and so what we have on the other hand , is some anonymously sourced rumors of feelings of particular agents. look, anybody who wants toan testifyts can come forward and testify under oath about what happened. all abo we're interested in is the truth in other words, no,ni they didn't corroborate the story at all nor t that thea really seem to care. by theve way, hutchinson does in fact have a motivation top smear donald trump because we can break news tonight according b n to two separate sources that i have now spoken to this should havest been disclosed yesterday. hutchinson was desperate to workernson for then soon to be n president trump and we have confirmed that in fact she did work for donald trump after the election in his post presidency. washington, dc office fors several months to be exact from january twenty first to april 9th. 2020 one . now keep in mind that as well after january six twenty twenty one . but now suddenly she is so deeply impacted by january six she had to speak out. okay. now about her story abouta trump assaulting the secret service. it's not the only part of her testimony that is under scrutiny therecr are also serios questions about a letter presentedd as evidence during m yesterday's testimony. you may remember take a lookmb. it's hutchinson. could you look at the exhibit e that we're showingxhow on the screen now? have you seen this note. before? that's a note that i wrote at the direction off the chief of staff on january six , likely around three o'clock and it's written on a chief of staff note card. but that's ica your handwriting miss hutchinson. >> that's my handwriting. all right. we have a little problem. according to former trump attorney eric hirschmann, did not write that letter. he claims he did. he claims that'st his handwriting, not her handwriting. now one of themhe is tellingng the truth and one of themtr not. now if she's lying about the letter, we need toee know and by the way, we can easily ascertain the truth in this. but again, the committeeha doesn't care. they put out a statementli that claim quote the committee has done its diligence on this and found miss hutchinson's account of this matter is credible. >> what diligence did you do exactly? now if this is such ante important committee presenting such important evidence tow the american people, i don't know whose handwriting it is. i'll be honest be, the committee that never asked the secret service aboutce this story, why not get follow the science? we'll use the democrats favorite line, followw the science, bring in handwriting expertsfo and let them verify the handwriting on the letter is it is or is it hers? keep in mind during a little gitomer proceeding well covering up exculpatory evidence that would be considered deeply unethical and would usually end the caseun right then and there or if it's found out later that would overturn a guilty verdict. for example, o if this was a legitimate proceeding with all sides being heardes. well, we hear fromer that handwriting expert. we'd also heartld these critical facts. take a look calling up the guard and then it became the chain of command went tohi nancy pelosi and to the mayorng of d.c. muriel bowser. did you as required by law authorize that 100% and attested to by many people and they turned it down, nancy pelosi turned it down. they are both written refusal to communicate between the leader of the capitol police and their chainn of command to the dod, refusing our request to allow national guardsmen and women to stage on january four and five before january six . did you both ask for the national guard to be called ? >> without a doubt, john , we've made that veryar clear not just once but on numerous occasions. we wanted to make sure there was plenty of national guard on the ready in case there wase some kind of violence. i had a meeting with president trump on the 3rd ofua january concerning some international threats and at the very end he asked ifs there were any requests for national guard support. the pri what was the president's response to you with regard tode the request t made by mayor bouser? fill it and do whatever was necessarybo to protect the demonstrators. us so as he's just heard, four of the five people we now have on tape present duringur that meeting in the oval office on january the 4th, then president trump authorized up to twenty thousand national guard troops to be available. they wouldey never called up by pelosi or dc mayor bowser as the law requires because they get jurisdiction. president trump did his part.ob then. the jurisdiction goes to them. they didn't do did their part if this was a legitimate committee and wanted to prevente c this fm ever happening again, t they would demand the emails. the call logs, all text messages from speaker pelosi, bowser, who sent a letter ,by the way, preemptivelyy declining national guard support. we'd also get phone records from the house sergeant at arms and texts and emails and the sergeant of arms in the senate. i believe he passed away god rest his soul. e chuckge schumer, by the way, we get all of his information. the capitol police chief who requested the national guard six separate times but was turned down by the capitol security officials. why hasn't o been called in before national tv. you know, we'd also likeik to hear from the secret service agents that we referenced yesterdayreference during testimony. we'dea like tofrom hear fromos the handwriting experte whose handwriting was at hirschmann, zahara's and other key witnesses. of course that's never going to happen because this is not a legitimate committee. this is critical because it destroys the entire predetermined narrative that donald trump wanted happy abouts the violence, encouraged the violencele and the committei with all the selective self-serving editingse still refuses to show in the hearings what donald trump also said during that rallyolly. this i kw that everyone here will soon over theui capitol building to peacefully and patriotald, please make your voices heard that would.l be called more exculpatory evidence that the committee refuses to odes show you the american people and others. twenty calling ahead of time .oo twenty thousand troops. sounds like he cared more thane bouser and pelosi about safety at the capitol and they don'ter care about the truth either. these are just a bunch of sad, o patheticf politicians that are obsessed with all things donalde trump . they yearn to be relevanty and look at this committee, looktt look who's on this committee. jeremy raskin. j he himself once contested the results of the twenty sixteen election. he attempted to block donaldif trump's certification along with other democrats. oh , wow. one might conclude he's insurrectionist himself in 2004. the chairman of the january himf six committee, that guy bennie thompson attempted to do b the same thing with president bush. wow. what about him? ofnow all of a sudden they care about accepting all elections results. no questions asked. i wonder how many people on the committee are supporting stacey abrams and then there there's the least honest persont in the entire washington swamp which is saying something that guy, the congenital liar adam schiffen, one of the biggeg russian collusion truthers in the entirege world. he told everyone he possessed top secret evidence proving donald trump's collusion with russia that never materialized except of him on tape with a russian prankster saying they had compromising materials on donaldtromi trump and he wasf scheming to get them. and all of this , by the way, so-called evidence has been debunked. why? because adam schiff bun is nothg but a congenital liar. and that brings us now toth congresswoman liz cheney. t oh ,ha look at that right there pictured with a warm embrace yesterday. star witness w here hugging a prior witness several daysg ago. now quick question. we're just supposed to sit back and accept all of the anti trump rhetoric by all the trump and pictures. there's nots, one person that h? a different point of view j on this committee was supposed to just take everythingus is pue gospel truth. a committee, by the way, that who is apparently very close with the witnesses committee with members who never accepted the results of the twenty sixteen election and other electionss , a committee without any dissent, without any pro trumpse republican committee purposely leaving out critical testimonyor of donald trump's effortsts to protect the capital with nationalal guard troops before crowds ever showed up in dc, especially with smart in light of the five hundred and seventy four riots where let's see dozens of americans died and thousands of cops wereur injured and billions in property damage that seemed like a wise and prudent thing to do jim . jim jordan, jim banks will join us in a minute. t k they were not allowed on the committee. they were kicked off c the committee. why? because the committee doesn't care about the whole truththhe r nothing but the truth. it doesn'toe care about ethics.n it doesn't care about real justice. it doesn't care aboutta makingco the capital more secure. the committee only cares about smearing trump and trying to make it impossible for him to ever run again. it was reaction ohio congressman jim jordan and indiana congressman jim banks are with usa . s look, let a me start with the basics and the fundamentals. jim jordan, okay, i would bringh in the secret service agents. i want toeen hear from them. i'd bring in a handwriting. i'd bring in handwriting experts and they can determine was it hirschmann or was it the, the woman from yesterday, catherine , that wrote on that piece of paper? o i would bring in nancy pelosi. i'd bring in the sergeant at arms. i'd bring in chuck schumer. ey i bring it to the capitol police chief. why aren't they brought in ? why didn't these people call in the guard? i bring in all the people i that can testify that donald trump authorized the guard. why are we here in any of thesec things in this committee? because this is not an unbiased finder of fact. these are nine people, as you said, nine people have voted to impeach president trump , nine people who are out to get president trump and don't want him to run and understand all we've got from this committee is lie after lie after lie. they lied about bernie kerik travel. they lied about representative glowworm tour. they lied about generalizes docking h. they lied about eric kurtzman's knows. they lied about the secret service. boey lthey lied about me twice.h the texte message that i forward to the chief of staff and a video clip. all we have got from them is lie after lie after. so we are not going to get then truth, particularly when there's no chance to cross-examine nin and no chanceo see the documents. i mean, thinkut about all the lies we've caught them av and that's without having anys access to the transcripts of t the depositions. so so m many things they're telling us have to be false based on the simple fact we've caught them in seven lies without seeing any ofth the evidence. i said, catherine , i'm an cassidy hutchinson, jim banks. t what are the things you would want answered on this committeet if you andee jim jordan were on there? because i would think you'd donalduanswer if trump authorized the twenty thousand guard troops. i would arguerd we wouldn't ever be talking about january six . wouldn't you want to know the answer to the question? why didn'tn, they take advantage of what president trump is? okay, we lost jim jordan, jim banks, congressman jordan, wouldn't you want to know the answer to the question if donald trump gave you twenty thousand troops and authorized them, remember biden's dodal inspector general exonerated the trump department of defenses saying they handlede january 6 perfectly? >> yeah, no. and that's why we're notw on the committee because nancy pelosi knew we would raise those kind ofr questionsnd and understand this too. nancy pelosi was never goingnano let people on the committee who were actually going to askio the questions that the american people would like answers she was never going t to allow that she always wanted this sham committee, this partisan committee. she would have continued to veto whoever a leader put up for this committee because she wanted this outcome where they couldthis run their partisn show trial and simply go afteral president trump . the country is not falling for t thank goodness because the country has common senseve and understands when you have a biased partisan committee processs. allou right. we've got jim banks back . jim , if you weree on the committee, one of the main questions you'd want to ask remember on nancy pelosi is the only person in the united states capitol who's coveredd anything up aboutsh january six . she refused to cooperate with the senate homeland security committee who asked her for documents aboutng the national guard being called off for, quote, bad optics and she refused to give those documents over to that bipartisan investigator in the senate. that's whyid she didn't want jim jordan and i on the committeese w as we were demanding answers aboutfa her failures, her lackil ofc leadership, the systemic breakdown of security at the capitoll on january six . she won't allow this investigation to go anywhere near that topic because it deviates from this highly partisan narrative going after donald trump and their attempt to prevent donald trump putting his name on the ballot because they know if he does, he'll win in twenty twenty four and be the president again. jim jordan, last question. ds what happened in regards to t the unprecedented subpoena of other congressmen and women and where does that stand now? well, we've sent letterson back to the committee. we're waiting for some kind of responsibility. but as you point out, it's ap. teedented never happened in our history. but so much of this committee has never happened in the history of h our countryco agail that'sl why the american people see it for what it is. i would also point out some think about how the democrats in this committee and democrats in large have weaponizes government against the leader of the republicanlead party agat president trump . they weaponizes the fbi when they spied on his campaign. w they weaponizes the impeachment process a few years ago d when they went after president trump and now they'veee weaponizes the committee process never happened in historynd n simply to go aftw president trump . that's how much they're out tooi get this guy, but it's not going to work. all right. thank you both. jim jordan, jim banks y, jim banks. sorryfo we lost her for a while. joining us now, fox news legalts analyst greg jarrett, former florida attorney general pam bondi. pam, let's get your take on the legal aspects of this . theree are certain rulest that must apply in a courtroom hearsay evidence is not admissible. for example, withholding exculpatory evidence that is not acceptable either in a courtroom. both seem to be acceptablesu here . your thoughts on both those issues? well, first, sean, that's whyst people don't trust congress because of show trials just like c just what we experienced in impeachment one and two. this is continuing on . you know, the, the committee the select unselected committee. they didn't want to hear these w witnesses becauseit they don't. want the truth and you know,om they put on this young woman in her 20s who had been unemployed for over a year. shee reached out to me because she was very excited. she v was moving to palm beach to work for the president. she loved president trump well l after the election. she loved him. sheov fortunate that she workedt for president trump in the d.c. post president office post and he reached outch to me because she reached out to me because she was looking for a place to live in florida. she was. very excited because a young 20 something year old did not haveld financial resources, had not been employed and was excited about moving to palm beach. te thenmp her contemporaries told the president that she coulda not be trusted. she was a leaker w when she was in the white house and she didn't get to go to palm beach. she reached out to me again and she was very upset.bo i didn't understand why people would say that about her . the woman i saw yesterdayth on the stand wase not the same woman. now i understand she was well rehearsed and in a court of law she would have been cross-examined were you promised something for your testimony, a job, money. did you receive immunity forty getting on the witness f stand o much more ? how do you recall every detail ,every detail of your honor? we we should know that if there was any other financial transactions, we should knowha that too. i heard the exact same things you had heard greg gerra fromm a legal standpoint, your take on all this if a story sounds fantastic or outrageous to be true, it's usually notca true . that's especially the case whene information such as hutchinson's it's been laundered through several l wills. l at bare minimum, this is triplet hearsay. it's probably quadrupley hearsay. a guy told a guy who told me and now i'm telling you the committee hearsay isrs inadmissible. double hearsay is a joke, triple hearsay is a farce. anything beyond that you need to get your head examined. ob butod there's nobody on this committee because of this highly partisan to ask anys challengean penetrating questios on cross-examination, for example,e, isn't it true , miss hutchinson, you weren't inside that suv with the president. you didn't see what happened. you didn't hear what happened. so you really have no idea what occurred. as for her other allegations, statements she allegedly heard any and so wait, isn't it true you just said that you were in the general vicinity and you overheard the statements to the effect of isn't it true you don't know,ou precise what we said that we do in cross-examination? how did they ignore the donald trump ? according to four out of p the five people in the room, the fifth person was general milley. i've not been able toal interviw him, but someone close to him did assure me that in fact, conversations about the safety of the capitol did come up between him and president trump . the fact that the president authorized guard troops in the days leading up to the 6th, why didn't they tell that would be exculpatory, wouldn't it? wouldn't have destroyed narrative this committee is trying to push on the american people. pamm. yes, it would shine and as greg said, none of that would have been admissible. and if and if this is a show trial for the american public, one thing. that's what they've done since donald trump has been in office. but if this is a cue to merrick garland to prosecute donald trump , none of this would be admissible. merrick garland knows that the justice te department knows thi. it's all hearsay. and now that these secret service agents are coming forward to saying didn't happen, dididid not happen, we d to testify. we should have been heard earlier. wewe work now that they have that her credibility is shot i. no. so that she could say could be true. anymore no one would trust it anymore. twenty seconds, greg. the exculpatory evidence about the troops being authorized by the presidentntei? yeah, absolutely irresponsible committee would have investigated that . one of the thing about liz cheney, she could have just picked up the phone and talked to the people who actually paw w and heard what happened and would have been told according tohaee fox reporting,i that it's all untrue. maybent she already knew it was untrue, which means she was hiding exculpatory evidence from congress and the americann public. i hope they sent out preservation letters for every committeethat and every staffer on that committee because there will be a new congress in november next january. thank you for coming up. bidenn once again as nasty words and exchanges with reporters. we got the tape. plus stephen colbert asking aoc if sheer wants to run for president. we've got the answer and maybe the best alec baldwin tape you've ever heard. i have itrd. in my sole possessn straight ahead. it's cancer. where's 75% stronger ozone hole thanks to the gradual release technology. so why siva now antifungals are not only optimal two and one starts improving the appearance of fungus damage toenails in just two days plus a powerful antifungal that killed the fungus around announced on female two and one get fungus damage toenails a makeover. i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and i'm here with my wonderful wife of almost 50 years, janet and our puppies over the years we've learned to make a marriage work and love, respect and most importantly a good night's sleep. my had real difficult getting to sleep and staying sleep until you started taking relaxium sleep for years now we both fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed every morning. it's made life a whole lot better. and since relaxium sleeps formulators so safe and effective, there's no issue how often we take it clinically proven. relaxium sleeps triple action formula was developed by renowned neurologist and sleep expert dr eric ciliberti to regulate your natural sleep cycle, relax your body and calm the mind for better sleep through the whole night. we love the sleep that we're getting with relaxium sleep and we continue to recommend to family and friends you tell us how it's changed their life relaxium so confident that it'll work for you . they're going to give you a bottle of relaxium sleep absolutely risk free for 30 days after being relaxium customer for at least three years now because i'm getting a better night's sleep, it's making everything else about my life more enjoyable when i take relaxium sleep is better than i have in this and wake up feeling alert like i've had the best night was relaxium sleep. i'm so happy i used to product forever for life. change your sleep tonight so you can change your life tomorrow with relaxium sleep call now relaxium is giving away a thousand bottles of clinically proven relaxium sleep today. fall asleep, stay asleep wake refreshed call today for your 30 day risk free trial and one hundred percent money back guarantee relaxium sleep doesn't need a prescription is 100% drug free is not habit forming call eight hundred eighty six forty eight fifty one eight hundred eighty six forty eight fifty one trustafarian wistrom go with the former president go with the former president with waiting on me