Scientists russia and ukraine manufacturing the coronavirus on purpose so they can hurt innocent children and kill grandma and grandpa before they throw them over a cliff before they feed them dog food. Look, it is time, all seriousness, for simple fundamental truths to protect our fellow americans. That means democrats. That means republicans, liberals, conservatives and libertarians and everybody in between. Viruses do not have a political identity. So, tonight we will separate cold hard truth from what is the mobs latest manufactured irresponsible over the top rhetoric. Our medical a team and dr. Oz tonight will explain. Plus, coming up, we will show you how democrats and the media now want you to ignore real concerns about quid pro quo joe and his apparent and his increasing inability to complete thoughts and deliver cogent speech. It is now Serious Campaign issue. By the way serious democrats when Ronald Reagan was running for reelection. We have the evidence. We start with the media mobs ongoing effort to now use a virus, an Infectious Disease as a political weapon alltoto bludgeon President Trump yet again. I have said many times if he cured cancer they would likely want to impeach him for curing cancer. Now the coronavirus is a serious disease. Now, should you and your family be concerned . Of course. You should be concerned about the flu. You should be concerned about a cold. You should be concerned about any health risk. Should you be informed . Absolutely. Do we all need to take necessary precautionary steps . Yes. All of us. But the coverage we are seeing from the media and the mob is beyond despicable and political. For example, sunday, you got chucky todd boasting the coronavirus could actually help President Trump like the iran hostage situation hurt jimmy carter. The Washington Post editorial calling it President Trumps chernobyl and over there at state run conspiracy tvmsdnc poor liberal morning joe saying trumps stupidity will cause americans to die. And meanwhile joyless reid telling her viewers that the children of Trump Supporters were likely to spread the coronavirus to other kids. Just made that up, i guess. Thats what they do. The lies, the conspiracy theories, the psychotic antitrump rage, well, its been nonstop. Sadly, this is all we have gotten for threeplus years. Take a look. What is government really for . Government is there to protect from you terrorism, just exactly this thing. This is exactly the function of government and our government is screwing up. This may be Donald Trumps katrina. This is an event that could take down a president. The iran hostage crisis was the final year of carters presidency. Not his fault but its a test in realtime. The president is doing nothing but playing in his political sandbox while this virus continues to spread silently across america. Sean these people sound like they really care about the country. Protecting human life or just looking for every and any way possible to bash President Trump . Last weeks New York Times editorial spelled it out pretty clearly they named the coronavirus the trump virus and they wrote if you are feeling awful, you know who to blame. Getting close to that Lab Conspiracy theory i was kind of joking about. Thats how sick it is. Now this kind of coverage has serious ramifications why people panic. Chaos ensues. Recently a group of shoppers caught on tape. What were they doing . They will brawling. What were they brawling over . The last pack of toilet paper. We have also witnessed a recent market fell off todays drop had more likely to do with an oil supply battle between the russians and saudis than anything kronrelated but markets are skiddish. Lets cut through all the hysteria and all the b. S. Lets give you some simple truth and facts. Here is the Surgeon General of the United States of america. You dont believe dr. Hannity . Lets listen to him. Im not a doctor. People over the age of 60, they are much more likely to develop complications from the coronavirus and to be hospitalized from the coronavirus. The average age of death is age 80. Now, what we also want communities to know is that if you are a child or young adult, you are much more you are more likely to die from the flu if you get it than you are to die from coronavirus. So there is something about being young that is protective. We want people to be reassured by that. We want people to know that we are really focusing in on those groups that are at highest risk for complications. Sean just to recap, according to the Surgeon General of the United States, people over 60, they are most at risk for coronarelated complications or hospitalization. Now, the average age of mortality is 80. Young people, unlike h1n1 that tended to impact younger kids more than older people. Now, in this case, older people are much more likely to die from this or from regular flu actually than from coronavirus, believe it or not. Remember, despite early reports the likely mortality rate could be as low as 1 . Dr. Fauci was out there in the new england journal in the first few hundred cases in china he wrote, quote there were no cases in children younger than the age of 15. Either children are less likely to become infected or their symptoms were so mild that their infection escaped detexas. As a older person i would rather it be on me. Lets be honest. Kids have their whole lives in front of them. Its important to remember this administration took unprecedented steps on the coronavirus. Seriously and a lot of criticism to boot. No president ever, except donald trump, ever acted faster, ever acted sooner, or have done more to stop the spread of an Infectious Disease. Keep in mind the virus was not officially detected and named until january 7th. Ho recognized it on december 30th of last year. Thats pretty quick. And then on january 31st, the president declared a Public Health emergency and he is the one that ordered the travel ban and quarantine which we hadnt done in decades and by the way he did it against the advice of many, by the way, that were offering him advise out of an abundance of caution. Thats the travel ban to china. Thats when that began. Three weeks later, quid pro quo joe biden and others called the president for doing in this ban was xenophobia, fake news cnn suggesting the president is stigmatizing people from other countries. And for the better part of february, now, what were the democrats doing . Oh, thats right. They hardly addressed the virus at all. They were too busy and too focused on impeaching the president over nothing. Now, they seem more interested in scoring what is nothing but cheap political points than actually working with the administration to protect our american family. We ought to protect every American Life here. Today the president asked for lawmakers to help with the payroll tax cut to ease coronarelated economic concerns. Thats going to help and be impactful to Small Business, hourly wage earners around the country. Hopefully democrats will come to the table and do whats right for america america. Will they alleviate the economic fallout of corona or do nothing to continue to use it as a political weapon, politicizing a disease . Again, coronavirus is a serious matter. Its not the end of days. Sadly, pandemics, like this, happen more often than any of us would like. H1n1 worldwide killed over about half a Million People according to estimates. The u. S. Has the best doctors. By the way, h1n1 we lost nearly 14,000 americans. We have the best doctors. The best researchers, the best scientists anywhere in the world and the Trump Administration will continue to aggressively stop the spread of this Infectious Disease. We also forget people that get flu every year. Some years tens of thousands of people die from the flu every year people die from the flu. Now, should would he be smart . Wise . Learn things how to be neat, clean yeah. Of course. Lets protect our families. Lets do it in a thoughtful way. Here with more what you need to know about coronavirus is the host of dr. Ozs show the real dr. Oz, the real oz, the wizard of oz and he is not behind the curtain, im kidding. How are you, sir . Great to see you again. Im doing well. Thanks for having me on. Sean look, you know and i know that we lose people to the flu every year. Some people we lose a lot of people. H1n1 impacted young kids. That was scary. We didnt declare a National Emergency there for six weeks. The president acted in record time. Travel ban in three weeks. And then, of course, he had the quarantines. Now, with that said, tell me if i am wrong on any fact here. Is it true that this virus if you dont have Underlying Health issues and you dont have a compromised immune system, and you are not above 60, the odds of you dying are dramatically like tphepbl negligible. Is that a true statement. We have not been able to stud can in this country. What we do know in china it was a problem. I just got the korean cdc that the mortality numbers in young otherwise Healthy People is very similar to what the traditional every year seasonal flu virus is so we have lost already 20, 30,000 people. Hard to tell sometimes because people die from related causes from the flu. So if you are equating to that and young age groups, certainly its comparable and if you havent gotten the flu shot then you shouldnt be that worried about this either. You pointed out something earlier i want to highlight. You are a student of human motivation, what is it that is scaring people . I think deep in our psyche there is this fear about viruses and things we dont see because human cease cease has been attacked by viruses and bacteria for all of known history. So people inclined to worry about it and then if you feed that certain potential hysteria like data we had from the chinese cdc with 3. 5 mortality rate the World Health Organization is reporting concerning the mortality figure of course you will get worried to your point over the age 606 and Surgeon General coming on the show for broad irdiscussion. Once you get over the age of 60 numbers increase. Still well off if you dont have chronic illness like cardiovascular disease or diabetes or cancer or pulmonary problems and of course if you are smoking a good excuse to stop. Bret compromised immune systems, thats a big factor. I might be reading different numbers than you are in south korea. I would rather not split hairs here. I want to make sure americans are safe. The vast overwhelming majority of people even if they were to contract this virus will end up being fine. We have got to be really concerned about the elderly. We have got to really be concerned apparently people with hoosiehigh Blood Pressure that e elderly and people with immune systems. Take all the precautions use the purell. I made this one sheet which yours vieweryour viewers have. Make it simple. We are a can do people. Americans mobilize we have done it for wars and crises. We are good at that clear direction what we can do for ourselves. We are not sitting around trying to figure out what is next. The one sheet works through the things you pointed out. I put some ideas around potential foods you might want to eat. Some ideas around hygiene. Basic sort of cutting through a lot of the ideas. The best concepts that i have been told by experts who are come on the show to share them with me to make it upper easy for folks to take charge of their health. I agree with you we have the best docs around. Immobilizing health. The head of cms the government is moving progressively to provide more testing kits. More vent ventilators and icu beds. If you get the virus most people will either get the vaccine or the virus. Its not going to kill you but you will be touched by it. Be smart about trying to reduce our chance of contaminating others. If we do it together, we will be fine. Sean viruses, the last time i checked neither republican or conservative. Im just checking, right . You are sure about that doctor . You went to medical school. You have been doing this for a lot of years. You are sure. 100 percent positive apolitical. Its a human problem. Sean we want our american families. I want to cure cancer, dr. Oz, i hope one day we find a cure for cancer. We have gotten so far so fast. Look at hodgkins disease 30 years ago. I lost a cousin. He would likely live today. Thank you, dr. Oz. We appreciate it. 239 days until you, have a chance, once again, to shock the world. You are the ultimate jury. It is important that we vet the Democratic Partys frontrunner. We will know a lot more tomorrow night. Our coverage begins usual time 9 00 eastern, six big primaries right here on this show. Big race tomorrow to watch in michigan where it looks like quid pro quo has racked up a lead there racking up endorsements as well picking up steam in the polls. But there are serious glaring questions that, yeah, democrats in the media look at when Ronald Reagan was running for president that need to be addressed here. First and foremost there is quid pro quo joe have the stam marks the strength and the focus and alertness to be president . It is now a legitimate concern . The president of the United States must be able to endure the single hardest most grueling job on earth 24 hours a day, four years. President s, yeah, they play golf. They go fishing. They do what they do. But they rarely get a day off. Over the weekend biden could not even, well, make it through a sevenminute speech. Thats how short now his staff has cut down his rallies, seven minutes. Anyway, several moments. Utter confusion. Take a look. Turn this primary from a campaign negative attacks about one that we are for because we cannot get reelected cannot win this reelection excuse me, we can only reelected donald trump. If in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. At one point biden even struggled with his own name. Some days he forgets the day. Some days he forgets the state he is. In sometimes he forgets his own name. So, folks, you want to nominate a democrat, a lifelong democrat, a proud democrat, an obdenbama democrat. Join us. Sean it speaks volumes only doing sevenminute appearances. It would be easy to write this off as campaign gaffe. Its not isolated incident. Its a long pattern and it seems to be accelerating and getting worse and the confusion seems to be increasing. Just today he mistakenly said democrats, they need to win back the house. You probably already know at home, they have the house for 250, alex. Take a look. I hope you will all join us. Together i think we can win back the house. Were going to keep the house, increase it, and flint senate. We talked about that. Sean well, they have the house, speaker pelosi. Now, i dont know biden. Im not going to pretend to be a doctor on air. What we are witnessing is concerning and sad. Look at your screen, if biden ever had a fast ball i would say its gone. Clearly struggling with what is an intense campaign. These campaigns are hard. I have been out on the road myself. Its a grind. These are just a few of the examples from the past few weeks still Top Democrats they are trying to act like it doesnt exist. Sliding up behind quid pro quo to take on President Trump. Wasnt so long ago many of these same democrats were actually questioning bidens fitness for office, including new jersey senator cory booker. Over the weekend he endorsed quid pro quo joe. Remember after the debate in september this is what booker had to say about bidens ability to serve. Interesting turn around. Take a look. There are definitely moments when you listen to joe biden and you just wonder but i dont know look,. Senator, are you saying he is too old to be president. No, im tenth of definitely not saying that i listened to joe biden over the years and often felt like there were times that he is going on or meandering in his speech. Sean cory booker was not alone. The media chimed in as well. Trying to forget they did. Take a look. He is not that good at this. He is clearly not that strong a candidate thinking on his feet. Warned his age make sure he didnt embarrass himself. Is he too old to be president . Has he lost his step . Is he too shaky . That is an actual conversation thats happening. Talk to any democrat there are questions does joe biden have what it takes . Whether thats an age question . Whether thats a discipline question . Whether thats a focus question . There are questions about joe biden. Sean campaign also attacks bidens stamina he wants the next scheduled debate to be seated instead of standing. Because biden is the Democratic Party frontrunner they are trying to sweep all of this under the rug. Some are claiming that you are not allowed to even question bidens fitness for office the way they did reagan which brings to us a quick hannity History Lesson tonight. Biden is not the only president ial candidate to face questions about his mental aqueue at this. 1984, well, many in the mob and the media then openly questioning Ronald Reagans Mental Fitness for office. Judy woodruff reporting that reagan, quote, seemed less alert and less in control of the subject matter. Houston chronicle write that a press conference was a critical look at Ronald Reagans mental aqueue aacuity. Reagan ultimately received another term as destroying mondale in debate number two when he promised not to use my opponents youth and inexperience against him in this campaign. As can you see, critical questions about a president ial candidates ability to serve are not out of bounds. Now, sort of like know these truths to be selfevident all men and women are created by the thing, you know, the thing. The thing. Joining us with more Fox News Contributor former White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders and Fox News Contributor katie pavlich. Katie, the thing would be god, our creator of everything. Thats the thing he forgot about the thing. You know, sean, this reminds me of when Hillary Clinton had that medical situation when she clasped ocollapsed on 9 11 in nk city. We were supposed to ignore it as if it wasnt a big concern for the biggest job in the world. Joe biden has clearly made some misstatements on the campaign trail just two weeks ago on Fox News Sunday he had a lengthy interview with Chris Wallace and at the end of the interview called him chuck and then said that he doesnt understand how people do early mornings. So, there are serious questions about his ability to keep up on the campaign trail. I think President Trump is probably pretty happy about this looking like its going to be his eventual opponent because President Trump has been campaigning for over a year now. He loves doing it. He has a lot of energy. And he is efficient when it comes to getting to running the white house at the same time as being able to go out and campaign for reelection. Sean you know, sarah, one thing i will say, i may surprise people. Bernie doesnt seem like he has had a heart attack. With all the modern Medicine Technology stenting, bypass in between. The guy has a lot of balchevic energy on there doesnt seem to be struggling on the campaign trail and a year older than quid pro quo. Certainly has the energy but not the ideas. One of the things i feel like is lost, anybody that has been watching joe biden on the campaign trail or the debate stage knows he is a terrible candidate. But, lets not forget that anybody who is also paying attention knows that his extremely liberal policy ideas would make an even worse president. He is a bad candidate. He would be even worse as president of this country. He is supporting taxpayer funded abortion. Free healthcare for illegals. The green new deal, which would be disastrous for the American Economy and american jobs. He is not a moderate that they are claiming to be. His policy positions are liberal and he would be a terrible president for so many reasons just like Bernie Sanders would be terrible and i think the president , whether its bernie or biden, hes in good shape going up against either one of these two guys. Sean look at the position okay on healthcare, katie for illegal immigrants, open borders. Their radical position on the second amendment. Their radical position on guns and oh, green new deal, less oil and gas. The lifeblood of our economy. First time in 75 years where Energy Independent will go back on that. , what we are going back to driving mullahs in iran. Go back to 13 million more americans on food stamps. 8 million more in poverty and the lowest Labor Participation rate since the 1970s . We are going to go back to that . He has a record. Burst marks katie, is not going away either. No, it certainly is not going away. That can of worms hasnt even been completely open yet. Joe biden has admitted he wants to raise taxes and repeat tax cuts which for a vast majority of americans especially for the middle class in this country. He has put beto orourke in charge of gun control policy which that means gun confiscation which is completely unconstitutional. And if everybody believes in the Democratic Party that somehow joe biden is going to swing the party back to the middle from the left, they are completely against what the reality of the situation is in that party. Joe biden is going to get eaten alive by the left wing of the party. The aocs, the ilhan omars, nancy pelosi couldnt even handle keeping them together in the house which led them down this road of impeachment of President Trump. Not to mention joe biden who cant even stand up to these ideas and put forward his own platform when it comes to being out on the campaign trail in a real moderate way. His policies are very far left. And, yet, we are stuck with this talking point that he is somehow the normal one who everybody should be voting for. Sean and look at Sarah Sanders, you have been around President Trump. I have been around President Trump he has got the energy of like 10, 30yearolds. Im under 40 im proud to say. And donald trump had more energy than me every single day that i worked for him that to the point its almost embarrassing how many circles he rose garden around the rest of us. Sean i go home on this trip i was talking to him. Leaving vietnam and just had this interview everybody is going to be sleeping. Im only one going to stay up. They are all laying out on air force one. True story. Thank you both. When we come back, it doesnt appear congress has enough votes to renew fisa. I say good. Unless you can stop the weapons weaponization of tools of intelligence and use it against the American People, it has to stop. You cant allow this to happen. Come up with a better plan. Also, the 21 words that our friend joh john solomon talks at changed the world with fisa court. Christopher steele refuses to cooperate with the durham probe. I say extradite him. He can leave assange. I will take steele. I have huge money saving news for veterans. Mortgage rates just dropped to near 50year lows. One call to newday usa can save you 2,000 every year. And once you refinance, the savings are automatic. Thanks to your va streamline refi benefit, at newday theres no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Activate your va streamline benefit now. 100 online car buying. Carvanas had a lot of firsts. Only from carvana. The new way to buy a car. Hey, our workers comp insurance is expiring. Should i just renew it . Yeah, sure. Hey there, Small Business owner. Pie insurance here with some sweet advice to stop you from overpaying on workers comp. Try pie instead and save up to 30 . Thirty percent . Really . Sure get a quote in 3 minutes at easyaspie. Com. That is easy. So, need another reminder . No, im good. Reminder for what . Oh. Ho ho, yeah need workers comp insurance . Get a quote in 3 minutes at easyaspie. Com. Sean key provisions of fisa set to expire in days. G. O. P. Lawmakers unless major major are met to future abuse spying tools will not be renewed especially as the deep state remains defiant. Christopher steele, there is a guy i want extradited. Forget Julian Assange he is part of a media group i dont think you are going to win that case my own opinion. Its called the pentagon papers, freedom of the press it was that guys dirty dossier used as the bulk of the information in the fisa application that illegally spied on and took away the Civil Liberties and Constitutional Rights of carter page to spy on a candidate he hated, ospy on a Transition Team he hated and a president he hated. Now, he recently told an audience at oxford that he will not cooperate with the durham probe. Fine, lets extradite him. Assange can stay. The good news is we are inching closer and closer to truth and justice because the as solomon points out scathing rebuke of fbi agents involved in the page warrant by a federal judge just last week look at this 21 words uttered by fisa court that change the russia collusion case forever. Effectively barring those agents from appears in front of a court. Here with reaction republican congressman devin nunes, Fox News Contributor, sara carter. Fox news legal analyst Gregg Jarrett. All right. I want to get to the bottom of this. These 21 words are dead on accurate devin nunes. This makes all the difference in the world. Finally, finally the fisa court gets to be heard from. Do you get to bring them before your committee . Well, we dont get to bring the court before our committee, sean, but its really too little, too late. Im glad that the new justice there is actually taking some action. But, like you said in the monologue, the Congress Really has to open up all of fisa. It has to be looked at. Tonight, just got out about an hour and a half meeting with attorney general barr. He has got some great ideas. We still are suspect that the democrats who control the house are actually going to allow us to get the reforms we need because, look, at the end of the day, we need fisa to protect this country. But not if it comes at the sake of our liberties that we would have to give up. Afternoon thats really what we are dealing with right now. Sean the 21 words, Gregg Jarrett, i will read them to you there is thus little doubt the government breached its duty of candor to the court with respect to those applications. Let me interpret it and put it in hannity speak because we know they were warned numerous times premeditated on the fisa court to take away one americans Constitutional Rights and spy on a president. Sounds like the fisa court either watches this show or they read the Inspector General report that vindicated all four of us. It took 21 words from a judge to essentially say hey, they lied to us. Americans have lost faith in the fisa court because they have lost faith in the fbi and the department of justice to tell the truth, to present honest evidence. Instead, in this particular case, they presented 51 lies, deceptions, omissions, the concealing of evidence and, as you point out fraud. And the reforms i have seen so far suggested by the independent monitor and endorsed by the fisa court isnt nothing but pretend reform. These are things that the department of justice and the fbi is supposed to do under the law. So, in my judgment, the only solution is to abolish fisa or adopt what senator rand paul is advocating and that is no more fisa spying on americans. In other words, put foreign back into the foreign Intelligence Surveillance act. Sean if we dont do it right, i cant support it. And we need fisa. This is an evil, dangerous world. Sara carter, main question i get everywhere i go. Are these people going to be held accountable . The court is absolutely seeing everything we reported. It took us three years to get there devin told us the truth while the congenital liar lied. Will we get justice . Well, sean, its absolutely imperative that there is justice. Otherwise, there is a twotiered Justice System in the United States and the American People can clearly see that as far as fisa reform i agree completely with Gregg Jarrett on this. The changes have to come through title 1 and thats electronic surveillance of american citizens on u. S. Soil. And we cant allow what happened to carter page to happen to anybody else because thats a violation of the Fourth Amendment of the constitution of the United States. Its completely unacceptable. Its wrong. And unless they can make severe changes, like he said, maybe what rand paul says is true. Take it back to foreign. Lets deal with that. And abolish the system the way we know it and maybe rebuild it differently. We shouldnt trust that they are going to do their job. And this is what is really frightening here because we dont know all the facts. Sean devin, let me go back to you. We know we are spending time to get Julian Assange. Okay, wikileaks, i interviewed assange about this topic. Asked him tough questions. Did you get it from russia . Did you get it from russia . Asked him 10 different ways. Ask it believe it or not, wikileaks may be wrong what they printed. We may not like how they get it. We have a First Amendment freedom of the press and something called the pentagon papers. The guy i want extradited is christopher steele. Why arent we going after him . So, remember, win well, i thk he should be extradited if durham is in fact. We are only relying on what steele is saying publicly. We dont know what the truth is there remember this, you have steele over in the u. K. Talking about a dossier that i didnt even write. Let that speak in for a second. This was written by fusion gps. We know that because of the work he wrote about in the plot against the president. Sean he had an agenda. Kathleen noted his agenda. He put out lies that impacted our election. And i want america to know one last thing, kevin nunes, the guy over there, that side of the screen, devin nunes is the guy that told us the truth. Devin nunes warned us in 2014 the russians were trying to interfere in the 2016 election. Nobody listened to devin nunes. You were right then. You are right today. Thank you all. You are very kind. Thank you, sean. Sean when we come back, coronavirus that scare is making the markets nervous and frazzled. Melissa francis is here to explain why she thinks the panic is overdone and might have a lot more to do with oil and russia and the saudis. Also, congressman doug collins one of few congressman, senator cruz among them that are quarantined tonight. He will join us on the phone to update his condition and more as we continue busy breaking news night, 239 days, you are the ultimate jury. You can shock the world again. What are you going to do . Its called freedom. I hope you use it. There he is. Oh, wow. Youre doing, uh, youre doing really great with the twirling. Dad, if you want to talk, i have a break at 3 00. Okay, okay. Im going. Im gone. Like like i wasnt here. [ horn honks ] keep keep doing it, buddy. Switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. You know, like the sign says. Sean all right now an oil price fight between russia, hostile regime of putin and the saudis along with uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus. It spooked the ever so jitterys stock market again today the dow plummeting over 2,000. Want president is taking bold action todays in a press conference proposing a payroll tax cut and relief for hourly workers, for Small Businesses that might be impacted by corona which i would argue would likely have a positive impact on the markets. We shall see tomorrow. Joining us now with reaction the host of after the bell, Fox Business Network also cohost of outnumbered here on the fox news channel. They never invite me on that show. I have never been invited on that show. Melissa im officially inviting you on that show. We would love to have you on the show. Now you are stuck because you said it. Sean Brian Kilmeade goes on the show every other day. Its a great show by the way. Melissa thank you. Sean congratulations on both of your shows success. I have to do this thing called the sean hannity radio show. We watched the market today and see this priz price fight. I dont remember oil dropping 25 the day before. Melissa yes. They have gone to the mattresses saudi arabia and russia are trying to fight each other to the bottom to see who can withstand lower prices longer. Heres what really is going on look at the volatility in the stock market. Not about the coronavirus any more. They are trying to figure out all traders everywhere are we headed into a recession. Low oil prices can indicate or can even cause a recession. Thats whats going on. Sean, this is what is really important. We have never had a team in the white house. You can love the president. You can hated him. We have never had a president in larry kudlow and Steve Mnuchin and folks in there who know more about a balance sheet, about credit, about how to help businesses as they are slowing down and about what to do for households. These are people who understand credit and understand money. Tomorrow they are going to talk about a payroll tax supporting Small Businesses. A obviously in of different targeted measures. Sean a tax cut. Melissa this as congress randomly sprayed the globe with fire whose of money different direction. This is very targeted and specific. We are in better hands than we have been before. In the meantime do not sell your stocks on the way down like an idiot. Instead refi something. There is cheap money out there. Refi your mortgage, refi your student debt. Take advantage of low student rates. Dont cash out at the bottom. Sean what is the 30 year . Its free. Its basically free right now. Sean free money. 30 year average fixed rate mortgage. Melissa i couldnt tell you overnight. Mine is connected to libor. I dont want to bore with you intricacies. You dont even borrow money. Have you money lying around on the ground. Pulled tout in the studio we would see piles of money everywhere. Everyone else out there refi anything cheap right now thats the move. Trust the administration. They know what they are doing. Sean im not a big market guy. I dont like the market. I like something i can feel and touch, bricks and mortar. My own personal tastes. Melissa cash. Sean rates are low. We may never see these numbers again. Melissa francis, thank you. Melissa my pressure. Sean over the weekend we learned that a man who has coronavirus in fact attended cpac, the one year i didnt attend, oh, except i did go there to interview Vice President pence. Several republican lawmakers decided to selfquarantine apparently they might have had impact with the patient. Doug collins someone of them. Live on the phone from his home. Is he really not sick at all. Using this as a vacation time. No. Welcome back, congressman. First of all, i hope you are feeling well. I heard you are well. I wrote senator cruz today. He is doing well. Mark meadows told me is fine. We certainly understand kphaet gates, i donmatt gaetz he waswm last time on twitter. In all seriousness we need to be real with the American People. I dont like how we are scaring people unnecessarily. That is unless you have an immune system that is compromised and you are older, and you have other Underlying Health issues, you are not going to die 99 from this virus, correct . Thats correct, sean. Its good to be with you again. Sean all right. So thats the point. I mean, scaring the living hell out of people and i see it again. Its like oh, let let bludgeonp with this new hoax. What we are seeing something we need to talk about myself and others are following the guidelines that the administration has put out. And we are making sure that people know that just like coming in contact with someone doesnt necessarily mean you get it. Its also like comment that you always had you do the proper procedures. You wash your hands, you stay away from people if you are sick. If you get sick go to the doctor. The administration has done a wonderful job. If you need a test, the Trump Administration has made sure that doctors can give tests to those who need them. I have not had a test. Im passed the incubation period. We are wanting to make sure when people follow the rules and follow what is out there there is no need for panic. No need for what we are seeing and there needs to be a calm assertiveness that you do what is right and things will and this virus can be contained in a way it has. Its going to still continue to grow but we are not going to see it in ways of fear. Thats one of the reasons why im wanting to talk to you tonight and say, look, i may be healthy. Im going to be and i will be out of this in a few days. Sean fascinating though the political side of this no president ever acted faster. He put in and got criticized by binbiden fake news cnn. Put a travel ban and quarantined people. Hadnt done that in decades and still cant win with the Democratic Party. No. I have been talking but to this for years they will not let him win on anything. They hate the fact that he is president and hate the fact that the country is doing well. Even the other day we found out that the cdc on the day that china actually said they may have a new corona strain the cdc began to kick in action that day. This false narrative thought democrats and the Mainstream Media are kicking around out there is simply a way, unfortunately to try to get back to make some doubt in the minds of people that the president is not doing his job. He has been doing his job from day one. And i think thats what we just need to make people concentrate on because when you concentrate on the truth and the facts, fear does not exist. Sean all right. Thank you. Congressman, cant wait to have you back. If you do have an elderly Family Member that maybe has gone through chemotherapy, has a compromised immune system in any way, Underlying Health issues take extra extra caution be very careful. We will get through this together. Coming up biden family Corruption Team the mob of the bidens running deeper than we first thought. Now joes brother facing fraud allegations. That story next as we continue. Just 55, including unlimited talk, text and data. Plus no annual service contracts. Only at tmobile. Aleve it. With aleve pm. Pain happens. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid. And the 12hour pain relieving strength of aleve. So. Magic mornings happen. Theres a better choice. Aleve pm. Sean hanging over biden mob inc. Thats even darker tonight. According to a brand new report from politico joes brother whose name is james allegedly defrauded multiple medical Service Firms claiming that his last name could deliver not just political clout but even influx of cash. But, of course, using their last name to infiltrate and profit off the washington swamp is nothing new for the bidens like zero experience hunter. His legal problems continue to worsen tonight as well. In a brand new trial motion he is being accused of willfully defying a court order by failing to turn over key financial documents in his ongoing paternity case. Joining us now with reaction republican congressman andy biggs and weekend cohost author of the new book look at this guy with all the tattoos. How many tattoos, we the people. The northwestern flag. Guns. You know. Freedom and fun. I love you, hegseth. Pete thats what it is all about. Sean im such a baby i bet it hurts. Pete not too bad. Sean martial arts, thats enough. All right, serious question to all of this. We have an ukraine investigation going on andy biggs, in ukraine, ron johnson has an investigation. The media mob would like to ignore that they would like to ignore biden obamas terrible Foreign Policy iran and economic record. They like to ignore that joe has lost a fast ball, a slow ball, annie ball if he ever had any ball. Just because they wish it to go away its not going away. No, its not going to go away. They have acted like some kind of aristocracy or some kind of mob where they have tried to capitalize on the power of the former Vice President , joe biden. And its coming home to roost but they continue to defy it and where is the media outrage . That is the part that just blows my mind and the American People that i talk to, they are fed up with this two tiered Justice System where people like hunter biden is going to defy court orders and james biden is going to be hauled into court because of allegations of fraud. And we havent seen anything happen to these folks. Sean you know, pete, seriously, i have been reading the book. Its an awesome book. I urge everyone to get it. Pete i appreciate it. Sean i like to kid pete about his tattoos. You served our country. What you did was amazing. And what you did for Eddie Gallagher was amazing too. You look at all of this corruption. If this were donald trump what would be happening . Pete oh my goodness entirely different story. The trumps got rich and they decided they saw where their country was to get involved. The bidens got involved in politics and realized it was great opportunity to get rich. James biden was involved in these International Healthcare issues. He said i can get you money for the middle east because my name is biden. Frank biden had the same thing, real estate, i can get you access. You will get Better Real Estate deals. Hunter biden, i doesnt want to give up his tax records now . Why . Because they might reveal something tenuous about his father who is running for president. Listen, it all stinks, sean, without you, without you and this network, no one would get to the bottom of it because the democrat media protects them. Sean they are the mob. Pete yes. Sean have you two mobs here simultaneously the biden mob family and the media mob. All right, congrats on the book. Congressman, thank you. When we come back, republicans they are pushing forward. They are going after chucky schumer, we will explain next. En ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. Woi felt completely helpless. Hed online. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. I called reputation defender. Vo take control of your online reputation. Get your free reputation report card at reputationdefender. Com. Find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. Woman they were able to restore my good name. Vo visit reputationdefender. Com or call 18778668555. Sean Chuck Schumer threatened Supreme Court justices gorsuch and kavanaugh last week, now republicans want him to be held accountable. Trace gallagher left tonight in our west coast newsroom, whats the latest . Even with the primaries and coronavirus dominating headlines, Chuck Schumer is getting major pushback for those alleged threats to Supreme Court justices. It drew a rereview from chief Justice John Roberts who called the comments dangerous. They were inexcusable, cnn analyst Jeffrey Toobin called them a physical threat. Josh hawley has introduced a resolution signed by a dozen conservative lawmakers for schumer to be centered, meaning consequences very much still on the table for schumer. Sean thank you for that report and update. That is only time we have on this evening, as always thank you for joining us. We will always be fair and balanced. Our election coverage tomorrow, Laura Ingraham is back. I know you havent been feeling well, we missed you. Laura i did not sell quarantine. Because of anything except the usual, this used to happen to me in radio, i would lose my voice and it will go into a cough. Its a nightmare, do you ever get that . Sean i have absolutely every medication you have lined up, my doctor is listening to me now saying he hates me. Laura got it. Hannity ill talk you later, great show tonight as always. I am Laura Ingraham and this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. Some conservatives as you disturb me reference are self quarantining after interacting with someone infected with the coronavirus. Cpac, matt schlapp

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