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Donald trump is trying to send by rolling tanks down constitution avenue . Who is it to, the resistance in the country . Hi i have tanks. I have this military armada. The message is a threat. Ta but it is always a threat when you roll out your military. But it is to whom it is a threat, and i suspect the threat is to his fellow americans. I am personally outraged about the president hijacking the fourth of july. T how about the juxtaposition of those images of those children in cages, and here is donald trump, and there are these, you know, things flying overhead and the tanks. Is that really the message that we want to send about america . This is not what we normally think as a democratic display of our values, but rather the values of power, of might making right, of dictatorship. I am struck by the tacky narcissism of it and how thoroughly annoying it is that the president of the United States needs to take over what was really one of my favorite holidays. This is not just tacky obnoxiousness, it is fundamentally unamerican. Gregg things flying overhead. That was my favorite. Those are called jets. The network news also chimed in accusing the president of hijacking the fourth ofnt july. And guess what, msnbc will not be airing any of the event. Instead, they will just spend hours and hours talking about it. Describing the patriotic parade as a hostile, unamerican, military takeover. There you go. But the democratic mayor of washington, d. C. , echoed those concerns, saying she hopes this is not a show of force to our own people. And, of course, this is not the First Military parade in washington, d. C. There are the pictures. John f. Kennedy rolled out tanks and missiles and soldiers for his inauguration in 1961. Massive military display. So did president eisenhower, cheered on the lengthy military procession honoring his second inauguration. So much for history. Joining us now with more on tomorrows event is white househ Principal Deputy press secretary hogan gidley. Hogan, great to talk to you, one is tempted to conclude that to the left and the Mainstream Media, which is redundant, i realize, have no clue about American History and tradition. They seem to have forgotten that we secured our independence, that we celebrate tomorrow, through military force. You know, general washington in the continental congress, that little thing called the revolutionary war, so what is your take . Look, it is pretty clear at this point that the democrats in this country hate this president more than they love america. And that hatred has taken many forms in the short period that donald trump has been in the meite house. First, the democrats lied about collusion, then they lied about corruption. Fi then they lied about the crisis at the southern border. And now they are lying about the motives of donald trump. Who simply wants to celebrate the greatest idea ever realized in the history of humankind. And that is america. Most countries who have a constitution, those constitutions last an average of about 17 years. Ours has been around for more than 230. This is no doubt the most amazing place in history. And democrats refuse to celebrate that greatness, refusi to even celebrate our nations independence or the fourth of july simply because it is donald trump who is doing the celebrating. Gregg i said my favorite was the commentator who said oh, things flying overhead. Really the favorite was the clip we played of the ever obtuse joy reid on msnbc who said, you know, the tanks are a threat. As if the president is going to direct the military to turn the tanks on the people and fire away. Has the antipathy towards trump become so extreme now that these people have lost all sense . T oh, there is no doubt, listen, i was with the presideni for quite some time this afternoon, talking about thehe speech and listening to him talk about the themes that he wants to address. And there is not a political bone in the entire speech. I mean, the whole thing is about the greatness of america. How far we have come. And yes, we have had dark days in this country. So many other nations have had dark days. So the darkness is not unique. What is unique to america is that we came out of those dark days better, more united, an amazing people. United behind the ideal that is america. Thats what the speech is about and what donald trump wants to convey. He wants to celebrate the men and women who are brave and put their lives on the line every day and allow the freedoms of those journalist to make those claims, albeit completely false. F that is what this is about. For all americans. It is not political or about donald trump. It is about each of us. And thats what he wants to convey. Gregg we should be so grateful every day for a military that secures our freedoms every day. Hogan, thank you for being with us. On Independence Day tomorrow, millions of americans will be celebrating our nation. But the New York Times,de god bless them, their opinionn. Team tweeted out a video to let you know that american greatness is a myth. Take a look. We got so caught up in the rhetoric about america being the greatest country on earth that we have long ignored the cracks in our system. And while a bit of patriotism is great, jingoism is dangerous. Especially when it is built on old or fake news. So as we gear up for another election season where politicians tell us that america is great or that it isnt and then proceed to make it worse. Lets try a truthful approach. America may have once been the greatest, but today america, we are just okay. Gregg you got that . We are just okay. Also, this week, city officials in Thomas Jeffersons hometown voted to no longer celebrate his birthday because the third president and declaration of independence author owned slaves. Joining us now with reaction is victor davispe hanson. So, we are just okay, because our health care is not the greatest, in their opinion, and education is not good enough. And there is gun ownership, what is your take . Well, by every standard of the video, they are mistaken. We have 18 of the top 20ar Research Universities in the world. We are the largest oil and gas producer. We invented fracking. Silicon valley hightech was an american brand. We are the longest constitutional democracy in history. We have 50 Million Immigrants here that would disagree with the New York Times. E they came for some reason. There were 50 Million People in the United States that mostly came from poor countries. They have a different language, culture, and protocol than oursi and yet they wanted to give it up to come to the United States. We took in more immigrants last year than every country in the world combined. We do not have a legacy like china murdering 37 Million People or russia 20 Million People or destroying europe twice like germany or starting a war in the pacific like japan or driving people out of theirik homes in central and latin america. I dont know what happened to the new modernist idea that you have to be perfect to be good, and the shortcoming defines you rather than the majority of your positive traits. But my god, the United States is the great country that it always has been. And as far as jefferson, we arey hearing that jefferson was a flawed individual. What man in history was president of the United States, Vice President of the United States, secretary of state with the Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of p e country, founded the first secular universe, and read 20 lines of greek every night, opposed slavery and was a flawed human being because he was a manan of his time. Theres not one critic that would have any of his abilities, not a fraction. And i guess, just to sum up, i think we are in a revolutionaryy time when we can see what these democratic primaries, just as the jacobins hijacked the french revolution, the bolsheviks, the 60s radicals destroyed the party of kennedy and humphrey. There is no democratic party. There is no oldstyle liberalism. The aoc agenda, the representative omar agenda, the beto rhetoric down in mexico. All of those issues have destroyed democratic liberalism. And we have learned to really radical phase now. Trying to attack the past and the present so that it can govern the future. I think most of the viewers are outraged by it because they do not believe that this small minority of radicals has a right to expropriate our traditions, our history, and redefined america into something that it never was. Gregg you know, it worries me when i read the story about we will know longer honor Thomas Jeffersons birthday, yes, he was a flawed individual. Who among us is not a flawed individual . As and slavery was horrible. Absolutely horrible. Theres no question about that. But are we going to blow up Mount Rushmore because jefferson and washingtons faces are sculpted . Are we going to burn all books because they make references for our Founding Fathers . Does that worry you . Yes, it does. Because i know that they are not sincere. I think Martin Luther king jr. Was a great american. He was a plagiarist, he was a serial philanderer. Recent revelations are shocking. Cesar chavez went down to the border with thugs to beat up migrants. He let the cult infiltrate his union, does that mean that their achievements have to be denied . We have to remove a National Holiday because of that . Is Margaret Sanger such a awful eugenicist that planned parenthood should be disbarred . So its always onesided, its a asymmetrical. So nobody in the left is saying, 100 years after jefferson, with the benefit of history, Woodrow Wilson was a eugenicist and a racist and therefore we will remove the name Wilson School from princeton university. We dont believe that they are going to do that, we dont believe that Stanford University is going to say that leland stanford, who endowed the university for his son, misused asian labor in the 19th century, we would classify him as a racist, are we going to get ridi of Stanford Universitys name . It is always selective. They always go for the convenient circling target, but never the one that would cause b Real Infrastructure on the left movement. Because we are all human, we do we are not perfect or divine. Gregg Victor Davis Hanson, thank you so much for being with us. Appreciate it. Joining me with more on all of this is host of salem radio, America First, sebastian gorka, and turning point usa founder charlie kirk. Good to see you both. If americas greatnessri is just a myth and we are only okay according to a the New York Times, why is it that hundreds of thousands of people are clamoring at our border and sneaking in . America is the only country in the history of the world where even those who say they hate it refuse to leave. Thats how you know you live in a great country. All of these people should be in canada by now. I thought they were all going to leave the country of President Trump was going to get elected . The long and the short of it, and Victor Davis Hanson was brilliant in that segment, is that america has made mistakes, but we are not a mistake. Is the world a better place because of america . And the answer is of course. And what i find disturbing is radical ideology that stems from the universities, which is something that i am fighting against every day. Has now metastasized in the highest levels of leadership in our government. What used to be fringe ideology is now mainstream, where we have the New York Times editorial page on the eve of july 4th saying we are just okay. Essentially bashing the greatest experiment in human history. And it could disappear like this. There is no guarantee that it is going to continue. But with an ideology like that, boy, it is rather horrifying. Gregg you know, seb, i was saying offcamera before the segment to charlie that i always read the New York Times first thing in the morning because i like to start my day with some comedy. I but as charlie remarked, it is now tragedy. Right . It is not comedy, and it is not tragedy, gregg, it is perversion. This is, this video was not just written by some brainwashed millennials, the kind thatat charlie is trying to help all over american campuses, this had to be approved at every level of editors, this had to be approved by the executives that publish the New York Times. What oregon says that just before the biggest National Holiday in our country, we have to make a fiveminute video that trashes our country . And i have one very simple question, and charlie is right, vdhs monologue or that segment was amazing. But i have one question for the New York Times which nation is great . Is it any of the nations in europe that initiated two world wars in the last century . That perfected the concentration camp and genocide . Is it russia . Is it china . There is no other country, it is a sad photograph, i know it, but what other country in the world sees a man risked his life and the life of his 20monthold daughter to cross the rio grande to come to freedom . Th no other country, only america, gregg. Gregg i want to come back full circle, since when is it a dirty word to honor and pay tribute to our military, that sacrifices their lives for our freedom, and in america today, the Mainstream Media, among liberals, and to hear this from the president ial candidates who are trashing any reference to the military and tomorrows parade. It is just, it is ludicrous. I can tell you where it came from. This radicalism reared its headd before in the 1960s. What happen was those radicals were professors. And then they taught teachers and generations of people, and this antiamericanism has grown to levels that we never would have ever imagined. Where the same people that were spitting on soldiers in the 1960s and 70s are running our universities. And they are the same ones that are editorializing the segments and writing copy that are sayine that there is something wrong about our military. It is our military that allows us to celebrate july 4th. And i applaud President Trump completely for remembering our troops by putting forth someco f the military weaponry that was once used in world war ii and a reminder that this freedom is not free. That there has been blood, toilt and sacrifice behind it. And the attacks by the left have been so incendiary and uncalled for and to compare them to a third world dictator is really disappointing in the american dialogue. Gregg your thoughts on the parade tomorrow, because he wont be watching it on msnbc. They refuse to air it because there is military hardware there and jets flying overhead. And, you know, may be the new slogan ought to be the unamerican channel, but in the president s speech that was all about america, not politics. This president , i worked for him as mr. Trump, i worked for him in the white house, he lovew this country, and he loves our military, he loves our law enforcement. I will be there, watching it with my eyeballs, while cnn, which has 600,000 viewers on a good night, that is 0. 3 of theo population, they will be runnin3 a documentary on White Supremacists in america. This is the insanity. Ni think about the fact of the matter. President obama bombed more nations, gregg, than any president since truman and roosevelt. Did the left, did the New York Times have a problem with this . A they are talking about tanks rolling down pennsylvania avenue, we have two static tanks and two armored personnel carriers, so that will be four static vehicles. This is the insanity of the left. Charlie is right. It is the people who wear the cloth of the republic that make our freedoms possible. And there is no greater show of respect than to see them flyho above us and to see them parade down our streets and for us to thank them at least once a year for our liberty, gregg. In gregg you know, behind you is the Lincoln Memorial and the washington they would be scratching their heads if they saw the reaction. They would be horrified. Gregg absolutely. Look, it will be on the Lincoln Memorial, Abraham Lincoln had his flaws too, he over oversaw horrible things. Against native americans purity remember him for his merits and his virtues, they superseded anything he did incorrectly. In this revisionist history of the left, it is so morally reprehensible. We saw it to rear its head with the betsy ross episode with nike. And we see it with a demagogue towards the military. We must remember our Founding Fathers and thank them that we are able to exist in w the greatest nation of the history of the world. Gregg charlie kirk, sebastian gorka, good to see you both. Thank you so much. When we come back, the battle of the deep state continues, ken starr, bret holman, david sean will be with us to reveal what documents need to be declassified. And later, the lefts hypocrisy over the border crisis. That and much more as the hannity special continuous. At ial continuous. Petsmarts celebrating the fourth, with great deals like. Buy 1 get 1 50 off dog and cat food, and holiday dog toys, apparel, beds and more plus, treats members get 50 more points on all purchases now thats a celebration. Petsmart i felt withdrawn, alone. Mile, you become closed off. Having to live with bad teeth for so long was extremely depressing. Now, i know how happy i am. There was all the feeling good about myself that i missed. I wish that i had gone to aspen dental on day one and not waited three years. At aspen dental, were all about yes. Like yes to flexible hours and payment options. Yes to free exams and xrays for new patients without insurance. And yes, whenever youre ready to get started, we are too. Call now at 1800aspendental. Hey i live on my own now ive got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. Unlike my parents. 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The classified dependents of the department of justice 2008 Inspector General review, which may hold the most powerful evidence yet of antitrump bias in the clinton email investigation. Remember, comey told the Inspector General that the bureau obtained highly classified information in march of 2016 that included allegations of partisan bias or attempts to impede the investigation by lynch. And listen to comey back in 2017 refusing to talk about those allegations. Take a look. The New York Times recently reported that the fbi had found a troubling email among the ones, the russians act from democrat opportunists. The email reportedly provided assurances that attorney general lynch would protect secretary clinton by making sure that the fbi investigation did not go too far. How and when did you first learn of this document . Also who sent it . And who received it . That is not a question i can answer in this forum, it would call for a classified response. D i have briefed leadership of the Intelligence Committee on thate particular issue. But i cannot talk about it here. Gregg why not . Now, rather than focus on the real 2016 election scandal, democrats are continuing to fuel mueller mania all across capitol hill, even as their partners in the media are already sounding the alarm that this upcoming testimony could actually backfire. And only embolden President Trump, who continues to take his America First message straight to the voters recently announcing a 2020 rally in north carolina. By the way, same day as muellers testimony. Joining me now is ken starr, along with former u. S. Attorney bret holman, and david sean. Great to have all of you with us here. Judge starr, let me start with you. I remember the comey testimony vividly because i right about it extensively in my book. And it strikes me that if there is an email that essentially, you know, Loretta Lynch, the attorney general, is saying, im not going to let the case go too far against Hillary Clinton, my goodness, doesnt that need to be declassified . Yes, indeed, gregg, i think you and i and the American People are in agreement, we need more rather than less. And especially in light of the very serious questions about the integrity of the fbis leadership, and even touching on the justice department. During that period in 2016, before the president was elected, we need declassification. Happily, as you know, President Trump has delegated that responsibility to the attorney general of the United States bill barr, who is very experienced. He will do a very professional job of protecting national security, sources, and methods. But also then getting the information now that we the people need in order to make our own judgment about what happened. Gregg david, the evidence is pretty compelling that the fix was in. That Hillary Clinton was not going to be charged. Nc i will point your attention to what peter strzok said in private testimony. He said that it was the doj attorneys that told the fbi to charge, to change gross negligence to extremely careless, and then his lover, lisa page, testified that the doj said you are not going to charge gross negligence. Was the fix in . Absolutely, very, very troubling. And remember, remember michael horowitz, the Inspector General, said that he did not have access to all of the emails. So we still have not seen some of the emails between strzok and page. You discussed this brilliantly in your book starting at page 40 about the whole fix that clearly was in. And judge starr spoke beautifully earlier. He is absolutely right. But there is a question as to whether and why this information was classified in the first place. Ue i frankly just dont believe former director comey that there was a need for it to be classified. Gregg i wonder if a you believe comey, because on the day he cleared, he said i have not coordinated or reviewed the statement in any way with the department of justice or any part of the government. They dont know what i am about to say. Then how come four days earlier pages sent a text that said she, lynch, knows no charges will be brought to . Yeah, this is one of the more shocking discoveries, i think, for many of us that worked in the department of justice. Jim comey held himself out as having the white hat. He was all about transparency. Se all about the rules, following the rules. You look at what he said in the hearing, and he says, i would have to give a classified answer in response to that. Well, he stuck with that and he continues to use that as thea defense mechanism to reveal the things that he was doing. Many of us that were in the department of justice, worked with jim comey, would have fired jim comey instantly on many of the issues that we nowav know he was involved in and how he handled them. S gregg and judge starr,r, the twist on all of this is reportedly it was the russians that intercepted the email, which only underscores that Hillary Clinton really did jeopardize national securityty with her private unauthorized unsecured server even though president obama said oh, gee, she did not jeopardize national security. Yes, and that cannot be right. It absolutely was so unconscionable that the secretary of state would do what she did andci do it intentional. And the changing of the characterization, i think is, well, to me, it is unpardonable. You do not, when the fbi comes forward with a conclusion based upon their very careful evaluation of the facts, then say, no, we are going to change that. That is not your view. Your view is instead a softer and gentler view. So there is just an enormous number of questions about the professionalism, frankly, the doj and its relationships with the fbi. Leadership, in particular, during the course of the obama administration. And the Loretta Lynch email. If this is true, it is absolutely explosive, because that shows that there is a very serious issue of integrity at the very top of the justice department. Gregg if people like Loretta Lynch at the department of justice made a decision on not to charge for political reasons, is that obstruction . Absolutely, it is obstruction and several other things. It is so problematic. Listen, as i have told you before, my father was an fbi agent, and we are very proud of that. What these people did, comey, mccabe, strzok, page, this whole crew tore down the reputation of one of the greatest agencies in the country. And socalled civil libertarians like jerry nadler should be outraged byy it. They should be should be outraged by the people they have embraced. That tells you that their trumphatred outweighs Everything Else in their agenda. And thats not what they were elected to do. Gregg i will let you have the last word. Ill tell you, we should be afraid of what pattern we are starting to see. E we have seen the director of the fbi follow a pattern of hiding things that he does not want us to see, leaking things thatin he hopes to get out there, not charging Hillary Clinton when many of us thought that there should have been charges. And why . Why does he come out right before the election . Because he thought she was going to win. And he was going to cover her after she became president. Then the same pattern occurs with the fisa court, when we have the steele dossier and the almostactionable request from the fbi to the fisa court that we now know is not accurate. So what we are seeing is a pattern that should scare folks. Thats what congress should be looking into. Is what is it to those in power are doing with the power they have . Gregg abuse of power and corruption to perpetuate power. Judge ken starr, bret, thank you, david, as always, appreciate it. Coming up on this hannity special, the left is showing shameless hypocrisy on the crisis at our southern border. We will have the latest example. Stick around. The latest example. The latest example. Stick my experience with usaa has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. Gregg welcome back to this special edition of hannity, trump versus the resistance. Political battle lines are being drawn on the border after the radical democrats running in the 2020 primary proposed decriminalizing illegal order crossings. Well, even president obamas dhs secretary is coming out saying, hey, that is open borders policy. In the meantime, congresswoman aoc, alexandria ocasiocortez calling out Border Detention Centers concentration camps feigning panic over inhumane conditions, all the while opposing funding legislation for the humanitarian crisis at the border. Rush limbaugh isnt going to let her get away with this rank hypocrisy, take a look. How does she go to the border and whine and moan about conditions there, and have a metoo moment at the same time when she voted against both the house and senate to bill to approve money to address these conditions . She votes against the money to improve, then goes down and complains about it. So how did she do that . She does that because the media lets her get away with it. Gregg today, the president took to twitter to write if Illegal Immigrants are unhappy with the conditions in the quickly built and refitted detention centers, just tell them not to come. Problem solved. Joining me now with reaction, Political Columnist and author of the book swamp wars, jeffrey lord. And host of fox nations keeping up with jones and man on the street lawrence jones, and sirius xm patriot host kerry picket. Good to see all of you, so let me start with you, you were down at the border, aoc said they were drinking out of toilets, being forced to do so, my understanding is that was pretty quickly and easily debunked, wasnt it . You were down there. Yeah, it was easy to debunk. I mean, i think if she was honest with herself, she took a picture of what she saw, the toilets in manyw, of those cases connected with the fountain on top of it, but that is standard on the border. In a lot of prisons as well, but the left has been talking about the photo that we saw of the kid that had drowned with his father, which was a terrible photo that we all saw. A terrible situation. But the real story is that there would be a lot more of those if it was not for the Border Patrol rescuing kids every single day. Lets be very clear where they stand on this. This is aiding and abetting the cartel, because this is about just not getting across the border, you have to pay a fee. So we are talking about theti conditions or the crisis on the border, how they manipulated 2014 photos of the cages, during the obama administration. Or they wont talk about to the obama separated families as well. Democrats are going far to the left. Mo and i never thought i would see the day that democrats go further to the left than barack obama. Gregg you know, kerry, trump is to blame for all of this, according to the democrats, but they never look in the mirror, especially the candidates, arent they essentially inviting illegals to cross the border to sneak into our country . Free tuition, free health care, we will give you a drivers license, sanctuary cities, kumbaya. Everybody is welcome. It sure does seem like that, but Julian Castro who is calling for the decriminalization of jumping the border, but they dont really go into detailsly about that. But what does jumping the border really mean in terms of decriminalization, does that mean, what about our ports ofde entry over at our airport . Does that mean that anybody can rush the customs over at our airports, what about the northern border, as far as canada is concerned, can they just rush the border there . What about visa over stays . Does the policy change they are . People have to think about that, because at this point it just becomes complete anarchy. Gregg jeffrey, how is it even possible, intellectually,y, for aoc to decry the conditions and at the same time she is voting against adi humanitarian aid bill that would improve the conditions . Gregg, there is an old saying on capitol hill that member of congress, in two categories more courses and show horses. And she is demonstrating exactly that she is the show horse. She has no intention of doing the heavy lifting, the hard work to get this problem solved. She is already on record months ago saying that this was a manufactured crisis. The president said that it was a humanitarian crisis, and she said no, no, no, this is a manufactured crisis. Now, all of a sudden, she is going down there and hugging these kids. Why does she not provide the money to take care of these kids . She is not going to do it because she does not want to do the work. She wants the p. R. And she gets it. Gregg go ahead, lawrence. That is just the deal, there is no accountability. She is in new york and the, bronx, she does not represent a border state. She does not have to face constituents that are in middle america, in swing districts. She can say whatever she wants to say with no accountability because the media is not going to hold her accountable. Ive been to her district. Il her voters are certainly not going to hold her accountable. Gregg i think she is in queens, brooklyn, actually. But i want to play a clip. Oh, we do not havent the clip. Too bad. Congressman dan crenshaw was he went through how first it wae no crisis, and then there was a crisis, but it was a manufactured crisis. And now, it reminds me of the supertramp album crisis, what crisis. Well, that is just yet. I recall i was at a press briefing with nancy pelosi just about a month or two ago, and i specifically asked her, just a few months ago, your caucus was saying that it was a manufactured crisis, and her response was, oh, no, no, we never said anything about it. And i was like yes, yes, yes, you did. And she started talking about the humanitarian crisis. Notice how they ended up pivoting towards that, oh, its a humanitarian crisis, not the hoax crisis that all of the republicans were talking about. Thats how they weaved their way out of that one. Gregg i will give the courage of conviction award tosi jeh johnson, president obamas homeland secretary. When he said, this did not start with President Trump. Of course it did not start with trump. Those cages, i still laugh at this, that somebody connected with the obama arrow tweeted out pictures of these cages and discovered that they were taken in 2014 when president obama was in office. I called them obama cages. Thats what these things are. The bottom line is the c message to these kids from aoc and these others is tough cookies, kid. A we will use you as a pond to get p. R. And thats what is really disgraceful. You have the father and his young daughter died, drowned, trying to get here because of the message that they are getting from these people. It is disgraceful. Gregg that was so heartbreaking. We will never forget it. Jeffrey lord, kerry picket, lawrence jones, good to see all of you. You wont believe the hate symbols that Mainstream Media is comparing to the American Flag. Will get some reaction next on the special edition of hannity. Stay with us. Gregg welcome back to this special edition of hannity, trump versus the resistance. With the fourth of july right around the corner, a few hours from now, one of the biggest social justice warriors in the country is showing his patriotism by calling the American Flag racist. Thats right, exnfl quarterback Colin Kaepernick reportedly told nike that its shoe featuring the iconic betsy ross flag was offensive because 250 years ago some americans owned slaves. Nike subsequently pulled the shoe from its store shelves. Keep in mind, this is the samehe betsy ross flag prominently displayed at president obamas second inaugural. There was no outrage back then. You did not hear from Colin Kaepernick. But naturally many in the Mainstream Media are backing nikes decision, kaepernicks faux moral outrage notwithstanding. Take a look. This republican and the faux outrage is almost laughable. The shoe, the flag, it represented a period of time where with all due respect, ire was threefifths of a human being. That is an issue. People dont want to go to the time. When you look at the early version of the American Flag, what does it symbolize . Well, it symbolizes, i see the 13, the colonies, and that leads directly to slavery. In some cases, the betsy ross flag has been coopted by white supremacist groups like the kkk. Now, this flag has been used by people who want to pummel africanamericans, latinx, jews, and other people, neonazis who want to claim that they have the true copyright on american identity, so why not choose a flag that is representative of everybody . Gregg it is not just the media, several 2020 Democratic Candidates also weighing in and trashing the American Flag. Joining me now to talk about it, National Radio syndicated host larry elder and cathy areu. N good to see you both. Larry, i guess Colin Kaepernick runs nikes these days, and so, what is next, red, white, and blue sneakers will be banned . No, white sneakers, because that is white supremacist. Who knew that Colin Kaepernick had this kind of power . My goodness, he was able to get nike to recall a shoe that they had already manufactured all because he complained, what wouldve happened had Colin Kaepernick not complained and the shoe had come out . Nobody wouldve cared. So this was all Colin Kaepernicks call. It is absolutely stunning. He does not have a problem with the flag, as you pointed out. Obama had not one, but two big betsy ross flags at his second inaugural, and the current flag that we have had since 1960 has 13 stripes on it, one of which for the original 13 colonists and 50 stars, 13 of which are representing the original 13 colonies. So Colin Kaepernick has a problem, not with the betsy ross flag, but flagsso in general, and dont go to a philadelphia76ers game, because that same betsy ross insignia is their logo. Gregg right. You know, cathy, come on. Im confused, it never occurred to me that the i thought 13 colonies was represented by the betsy ross flag, since when is a really meaningful as White Supremacy symbols . Since Colin Kaepernick brought it up, and it has caused so many people gregg so now he is the final arbiter with moral supremacy . Not the final, no, not the final at all. Gregg for nike, its the final. He is starting the conversation. No, nike has made billions of m dollars with the partnership with kaepernick. Rn he is a social justice warrior, part of a Counterculture Movement in this j country thats so american and patriotic to question everything. Dont just believe everything. Question everything. Gregg why isnt Colin Kaepernick concerned about nike moving a lot of their production jobs to china, which is one of the worlds biggest abuser of human rights, including imprisonment and torture and execution of people who dare to disagree with the government, but im not hearing colin get upset about that. One issue at a time, and arizona is taking out its factory and california is saying bring it over to us, and wee should be upset with arizona, they are taking away 500 jobs. California said bring them to us. So, california is actually complaining about china taking the jobs. So good for kaepernick to make a point that california wants to bring those jobs back to america. So the conversation is there. Gregg larry, i will leave it to you to correct cathy on this issue. Well, cathy said one issue at a time. Of all of the issues facing the country and black americans in particular, the betsy ross shoe does not even make the cut. If Colin Kaepernick has this kind of power and persuasiveness and clout on social media, how about dealing with the number one problem facing black americl and that is the lack of fathers in thele home . How about dealing with the poor government schools that kids go to . How about the dropout rate in some innercity schools approaching almost 50 , and those who graduate cannot read or write how about dealing with some of these trivial problems. Gregg betsy ross was a remarkable woman who had her own business and she sewed to the flag and created the flag, i think that he would be sticking up for her . Yes, and i am so happy that kaepernick brought up the, issue that betsy ross made this flag and she could not even vote at the time that she actually made the flag. Gregg nice evasion. Im so thankful for the conversation. Gregg larry elder, cathy, thank you very much. Theres more of this hannity special after the break. We will be right back. Break. We will be right back. Petsmarts celebrating the fourth, with great deals like. Buy 1 get 1 50 off dog and cat food, and holiday dog toys, apparel, beds and more plus, treats members get 50 more points on all purchases now thats a celebration. Petsmart well 24 has been a special e anything of hannity, trump versus the resis tanls. Unfortunately were out of time. As always, thanks for joining well, this has been a special anything of hannity, trump versus the resistance. Unfortunately were out of time. As always, thanks for joining us, sean will be back in the chair on monday. Wish you all a very happy and safe Independence Day. Remember to watch the festivities with a, d. C. On the fox news channel, 6 30 p. M. Eastern. And tammy bruce is in for laura tonight. The ingraham angle. Tammy, im throwing away my nike apparel. Ang i dont blame you. You are doing a great be job. Have a fabulous fourth of july the most magnificent holiday ever. Yes, it is, i love it. Ev have a great night. Im tammy bruce for laura ingraham, this is the ingraham angle. Final preparations under way at this hour for trumps salute to america as criticism mounts for the historic i understand evens day celebration. Is it really warranted . Kailee and chris are here to debate that us with us soon. The dhs and cvp fighting back after a new report calls on the administration to fix the overcrowding at those border detention facilities. T a Border Patrol agent is here th

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