Illegally. Now it is perfectly clear that the lines have been drawn. Nearly every single elected democrat, almost all of those to run to challenge President Trump in 2020, they want more and more total control of your life. They dont trust you, the American People. Remember, they think we are irredeemable deplorable, that we cling to our god,ab gone, bible, and religion, and we are the smelly walmart people. They want control of everything. Is actually beyond radical and its scary. As a field ideology come up and tried over and over. It creates dependency, they made promises that never come true. Never comes close to what they promise. Even worse, t the people that ae promising this great stuff, keep your doctor, save money, they really only want power for themselves. Now socialist congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez and far are nowator ed markey set to unveil what they call their socalled Green New Deal legislation. This bill will dictate how you beat your home, cook your meals, and even how you commute to work. In fact, according to previous proposals, ocasiocortez wants this country by the way, we just became the number one producer of oil on the planet, surpassing saudi arabia and russia. All fuel and gas, fossil fuels, we will not have them in ten years. That is not just socialism. That is authoritarianism. She literally wants to nationalize enormous, profitable, private industry, kill it off completely. That means all the millions of highpaying career jobs in the oil and gas and energy sector, guess what . s gone. Will force every american to pay drastically more expensive for all forms of energy, the lifeblood of our economy. But according to ocasiocortez, if the federal government doesnt take dramatic, authoritarian action, the world is going to end. In 12 years. Well, that only gives us two years of our plan. Why bother . She actually thinks the future of humanity is at risk because of energy independence. We have more energy. We can help our allies, friends, create millions of highpaying jobs for americans, and weve tried your way before. It doesnt work. Take a look. I do not think that for the future of humanity and for our country to continue to prosper, that we cannot have a president ial cycle work Climate Change is not being asked about that almost every debate. Sean only 12 years left. Actually the future humanity faces far more risks from the authoritarian far left socialists. Look at venezuela. Oh, they have a lot of energy l but they dont have any money or food and poverty is rampant. Lets see, cuba, they didnt do too well there either. Former soviet union, oh, communist china, how is that working out . Look at what lifeer is like and literally any country that nationalizes private industry and imposes a strict government controls over private businesses. T and that is not stopping democratic president ial hopefuls like, oh, Elizabeth Warren from declaring that capitalism can be good but only if the government has more control and only if she and her fellow democrats have a chance to impose even more rules and regulations. Take a look. Lets be really clear. Capitalism without rules is theft. Encouraging companies to build their Business Models on cheating people, thats not capitalism. That is not competition in the marketplace. That is not producing consumer surplus. So what i believe is capitalism with serious rules. And that means rules for everybody gets a chance to play. Sean excuse me. A lot of people risk a lot of money to start businesses. No help necessarily. They create goods and services that people want, need, and desire, and they either buy it or they dont play that has created a standard of living that is the envy of the world. While the unimaginable in most places on this earth. Now warren is proposing, lets talk about stealing a brandnew wealth tax. If y you manage to save any mony come after you play your federal income taxes, your state income taxes, Social Security tax, medicare tax, sales tax, city income tax, then senator warren come after you pay all of that, and you saved a little bit, she wants to come back again and tae more. That would be a government license to steal, senator. And by the way, after you die,ts the federal government wants half of what you say you pay to die in america. Isnt that great . State like new york take 10 of what you have left. Why are all these people leaving new york, new jersey, illinois, california . Hundreds of thousands. Its a mass exodus in these high tax states. But you look at states with low or no income taxes, take florida and texas. No state income tax. Nearly 400,000 new residents last year alone. These people are leaving. Just keep your bad politics where you came from. Of course the federal government, with a vast amount of money, look at Kamala Harris medicare for all proposal. Study, george mason university, okay, that is 3. 2 trillion a year. For ten years. Let me give you perspective. The federal budget in 2018 was 4. 1 trillion. Basically the entire budget. Open your wallets, watch out, socialists like kamala are coming. Keep in mind, that proposal would literally kick 177 million americans off their private Health Care Plans and also completely kill off another private industry. If you work for an insurance industry, goodbye. Kamala harris wants you gone. Jobless. Out of work. He doesnt care. By the way, what happens when medicare for all feels like obamacare . What then . Democrats are trying to sell these Big Government programs. They own compassion. They are the most compassionate. But dont be fooled. A government power grab, plain and simple, this is what its about. I dont trust they dont trust you. They are therefore they want the government to control every aspect of your life. They want to use your money to buy boats, bribe people to vote for them with your money, and get power. Lets recap the modernday Democratic Party. The authoritarian control of your health care, businesses, money, and your personal decisions. President trump put out a great week today. Democrats are becoming the party of lateterm abortion, high taxes, open borders, and crime. Speaking of which, we have an update on the disturbing story at virginia from last night. Democratic legislator there nearing a monk named kathy tran proposed a bill that would make infanticide legal. She testified. Her law would allow a healthy babys life to be terminated for any reason, even in the ninth month of pregnancy. Even when the birth process started. Oc the democratic governor, ralph northam, supported the bill, then he took it a step further, saying a babys life would only be saved it would be comfortable it would be there but outside the womb, but only saved phil morris hesitated, if the family wanted. He said the infant would be resuscitated only under those conditions, while the babys life, viable, living, comfortably. Seriously . After facing serious backlash, guess what the great governor of the commonwealth of virginia did . He doubled down on stupid. He even played the victim card. Well show you those disgusting comments coming up. Thankfully, President Trump is working hard. Doesnt get the credit from the media, to preserve core Constitutional Rights and principles for all americans, including newly born children, their most innocent among us. Top democrats are seething with anger over the president s nomination of originalist justices. Many doubters, remember, 2016, you were worried. I told you. Men for over two decades and he would govern as a conservative. Iveou been proven right. I told you so. As i warned you, obama was a rigid, radical ideologue whose policies would fail. They did. And now President Trump is fulfilling those promises. We see the economic numbers. We see more peace around the world. We see him checking off the list of what he said he would do. And now hes also appointing strong, qualified justices. So let not your heart be troubled. President trump will keep hised commitment. For those of you that doubt, 99. 9 to. 1 . Hes going to get the money for the wall one way or the other. He announced today that hes sending more troops down to the border was thousands and thousands of new migrants and multiple caravans are marching through mexico right to our southern border yet again. One containss upward of 12,000 people. Now what if they go to a point in our border where there is no secure wall or entry point . What does a Border Patrol goingo to stop 12,000 people . They decided to rush across at once . No wall to stop them . I said that while will protect people, rightly so, on both sides. A nice door in it. Take a little more time, vent people, make sure they can provide for themselves. The costs are out of control. Its not just the risks associated with Migrant Caravan caravans. So many instances of life and death. Lets take a look at their most recent week we had. Two previously deported sex offenders from mexico apprehended trying to illegally enter the u. S. At the del rio sector in texas. They were caught. Ond monday, Border Patrol agents apprehended a violent ms13 gang member. Thankfully, that person was caught. Also on monday, agents arrested a man who was convicted of child molestation in the u. S. Along with the ducting and kidnapping. Guess what . They got him, too. Today, u. S. Customs and Border Protection announced the single largest front and ill front and ill bust in history. Our guys at the border, the ones that Kamala Harris said isnt there a perception that i. C. E. Is like the kkk . They captured over 250 pounds of this deadly opioid inside a load of mexican produce heading to arizona. Now just a stark reminder of just how many deadly drugs come across thatow southern border, destroying american lives, especially fentanyl, often used by drug dealers to put into heroin, other addictive substances, look at the numbers. 2016. Fentanyl responsible for 46 of all opioidrelated deaths. Its a key reason that more than 42,000 people die from overdoses, involving opioids in 2016. That was an increase of nearly 10,000 over the previous year. In fact, annual fentanyl related deaths have dramatically increased since 2010. Much of this coming from china, and smuggled by the cartels through the southern border. By the way, enough to kill all the residents of florida, pennsylvania, utah, and pick another state. 54 million people. That is how much they got today of fentanyl our border. Millions of people could be killed. Its why the president is pressing the president of china and hes getting results. Lets take a look. One of the things that we discussed in argentina was fentanyl. This is not a trade deal. This is a fact that president she was extremely good when he said that they would criminalize fentanyl because fentanyl is killing a lot of our Great American people. Sean Border Security is about stopping these evil cartels. The flow of drugs into the country. In other words, its about life and death and saving the lives of american citizens. Hundreds dying every week from heroin and fentanyl. Its about stopping Human Trafficking. Its about protecting people on both sides of that wall with the door. Creating a safe, secure system of immigration. We get to vent anyone and everyone coming into the country for our safety and also make sure they are capable of taking care of themselves. Democrats, they only want to play cheap political games, rather than address the humanitarian crisis, life and death and safety and security crisis. S nancy pelosi said again today that funding for a wall is a nonstarter. She offered to dollars so far. Take a look. It is because theres not going to be any more money in the legislation. All of that, two things, costbenefit analysis analysis. What is the best way . What you get for your dollar in order to protect the border . Sean what are nancy and chuck and the democrats standing for anyway . If they really cared about cost benefit analysis, youd be in favor of the wall. We run those numbers many time on this show. Why do Democratic Leaders insist on obstructing the president s efforts to keep americans safe . What are they insist on derailing negotiations . It that they cared about daca, dreamers, when obama was president , they wanted oed to py for a wall. Why do they insist not stopping the rank and file members from coming to Real Solutions and negotiating in good faith . It only because they are consumed by antitrump hatred. Every second, every minute, every hour of every day. Theyll stop at nothing, just destroy him. Years, they supported everything President Trump is offering. They didnt mean it or they hate him more. They hate him more. That was your community and friends and family at risk by telling our dreamers, daca, thats all they claim to care about. We turn to another brandnew update from our hannity watch on my deep state tonight. It looks like be hate trump media caught another collusion hoax today. Remember when nearly every media outlet widely speculating, donald trump jr. Called his father with a blocked phone number ahead of his 2016 trump tower meeting with the russians . When theyis talked about immigration and adoption . Now according to reports, fake news, never happened. I have one question for anyone who works at big news cnn. Do you ever get tired of just being wrong and embarrassing yourself . So often . Year with reaction, and a lot of news tonight, Fox News Contributor dan bongino. Fox News National security analyst sebastian gorka. Fox news correspondent al leiter geraldo rivera. Enough fentanyl they got today to kill 54 million americans, geraldo. We are losing 300 people a week to this opioid crisis. Cartels, gangs, drugs, Human Trafficking, dont you think that is enough to build the wall . Go have your door, geraldo. I think that nancy pelosi is being very spiteful and being unreasonable not to allow the president of the United States and his professional to repair, replace, and yes, to expand the over 600 miles of border fencing that we already have. Having said that, the big fentanyl paused as he reported correctly, sean, came through a legal port of entry so a wall would not have stopped this particular shipment. Having t said that you have o protect the whole border. Sean its clear dr. Gorka, it is clear that all the talk about dreamers, daca, for i lloyd employees, it is al. They lied, they hate trump more than they actually care about the dreamers and child separation. They want to meet with moms and dads. Thats permanent separation. Why . They will not even comment. Nancy pelosi still hasnt commented on the murder of ronil singh, a legal immigrant by an illegal alien. So it has nothing to do with their morality she would have us believe. We know this because they actually voted for it in 2006. Theyth voted on Border Security. Lets be very clear. This is just politics. This is about votes, this has nothing tout do with securing te nation. We need to remind nancy pelosi, there is only one person in america who is responsible for the National Security of america, and its not nancy pelosi. Its not chuck schumer. Nancy is 1 of hundreds of representatives who just happens to be speaker of the house, an internal decision of the congress, of the party. There is one person responsible for our safety, sean, and its the president. President trump takes admission very seriously and on february 16th, i expect him to declare a d National Emergency d to build the wall. Sean agreed. He is sending troops down today, dan bongino. Lets go back to my hypothetical before. By the way, its not beyond possibility, the president sending troops in light of three caravans, one with as many as 12,000 people. What if they all decide, we are going to brush an open section of the border . All at once . Then we are going to have troops there, Border Patrol, i. C. E. , they rush acrossh the border, what do we do then . Whats going to happen under that scenario . I dontt want anybody on either side getting hurt there. No, sean, no to nobody does. What you would have, to answer your question, and entirely preventable conflict that nobody wants. Lets use Nancy Pelosis own word. Costbenefit analysis, has she on . Ally done as she spoke into the experts on the ground . I know you have. Theyve clearly stated, were they constructed walls, san isidro, yuma, theyve seen dramatic reductions in illegal immigration drug trafficking. She is just making that up because they have a literal vitriol hatred for donald trump and refused to give in any political victory even though, sean, they know its the right thing to do. That is the disturbing part. Sean got to tell you, geraldo, the president s tweets today lets think about this. The party of lateterm abortion, open borders, high taxes, socialism, and crime. They dont seem to care. For nancy pelosi now to meet angel moms and as, that is unforgivable. How many more people have to die i get it, sean. I get it. Sean okay, go ahead. Ive been t following the trl of el chapo going on in federal court in the Eastern District of new york, brooklyn. He gets drugs and here through tunnels, through drones, through fast aircraft, through helicopters, fastballs, submersibles. Awol is not going to stop that sean what if the 12,000 what if they rush . It will stop the ebb and flow sean geraldo, i want to do all of the above. What is 12,000 what if 12,000 people brush the border at once collects a section that has no wall. What we do do then, geraldo . Tell the president what to do tell the military and the i. C. E. , what do they do then . First of all, to allow the 12,000 to reach the border intact i think would be a problem we would have sean okay, thats mexico what do we do . I dont think its physicaly possible. Sean you are out of your mind i dont like answering hypotheticals. The president has to declare victory. Sean face reality its a real pop of the dome i possibility i think dr. Gorka is unfortunately correct when he suggests it is more likely than not that the president will emergency and will build the wall. Now whether sean i have to go to dr. Gorka. You live in a house, then you know that walls work. The idea that el chapo has a helicopters, therefore we dont build a wall, every nation has the right and every chief executive has the duty to protect its citizens. You do that by building a wall just dont make it a panacea. A 30foot wall no one saying that. The democrats said they wished to do this 12 years ago. Why did they say that . Why are they liars now . Why are they hypocrites . Its time to build the wall. End of story. Sean all all right, last w, dan. Geraldo, its disingenuous to say that. They fly drugs in and drive them through ports of entry doesnt mean that we dont build the the security mechanism like a wall that we dont have to monitor all the time i would trend spent a tremes amount of money on the ports of entry. They are coming through these trucks that doesnt make any sense that makes no sense imagine having the secret service a, listen, this doris trouble, brushing the wall is to scare people. That scary image. Sean humanitarian disaster. Wake up. I got to go. Thank you, all. We are going to take ourselves, go right to the caravan. You judge yourself. Griff jenkins has a live report. Also, congressman dan cranshaw at the southern border, and we do see our villain of the day. A prominent republican. This isnt just any moving day. This is moving day with the best inhome wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. And this is moving day with Reliable Service appointments in a twohour window so youre up and running in no time. Show me decorating shows. This is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. Sean we will rep sean we will report. Well let you decide. Th we have the very latest on multiple Migrant Caravans, making their way to our southern border. Fox news correspondent griff jenkins. Youve been with them, this one is particularly large but there are three. What is going on . Hey, sean. Good evening. Im in mexico, 140 miles north of mexico city, where the caravan that we began traveling with in honduras on january 15th is about 2,825. Let me take you for a walk and show you. We are outside of the stadium where they let the migrants come for the night. They are setting up, trying to figure out where they will go next, sean. A very important stop. Its the pork in the road for the traditional 2,000mile trek from mexicos southern border to the u. S. And southern border because if they go north, they will go into texas. Eagle pass. Laredo or mcallen, where the president was worried if they go west, like the previous caravan, theyll head toward tijuana. You mentioned numbers. We got to talk numbers. This one is brearley 3,000 people, thats in addition to the 12,600 12,600 migrants giva fasttrack temporary asylum and wrk visa for up to one year. They are at the southern border getting their papers, even though mexico stop that program, they will make their way north toward the u. S. Border and then you have two more caravans they are advertising on social media. One is on february 7th. The other on february 16th. Meeting inar san pedro, hondura, the same location that these migrants met on the 15th of january when we joined them so many weeks ago. Then you add to that number two to 3,000 that are in tijuana from that caravan last october that we followed. You are talking about a veryng significant number, sean. You are talking upwards of 15 to 20,000 total people of caravans and we have to talk about one last thing, and that is why this is happening. The biggest bull factor, as the Border Patrol will tell you, the new president , Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, inaugurated last december, he is proimmigrant, e let them walk through gates, i walked with them. Hes giving them this visa program, it hasnt been totally done away with. The spokesman for the secretary ofto Foreign Affairs writing in the Washington Post today that mexicos position will no longer be migration deterrence and blockage, soo theyve opend their arms wide to help the migrants. If you talk to the local immigration officials in tijuana or herein queretaro, its a concern about the growing numbers of caravans they are coming plates. When i dont know if you can hear me. Geraldo, dominic says, its impossible. I was with the president. You could walk one minute from the rio grande, from mexico to the United States, no barrier. What if all those people went to that part . Is not a possibility a plan . I talked to as many of these migrants as i could, their plan is to get into the United States, both of them tell me openly they will do it illegally, either in an open point or throughn a coyote that is going to take them through a traditional crossing because they know their chances are very, very slim. 95 of the immigrants know they wont qualify for credible fear for asylum in america. There are a few nicaraguans were fleeing the oppression of daniel ortega. They may have a case. They havent been to america but many of these have been there before and were deported. D. They will cross illegally anyway they can. The rivers in mcallen its an easy place. Then in tijuana. We seen people go under the fence has hundreds at a time. Sean doing a great job. I think well see you on fox friends. Thank youu for being with us. Well watch you in the morning. T also at the border, republican congressman dan crenshaw, at the southern border. He was in brownsville, texas, to see the situation on the border. Congressman crenshaw joins us. Hes in the border at mcallen, texas, where we were and also former dea special agent is with us. Congressman, just tell everybody ive been down there 14 times. I know what ive seen. Tell everybody what you see. Heres a big take away. So the Rio Grande Valley is actually responsible for about 40 of total illegal immigration in the entire country. Gr so its a huge spot for this. Into two spots. The brownsville area in the mcallen area. The brownsville area has about 35 miles of pretty secure fencing. Its Border Security the way that we would like to see it. A good mix of technology, secure fencing. The mcallen area, exactly the opposite. Wide open areas. What do we see . About a 6 illegal apprehensions occur in brownsville and 94 occur in mcallen. Do walls work . The answer is fairly killing the. That is what we are seeing. As we are driving over here, you can see mexico behind me, driving over here, groups of migrants, a lot of them have kids with them. Sean give the experience. Give the pictures of people fully understand, is this a National Emergency . Of course, sean. Sean im sorry. Go ahead. Basically, we had all that fentanyl seized yesterday. I could have killed 57 million people. Half the viewers of the super bowl. Sup the American People has to realize that a kilogram can kill 500,000 people. If you look at new york, they seized another 70 pounds of this poison. That could have killed 15, 20 million people. Thank god our brave young men and women in Law Enforcement are out there, understaffed, underpaid, getting all kinds of pressure, getting shot at by these people in america, so thank god President Trump is standingp up for our National Security. Sean let me ask you a question. Fentanyl can kill 57 million people, the largest hall that they cannot just this week. What if they act a terrorist organization wanted to lease our food with it . Absolutely. What about the airplane . The seizure of 70 pounds of new york, it was done by my old unit, the new york drug tax force. That was in on planes. Is not just coming in on the southern border. On these billion dollar a year ofhe operations, they have to get their products into america. So, yeah, if it gets into the planes ventilation system, into the food supply, so this is the thing the public doesnt realize, sean. This is not a political issue. This is the security of our country and our people prayed sean let back to dan. I know you are strong on the issue, lindsey graham, hes holding the line, many nyrepublicans will, but theres always those that have no backbone. I have no respect if the Republican Party doesnt back the president when he uses the military or the emergency option i dont care which option. As commanderinchief, that is his job. He swore an oath to protect our constitution, rule of law. More importantly, im a member of the Homeland Security committee. This isnt even the president this land has been on the books for years and has come from Border Agents on the ground. It comes from experts from the department of Homeland Security, it is walls where t it makes sense. This is the places that are men and women on the front lines have been asking for. Should not be a partisan issue. This is very obvious. We need to gift of the equipment they need. Sean a few years ago when obama was present, they sounded just like drum. That is sad. Thank you, both. Great reporting. Now the lefts barbaric abortion lateterm abortion infanticide agenda, exposed. Michelle malkin, herman cain. Todays villain of the day is a prominent republican. Straight ahead. Here comes the rain. [ horn honking ] [ engine revving ] whats that, girl . [ engine revving ] flo needs help . [ engine revving ] take me to her coming, flo why arent we taking roads . flo. [ horn honking ] oh. You made it. Do you have change for a dollar . This was the emergency . [ engine revving ] yes, i was busy 24hour roadside assistance. From americas numberone motorcycle insurer. You know, i think youre my best friend. You dont have to say im your best friend. Thats okay. Sean we have breaking news from the hill tonight. It looks like spartacus, cory booker, running for president. Okay. Not a big deal. Another leftwing radical extremist. Great. Join the club. Democrats come of this disturbing pleasure radical abortion laws. This is new york, rhode island, new mexico, california, passing this barbaric law. Equally disturbing proposal from the state delegate kathy tran, defeated in virginia, the governor supporting it. She actually submitted a bill to save at the same time she had her abortion bill, she submitted a bill to save the canker worms. I had to look it up today. Never heard of it. Turns out to be some type of caterpillar. Save the caterpillars but the woman who started the birthing process and is dilating, no, we want to save kid. Wow. Unbelievable. He was a reaction, syndicated columnist and author michelle malkin. America fighting back german herman cain. Rumored to be a Trump Administration official soon. Michelle, your reaction to all of this especially the governors statements. You know, youre hearing a lot of backtracking now, a lot of hemming and hawing from some democrats who tell us this issue is obligated. Theres nothing complicated about it. These radical democrats are all for sanctuaries except for unborn babies in the womb. And our mothers womb should be the ultimate sanctuary and safe space. Maybe because the democrats are all for illegal aliens sanctuaries when republicans should start declaring all maternity wards and anywhere a woman could have a child be a sanctuary. The idea that you have these spreading lies and fortunately, i live in colorado, where we have a similar law to new york and oregon and california. As you mentioned, and now lateterm abortions make up 3 of all abortions in colorado. Its unacceptable. I think it is very, very important that republicans seize and keep the moral high ground and keep the pressure on the death loss. Governor north around virginia accepted 2 million from planned parenthood. It is a multibillion dollar industry, outrageously, taxpayer funding still goes to it. Sean wasnt the founder of that very racist, herman cain . Margaret sanger was a eugenicist. Sean herman, this is what the governor said. I can tell you exactly what would happen. He goes, the infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if thats what the mother and family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physician and the mother. Viable child living on its own, kept comfortable and well have a discussion . He doubled down on stupid today and still he says people are taking it out of context. What part of taking are we taking in a context . Because they are not taking it out of context. The line between life and death is murder. That is the word that people need to keep in their heads. The law passed in new york is a law that permits murder. You cannot explain it away. The proposal in virginia would allow murder. That is what this is. If you are going to draw a line between life and death, then you are talking about murder. Simple. Murder on infants. That is why they call it infanticide. Sean herman cain, are you joining the trump administratio administration . There are a lot of people being considered for a lot of positions, sean. Sean you are ducking my question. I thought we were friends all these years. We are, and im going to there are a lot of people being considered for a lot of positions, and i would be honored must be when i would support you. Michelle, we give you the last word tonight. Michelle, you get the last word. Oh, thanks. I would just say the other thing i would ask about this is where are all medical professionals . I am the proud daughter of a gynecologist to was able to save thousands of babies. This is prodeath. Sean the United States of america, we are better than this. Would make a bet, outrages is hypocrisy from the left when it comes to Sexual Harassment. Later, our villain of the day. A republican. Straight ahead. Your favorite restaurants now it doesnt matter dash. Where you are. It doesnt matter what youre hungry for. It doesnt even matter how many you are. Restaurants come to you. Delicious at your door. Download doordash. First order, 1 delivery fee. Sean very Disturbing Development in the halls of congress and it deals with you and your money. They all talk no action House Democrats have shot down a republican proposal to get this very for bed federal workers from getting a pay rais. They want decadesold uncorroborated claims against brett kavanaugh, oh, they believed everything against him, that disqualified him but he had come a federal workers disciplined for real Sexual Harassment get a raise. Remember congress has paid out over 17 million in Sexual Misconduct and discrimination settlements on capitol hill over the last 20 years. If they want to use our money for this, okay, tell us who it is. Former White House Press secretary Fox News Contributor ari fleischer. Rnc nationalse spokesman kayleih mcenany. Ari, really . They want to pay this money . Is our money, we get to know what you did. A classic example of where competence has no room in washington. The reason things like this dont pass, sean, of the idea comes in the Minority Party, washington is so broke that the Minority Party cant have a good idea so the majority of it. That is what you have here. Im sure if this was an idea the democrats had, they would have run with it, loved it. Republicans could not have voted against it. Only democrats good and they did. H sean kayleigh mcenany. Very simple. Dont listen to their words, watch their actions. They Pay Lip Service to the me too movement would look at how every single democrat voted, which is against this bill. Their rank hypocrisy goes very deep. You look at Kamala Harris propping up a top staffer. Who had a 400,000 sexualharassment payout. When the media found out, that is only when she fired him and Keith Ellison at the dnc with a Domestic Abuse charges. Propped up, elevated at the dnc is the number two and now the ag of minnesota. The hypocrisy is ranked. Especially when you consider kavanaugh and they way they treated Clarence Thomas and so many other republicans. Sean donald trump tweeted, democrats are becoming the party lateterm abortion, high taxes, open borders, and crime. Is he wrong or right . N hes missing one piece. Abolish ba. Dont forget that. Tax wealth. Hes right. These are the issues that will propel donald trump, and if he is going to win reelection, one of the reasons is that democrats are coming off a cliff so far to the left. This he used to be the Democratic Party that had some centrist, some blue dogs, they are all gone. The democrat primary is likelyte to be the worst thing to ever happen to the democrats who want to win the white house in 2020. You cant win america of your ideas are that extreme. Sean i believe ari is right, kayleigh. 2018, they hid the agenda. Now they are trying to outdo each other, be the most extreme, the most radical. It is a radical, extreme, socialist party now. Exactly. They used to conceal their agenda, consider the fact that obama, when he defended his vote to give infants care on the other side as they exited the womb, he defended that. He said i did not vote that way. He was ashamed that he voted that and was accused of that. Now you have governors openly pontificate pontificating about infanticide. Ari mentions i. C. E. 10 of the nation supports that. You cantt win with that. Whoever emerges will come out badly hobbled and cannot win and national electric. Sean ari, the president holdsea a strong to his promise. I put myself out of knowledge and said that he will govern as a conservative. I remember. Sean i turned out to be proven right and then some. Then at the republicans, they backed up health care, still got the mandate taken away but i am afraid they are not going to support this president on controlling the border. I hope i am wrong but past history has taught me otherwise. I think the fact of the matter, and the president said this today in an interview with the new york times, i dont think you will see theee negotiating committee, the conference committee, working on the wall and funding come up with anything. Nancy pelosi has adopted. She put her thumb on it and it wont go forward. Democrats dont want to compromise. Pelosi cant compromise even though she has a wall on the border between california and mexico, she doesnt want to do spread beyond that. If they cant compromise, the president has to act. I think you will, sean, and its going to be a test because they were blue people who say you cant use the emergency power to do this. Sean how about the military . Is the commanderinchief. Hes hurt enough. He made the promises, you pointed out, and hes acting to fulfill that promise. It will be a donnybrook but frankly, let it go in his direction. I thought about this a lot, i am uncomfortable with emergencies, i dont want the other party to do it, too. Sean iser a real emergency. Any republican that does not support the president , and putting their picture and phone number on the screen because if they dont stand up for this, when we have fentanyl, the hall they took in, heroin, cartels, gangs, and all that is 2 . The other people are not obeying our laws coming illegally but they want a better life, very different. We need to protect the American People. Any republican that does not support this, frankly, im finished. They need to stand by principle, stand by this president who has acted brilliantly in exposing the irrationality of nancy pelosi and her unwillingness to get Border Security. This president has exposed her. Republicans need to stand by. Sean thank you. We think about, or villain of the day is a prominent republican. Your test test these folks, they dont have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the Amazing Services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again sean i love that animation. Villain of the day. Prom meant republican. Actually former the friend of mine in many ways, multiple times on the show. Now hes at used of some rude antics. According to a passenger, former Ohio Governor kasich she said sold her first class seat after refusing to be bumped out of first class to make room for a pilot. If this passenger is telling the truth, we havent gotten a good response from kasich, he had to take another flight, kind of mean. I expect more out of you john. Maybe you could have answered my questions before the last election. Alright only he knows what that means. To our viewer mail. One of you replied the Green New Deal. Another answered the better question is which one doesnt scare you . Were going to put hannity. Com you can send us videotapes. Maybe well air them. Emails at sean hannity on twitter. Let not your heart be troubled. Why . Because Laura Ingraham is standing by, with all the news of the night. Laura. Laura hey sean fantastic show. I am Laura Ingraham and this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. Why are the democrats so scared of Howard Schultz . I go oneonone with a Hillary Clinton advisor who is looking to sink the barista billionaire. Plus a shocking exclusive to bring you tonight, a former dhs special agent shares the harrowing tails of Human Trafficking rescue. A movie being made about him and why he says we should absolutely finish the wall for the sake of these endangered children. And the court is in session. A pair of lawyers argue two hot hollywood legal

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