Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions. Finance violations. Far worse crimes committed by others. Earlier today, bret baier raises very, very important question. Lets take a look. Speak of Campaign Finance violation, because the way he phrased it, he was directed by the candidate to do that and submitted that money to be repaid by the trumpy organization, that is a direct liability. But i cany. Already see the bate lines being drawn here illegally because i just got an email saying the fact that he pleads guilty to Campaign Violations does not mean that the payments were criminal violations. This did not go to trial and you could have people like former fec chairman Bradley Smith saying that payment is not a violation, which is what Rudy Giuliani was saying in his interview earlier. So that, you can arty begin to the Trump Lawyers potentially, and others, make my case that this would not be a violation. Obviously the prosecutors. Sayig it is and Michael Cohen is on the hook for it right now. Sean meanwhile, many of the other charges against Michael Cohensur around, lets see, russia to the family taxi medallion company. Once again, these charges have russianto do with collusion. From Russia Collusion to taxicabs. Hello . Now President Trumps attorney, Rudy Giuliani, released a s statement. N there is no allegation of any wrongdoing against the president and the governments charges against mr. Cohen. It is clear that is the prosecutor noted,io mr. Cohens charges reflect a pattern of lies and dishonesty. While Michael Cohen did say today, i would argue, knowing him all the years ive known him,. Forced by prosecutors, hes changed his storyhe about whethr or not trump knew about the payment to Stormy Daniels and karen mcdougal. Back in march, he claimed, trump did not know that he paid clifford the 130,000. A month earlier, the New York Times, mr. Paper of record, said the same thing, he paid the money out of his own pocket, without trumps knowledge. Today we learned one more piece of Breaking News about another mueller target, and that his former National Security advisor, Lieutenant General michael flynn. His sentencing has now been delayed for a fourth time. 2017, he pled guilty to lying to the fbi, even though james comey later testified that, in fact, the investigators did not believe that flynn had intentionally lied. Again, with his guilty plea, nothing to do with russia. Russia, tax returns, fraud, Bank Applications, taxi medallions, lying to. The fbi. Nothing about russia. Neither did the guilty plea from the Trump Campaign volunteer george papadopoulos, whose wife was n on last night. He pled guilty to lying to investigators. His wife, mrs. Papadopoulos, now weighing in on his Legal Options and that he may withdraw directly. Withoutth a doubt, lets be straight forward here. It is wrong. There are lessons to learn from today. Dont ever knowingly lied to the fbi, do not lie on a Bank Loan Application ever or commit bank fraud, pay your taxes, but did we need Robert Mueller for all of those . Think about this. How do you go from an investigation into Russia Collusion in the 2016 election and this is what we have . Taxes from years and years ago, bank fraud, medallions, lying to the fbi . Where is russia stuff . Would any of these people that we are talking about tonightd have been investigated or charged if not for their connection to donald trump . Is it also a listen, dont lie to the fbi, pay our taxes, Dont Be Friends With Donald Trump . Is this not now the witch hunt to the president has been saying, and attempt to turn the screws, as judge ellis says, about a manafort, two wouldbe witnesses, to find dirt on one man. In other words, so they will sing or compose to either prosecute or impeach the president of the United States. And ifand so, how is that not a political selective persecution and not prosecution . Now i dont care if you are liberal or conservatives, we better take a very close look at where this country is today. We did learn valuable lessons, pay your taxes, dont fly on a loan application, dont lie to the fbi. But this is it . Robert mueller . Are you proud of this . Did we need you for 500 days for this . How did we go from Russia Collusion to this . Now today, the president reacted to muellers ongoing witch hunt. Lets take a look at his reaction. I feel badly. I must tell you that Paul Manafort is a good man. He was with ronald reagan. He was with a lot of different people over the years, and i feel very sad about that. It doesnt involve me but i still feel, you know, its a very sad thing that happened. This has nothing to do with russian collusion. They started as russian collusion. This has absolutely nothing to do. This is a witch hunt and its a disgrace but this has nothing to do with what they started out, lookingg for russians involved n our campaign. There were none. This is the way it ends up. And it was not the original mission, believe me. It was something very much different. So it had nothing to do with russian collusion we continue the witch hunt. Sean hang on, im looking for russians. Oh. Tonight, its not funny because these are real peoples lives. These are real families. This is way beyond what this mandate was. Every american that cares about our constitutional republic, the rule of law, equal application of our laws, you better be concerned tonight. In West Virginia, the president raised an important question, wheres the collusion . He raised it again lets watch. Fake news and the rajan witch hunt. We have a whole big combination. Wheres the collusion . You know, they are still looking for collusion. Wheres the collusion . Find some collusion we want to find the collusion sean i hate to say it, equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws is dead. Ill explain in a minute. Cohen and manafort are literally prosecutor to the fullest extent of the law for bank and for tax fraud, et cetera. Lets take a look at prominent liberals to an end, shall become a that committed similar crimes and t who did not face the same consequences. Tim gardner . A name You Havent Heard in a while, under paid his Taxes Tens Of Thousands of dollars over the course of multiple years before becoming obamas first treasury secretary. No indictment for him. Remember al sharpton . He used to be a guest on the show. Works at conspiracy tb msnbc, he wants old millions of dollars in back taxes to the irs. Also find 285,000 by the fec over an illicit political donation. Of course, sharpton is enjoying his freedom because hes about Michael Cohen at msnbc. Former new york congressman charlie ringgold, the picture of him laying on that beach chair, he failed to pay taxes on Tens Of Thousands of dollars in real estate income. He was inserted in the house of representatives. Hes enjoying his retirement. Former democratic senator tom daschle. Remember, rush used to talk about that . He failed to pay more than 128 grand and taxes. Look at this oh even the Obama Campaign in 2008, they were hit with a near fine which come at the time was a lot, 375 grand, four Campaign Reporting violations over 2 million worth. Cohen is now getting prison time. Somehow, team mueller missed all those crimes. I wait, because there was no connection to President Trump. In todays two tier Justice System, as a democrat, clearly, you can commit financial fraud and get away with it. By the way, that is just the tip of the iceberg. If you are a democrat, and you have subpoenaed information, well, first of all, you can mishandle and destroy classified information, which violates the Espionage Act clearly, you can have top intelligence, and then you can deletema subpoenaed emails. Act i, not ten, 33,000 of them, and acid wash your hard drive with bleach bread and eliminate then have anand adas match up your devices with hammers and get away with it. And then you can even have an exoneration written month before you were even investigated and by the way, the guy that is during the interview of you hates your opponent. Loves you. If your name is donald trump or you aredo associated with donald trump, your entire life, it will be scoured for potential crimes. While, your doors will be kicked down, late in the night, early in the morning, the screws are going to be turned, as judge ellis had, and they will ask you to sing or compose or youll go to jail for crimes that other people have committed and dont go to jail for. Asked Paul Manafort tonight. Ask michael calling tonight. Ask general flynn, boy, he served his country for 30 years, not even the guy that interviewed him at the fbi. B thought he lied. Not even comey that he lied. Not even peter strzok that he lied. Asked george papadopoulos. I that he regrets volunteering for the Trump Campaign. Just ask the white House Counsel, donald mcgahn. The white House Counsel for the president , interrogated by muellers team for 30 full hours. Trump thinks, you know, his lawyers out, well cooperate, well turn over 1. 4 million documents. Well cooperate with mueller, it will go away because we didnt missing. Today, sadly, her body was recovered, and now the police have arrested an illegal immigrant they believe is responsible for her murder. Watch this. The firstdegree Murder Charge was filed today in connection with the disappearance of mollie tibbetts, who was last seen jogging in brooklyn, iowa, on july 18th, 2018. A complaint and Affidavit Names christian rivera, age 24, who resides in the rural county and hes been charged with murder in the first degree. Wee have confirmed it with Homeland Security investigation that he is an illegal alien and we believe he has been in this area now for 47 years. What happened to these young woman, molly tibbets, a senseless, evil, horrific crime. Now we believe the charges against an illegal immigrant. Tonight, we extend our deepest condolences, first her familycoi and friends. Well get to all of that in the. Said about the two tiered Justice System because i dont think that you can justify how the same or similar cases have been handled on the two different categories of people. Im not as convinced that what we started with was russian collusion. I really think that what we started with was russias interference in the election, and that still is sean thats what they were calling it. No, they said they collusion was one thread of an investigation into russias involvement in the election. Im pretty convinced that mueller is not pursuing Anc Collusion case sean now its an Obstruction Case. I thinking as an Obstruction Case and as far as manafort goes, i dont think that manafort i dont think mueller think Manafort Hasru anything with respect to the Trump Campaign, collusion with russia, that mueller couldnt already get from gates, who was manna manaforts partner, cooperating Robert Mueller. And again, we go to taxi medallions, tax fraud, and another big question, a side note, answer both, would any of these people, flynn, papadopoulos, manafort, or cohen be in trouble tonight and anyway if it werent for the issue of russia . It didnt come up in any case. Sean, i think the last question is the easiest one to answer. These guys got on the government cross hairs because of their connections to the first candidate and now President Trump. I dont think there is any question about that. But i do think that the cohen case ended up in the Southern District because mueller didnt see him, cohen, as someone who is going to advance his russia investigation. The Southern District had a different line of interest in cohen sean lets focus he said the direction of the president , he previously did not, why do i think that had to be a big part of what they wanted from cohen to get the deal they got . He was otherwise facing 65 year years. But sean, its a straight up guilty plea. Its not a cooperation agreement. I dontt think they regard hims a witness. I think for precisely the reason you pointed out, he has made statements that are all over the map. They did elicit that from him today when he gave his allocution at his guilty plea but i think if they regarded him as a valuable witness or a cooperator, youd see a very different kind of plea agreement. Sean i do agree with that,ee too. David, youve seen a lot of these cases over the years, and we talk about at length what, we have there are russian issues here. Hillaryia paid for a phony russian. Ca with funneled money to a law firm to an op Research Group that hired a Foreign National which i thought was bad for our elections, and he came up with russian lies that were disseminated to the American People to impact, that were never verified, never corroborated, to impact our election. Evan such information was also used as the bulk of information against fisa warrants on a Trump Campaign associate. Russian lies were used and i believe fraud was committed before fisa court judges. None of these people, nor is Hillary Clinton, who i think is the most open and shut case on obstruction, none of them are indicted today. Why . What should the American People take from that . The answer why is purely political one. I think the American People are entitled to hold the United States attorney to his word today when he said the message from the cohen cases of the rule of law is to be applied equally and evenly across the board. We havent seen that yet. Mr. Mccarthy is exactly right, the mandate started out as a question of russian interference. I think the case today, manafort, perfectly illustrates how wrong they went in the breadth of that mandate. It is so far beyond that, has nothing whatsoever to do with the president certainly come but the. Charges to date, nothing whatsoever to do with russia, and of course, your original question, how did i get to the seven district, we know that a member of the tibbetts comes from the unit that prosecuted him, andrew goldstein, lets hold them to their board and get past these cases that have nothing to do the president andi get on with the business that you have reported day after day, ctthe misconduct before the fisa court is outrageous. A the American People cannot withstand that kind of Treachery Beforere that kind of secret cot and an ex parte proceeding. We have to have the answers and full disclosure. Sean doesnt it happen every day, andy mccarthy, that people that commit fraud on their t taxes and people that commit Campaign Finance violations, obama, 2 million worth. Michael cohen is about 300 gran grand. The only paid a 375,000 fine. Ive used the hillary case. I use the fraud before the fisa judges. I wouldnt andy, i wouldnt lie to any judge ever. Its dumb. Ii wouldnt also if i had a subpoena by congress for my emails, i wouldnt delete them, i wouldnt acid wash My Hard Drivesiv and beat up or have somebody beat up my phones. I think america has to look tonight and ask itself, is this a witch hunt, as the president is saying, based on what we know are real crimes and some of them actually have to do with russia. Sean, i dont think Anybody Objective could look at the way that the clinton email investigation was handled in the way the Trump Campaign hasru ben pursued and say that there is a single standard of justice. I just dontt see how that coud be. At the same time, i dont want to see mueller pursuing the investigators or what happened in the hillary case. As i understand it, that is being looked at by the justice department, inspector general, and by the u. S. Attorney from utah, who the Attorney General assigned to this. I think we ought to let them do their work. I would rather see them do it then see mueller do it. I think muelleri should stay on what hes doing and bring it to an end. Sean andy mccarthy, david show on, Thank You For Being W with us. Now earlier tonight, West Virginia rally, President Trump asked, where is the russian inclusion. Heres what he said. Apparently, we dont have th. We had it earlier. Running in and out the latest on todays news is fox news chief National Correspondent ed henry. Ed . Sean, you are right. Before that rally, the president called the Robert Mueller i investigation again awh witch hunt. Whatat is interesting is the Michael Cohen case you much and could prove to be more damaging for the president because inn that case, he is directly implicated by cohen, a far cry from the Paul Manafort case, which had major developments today. That has nothing to do with the president , nothing to do with 2016, nothing to do with Russia Collusion. The former Trump Campaign chair was found guilty on five counts of filing false income tax returns, one count of failing to file a report of a foreign bank account, two charges of bank fraud. The jury could not reach a verdictou on ten other counts against manafort. They have until the end of mont. To decide on a possible retrial. Also the Possibility Manafort will be pardoned by the president , who declared again that the Mueller Probe is a witch hunt. He said it was deeply frustrating. It the president , though, said nothing inbu the comments about the cohen case, leaving it to his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to provide this written statement tonight. There is no allegation of any wrongdoing against the president and the governments charges against mr. Cohen. It is clear that as a prosecutor noted, mr. Cohens actions reflect a pattern of lies and dishonesty over a significant period time. But remember, cohens plea deal alleges he broke the law to influence the 2016 election on behalf of a candidate for that candidate, of course, being donald trump. Cohen will get present time, somewhere between 43 and 63 months, charges of tax fraud, bankha fraud, and Campaign Finae charges, including payments to two women who alleged affairs with the president , Stormy Daniels and karen mcdougal. Remember Rudy Giuliani told you that no Campaign Finance law was broken. This plea deal contradicts that. It will raise questions about whether anyone else in the Trump Campaign could be implicated, sean. Sean ed henry without report. Thank you for joining me now three option, author of the New York Times best seller, the russian hoax the illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame donald trump, and fox news legal analyst Gregg Jarrett jay, Fox News Contributor sara carter, covering a breaking a lot of news that does not end up in indictments of anybody, which is the point here. Look, i stand by what i say. Pay your taxes, if you areif applying for a loan, dont lie, dont like the fbi, all lessons everybody should learn. Nothing to do with russia. D but america should be asking a question tonight if we have a two. To your digestive system. Me oh, we totally do. Sean we dont have a constitutional republic. Hillary clinton violated the federal Campaign Election act in a criminal way. There is no investigation of her for that. And here, you see the feds pressuring cohen to try to implicate President Trump. There are two reasons why his payment in exchange for a Nondisclosure Agreement is not an Illegal Campaign contribution. The law says if there is a dual or secondary purpose, it is not illegal. Pe here, President Trump has personal and commercial reasons. Second of all, the federal Campaign Election act is a specific intent crime, if youre going to criminalize it. And that means you have to prove, knowingly and willfully committed a violation of the campaign law. Who is that steeped in Campaign Election laws to know that a Nondisclosure Agreement in exchange for money would be a violation . You cant even prove the case. Sean this isse an amazing thing, too. I also think they wanted outlined. At the behest. They pressured him for that. They didnt care about anything but that one line. Sean after all the other time he said just the opposite, he was pressured into it and basically, looking at 65 years or four or three, im going to take the deal. Most people would take the deal. Sara, your investigative reporting has shown us that we do have russian issues here, bought and paid for dossier, funneled money through a law firm to a fusion gps, which is in oppo research, to a t Foreign National, type that was bad, apparently not if you are Hillary Clinton, on top of her Obstruction Case, then that money is used as the basis to lie to four fisa court judges, four separate occasions, four applications, it is all false russian information. We are talking about taxes. The only thing they have in common is they are friends with trump. Sean incredible violations. They did not disclose that. Hillary Clintons Campaign did not disclose that on their fec. They didnt disclose they were paying a foreign spy basically through a u. S. Research firm for a dossier filled with lies from the russians. That was something that they kept very secret until the Washington Post actually broke that story. Weve reported over and over again, document after document, where there was actualet collusion, collusion between the doj and the fbi. Eo how many people at the fbi have been removed or demoted . Over 255 people, sean, and still nothing. Ii am going to say this. Rod rosenstein and gave Carte Blanche over this Special Counsel to Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein himself signed off on the fourth fisa application on carter page, which means he would have known everything, or should have known everything that was contained in those patent applications, those previous fisa applications, this is really incredible. And he wrote the letter, remember, wrote the letter to President Trump to fire comey. So if this is an Obstruction Case, isnt he a witness or a coconspirator . WeisbRod Rosenstein in charge of this . Id wears Attorney General Jeff Sessions . When is he going to stand up and do something about this . We dont even know whats happened with huber. As far as the inspector generals report, that could come out next year. There needs to be a Special Counsel according to a number of sources that ive spoken with, there needs to be Special Counsel in order for this not to be a two tiered Justice System. Sean so well said. Theres a reason weisbRod Rosenstein has been Obstruction Congress and in my judgment obstructing justice because hes kneedeepp in all of this. He signed off on the renewal without sean of the fourth buys fisa. Thats right. Speaker Brad Rosenstein is engaged in a row i think is a very deliberate coverup. Hes not on the covering of the wrongdoing at the fbi and department of justice, and by the way, taking no action against bruce ohr for what he did, hes also covering up his own role. Sean 25 people, top people, between the fbi and doj, that if either been fired, demoted, or resigned. Top people. This is not rank and file. And ing was wondering, i think america should binder tonight, again, we go from russia collusion, and we end up with, oh, tax issues, going back years ago, in both cases, and Bank Applications that have nothing to do with the campaign, nothing toum do with trump, nothing to o with russia, years ago, now weve got into taxi medallion land, which is nothing to do with anything. And i think americans are saying, wait a minute, in this campaign of 2016, hillary did do these things. Forget about you can even add to the list that she cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination. Nobody seems to care about me. Poor bernie. Bernie doesnt even care. So then she does her bed with the email subpoenas, and then she does her bed to pay for the phony russian dossier, then they disseminated to influence the American People, and then its used for the bulk of information for a fisa. It seems to me that the perspective is so far off here that the president s analogy of this witch hunt is accurate. Absolutely. When james comey cleared Hillary Clinton in the face of overwhelming evidence and guilt, hene simultaneously launched Thd Investigation of trump in direct violation, as i explained in the book, of fbi guidelines. Then, the Special Counsel was also illegitimate. This has always been an investigation and search of a crime, but the federal regulations say there must be a stated crime. There was none. Sean sara, will give you the last word. They are trying to force people to compose, they are targeting everyone around President Trump. This is pretty obvious what is i happening here. The only thing i can hope for is that actually john huber is doing his job. The Attorney General will listen and that the Special Counsel will be appointed. Sean thank you both. I appreciate it. Your book cuts to the whole part of it, right there. Here we are today, taxi medallions. Sad. When we come back, he is called the great one for a reason. Mark levin weighs in and much more straight ahead. 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Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the Amazing Services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4 week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com save and never go to the post office again sean here with reaction to all debates Breaking News, the host of the Number One Show sunday night, 10 00 eastern, life, liberty, levin on the fox news channel. Host of crtvs levin tv. We call him the great one, mark levin. There are some lessons here. I agree, you shouldnt like to the fbi. Everyone agrees with that. I also agree you should pay her taxes and i also agree you better not lie on a Bank Loan Application. Mark, how did we get from russia and this is it, after nearly, almost 500 days . All right, i want to address Michael Cohen. How did we get to that . I wantp to help the law professors, the constitutional experts, the criminal defense lawyers, the former prosecutorsc and of course the professors. I want to help them understand what the law is. The general counsel for the clinton mob family, lanny davis, he had his client plead to two counts of criminality that donf exist. These Campaign Finance violations all over to you, they are saying, they implicate the United States president of United States directly. It is guilty plea. A criminal who just want to spend the rest of his life in prison. That is not president. That applies only to that specific case. No one cites Plea Bargains for precedetn. Number two, just because he said he violated the campaign now doesnt mean it is so. He is not the judge or jury. We did not adjudicate anything. That is number two. A Campaign Expenditure under our federal Campaign Laws as a expenditure solely for campaign activity. A candidate who spends his own money, or even corporate money, for an event that occurred not as a result of the campaign, it is not c a Campaign Expenditure. Let me give you a few examples to help people understand this, especially the American People. Lets say i wrote these down. Lets say a candidate has said, we owe vendors a whole lot of money, weve had disputes but i wantnt you to pay them, i am a candidate, i dont want this negative publicity, so he says to his private lawyer, you pay them, ill reimburse you, get it done. Is that illegal . Is perfectly legal. Yet according to the prosecution of the Southern District ofriat new york, it is paid at the direction of the candidate to influence an election. Yes, mr. Prosecutor, how stupid is your n point . Its not a crime. More, lets say the candidate settles a lawsuit that was initiated before he becomes a candidate, and he says to his personal lawyer, he wants you to pay, settle that lawsuit, use my corporate funds, private funds, whatever it is, that is perfectly legal, too. The prosecutor would say come up with that influence the election. So what . There are certain things that you do that influence an election that are illegal and certain ones that areel illegal. Lets a candidate gets a Nondisclosure Agreement from a disgruntled employee, wants to quiet the disgruntled employee, as he goes into the election, pays the funds out of his pocket or through his corporation, perfectly legal, nothing here wasnt spent out of the campaign, nothing was done with a campaign or to the campaign. Thisxa is exactly what the fedel law is, and mr. Lanny davis had his client plead guilty to two offenses that arent differences, that the prosecutor insisted were offenses. That is why he is no good. Michael cohen against donald trump. Donald trump is in the clear. Lets a donald trump even directed Michael Cohen to make payments and Nondisclosure Agreements. So what . Is allowed to do that. Now heres my question, has a the Southern District of new york ever paid money in a Nondisclosure Agreement with any of its employees . Any u. S. Attorneys office in the United States . By the department of justice . How about any business . How about any union . The dnc . E. Members of congress . Its done all the time. Hush money. Hush money. Cant pay hush money. Well, it is hush money, its illegal, its a contract, its done all the time. Now, what does mr. Mueller have left . Hes chasing the manhattan madam. Who the hell is the man had to madam . I dont know. Hes interviewing, dragging her in front of of the grand jury. Who is next . Hes got manafort where he wants them on banking charges, he set up a few guys like flynn, whos gotten in trouble, now they have cohen, what do they have . They have nothing. Ill tell you what they have. Mr. Mueller is a federalmr prosecutor and is preparing his impeachment report, and unconstitutional activity, t mr. Mueller is supposed to be nonpolitical, hes not supposed to be preparing impeachment reports. Mr. Mueller, i told youmr befor, you cant indict a sitting president. I told you that 15 months ago. Now you figured it out. You and rosenstein figured it out. Now you and rosenstein are trying to figure out what to do with a subpoena. You see, sean, giuliani was on your show the other day, or somebodys show company he said, why do they take two or three weeks. I will tell you why, because mr. Mueller has to consult mr. Rosenstein, his boss, to figure out what to do with the subpoena. I will tell you what happens when the issue that subpoena, the president of United States takes it all away to the Supreme Court and what is he do . Department of justice memos. What else does he cite . Constitution of the United States. So this is going to be an impeachment battle in the end. The president of the United States, if he doesnt get involved in the perjury trap think about that. They dont have a crime. He needs this interview to create a crime against the president of United States this prosecutor well, thats pretty outrageous. In any event, i want the news media to understand, you know what took place in the Southern District of new york, and i think that matters. Zippo. There was no violation of federal Campaign Laws. Lanny davis blew it, lanny davis lanny davis, he put a tweet today. Today, cohen stood up and testified under oathec that donald trump directed him to commit a crime. You are a dummy, lanny. When making payments to two womens for the principal purpose of influencing election. If that was a crime, then why wouldnt they be acquired for donald trump . They werent a crime for Michael Cohen. They are fhimself, and not a crime for donald trump either. Now move along and go back into your corner with Hillary Clinton. Sean obviously, he is a huge clinton sycophant. So there is 2016 campion, 77 days out, now becoming, as i have said for a long time, impeachment, keeping obamacare, wanting their problems back, eliminating i. C. E. , openig borders, and stopping the Investigation Into What Ii Say s the biggest abuse of power. Heres what i want to ask you. So we now have Hillary Rodham clinton obstructing, violating the Espionage Act, no indictment. We w have her paying for what turns out to be a foreign entity, a foreign agent, putting together russian lies that are disseminated to the American People to influence an election, lies, never verified, never corroborated, then put it as the bulk of information and four fisa warrants. Comey, sally yates, Rod Rosenstein. Theyll all signed off and they l said, they swore they put their good name and credibility behind it. I dont see comey indicted. I dont see any Hillary Clinton indictments. I dont see any crimes that are being pursued here. Barack obama had, what, 2 million in Campaign Finance violations . He just paid a fine braids to go i interrupt for a second . Sean go ahead, interrupt my own drop rates because the head of the fbi is not the head of an fbi anymore. The deputy fbi director was fired and is under criminal investigation. Mr. Peter strzok was the head counterintelligence investigator, fired, he is under investigation, i believe, or will become or should be, under investigation as well. That is a top tier of the federal bureau of investigation. Ive never heard of anything like this before. You have a mole in the Deputy Attorney Generals Office who is working with peter strzok whos been fired. His wife works for the fusion gps. Pushing out the Opposition Researcher gives the president of the United States, getting in the front of the fisa or through the fbi, bruce ohr, bruce ohr, who served the Deputy Attorney general of United States, and theres tons more. You have fisa court judges that have never been held to account, an application that was filed with a fisa court, they didnt say who paid for the Opposition Research that was used to violate their rules. Yet, we need a Special Counsel now forr that. Sean some great, Smart Constitutional Lawyer once wrote a book and in the book he said, this is a postconstitutional america. Well, that was you. We are there. Mark, thank you. Life, liberty, levin, sunday nights, ten eastern, right here on fox. When we come back, a lab report from iowa, the latest, this horrific murder of this young, innocent iowa college student, molly tibbetts. Murdered by an illegal immigrant. Full reaction. Geraldo, dr. Gorka, next. This wifi is fast. The legal alien coming in very sadly from mexico and you saw whatic happened to that incredible, beautiful youngea woman. Should have neverul happened. Legally in our country. Weve had a huge impact by the laws are so bad. The Immigration Laws are such a disgrace. We are getting them change, but we have to get more republicansr sean that was the president earlier tonight at his West Virginia Rally Lamenting what was the ultimate untimely death of molly tibbets. We feel so sorry for her family tonight. Our thoughts and prayers as we said earlier go out to them. This is a tragedy that can be prevented. With reaction to those who horrific story, author of the book why we fight, dr. Sebastian gorka. And fox news correspondent at large, geraldo rivera. En kate steinle, i see this come a beautiful girl, brutally murdered again, an illegal immigrant in this country. We have to fix this problem. This should be the end of it for everybody. Build the wall, keep the door, well call it the geraldo door. Seriously, you havent i have disagreed on some aspects of immigration. Stop drugs, stop human trafficking, control who comes into this country, we love you, come from anywhere, we just need to vent you so you are part of our family. We dont care where you come from. N justha we need to know that you are safe and secure for the people that are here. You know, sean, i totally understand the anger that so many people are expressing and feeling over thisr horrible cas. My heart breaks for the tibbetts family. It does. This is terrific. I feel so sorry of them, as the father of five, it is so, so saddening to me. It is saddening for what this family has suffered and it is sad because it will fuel the malignant, false notion that this terrible, savage crime is characteristic of this population. The 12 million undocumented immigrants in this country are not all ms13. Sean know, that is absolutely true. You are right. But we got to be able to try and vet those that are peer because they love our country of course. There is no argument. There is no distance between us on that point. But what i fear is that this case will now become one of the rallying cry to deprive the dreamers of their sean the president offered a deal, geraldo. To harshly crackdown on the have been hereho for years and care for our babies how about we just check everybody out . Lets just make sure. I would love that. I would hire we will tell people, well give you a yellow press, figure out who you are and what your status is. I just want everyone to know, my dad, i just want to quickly say, my dad, this guy come his name is rivera, you want how i feel about this . My dad when he was alive, we moved from brooklyn to long island, from the democratic heart of brooklyn to republican long island. All we wanted to do was fit in. Every time there was a violent crime, my dad would pray it was a day let you know because the community was already beleaguered enough sean anybody dr. Gorka, we do have things we can do. We are not doing them. Sean, kate steinle should never have died. Now mollies life has been ripped away from her by an illegal alien. Americans should never forget these were men, never forget these young girls, and we should never rest until the wall is built and every single criminal like this is removed from this country or puttr in prison. Nobody, nobody has the right to come to america and to be an american. The sanctuary cities, the Outrages Catch And Release policies of the Obama Administration are because of one reason and one reason alone, and its not humanitarianism. Its because the Democratic Party wants illegal votes. That is the only reason. Sean i know you mean it, geraldo. More hannity next

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