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Clear that they have solved very little. Secretary tillerson emerged witi his meeting saying it is a low point between the u. S. And russia on their relationship and there is a low level of trust between the two countries. B they cannot even agree on fundamental facts. The Trump Administration is arguing that bashar alassadfu responsible for a chemical attack against its citizens there last week. Sergey lavrov the foreign minister says thats not the case. He says he wants an investigation to figure out who is responsible. We asked him if thats investigation comes back and says that assad is responsible, what was his posture towardsig russia be quick to mark what would the posture of russia toward syria . He refuses to speculate. Secretary tillerson it says his time is ending. We do think it is important that assads departure is done in an orderly way. We are asking at the request of a legitimate government which is a member of the United Nations. He added that its hard for him to remember the flouting of a dictator, if someone can remember he would like to hear it. The two also argued about ukraine election interference but they did agree to continue talking, sean. Sean hes in russia tonight, also tonight President Trump held a joint News Conference with nato secretary general where they discussed other countries financial contributions, syria, russia, and a lot more. In washington at the white house with details as our own kevin corke. You remember candidate trump called nato obsolete quotes mark President Trump said its not obsolete, it is essential as a Security Defense in the bulwark against enemy forces especiallyy those abroad in europe i think you know where im going with that. The president is talking at length about the need for member nations to get on board, to pay their fair share. He also talked a great deal about russia, he said its probably unlikely that the kremlin knew in advance of the deadly gas attack perpetrated by the murderous dictator bashar alassad. He also acknowledged the relationship between washington and moscow, a frequent critic oe nato has seen better days. It would be wonderful as we were just discussing a while ago if nato and our country could get along with russia, right now were not getting along with russia at all, we may be at an alltime low in terms of relationship with russia. He also praised the work of the secretary of state who had difficult duty and moscow. A couple things i want to point out he wants to members to pay what they owe to help build what nato can be at a security bulwark again. The second thing to keep in mind, even as nato expands adding montenegro today, he doesnt want that to become the focus, he wants the relationship of russia, its certainly strained especially when you consider not just what you heard today in moscow but when you consider what happened in syria and election meddling or just to name a couple of other issues. Sean kevin corke at the white house tonight, thank you for it joining us now with reaction, sara carter from the American Center of law and justice, jay sekulow. Ill get into this with more detail, it seems like the world is beginning to discover there is no more leading from behind, our relationships now, there wont be any more iranian dealsv and america is not going to wait and lead from behind. I sense the world is having a tough adjustment, the president of the second state a particularly tough on russia into Vladimir Putin today. I agree with you there. I think there was a lot of misinformation from the very beginning with regard to President Trump and Vladimir Putin. I remember the stories coming out showing President Trump and Vladimir Putin like they werere buddies. G i can tell you from the sources that i had come a people that are russian analysts, people that are very close to people in the kremlin and in the United States. People who are advising both trump and Hillary Clinton. Vladimir putin had no idea how President Trump was going to react. He was in a state of panic, he would constantly contact the Russian Ambassador trying to figure out how is President Trump going to react to our policies overseas in syria . How is he going to react to our policy with iran . S i think for so many people there was such a misconception regarding President Trump and a Vladimir Putin and now we are seeing which those analysts were telling me was right. It played out fully, they didnt expect President Trump to do what he did and i think he made a very poignant decisive decision. It was accepted throughout the world by most people. There was a controversy as to whether or not he should have gone to congress, but he made a decision, and was a decision that does not lead from behind but certainly from the front. Sean certainly if Rex Tillerson and the president are talking about putin and russia being complicit or incompetent, it doesnt sound like the president is deeply compromised having colluded with the russians to defeat Hillary Clinton that that would be something they would ever say is this bizarre conspiracyom theory has been thatde narrative has gone on for eight months. The Conspiracy Theory is it just that. Its always been a foe, a false narrative. Now youve got to Decisive Action coming out with the president the United States, you compare that with eight years of living from behind as sarah said. More importantly, whats have an impact is the president is exercising the muscular power of the United States both in its diplomacy end of its military capabilities. Those are not mutually opposites. I think you can be is rarely famously said to diplomacy was a form of war. What you are seeing right now is a diplomatic maneuver going on on russia between second tillerson and the foreign minister of russia, that is strong from the United States perspective. The russians are trying to figure out how theyre trying to deal with this but what the president is trying to do when i think hes done a very good job here, a great job, he understands that there is a very dangerous nexus between russia, iran, and syria. Instead of just letting it mature so that you have this strong russia with iran on the role on the way to a Nuclear Armament without any question, thats where they were heading, this president says were not only hitting a pause, we are taking back our role as the leader. We are taking our role as the director of how these things are going to play out and were not going to allow the russians to use proxies. Sean youve been all over the story for us and reporting on all the issues involving surveillance and unmasking and intelligence leaking. If the russians in fact had colluded with the Trump Campaign, what is the president to be compromised its not as forceful as he has been saying this may be an alltime low in terms of relations . Fo you would think based on what those in opposition to the president have been saying. You would think that would definitely compromise him and he wouldnt have made this decision. This is certainly a decisionte that Vladimir Putin did not expect. For the last eight years, during the syrian civil crisis in the civil war, there was so much confusion coming out of the Obama Administration. I could tell youre talking to intelligence sources on the ground in syria, on the ground in iraq. They didnt know which way was up. Neither did the people who belong to the free syrian army. Nobody knew what was going on. Were we there to take out ae solid . Or were there to go after Islamic State and isis and al nusra and al qaeda . What was the deal . There was a moment where they felt emboldened, russia, syria, iran. Sean weigh in on the saber rattling, one interesting develop much of the chinese propaganda newspaper saying china might take out north koreas nukes. They are sending back importing american coal. There seems to have been some breakthrough with china in this meeting tomorrow lago over the weekend. Er what this is showing as the president Foreign Policy is reminiscent of ronald reagan, i think what hes done here as established the United States is the leader of the free world month. Heres what were not going to be, pushed around. Know that when theres a redline were just going to ignore it as happened in syria. Whats the message to the chinese . I suspect the president made it very clear, you get north korea under control or we get themem under control. Weve got the capability to do it, were not going to allow this lunatic. Sean he cant have icbms. Period. You cant have that regime, that kind of armaments. This president knows that, hes being unapologetic, when he says american first it includes our Foreign Policy. Sean when we come back, President Trump is now showing the world america does mean business, living from the front, not behind. Its making some enemies nervous, that will be tonights opening monologue in our next segment. Well also get reaction from dr. Sebastian gorka and later tonight. What we do know is that a president meyer to deepen scandal involving russian influence in his election fired off some harmless missiles at the end of a very bad at scandal waiting to happen for him. Sean cue the Twilight Zone music, they continue to peddle their bizarre conspiracy theories, piers morgan will rejoin us with reaction tonight. All of that tonight plus Maria Bartiromo, will talk with her about her exclusive with President Trump. Straight ahead. Try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. Yeah, cause i got allstate. . If you total your new bike, they replace it with a brand new one. Thats cool. I got a new helmet. We know steve. Its good to be in good hands . [vo] quickbooks introduces he teaches lessons to stanley. And thats kind of it right now. But rodney knew just what to do. He got quickbooks. It organizes all his accounts, so he knows where he stands in an instant. Ahhh. Thats a profit. Which gave him the idea to spend a little cash on some brilliant marketing ha, clever. 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The president talked about member countries contributing their fair share of money to joint security. Mb he pushed for a stronger focus on the issue of terrorism. Also today after a Trump Administration has repeatedly condemned russia over the Syrian Chemical Weapons attack, the secretary of state asked tillerson, he was in russia meeting with his foreign diplomatic counterpart and Vladimir Putin in response to north korea developing a nuclear weapon, the president has ordered what he is calling on armada to the region in a major show of force. Heres the bottom line tonight. Its very simple for the world to understand. D. There is a new sheriff in town and the world is beginning to take notice. Im calling into the trump adjustment syndrome. After eight years of weaknesse. And appeasement, the world is not used to seeing strength in the u. S. Is leading fromwe the front and not from behind. Global leaders growing accustomed to america not saying radical islamic terrorism, america cutting deals with rogue nation, and the number one state sponsor of terror like iran. They flat up a trail of one of our closest allies, israel. Instead of taking a tough stance with russia from the start like what President Trump is now doing, the world was used to and so Hillary Clinton offering to l reset relations, you mayow remember this. In anticipation of this important meeting and our time here together, i wanted to present you with a little gift which represents what president obama and Vice President biden and i have been saying. That is, we want to reset our relationship. So we will do it together. [laughter] thank you very much. You are very welcome. We worked hard to get the right russian word, do you think we got it . You got it wrong. I got it wrong. This says which means over shots. We wont let you do that to us, i promise. Sean we all know how that turned into complete and utter failure and a disaster. E instead of pushing the russians to change their behavior, the world watched as president obama offered more flexibility. Tell vladimir this, take a look. After my election. Sean barack obama gave russia space to operate, guess what Vladimir Putin did, and up walking all over them. Now President Trump has restored American Leadership on the world stage, countries are having a hard time adjusting and hes making guys like putin, kim jong il and, bashir alassad, iran a little uneasy. Its time for them to understand that the old ways of doing things are over. Americas back this landscape has changed. In some cases america has a moral obligation and duty to act in the world, thats why he responded to a serious use of h chemical weapons with a targeted and proportional military strike. I know his actions in syria is causing some saber rattling in his criticism of what americas role should be. To those of you who disagree, let me ask you this question. Should america, the United States of america sit on the sidelines while innocent men, women, and children are gassed to death with chemical weapons. Should we really let what happened there keep going on . Or should we try and useh americas might to stop evil in our time . President trump made the right decision, he drew a line in the sand with syria and letting assad know that the chemical weapons will not be tolerated. To the detractors out there, the commanderinchief has made it clear. There will not be american t bos on the ground. That was a Campaign Promise in syria or anywhere else for the time being. Take a look at what he told our friend Maria Bartiromo. Just so you understand were not going into syria. When i see people using horrible, horrible chemical weapons which they agreed not to use under the Obama Administration, but they violated it. They said they got rid of them. O what i did should have beende done by the administration a long time before i did it and you would have had a much betted i think syria would be a lot better off than it has been. Sean maria will join us later in the show. I understand, america not be the worlds policeman, we cant rush into every signal crisis all around the world, this is a c seven year civil war, were not going to solve all those problems. If america doesnt lead and takl a moral stand, who will . Joining us now with reaction, the Deputy Assistant to the president dr. Sebastian gorka. I have friends of mine, very wellintentioned. They are not happy that theen president used force here. I said to them, if wet allow basheer alassad to use chemical weapons against men, women commanded children, this could develop into a moderndayan holocaust. I dont want to boots on the ground, the president that put boots on the ground. I dont want an occupation, the president is not occupying. He did it draw a line and say wi cannot allow this moral boundary to be crossed. To me that the right thing to do it, your answer. Your absolutely right. This is one of those key instances where the moral imperative overlaps with the National Security interest of the United States. We didnt ride in there just to do good, we wrote in there because susan rice lies about the chemical weapons. Russia lied about the chemicalut weapons. They were used against women and children. If we allow that to happen again, it would be a blight upon it values this nation has stood for since 1776. At the same time, syria is where isis has established its i caliphate along with iraq. We cannot permit these weapons to be used in that theater because sooner or later, somebody else could get hold of them. The president was explicit, we are not invading. This is a and 2003, this isnt even 1991. America has to take action. Sean i would be very surprised if basheer alassad uses chemical weapons again, that would be a good thing we have done to prevent innocent t people from dying at the most death ever. Thats in our time. Let me ask about russia. Vladimir putin was not going to meet with the secretary of state but ended up meeting with him. How do you interpret that and was the message clear but they are complicit or incompetent inr controlling what assad is doing. I think what you saw happen today is an incredibly important and incredibly positive development. We know that this murderous regime has its sponsors. Of the most important sponsors is moscow. Right now i can tell you inside the kremlin they are making a very simple calculation. How much longer should we support assad in damascus, because it may reach a point where it is no longer in Vladimir Putins interests to do so. I think thats why his government met with our representatives. Sean we seem to be seeing some being relationship with china, the president of china were supposed to meet one hour, it end up going five, five and half hours. We know the Chinese Communist newspaper the International Paper actually said, there is a bottom line here as it relates to chinas relationship with north korea. They recently said that cold that there will not be important for the ad states. Theyre willing to talk about trade negotiations and r adjustments. I think the most importantte thg is the editorial and that the Chinese Communist party paper said they will launch their own attacks on north Koreas Nuclear facilities, how do you interpret that . I interpret that one of the most significant of geostrategic nations in the world is also drawing the right conclusions about the fact that america is back. America is leading. Aw were not interested in being global cop, were not going to be the worlds policeman. Is there are standards that we insist on. The International System cannot function in a vacuum. In the last eight years, thats what obama created. A vacuum, as a result we had a world on fire. Sean i agree with the world on fire analogy but it also created an opportunity where sunni nations like t saudi arabia aligning with israel, the jordanians, the egyptians probably wouldnt have happened had obama not betrayedn israel given this horrible deal to iran and the possibility of irani and hegemony in the region. Maybe a lot of good came out of that. Maybe even a breakthrough in china, time will tell. G i think you are right. Some positive things can come out of that. Look what weve done already, weve reinforced those positive developments that happen in a vacuum. Look at the meeting withha president , look at how weve revitalized the relations with israel. King abdullah, i dont know if were tired of winning it but this is just a taste. Sean i dont ever get tired ofwhen i come i dont think anybodys going to get tired of that. Ed good to see you, thank you. Up next to an this busy news night here in hannity. What we do know is a president mired deep in scandal involving russian influence in his election fired off some harmless missiles at the end ofr a very bad at for him. Sean trump derangement syndrome at nbc news peddling one Conspiracy Theory after another, piers morgan reacts. Thats coming up next and also later tonight. Putin is backing a person thats truly an evil person. Sean President Trump calling out putin for supporting assad during his interview, shall join us next coming upca straightahead. G how to win at business. Step one point decisively with the arm of your glasses. Abracadabra. The stage is yours. Step two choose la quinta. The only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free nightinstantly and win at business. Youre in the match app. Now tap on the new missed connections feature. It says ive crossed paths with kate six times this week. That is a lot of times. 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Live from americas news headquarters, i am Jackie Ibanez in new york. President trump taking steps fix relations with china while ties with russia worsen. Janice and presley abstaining once a from the United Nations voted to condemn last week syrian chemical weapon attack. The president apparently getting some help to deal with north korea, listen. We have a very big problem and north korea, and as i said i really think that they tried really hard it was already started. Its a big step and many other steps that i know of. We will see what happens. May be effective, it may not be effective. If its not, we we will be effective i can promise you that. Onetime Trump Campaign chairman pollock to matt Paul Manafort is he was talked about registering before the 2016 election and is not taking the necessary steps to formalize it. And Jackie Ibanez, now back to hannity. Sean welcome back to hannity, day after day the alt radical left destroy trump propaganda media has showed their true colors especially over nbc, lets take a look ates the selection of the out of line conspiracy theories and insults, this just aired last night, this is one night only. It seems to me theres always an element of absurdity, royal family of saturday with the trumps. One wonders whether they now perceive that there is political upside in increasing escalation with russia as a sort of means of producing some sort of domestic political effect with regards to the Ongoing Investigation there. Donald trump could say that the missile attack proves that donald trump is independent of c Vladimir Putin. He couldve advised donald trump to do the missile attack because he would then be able to say that. What we do know is that a president mired deep in scandal involving russian influence in his election fired off some harmless missiles at the end of a very bettis candlewick for him. Sean joining us now with reaction as the u. S. Editor at large of daily mail. Com, piers morgan. How are you sir . Im not competing with you anymore. Sean im glad. It wasnt all bad. I i love the daily mail, i love the way you guys are due news. You cover a lot of u. S. News and the format is better than 90 of newspapers. Its very straightforward. D. To put up a 1200 stories a day, nothing stays up for more than 24 hours. Its very addictive, very comprehensive. Sean lot of gossip, i looked us up. It doesnt really take you, lets you make your mind up just tells you whats going on. Sean so for eight months here in america, you dont always agree with him but you like them, do you think he is mischaracterized by the media. My god, its unbelievable. I was on the first celebrity apprentice. The president United States made me his apprentice, what more could you want a life . I came to know donald trump very well and i just buy the characterization of him as w soe kind of monster, the new hitler as i keep being told, its offensive. To anyone who has to suffer from what hitler did. He is not a monster, this is a guy whos a very successful businessman, you and i know hes a good family man. Fundamentally, hes fun. Sean people dont see the fun. Now hes the most powerful man on the world and he wants to be success. What i dont like is what looks like the combined will of many sections of the media to not just beat him up because theyre all making tons of money by beating them up whether its the New York Times subscriptions flying to the ruth or colbert who beats up every night. Sean hes a comedian. Ive got no problem with any of that, just be honest about why youre doing it. Youre doing it to make money. What i have a real problem is it descends into a will for him to fail. How does that help america if the combined will of manyt sections of the media is we want this guy to fail and we are going to trash him every single day, were going to misrepresent, mix characterize in my view how monstrous he is. The pure intent of that isy for him to fail. Sean you combine background in in print, you watch some of this, for eight months theyve been advancing a Conspiracy Theory that russia and the Trump Campaign colluded to help him get elected. Now they are actually saying that putin and trump, they got together and they decided okay, will launch the minimal amount of chemical weapons, trunk and responded distract the mediaal from the trumpprudent conspiracy with no evidence. Utterly ridiculous. Think about that for a moment. Were expected to believe that donald trump and Vladimir Putinn get together and they plan the mass murder of children to make some kind of points that theress are no longer best buddies. We think this a legitimate Conspiracy Theory . Sean this is nbc news. I watched Chris Matthews talking about him being the romanovs, the trumps. Not just comparisons, the royal family in russia for 300 years. We know how thatat ended, ill tell you how it ended, they all got slaughtered. At the start of what became the communist soviet union. They were slaughtered with guns and knives in a most brutal and disgusting matter. Whatever your view of the romanovs, thats not really a i comparison i dont think anyone at American Media should be making about the trump of family. What are we supposed to deduce from that comment . Somehow jared, ivanka, and donald are all going to be murdered by communists . Sean theyre attacking his wife, they are attacking ivanka, theyre going after women. To me it is just a new low, i said the words on this program often, journalism is dead. I really believe that. I believe that america has an information crisis when the Major Networks by into bizarre econspiracies. I take issue, im not going to agree that a journalism is dead but it at the moment is going to a very strange face in america where a lot of people are pinning their mast to antitrump agenda. The guy won a Free Democratic p elect election. There is zero evidence linking any sean jens clapper, james comay, there is no evidence for it. If some emerges, thats a different story. Ive seen nothing that linked him to any collusion that fix that election. Now weve seen him through people like secretary of state being tough on russian. Is seen attack syria against directly what russia wouldve wanted. Sean stays with us, coming up in the next segment, right here. Frankly, putin is backing a person that is truly an evil person. Sean what he say that if putin had the goods on him . When we comeev back, Maria Bartiromo joins the debate. Piers morgan stays as we continue on hannity, straight ahead. Bartiromo joins the debat debate. Piers morgan stays as we continue on hannity, i have asthma. 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Our exclusive trueseal Technology Means a strong, reliable bond, every time. At safelite, we stand behind our work. Bye, bye. Because the ones you love, sit behind it. parents whisper jingle safelite repair, safelite replace. Putin his backing a person that is truly an evil person. I think its very bad fori russia, i think its very bad for mankind, its very bad for this world. What i did should have been done by the Obama Administration a long time before i did it. You would have had a much better i think syria would be a lot better off right now than it has been. Sean that was President Trump during his interview with Maria Bartiromo where he addressed the crisis in syria and signed Vladimir Putini for support of bashir alassad. Joining is now from the fox business network, Maria Bartiromo and piers morgan stays with us. He said something, we all know the president , weve known him for years. When youre with him, do you see the guy that i see . Which is fun, smart, engaged, wanting to succeed . He does not elect failing at all, he wants to win, hes serious about that. I see a real authenticity, thats what people want. Thats what you want to the white house. You dont want a politician. What he has been able to do in terms of being himself, bringing an authentic persona to the white house has been very valuable. I agree with that. Sean i thought you got a lot of news out of them especially on syria, with all the conspiracy theories we were talking about russia, its interesting hes taken on putin to such a high degree, if putin had the goods on and i doubt he would be doing it. This whole narrative about russia started at the Democratic National convention because it was clear based on all of the emails that debbie wassermanan schultz was in the tank for Hillary Clinton trying to takeke Bernie Sanders down. She gets pushed out. On day one of her conference, her convention, what are they going to do quick to they completely changed the conversation. Look over here, look over here. They start grading this narrative about russia and they have just been writing it ever since, its working for them. Its a farcical thing at the moment where youve got tillerson over there being as tough as you could possibly be, youve got everyone around trump being the same and people are still trying to push aun narrate that hes the poodle, this iss not how poodles behave. I know people who have not poodles. I they dont bite everybody. I think he gave us such leverage to tillerson going into this meeting. All of a sudden the u. S. Becomes that much stronger and real leverage against sean he doesnt hold back, he was with the secretarygeneral of nato, he was like you guys have to pay more. I thought of those were good g things on his part. Let me move forward to the syria issue i have prince of mine who are at odds with me. I think if you see moral depravity and evil in your time, i dont want america to be the worlds policeman, i dont want an occupying force. I do believe america should be using moral power and authority . Do you want to president of the United States the most powerful superpower in the world to watch video footage as we all did of little children who have been gassed to death. Sean your Prime Minister doesnt want to its force this. I got issues about that, after that redlines was crossed, this all goes back to obama, that showed america at the weakest ive seen america be perceived around the world in a very long time. Trump has restored a sense of americas military power will be wielded when it feels there is depravity. Sean to agree with my monologue from earlier wants to just of the world is going through an adjustment. , not leading from behind but leading from the front, america reestablishing its position in the world. 100 , just the fact that he took this move told everybody that the era leading from behind is over, the u. S. Is a superpower and will in fact ask if they see, if the uscs atrocities. The problem is what happens next time . Xp were not expecting a son not too chemical weapons. You dont think so . Sean no. 18 feet long, two feet wide, 1,000 pounds of the munitions, 59 out of 62 hit their target, would you want that . On think i would want to face that. He said it to assad, if you want to keep using sarin, this is what you are going to get its going to get bigger and bigger if you keep doing this. That is i think the role of the United States. Sean we need great britain, our relationship now will be stronger again as with our relationship with israel. But in support of the teresai may has shown a solidarity with many other countries. Hes gotten Global Support for this is a reason for that. The issue is if asada steps down tomorrow, what happens then . You dont know the vacuum thatth is created. Look at the people who are against it, moscow, damascus anc tehran, who cares about north korea north korea, although they are stable or rattling as well. Good to see you, coming up next, will have more on her interview last night coming up next. We had hundreds of bidders, we have many, many designs. Ive seen ten of the top but i want to see more. Sean the president is not slowing down and lawmakers in washington, they better not get on board. Will explain, thats coming up next straight ahead. Explain, tp explain, tp next straight ahead [car engine] [wind blows] yo wh ah he [gas pouring] [slurps loudly] [engine starting] [loud slurping continues] will have a much better plan than obamacare which is failing. Tax reform is going to be tough but it wont be as tough as health care. Health care is going to happenen as some point if it doesnt happen fast enough ill start the taxes but the tax reform and tax cuts are better if i could do health care first. We had hundreds of bidders, we have many, many designs. Ive seen ten of the top but i want to see more. We are looking at designs and were going to be making a decision very shortly. Sean that was more of President Trump in his exclusive interview where he doubled down on this promise to repeal and replace obamacare, tackle largescale tax reform and of course build a wall on the southern border. On this show we have longla to n accountable, Congress Needs to step up, catch up to the speed of trump and getol something accomplished. Its infuriating. We continue with the host of mornings with maria, host Maria Bartiromo. This was such a wideranging interview, a lot is contingent on health care for us because a trillion dollars in savings. Goes right intoti the economic plan, thats a big deal thats a big piece of that puzzle. Its a huge deal because the truth is president obama but all of these taxes of the Affordable Care act and raised a trillion dollars. President trump wants to overturn that so he has a trillion dollars to start with to begin to pay for the tax cuts. Thats why these two things are locked together. The problem is that some republicans do not want to be feeling like they are playing hostage on tax reform to health care. All ryan has been consumed with a health care act, obviously they are kneedeep in this, well see. Sean my criticism as they didnt share the bill withth leadership they didnt share the bill with anybody. They didnt build consensus, a youve got moderates can leave got the study group, youve got the tuesday group, the freedom caucus. I dont think they can do this in the future theyve got to build consensus behind closed doors, no intramural fighting on to cable television. Its because theres no doubt about it have i worried that they are going to face a similar battle when it comes to the tax reform package. The truth is there a lot ofo things that people are disagreeing on. Order adjustment tax, my opinion . Not going to have it, no border adjustment tax and the tax reform plan. N number two, deductions, i got an email from one of sources on the hill, i cannot support limiting the property a deduction. I cannot support limiting the state income tax deduction,he these are some of the things theyre going back and forth about theyve got to get on the same page. Sean there was a story yesterday that some republicans dont want to fund the border wall. Democrats are threatening to shut down the government, theyve got four days. They will probably go with a continuing resolution i suspect. If they have four days before they face a government shutdown. It would be better to bring back congress, passed the Health Care Bill next week, show america they are actually working. The truth is President Trump does not have any support from the democrats. Thats really a sad thing. They are really, truly obstructing his cabinet and obstructing his agenda. Sean he doesnt have half his government to needs confirmation. Thats another issue, would you feel this obstruction and you realize they are distracting. Sean its kind of inexcusable, they got the white house, they werent prepared for repealing and replacing. That had no plan its ridiculous for seven years, its crazy. They should have appealed, theyve got support. Im here, theres a lot of progress. I think its down to one issue it has to do with waivers. I think something will happen, i think they recognize this is a opportunity, they have a window, that window was quick to close quickly. Sean honestly, that was a great interview, you got so much news of the president , timely, thanks for sharing it with us. Up next, we need your help a very important question of the day, straight ahead. Very important question of the day, straight ahead man ill have the meat loaf. What about you . Sorry, just getting a quote on motorcycle insurance from progressive. Yeah . Yeah, they have safe rider discounts, and with total loss coverage, i get a new bike if mines totaled. But hows their Customer Service . Great. 24 7. Just like here. Meat loaf [dings bell] just like here. Anybody got a pack. That needs leadin . Serving all your motorcycle insurance needs. Now, thats progressive. Dry mouth can affect how your mouth feels and how you feel. Discover act dry mouth, specially formulated to soothe and moisturize your mouth. And try new act dry mouth spray for relief when you need it. Click male announcer hit escape with great deals on great gear. 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Its free for everyone . Do hawks use the stars to navigate . I dont know. Aw, i thought you did. I dont know either. Either way its free for everyone. Cool. Whats in your wallet . Time for our question of the day. Do you think President Trump has restored americas reputation in the world . Yeah, i think so. Americas leadership on the world stage is pivotal. And its just going to take time for some of these countries like tehran and north korea and russia and syria to understand whats happening. Go to facebook. Com shawnhannity. Thats all the time we have left. See you tomorrow night. Onononon. Fair, balanced, unafraid. Heres martha. Martha day 83, the head of nato says yes actually, he president that all the nations should pay their fair share. We know that we all need to contribute our fair share because we need to keep our nation safe in a more dangerous road. Martha the president who says this as a campaigner. I was asked by a reporter about what we think about nato . I said its obsolete because it doesnt cover terror. It was a big scream, trump is saying is obsolete. Martha watch. The secretary general and i had a productive discussion about what tornado can do in the fight against

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