Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20170210

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Stake and its a very, very serious situation, i look forward to seeing them in court. Its a decision that will win in my opinion very easily. And by the way, we won that decision in boston. Sean joining us now with reaction, jay sekulow and president of Judicial Watch tom fitton is with us, the most liberal court of appeals, the most overturned court in the country, it would act this way, we both know the government, the doj did not argue to it as effectively as you or i wouldve argued it, attorney general sessions was not in play in this but he would be going forward, whats your reaction . So now we have an attorney general of the United States that has a couple of decisions to make. The ninth Circuit Court of appeals decision i think is incorrect as a matter of law, clearly. They say in their opinion its been overbroad, striking down the entire executive order may have been overbroad its not their job to fix it but thats exactly their job on the ninth Circuit Court of appeals. If the order is too broad as to strike those portions that are overbroad. The government did ask for that as a fallback position, it could have been done, they did not do it. Number two, they rested the case onto premises, number one that the standing the states ability to bring the litigation in the first place rests on the fact that students and University Faculty may be impacted by this and they go into the whole discussion of government not putting evidence of harm. Somali students at Ohio State University from somalia at one of the seven countries of concern in the executive order, they were wrong as a matter of fact. The next and thats important, they disregard the white house directive explaining the executive order which exempted from its effect those with green cards or relative visas for entry, they said we have no basis on which we can accept the executive action taken by the white House Counsel and the directive, that doesnt impact this. Theres two ways to fix that, what the president could do . Issue a new executive order, put in those exemptions and put it in place tomorrow and make the states relitigate this at the ninth circuit, with a loose quit market yes. It clears any confusion but up to the Supreme Court where you go and when 80. Sean lets talk about the president , he has a constitutional statutory edge and ability do what he did here. Is this a case where you believe the left one to judge shopping by going to seattle knowing that any appeal would go to the ninth circuit, the most liberal court in the country for the very purpose of undermining the agenda watch mark and other was, is there a Partnership Among judicial activists and those liberal activists that want to stop trumps agenda . The leftist infrastructure allows them to go jump shopping all at once across the country, this is only one of many legal challenges. Obviously, they had the best chance in a sympathetic ideologicallys a pathetic like the ninth circuit. I think the most troubling aspect is the attack on the president s standards of commanderinchief, he and the administration said there is a National Security interest here in allowing this executive order to go forward. This court has secondguessed that. That is a power they dont have a right under the constitution at the president is well within his rights to criticize the courts who act like politicians. Nordin hired these courts to be commanderinchief. If they want to downplay this threat of terrorism based on their own predilections, their own biases, thats not something theyre supposed to do. Theyve got to defer to the president on this National Security matter. The fact that i didnt is egregious. Sean the number one role constitutionally of a president is to be commanderinchief, with spent a lot of time jay sekulow going over the law. On which they present to get the action. They ignored. Let me Say Something else. Spoon hang on one second, sean let me read it for audienf i can. When the president finds that the entry of any aliens or any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to United States, he may by proclamation and for suc such. As he shall deem necessary, suspended the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants, nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restriction he may deem appropriate. The law could not be clearer, its not for a judge to make the decision, they do not have the consequential, constitutional authority. The fundamental problem is a District Court judge and the ninth Circuit Court of appeals has creed of their own constitutional crisis, a showdown between the president of the ad states as commanderinchief and the Statutory Authority you just read in the ninth circuit exercising their judgment instead of the president s, thats not the way the government is structured. And the Refugee Program is a disaster, its like playing russian roulette. We are not affecting the refugees in any serious sense, we rely on the United Nations to do it, we run off their files to figure out whether these people should be here or not. This is a dangerous game the court is playing. I guarantee you the terrorists and those affected countries are going to flood the refugee zone to try to get in here before any court rule in trumps favor. Sean absolutely, terrorists may be evil but theyre not stupid. Fundamentally watch the whole issue comes down to hear is the inconvenience of a few nonamerican citizens versus the willingness to gamble with the lives of the American People. What the judges have decided here and democrats have decided, theyre willing to gamble. The ninth circuit has taken upon itself to decide they are now going to override the president of the United States when the constitution and the statute is clear. You read it multiple times. If there is no question about the Statutory Authority here. Let me add one other thing, i think this is a fundamental aspect of this. This constitutional crisis has been established not by the administration but rather by the District Court in the court of appeals. The president can moved that whole issue out tonight by issuing a new executive order meeting this burden and not let them fight it out again. That may be one way to resolve this. I trust the attorney generals recommend vision and advice on this no matter which way it goes. Sean lets look at the practical potential consequences here. What they are is if god forbid that somebody comes into this country from one of these seven countries where we know they harbor terrorists, and terrorist training takes place, and even president obama, the list came from him and his administration. God forbid if an american is killed, im saying what needs to be said here. They will have blood on their hands. They will be responsible. They are not putting as the top priority for safety and security of the American People, do you agree with that . I agree, you dont have to believe President Trump on this, believe the appointees of president obama who over the last two years have repeatedly warned that the Refugee Program is susceptible to terrorist manipulation. They have one warned about sir, your listeners and viewers may not know this, once your refuge, youre required to seek permanent residency, this is a pathway to citizenship. This isnt a temporary refuge. If youre here, youre here forever practically speaking. This is something that we have no way of protecting the American People from in terms of a terrorist threats because the courts right now have allowed or stopping the president from ascertaining whether the someone is a terrorist threat from places like syria, yemen, and the worst of the worst. Its a denial of whats really going on of the work right now now, the ninth circuit is in denial, they live in a world they wish it was the not the world it actually is. Spoon i would say it in different way, i would say its a pre9 11 mindset to come a little dangerous this is. Stay right there, will have more with jay sekulow after the break. Also Michelle Malkin will weigh in on tonights court ruling. Plus our opening monologue a little delayed but you do not want to miss tonight on how republicans in Congress Need to take President Trumps lead and start working much harder for you, the American People. Later tonight, a video, senator Elizabeth Warren does not want you to see, about her false claims about they now attorney general Jeff Sessions and test breaks out in phoenix over the deportation of a convicted criminal illegal alien, that had more on this busy newsnight here on hannity ive on my way text she knew exactly when id be there, so she didnt miss a single shot. 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Mr. Trump vowing to keep fighting in court, this is what White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer had to say when asked if they would take it to the Supreme Court. Were going to make sure that we know what the best legal route is, theres potential for the president to be externally committed to this strategy because he understands this is what needs to be done to keep our country safe. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumers calling on the plane they can all agree on President Trump off to see the writing on the wall, a bend of the proposal roll up his sleeves and come up with a real bipartisan plan to keep us safe. I met jack ibanez, now back to hannity. Sean fox news alert, ninth Circuit Court of appeals has made its ruling by upholding the suspension of President Trumps temporary travel band. Also tonight, my opening monologue on how Congressional Republicans need to get moving and on boards with President Trumps agenda and start working a lot harder for you with the american, thats coming up. First back with us jay sekulow the American Center of law and justice also joining us now syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin, your initial reaction to this very predictable decision by this radical leftwing court, the most overturned out on the left coast . Appalled but im not surprised. The phrase that Justice Scalia talked about, social transformation without representation is ringing in my mind and ears and it should across america. The idea that two liberal states in minnesota and washington could step in on behalf of poor come out moaning universities that are inconvenienced because their foreign students cant into the country somehow trumps President Trump fundamental duty to protect america, it shows you that judicial has run amok and these men and women in black robes as mark live in our front has warned about for so long need to be reined in the. The American People no longer have a voice in immigration for the idea that theres a constitutional right for millions of people, whether their refugees or shortterm visa holders or legal permanent residents to get into this country, it is destroying the foundations of our country. Sean let me go back to you and our president to ask night in big bold letters well see you in court, there is an option. I want to talk about going forward, they can go fact finder go back to the district level court, or would it be more advantageous for them to go to the u. S. Supreme court, something weve been talking about, it would first end up in the hands of Anthony Kennedy and he would have a number of options. If he doesnt bring it before the entire Supreme Court, without neil gore said it would be a possible 44 split in the risk for the administration, what would you advise . My advice would be twofold, the statute that gives the president not even discussed. Like it doesnt exist, number one that there is a fundamental flaw in the opinion, to answer the question on what you do next. If i was advising the president , i would look at two options here, we issued the executive order to exempt green card holders and visas because theyre not taking the ninth circuit rest is holding on the fact that the white House Counsel directive is nonbinding so fix that if you need to. Theyve got to read litigated, you would still lose before this ninth Circuit Court of appeals but everybody loses thats on the right side in front of the ninth Circuit Court of appeals and you end up at the Supreme Court at that point, at that point you win 80. The risk right now if Justice Kennedy gets the petition of the stay, he could probably refer to the entire court, a 44 is a tie, a tie is a loss. Theres only seven days left, they could also submit the record to the trial court and fight it out there. I would really look at reissuing this executive order tonight. Sean in the interim, you could have the possible confirmation of neil gorsuch would which make it rest of the risk. Explain the slight changes youre discussing, you think from 44 to 80, why . The one area that was not clearly set forth, it was clear with the intent was, the courts have said and that that pleasant later explained through the white House Counsel with the provision, it does not apply and this came in the directive mounted the order, that the executive order would not apply to green card holders, those with residency visas. That is not in the executive order that was in the directive. Put it in the directive, put the directive into a new executive order, mystic it Crystal Clear t does not apply to those class of individuals, the Supreme Court is clear, the constitution is clear, what the ninth circuit as liberal as they are and as wrong as this opinion is, they hold the whole case basically on the fact that theyre not taking the white House Counsels directive as valid. Thats what they say at the end of this. They acknowledged that the order, it made be too broad, there does not go to fix it. You can get it reversed but i think cleaning up, youre back in business tomorrow morning. Sean let me go back to michelle, lets look at this from a political vantage point. I have been chewing this, the Washington Free beacon put it up. They went down to florida where david brock and the top democratic donors were made to get a ritzy resort and they call it democracy matters, Strategic Plan for action. This was designed to kick Donald Trumps in the next four years and look at possible ways, a big part of their strategy is filing lawsuits against the Trump Administration. I think jay and i both agree, im sure you probably agree, this is a classic case of judge choptank which is why it started in seattle knowing it would go to the ninth circuit. Looking at the Bigger Picture should the administration entered dissipating a lot more, and how should a best handle it . Of course this is how the left operates, theyve been infesting law schools and academia and brewing these activist judges and lawyers and hatcheries for decades now. The idea that turning around that titanic, that is good to be a decades if not halfcentury or century long process. I think this is a wakeup call and a call to arms for all young patriots out there trying to figure out what to do in their lives, we need constitution constitutionbased law students out there to try and claim back at that balance, its been a demographic overwhelming happening there. Its not just the district level courts and lower courts, its the immigration courts themselves. The immigration lawyers themselves, theres a phrase, it goes like this. It aint over to the alien woods, these people never stop. Sean mindboggling to me, i got to go. When we come back, a very important delayed opening monologue to the show tonight on how republicans in Congress Needed to get to their acts together and start working harder for you, the American People, and also tonight. President trump attorney general Jeff Sessions. [applause] President Trump welcome to the white house. Sean Jeff Sessions finally sworn in as the attorney general despite democrats using dirty politics to try and derail his confirmation, we are going play you the tapes that disprove what fake pocahontas senator Elizabeth Warren, theyre here to weigh in. Last night protest broke out in phoenix, arizona, after an illegal immigrant who was a convicted felon was detained by ice for deportation, that and more on this very busy newsnight straightahead on hannity. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. vo when it comes to helzberg diamonds knows bigger isnt always better. Our beautiful diamond Heart Pendant is just 299. 99. Thats 200 off helzberg diamonds. Heres to love. Companies across the state are york sgrowing the economy,otion. With the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and worldclass innovations. Like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. And in corning, where the future is materializing. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at esd. Ny. Gov sean welcome back to hannity, President Trump is moving very fast to fix the country and keep his promises to you, the American People. Congressional republicans seem to be sitting on their hands and doing nothing. You know what . Enough is enough. Its time for the g. O. P. To get moving and keep up with the speed of trump. Thats tonights delayed opening monologue. President trump he said hed shake up washington and actually get things done for once in washington. Why . By launching a shock and awe campaign against the status quo and the establishment. Hes only been in office for a little over three weeks and heres a list of what hes accomplished so far. He ordered federal agencies, to ease the burden of obamacare. Hes taken action to freeze new impending regulation spread he kept a promise, he withdrew the u. S. From tpp. He instituted a federal government hiring freeze. Hes banning nongovernment organizations from receiving federal funds to provide abortions abroad. He has signed five executive actions which advance the keystone and dakota excess pipelines, his issued executive actions on the construction of a border wall stripping money from sanctuary cities, all promises. Hes taken executive action on the extreme pet income as you know. Hes usually executive action to rebuild the military. He sort of a draft plan and a 30 days to defeat isis, is post a five year lobbying ban for administration officials, a big promise, he nominated judge neil gore such gorsuch to the Supreme Court, and prevent attacks against police officers. President trump gets it, he wants to move quickly, he wants to get things done. The question tonight is where are the republicans in congress to help him . I dont know about you, but i have lived my entire life with a sense of urgency, and by the way so does every Single Person that works on this tv show and on my radio show. If in all my years have been broadcasting, ive only taken a handful of lunches, who has time for lunch . Its usually a meeting with my boss. 99 of the time, ate lunch at my desk. By the way, so does everybody who works at the show because nobody has time. We are so busy working because we want to put the best show possible on the air every night, thats our job. Im sure for you the American People at the same way. In the real world, you dont do your job and do it well, youre going to get fired. How is it possible that President Trump has accomplished so much in such a short amount of time and his socalled republican allies in congress have done nothing . Whats worse, now Congressional Republicans are now saying that a bill to deal with obamacare may not be ready until the end of the gear. Theyre also saying instead of repealing and replacing it, many of them are now saying well repeal and repair of the disastrous health care law. You got to be kidding me, repair . For nearly eight years republicans have been saying theyre going to repeal and replace obamacare, a solemn promise to you. On top of making those promises, republicans also repeatedly said if you give them the white house, the senate, the house, they would abolish obamacare once and for all. Guess what . Spineless, gutless, timid politicians have all three, house consent, white house, with their excuse now . You know it President Trump plan, he wants more competition, portability, erasing state lines, Health Care Savings accounts, i can recite his agenda better than these republicans can, thats pretty pathetic. They have had years to come up with a replacement. You republicans, why dont you have a consensus plan by this time . The American People are suffering, they voted for you to fix this disastrous Health Care System and you should have had a plan in place. President trumps tax plan for example, republicans are also dragging their feet on that spirit theyre saying they cant start on the bill until the spring. Really . What the hell is taking you so long . President trump is ready to act on his promise and hear it for example is what he said earlier today. President trump lowering the overall tax code on American Business is big league and its coming along very well, and were way ahead of schedule, where announcing something over the next two or three weeks that will be phenomenal in terms of tax. Sean you see that, the president is working. He is rated to move quickly and pass his agenda. Why cant republicans in the house and senate get on board . Just like with health care, trumps tax plan is simple, lower the income taxes for middleclass americans, go from seven brackets to three brackets, reduce the Corporate Tax rate to 15 , allow multinational corporations to repatriate a trillions dollars sitting overseas as a low rate of 10 so they built factories, and Manufacturing Centers here in america. Delaying the tax cut, what does that mean . That means the odds of it getting pass are going down and more importantly, it means delaying the much needed economic recovery. Let me remind these inept republicans what this election was all about. If the forgotten and women, the millions of americans out of work, on food sense, in poverty who cant afford to buy a helmet. Delaying these tax cuts means delaying the ability for tens of millions of americans to fulfill the promise of the American Dream appeared the sooner you write and pass a tax bill, means the sumer corporations and companies will be incentivized and have extra money to build those factories in places like michigan, in places like ohio, and pennsylvania in milwaukee, and wisconsin to create jobs for americans who desperately wants to get back to work. The concept is simple, republicans why are you making that so difficult . Tonight its time to lay a marketing in the sand, im putting the g. O. P. On notice. No more excuses, no more explanations, go to work, roll up your sleeves and do your job. There is no excuse for not having a plan to repeal or replace obamacare, no space for having a tax cut plan, no excuse for not having a plan so we become Energy Independent or a plan to reduce or size the influence of government, have the house, have the senate, president that wants to work and moving fast everything you asked the American People for four years. Its time to start worrying about yourselves its time to focus on the taxpayer. Its time to forget, i know we pay for your long lunches and your barbershop and your workout centers. Roll up your sleeves and go to work like every other american. We now moving at the speed of light. Congress sitting around playing that bureaucratic political game while rome is burning, and the country continues its precipitous decline. President trump is doing everything he can do to keep his promises. This is a monumental opportunity for the country. My question is why cant you members of Congress Keep up. Ive had it up to here, ive had it with all of you, all talk, no action, politicians as donald trump said during the campaign. If you cant do your job guess what . Go back to wherever the hill you came from because the American People are sick and tired of inaction. They voted for change and they want to take up washington. Do your job or go home. Coming up tonight, we have a tape that fake Pocahontas Center stomach senator Elizabeth Warren does not want you to see because it disproves the false narrative that she has been saying about attorney general Jeff Sessions. Eric guster will weigh in next, also later tonight. President trump directing department of justice and Homeland Security to undertake all necessary and lawful action to break the back of the criminal cartel. Spent President Trump cracking down on the drug cartels, less night protesters took to the streets in phoenix after an illegal immigrant was detained by ice for deportation, she was a convicted felon. Well get a reaction from lou dobbs and David Horowitz as we continue in this very busy news night hannity. I didnt know where i was from ethnically. So we sent that sample off to ancestry. My ancestry dna results are that i am 26 nigerian. I am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. I put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. Because its a hat, but its like the most important hat ive ever owned. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. Your little sounds of crispy bacon mix drives me crazy. You naughty little smack did you just spank your lunch . Yes. Nice. Food you want to fork. Devour. Batteries you can trust against the ear hair you cant. Without them youre conducting business with an armpit on the side of your head. Thats not just some battery. Thats a duracell battery. Thats a power you can trust. My swthis scarf all thatsara. Left to remem. What she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings President Trump it is with great pride, very great pride that i say these words to you right now, attorney general Jeff Sessions. [applause] welcome to the white house. Spoon that was President Trump earlier today at the white house during the swearingin ceremony of Jeff Sessions, he is the attorney general. At the left tried to demonize senator sessions through his entire confirmation process and theyre not letting up. After the Senate Confirmed him yesterday, senator Elizabeth Warren took to twitter and wrote consider this my warning, we want to be silent, we will speak out, we will persist. Senator Chuck Schumer had this to say last night. When Jeff Sessions was passed it turned my stomach. Sean joining us now, nationally syndicated radio talk show hosts with the Salem Radio Network larry elder and trial at attorney political commentator eric guster, lets start with the spirit of lets listen to and watch rule 19 be broken by a pocahontas, or fake pocahontas senator warren, take a look. Mr. Sessions has to use the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens in the district he now seeks to serve as a federal judge. This simply cannot be allowed to happen. Mr. Sessions conduct as u. S. Attorney from his politically motivated voting fraud prosecution to his indifference toward criminal violations of civil rights laws indicates that he lacks the temperament, fairness, and judgment to be a federal judge. Spoon after rule 19 was invoked by Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell, then she said you cant quote Coretta Scott king on the senate floor . Heres one little problem, heres what Coretta Scott king had said about Jeff Sessions. President martindale to senator sessions, mayor bright, state chancellors, jack hawkins, jr. , dr. Dorothy height, johnny carr, juanita abernathy, to all of the distinguished Program Participants and guests in this audience today, its a great honor and privilege for me to join you in celebrating the grand opening of the Rosa Parks Library and museum. Spoon larry elder, i think that says a lot that she was saying its a great honor and privilege for me to join you in celebrating the grand opening of the Rosa Parks Library museum which Jeff Sessions spearheaded. This is a man when he was a state attorney general in alabama and the u. S. Attorney successfully prosecuted the clan, he heard the first black council to become chief counsel of the Senate Judiciary committee and it 2009 he received a governmental award of excellence from the naacp. Awkward. What theyre doing is playing the race card because they cant run on the economy under obama between 2010 and 2013, black net worth fell 25 . Regarding voter i. D. , the majority of blacks want voter i. D. Black parents want vouchers which is what the Trump Administration it has talked about. When you look at issue after issue, even abortion, black democrats are more likely to be antiabortion im a pro life than their white counterparts. The only thing that got us a race card. To malign the other side, called the other side bigoted and hope people ignore things like school, crime, safety, and jobs. Spoon i dont even know how we respond to that. Look at the list that larry elder just told you. It is despicable predictable attack racism, sexism, a subjec subject, xenophobia, islamic phobia, homophobia, if you think its good to win elections i think its so far off course its not whether the mic to what theyre saying about Jeff Sessions. Larry did a wonderful job about deflection but attorney general sessions was wanted to be a federal judge. That was his confirmation hearing in which Coretta Scott king wrote this letter. That was the reason she wrote. You played a greeting for the rosa parks museum, what to do, she said im pleased to be here. That doesnt change the fact that he prosecuted blacks for voting. Sean heres whats fascinating. Larry, you tell the facts, you talk about a guy who prosecuted the klan, a guy thats stood up numerous occasions for civil rights pioneers and leaders and it doesnt matter. Theyll still smell you, though still call you a racist. Thats all theyve got because the reason donald trump got a higher percentage of the black vote than john mccain did admit romney did and Start Talking about jobs, he went into the inner city and Start Talking about School Spirit of black parents and a brown parent slimming living in the innercity realized his governmental schools are underperforming and they want out. Lets stay on topic. He he does not sean eric, youre smearing, your slander, the spirit does the sportsman on the left doesnt work anymore were talking about his record. Spoon numbing up to next tonight on hannity. President trump director of the homeland of justice and security to break the back of the criminal cartels. Sean President Trump and sending an executive order to crack down on the drug cartels, we did a ride along with the Border Patrol in arizona, you can see firsthand how bad things are. While filming, the agents intercepted 400 pounds of drugs. Protests breaking out in phoenix after i. C. E. Agents detained an illegal immigrant who was convicted of a felony for deportation, will get reaction for the one and only lou dobbs on this busy newsnight. What bad back . What pulled hammy . Advil liqui gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Do you know how your you might be surprised. Stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften, unblocking your system naturally. Miralax. And now we unleash it onwerful your taxes. Pecies has created. Hello my name is watson. Yep. H r block and ibm watson together. Creating a future of more money going back into the pockets of more families. Welcome to taxes won. H r block with watson. Come see us and get your taxes won. President trump im directing department of justice and Homeland Security to undertake all necessary and lawful action to break the back of the criminal cartels that have spread across our nation, and are destroying the blood of our youth. And other people. Many other people. Sean that was President Trump earlier today announcing a new executive order that will be used as a tool to crush a violent drug smuggling cartels. President trump had promised to deport illegal criminal aliens in last night in phoenix protesters had blocked federal vans carrying a long time in a legal u. S. Resident and a convicted felon who was said to be deported back to her home country of mexico, joining us now with reaction our good friend lou dobbs and author of the big agenda, President Trumps plan to save america which is a great book. A great friend of mine David Horowitz, good to see us both. Youve been all over the issue of illegal immigration you understand the business is as well as anybody, this is the case of identity theft. I know people who have had their identity stolen, when it happens, it some cases take years to get your good name and reputation back, it takes years to take care of credit cards that were used in your name. It takes years to fight to get your retirement money back or your savings account money back. This is not a small crime. She didnt respect the sovereignty of the United States come the laws of the United States and then came here and committed fraud against americans. Theres a general acceptance in the community if you will of her doing so because in fact millions of Illegal Immigrants in the conservative number, call at 1 billion. Were talking about a million class six felonies for every fraudulent Social Security card, every fraudulent identification, many of them stolen, if this were done by a citizen, if the spell and they were committed by a u. S. Citizen, the consequences would be perhaps even more severe. There would not be discussion about separating this woman from her family, she would be going to prison if she was a u. S. Citizen, here she is being deported its quite a remarkable sense of entitlement that has grown up around the issue of illegal immigration which is of course breaking the law to enter the country, further breaking the law and committing a felony to defraud the government and create fraudulent identification of any kind. Sean weve been friends for a lot of years i dont know if a lot of people know background of experience, being a hardcore leftist. It really dovetails into your book. Everything trump is doing is being met with this type of reaction. This anger, this fight, this vitriol. My question to you is how do you deal with this one . All youre really dealing isnt enforcing the law and what is from to do . The great thing about Donald Trumps have been describing in my book, hes not intimidated by the attacks of the left, where the midst of one of the big witch hunts of american history. Jeff sessions, one of the most decent human beings in the senate, a champion of civil rights is defamed and slandered and is a racist by Elizabeth Warren who is making a career out of character assassination. We have in this country a large hate america left. It dovetails with the Democratic Party, its a party of hate. Trump looks into cameras during the second debate and said you have to understand, hillary has tremendous hatred in her heart, that was one of the wisest things he said. He was referring to the basket of deplorable spirit of the whole Democratic Party looks on people that disagree with it as racist, sexist, homophobes, islamic folks, thats why we cant have a civil discussion in america anymore. Sean let me ask both of you this question, though. I dealt with this in my monologue earlier. He does have a big agenda, davi david. He isnt keeping his promises, hes moving at the speed of trump. Congress is just digging in their heels and the bureaucracy and the wheels of the bureaucracy dont even move, what is your message to republicans that cant seem to keep up with what the president is doing . Im worried about them. Ive got two. If how refreshing is it, how amazing to have a politician come into office and then work around the clock. The guy gets up at 5 30 in the morning, works till midnight through the weekends delivering on his promises. Its not as though he said one thing on the campaign trail the way obama did and then does a completely different thing when hes in the white house. Sean let me get your take on that, one of the things you what i complained about politicians for years. I cant believe after eight years of obamacare, they dont have a consensus plan to put before the American People and they say maybe sometime later this year. Were talking about as you know, a deficiency of leadership in the Republican Party whether it be the house or the senate. We are coming to terms with that and i believe that we are seeing on the senate side some movement. Im not quite sure what were seeing from a speaker ryan. The fact is if they do not get in line and follow the agenda of President Trump, it will be the greatest missed opportunity. If this is a dream come true to have a man of mr. Trumps values, his leadership, his energy, and his faith in the country and our people. For him to be frustrated at any level here by his own party would be to me criminal. I think that we are going to see things get better steadily, not as fast as any of us would want spirit week to week i think the president is making amends progress. Sean great point on both of you, ive got to go. I love the book, by the way, big agenda, i rode it over the weekend. Heres the message to them, move at the speed of trump to go home, because youre useless otherwise. Thank you both for being with us to appreciate it. Coming up, we have a very important question of the day come as we continue tonight on hannity. So i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me with onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen. 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Let us know what you think. As always, thank you for being with us. Well see you back here tomorrow night bill hi, i am bill oreilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. Big breaking news day, led by the ninth Circuit Court of appeals out west upholding the stoppage of President Trumps immigration order, andug that is the subject of this evenings talking points memo. Lets cut through all the mumbojumbo. It will give you a headache. Lets cut through the political hackery. Heres what is really happening. The Trump Administration believes that terrorists in nations with no Central Control can get to the usa in a way that is far too dangerous

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