0 in art ro in the new york post says good luck finding a doctor under obama care. new york and most states face a shortage of physicians already and won't have enough primary care m.d.s to serve millions of newly insured patients, data rereviewed by the post reveal. and a missed warning sign that team obama hoped you would never see. a four-page memo sent to the white house in 2010 from a trusted harvard professor named david cutler. he happened to be a seen kwor health care adviser to the president's campaign. he predicted the administration would be unsuccessful in implementing obama care. the memo which was b obtained by the washington post reads, quote, i am concerned that the personnel and processes that you have in place are not up to the task and that health care reform will be unsuccessful as a result. so clearly the white house ignored the word of caution. here with reaction to this, patrick j. buchanan. democratic strategist steve mcmahon. >> in the record they knew. in the register they knew on page 34,455. >> right. how many people do you think read to page 34,485? here's the problem with the law in my opinion. the law actually should have required insurance companies to make these grandfathered policies available. they said they can but not they must. if you and all the good folks pointing out the problems were sincere and genuine in concern for the uninsured you would say let's support mary landrieu's fix that requires insurance companies to grandfather everybody in. if it's true 169 million can -- >> 129. >> 129. they shall be taken care of. we should pass a law that says wrong. you will remember the iraq war. we don't have to go into it. but there was some -- >> i don't want to talk about bush. bush is out of office. nice try. >> sean, hold on. >> i'm sick of it. we have debated it ad nauseam. i don't want to hear it. >> okay. let me talk about the 129 million people for a second. if it's true and with all due respect i think i need more evidence than a daily caller and somebody -- >> wall street journal or cbs news. i'm quoting cbs. >> if it's true, sean, pat is right. if 129 million people really did lose their coverage, this would collapse under its own weight. i don't believe it is true. you will see everybody -- you know, insurance companies are doing what businesses do. >> bait and switch? is that it? >> trying to get them into a more expensive, better product. >> let me ask you a question. is it not now a good idea to kick over the individual mandate to coincide with the employer mandate? there are real problems in this thing to get a fix at least on these things so this disaster does not occur in the next couple of months. >> i think, pat, it's time to fix it. if you can fix it with a mary landrieu fix, that's the fix i prefer. anything like 129 million people are going to lose their policies. of course you should suspend those things. i don't think we are at that point yet. i think frankly we need to give this thing time to work. a lot of people getting new policies -- >> one more question, steve. why would they do this deliberately go out and say you can keep your doctor. you can keep your insurance policy, period. >> i don't know, pat. >> they knew differently. >> you know, i cannot -- fortunately i can say i wasn't part of those conversations. i don't know what happened. it shouldn't have happened. i'm not going to make excuses for it. >> you mentioned mary landrieu. she's on the record december 22, 2009 before they passed this thing. individual who is like their coverage will be able to keep their current plan. >> that's what everybody -- sean, that's what everybody was told. that's what everybody believed. >> maybe if they read the bill before they pass it we would be in a better position. >> 34,000 pages. just a little nighttime reading. >> mary landrieu was sandbagged as well as steve. >> steve and gene shaheen and mark pryor and kay hagan. they're in trouble, pat. what do you think? i think they'll move very expeditiously to kick this thing over for one year. they ought to. it's obvious it ought to be taken back to the shop. >> sounds like a cya, pat, where i come from. what if it happened in the nixon administration, pat? >> it did. >> well, we had problems of our own, as you recall. >> that was my point. all right. thank you both. up next tonight on "hannity" straight ahead -- >> you have seen an extreme faction of the republican party that has shown again and again and again that they are willing to hijack the entire party and the country. >> once again the president who pledged to restore civility is openly accusing republicans of hijacking the u.s. up next, reince priebus responds to the despicable rhetoric. quick programming note. tomorrow night "hannity" live feisty studio audience edition. you won't see it anywhere else on cable. fireworks like you have never experienced. liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? 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