0 >> we know he was seen outside a san diego motel and know that the trail generally went cold up in the san bernardino mountains where that vehicle was burned and they lost his tracks in the snow. but we do know in riverside today, the d.a. there filed charges, murder charges against dorner, basically special circumstance that would allow for the death penalty in the killing of 34-year-old officer michael crane, an ex-marine, two tours in the middle east and leaves behind a wife and two children. now, as far as how can this guy, how long could this go on? greta, as you know, eric rudolph the olympic park bomber had a million dollar price on his head and he was out, been gone five years and no one knew where he was and whitey bollinger, underground for 12 years and a two million dollars price on his head. as much as we want it wrapped up like an episode of law and order, isn't necessarily the him? >> about 2008. >> greta: and under what circumstance. what was he like at the time. ? >> sure, he seemed to be the same chris dorner that i knew in college. he called me, we hadn't spoken in years since we graduated school in about 2001. and again, he called me about 2008. it was sort of a flent surprise out of the blue and we spoke where ten or 15 minutes on the phone and what the other had been up to the in previous few years, that's it. i obviously learned he was serving in the navy and working as a lapd officer at the time. >> in going back and sort of searching your memory back to when you played college with him and football with him, anything strike you as unusual about him. >> no, really not. and that's what, from my perspective, there's sort of this human element to this whole story that you know, folks who don't know mr. dorner probably aren't going to see. my experience with chris was that he was really just a great guy to be around. you know, pleasurable. he was well spoken, and smart, and just really a terrific person to be around. a person for whom i had a great deal of respect and then, you know, obviously to be sort of dragged into this scenario is-- it's bizarre to say the least, but certainly unexpected and something that's very uncharacteristic of, again, the mr. dorner that i was familiar with. >> when were you in college, what were his career aspirations, did he talk about wanting to be a police officer? >> i don't recall him talking about that. in fact, it was sort of not that big a deal, but struck me as a bit odd he took that career path because he and i would talk about current events and politics and i always got the impression he was left-leaning in terms of the political spectrum, not that it means he can't be a police officer. but it looked like he was enjoying it and he was happy with what he was doing. i'm all for that. >> greta: no grudges, wasn't a victim, didn't think people were against him, anything like that? >> no. i mean, he did tell me about, when i spoke to him in 2008 he told me that he had this ongoing grievance with the lapd and i frankly don't recall the details of it to the extent that he shared any with me, but i remember him talking about it and it didn't seem to be like it was a particularly big deal. i mean, it was, we could have been any stressful situation that any of us deal with with our employer from time to time. i didn't walk away from conversation thinking it was catastrophic in nature and he didn't show any signs at least that i perceived of aggression or violence or that he was