0 thank you. >> sean: appreciate your insights and that's all the time we have this evening. let not your heart be troubled. greta is next on the record. take it away. >> tonight, using children as weapons? are both sides using children as political pawns in the gun fight? laura i think graham is here to talk about that. "on the record" starts right now. >> i've been watching the children as human shields show. >> four of them are here today. >> the president starts out reading some letters from the kids. >> these are some pretty smart letters from pretty smart young people. >> got to do what the kids want and answer all of their letters to santa claus, do everything they want. >> the implication of all this if you don't sign on president's proposals are somehow are not treating these children or standing behind them with due respect. that's what i find offensive. >> if there's even one thing moment and obviously, the kids suffered enormously and their parents brought them, but i don't know. something about involving children in a conversation about guns and murder to me seems -- that's a tough one. >> welsh the white house is also upset with the n.r.a., while the white house used the children to stage the-- they're upset with the n.r.a. the n.r.a. has a new ad out. >> yeah. >> in which they talk about the president's children having security at their school and jay carney said it was repugnant and cowardly what the n.r.a. did. most americans agree that the president's children should not be used as pawns. >> and obamas used reference toss their own children when it came to the bp oil spill, when it came to health care, referred to our daughter's illnesses, when we were talking about the anti-obesity bush and michelle obama talked about her daughter's bmi being too high. the problem is, the president at the beginning had a goal of keeping kids out of politics, that's a laudable goal and worthy goal. i think he's right about that. the problem is the president when his back was up against the wall issue after issue used references to his other children and as so many other politicians did, use children period and he did that today. the n.r.a. point is about it's a double standard. the obama daughters get protection, of course they get protection, that's not revealing any substantive information, but why shouldn't other families get the same type of protection for their children, not secret service people, but gun protection or self-defense. i think that's the point they were trying to make. >> any objection for the presidents and republicans and democrats have been used for photo opes and the children, and i've seen the president stand up with soldiers, injured soldiers. >> the children of injured soldiers i know bush has probably done that as well, but something about pushing legislation though and implication and marco rubio made the point on my radio show today, the implication is you don't sign onto the president's proposals, you have a national conversation about this. instead, it's my opponents don't care about the poor children who are suffering, they're not reading the letters that i'm reading, they don't really care and in fact, it's all about their ratings. well, people who believe in the second amendment dearly they happen to have heartfelt views, maybe he disagrees, that's his right, but they shouldn't be demonized. >> one thing i was troubled about today, i don't want another study on this. if there's another study. >> 500 million dollars total was spent. >> if people don't know this is a serious problem i don't know what more they need to do. pick up the newspaper and see the death and destruction, whether it's the poor 20 children in newtown and the adults and their families. why do we need a study. >> we've got to do something, we keep hearing we've got to do something. i don't know, there are limits what you can do, frankly, there are limits. localities and school districts they're taking their own problems and determining the passage for the safety of their students and children. and i think it's a state by state issue. the president wants everyone to think, look, he cares, he's doing something and i think in the end, greta, like the center for disease control study on the different gun bans, they showed that not really one gun control measure had much effect on violence. this is a societal problem and a deep problem in society. >> i think we've become numb to violence-- >> from on down. >> whether it's hollywood or getting guns in the wrong people's hand or whatever it is, but it's the idea that we're going to commission a study somehow that's going to do it. >> 500 million bucks, all the president's proposals will cost, greta, in they're implementation. >> i posted on gret w greta wirf the hollywood organization. and tell us. and this is a fox news alert, americans held hostage in algeria right now, an al-qaeda linked group still holding 41 hostages, including seven americans. the militant group took hostages after attacking a natural gas field in southern algeria. the attack appears to be revenge for the the french intervention in mali. and the reporter is in algeria with the latest. tell me, is there any update on whether or not these hostages will be released? >> no, as of right now, they're still kept in the bases of the area, in the south of algeria, they're still there. basically the minister of the interior, cabria, gave a press release early this morning, but they don't want to negotiate with them, and they still kept the 41 hostages within the area and the the area and grown up in the desert and knows well the sahar ra and desert and it's complicated situation up to now and no update from any social sites. >> why do they want to take the hostages to libya? why that? >> they want to make more pressure on the algerian government. they want to take-- much better-- >> and why did they take them in the first place? was this in relation to the french flying over algeria to mali? >> very, absolutely. they want take algeria and the algeria president. and the americans are among the group of many nationals? >> yeah, they want to put more pressure on the algerian government and why they took the americans and everyone and japanese and norwegians within the group. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> and tonight, what might be political funny business that you won't find particularly funny, the associated press reporting that washington put off the illegal immigration and he was working for menendez. she broke the story and joins us. >> nice to see you. >> when the story first broke about two months ago, it was unclear why the arrest wasn't made. and then-- of the illegal in senator menendez's office. what have you learned since. >> internal ice documents provided to the senate judiciary committee shows when the office learned who the man was, they went up the food chain to their bosses and said there could be significant congressional inquiry and attention from the media that prompted washington ice to delay-- to order the arrest delayed and they indicated, let's figure out what to do, given the new circumstances. they were sent the local ice officials, they he were set to arrest this young man at the local prosecutor's office in late october. that of course did not happen. he wasn't arrested until december 6th and the progression is they notified their bosses, the bosses say, hold on, and we have a source, a u.s. official who said the department of homeland security ordered ice to delay that arrest until after the election. >> do you know specifically, as you reported specifically who that person was who made the decision to hold off on the arrest of this illegal intern in the centsenator's offe until after the election. >> no, i don't have, a piece of the puzzle i don't have yet and internal documents don't provide specific names, just the time trail, if you will, of when particular events occurred. >> why was it-- what made him illegal? >> he had arrived in the united states in the '90s on a visitor visa that allowed him to stay in the country for six months, and he overstayed that visa, as many do. the problem of visa overstays as you well know is one that's become a tricky issue. the department is trying to go back and figure out who is in the country based on these expired overstays of visas, and this is one of those situations where this young man arrived in florida in the '90s with his family and overstayed that visa. >> does he have any criminal history? >> he does,'s a registered sex offender in the state of new jersey. accused at 15 of molesting an eight-year-old, at least eight times, was sentence today two years probation and required to register as a sex offender and that persists after he turned 18, he's currently 18, despite the juvenile arrest. >> now, i know that senator grassley is trying to get this information as well. do you know if he's trying to get the name of the government official who said hold off on making this arrest until after the election? >> i haven't spoken directly to the senator. i assume that that's his effort. certainly, it's an effort i've made. i've not been successful as i've said, but exactly what passed, he's taking in what path his investigators are taking, i couldn't say. >> you've been sticking on it and you've been aggressive and following it for two months and pushing this one. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> straight ahead, you're not going to believe this one, we can hardly believe it ourselves. and a notre dame football stair is at the center of a hoax, a big hoax, you'll hear the wild story next. and payroll taxes going up across the board, but a governor has a plan to eliminate his state income taxes, is he the governor of your state? he's hear. did you hear what former president bill clinton said about his wife, secretary of state hillary clinton? you're going to be surprised and hear from president clinton himself coming up. 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