0 essentially, our country is going to hell and we have this political correct-- you can't call a >> i love what i am doing, you know, i love it the most. i am so disappointed with what's going on in the country. i am so disappointed with our politicians -- and our republican politicians. i am so disappointed at the opportunities. so we will just have to see. it's a long time. we have a president. we have to to support the president. that's the way the country works. but i am so disappointed at what's happening in washington. so we will see what happens. >> sean: mr. trump, a pleasure. >> good to see you. >> sean: thank you for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. greta's next. see you back here tomorrow night. greta? >> greta: senator sessionses is here and "on the record" starts right now. >> i can be the think of a better person to work at the treasury. >> he is very political. >> he already has a lot of opposition, especially from jeff sessions. we can't have somebody who can't acknowledge and look the american people in the eye and tell them the truth about our financial condition. >> i just his judgment. i value his friendship. i know very few people who have greater integrity than the man to my left. >> they think that spending is not the problem. wastefulful government spending is the problem. >> prosecutors say arias had one last tryst with travis alexander, killed him in a gun and knife attack. >> it's not a case of who done tit's a case of kill or be killed. >> the charge of placing a victim of terrorism, when you shot him in the head and then slash him. >> death of nfl great junior seau, doctors revealing their findings. >> junior seau who committed suicide suffered from chronic brain damage. >> severe brain damage. he suffered damage to his very brain cells itch the latest on the disappearance of victoria masony. >> 400 people in flame, boats and helicopters scouring the waters off the coast of venezuela for the better part of seven days. they have not found any sign of wreckage. >> the family has become convinced that they are still alive. now masony's eldest son is hinting to an italian paper that his father may have been kidnapped. >> all that and much more. but first, a top republican on the senate budget republican committee vowing not to allow jeff lieu to become treasury of secretary, accusing him of misrepresenting the impact on the budget, referring to a bitter 2011 senate hearing. >> you said in your interview sunday with candy crowley, our budget will get us over the next several years to the point where we can look the american people in the eye and say we are not adding to the debt any more. we are spending money that we have seech year. then we can work on bringing he needs to be held to account in my opinion. if -- so i -- that's my strong feeling about it. >> greta: i tell you, you are not alone. and senator bernie sanders has indicated he will not vote for him, that he will vote no, for very different reasons. he believes he is too cozy with wall street -- cozy is my term, want the word the senator used. on the other end, he will have trouble, too. i am curious, though, looking at the hearing, a step back and looking at what will ask who and how. i see this as one that will give the republicans the opportunity to grill him about the president's plan for the future, the economy, something that the republicans have been saying that they haven't gotten under the president so far. is this going to be a grilling of this candidate, about the president's policies? >> well, it absolutely should be an opportunity to inquire of hem about the basic principles of this administration. why have they not proposed any solution to our -- our entitlement program? why have they not respond to the law that requires them to lay out a plan to fix medicare, when it gets in financial trouble. it's been certified to be in trouble. the president should be -- have laid out a plan. he has flatly refused to comply with the law. maybe they will ask him why he supported harry reid not bringing up a budget. he supported that and said, you could filibuster a budget. and he well knows, mr. lew, you can't filibuster a budget. it can be passed with a simple majority. i think there are a lot of questions and matter that says could be inquired of at his manager. >> greta: he will have a problem, apparently from senator orrin hatch, the ranking member on the -- on the finance committee because senator hatch has said he's withholding judgment, he hasn't said "yes" or "no," until the nominee outlines the administration plans to cut spenning, to lower the national debt. so you can see that senator hatch, you know, intends -- that whole business about -- the whole issue of spending cuts -- this -- this nomination hearing is going to be the forum about that particular issue, just like the debt ceiling. >> i think he can be. i think the reason they never brought up a budget is because the democrats would have had to -- defend openly in public debate an unsupportable, indefensible plan that their president was promoting. and they would have had to follow it or reject it. and of course, when lew's budget was brought before the senate and the house, if you remember, greta, it got zero votes -- not a republican or a committee in the -- or a democrat in the house or the senate voted for a bill that mr. lew was the architect of. i don't think that speaks well for a man who would take on the position of treasury secretary. >> greta: president obama says he facilitates deal, citing president reagan and speaker o'neill on social security and president clinton and a republican congress on the issue of a budget deal. i am curious whether you agree that he has brought the two sides together. if so, where has that been in the last go-round, the last 18 months? >> the last fiscal cliff deal, he -- his chief of staff at the white house, he was involved in the negotiations. they went nowhere until senator mccog urged vice-president bide tone get involved. that's when an agreement was reached. it wasn't jack lew that reached that agreement. he also, when he agreed to the budget spending reductions as part of the budget control act, 18 months ago, he -- he proposed a budget, the next budget that they put forward, wiped out 60% of those cuts, even though he agreed to them in august and january, he was proposing to giving back 60% of them and spending more money -- >> greta: i guess it's pretty clear -- i guess it's pretty clear you have a strong opinion on this one? >> i really do. i can never forget that hearing. it was one of the most dramatic things i have ever participated in. when the office of management and budget looked us in the eye and insisted that they were correctly -- they were correct in saying their budget would have paid down the debt, when it did not. >> greta: senator, always nice to see you. thank you, sir. >> thank you, greta. >> greta: if jack lew becomes treasury secretary, our economy will be in his hands. but can most americans pick lew out of a lineup in griff jenkins hit the ground tow find out. >>