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That, i look forward to releasing many things, i will release many things. People will be shocked. The New York Times has doing fake story after fake story ive never seen anything like it, people understand it and that is why the media has such a low Approval Rating because of what they have done, it is really a shame. Mr. President , two questions. To have any questions for these two. I was going to ask you and governor christie and mayor giuliani, they are practicing catholics and you talk about possible bias against judge barretts religion, only to catholic bishops have come out to say the same thing you have had, is any effort being made to get the u. S. Of catholic bisho bishops. These other leaders we are in the process of doing it, they get horrible what theyre doing. They are playing the religious card and you are talking about catholics, it is a very major religion in our country. I know christie have anything to say. She will be strong and tough and stand up for what she believes. What i did four years ago in litigation and different things, she went through before and did very well. I think the article in the New York Times today reveals a very strong anticatholic bias and it says in the article that abolishes hi cannot contradict h other. It is their version of it. That is a horrible thing to say and then they say catholics have a difficulty separating public and private morality. I dont have difficulty separating public and private morality. I see a strong anticatholic and having lived through judge genevieve election, the article reminded me of the things that used to be written through judge kennedy, could it be loyal to the United States, having said that. When she made the awful remark to the judge. Let me repeat my question again, why are only two bishops within the church speaking out that will you make an effort to get the u. S. They will come out, this is day one. We just started this, this is absolutely day one. They will be coming out very strong. The Catholic Church is very united on this. They are so thrilled that amy was chosen. They are so thrilled. Again it has been 24 hours. Its been a very short period of time but they will, very strong. You spoke earlier about the subject that joe biden has been refusing to answer questions on hunter biden in his involvement with russia, ukraine and even china. The press does not ask those questions, it is incredible. The debate is coming up this week, will he be able to answer those questions . We are going to find out because a lot of things are going to come up in the debate, that may be one, the son did not have a job, he had some big difficulties in all of the sudden he is making millions of dollars. As soon as his father becomes Vice President. I think that will come up, i dont think joe can answer it frankly, there is only one reason he made all that money. And then you have to say what about joes involvement. Why did joe not get the billion dollars over to ukraine as an example until such time as they let go of a prosecutor that was investigating the company that his son was involved in. There is some bad questions, i dont think they have answers. And if we had a media that was fair, even just reasonable, this would be the biggest story for years and years and years. Then you would really be entitled to real poets prize, not the fake committee that gives you these fake awards. It is a really fair question but it is hard to believe, when we see the money that he is made from china, russia, the wife of the mayor of moscow that gives him three and a half Million Dollars and nobody even has any question about it. Why did he get three and half Million Dollars. Ill tell you because joe biden was in on it, he was in on it, there is no way that he was not. In uses joe bidens plane and they go to china and then he comes back and he never mentioned it to his father. That he just got 1 billion and a half dollars, now its turning out that is much more money than that, its turned out to be much more money from china, remember the Chinese Communist party gave him a lot of money. And the press has no interest in these stories. It is very disheartening for the people of our country. If he dodges questions or doesnt answer them head on, are you prepared with information. I have all the information, it just came out, i did not know about moscow giving through not billion dollars to the mayors wife, hes a very influential and powerful man in russia as you know. It was not me, i did not have anything to do with russia, that came out loud and clear, they should have never gone into the fake Mueller Investigation and also came out that the 31 bones that were wiped clean should not of been wiped clean, thats a criminal act, bloomberg should not be paying for prisoners to go in florida and go and vote, he is basically paying which is totally illegal, paying prisoners, i hope he has not done it yet but what he has done in writing, hes doing that, he can brace himself or the democrats after they made him look like a total fool in the debate. What they did to him is incredible and he goes on spends money, it shows you the problems that he has got. Mini mike. But for him to go out and buy votes, i dont know, youre very good lawyer. Are you allowed to go tell people to go vote. Thats what it is. Its a very serious charge. Please go ahead. Mr. President ,. Thank you mr. President there has been military action and civilians are killed and officials what is your comment on that. Were looking at it strongly, it just happened, i know about it and learned about it today and yesterday. We are looking at it very strongly, we have a Good Relationship in the area and we will see if we can stop it. Thank you very much everybody. Before the 2016 election you paid 0. 25 hours after naming Amy Coney Barrett as his Supreme Court nominee, President Trump vigorously defends her at the white house News Conference just wrapping up. In his usual combative style, the president batted reporters for the story of the writing in the story they are not writing asking why joe bidens son hunter received three and half Million Dollars from the exwife of the mayor of moscow while joe biden was Vice President. More on the News Conference and just a bit. The president is getting ready to meet joe biden facetoface on the debate stage for the first time in tonight. Good evening im jon scott and this is the fox report. Jon the president wrapped up the News Conference taking time to fire back at democrats criticism of his Supreme Court pick judge Amy Coney Barrett of the chicagobased seventh circuit, her appointment would give conservative leaning justices on the chorus extreme majority. President trump telling pete hegseth, barrett could be for country come from the head of the election, joe biden is urging the senate to hold off until after voters select their head of state. We have life fox team coverage, peter doocy is in cleveland, ohio where the debate will be held on tuesday, Jacqui Heinrich in wilmington, delaware in the fighting campaign and mike emanuel at the Supreme Court, but first Mark Meredith live at the white house and part of the briefing. Good evening, use all the briefing wrapping up moments ago in a different question and the one we want to start with is what the president will hear more about in the New York Times bombshell story coming out here within the last hour suggesting in the years leading up to his arrival in the white house he was only paying 750 a year in federal income taxes potentially must enter much less. New york times does not publish the documents themselves, they are saying they are trying to protect their sources, we asked the president about that the second that we could and he simply said it was fake news and he felt it was not an accurate portrayal of his finances and he said he will not release the documents yet because he says hes under audit. There was a lot of questions ever since he started running for president whether the tax return documents will come out. Thats the first headline second headline is a Supreme Court nominee, someone he put forth yesterday that he hopes to get confirmed to the Nation Highest Court before election day five weeks away from now, this will be a big fight in washington, we expect judge Amy Coney Barrett paperwork will make its way to capitol hill this week and from that the big question will be how many lawmakers will meet with her facetoface and some democrats say they have no plans to meet with her because they dont feel its necessary for her nomination to go forward at this point. The president during the News Conference either doubling down on her credentials. Heres what he had to say moments ago. 29 Supreme Court vacancies have occurred during an Election Year or before inauguration. Every single instance going back to George Washington the president has performed his constitution duty and nominated a justice and almost every one of these cases over the past 230 years with the president of the senate were the same party. The justice as you know, it was confirmed. This is about two centuries more than two centuries. Judge barrett certainly does have a long resume including graduating from nordic game law school in a Circuit Court judge in d. C. As well as a late Justice Scalia a and being on the Circuit Court of appeals up in chicago since President Trump nominated her in 2017. The President Campaign it appears eager to campaign off of this, they have seem to launch fundraisers ever since a vacancy came about with the death of ruth bader ginsburg. This would be a big topic with Chris Wallace once he has a chance to ask President Trump as well as joe biden about this during the debate on tuesday in cleveland. I asked the president about other things that we can expect Going Forward and he said he was trying to focus on the news of the day including his future Campaign Staff he will make rallies this week one in orlando as well as in duluth minnesota on wednesday following the debate and cleveland. Jon reporting from the white house mark, thank you. President trumps choice of Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancies sets up what is likely to be a fierce confirmation battle in the senate, mike emanuel is live at the Supreme Court with more. Good evening, Senate Democrats are lowering expectations about being able to stop this confirmation, instead theyre talking about slowing it down with some prominent democrats refusing to meet with judge barrett. No, because i believe first that the whole process has been a legitimate and second because she is already stated that she is for overturning aca, i will not meet with her. We will use every tool in the tool kit to slow things down. Schumer is not alone, the two of the ten democrats on the Judiciary Committee are also refusing to meet with judge barrett, the oneonone meetings or tradition allowing the senators a chance to spend some time with the nominee and ask questions privately, the Senate Judiciary chairman predicted things during confirmation could get nasty. Every democratic senator will be under tremendous pressure to destroy a judge barrett and they do so at their own peril, i think the American People will not tolerate this fine nominee to be mistreated like just as kavanaugh was. Democrats worried that if they are aggressive in attacking judge. , that could be a backlash in fire against them. She is a 48yearold mother of seven that confirmed to be the youngest justice on the current Supreme Court. That also means she could be on the high court for decades, the focus and criticism is on her impact on when justices in obamacare case in november. Unfortunately americans are about to see a Supreme Court that is going to turn against a law that has provided really basic protections that the majority of americans really wants, this is about highstakes, what is at stake. Today and key Senate Conservatives say they are carrying out the will of voters. They elected republican majority to help with the brakes on the obama agenda including his judicial nominees. Now we are operating under the clear mandate we received in 2018. What is not entirely clear is the impact this will have on the 2020 election which is around the corner, seems likely to fire up the base on those sites. Jon mike emanuel from the u. S. Supreme court. Thank you. Joining me now the former Deputy Assistant attorney general under product under president george w. Bush and a law professor at uc berkeley in the book defender in chief, thinking for being with us his evening. Senate republicans are in the majority, they have the votes to confirm this nominee, is there anything that the democrats can do to derail the process. No, there is nothing that they could do to prevent a vote, there is nothing they could do to really undermine a great candidate and someone of intelligence, experience and high character. It will not be like the kavanaugh hearings in the sense that you will see the fbi reports being used to produce suspicious surprise attacks on the character of the nominee. The only thing that the cement democrats can do is they can scum up the works of the senate, so things down, they cannot prevent a vote, the only thing that could happen, they might try to drive the vote by making the senate slow down so it might occur a few days after the election but if everything goeso normal schedules in the senate, the vote would occur a week or two weeks before election day. Jon a funny exchange between senator richard blumenthal, the democrat of connecticut and senator ted cruz republican of texas, senator blumenthal is not impressed with the president Supreme Court pick and he tweeted this, he said i will refuse to treat this process as legitimate and will not meet with judge Amy Coney Barrett or upon ted cruz replying excellent idea, and if you and your colleagues boycott the hearing altogether, would avoid the political circus and to smear her and her family and confirm her faster. The fact is, there is other business with the senate could or should be attending to that wall get gummed up if his nomination process, if somebody throws a Monkey Wrench into the nomination. That is a dangerous game for the opponents of judge barry to play, the way that you would try to delay her vote, again you cannot delay it in the senate, it will be before the election or after the election. The way you can stop it is mean you will have to stop a lot of important things, like another built a handout aid for the pandemic, the possibility of more investigations that would have to be delayed. There is even talk amongst democrats to launch impeachment as a president or attorney general barr or declaring war, issuing declaration that has to be taken up immediately by the senate under the senate rules, the senate cannot those down, bam, bam, bam and it will delay things a little while but the American People might be sick and tired of seeing the senate turned into a place for gamesmanship like that. Jon i want to put up is screenshot of the days between the nomination of a Supreme Court justice and the hearings beginning in the case of Justice Anthony kennedy, took four days, john paul stephen, ten days, 12 for lewis powell, 12 for associate Justice William rehnquist and so wanted down the line. Amy coney barrett, if the hearing began october 12 which is the target date, it will be 16 days, not exactly what you will call a rush job. Lindsey graham was on sunday morning futures with Maria Bartiromo this morning and indicated that the drum report into the origins of the russia investigation from four years ago, that report is not going to come out before election day. Listen. We found in the last two or three days that the russian sub source was actually suspected by the fbi of being a russian spy all the way back to 2009, they never told the fisa court that, i will be shocked if nobody is charged with the crime that the fbi, the department of justice for misleading the fisa court, that is a breach of duty by the oj in the fbi of the court, i will be shocked if nobody is charged with a crime and defrauding the court. Jon there pretty disturbing allegations there from the senator and pretty disturbing possibilities underlying this investigation and it seems like something the American People would want to know about before they go into the polls. I am disappointed that the Durham Report or the prosecutions did not come out sooner. In a way, it shows that this is not a flimsy investigation or political investigation. The reason it is taking so long is because durham is clearly finding more and more serious things to investigate, remember, this is the thing that potentially goes up to the person who is running for office for the democratic ticket, joe biden was present at a meeting where he himself was coming up with bizarre theories of why they keep investigating the Trump Campaign based on statues that have not been used in 200 years, i think durham is going to get it right, you are quite right the American People want to nobody support to be done right rather than fast and unfortunately that means this will have to go past the election but the American People if they learn more details and think joe biden should be held to account, they have ability to hold them to account on novembe. Jon john yoo we will see what happens, the former Deputy Assistant general under george president george w. Bush. Thank you. Thank you. Democratic president ial nominee joe biden reacted to the Supreme Court nomination of judge Amy Coney Barrett today the former Vice President saying it flies in the face of president and intended to dismantle the Affordable Care act. Jacqui heinrich is live in wilmington, delaware with the latest. Joe biden took questions from reporters today. Good evening yes he did, he took a handful of questions from a handful of people. This event was planned last minute which a limited access but in his first remark, addressing the nomination of judge Amy Coney Barrett to the highest court in the former Vice President did not parse words meaning this is part of President Trumps attempt and crusade to decimate obamacare. Biden warned if there is confirmed in the Affordable Care act is overturned complications from covid19 like lung scarring and heart damage can be the next deny of a preexisting condition, he noticed. Disagree with the Supreme Court decision to up hold acn 2012 and said the reason behind the president s nomination is apparent. President trump just tweeted an hour ago on my way here. Obamacare will be replaced with a much better and far cheaper alternative. If it is terminated and the Supreme Court it would be a big win for the usa. Biden called on senators not to act until after the election saying never before a Supreme Court, nation underway as voting has begun in some states. He added if President Trump loses his nomination should be withdrawn. Biden refused to engage in discussion about possible defenses like adding more justice to the court if there is confirmed same President Trump want that to be the headline. This is about whether or not aca will exist. This is about whether or not preexisting conditions will be continue to be covered. This is about whether or not a woman can be charged more for the same procedure as a man. This is about peoples healthcare in the middle of a pandemic. Biden said he is resisted calling up individual republicans because he does not want to put them in a position where they feel compromised and he is hoping that they do the right thing. They largely shall be discussion about roe v wade in abortion and trying to make judge barrett nomination about the Affordable Care act biden trained to shift the discussion for polarizing issues as republicans care about preexisting conditions, the president s executive order last week did as much although critics argue that that eo had no teeth. Jon Jacqui Heinrich, thank you. Final preparation underway in cleveland ahead of the first president ial debate scheduled for this tuesday, the topics include the candidates record, the Supreme Court vacancy, the coronavirus pandemic, the economy, violence in u. S. Cities and election integrity. Peter doocy has more from cleveland. Good evening, donald trump and joe biden will not shake hands, they will not even elbow bump ahead of the debate on tuesday. Despite the social distancing joe biden is saying he think President Trump wants to get into a mosh pit. It is going to be difficult, i know, my guess is its going to be a straight attack, mostly personal. Its only thing he knows how to do, he does not know how to debate the facts, he is not that smart he does not know that many facts. The role of President Trump in mock debate is being played by bob bauer, the former Obama White House general counsel according to a report by the associated press, the trump stand and last cycle with Hillary Clinton was the least. Something is very different about four years ago what was very tough about donald trump and what hillary realized, she never thought, within he was very laser focused with trade, healthcare, the swamp and immigration. No matter how odd it was sounding, he being done over and over again. There are going to be between 80 and 100 people inside the debate kind of like a hybrid between the trump rallies in the press only biden events like he had today in delaware. Despite the unusual hybrid layout the biden brain trust is feeling very confident. As been known to make the occasional. You cannot even go there, after donald trump you cannot even say the word gaff. This entire area around the debate hall is whirling with security preparation today, expenses are going up, jersey barriers are being brought in, man hole carriers are being sealed shut and everybody that is going to be close to the action on tuesday night is being tested for covid19 by the Cleveland Clinic right across the street. It is going to be something to see. Peter doocy in cleveland, thank you. Jon the first president ial debate between President Trump and democratic nominee joe biden set for tuesday night 9 00 p. M. Eastern time, Chris Wallace to be the moderator. Topics will include the Supreme Court, the coronavirus pandemic, the unrest in American Cities in the economy. Tune in tonight 10 00 p. M. Eastern for debate preview hosted by bret baier and martha maccallum, special coverage, 10 00 p. M. Eastern tonight right here on fox news channel. Police in louisville kentucky arrested more than two dozen people during saturday nights protest. Demanding more from justice after the death of Breonna Taylor. Meanwhile demonstrators marched to other cities across the country continuing to call at the grand jury decision not to indict the three officers involved in her death. Mike is live in louisville with the latest. As the trend louisville is quiet during the day, they keep the streets empty last night from 25 demonstrators were arrested, three of them from out of town, most of the charges for curfew violations. They caught a fight among the protesters, one young man who showed up to preach was confronted by protesters ran black codes and clothing and they took the preacher sign and cuffed him a couple times upside the head and ran him off, other demonstrators tried to keep cameras from getting the shot. One car was fought on camera, after demonstrators sought refuge at the church, some of them came out and started the fire and fireworks in the car which you can see on the video, fireworks went off. New body camera video obtained by vice news, the apartment after Breonna Taylor was killed and jonathan was shot, does not show what led up to the shooting, that they violated the apartment policy and jeopardize the integrity of the investigation paid the state attorney general claim that her boyfriend Kenneth Walker shot the officer in the lake, an attorney for Kenneth Walker claims a ballistics do not prove that the bullet came from walkers gun. An attorney for sgt who previously said he fired in selfdefense declined to comment. Jon mike tobin in louisville kentucky. Thank you. Straight ahead why my next guest says covid19 vaccine will be available for all americans by this spring. Cell phone repair. Did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Just get a quote at libertymutual. Com. Really . Ill check that out. Oh yeah. I think i might get a quote. Not again aah, come on rice. Do your thing. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Aso the national eye instituteon did 20 years of clinical studies on a formula only found in preservision. If it were my vision, id ask my doctor about preservision. Its the most studied eye vitamin brand. If it were my vision, id look into preservision. Only preservision areds2 contains the exact nutrient formula recommended by the nei to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. I have amd. It is my vision so my plan includes preservision. Im a delivery Operations Manager in san diego, california. We were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of electric vehicles. Were striving to deliver a package with zero emissions into the air. I feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. We have two daughters and i want to do everything i can to protect the environment so hopefully they can have a great future. Jon i am jon scott and this is the fox report, 33 minutes past the hour, if you are just joining heres a look at the top stories. A judge in washington plans to decide by the end of the day to block a Trump Administration order banning apple and google from the chinese own apt tiktok for downloads. The ban is set to take place effect 11 59 p. M. Eastern time a lawyer for tiktok because the bn unprecedented and irrational. The los angeles officer attacked inside a Police Station in san pedro, 30 say a man took the officers gun, hit him in the head with a weapon and began firing. The suspect got into a car and sped off the Police Caught up with him and took him into custody, the officer is expected to be okay. More than 7. 1 million americans have been infected with coronavirus as far, according to John Hopkins University data the u. S. Reported 55054 new cases on friday, that is the highest single day increase since augus. Meanwhile the u. S. Has surpassed 204,000 coronavirus deaths. New yorks governor saying he will not take the word of the federal government when it comes to an approval of a coronavirus vaccine. Andrew cuomo say the state will instead review the data for itself. The spring a Fox News Contributor doctor of the school of Public Health. Obviously doctor may carry the governors continuing to politicization of the coronavirus vaccine, he says he think the trouble administration is just rushing and it may not be safe, as a Public Health expert what he say about the governors stance. This is very concerning because remember who is first in line for the vaccine, those at highest risk, the elderly, healthcare workers, africanamericans, hispanics, those at highest risk in minority communities, these individuals are going to get delayed access, they are going to be denied the vaccine once is fda approved because new york is setting up their own bureaucracy to do an added layer, anybody who knows the process of the fda approval, remember two of the review are independent, pride and of nothing to do with the government, the data safety monitoring and adcom, both are independent to think that they are missing important data in new york is going to pick it up, it is laughable. Jon we are seeing an uptick in cases of coronavirus around the country but we are also seeing, according to some researchers, we are seeing the viral load of the infections that are presented a hospitals is actually dropping, going down. What did the two things tell you, the two fax. How the virus spreads is no longer a mystery. We have cracked the code that the data is in. People do not get enough virus from routine brief interactions and interactions outdoors and from times when they wear masks, they get it from indoor congregate settings over a prolonged period of time when someone is speaking and they are speaking loudly for long period of time without a mask, that is how the virus is spread. We got a tailor our approach, the more virus that you get, the more virus you are exposed to, the more likely you are to get very sick. The viral load does matter. Jon the governor of florida mustve heard your research because hes basically reopening that state, almost entirely, some restrictions but in a state like florida where you can dine outdoors all year round, you are saying that that should be pretty safe. That is right, you do not get the coronavirus from normal breathing with a mask on, there is a mask under matt under maximum where you can wear a mask endorsed where the ventilation is poor. We dont see super spreading event driven outdoors, we can tailor our strategy, we have been oddly not learning from the experiences overseas, look at parts of africa, asia, egypt, i talked to doctors there today, almost no coronavirus in a very populated country. Yet in europe, some of the pubs we are seeing increasing cases because the pubs are the ideal recipe for super spreading events, people talking loudly for a long period of time indoors without a mask with poor ventilation. We can learn and modify our strategy accordingly. Jon newarks mayor bill de blasio is talking about doing lockdowns in areas where there are concentrated spikes in areas of brooklyn and queens, is that a good idea in your view . I think history is going to judge her lockdown by the fact that we did not know what we were dealing with initially. Now that the data is clear, we gotta recognize you cannot use a sledgehammer to put in a thumbtack, it has consequences. The overreach has Public Health consequences, this country will not tolerate lockdowns anymore, it does not make sense from a Public Health standpoint. The maximum effect is masking and limiting the density and indoor congregate settings were masking is not feasible. That is about the maximum that you can do and if we do that that is a firewall against super spreading. Jon i walk through times square after i left work last night and it looked almost like the times square except everybody is wearing a mask, it sure has gotten a lot more crowding in the past couple of weeks. Dr. Marty makary of the John Hopkins School of Public Health. Thank you. Lets turn back toward top story in the New York Times bombshell report regarding President Trumps taxes, the president called it fake news, Mark Meredith has more from the white house. Good evening it was going to be a busy week for President Trump because he was going to face his first debate with joe biden on tuesday in the newly Supreme Court nominee, new headline that has been making a lot of waves in the next 24 48 hours in the New York Times that the president said its not been paying many taxes over the last few years. The time saying when the president entered the white house back in 17, that he was essentially paying 750 a year in income tax, that would be a surprising headline because the president causally talks about being a multibillionaire in a Strong Financial success record. I asked the president about the headline moments ago during the news briefing, heres what he had to say. Fake news, totally fake news, madeup, fake. We went through the same, you could ask me the same questions four years ago i had to litigate and talk about it. Totally fake news. President will likely have to talk a more about this in the week ahead. Hes been asked to turnover tax documents for years including the 28016 campaign but is constantly studies under audit. The story that is breaking, the times is not release the details of what is in the returns, they are not put it online themselves, doing that to protect their sources but people are eager to see what comes out of the headline. Jon Mark Meredith out of the white house. The fox report will be back in just a moment. The United States Postal Service is here to deliver your packages. And the peace of mind of knowing that important things like your prescriptions, and ballots, are on their way. Every day, all across america, well keep delivering for you. 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Thats why Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. What . Oh, i said. Uh, this is my floor. Nooo only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Jon it has been 40 years since Franklin Chang diaz lifted off into space as the first hispanic astronaut born in costa rica he immigrated into the u. S. With 50 in his pocket and today the nassau hall of famer is looking to revolutionize space travel, brian yanez has his inspiring story. Doctor Franklin Chang diaz was for 25 years, and at age 70 he pushes the boundaries of space travel. We are trying to make transportation and space go fast. Doctor Franklin Chang diaz is the founder of the Rocket Company for the development of a advanced rocket. Can you explain what you are doing and what your company is trying to accomplish. Imagine a mission to mars in the matter of two months, and the better part of a year that it takes today to get to mars. The rocket engine will be ready to fly within three years chang diaz says for the 70yearold its a career in space, as nasas first hispanic astronaut. The moment of the liftoff of the first fight was something that i will never forget. Enter tremendous ride. Born in costa rica at 18 years old chang diaz came to the United States with 50 in his pocket. He learned english and went on to get his phd and in 1980 became an astronaut, he is one of only two astronauts to have flown on seven Space Shuttle missions. To wake up even though we are tired. The second astronaut to log more than 1000 hours in space. In 2012 chang diaz was inducted into the nassau hall of fame. Today i am most thing for to the great nation that in 1968 open the doors for me to the macon dream. Doctor franklin chain diaz, an American Hero who inspired and paved the way for 11 other latino nast under nasa astronauts. Jon a great story. Brian yanez. Here are some other headlines from around the globe, and greece secretary of state mike pompeo arriving for an official visit, the first stop on his five day trip to europe. In the middle east heavy fighting between armenia and azerbaijan, 60 people dead, the two former soviet republics went to work in the 1990s. In switzerland voters overwhelmingly reject a whit rightwing proposal that wouldve cracked down on immigration from the eu. In Belarus Police detaining ten people at an opposition rally in minsk adjournments engine. Russia and china blocking the release of un report that is critical of moscow, the report accuses russia of violating a un arms embargo in libya. In israel thousands of protesters define new lockdown orders together outside the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus home demanded that he resign, the protesters say Benjamin Netanyahu should not remain in office will hes in trial for corruption. In france and the interior minister is pledging to protect the countrys Jewish Community after a double stabbing being investigated as terrorism. France responding with thousands of police and soldiers to protect services for the jewish holy day. That is a look at stories from around the globe. Not just in france, jews all around the globe are preparing to fast for the next 24 hours in observance of yom kippur, the holiest day on the jewish calendar begins tonight, right about now on the east coast and ends at sundown tomorrow, yom kippur marks the end of the High Holy Days of the evening of september 18 with Rosh Hashanah the jewish new year. Coming up, the firefighters in california are worried that the weather there could strengthen at least 20 active wildfires now burning. Smooth driving pays off with allstate the safer you drive the more you save youve never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today with acetaminophenction allstate fights pain in two ways. Advil targets pain at the source. While acetaminophen blocks pain signals. The future of pain relief is here. New advil dual action. Noand if youre troubledan a liby falls and bleeds,ners. Worry follows you everywhere. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. Its a onetime, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worryfor life. Watchman. Its one time. For a lifetime. Jon in california firefighters brair for hot, dry, windy weather that will fan several major wildfires and might ignore new ones, High Pressure is generate wrong winds, what already devastated region does not need. Live in los angeles with the latest cristina. Jon, a new fast spreading wildfire broke out today during the windy conditions portioning evacrationin evacuate and a hosn Northern California. And napa county. It started this morning around 4 00 a. M. , scorching about 20 acres, now fire burn over 1200 acres and not contained. Calfire said this fire is moving as a dangerous rate of speed, napa county is under a red flag warning through tomorrow, like much of Northern California. Because of the weekend new round of dangerous fire conditions, it is hot, and dry, and now gusty winds could potentially fan more flames in some 25 major fires already burning in the state this weekends critical fire conditions prompted another Public Safety power shut off in california, state a largest utility, pacific gas and electric temporarily shuts off power in parts of 60 counties in Northern California throughout the weekend, impacting about 65,000 customers. A fire weather watch also across los angeles, ventura, san diego mountains and other parts of california because of gusty santa ana winds and low hu humid fee. Jon Cristina Coleman in los angeles thank you. Still ahead, why this little rat in cambodia got a gold medal for predatory behavior, well tell you the dangerous object h after, after a short break. Your journey requires Liberty Mutual. They customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Wow. That will save me lots of money. This games boring. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. To stir that fire, university of phoenix is awarding up to one Million Dollars in scholarships through this month. See what scholarship you qualify for at phoenix. Edu. Jon a British Charity awards a rat in come woma cambodia wid medal for discovering unexploded landmines, the rat was trained to hunt down the explosives, award dates back to worl world r ii. Ahead on fox news sunday, brit hume is in for Chris Wallace. Brit will have a interview with secretary of lak labor scalia ad discussing President Trumps Supreme Court pick, just moments from now right here on fox news channel. That is how fox reports this sunday. I am jon scott, thank you for joining us, have a good evening. The president will be talking about covid19. Brit im brit hume in for Chris Wallace. Today is my honor to nominate judge Amy Coney Barrett. Brit nominated to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburgs seat, we are joined by gene scalia, plus Justice Ginsburg must be turning over in her grave in heaven. Brit get reaction from senator john

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