House with more. Good evening to you and everybody at home. President trump right now on his way to india after refuelling in germany. Air force one will be landing in india, where gandhi actually once lived when he was living in india. There are two points to this trip, one diplomatic and one financial. Several Different Things President Trump and his team will discuss when they are in india, trade, tariffs, 5g, counterterrorism, energy security, anticorruption efforts, also religious freedom. Before leaving for joint base andrews and boarding air force one, the president made it clear this is a trip that his family, his white house team, have been looking forward to. Listen. Well, i look forward to being with the people of india. We will have millions and millions of people. I hear it is going to be a big event. Some people say the biggest event they have ever had in india. Thats what the Prime Minister told me, this will be the biggest event they have ever had. Remember back in september, it was back in houston, 50,000 people welcomed the indian Prime Minister. He will return the favor to President Trump, and hes going to be upping the ante, expected 100,000 people expecting to welcome President Trump at a cricket location there in india. Now, i want to show you the delegation thats going to india right now. Several different people that are on the president s team, u. S. Ambassador to india, secretary of commerce, National Security advisor, energy secretary, fcc chairman, and the National Security council, members of the National Security council. President trump, though, also on the south lawn today, besides talking about india, as you heard at the beginning of the show, jon, talking a little bit about nevada and the dems. The democrats. He said he fully expects Bernie Sanders to be the nominee that he will face in november. President trump said that Bernie Sanders has dealt with a rigged system, thats what he calls it, but he expect sanders to be the one ultimately that he will face coming up in november. Jon, back to you. Jon david, at the white house, thank you. We are getting an update on a u. S. Intelligence report supposedly claiming that russia is working to help reelect President Trump. Some backtracking now. U. S. Intelligence source clarifying to fox news that the official who briefed congress on the matter might have overstated it. Molly henneberg has more on that from washington. Molly . Hi, jon. This is all breaking this evening. Fox has been told by an intelligence official that there is no evidence to suggest that russia made a specific play to help President Trump win a second term, and that shelby pearson, the intelligence official who spoke to the House Intelligence Committee earlier this month, may have overstated the matter, and that democratic members of congress did not give accurate context and perspective to what she said. Also today, National Security advisor Robert Obrien disputed the claim that the Intelligence Community believed russia is trying to help the president and said it is quote the same old story that we have heard before. I havent seen any of that intelligence, so if its out there, it is something i havent seen, but i highly doubt it, because look, it is a common sense question, why would russia want the president who has rebuilt the american military, who is giving the ukrainians lethal arms, missiles and sanctions the russians far more than any president in recent history, why would they want him reelected . That doesnt make common sense. The president dismissed the russia reports as quote a Misinformation Campaign from his political enemies in congress. He said he had also seen media reports that russia wants to help democratic socialist Bernie Sanders get elected. Sanders said he was briefed on it last month and his primary opponents are ready to let voters know. The white house is shedding light the president s angry because the Intelligence Community in fact informed Bernie Sanders and i guess others and members of the Intelligence Community that in fact the russians want to see trump reelected and they like bernie. The information about Bernie Sanders and russia, well President Trump said today it was probably a leak from Democratic House intelligence chairman adam schiff because schiff doesnt, quote, want Bernie Sanders to represent him. Congressman schiff tweeted today quote nice deflection, mr. President , but your false claims fool no one. Jon . Jon Molly Henneberg in washington, thanks, molly. Senator sanders riding high in the saddle after fox news projects a huge victory for him in the nevada caucuses. Sanders is now taking his campaign to the Lone Star State as his 2020 rivals struggle to get some traction. Sanders rally getting underway right now in austin. We have fox team coverage. Jacqui heinrich in nevada where the caucus results are still incomplete, but we begin with Steve Harrigan in houston where the vermont senator is hoping to cement his frontrunner status. Steve . Jon, Bernie Sanders has been crisscrossing texas this weekend, making four different stops here at the university of houston. He had a packed house of about 5,000 people. Many of them standing throughout his speech. When you talk to the supporters, many say they feel energized by a big win in nevada, and they also say they support sanders for many different reasons. I was for bernie in 2016. And i was convinced then that he had the right ideas. He has actual policies that actually make sense, like my favorite policy, im on medicare. Its the best thing ever. We want to share it with everybody. Hes been fighting for these things for even before he was in politics. I dont feel like theres another candidate who has been as strong on the values and nowhere near as long as he has. Sanders told the crowd he vows to win texas, not just in the primary, nine days from now, but also as a candidate in the general election. Thats something that hasnt happened since 1976. If on tuesday we can bring out working people, people of all who believe in economic justice, social justice, racial justice, environmental justice, if we can create a large voter turnout, were going to win the democratic primary a week from tuesday. I have every confidence that in november, were going to beat trump here in texas. 228 delegates are up for grabs on super tuesday here in texas. Thats the second largest after california. John, back to you. Jon back to you. Jon steve thanks. The rest of the democratic field is leaving las vegas and spreading out across the country with South Carolina and super tuesday states in their sights. All trying to play catchup to Bernie Sanders including Pete Buttigieg, who is claiming the nevada results show inconsistencies. Jacqui heinrich is in las vegas with more on that. Hey, good evening, jon. The former Mayors Campaign is claiming that they received 200 reports of incidents around the state involving inconsistencies and errors that could potentially impact two whoms in second place impact who comes in second place, and they say a few dozen of those reports involve how they factored in the early voting data. This was the first year that nevada allowed early voting the first caucus state ever to do that. This is really an unprecedented issue that were dealing with here. The Buttigieg Campaign calling to release a huge swath of raw data from individual precinct locations claiming that at some sites early votes werent used to calculate viability or were allocated to the wrong candidate, and in other locations caucusgoers were given incorrect instructions. The Nevada Democrats say buttigieg wants to challenge the results, hes got to ask for a recount. They write we never indicated we would release a separate breakdown of early vote and inperson attendees by precinct and we wont change our reporting process now. Meantime, bloomberg answering to a wave of criticism. In an interview on msnbc, in another clip, hes heard racially stereotyping murderers and murder victims. Apologized. Ive tried to meet with people who have been stopped and people who friends have been stopped, learn what its like. U i never had the experience and my daughters were never stopped. I cant tell you that i was that close and thats what im trying to fix. Former Vice President joe bidens enjoying newfound momentum coming out of the nevada caucuses, telling voters in South Carolina he thinks it will be between him and senator sanders on super tuesday. He took a swipe at the vermont senator reminding voters sanders once considered challenging president obama during his Reelection Campaign in 2012, biden then touted his own relationship with obama, and brushed off worries that tom steyer is gaining support from black voters. Steyer now getting a chance to pitch himself on tuesdays debate stage, ahead of the South Carolina primary. He qualified after failing to meet criteria for nevadas debate. Senators warren and klobuchar spent today in super tuesday states. They head to South Carolina tomorrow, and they both need to perform better there than they did here with their fourth and fifth place finishes respecti respectively. Jon . Jon Jacqui Heinrich in las vegas, thanks. New developments on the coronavirus outbreak. A source telling fox news the department of health and Human Services is preparing to ask congress for more money to combat the epidemic. Christina coleman has more from the west coast newsroom. Christina . Yeah, jon, were hearing a supplemental spending request is close to being finalized and could come as early as tomorrow. It is unclear how much hhs will ask for. This comes as concern grows in the u. S. Over where to quarantine coronavirus evacuees. A federal judge in california has temporarily blocked the u. S. Government from allowing up to 50 evacuees to move to the Southern California city of costa mesa, in orange county. Local officials there argue the federal plan didnt explain how the community would be protected from the virus. A hearing is scheduled for this case on monday. In alabama, a plan to relocate quarantined americans to the city of anniston was met with outrage from state officials and congressmen. A facility there had been suggested yesterday as a place to house evacuees, from the diamond princess cruise ship, but just about a few hours ago, local officials told residents in a tense county Council Meeting that thats not going to happen. Senator Richard Shelby writing on twitter, quote, i just got off the phone with the president. He told me that his administration will not be sending any victims of the coronavirus from the diamond princess cruise ship to anniston, alabama. Thank you, president , for working with us to ensure the safety of all alabama people. Theres been 35 cases of the illness here in the u. S. , including the 18 americans who were on the quarantined ship in japan. The cdc says the virus is not spreading fast in the u. S. , but that it could happen. On his way to india today, President Trump says this evolving situation in the u. S. Is under control. Its a situation going on throughout the world. I can say the United States we have very much closed our doors in certain areas, about certain areas, through certain areas, and we will see what happens. We have the greatest doctors in the world. We have it very much under control. We accepted a few people, a small number of people. Theyre very well confined, and they should be Getting Better very soon. Very interestingly we have had no deaths. But some International Health officials fear a possible global pandemic. Italy is dealing with a sudden outbreak of the disease right now. At least 10 cities are if lockdown on lockdown in the northern part of the country. The number of cases reported there was three on thursday, now that number is up to more than 150 cases and three deaths. It is the largest outbreak in a country outside of asia. Coronavirus infections are surging in south korea. The government announced 169 more cases of the virus there today, bringing the countrys total to 602. The death toll has risen there from three to six. South koreas president says his government is increasing his antivirus alert to red, the highest level which allows close schoolings and restrictions on Public Transportation and flights in and out of the country. Today it was called for more efforts to stop the outbreak. While the daily count of new viruses has declined in china, the death toll continues to rise. Jon . Jon christina coleman, thank you. President trump says hes ready to sign a peace deal with the taliban, if the temporary truce holds in afghanistan. He told reporters earlier today hes cautiously optimistic he can reach a broader deal after nearly two decades of war. Assuming it works out over the next less than a week, i would put my name on it, yes. Time to come home. And they want to stop. You know, theyve been fighting a long time. They are tough people. Were tough people. But after 19 years, thats a long time. Jon the temporary truce began last friday. If it holds up, it will be followed by the signing of a peace accord on saturday, setting the stage to bring thousands of u. S. Troops home. The Israeli Military confirmed attacking Palestinian Islamist jihad targets in syria and gaza. This follows its claim of about 30 rockets being fired from the gaza strip toward israel earlier today. Mike tobin has the latest from our jerusalem bureau. The reduction of violence in afghanistan is largely holding, not been an absolute peace fire. Taliban fighters and Security Forces clashed the first day it went into effect. All sides seem to accept the skirmishes somewhat. They would halt all suicide bombs and rocket attacks for a seven day period. If the taliban can keep it quiet for a week, a truce is expected to be signed on february 29th in qatar. That paves the way to afghan negotiations and possibly a peace deal. People who have lived with war for more than 18 years now are impatient about the process. They dont have faith in the reduction of violence. They want to get to the part where they can rebuild their lives. Translator afghans want a fundamental peace and ceasefire so people can contribute to the country. President trump says hes ready to sign the truce and bring troops home. Assuming it works out over the next less than a week, i would put my name on it, yes. Time to come home. And they want to stop. You know, they have been fighting a long time. Theyre tough people. Were tough people. But after 19 years, thats a long time. The afghan president says Security Forces will remain in a defensive posture regarding the taliban but will continue operations against isis and al qaeda forces in afghanistan. A u. S. Defense official says any attacks will be evaluated to determine if they came from the taliban. In the past, there have been attacks with the intention of sabotaging any ceasefires. Back to you. Jon thanks. Be sure to catch mark levins exclusive interview with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tonight 8 00 eastern time. The two will discuss israels thriving economy and relations with arab nations. Thats life liberty and levin tonight 8 00 p. M. Eastern time. Major shakeups in americas top spy agency. Why the president s new acting director of National Intelligence is making immediate changes in the intel community. My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. 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From smarter atms, to after hours video tellers comcast business is connecting thousands of banks to technology that turns everyday transactions into extraordinary experiences. Hi there. How are you . Do you have any lollipops in there . laughing no, sorry. Were helping all kinds of businesses go beyond customer expectations. How can we help you . Jon President Trumps newly appointed acting intel chief apparently wasting no time making changes to the nations spy agencies. The New York Times reports acting director of National Intelligence Richard Grinell already has ousted the number two official in the Intelligence Agency. Garrett tenney has details. This is one of a number of changes grinel has already made. On friday, the former acting head of intelligence Joseph Maguire resigned and according to the New York Times, his deputy resigned as well. After grinell told him his service was no longer needed. Fox news has learned that one of grinells first hires is a senior National Security council staffer, a former aide to g. O. P. Congressman nunes and played a key role in republican efforts to investigate alleged surveillance abuses by the fbi and doj. Grinell and patel have been given a mandate to clean house according to cbs newss katherine her ridge and carry out top to bottom review of the intelligence agencies which the president has criticized since taking office. Grinell is expected to leave on a temporary basis and is involved in the discussions about who will be nominated to the position. This morning President Trump says he has narrowed his list of candidates to four or five very respected people. I will say Ambassador Grenell has done a fantastic job. This is a temporary job. We have five people that we are looking at seriously, expert people. At a certain point in the nottoodistant future, we will be announcing who they are. Democrats are blasting the president for appointing grenell who has never worked from Intelligence Agency but is overseeing the 17 spy agencies and given that he is a staunch ally of the president , senator murphy says hes concerned about the administration weaponizing classified information. I think we all worry about this Administration Controlling massive amounts of intelligence, massive amounts of classified information and leaking it out to the president when it advantages by them. By law he can only serve in acting capacity for 210 days but there are exceptions so it is possible he stays in that role for much longer. Jon . Jon garrett tenney, garrett, thank you. At least nine people including three children are dead in eastern turkey after an earthquake this morning. That according to the countrys health minister, magnitude 5. 7 quake centered just east across the iranian border. Irans official News Agency Says at least 75 in that country are injured. A second earthquake also measuring 5. 7 reportedly struck later in the evening, in the same area of iran. A fresh sign of antigovernment anger in iran. Voter turnout in recent elections sliding to the lowest level in decades, around 42 . Irans hardliners sweeping the race. It is the first time Voter Participation has dipped below 50 since the countrys Islamic Revolution in 1979. The lower turnout widely seen as a measure of widespread dissatisfaction with irans clerical rulers and the state of the economy amid intense pressure from the United States. Antigovernment protests turning deadly in iraq today. Iraqi Officials Say one protester was fatally shot and at least six others were wounded during the demonstrations which featured more than a thousand students, marching through the center of baghdad. This comes one day after at least two protesters were injured in clashes with riot police. The unrest comes amid anger over government corruption and Political Parties as well as rejection of Prime Ministerdesignate. The democratic establishment on edge, as candidate Bernie Sanders emerges as the clear frontrunner in the splintered field. Now the democrats could be heading toward a contested convention in july. Well get into that, straight ahead. At bayer, were more than a healthcare company. We help farmers like john by developing digital tools, so he can use less water to grow crops. At bayer, this is why we science. And my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. Ahh no, come on. I saw you eating poop earlier. Hey my focus is on the road, and thats saving me cash with drivewise. Whos the dummy now . Whoof whoof so get allstate where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. Sorry hes a baby if you have moderate to severe psoriasis. Or psoriatic arthritis, little things, can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis,. Otezla is proven. To reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an. Increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts. Or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Jon fox news projects Bernie Sanders victorious in the nevada caucuses. The win energizing his loyal base of supporters, while raising concerns among some moderate democrats. Im jon scott. Welcome to the fox report. It is the bottom of the hour. Sanders growing delegate lead has some democrats hitting the panic button. They are calling on the party to unite behind a more centrist candidate, but the crowded field raises the possibility of this ending up in a contested convention. David spunt has a look at how that might work. We are on a path to win the democratic nomination. It aint over, man. Were just getting started. [cheers and applause] with Bernie Sanders rising, joe biden falling and Mike Bloomberg making a splash, this may be the year that no candidate has enough votes to seal the deal in milwaukee. I do think we could survive a brokered convention. I sure dont want one, though. When a Convention Begins and no candidate has the majority of delegates, it is considered contested. A candidate needs to reach 1,991 delegates to win the nomination. If multiple candidates refuse to drop out and split the delegate count, reaching that threshold wont be easy. I have heard this story of a brokered convention almost every cycle that i have been involved in president ial politics. Though not in recent memory contested conventions were common before primaries came into play. In 1924, it took 16 days to choose a nominee, the longest convention in history. The eyes of the whole world [inaudible]. In 1948, republicans cast multiple ballots, same story in 1952 for democrats. 2016 was close for both parties. If that would happen, we will have a manifest revolt on our hands. But this year we have the most candidates in history still in the race. I do think well know a lot more about the potential for a brokered convention after super tuesday, because by then, so many delegates will have been allocated. A spokesman for the Democratic National Committee Told fox news in part, theres often chatter about this when theres a primary. And we have yet to see it happen in modern political history. Right now, about 2 of delegates have been allocated. When delegates get to the convention on the first ballot, they will vote with their state. If it goes to a second ballot, all bets are off, and that may decide who will face President Trump in november. In washington, david spunt, fox news. Jon for more on this, lets bring in axios reporter. Are democrats that you talk to nervous about the prospect of a Bernie Sanders nomination . Yes, definitely. Its something that a lot of people, especially those up on capitol hill are worried about, and if we look at the Democratic Party, something that a lot of people point me to is a majority of the Democratic Party isnt as progressive as senator Bernie Sanders or congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez. Jon why is he doing so well . Right, he is doing very well, and part of it is because he definitely is part of this great movement. We saw, you know, a lot of people comparing him to some kind of like the trump of the left, in the way that hes able to Energize Voters and get out the vote on facebook and instagram and twitter, and he really energizes these young crowds, unlike really any other candidate in the democratic field right now. But we are also seeing a lot of other more moderate candidates, taking up that portion of the vote as well. So it does look now especially after yesterday in nevada that Bernie Sanders is cruising to hes definitely a frontrunner and we will see after super tuesday whether he will continue to be the frontrunner, but it looks like hes almost an unstoppable democratic nominee right now. Jon in the real clear politics polling average, when you look at the polls of the candidates remaining on the democratic side, Bernie Sanders still very much in first place, 29. 3 . Joe biden well behind him at 17. 2. And then Mike Bloomberg comes up at 15. 3. Hes the guy who just got into the race, hasnt been campaigning nearly as long as the elizabeth warrens or Amy Klobuchars of the world, and yet bloomberg is in third place. Is he the dramatic foil to Bernie Sanders . In a way, yes, and i think former mayor Pete Buttigieg said this really well this week during the debate in nevada. He said look, its a really interesting dynamic right now. You have someone like senator Bernie Sanders, a selfdeclared democratic socialist and then someone like Mike Bloomberg who was a former republican and is very much leans toward the right of the spectrum of democrats that we have in the race right now. So it is very interesting to see that these two widely polarizing candidates are performing so well here. But it will be sometime now until we see if Mike Bloombergs strategy has in fact worked. So far hes done really well. He waited a long time like you said to get into the race. He wanted some of the other more moderate candidates to drop out and kind of bully each other up throughout the race. We have seen that, but we still have a good number of moderate candidates still in the fight. I think a lot of this will become much more clearer after super tuesday. Jon a lot of people, President Trump among them, think that bernie got cheated the last time around, that the clinton camp sort of kept down his delegate count. This could be the year when he wins it all, wins the democratic nomination. What does that do to democratic turnout sfl it will be interesting to see. He does have a ton of energy. I think a lot of democrats of course are very supportive of him, but it will be interesting to see, especially i am very curious to see what happens in the down ballot races, the house and senate races and how that impacts them. A lot of republicans say they are very excited by the opportunity of having senator sanders as the nominee. They think that will help them take back some more of the seats they lost in 2018 on the house side. And the democrats are the same. Theyre worried we saw the congressman of South Carolina say that he is worried that how Bernie Sanders if he is the eventual nominee would affect some of these house races. So turnout will be interesting. He definitely has a lot of that energy to turn out the vote. But again, a lot of democrats fear a socialist in the white house. Only time will tell. Jon lets take a look at the democrat delegates that have been allocated so far. Bernie sanders in the lead with 28. Behind him Pete Buttigieg with 22. Then elizabeth warren, Amy Klobuchar and the former Vice President of the United States, the guy who came into this race as the national frontrunner, joe biden has six, that could change after South Carolina. Biden is hoping to do well in South Carolina. But you have only allocated 71 delegates so far. Come super tuesday, if you look at the number there, more than 19 nearly 1400 delegates are up for grabs. That could change things dramatically. It is likely we could have a completely different headline after super tuesday . It could be. As of now, its seeming unlikely. It is seeming that Bernie Sanders, his Strong Performance in iowa, new hampshire, and now big blowout yesterday in nevada makes it increasingly more unlikely that it will be that surprising. And hes also narrowing the gap between him and former Vice President joe biden now in South Carolina, something that the Biden Campaign has staked a lot of its campaign on, in the hopes that they will do really well in South Carolina especially among black voters. It seems unlikely that Bernie Sanders will have some dramatic fall on super tuesday, but it will make it more clear whether some of these, you know, whether more candidates like the buttigiegs, klobuchar and warren will be able to stay in the race or should stay in the race after super tuesday. Jon do you see some kind of if we get a brokered Convention Like david spunt was just telling us about, do you see some kind of an alliance built between the buttigiegs and klobuchars and warrens of the world to try to pool delegates together to get Bernie Sanders from getting the nomination . I imagine there will be some sort of effort like that. It is still too early to tell. It is very unlikely there could be a contested convention, but it is becoming more and more likely every day, as we see this race play out and so many candidates are still in the running. I imagine that if it gets to that point, they will want to pool together some of those delegates work out some sort of an agreement to beat senator sanders but it is still too early to know what will happen right now. Jon so many of these Democratic Candidates jumped into the race because they thought it would be so easy to beat President Trump, but when you look at the results of the recent cbs news poll, they asked regardless of how you are voting, do you think the president will be reelected . 65 said either definitely or probably he will. So the American Public thinks it is going to be a two term trump administration. In any normal election year, any incumbent president would most likely win reelection. Only few times in modern history have we seen an incumbent lose, but yeah, i mean more and more and people i speak with at the white house and even people who are very active in Democratic Politics and helping with the president ial campaigns right now, they are very worried that President Trump will have will win again in november. And so its really going to depend on who the nominee is and how they battle it out in a general and as of now it is still too early to tell. Jon thanks for coming on. We appreciate it. Thanks,jon. Jon were going run Fox News Sunday after fox report. You can see Chris Wallaces interview with tom steyer and also the marc short. Thats coming up 20 minutes from now. Fox news is learning details about mexican cartels recruiting dozens of children in arizona to smuggle drugs across the border. That report coming up. Crowd, but recognize whats important to you in terms of your goals get 1to1 goalbased advice where and when you want and realtime goal tracking online. Ameriprise financial my grandfather had an but ancestry showed me so much more than i could have imagined. My grandfather was born in a shack in pennsylvania, his father was a miner, they were immigrants from italy and somewhere along the way that man changed his name and transformed himself into a successful midcentury american man. He had a whole life that i didnt know anything about. He was just my beloved grandpa. Bring your Family History to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com jon an alarming trend is spreading along the u. S. Southern border. Mexican cartels are now hiring American Kids as young as 12 to smuggle drugs and weapons. Stephanie bennett has that story. Dozens of children from across arizona are being recruited by mexican cartels to smuggle drugs. We went out to local high schools and i noticed that, you know, students were already recruited at that point. You know, this information should be taught at an earlier stage in their lives. Taking matters into his own hands, the agent started the teen kid program talking to local Elementary Students about the dangers of joining the cartel. Kids being recruited in phoenix, tucson, so we want to expand this program to reach these other communities. For the 2018 fiscal year, 36 children were arrested for narcotics at arizonas ports of entry. In fiscal year 2019, that number jumped to 57. Starting Office Fiscal year 2020, since october theres been seven arrests. They do it because they think it is cool and the easy money. The agent warned students that Cartel Recruitment happens through social media, video games and word of mouth. Not only are drugs coming into the u. S. , but children are bringing weapons to cartels in mexico. The minimum sentence is 3. 5 years, and obviously prosecuting them as adults means that they would be convicted felons for the rest of their lives. Its a problem. We know it is there. Were trying to mitigate that issue through education and prevention. The program is hoping to reach schools across the entire state and eventually reach out to the neighboring states. For now their next local event will be held in april, stephanie benne bennett, fox news. Jon new developments in the case of two missing children in idaho. Footage from a doorbell camera shows the missing boy, the 7yearold playing outside with his neighbor, just days before he disappeared. He and his sister havent been seen since september. Their mother and her husband fled idaho months later after authorities performed a welfare check on their home. Police caught up with her last week in hawaii, arresting her on multiple charges including two counts of felony desertion. A woman looking to break out of jail is likely to see some more time behind bars, after her failed attempt to get out. Take a look. The video shows her falling from a ceiling inside the Montgomery County jail in ohio last month. She used a chair to climb up into the ceiling, but quickly fell right through into a garbage condition below. Shes facing charges for kidnapping and assaulting an elderly man. A gas leak in western mississippi forcing more than 300 people to leave their homes with about 50 of them taken to the hospital. It happened last night. Investigators blame the leak on a ruptured pipe they say it might have been caused by recent flooding there. Another round in the royal ruckus. New fighting words for Queen Elizabeth from prince harry and Meghan Markle. All ahead of the duchess of sussexs up coming trip across the pond. What to expect from her planned visit. Next. Its time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Its the final days to save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus 0 interest for 24 months. Ends sunday. Can you help keep these iguys protected online . . Easy, connect to the xfi gateway. What about internet speeds that keep up with my gaming . Lets hook you up with the Fastest Internet from xfinity. What about wireless data options for the family . Of course, you can customize and save. Can you save me from this conversation . That we cant do, but come in and see what we can do. Were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. Ask. Shop. Discover. At your local xfinity store today. Jon Meghan Markle reportedly has some private visits planned for when she returns to london next month, as she and prince harry carry out several royal duties ahead of their official megxit this spring. They are backing down from using the word royal in their new brand once they are transitioned out of the royal family is finalized. This after the queen asked hem to stop using the asked them to stop using the titles last week. David lee miller has the latest. David . Jon, its a royal family feud that seems to be turning into a Public Relations disaster for prince harry and his wife meghan. On friday, the couple known as the duke and duchess of sussex said they agreed to stop plans to trademark the name sussex royal in connection with Marketing Efforts linked to charity work or other endeavors. They said they agree to abide by u. K. Government rules that restrict the use of the word royal. What is attracting a lot of attention is what some see as thinly veiled criticism of the queen, that part of the statement says and i quote while there is not any jurisdiction by the monarch or Cabinet Office over the use of the word royal, overseas, the duke and duchess of sussex do not use to it in any iteration of the word royal in the u. K. Or otherwise when the transition occurs spring 2020. March 31st is the date they will officially step down from their royal duties. Their statement does say they will keep the prefix hrh, his or her royal highness. However they will no longer use that title as they will no longer be working members of the family. The u. K. The couple have come under increasing scrutiny from both the public and the media. This hasnt gone down too well at all. I mean who is advising these people . They are slowly turning into dumb and dumber. I mean the bottom line is that, you know, her majesty the queen has been more in gracious in saying that look, you can keep your titles, you can do this. Now, prince harrys grandmother, the queen, has said harry, meghan and their son archie will be much loved members of the family. Harry and meghans last scheduled public appearance as fully fledged royals is expected to be march 9th. Thats when they join the queen at westminster abby for the observance of commonwealth day. And despite all the controversy here, jon, harry will remain sixth in line for the crown. Jon some things dont change, David Lee Miller thank you. Two storm systems tracking across the u. S. , bringing snow to the plains, the midwest and parts of the northeast. Those systems also hammering the waterlogged south with more. We are live in the Fox News Weather Center with the latest on what we can expect for mardi gras. Adam . Adam hey there, jon, rain across currently the southeast stretching into portions of getting actually down across a little farther north than mardi gras but running up as far as off to the west as colorado. This is one of the two systems you mentioned. This is just making it soggy across the southeast and that will continue to track off towards the east bringing rain to folks up and down the east coast in the next few days. The other larger system, boy, they have gotten round and round of snow across the pacific northwest. Higher elevations will see more snowfall because of this system. No surprise here. We have got winter storm advisories now stretching across this region all the way back. Again, it is the Higher Elevations where the temperatures are cold enough that we could see some snowfall piling up. But i do want to show you how both of these systems pan out over the next couple of days. Everything in the blue, that would be rain. Everything in the white, that is snowfall. One more of a winter system, the Second System i showed you, again, those Higher Elevations, the problem across the eastern half of the country, its just been so warm that we continue to see round after round of rain, not getting a whole lot of snowfall in some of these areas. Thats going to be the case once again as you are looking at temperatures again as of right now 51 degrees in chicago, 51 degrees here in new york. It is 60 degrees currently in kansas city. So theres our cold front. It is going to be everything out in front of this that continues to see rain because its just been so warm. So mondays forecast staying on the warm side, the same as the case in the eastern half of the country tuesday. Beginning to see the cold air settle in on wednesday. Jon, we might actually by the end of the week see some snow across the eastern United States, as some colder air moves in, but by in large, its been a pretty warm winter thus far. Jon it has in the northeast, thats for sure. Adam klotz, thank you. Adam yes. Jon take a look, one of the most Iconic Images of world war ii, taken during a battle. 75 years ago today, those five marines and one Navy Corpsman raised the American Flag atop the mount. How our marines are now commemorating this anniversary, straight ahead. Saturdays happen. Pain happens. Aleve it. Aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. The United States marine band performing a special concert in virginia to mark 75 years since the American Flag raising on iwo jima, it was on this day in 1935 that six marines raise the American Flag atop mount mount suribachi, near the end of the pacific war, bestibesure to watch a story of family, courage and sacrifice hosted by mark under Martha Maccallum in extended director edition is also available on fox nation. That is fox report this sundayis vibrate 23rd 2020, im jon scott, thank you for watching. Im chris wallace, the president replaces americas intelligence after the department warms Congress Russia is interfering in the 2020 campaign. To help mr. Trump when reelection. Meanwhile the president issued several controversial pardons and he may give another to former advisor roger stone. Id love to see roger exonerated. We will discuss the continuig white house turmoil with marc short, chief of staff to mike me pence. We have now one nevada

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