Near the president s maralago resort in west palm beach, florida. Mark . Good evening, jon. The white house continues to stand behind the attorney general bill barr, even as you mentioned, the number of democrats that are continuing to grow that are calling for bill barrs resignation. Now, this controversy comes after what you were just talking about, the decision by federal officials to intervene in the case that was going on against former trump associate roger stone. Prosecutors were first pushing for a seven to nineyear jail sentence for jones. They overruled that recommendation pushing for a lesser sentence. The attorney general told abc news this week this has nothing to do with the president. Did anybody from the white house call you to try to influence you . No. I have not discussed the roger stone case at the white house. Barr however did take a swipe at the president during that same interview, in which he said the president s constant tweets and comments on Justice Department cases are not helpful. The white house says, though, barr is entitled to his opinion. On friday, fox news also learned that the Justice Department is no longer investigating the former deputy fbi director andrew mccabe. Mccabe was being looked at for comments he made to investigators about a media leak. The president has repeatedly criticized mccabe over his past behavior at the bureau, especially when it comes to the russia investigation. Mccabe fired back yesterday. Absolutely disgrace that they took two years and put my family through this experience for two years before they finally drew the obvious conclusion and one they could have drawn a long long time ago. This is something that a number of law makers say they still have questions about. The attorney general is expected to talk to congress at the end of next month. As for the president , jon, you mentioned, he is here in florida this weekend. Hes got a fundraiser this evening and then tomorrow will be heading to the daytona 500 nascar race, and it is expected that the president ial limo or part of the president s motorcade will be taking part on the track tomorrow. We will be watching to see how the president is welcomed in daytona. Jon that is going to be some sight. Looking forward to that. Mark meredith, thank you. Michael avenatti known for representing former adult film star daniels in a lawsuit against President Trump is found guilty himself in a case involving nike. The charges claim avenatti tried to extort up to 25 Million Dollars from the sportswear giant. He now faces up to 42 years in prison. Garrett tenney now with the latest a year and a half ago avenatti said he was considering a run for president. Today he is facing up to 42 years in prison. On friday, a federal jury convicted him on three counts including extortion and wire fraud, for allegedly trying to force nike executives to pay him 25 Million Dollars by threatening to expose corruption at the company involving alleged payments to the families of elite High School Basketball players. At the time prosecutors say avenatti had more than 11 Million Dollars in debt. After the verdict, the manhattan u. S. Attorney said while the defendant may have tried to hide behind legal terms and a suit and tie the jury clearly saw the defendants scheme for what it was an Old Fashioned shakedown. Heres how avenattis attorney reacted. We are obviously disappointed in the verdict in this case, but we will be pursuing significant issues on appeal. And we stand by our client and look forward to the next phase. He is a fighter, as we all know, and hes staying strong. This is just the beginning of avenattis legal troubles, though. In may hes scheduled to face trial on charges dhe frauded clients defrauded clients and others of millions of dollars. In april he will face charges in new york for allegedly stealing from the book proceeds of his former client adult film star stormy daniels. She reacted to the verdict on instagram writing in part sadly it appears what he did to me was a tip of iceberg of deceit. Im not surprised his dishonest has been revealed on grand scale. His arrogance, and overly aggressive behavior became so pervasive that the jury found his true character. Nebraska senator also weighing in on avenattis verdict calling him an attorney but a grade a scum bag and describing him as left wing darling. He denies all charges against him and scheduled to be sentenced in the first trial on june 17th. Jon . Jon garrett, thank you. The white house is cracking down on sanctuary cities. The Trump Administration set to deploy 100 Tactical Border patrol agents to ten major cities from boston to detroit to san francisco, part of an effort to help immigrations and custom enforcements officers carry out the law. Lucas tomlinson is in washington with that. Lucas jon, earlier today i spoke to President Trumps acting dhs secretary chad wolf about his decision to deploy the special units into the interior of the country. Wolf says he made the decision because he is not getting the help he needs. We had over 100,000 folks in some months 144,000 folks coming into the country illegally. We released a large majority of those into the interior. Month after month we had illegal aliens into the interior of the u. S. Fresh off his victory in the New Hampshire primary, sanders pledged to overhaul the immigration system at a rally in nevada a few hours ago. We will bring fundamental change to our border policy, such that federal agents will never be snatching babies from the arms of their mothers. And together we will do what the American People want, and that is to pass comprehensive Immigration Reform and a path towards citizenship for the 11 million undocumented. The new Tactical Units the special forces of dhs are headed to chicago and new york to reinforce immigration and Customs Enforcement officers. Additional agents are being sent to atlanta, houston, boston, new orleans, detroit, and newark, new jersey. Wolf says the i. C. E. Agents in the cities are overwhelmed after years of Illegal Immigrants coming to this country in waves. The move is in line with President Trumps hardline stance on illegal immigration. The swat like teams will be deployed through may according to dhs. Not everyone is happy with the move. For years the mayor of los angeles as well as its police chief saying they will not cooperate with the Trump Administration on this order. Others mayors in sanctuary cities have made similar pledges. Wolf says this year his i. C. E. Agents were moved to rereinforce with the southern border. Jon . Jon thank you. The u. S. And taliban reach a truce in reducing violence in afghanistan, a First Step Towards a peace deal. Top u. S. Officials and the afghan president talked about at the security conference this week. If the agreement holds, it paves the way for a deal bringing american troops home. Mike tobin is following the story from jerusalem. Jon, very promising but not without risk. Thats what u. S. Defense secretary mark esper told the press conference after the u. S. And taliban struck a deal that could ultimately lead to u. S. Troops coming home after 18 years of combat. It all happened on the side lines of International Security forum in munich, germany. We have to give peace a chance, the best if not only way forward in afghanistan is through a political agreement, and that means taking some risk. That means enabling our diplomats. The deal hangs on a seven day reduction in violence meaning taliban agreed to halt roadside suicide bombs and rocket attacks for that period. If the taliban holds up their end of the bargain, the u. S. Taliban deal is expected to be signed in ten days. That would lead to negotiations with conflicting factions in afghanistan, a possible country wide ceasefire and a commitment from the taliban to no longer harbor fugitives from terrorist organizations like al qaeda. That would also set in motion a timetable for a u. S. Withdrawal from afghanistan. It should be noted that defense secretary esper would not make Public Comments about the size or time frame for the troop withdrawal. Currently 12,000 u. S. Troops in afghanistan. The expectation is that the u. S. Would reduce the number to 8,600 troops following a deal. The announcement of a deal came after esper met with afghan president and u. S. Secretary of state mike pompeo. The afghan president is said to be skeptical but supportive of the deal. Back to you. Jon thank you, mike. Lebanon could face u. S. Sanctions over its imprisonment of american citizen. The New Hampshire man is accused of torturing palestinian prisoners during his stint in the South Lebanon army. New hampshire senator shaheen is calling for the sanctions saying the charges have no merit and that the man needs treatment for cancer. He says quote whenever an american is held unjustly by a foreign government, we as a nation need to do everything we can to bring him home. All options including sanctions are on the table to secure his freedom, reunite him with his family and provide the urgent care he needs. His family is also urging President Trump to intervene. France is confirming the first coronavirus Death Outside of asia today. Meanwhile china is taking new steps to try to keep the virus from spreading, by ordering a 14day quarantine for people returning to beijing. This as several cruise ships remain quarantined as well. At least 67,000 individual cases are confirmed now worldwide, and more than 1500 people have died from the outbreak. Christine coleman is in our west coast bureau with the latest developments. Christina . Jon, the cdc announced yesterday that labs will Start Testing for the new strain of coronavirus in five u. S. Cities including seattle, new york, and right here in los angeles. They will tap into a network of labs that test for other common viruses already. Now, there have been 15 confirmed cases of this illness in the u. S. So far, and americans on the quarantined cruise ship diamond princess will be able to leave the vessel soon. That ship is currently docked in japan. Theres about 400 u. S. Citizens on board, a total of 285 people have tested positive for the virus on that ship. And the state department chartered a flight to bring american citizens on that ship back to the u. S. That plane is scheduled to land in japan tomorrow. No one with symptoms will be allowed on the flight. Those who do arrive in the u. S. Will either go to the Travis Air Force base here in california or to an air force base in texas. The federal governments Coronavirus Task force is working to get u. S. Citizens in parts of china hard hit by the virus, back home. We need to get them off there. We need to do it in a safe way that is sensitive to the health of the individuals. We obviously have individuals there who are elderly and frail. Weve got to protect them from getting infected, and weve got to take care of their health needs. China reported 2641 new cases in the 24 hours from midnight friday. Thats a significant drop from the more than 5,000 cases reported in the previous 24 hours. Residents returning to the capital of beijing were ordered to isolate themselves at home for 14 days in an attempt to curb the virus, which has killed more than 1500 people in Mainland China so far. This illness has spread to more than two dozen countries including france, which reported europes first death from the virus. That victim was an 80yearold chinese tourist from a province, epicenter of the deadly outbreak. His daughter also got sick, but Authorities Say shes expected to recover. As of yesterday, africa had its confirmed case of this strain of coronavirus. A person in egypt tested positive for the disease. Jon . Jon Christina Coleman in los angeles, thank you. Meanwhile, a second wave of the flu is hitting the United States, and it is especially deadly for children. The cdc announcing 14 more children have died from influenza this week, totalling 92, the most at this point of the year in the past decade. The cdc says two strains of the flu that are tough on children are spreading at the same time, plus the flu season got off to its earliest start in years, killing at least 12,000 so far. Well, its almost that time again. The up coming census takes place in april, and theres a major push from coast to coast to get out the count. But some immigrant families are saying they are hesitant to participate. Bryan llenas explains. From new york city. This is not meant to be a fair fight. To san francisco. They want to scare people into not being counted. Democratic leaders across the country are urging the Latino Community to not fear being counted in the up coming 2020 census. I know that some immigrant families may still be hesitant to participate in a government survey. This comes as the president is directing the department of Homeland Security to share its records with the census bureau. We must have a reliable count of how many citizens, noncitizens, and illegal aliens are in our country. As a result, 26 states are pumping a third of a billion dollars to boost Response Rates of minorities and undocumented immigrants. We have to help our [inaudible] living in the shadows to overcome the fear of doing the census. In jersey city, an evangelical pastor is not only spreading the gospel. Every ten years the government has this thing they call a census to count us. By using his pulpit to target 375 latino churches at more than 37,000 parishioners in his state. We understand the leverage and the power we have. Power rodriguez says to hopefully change the minds of green card holders, like an 18yearold parishioner. Dont want to open your door to whoever comes knocking. You can shape your future. But the census numbers help communities get their fair share of 675 billion dollars per year in federal funds, spent on schools, hospitals, roads, public works, and other vital services. Results of the census also determine the number of seats each state will have in the u. S. House of representatives for the next ten years, another reason lawmakers say its so important everyone regardless of their immigration status gets counted. In new york, bryan llenas, fox news. Jon a major news outlet reporting former new york city mayor Mike Bloomberg might be considering putting Hilary Clinton on the ticket to be his running mate. What the campaign is saying about that and why some are speculating he could need to pick a woman to be his vice president. Plus, new developments in the death of a missing South Carolina girl. Why police are now linking a neighbor to her disappearance. Stay restless with the icon that does the same. The new rx. Crafted by lexus. Lease the 2020 rx 350 for 419 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. And wondering if that was the last time i was going to do that thing. I thought im not letting anything take me away from my family that loves me and needs me without a fight. When i came to Cancer Treatment centers of america, it felt so different from any other hospital wed ever been to. Whether it be spiritual, physical, emotional, they take it all into consideration in healing you. Infusion, imaging, everything is here. I dont have to go anywhere else. They create a treatment plan thats for you. They cared about my victories. They cared about me as a person beyond just being a cancer patient. Theyre my second family. Get care like no other. Call us at Cancer Treatment centers of america. Man whats my my truck. Is my livelihood. So when my windshield cracked. The experts at Safelite Autoglass came right to me. Tech hi, im adrian. Man thanks for coming. With service i could trust. Right, girl . Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Everything your trip needs for everyone you love. Expedia. Commissioner announcing a 14yearold boy is now in custody a second teenager arrested in the murder of a Barnard College student before christmas. The 18yearold freshman tessa majors was stabbed to death as she walked through Morningside Park in northern manhattan Early Morning december 11th. The latest suspect is being charged as an adult on two counts of murder in the second degree. Sadly it cannot bring back this young woman, this student, this victim. That is something even the best, most impartial investigation simply cannot do. What we can do is say that we are confident that we have the person in custody who stabbed her. And that person will face justice in a court of law. Jon a 13yearold boy also in custody charged with felony murder in majors death. Police in South Carolina are trying to determine the connection between a 6yearold murdered girl and a 30yearold neighbor whose body was discovered inside his home. Investigators say they found an item of the girls inside his trashcan. 6yearold faye swetlik vanished from outside her home on monday. Her body was found thursday in a nearby wooded area. Alex hogan is here with the latest on this very sad story. Alex . This is such a sad story indeed. And investigators say this is the end that they did not want, a little girl they hoped to bring home to her family will soon be laid to rest. 6yearold faye swetlik vanished on monday. Her mom says she had just come home from school and was playing in the front yard before disappearing. [inaudible]. I cant find my daughter. She was playing outside. Today after her Autopsy Police escorted that little girls body home to lexington county, South Carolina. Another autopsy also today, but on the man police say is connected to swetliks disappearance. Police searched afternoon the Churchill Heights neighborhood this week with the help of helicopters, k9 teams and the fbi. Eventually that search led them to a wooded area where they found her body. A day later, investigators finding the body of 30yearold coty taylor in his house about 300 feet from where the girl went missing. Police say they entered the home after founding something of swetliks in his trashcan. What i will confirm is this, theres a critical piece of evidence that would have been listed on her missing persons flier. I said go right ahead. I sat in the chair. They went back in the house. [inaudible]. They took my tag number which is fine. Neighbors say its been a heart breaking week. Taylor who had no criminal history. Now investigators telling the public at this point they are not looking for any other suspects. That being said, police say this is a homicide investigation, and anyone with information is asked to come forward. The Cayce Public Safety Department says it will seek justice for this child. Police still have not said how the 6yearold died, but preliminary results from the autopsy today are set to be released on tuesday. Jon . Jon police havent said anything about what they think the whole chain of events was. That have not at this point. Again, waiting for the results from the autopsy to kind of piece some of these pieces of information back together. Jon alex hogan, what a sad story, thank you. A chinese woman acquitted of trespassing at President Trumps maralago resort back in december, she was found not guilty of trespassing but guilty of resisting an officer. She asked for a light sentence and said she is unaware of american law. The judge sentenced her to six months in prison. The Los Angeles Lakers announcing details for a Public Memorial Service honori ining k bryant and his daughter after their deaths last month in a helicopter crash. Tickets will range from 24 to 224, a tribute to kobe and giannas jersey numbers. The ceremony scheduled for february 24, 224, at the Staples Center in los angeles. Proceeds will go to the mamba sports foundation, the charity that bryant founded. Could we see a Bloomberg Clinton ticket . The 2020 democratic hopeful reportedly considering Hilary Clinton to be his running mate, as fellow white house contenders sharpen their attack ahead of the nevada caucuses. Details next. Wild thing, you make my heart sing. You make everything. Groovy. Done yet . Yeah, yeah, sorry, sorry. You sure . Hmm. Mmm. Come on, come on, wild thing. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Looking to repair dry, damaged hair without weighing it down . 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Jon early voting kicking off today in nevada, as that state dpeers gears up for the democratic caucuses to be finalized in one week. A lot is on the line for democrats still in the race. Ellison barber is on the campaign trail in las vegas with the latest. Ellison . Hey, jon, senator sanders held a rally inside this high school. Then he came outside right here with supporters and they walked down this street to a polling station, for about 13 or 15 minutes. As you said, early voting began in the state of nevada today. Sanders, he was here trying to encourage supporters to not only get out and vote, but to get out and vote early. The polling location was a local office. Union members are a critical part of sanders base when he talks about his policy proposals, he focuses on the working class. But two days ago, arguably the most powerful union in nevada, the culinary workers union, said they would not endorse a president ial candidate, been especially critical of sanders signature, medicare for all proposal. Senator do you think the culinary unions endorsement Still Matters . I think we had a wonderful wonderful rally today, and im just deeply impressed by the kind of support we have. Any concerns about that statement they put out talking about your Healthcare Plan . In an earlier statement, sanders said as someone who has the strongest lifetime prolabor record of anyone in congress, i would never do anything to diminish the healthcare that unions and workers have fought for. Under medicare for all healthcare will be preserved and expanded including all Union Workers and Service Staff uninsured Food Service Workers and striking workers fighting for their rights. Meanwhile bloomberg is making headlines today. The Washington Post got ahold of depositions and interviews with witnesses to give us a lot of new insight into allegations of sexism and Workplace Discrimination by bloomberg and his Company Bloomberg lp. The post spoke to a former employee who said he witnessed a conversation in the mid 90s where bloomberg upon learning an employee was pregnant told her to, quote, kill it before complaining about the number of pregnant employees some of the girlfriends were kind of congratulatiing her and mike said are you going to kill it . That kind of shut everybody up. Who would say such a thing . It was just out of place. It struck me as being crude. That woman did sue bloomberg and the company. Bloom derg denied the allegation bloomberg denied the allegation under oath and reportedly reached a confidential settlement with the woman. The Bloomberg Campaign posted a video on twitter featuring women who have worked with bloomberg talking about their positive experiences with him as a person and a boss. According to a report in drudge, bloomberg is thinking about a running mate right now and considering Hilary Clinton. In a statement provided to fox news, bloombergs Communications Director did not exactly refute the drudge report but said this, quote, were focused on the primary and the debate, not vp speculation. Hilary clinton was recently asked if she would consider being someones running mate, she said probably no. Jon . Jon ellison barber, thank you. For more on all of this, lets bring in real clear politics associate editor ab stoddard. A Bloomberg Clinton ticket mishgt we see such a thing . Might we see such a thing . Jon, i really dont think so. I dont think theres anything to this rumor that has not been confirmed, beyond the drudge report. Mike bloomberg is a very smart man. We dont know exactly what hes going to do weeks and months from now in this sort of candidacy slash super pac operation hes running but we know taking someone who couldnt turn out the vote in 2016 that got donald trump elected is not something that i think bloomberg would be interested in doing. Jon up till now, i mean, she is a very Popular Democratic leader. You look at the polls, and Hilary Clinton is widely admired. Hilary clinton is not very popular. None of the candidates in 2018 running in the midterms had her or her Husband Campaign for them. They wish she would stop making movies about herself and giving interviews and trashing Bernie Sanders and making things more difficult. Jon, she is obviously a favorite of the right, who likes to resurrect the idea of her running all the time, but until i see Mike Bloomberg confirm Something Like this or several other outlets, i just dont buy it. Jon well, bloomberg may have a problem with women as was mentioned in ellison barbers piece just now. Heres part of an excerpt from the Washington Post article that was put out. Several lawsuits have been filed over the years alleging that women were discriminated against at bloombergs Business Information Company Including a case brought by a federal agency and one filed by a former employee who blamed bloomberg for creating a culture of Sexual Harassment and degradation. When you have offended half of the potential voting public, thats a problem, and the Bloomberg Campaign seems to be trying to get out in front of this story. Right, i did see some ads and some pushback pr wise that the Bloomberg Campaign had launched to try to get out in front of this. Look, theres a lot of Opposition Research coming out on Mike Bloomberg and i think it is going to hurt him. I think the timing of that in terms of momentum for a candidate like sanders and or any potential comeback for joe biden in South Carolina these next days and weeks will really be interesting to see if that kind of thing stops what is actually really impressive momentum for Mike Bloomberg. A lot of people, jon, in the Democratic Party saying if they just want to beat trump, they are happy to get behind if biden or these other moderates dont pull it out, happy to get behind bloomberg. They think that sanders would cost the democrats a majority in the house as a nominee. They think a lot of black voters are realizing that Mike Bloomberg might be their only hope to beat donald trump. In terms of what he has done to offend the Africanamerican Community or women voters, it will be interesting to see how much more comes out and whether it cuts into what seems like growing Energy Behind him in polling and in support. Jon well get into Bernie Sanders in a moment. Heres a response, a tweet actually from Mike Bloomberg that seems to be directed to these charges that he has been not supportive of women. He writes, i would not be where i am today without the talented women around me. Ive depended on their leadership, their advice and their contributions as i have demonstrated throughout my career, i will always be a champion for women in the workplace. So as you said, its a case of campaign trying to get out in front of these charges before they start to snowball. Right. I just think that there are two groups of democrats right now, and theyre completely divided in the party and in the primary voting electorate, right, which is much more activist based, grassroots energy, more progressive. There are a bunch of voters who believe that Donald Trumps second term is a National Emergency and must be avoided at all costs. They are willing to elect someone who has done the wrong thing for women or hasnt done the right thing for nonwhite voters if thats what it takes. There are a whole bunch of voters maybe more of them in the Democratic Party who want a purely progressive agenda, they want socialism, and they want a candidate who shares their ideals more than a candidate who is electable. This is a huge Like Division between these camps that we will see the nomination process end up deciding, but we dont know at this point where more energy is. Im. Ighting President Trump on facebook and spending all this money. Jon but the option, i mean one of the as you mentioned earlier one of the likely options at this moment in time is that we could see a guy who is not purely a member of the democrat party, hes a democrat socialist becoming the party nominee. Absolutely, and the party establishment, jon, thinks that Bernie Sanders is a disaster as a general election candidate, that he would be beaten by trump handily in all the rust belt states, the battleground states, they might lose their House Majority if they have a socialist on the ticket. Jon i hate to interrupt, but bloomberg all of a sudden looks very palatable to a wide swath of the party rather than a socialist like Bernie Sanders . Oh, yes, definitely, absolutely. The voters who prioritize defeating trump, absolutely think that bloomberg is a better choice than Bernie Sanders and it is becoming more and more widespread among africanamerican voters. Jon what about Pete Buttigieg . I mean he positions himself as the middle of the party. Why is there not a rush of support in the buttigieg direction . Well, i think Mike Bloomberg is impressing people with his ability to take on trump sort of rhetorically and not back down and then also because he has this, you know, strong record, a businessman, a media mogul, and he has this unlimited supply of money hes willing to throw. They are very impressed with Pete Buttigiegs performance in iowa and New Hampshire thus far. Hes ahead in the delegates, even ahead of Bernie Sanders but they dont know if he can go all the way, who is not getting any black support so far can actually go the distance. He and senator klobuchar have to prove themselves to a bunch of voters who think they are impressive but dont know they can contend to the nomination. Jon the Democratic Party might turn to one of the richest men in the world who has been a republican longer than donald trump and not a real democrat. Jon fascinating, ab stoddard, thank you. Thanks, jon. Jon Chris Wallace goes oneonone with president ial candidate Pete Buttigieg tomorrow on Fox News Sunday to discuss the shifting democratic field ahead of the nevada caucus. He will also speak with counselor to the president Kelly Ann Conway on the fallout between attorney general william barr and the president. You can catch that on Fox News Channel tomorrow 2 00 and 7 00 p. M. Eastern time and make sure to check the local listings for the time it runs on your local fox station. What is exactly a ghost gun and is it legal . Katie burns spoke to both a gun lobbyist and a lawyer about new legislation that could ban the partially manufactured gun frames in a fifth state. Heres katie with more on the hot debate underway in delaware. Okay. Were making progress. Ken jones served in the air force for 20 years. I was Electronic Warfare specifically. I just enjoy doing, you know, stuff with my hands. Since retiring, hes picked up new hobbies, like making guns. I think it is fun. He does it in his garage in delaware. He says it all starts with this, an 80 receiver. Thats where the trigger will go, and the safety selector and all the other parts that make it a gun. A ban on these he thinks would be a blow to hobbies like himself but his home state is trying to outlaw these ghost guns. New York New Jersey connecticut california and washington already have similar bans in place. Theres no serial numbers on these. They can be purchased on the internet. They are sold as kits at gun shows. The executive director of ceasefire pa, an antigun Violence Group in philadelphia. She thinks these home made guns are just as dangerous. What we do know is that in 2019, there were 100 ghost guns confiscated off the streets of philadelphia. Pennsylvanias governor is now calling for a ban on them too, weeks after a judge put a hold on a state policy requiring gun dealers to run background checks on anyone purchasing ghost guns the problem was theres no definition for what constitutes a partially manufactured frame or receiver. It is something that has no definition in the law. Joshua prince is representing the gun manufacturing businesses he says the judge ultimately said the policy was too vague. Meanwhile, in delaware, the bill continues to move through the court system. Theres just people like me and i know there are people who dont get it, wont get it, will never care to get it, and thats okay too, but im not going to tell them that they have to. State lawmakers plan to votes on outlawing these guns in march. In dev in dover delaware kati burns, fox news. Jon mississippis governor declaring a state of emergency as flooding threatens thousands there. The latest on that. 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Jon mississippi governor declaring a state of emergency due to heavy rain thats threatening to raise the states pearl river to historic levels. It runs through jackson, the States Capital and is expected to crest at nearly 39 feet tomorrow. Officials say it could be the worst flooding in the state in the last 40 years because of weeks of torrential rainfall. Emergency management officials warn the high water could flood hundreds of homes. With a look at how the weather is shaping up in mississippi and across the country, including a possibly wet daytona 500 race tomorrow, meteorologist adam klotz is in the Fox Extreme Weather Center with the forecast. Adam . Adam hey, there, jon, yeah, well a big part of the forecast has been colder temperatures this weekend, really than we have seen for the last week or so. This is a big area of cold air thats settling in across the country, 33 degrees in chicago, 29 in new york city currently. If you add in the wind, the numbers fall quite a bit more. The current temperatures across the region, adding in the windchill, it starts feel colder. 19 degrees in detroit. 23 degrees in chicago. Back behind me, 18 degrees in new york city. It is on the cold side. Thats not going to last, a little bit of warm air funneling back into this region. Where i take you for your highs today, those are numbers you basically just saw, sunday and then by monday close to 50 degrees here in new york city, a little bit warmer also in chicago. That cold air rarely hovering across the northern plains. As far as our forecast across the country goes, only a couple systems were paying attention to. We might see popup showers in the south tomorrow. By by in large across the country things are looking pretty good. One other big system were watching will be a soggy one across the Pacific Northwest from portland running up to seattle thats heavy rain on shore. As this runs to higher elevation, turns into high big snowfall, winter storm watches and warnings for portions of colorado stretching back across the Pacific Northwest. Some of these areas you are seeing especially high elevations, mountain passes, snow getting up to a foot or more in some of those locations. Thats going to be something we will Pay Attention to. The current temperatures, jon, it is winter out there, through february and were feeling it. Jon powder day in colorado. Thanks, adam. A video of an American Airlines passenger repeatedly punching the seat in front of him has sparked a heated debate online over reclining your airplane seat. Now the woman in that video says shes looking to take legal action. Details straight ahead. So ive been using this awesome new app called rakuten that gives me cash back on everything. Thats ebates. I get cash back on electronics, travel, clothes. Youre talking about ebates. I cant stop talking about rakuten. Pretty good deal peter sfx [blender] ebates is now rakuten, sign up today. Applebees new irresistabowls now starting at 7. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Yeah . Whos peter . Well sweetie, hes your greatgreat grandfather. Here, does he look like me . Yeah. Your familys story is waiting to be shared. At ancestry. Com your familys story is [ fastpaced drumming ] jon more than 20 states are rejecting an 18 billion dollars Opioid Settlement from three major drug companies, according to the wall street journal. The pharmaceutical companies hoping to stem the tide of lawsuits over their alleged role in the nationwide crisis. Some states argue the settlement should actually top 30 billion dollars. The United States air force will now allow military personnel to wear religious apparel. Articles that previously were banned, like turbans or hijabs can now be worn as part of the uniform. Even beards are allowed. The uniform, however, must still maintain, a quote, professional and wellgroomed appearance and head wear must resemble the color of the uniform. A woman who had her seat repeatedly punched on a flight wants to press charges. The passenger Wendy Williams posted a viral video showing the man punching the back of her reclined seat. It happened on an American Eagle flight, part of American Airlines. Williams tells tmz she wants to charge that passenger behind her with assault but doesnt know his name. She adds that she has had repeated back surgeries over the year and worries that this event caused more damage. , an astronaut is back on earth again after nearly a year in space, setting a record of longest space flight by a woman. Her dog named Little Brown Dog is something you have to see. Her dog clearly remembers her owner after 328 days apart. She says the first thing she did when she got back was take her dog and her family on a trip to the beach. Looking for love online . 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So, you can start investing wherever you are even on the bus. Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Jon its been said love is a fools game. And with americans losing more than 200 Million Dollars a year through Online Dating scams, it appears there are plenty of fools among us. The federal trade Commission Says more than 25,000 Consumer Reports have been filed on romance scams just in 2019. For the most part, the con artists prey on people looking for love, build up a trust relationship with them and then ask for money to get them out of a tight situation. Among the many tips the ftc offers to protect yourself, never send money to a sweetheart you have never met in person. A 104yearold veteran receives lots of love this valentines day. Check this out. Marine corps veteran major bill white received 200,000 cards from all over the world. His goal was to get 100 cards in honor of his being more than 100 years old but his buddy launched a social Media Campaign dubbed operation valentine. Major white lives in california. He served in world war ii. And thats how fox reports on this saturday, the 15th of february. Im jon scott. Thank you for spending part of your day with us. We will see you agai emily good morning. Pete good morning everybody. Should have been there indeed. Thanks for joining us on this beautiful sunday morning. Were playing d. J. As we do every saturday and sunday on fox friends. Emily, griff are here. Griff how are you . Pete i am tired. Went to princeton

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