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Bureau of investigation within six months of inauguration found a special counsel being appointed to investigate a russia collusion theory. In their Opening Statement several members of the house managers cried once again to relitigate the mueller case. This case is not about president ial wrongdoing. We have Fox Team Coverage at the white house but we begin with chad on capitol hill. Reporter good evening, i spoke with a source close to the president this afternoon and he indicated to my source that he thought things went so well that he wants to wrap up the case expeditiously. The goal today of the president s attorneys is to undercut the arguments made over the past several days by the House Democratic impeachment managers. Heres the white House Counsel. The President Trump ever links Security Assistance to any investigations . Most of the democrats witnesses have never spoken to the president at all. Let alone about ukraine Security Assistance. When ambassador of the European Union Gordon Sondland asked the president of proximally september 9 timeframe the president told him i want nothing, i want nothing, i want no quid pro quo. The president s defense team will have two more days to present their case. They learned two of the 24 hours afforded them under the framework approved by the senate. Late next week they are questions about witnesses, some republican senators like kevin cramer of north dakota are witnesses. We open a whole can of worms, definitely. I am strongly to be against calling for the witnesses unless 70 is can tell me. The impeachment managers mentioned the bidens 226 time and the argument thursday. Thats where the president s attorney said it may be worth calling the bidens for witnesses but the democrats are playing defense. I think that the house managers made a strategic decision last night but this is kind of a gamble to a prebottle. They were anticipating an attack on the bidens. The vote will come probably the end of next week on the razors edge. Republicans right now in the house and the senate and the white house all think they have the word that was used was momentum in one source said the goal right now is to not have any missteps on this sunday show. Jon chad on capitol hill. Thank you. President trump watching his impeachment trial from the white house today treating the democrats are treating him unfairly as the taper emerges of a dinner with a controversial ukrainian associate Rudy Giuliani. Mark meredith live at the white house. Reporter sources close to the president legal team are not saying how long the opening arguments for the president s team are going to last but we did get a preview of what we will hear more on monday as chad was reporting as a president s lawyers will argue that impeachment is being used as a political weapon against the president. We do not believe that they have come anywhere close to meeting their burden for what theyre asking you to do. In fact we believe that when you hear the facts and thats what we intend to cover today, the facts. You will find that the president did absolutely nothing wrong. The president tweeted about the proceedings and wrote any fairminded person watching the senate trial will be able to see how unfairly ive been treated and this is a totally partisan impeachment hoax including the democrats truly know it is and it should never be allowed to happen again. Meantime we are seeing a video released by an attorney representing the former associate of Rudy Giuliani that appears to show the president on a tape from 2018 discussing the then ambassador of ukraine tran11. This was released to several organizations and you see right here it is also been sent to the House Intelligence Committee investigating the possible correlated effort to pressure ukraine to investigate the the president tribal. It also brings up tran11 and says she might not be loyal to the president and the president is alleged to respond this way. Take her out. Okay. Jon on friday we asked the white house of the existence of the tape and the story broke yesterday, every president in our history has had the right to place people and support the agenda of policies within his administration. Sources also tell fox news that u. S. Diplomatic security is working with the fbi in ukrainian and government to investigate the past potential threats against tran11, then chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Said he was concerned about her security and Embassy Security and it may have been compromised. Were also watching another story as secretariat of state mike pompeo is engaging with the war of words with a reporter from National Public radio. This came to after video that he conducted after he was asked about the situation around Marie Yovanovitch he was not interested in discussing that further. The reporter says he then yelled and screamed at her repeatedly, pompeo is not denied that the conversation took place, he is saying it was off the record. He said the secretary said its shameful that this reporter violates the basic rules of journalism and decency. National public radio is stated behind the reporter saying she has almost values integrity and they also stand behind the reporter. They are pushing back pretty hard. Jon Mark Meredith at the white house. Thank you. For more on the impeachment trial is the president defense begins lets bring in defense attorney and former federa fedel prosecutor. You listen to two hours of the president s lawyers today, did you like the point that they made and if so which point stood out . The first thing they did is what we always do is to consider the optics so they came out and said were not going to use all of our time they only used two hours. Thats designed to sent two messages, one we will not bore you by repeating everything over and over for 24 hours like they did. And two, the case is not Strong Enough and it does not want us spending all of her time. I like that as a trial lawyer, thats the way we think and terms of optically. On the substance, pat cipollone, everyone has their favorites but he comes across as an appellate lawyer in a trial lawyer which is liberator. The trial lawyer is a Big Personality connecting with the jury and the appellant is more scholar. He is very effective and i thought he was effective. Jon one of the president s lawyers pat sylvan made the argument that the president is being charged with obstruction of justice with ignoring subpoena request from the Judiciary Committee. If in his view is fully justified because he said the whole house did not authorize the Judiciary Committee to proceed. Therefore those documents were essentially meaningless. Im very glad you asked me that, originally the argument was the president willynilly told the committee not to comply with process subpoenas and subpoenas for documents. Today they took it to a whole new level, it warns a little more stunning interestingly enough but the argument was you never had a formal vote in the house of representatives therefore as you articulated, the subpoena coming out of the committees are not something that we are required to respond to. I have another argument, if somebody gets a subpoena and they dont appear in court, the person who issued the subpoena has to go to court to enforce it. When the court tells you you have to comply then you may be in contempt or an obstruction mode. It can be illegal. But the new argument today is very interesting as you say. Jon the law professor put out an interesting tweet he said it is time for the house to acknowledge the blunder and the vote call it a constitutional penalty and hockey you lose a player in the senate could dismiss article two and thats the one that charges the president with obstruction of justice for not complying and not sending witnesses and documents. Senate could dismiss article two while moving forward on article one, i cannot agree more. The point is, and law one of the big principles even if you accept as true, everything thats been alleged but it does not amount to a crime or an Impeachable Offense or subject to dismissal. You are saying that we did not comply with the subpoena but ache, it was invalid because there was no past vote, b, we wrote you letters by the way explaining our position legally and see, you did not go to court instead you rushed it through. You heard all the legal experts talk about this, you cannot walk away from the subpoena assets and not call witnesses and say youre obstructing. After saying we have an overwhelming case, they said that in the house over and over and they arrived at the door saying we need new information. Democrats want they did not want to call john bolton for instance. But the point is its beyond irony. We did not call this man john bolton and i were going to could decide you. The other point, the irony, the argument exists the a lot went on in the house, you dont even have to sign on but if that is your argument they say this is unfair. Former federal prosecutor. Thank you. Turning to Fox News Sunday Chris Wallace interviews Alan Dershowitz catch you tomorrow on your local fox station or watching on Fox News Channel at 7 00 p. M. Eastern time. The deadly coronavirus being blamed for 41 deaths. Now there are new fears the illness could spread even faster as china marks the start of the Lunar New Year. A holiday which has millions of people traveling back home to celebrate with their families and china. Here is more in london. The city is home to 11 Million People in its epicenter of this outbreak in the home to the vast majority of infections and fatalities. Over the last 24 hours we have seen chinese authorities move hundreds of doctors into the city of huanggang and billed to makeshift hospitals. The first of which will be ready to go a week from monday. That is about 2000 beds that exist already in hospitals there and some people were reportedly turned away from hospitals because they do not have the capacity. The state department is encouraging of 1000 americans to be in the city to leave enclosing the consulate. The government is organizing a charter flight to take the workers and other americans home, that is expected to leave as early as this week. Huanggang is a Major Industrial hub and help to several major western plans and one the carmaker psa has announced its plans to evacuate. For many foreigners, those charter flights are the only way out. China has canceled all commercial flights and trains in and out of the city. Beijing has expanded the lockdown and 16 city surrounding huanggang with a combined population of more than 50 Million People. Greater than that of new york and moscow combined. They have close several Tourist Destinations around Shanghai Disney in the forbidden city. And International Travel has been halted effective immediately. The Chinese Lunar new year the year of the wrath begins today when many of the countries 1. 4 billion people are normally on the move. Earlier today chinas leader president xi called the spread of the virus a gray situation. It is also clearly an International Situation and the virus has spread to europe, three cases were announced yesterday in france and all three infected individuals came from huanggang. There is good news, doctor said chances of an epidemic in europe are extremely weak. They said the virus does not appear to be as a strong which killed close to a hundred people in the early 2000s. One thing to keep in mind, what we do not know is whether this rapid increase in the number of fatalities in number of infections is because a crisis is getting worse or simply because of the monitoring and reporting of the infections is getting that much better. But a lot of the government is paying close attention to this. Jon ryan thank you. The United States now working to evacuate all american citizens by air from the coronavirus stricken city of huanggang as soon as possible. This comes as a senate of Disease Control confirms the second case in the United States. Christinas live in los angeles with more. Reviewed the cbc is investigating as many as 63 cases in 22 states. A second case of the virus was confirmed in the u. S. Yesterday in chicago. A woman in her 60s return from huanggang on generate 13th. She reported symptoms a few days later, she is hospitalized in in stable condition according to help Health Officials. Earlier in the week a man in his 30s was diagnosed with the first case of the coronavirus in the u. S. Officials say hes doing well and should be released from the hospital soon. U. S. Officials are screening arriving passengers of the illness coming from huanggang china at five u. S. Airports including new york jfk airport, lax and Chicago Ohare International airport. Right now medical staff across the country are being briefed on how to handle patients possibly sick from illness. They say the Public Health response to the new virus is evolving deeply. Jon thank you. An update on the tragedy in australia after the deaths of three u. S. Firefighters battling the bushfires. The remains of the Fallen Heroes have been retrieved from the fire zone and transported to sydney. The men were killed when the water bombing plane they were in crashed on thursday. As they were dumping fire retardant on a small section of the uncontrolled flames reaching across the continent. Laura ingle is following the story from the new york city newsroom. Reporter the three americans have been carrying out what has been described as normal firebombing activities, as you mentioned there dumping water from the c1 30 aerial tanker over fire engulfed terrain. They still dont know what exactly happened thursday to cause the plane to go down. The conditions were hot, dry and windy that day. The devastating accident took the lives of three season firefighters who left their homes in america to come across the world and join in the firefight that had been raging on in australia for over five months. The captain of montana was also a father of three and served in wyoming and Montana International guard. He spent 20 years in the u. S. Marine corps where he was a 31 pilot. In the manafort is spent 18 years on c130 and Family Friends and locals back at home are reeling from the news. I am always impressed when anyone will step up and do whats right to help others no matter where they are in the world and were saddened by his death and very proud of his service. He is our hero. Their bodies along with the having recovered by crash investigated. Contractors from canadabased collins aviation with an executive to sydney this weekend. Family members of the firefighters arrived in Sydney Australia and Officials Say they will be offered an opportunity to visit the hillside crash as the Investigation Continues. Officials in australia have said this accident is a horrible reminder of the dangerous conditions that their volunteer and Emergency Services personnel undertake on a daily basis. Jon thank you. Bernie sanders takes the lead in a new iowa poll just over a week before the first in the nation caucuses. How his surge is shaking up the field. That is next. R we present limu emu doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] its an honor to tell you that Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. They Work Together doing important stuff. The hitch . Like you, your cells get hungry. Feed them. With centrum® micronutrients. Restoring your awesome. Daily. 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Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. 2020 democrats back on the campaign trail today as we are nine days away from the Iowa Caucuses. Elizabeth warren and Bernie Sanders with the impeachment trial and heading to iowa to continue their campaign. Fox Team Coverage Jackie Heinrich is live in iowa outside an event for Elizabeth Warren and the event is underway. We begin with Allison Barber live in ames iowa with the sanders campaign. Reporter sanders is heading into his rally tonight with some good news, according to a new New York Times poll sanders is peaking at a Pivotal Moment consolidating support from liberals and benefiting from moderate democratic candidates. 25 of likely iowa caucus goers say sanders is their first choice this is another pull focus on 18 to 29 yearolds found that young i went democrats support him by a significant margin. Poll after poll shows iowans are figuring out who to vote for. Ive been to a number of town town halls whether buttigieg, biden or klobuchar, i cannot tell you how many times i have asked someone if they are set on the candidate and then been told no that they want to go and hear from other candidates even if they like the person that they are at the town hall or community event. They will say i like him or her that i need to hear from soandso candidate before i make my final decision. That is iowa, people want to meet candidates facetoface in hear from the directly and then decide theyre not 100 their answers hard to find at rallies for Bernie Sanders. Supporters are enthusiastic and once there in they tend to be all and, no ifs and or box. Sanders is one of four senators running for president and currently sidelined by the impeachment trial. He has consistently said it is his constitutional duty to be at the impeachment trial but if he could he would be in iowa or New Hampshire every day right now. He is hoping voters understand that time will tell, the Senate Impeachment trial is expected to rely on help from surrogates like his wife, his longtime mi advisor, michael moore, three members of the squad representative l. Alexandria ocasiocortez has been on with him and she is emerging as a bigger surrogate on the ground. She was at a university of iowa rally as they phoned in from d. C. She will be on stage with him in ames tonight. Jon lets go now to Jackie Heinrich live in muscatine iowa, massachusetts senator is holding a town hall there. I am going to speak with a little bit of a quiet voice as a courtesy. Theres a line of people to my right the high microphones asking warren oneonone questions, theres only 100 people in this room and its a small intimate event with overall strategy with senator warren to connect with people one on one especially on issues with affordable education and healthcare which can be important to people in lower income parts of the state. Also areas with high rate of uninsured people. Senator warren racing back to iowa from washington. Her campaign meaning on reporters to spread her message in her absence announcing they received 3 million donation which theyre using to support 1000 staffers across 31 states. Working to grow her volunteer base. Amy klobuchar with responsibilities in the final stretch for the Iowa Caucuses, her Campaign Announced its hosting rallies in five days. All 99 counties in iowa with special focus on 2060. Her message focuses on trade and alco culture with farmers impacted by the trade war with china. The important things to remember about iowa in this region of the United States is its agricultural and this is where we see the United States. Its also where the United States sees the world. Really the candidates are not tied up in washington and its time to see the spotlight where joe biden started in New Hampshire and finished and iowa tonight. Andrew yang is on a bus across iowa where he told caucus goers if they dont show up february 3 there is a chance his message will die and iowa. The fact is that many iowans are still tuning in to figure out who they will caucus for in the best way to reach it showing up in a town. Tonight the Des Moines Register announcing who the Editorial Board is endorsing. People are watching for that especially the New York Times with an endorsement between Elizabeth Warren and amy klobuchar. The folks in iowa either have them in the first place at the top three with sanders, buttigieg and biden. Jon tough to speak sometimes when the keynote speaker is in the room. Good job. The other team takes the back, we are taking a deep dive into President Trump strategy with the impeachment trial resuming next week. How it will all play out beyond the beltway. Sneezes skip to the good part with alkaseltzer plus. Now with 25 more concentrated power. Nothing works faster for powerful cold relief. 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Call 8662950908 or visit tdameritrade. Com learn. Get started today, and for a limited time, get up to 800 when you open and fund an account. Thats 8662950908, or tdameritrade. Com learn. Jon cbs news reported last night that a trunk confidant said that gop senators were warned vote against your president , vote against the president and your head will be on a pike. I dont know if that is true, vote against the president and your head will be on a pike. I have to say, when i read that, again i dont know if that is true, when i read that i was struck by the irony. Jon one of the impeachment managers, adam schiff sparking controversy with his closing statement. By counting allegation that the white house israe threatening republicans who might think about turning on the impeachment trial. This is the fox report. The bottom of the hour if you are joining. The trial moved into day five with the White House Defense team taking off the Opening Statements arguing against convicting the president. Lets get reaction from susan, Congressional Correspondent for the washington examiner. Head on a pike statement did not win a lot of friends aroun among republicans and democrats would need republicans like Lisa Murkowski or Susan Collins if they want to get anywhere with impeachment business. Definitely not, the house and senate are two minute walk apart from each other in the capital but they really do often operate in two completely different universes. I think you saw a little during the delivery of the impeachment case by the house where they said a few things that riled the republicans along the way adam schiff, about the head on the pike was one of them. They did not like that in earlier in the week jerry nadler, the house Judiciary Committee chairman said something if they voted against holding witnesses and documents as part of the testimony then that would be indefensible and treacherous. And they took offense to that. And you have Susan Collins a very key republican handing a note to the chief justice and he ended up upgrading both sides but really going after nadler over his comment about being indefensible and treacherous. Those are words that the senate is not accustomed to, the house was a lot more partisan and they tingle a little more that way on the house floor. You could argue that these impeachment managers should have known better to operate that delivery in the senate because you alienate the very people they are trying to win over when it comes to witnesses to testify. That vote is coming up in a couple days. Jon you mentioned jerry nadler, he said Something Else on friday thats riled a lot of republicans. We will play it. This is a determination by President Trump that he wants to be powerful, he does not half to respect the congress, he does not have to respect the representatives of the people, only his will goes. He is a dictator. Jon as you point out in the senate, kinder rules generally prevail. A more exclusive club. When you are trying to win over Susan Collins or Lisa Murkowski or maybe doug jones on the democratic side or joe mansion on the democratic side, you do not want to be using terms like dictator do you. Thats right, they argued the election coming up in 2020 is at risk, it will not be a fair election. I think a lot of people took exception to that quite a statement to make ahead of the election and senators told us they are not going to make a judgment on witnesses and a judgment on how to dispose of the case based on the comments that they may disagree with from nadler, she and from adam schiff. Taken altogether it paints a picture for me in my observation that they are seeing this, republicans as a partisan exercise. That is what will hurt the democrats because if you have republicans, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski and Lamar Alexander and mitt romney noticing or observing this is a partisan exercise it makes it far likely that they will side with the democrats when they say lets extend the trial by weeks or months by trying to call Trump Administration officials as witnesses. There may not be as much enthusiasm because they may not see this as a fair process. Jon if democrats want to call witnesses in the impeachment trial they need 51 votes, they only have 47 democrats. Aside from the joe manchin in doug jones, even if they were to vote with the democratic majority they would need for both from republicans. When Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are both upset the head on a pike reference from adam schiff, they will have a Double Overtime getting 51 votes one day. That is right. Susan collins said shes inclined to vote for additional witnesses. That was after the opening remarks from the democrats some of which are bothered by the republicans. She said im still inclined to vote for witnesses at some point. I dont know how they will get for, for is a tall order, mitt romney may vote for it, even today the minority leader Chuck Schumer said using these exact words, a hard road for them to get the four republicans to side with them. It is not just about the discourse on the house floor right now, senate floor excuse me. Its more water domain to call witnesses if they called john bolton the former security advisor and the president blocks his testimony, no one is sure what lies ahead for that and how long it will take to get him. And he will have to be posed first, thats under the rules, they will not go directly to the floor for testimony. Youre talking about an extension of the trial and i get the sense from the weary senators who i have observed hour after hour that they would like to see this thing over and done with. That is the real thing people are thinking when they are concerned with witnesses. Susan thank you very much. In the meantime Winter Weather is blasting the midwest and heading east expected to drench the region and heavy rainfall. Adam live in the fox news Weather Center. As you said, this was a big winter system, still a big winter system but becoming really heavy rainfall moving across parts of england. The temperatures are too warm for the last several days, snow on the backside that is where the air is cooler. Light snow of indiana in Northern Ohio even though at this point they see a little bit of rain mixed in. The ring currently is here in lingering overnight but by early tomorrow morning this has moved off the coast and maybe lingering snow at the higher elevations. Even here temperatures are not horribly cold getting into the mid30s and getting closer to 40 degrees not a whole lot of snowfall. This is mostly a rain event and snow at the higher elevation. It has been very mild as wework away through january. That will continue as we wrap up the weekend. Jon adam thank you. We are eight days out from super bowl 54 and the feds are ripping up security at four of the busiest airports for an eye out for one heinous crime. You know, new customers save over 1,000 on average when they bundle home and auto with progressive. Wow, thats. And now the progressive commercial halftime show, featuring smash mouth. Hey now, youre an all star get your game on, go play thank you goodnight [ cheers and applause ] now enjoy the second half of the commercial even renters can bundle and save where did that come from . The kitchen. It was halftime. Wand my side super soft . . Yes. 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Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Jon the reason for the season, the nfl season, even some party to review which arrived in miami to kick off the super bowl 54. Fedex delivering the iconic trophy which was carried from the truck into the Miami Beach Convention center for the super bowl experience from former Baltimore Raven who won super bowl 47. The nfc champion San Francisco 49ers will face off with the afc champion Kansas City Chiefs with rights to the trophy and super bowl 54. You can catch on your local fox station, kickoff one week from tomorrow, february 26 30 p. M. Eastern time. As miami hosts tens of thousands of visitors for the super bowl, some of them will be criminals. Federal authorities are training airport workers to spot human traffickers and their victims. Miami is in the final preparation for this years super bowl. But miles away from where the game will take off, Miami International airport workers are keeping an eye out for Human Trafficking. Airport employees are working with the department in Homeland Security on how to spot potential Human Trafficking victims. Its a state with the thirdhighest rate of trafficking regarding Human Trafficking. We thought it was important to partner with entities to teach our employees on the indicator of Human Trafficking. In my area we look for anything of a cell phone, package, anything out of place thats a red sign. Over 600 airport employees are on board with the training looking to identify certain behavior such as lack of eye contact, a story that does not add up or if youre a security workers. Anybody that looks out of place and we identify those individuals and try to make contact and be able that thos me sure those individuals are safe. National security events like the super bowl is also game day for them. Any time that you have that attracts high income participants that might be prone to situations such as illicit crime activity. The hope is to stop trafficking on the front line. If you see somebody that their freedom is being kept from them, theyre not allowed to move freely and not allowed to express himself freely, if you see that somebody else is holding on to their documents, use your instincts. Airport Officials Say they will be on high alert the week leading up to the super bowl. There also expecting 50000 more passengers than usual the day after the game. Jon new England Patriots player Benjamin Watson joining thousands in the march for life rally yesterday, the tight and speaking on fox and friends saying dish should not be a partisan issue. People of all ages, all ethnicities, democrats, republicans joining, its like being in a huddle and everybody getting together in encouraging before we go out and fight for life. This is an issue that is taking a partisan way but it should not be that way. It should be something that everybody gets behind. Jon he is producing a documentary called divided hearts of america. Its expected to be released later this year. Is tehran opening a new door after the u. S. Killed one of the top generals, why iran my offer an olive branch to the United States. Could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker . I look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. You have potential. You haveoh boy. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. The better question would be where do i not listen to it. While im eating my breakfast. On the edges of cliffs. On a ski lift. Everywhere. For a limited time, go to audible. Com to save 50 on your first year of membership. Iranian foreign minister saying in a new interview tehran is not ruling out direct talks with the United States. This is we learn that iran thisll attack on a rocky base with u. S. Soldiers was more serious than originally thought. More than 30 u. S. Troops are suffering traumatic brain injuries as a result. Lucas is following the story. Around foreign minister called the u. S. Strike killing outside of the bag died airport a terrorist operation. He mourned his loss calling sola good friend and elsewhere in the region two. U. S. Military is doing just the opposite. During the stop in ireland on his way home, mike pence met soldiers deploying from el paso, texas to the middle east. Roughly 20000 more american troops have been sent to the region since may bringing the total to 80000. Its a region of the world the states action, and the last several weeks but i tell you all of our information is to stand down because we demonstrated american strength. Its been more than two weeks since they launched the missiles in iraq and housing american troops. The u. S. Military did not attempt to shoot them down because there is no air Defense System in place. The damage we have done to the u. S. Military is extensive because with all the military it cannot prevent the missiles from getting the base. It shows how vulnerable the u. S. Is. We know 34 u. S. Troops suffer concussions or traumatic brain injuries in the attack. Eight sent back to the u. S. For additional treatment and nine remaining at u. S. Army medical facility. 17 returned to duty. Its not clear how severe the injuries are. They said around wanted to kill americans in the attack. He said he missed on purpose. There was no intention of causing any casualties with the missile attack. We were executing our right to selfdefense in a proportionate manner. For now he says he will not take anymore military action if the u. S. Does not take any military action. Jon thank you. Five american aircrew members have been rescued after the u. S. Navy helicopter crashed in the philippine sea. That mx 86 860 chopper like this one went down in a routine operation in japan. Defense department Officials Say three wer were transported in te other two were transported u. S. Flagship, no word on the cause of the crash. It is been more than a year since 12 people were killed in a mass shooting at a Los Angeles Area bar. The owners are opening a new chapter to try to rise above the tragedy. That is next. Liberty biberty cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Theres brushing and theres oralb power brushing. Oralb just cleans better. Its the one inspired by dentists. 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Thankfully, i got quickbooks, and a live bookkeepers helping customize it for our business. live bookkeeper youre all set up janine great hey you got the burnt marshmallow out delivery man he slimed me. janine tissue . vo get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. The easy way to a happier business. 14 months after a gunman killed 12 people at the borderline bar in the l. A. Suburb of Thousand Oaks california. The bars owners are opening a similar Country Music club in a different location. In agoura hill hads california, it is called bl dance hall and saloon, and one owner expects emotions to run high at the ohming. Opening. It will be fierce. We expect and know it is what it is but we want smile and people damaging and hear stomp of the dance floor. As for old location in thousand oak, there are still plans to renovate and eventually reopen it. All right, were going to be getting to the second hour of the fox report in just a moment. A special hour on this momentous day when republicans open their defense of the president. At least 29 people were killed today in an earthquake in turkey we will get to that in just a moment. But in the meantime weve got a brand new fox report coming up. Straight ahead at the tofnt hour a deep dive into President Trumps impeachment and how it all might play out beyond the beltway. Mark meredith is in washington right now with a look at the republican defense of the president on this first day of their opening argumentseses in the impeachment trial. Mark. Good evening john sources close to the president legal team say they are eager to continue their president ial defense on monday. It was a fairly short session today roughly around two hours where we heard from the president lawyers really try to counterpunch what weve heard from House Democrats last couple of days and what was interesting what we heard today, from these lawyers representing the president that they really tried to paint this as impeachment used as political weapon with against President Trump. Theyre asking you the not only to overturn the results of the last election but as ive said before, theyre asking you to remove President Trump from the ballot in an election thats occurring in approximately nine months. The president lawyers also accuse democrats of shutting president out of the house proceedings but, of course, House Democrats say it is president who refuse to participate and that may be reason he was impeacheds for obstruction of congress. Now the president we have not seen him on camera but he was busy on twitter he tweeted any fair minded person watching trial would be able to see how unfairly ive been treated that this indeed is partisan impeachment hoax that everybody, everybody in caps including democrats truly knows it is this should never be allowed to happen again. That was the president on twittering to the were waiting to see whether or not the white house is going to respond to a video that was released by an attorney representing the former associate of Rudy Giuliani and this is all regarding a video appears to show president talking about the then ambassador to ukraine marie and taken in 2018 you can see it right there. It was a intimate release by the attorney and most of the time camera is really pointed at the feeling in the room. But listen as someone brings up ambassador yovanovitch and tells president she might not be a supporter of his. Okay. Get her [applause] her out. Do it. Now lawyer say the video turned over house as they investigate a Smear Campaign against yovanovitch and white house told us on friday that the president has authority to decide what he wantings to do with ambassadors at his choosing as this impeachment has been happening up on capitol hill well see that break tomorrow. But, obviously, senators back to work on monday we donts expect impeachment to impact the president s schedule hes got a busy week ahead jon meeting with israeli Prime Minister and holding two Campaign Rallies out in new jersey as well as iowa. All of this ahead of a busy week here in washington. John. Mark meredith at the white house mack thanks very much. Chad has been keeping an eye on the developments on capitol hill one of the questions is will witnesses testify in this Senate Impeachment trial . Lets go to chad right now. Chad. Thats right thats an a issue that might be resolved at some time late next week. But the issue today, the word of the day was brevity brevity by the president Legal Defense team in senate trial they suggested they might take three hours they took less two heres the white House Counsel pat. We dont believe that they have come anywhere close to meeting their burden for what theyre asking you to do. In fact, we believe that when you hear the facts, and thats what we intend to cover today the fact as. You will find that the president did absolutelying nothing wrong. Senators are wearily listening to 24 hours of arguments by the House Democratic impeachment manager spread out over three days running deep into the night thats why President Trump attorneys tried to keep it concise for senators. On the first day i said i thought they did a good job of weaving a tapestry that was compelling unless it stands up to scriewtny felt that house manager for most part were professional and articulate what i would say today that tapestry looks a lot different than it did a few days ago. Now if you think outcome of the trial is in doubt it is a high bar to get anything close to 67 senators to agree that anyone. Let alone convict of the president in impeachment trial but one unresolve issue is that of calling witnesses and senator majority leader continues to hammer witnesses on this. The bottom line is very simple. Weve been making the argument that we need witnesses we need documents. Were making the arguments that it wont take very long to get them as part of the trial. Today we thank the president s counsel for one thing. They made our case even stronger. Were told the president like what he had today and wrap up as were told about and that could be a vote as early as week from today. John. Chad on capitol hill chad thanks very much. So for some of the legal perspectives on all of this, lets bring back doug burns a former federal attorney former prl prosecutor i should say as well as a defense attorney. So it was an interesting situation because when bill clinton was impeached that is most recent one, obviously. He had had already been reelected to a second term. This is first time an impeached president is going to be running for office again. And that track right into a lot of political dust switches are they trying to tag hmm or hurt him in terms of the 2020 election, obviously, big question is how is this hitting moderate swing voters because trump bases everybodying derogatorily and his base is something wrong with that. There isnt. And then you have the Democratic Base thats fine. But those in the middle the question is how is all of this hitting them . And ting that democrats have is to be a little bit careful because there is alienation factor to some extent particularly which hit home from the hours and hours of repetition, and again broken record on my part for the president counsel to say were going streamline this okay were not going to sit here for 24 hour that was smart. Right there seems to be a board m factor at work because Television Ratings have been dropping office easy the impeachment, you know, funny john because i mean ive sat in trials with certain judges. You know who say were going to go until 9 00 tonight and stuff line that and even growns. So ive been through a lot of long court days in past 35 years not that many actually but this thing in terms of just pure tediousness surprise even me. I mean, i had the tv on, and just repeating the same lines over and over and over and over when the president seeks help against the political opponent. I mean, if you say that 100 time, so getting a little tedious. Democrats had the high well they have all of the power in the house. Yes they have it. No question. Republicans run the senate, and democrats say they want to hear witnesses lets take a look of the democrats can call for witnesses if this all gets approved by a full vote of the senate. Democrats would like to get mick mol veinny robert blai on the other hand republicans if they get their way would like to call Joe Biden Hunter biden, adam schiff, and the mostly anonymous whistleblower who got all of this kicked off. Normally in any legal proceeding, and it is frustrating to sort of watch how politicized this is jon in a normal legal proceeding one side can positive or put forth witnesses and other side can do the same and if this is a dispute about whether their witness is relevant youve heard that discussed the judge will decide sometimes the judge will actually excuse jury and say take a the stand that is offer a of proof and judge decides whether it is relevant but here it is a wild political game. Because the democrats are juggle fireball. I mean in other words they argue jon in the house over and over and over that it was overwhelming case and ive been saying that king thely. Because normally it is it fine to say i want new information. I want new witnesses. But wait a minute, slow down. You said the case was overwhelming, already and if thats the case then you dont need new information okay. And then comes other point about careful what you qish for. In terms of the fact that the president , you know, the left gets ripping mad that when you say that president was interested inning looking at corruption and oh thats ridiculous but the point is, if in the call hes mention the bidens then you know any lawyer will tell you theres some relevance to possibly interfering them and see whether theres some legitimate corruption issue. So i think crystal ball in the end i dont think youre going to see witnesses. Yeah fascinating week ahead. It is. Say former federal prosecutor doug thank you. Jon all right as the death toll from the corona Virus Outbreak continues to rise in china, Health Officials there are scrambling to try to contain it as china marks start of Lunar New Year today it is a major holiday on which millions of people travel to and from the the country for big celebrations. Brian is in london with more. Jon, city home to some 11 Million People in the epicenter of this outbreak it is also home to the vast majority of infections and fatalitieses. Over the last 24 hours we have seen chinese authorities move hundreds of doctors into the city and Start Building two make shift hospitals. The first of which theyre hoping will be ready to go a week from monday. That should add about 2,000 beds that exist already in hospitals there. Some people were reportedly turned agree hospitals yesterday because they just dont have the capacity. The state department meanwhile is encouraging that some 1,000 americans thought to be in the city to leave and it is closing the consulate there government is organizing chart hadderring flight to take the Embassy Worker and other americans home. Thats expected it to leave as early as this week. Who is a Major Industrial hub and home to several major western plants one of them the car maker psa announced its plans to evacuate its pass. For many foreigners those charter flights are only way out china cancel all a commercial flight and trains in and out of city beijing expanded to 16 cities surrounding wu man with a combine population of more than 50 Million People. Greater than that of new york london, paris, and moscow combined. Authorities have also closed several Tourist Destination as right around country including Shanghai Disney, and beijing forbidden city and get this all group tours for domestic and a International Travel have been halted efnghtive immediately. But Chinese Lunar new year the year of the rap begins today and this is the time of the year when many of the countries 1. 4 billion people are normally on the move. Earlier today china leader president xi called accelerating spread of the virus a grave situation. It is all clearly an International Situation, the virus has spread here to europe three cases announced yesterday in france. All e three infected individualses came from wu man. Theres a potentially good news, though, their doctor says chance of an epidemic in europe are extremely weak. He also said virus does not appear to be as strong as sars which killed close to 800 people in the early 2,000s now john one thing to keep in mind is what we dont know is whether rapid increase in the number of fatality is because this is getting worse or simply because monitoring and reporting of the infection is getting that much better. But clear a lot of a government say very close attention to this. John. Ryan in london, ryan thanks. More on the virus in a moment but first this from the world of politics. The Des Moines Register has endorsed senator Elizabeth Warren for the democratic nominee for president. That is is, obviously, a huge endorsement just ahead of the Iowa Caucuses. Elizabeth warren the senator from massachusetts wins ins doorsment of the Des Moines Register. In meantime, the bodies of three u. S. Firefighterses who died while battling wildfires in australia have now been recovered. U. S. Officials say that remains of those fallen heros were retrieved from the fire zone theyve been taken to sydney, australia. Men were killed when their fire bombing plane they riding in crd into a burning forest in New South Wales on thursday a lot of mysteries about that crash lara ingle is following from the new york city newsroom. Lara. Indeed they will have the behind families and came from homes in montana, arizona, and florida to help australian in their massive fire fight all three were military veterans, and two of them had years of experience with the type of aircraft that went down. Captain ian mcbeth served in montana and air national guard. First officer paul clyde of arizona spent 20 yores in u. S. Marine corps. Where he was a c130 pilot and Flight Engineer rick morgan jr. A father of two spent 18 yearses as a Flight Engineer on c130. Trough eye died when water bombing plane crashed this week after dumping load of water with additives in turbulent conditions now bodies were removed from crash scene today investigators say while they are making progress on obtaining Important Information where c130 aerial water tanker went down they have not been able to explain why four propeller plane crashed. What we did find in that national this morning was aircraft top bit voice recorder, near the tail section of the aircraft. Weve also commenced the painstakingly meticulous mapping family members have started rifing now in Sydney Australian Officials Say theyll be offering an opportunity to visit the hillside crash site as the Investigation Continues these fires which started over five months ago have now scorched more than 27 million acres of land and still more firefighters are being sent to help. Obviously, weve got a tight Nit Community within the fire world, and doesnt matter youre a new in one billion animals can id still over 100 fires burning across country new blaze is sparked almost daily by extremely hot and windy conditions and lightning strikes and Officials Say some member deliberately lit and this crash is an important e remindinger of how dangerous the job at hand is and it goes on. John. Laura ingle laura, thank you. Thanks. Five american air crew members have been rescued of a awe u. S. Navy helicopter crashed earlier and mh60 dhopper went down routine operation chop earn Defense Department Officials Say three of the men transported to a nearby hospital for evaluation. The other two returned to the u. S. Flagship. The cause of that crash still unknown at this time. Iranian foreign minister saying in a new interview that tehran is not ruling out direct talks with the United States. This as we learn that iran missile attack on iraqi base carrying u. S. Troops was more serious than originally thought. As more than 30 u. S. Soldiers now have traumatic pardon me traumatic brain injuries as a result. Heres lucas. Thats right jon in an interview in a german news magazine iran top would not rule out future talks but hes wait withing on President Trump to make the first move, quote, the Trump Administration can correct its pass. Lift sanctions and come back to negotiating table. Theyre the one who is left. Not likely, though, that u. S. Will lift any of the sanctions any time soon and u. S. Military is actually sending more forces to the region. The fueling stop in ireland on his way home mike pence sent soldiers from fort bliss in els pass sew roughly 20,000 more american troops sent to region since may bringing total to 80,000. To deployed to region of the world in last several week but i can tell you all of our information continues to stand down, because of we demonstrated american strength. It has been more than two week since iran fired 11 Short Range Ballistic Missile manies at a base in iraq housing american troops. The u. S. Military didnt attempt to shoot down any of the missiles because theres no air Defense Systems in place. Point exploited by iran foreign minister, quote, damage we have done tows is extensive because with all of the military might it cannot prevent from hitting base it shows how vulnerable missile is and we know 34 u. S. Troops suffer concussion or traumatic brain injuries in attack eight a sent to u. S. Military hospital back here in United States nine remain in germany at os Army Medical Facility 17 are about half return to duty in iraq it is not clear how severe the head injuries are. Well open to the talkses with Trump Administration he ended interview with an apparent threat, quote, u. S. Has inflicted great harm on iranian people that day will come when they have to compensate for that we have a lot of patience. There are more than 5,000 u. S. Troops in iraq patriot air Defense Systems likely moving in to protect them but a worldwide shortage of the patriots many regarding bases in saudi arabia, kuwait, and qatar, jon. Lucas reporting. Lucas, thank you. As promised we e will have more on the corona virus scare there are now more than 1400 cases of the virus in 11 affect ptd countries. Straight ahead well speak with the doctor on how to contain virus and what you can do to protect yourself. Its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft. For the win win. Wean air force veteran made of doing whats right,. Not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa or here on a wifi hotspot. 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It is apartment of a family weve heard had of sars and weve heard of mrss those hit self years back so part of that same family of viruses that they generally affect analyst and times it is they can jump to humans. There are what, 11 countries that have been affected so far we have a map. China, obviously, the epicenter of it but thai landed has seen five cases, japan south korea, the u. S. And then vietnam singapore, france, australia nepal and a even malaysia so possibility is that this thing could continue to spread all over the world. Yes. This is a rapidly spreading outbreak, and the Chinese Government is trying to control it. This is an emergency in china, and everyone is watching. Were seeing some daunting challenges that are causing concern. Such as the quarantine of 35 million chinese. S theres also a shutdown of public transfer in and out of that proches swell Closing School and shutting down large celebrations for the lieu nor new yore a Chinese New Year so people are concerned. And we are going to see increasing numbers. But what is happenedded is the the World Health Organization has yet to call this a Global Health emergency because these are still isolated cases in these other countries. But it does seem that virus has already escaped, i mean, youre closing the barn door after the horse has already gotten out, arent you . That is true and thats why we are being proactive about it. I want to point out that the United States is a leader in including in health care and containment of contagious illnesses they have already created an Incident Management System where they are coordinating domestic as well as international effort, and they have already created a diagnostic tool so they can identify when somebody actually has corona viruses. We are already in the work for creating a vaccine. We have a list of how the virus is spread coughing and sneezing close personal contact, touching an october or surface that has a virus on it, and in rare cases fecal contamination, but thats the way just about any illenness is spread, the flu common cold. That kind of thing. There really suspecting anything here that you couldnt practice if you were trying to avoid getting some of those other more common illnesses. Correct and thats exactly how the influence of virus spread. Initially start off with animals going to humans now it is human to human and just the same way that you describe thats how it ising being transmit sod theres a lot of things we can do to protect ourselves and i want to put this again in perspective. The risk for the American Public is low. Unless you have visited woo man china exhibiting symptom youre unlikely to be exposed to this unless youre in close contact request somebody who has been there unlikely youll be exposed to this but again a number of concerns were watching stories coming in. Were hearing about something thats completely new in another country. And when there are unknowns this can be concerned but america is leader and force when it came to ebow la and two confirm cases theyve been quarantine and con tech have also been contacted in order to quarantine them and properly take action. Some assurance there radcliffe, thank you. Thank you. In turkey, Officials Say at least 29 people are dead after a massive earthquake. More than 1200 others are injured. That quake hit last night in eastern part of the country. Crews continue to search for survivors digging through rubble and crumble buildings Officials Say that mag had tude may have been as high as 6. 8. 2020 democratic president ial contender andrew speaks out about his party again why hes going on a tear against the dnc, thats next. Ouch, okay. Huh, boring, boring, you dont need to see that. Oh, here we go. Can you believe my client steig had never heard of a home and auto bundle or that renters could bundle . Wait, youre a lawyer . Only licensed in stockholm. What is happening . Jamie anyway, game show, kumite, cinderella story. You know karate . No, alan, i practice muay thai, completely different skillset. Little things can be a big deal. Psoriasis, thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with. 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When youre ready, well come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. Thats it. So ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. Democrat andrew is blasting Democratic National committee for refusing to allow one of the democrat debates to appear here on Fox News Channel. The president ial candidate asking how the party can expect to win an election if it is message is not reaching 40 to 50 of the population. One thing democrats should do i think we should go on fox news to talk to american people. [inaudible conversations] early on in the process for fox news that we like to move to dnc [inaudible conversations] but turned it down like what are you doing . 20 democrats back on the campaign trail today with the first in the nation Iowa Caucuses now nine days away. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders leaving the impeachment trial and heading to iowa to continue their campaigns. And barber live in ames iowa with the sanders campaign. Ellison. Hey jon big news for Elizabeth Warren just in the last 30 minutes or so. The des moines reasonable announced that they are endorsing her in the Iowa Democratic caucuses writing in part, quote, the senior u. S. Senator from montana is not the radical some proceed her to be shes a capitalist but wants fair market with with rule accountability not corrupted by cancer past hes pointed to that as biggest difference between himself and Elizabeth Warren this sand percent rally that is about to get underway it is set to start at 8 00 local time. Est that 9 your time. Sanders supporters theyve been lined up outside the cold waiting to get inside for hours doors have just opened. A couple of Trump Supporters came by a little earlier tonight on a tractor trump flags without Des Moines Register ins doorsment sanders supporters have something to cheer about tonight. According to a new New York Times poll sanders is peaking at Pivotal Moment and sanders is their first choice as a poll focus on 18 to 29yearolds found that young Iowa Democrats supports sanders by a significant margin. A poll after poll also shown that many iowa i can are figuring out who to vote for at this point and they tend to be locked in that could matter a lot in coming days remember senator sanders one of four senators still run for president and currently sidelined by impeachment trial all of them have said king thely you know that, they qowld like to be out on the trail but it is their constitutional duty to be back in d. C. During the impeachment trial. Sanders and other senators are hoping that voters understand that during Senate Impeachment trial sanders is expected to rely on help of surrogate like his wife dr. Jane Sanders Long Time advisor and director michel moore and three member of the socalled squad. Representative alexandria cortez spend spent time since endorsed him back in october last night and held down fort for him at a rally at the university of iowa. He phoned in from d. C. , he is in town tonight. Going to be at the rally some time soon he flew in from d. C. This often. He had another event already. In iowa, and then hell make his way to one and phoned in for an event that was happening in nevada. In ames iowa, ellison. Thanks. Chris wallace will be broadcasting Fox News Sunday live from des moines, iowa. Where hell be speaking with two 2020 democrat cial president ial candidate first sits down with andrew airing tomorrow morning on local fox station and right here on this network had at 2 p. M. Eastern. After that, chris is hosting a Fox News Channel town hall with pete 7 p. M. Tomorrow. A tiny New Hampshire community have the attention of political world a couple of weekses from now called dicksville notch and a 60th year it will kick off president ial primary voting at the stroke of midnight on february 11th. Despite nearly losing out on honor, rob has the story. For 60 years the the road to New Hampshire president ial primary has led right here to dicksville notch a tiny town about 20 miles south of kndz. It is that iconic picture of the fourth ballot going in at midnight like the starting gun for whole process. Tradition nearly didnt happen this year when had the New Hampshire attorney general said they didnt have enough residents to hold their own election. Now a single resident who just moved in save tradition by being required fifth voter. To me they were down to four, and it was handy that i was plan on coming back so i guess i ended up big fifth guy. He wasnt a stranger to notch and living there on and off and investor working to open the resort a ski lodge where voters go to cast their ballot at the stroke of midnight. In the past president ial hopeful like Ronald Reagan made trek to remote town but says no one has visited so far this cycle. So last person for my vote was john kasich that was back in 2016. There are a lot fewer people, but not as many votes. Toms dad owned resort which closed in 2011 sending all of the staff packing and making Dixville Notch a ghost town without the project and family qowk the only people left. Well the notch isnt repredictor of what will win statewide. It is holding pits breath for little towns with five, six, ten, 20 people to vote. Says it is more about underlie message it sends to the rest of the country. Heres a town where 100 of the people get out to vote. Just think what would happen to this countrys political system if everybody voted. Now coming evening of february 10 pot world will again turn its attention to this room for the 60th annual Dixville Notch and in New Hampshire, fox news. Well President Trump wasnt the only one who made a surprise appearance at the march for life rally yesterday. Straight ahead why new England Title end ben watson there to support the prolife movement. O, is about to become your problem. Ahh no, come on. I saw you eating poop earlier. Hey my focus is on the road, and thats saving me cash with drivewise. Whos the dummy now . Whoof whoof so get allstate where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. Sorry hes a baby rowithout the Commission Fees and account minimums. So, you can start investing wherever you are even on the bus. Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. With truecar, to sell just enter your license plate and see your cars value in real time. Sports package and low mileage . Nice. 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Deliveredded by fedex and carried into the Miami Beach Convention center for the super bowl experience by antoine boldsen former wide receiver for Baltimore Ravens won super bowl xlvii. You can catch super bowl 54 sunday on your local fox station as San Francisco had 49ers takig on Kansas City Chiefs one week from tomorrow. New England Patriots player Benjamin Watson joins thousands in march for life rally yesterday. The tight end speaking on fox friends this had morning saying , this should not be a partisan issue. Joining for life and everybody getting to encourage etchre before we continue to fight for life this is an issue i believe that it is kind of shaken a part way right now but should be something everybody can get behind. Watson and news currently producing a documentary on this issue called divided hearts of america it is set for release later this year. Two rival Brewing Companies anything a charitable wager for super bowl 54. Boulevard brewery in kansas city made a deal with 21st amendment brewery in San Francisco if 49ers, i boulevard will donate 1,000 dollars to project night night a group that helps support Homeless Children in the bay area. If the chiefs should win 21st amendment will donate to the Kansas City Veterans Community project a group that builds small homes to help Homeless Veterans get back on their feet. That would an incredible moment at the end of the game to not only says kansas city is taking home this championship and oh also getting thousand dollars coming from First Amendment an amazing feeling for those guys. Winter weather making a mess of the weekend across much of the midwest, and northeast as a storm system moveses into the northeast bringing heavy rain fall, and whole lot of snow at the higher elevations, it has been quite a day in the new york city area, adam live at the extreme Weather Center with the forecast. Adam. Hey there john yeah were talking ab big winter system moving across the country a lot of this not coming down in shape of snow but weve seen ice and snow and by and large temperatures too warm heres what were currently looking at current temperatures across the city it did sweep moving into in new england but only place back across midwest getting close to freezeing 30 degrees in minneapolis. 33 degrees in chicago. You run up along east coast you know those temperatures warm 47 degree there in new york city we saw a lot of rain with this one. Just a couple of hours ago at this point now continuing to track off towards the east. This is that line it is really very heavy rain. Now lifting up towards boston area and then continuing upstate where is there a little bit of snow in this system . Well it is back where there was Cool Temperatures so light snow acrossing portion of indiana stretching into ohio but at this point turning a little bit into rain. Well continue to watch this one as it is going to be pushing off it does clear off john so a system thats going to be completely cleared up. I think by the time we get into tomorrow morning, a little bit cooler on backside but not a big snow maker here even though moving through january. Most of the rain finally gone from new york city adam, adam, thanks. Well boeing is looking to move on from a turbulent year with debut of its new jet. The triple 7 flight just successfully landed moments ago. It took off from the companys manufacturing headquarterses in washington and a landed boeing field near downtown seattle and postponed since thursday due to bad weather and trip the 7x is first new aircraft since troubled 737 max which has been grounded worldwide for nearly a year. After two deadly crashes that killed hundreds of people. The the new triple is more fuel efficient and wingtips that fold up so it can sit into more airports. Up next, it is now being called crude oil marijuana, more authorities are finding this illegal substance and why it is so deadly. Can my side be firm . And my side super soft . Yes. With the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus 0 interest for 24 months on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. A stunning new Development Related to the Jeffrey Epstein case. Ap reports award on duty day that epstein hanged himself in jail is being moved to a leadership position at another detention facility. This would put him back in field with inmates just months after he was removed as warden of the federal lockup in manhattan he had been reassign to desk post at low security prison in new jersey. Law enforcement is fighting to contain dangerous new form of marijuana coming into the krkt country from mexico. Stephanie bennett talked to officers on frontlines in arizona about crude oil, marijuana. Take a look. A dangerous form of marijuana is flooding across the arizona border and quickly spreading across the u. S. Seizures are up. Arrest are up. Dangers for our deputies is is increased dramatically. It is called crude oil. A highly potent concentrated form of marijuana used for vaping or edibles it is something Sheriff Deputies are seeing more and more of. So 25 gallon of crude, and we recovered about about 10 ,000 parks total up that one day. Of 2017 we have ceased 16 pounds of crude oil. That number doubled in 18 last year it was over 230. To make it marijuana leaves are washed with dangerous chemical like propane which extract high indyings thc a mix with ethanol and distilled ready for vaping. Each worth if it is full 12,000. Vaiminging cartridge sell for 50 dollars not only sold on black market but on social media too detectives tiebl track down dealer near phoenix right from his home operation. We located him through advertising his client through social media and he had his own warehouse where he had a large lab set up there. As Western State start legalizing marijuana cartels switch production to this stronger more addictive crude oil marijuana. Keeping going. Every organization thats involved in cultivating and smuggling marijuana is going to be adopting this just because it is a way to get rid of the marijuana that they have that is not as popular here but also just because fact that it is more compact. Maricopa county trying to get the upper hand. We have a crime crisis and we have an epidemic. Sheriff office says theyre trying to track down the exact shipping points in mexico by working with federal officials at the Drug Enforcement administration. In phoenix, Stephanie Bennett fox news. At least 11 are five other missing after five days of heavy rain caused significant flooding in eastern spain. A river overran its banks submerging field and cutting off a main road into one town. Officials believe that death toll could rise amid new reports of disappearances in that part of spain. Coming up, shipping wars why you could start receiving fedex packages at your doorstep on sundays year round beginning tomorrow. We made usaa insurance for members like kate. A former army medic, made of the flexibility to handle whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. So when her car got hit, she didnt worry. She simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said. I got this. Usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it easy. She can even pick her payment plan so its easy on her budget and her life. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa fine, no one leaves the tablefine, well sleep here. Its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft. For the win win. You get more than yourFree Shipping. Ir, you get everything you need for your home at a great price, the way it works best for you, ill take that. Wait honey, no. When you want it. You get a delivery experience you can always count on. You get your perfect find at a price to match, on your own schedule. You get fast and Free Shipping on the things that make your home feel like you. Thats what you get when youve got wayfair. So shop now i was on the fence about changing from a manual to an electric toothbrush. But my hygienist said going electric could lead to way cleaner teeth. She said, get the one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs gentle rounded brush head removes more plaque along the gum line. For cleaner teeth and healthier gums. And unlike sonicare, oralb is the First Electric toothbrush brand accepted by the ada for its effectiveness and safety. What an amazing clean ill only use an oralb oralb. Brush like a pro. Fedex to begin ground funday deliver this weekend as it tries to outdo competition from amazon and other career services. Fedex has providing sunday delivery during peak Holiday Season but now those familiar trucks will be pulling up to customers homes on sundays year round. Meanwhile, it will cost you more to ship packages with the u. S. Postal Service Starting next week. U. S. Ps announces rate hike after a 8. 8 billion loss due to retiree pensions. The new prices will raise shipping costs by almost 2 overall. And a quick programming note for you, tomorrow on Fox News Sunday Chris Wallace will be broadcasting live from des moines, iowa. Chris will first sit down with democratic president ial candidate andrew in exclusive interview ahead of the first in the nation caucuses. He will also be speaking with alan the key member of President Trumps Impeachment Defense Team both interviews air tomorrow morning on your local fox station, and then here on this network at 2 p. M. Eastern time tomorrow. After that, chris will host a town hall with Democratic White House hopeful pete at 7 p. M. Eastern. Text tomorrow special coverage only on Fox News Channel. Thats how fox report this saturday january 25th from 2020 im jon scott thanks for watching. Is welcome to watters world im jesse watters. The president won today. Thats the subject of tonights waters word, after week of hear from adam schiff, trumps team finally allowed to talk today and in two hours, they demolished the democrats case. Even the Mainstream Media admitted they put on a great defense. Pretty meticulous and well organized argument there from the president teamage i think president can be happy with the job that his team did. If they were smart by start with the facts. It was a smart thing to not take a too much time. Again i just think you know, the republicans are win here president is winning here. It was like the media had never even heard all of the facts before

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