Beach, the people of for jeanette. Theres no doubt that Going Forward, we will define ourselves as the city with love and compassion. For those neighbors who we lost and their families. Is reporting live from Virginia Beach. Our police saying anything about the shooters motive . I now police are not speculating on the motive. They say they are still conducting interviews we do know he worked here for the city for some 15 years as an engineer. He knew the people in the building yesterday afternoon as he started firing and Officials Say the investigation is a, he also tried to shift the focus back to the 12 people killed. Eleven of the 12 were civil servants. People who worked and to make their city a better place. We heard from the governor little while ago he said its important to make sure what happened friday doesnt disappear from peoples hearts and lives. This is so important that we continue, i would ask all of you today to continue to lift up Virginia Beach, the victims and their families as we continue this process, it will go on for not days but months. The city has already had a massive outpouring of support. We see people coming drop off food here. People are actually being turned away. Theyre getting so much help. A makeshift memorial being set up not too far from where we are. Its a small right now but beginning to grow. Stuffed animals, this is a sign the committee can come and grief. Work vigils are planned throughout the week. What has enforcement uncovered so far . Any update . We know the bureau tobacco enabled to determine were to handguns used. During the shooting yesterday, investigators found additional weapons in the suspects home right now, they believe the weapons were purchased legally. Theyre still making sure all that paperwork at up to investigate told us the last few hours, they believe the guns used were purchased legally. Fbi also out here assisting law enforcement. We see them throughout the parking lot where we are. Youre looking for any signs that may have been left behind. Investigation appears to have quieted down a little bit. Are we expecting any further update . Expert anymore tonight. The most important thing they are looking to next put together a timeline of exactly what happened in addition to helping the victims families. They want to make sure they knew how the officers who rushed in to type to stop the gunman officers have a chance to tell their side of the toy. So many of the officers have been in shock. They have not been able to decompress you. Investors want to hear from them. Want to put together a timeline. All of these questions will to why and what happened today. Thank you. Reaction from the white house, lets bring in garrett, he is there at the white house. Trump says he spoke to the governor last night and this morning he spoke to Virginia Beach is vice mayor and he tweeted that he wants to offer the community, will be giving whatever they need. God bless families handle. The white house is also continuing to defend the announcement that he plans to add new tariffs on goods for mexico starting at 5 all the way up to 25 if mexico does not stop the flow of migrants coming through the border. Hundred thousand people apprehended at the border in the past three months. Sarah sanders offended the president and said u. S. Wants mexico to enforce its laws. This is truly, democrat or even starting to admit, its a National Security crisis. It has to be that with. The president is the only one with stepping up and putting forward things to stop it. The president is facing a lot about this. Republican lawmakers concerned the tariffs will hurt the u. S. Economy and paying more for everything from avocados to carpet. Exactly the wrong thing our economy needs right now. Theres nothing to solve the very real problems. Emergency powers and were still trying to understand the legal basis that can be invoked and applied. So far, the white house is not backing down and telling leaders to take their complaints to mexico and pressure officials there to take action. Mexicos foreign minister is already here in d. C. Preparing for a summit later this week with Administration Officials to discuss tariffs. They will not be at that meeting. He will be on a trip in europe visiting the uk and officials there are continuing to try to negotiate a deal for brexit. The president chaired today some tough trade advice in which he reportedly urged officials to leave the eu without a deal if they cant get what they want and refuse to pay a divorce bill if the you does not given. Brexit is just one of many issues that welcome up on the president trip to europe and the uk this next week. Thank you. The u. S. Going after china and a new report accusing beijing of predatory economics. The document slams china for stealing intellectual property. It comes as acting defense secretary patrick pays a visit to singapore. Hes appearing to downplay the ongoing trade dispute with china predicting an agreement eventually will be reached. Growing concerns the claiming tensions between the u. S. And iran could spill over to israel, officials work to destroy underground tunnels done by the fighters. He got a look inside some of those underground passageways. In the middle east with iran, theres concern that lunch attacks towards allies in the region, its one of the largest proxies with estimated 25000 active fighters. We took a look at some of the groups active terror tunnels into israel. We are void by the military, hundreds of feet underground until one of six attacked. Structures were discovered by israel a few months ago and sealed off to prevent infiltration into the country. A few feet behind me, the country of lebanon has fighters digging this tunnel to prepare for a ground operation into northern israel. They dark almost a mile working in shifts for many years to cut through the rock and stone underground. Without making too much noi noise, a few people. Still seeing in the attack tunnel dug by the militant group from lebanon into israel. You can see this machine used to carveout the wall of this tunnel. They use this rail system to transport material to where they were digging at the time. If you look appear, you can see a phone line used by the fighters for communication to the tunnel. For we were given access, they were mostly destroyed by the israeli ms. Military. If does erupt with israel, you have a number of surprises in store both above and below ground. Thank you. Turning to other, thousands of homes across the midwest are underwater after storms. In arkansas, officials going for higher round as they swell to highest levels in years. Team coverage, adam is in the extreme weather center. Lets go to conway, arkansas where the floodwaters continue to rise. Casey. One thing you hear consistently from the locals, people who live here, from all of the team that has been in this region in the last two weeks is that they have never quite seen it this bad. Its not been like this before. People who have lived here 20, 30, even 40 years. I will step out of the way and take another live look as the sun is starting to go down as the Arkansas River back here, you can see how swiftly the water is moving, creating white tabs over the tops of buildings. Entire buildings are submerged and some are partially submerged. It could go underwater as the floodwaters continue to go up because everything is traveling downstream. All of the rain that has been falling, oklahoma and other parts north obviously making its way down this way. We went on a ride along with the Sheriffs Office today. He took us through some of the hardest impacted areas in and around conway we are in a neighboring mayflower, arkansas. What we saw was home after home taking on serious waters, sandbags on groups to the windows. Some folks out there today adding heights to the handbag mound because the water kept rising. Its estimated 500 homes statewide are waterlogged but despite laws and historic nature of the flooding, the chef tells us it wants his heart to see people pulling together, neighbors helping neighbors. We would like these things happen, this might be exactly why. It brings everybody together. They can start with a clean slate. Build relationships. Thats more stronger than politics. About that that may be what is happening. Pretty insightful. Spending so much time in his vehicle driving around and trying to assess the damage, checking on his deputies, a lot of time to reflect and i thought that was very powerful. Six counties across arkansas are under that disaster declaration and unfortunately, although the sun is shining now, and the skies are blue, next weeks forecast here doesnt look good and more rain is on the way. That is right. Thank you. Casey told you, more rain is expected to hit flooded areas. Adam has a timeline from the fox extreme weather. Unfortunately we are setting up for more pick whether. Maybe a bit of a break here saturday and sunday, at least in the hardest hit areas. There is still plenty to talk about. Is a risk of Severe Weather here, all the way back to the planes. We see this fire up this afternoon, it will linger here into the evening. Everything in yellow, those are severe thunderstorm watch us. The ingredients are there that we could see the storms fire up. Every one of the boxes, that is a severe wind storm warning. Possibly hail, very heavy rain. Probably not spinning into tornadoes. Weve not seen that yet. Its still plenty of spots, big storms firing up in isolated regions. It will be something big. Future rater shows the rest of the evening, here is the line, it doesnt become a large system producing a lot of rain, at least not tonight or tomorrow. If you look at the week ahead, that all changes. This is our forecast model, from now on the way into next weekend. You see this huge area in the middle of the country from the yellow to red, 3 inches up to perhaps five or 6 inches of rain. Everywhere that is coming down, its where we have already continued to see showers across the water. From ohio to missouri, the Arkansas River, so much rain. Thats where all the new rain is heading. No surprise here. Still have a lot of flood watches and warnings. Particularly along the Arkansas River. That all eventually funnels here into the mississippi river. All the outlines here, that is all flood watches and warnings. The water, even though we are talking about big rain this weekend, its still on the rise and more rain on the way. So much trouble for all those people. Almost half of the 2020 president ial candidates are in the city by the bay today. What theyre saying as i try to make their case to voters in california. Lets be honest. Ivesense. ® the safer you drive, the more you save. Although im not really driving right now that would be unsafe. When insurance is affordable, its surprisingly painless. Bleech aww awww its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft for the win win. Woman 1 i had no symptoms of hepatitis c. Man 1 mine. Man 1 . Caused liver damage. Vo epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. Vo whatever your type, ask your doctor if epclusa is your kind of cure. Woman 2 i had the common type. Man 2 mine was rare. Vo epclusa has a 98 overall cure rate. 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It comes with everything you love about xfi. The best speed, coverage and control. But it doesnt stop there, you also get enhanced network security, safer browsing, and more. Plus it helps to optimize your networks performance. Giving you the best coverage from attic to basement. So you can focus on streaming your favorites. Not finding a signal. Make the best wifi even better,with xfi advantage. Simple, easy, awesome. More than a dozen 2020 candidates are in San Francisco this weekend for the California Democratic partys convention. The function said to be the biggest event in the early primary season with most of the major contenders in attendance except for Vice President joe biden who is still weeding the crowded race. The event here just ended, thousand of delicate and Party Leaders heard from 11 president ial covers giving an enthusiastic welcome to the contenders for californias senator Kamala Harris as well as the lesserknown like new york senator kiersten like most of the other, pulling in the low Single Digits here in the golden state. The beach got seven minutes to make an impression they hope will get them up. Many are also holding rallies and fundraisers in town halls and candidate form. And of them had to share the spotlight at the partys frontrunner. Joe biden fundraising in ohio and plans to campaign in california later this month. Political observers say biden by keeping the end convention, saying californias portly progressive, it could come back to haunt him. The democrats need to win back the white house. Today, the possible 2020 contenders will not include larry hogan. The popular governor announcing he will not challenge President Trump for the gop nomination. His announcement was a never trump public and wanted to run the prominent republican against the president and at least one democratic. Former Maryland Congress and don telling fox news its disappointing after teasing a run for the last year, Governor Hogan is not going to challenge the president. America needs more republicans to stand up for decency and democracy, not less. Delaney among the president ial hopefuls have not yet addressed the golden state convention. He will speak here tomorrow. All of this is a preview for the parties next convention coming up in november, all of these candidates and joe biden are expected to attend that one. Thank you. The u. S. Navy confirmed they refute a request to hide the john mccain during trumps recent state visit. The statement saying it appeal to minimize the visibility to come in after reports emerged saying white house wanted to move it out of sight. The president tweeting earlier in the week that he was unaware of the request. Two individuals will get the chance to go to dinner with senator ted cruz. Texas republican making an announcement on twitter this week, cruise crew spring fundraising drive. To be eligible for the outing, you have to make at least a 5dollar donation to the drive. The winner he allowed to bring one guest to the dinner. It will take place in houston. Coming up, reaction from a deadly shooting in Virginia Beach. Deputy mayor from the city will join us next with details, citys handling of the ansituation. Even though geico has been ohhh. Ooh ohh here we go, here we go. You got cut off there, what were you saying . Oooo. Oh no no. Maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years . Is that what you wanted to say . Mhmmm. I have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. You ok back there, buddy . 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The bottom of the hour, if youre just joining us, the nation in mourning tonight, the day after a gunman killed 12 people at a Municipal Building in Virginia Beach. They find the suspect as a City Employee, he went floor to floor firing intimately before police shot and killed him. I can tell you it was a long gun down. The gunbattle, basically the officers stopped. Investors say the suspect legally purchased multiple firearms, weapons were recovered at the scene. Deputy mayor of Virginia Beach, james would, deputy mayor would, i know the nation shares in issuing in its condolences to you in the city. After Something Like this, everybody wonders why. You have any indication of what motivated this rampage . Right now, its all part of the ongoing investigation. We know the suspect was a City Employee and all but one of the victims were City Employees. But right now, along with federal partners, theres an ongoing investigation. Are searching everything you could possibly think of to try to determine what the motive was. Was there any trouble, personal issues in his file . Right now, we dont have that information. If he was an employee, he was active. We do know that. What does the city need right now . Right now, we just need to be able to heal, we, any support that people can give is great. Whether they give it through home, its a good time to remember this incident can occur anywhere in the country. If youre inclined, give blood. Donate if you want to the city website, www. You can find a link where you can contribute to the victims families. United way fund is already set up. I know we received over half Million Dollars so far. We could use more to help the families. Scammers always, at horrific times like this. People do need to be careful they are donating to the general charities were city endorsed charities. There are a number of Peoples Still in the hospital. They are going to have medical bills and recuperating problems for months, perhaps years to come. Its worth remembering them as well. The greatest extent possible, i feel certain the council will do all we can to help the families and victims. I just think theres so much more we need to do. If people are inclined, they can give here or their own because this could happen to anyone. Up until yesterday, we were not members of this, experience mass shootings. The police seem to do a very good job in stopping this quickly and engaging the shooter and one of your officers even took a bullet in the process. Yes, for officers additionally went in. Engaged the shooter. One of them was shot. The best saved his life. He is okay. I have to tell you, this is what our police do. They train for this, with our ems department, Fire Department and they train for these things. We continually do this because we wanted to be prepared for a horrible day like this. Unfortunately, it came to your city. James wood is the deputy mayor of ferdinand beach. You for spending time with us this evening. President trump threatening to hit mexico with tariffs. Now the u. S. And mexico will hold a meeting in washington next week to hold a dispute between the two countries. He is white house correspondent, the president helps tariffs will get mexico to do more to enforce the southern border. What are the chances of that . There are indications, the mexican president under essentially there might be the tariffs in effect on june 10. Which to the president credit, they might result from this meeting. You have members of president s in a circle, almost everyone who has a hand on this Economic Policy whether it be Jerry Kushner who was responsible for negotiating this new north american trade agreement so what were looking at now is a very high social media on wednesday. Preparing for that meeting. The president is even taking heat within his own party, this from senator Chuck Grassley of iowa. He said trade policy and Port Security are separate issues, trump should consider alternatives such as imposing a fee on the billions of dollars, annually leave the usmexico which only encourages illegal immigration and dont help the u. S. Economy. The present members of his own party when he announced this. Its not on characteristic, leadership on the hill, reportedly what happened in this case, what we are hearing as well, not just grassley but reporters, essentially just disproportionally help them because they import significant amount of mexican goods. A Ripple Effect on the. You are seeing folks in the republican party, tariffs across the board. This move as well. President is just a couple of minutes ago, tweeting about how the u. S. Will no longer be the piggy bank for the world and was himself drying something of an organizing between his china strategy, it doesnt seem as if there will be any talk down on this. His most trusted advisors tried. I dont think grassley will succeed. One of his advisers explains some of the white house thinking here. They have to put an end to this conveyor belt. In a transactional criminal organization, they are making billions of dollars off the mark people that are being exploited by it. I think the mexicans will respond to this because its going to cost them deeley. Remember, this crisis is costing us dearly now. All we are seeking is fairness. It does seem the caravan comes from allah, being presented by the Mexican Government if they wanted to. They have opened the gates at the southern border, but the caravan come through. Theres an argument that theres a humanitarian matter and simply turning away these folks in need, its not in line with the international forms and principles. I would say of course it might hurt the mexicans in the shortterm. The american consumer, its just not clear of what is going to satisfy the white house in a matter of ten days in order for them to not improve the tariffs june 10. The acting chief of staff was telling reporters it would have to be the white house discussi discussion, move the mexicans in order to have them back down from this threat. Neither mexicans opposed any resolution to this or the americans proposed any clear standards for backing down. Its just not clear how this is going to call in the next ten days. As the president said, this is a gradual sliding scale toward 25 tariff on all mexican goods across the border whether it be avocados or all auto parts. And beer. We import more beer from mexico than any other country. Thank you. Hunting down human traffickers, police pulled back the curtain on how they bring predators to justice. Its racquetball time. thumps ugh carl, does your firm offer a satisfaction guarantee . Like schwab does. 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She said im terrified for my familys safety, especially since discovering the gun is my husband has a history of controlling volatile and delusional behavior. Since the disappearance, a message search, a suburban found close to a park, scoured with dogs and drones. To find after expanding their search, jennifers. Home in new york and the estranged husband in connecticut. So far, very few details from police expected. Traces of blood in her home, they say someone tried to clean it up. They did not say whose blood it was. I could never have imagined this. I will keep my eyes out everywhere. Im super sad to hear about this. Two sets of twins, including 3, three sons and two daughters all of them on the age of 13. The kids were reportedly staying with her grandmother who retir retired. Thank you. When teens fall victim to sex traffickers, usually takes a village of agencies to pull that. Tonight we hear from local officers who focus exclusively on sex trafficking ring that operates in the restriction. Local agencies will partner with the fbi for enforcement officers. Due to the nature of the report, your discretion is advised. The victims are truly the victims in this. I took an oath many years ago to protect the week. Protect the most affordable around us. Charles Corporal Allen leaves the charge against sex trafficking in the tampa bay area in florida. A tourist destination. Countless victims rescued from abuse and rape. When you see brokenness, it puts these small girls and boys and adult married women as well, you realize in less we Work Together to really get this done, we will see a lot more. Like other local agencies across the country, tried to stop trafficking by keeping a keen eye on the highways. Victims from one place to another, he brings them through the quarter. The corners are so hot with Human Trafficking activity at times we put together task force just to attack the quarters. Destination city but you dont need tourist attraction to bring sex traffickers through your town. The every stretch of road in the country is a potential pipeline for sex slavery. The trafficker depends on high for you on the highway as well because now they can blend in with the masses moving. The difference in sex traffic. Police detective peter works fulltime to combat sex trafficking in his community. He ordinate efforts with the fbi and has become an expert in the arena. Theyre getting substantial sentences. From tampa to toledo, they transport their victims from city to cd on highways to avoid detection. They were on their way to florida, georgia orlando, tampa. I think young women and girls, thats what drives me. The special agent during the sex trafficking in the field office, work is so stressful, the images they track herself heinous in the victims are often so young, everyone in the unit volunteers for the job. Went to see what is going on, it dont almost impossible to not do it. I have three things hanging on the wall. One is my family and the other two are drawings by little young once who were victims as kids. There are institutes that operate across the country. You might be an agent or detective in south carolina, recovering a victim. Director in charge of the field office leads a task force focusing specifically on trafficking. He and his team broken up operations across the region. What you want to publish . We are going to rescue them. We will walk them up a long time. Well be right back. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. 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Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Emails and documents from a Jussie Smollett case revealing what happened behind those doors. Prosecutors dropping all charges against the actor, criticism from officials in chicago including mayor emanuel and superintendent eddie johnson. Barbara following this from chicago. According to Text Messages in these pages and pages of documents to highlevel prosecutors discuss a deal for Jussie Smollett on the same day he was arrested on charges related to hate crimes. In the 20th, prosecutor who took over the case after his boss recused herself, but this. We just approved charges for complaint for laminar hearing, we can offer the Diversion Program in restitution with generally indicting him, if we cant work something out. We cant indict him and go from there. Recused herself from there, but she did for a different reason than the one initially given. Released with the 2000 pages of documents, false rumors circulated i was related or connected to the family. I removed myself from all aspects of the investigation and prosecution to avoid the perception of a conflict. Fabric, she said just stepping aside because she had conversations with a Family Member of Jussie Smollett about the incident and their concern. Doctrines were released after a judge appeared in court petitioning for the special prosecutor to look into the ca case. He will make a decision on whether or not to appoint a prosecutor june 21. Thank you. Navy pilots report seeing ufos in training. So what might they be . House depending on moving forward with handling future siding. Hey, who are you . Oh, hey jeff, im a car thief. What . im here to steal your car because, well, thats my job. What . What . . What . laughing what . . What . what . [crash] what . haha, it happens. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. So get allstate. And be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Ahhhh were here. Eh, not enough fiber. Chocolate would be good. Snacking should be sweet and simple. The delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. Glucerna. Everyday progress are they out there, strange objects in the sky catching pilots by surprise up at the east coast of couple of years ago. The navy is establishing new reporting guidelines for pilots who think theyve seen ufos. Jennifer griffin explained. Four years ago on a Training Mission of the east coast of the United States before deploying to the middle east a pair of fat super horn pilots captured on their advanced radar and unidentified line object. No[inaudible] objects with note visible engine or exhaust fume the reach 30000 feet and hypersonic speed. The New York Times reported that during the 2014 the early spring 2015 sightings were nearly a daily occurrence. If you have objects that are doing things without any obvious sign of impulsion. Last month the Navy Announced it was establishing new guidelines for how is pilots report unidentified aerial phenomena. Doing so in the past was considered a career into her. Maybe commander remembers the first time he saw what in 2004 fine off san diego. Both airplanes called disturbance of the water and white 40foot long tictac shaped object hovering above the water Going Forward back, left right, no water, no wings know nothing. Some say the study began after the navy installed a new radar system and upgrade from 1980 radar. Others say they could be in a be spy drones or classified program operated by the u. S. Government. Or whether balloons like the ones in new mexico which launched a whole generation of u. S. Sightings. Commercial pilots have been reporting unidentified flying objects for years. It was not an airplane. It was something i dont do what was. Funny to the vet under pentagon for the threat of Defecation Program in 2012, but now there is new secret guidance of how military pilings should report new phenomena, at the pentagon and for griffin fox news. Fox reports on the saturday, the first of june 2019, don scott and joining us this evening will be back here tomorrow night. Hello america i mark leaven, this is life, liberty, levin. However, you . Im good good to see you again. One of the wise men out there. This is where we first met. You are ahead of the national with humanities, secretary of education. And even sitting in the spot you made a difference in the spot. Youre the first drugs are, we have a lot to talk about. First of all i want people to

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