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Mark you have a presence in 1,000 College Campuses and high schools across the country. And daniel horowitz, you host a nationally syndicated podcast. A lot of people know you, you appear on radio a lot. You are considered one of our really sharp thinkers out there. I wanted to have you both on to talk about whats going on in this country. Im concerned about whats going on. Charlie, let me start with you. Our College Campuses seem to be the last holdout of the stalinist philosophy, the violence, the safe spaces, the triggering, all of these phrases i never heard of before. Whats going on . A lot. The greatest threat to our civilization is whats going on on our College Campuses. The suppression of free speech. Attack on the idea much america. The neomarxists makes you feel like you are entering a different country. I have visited hundreds of campuses across the country. Not once have i seen a conservative student or faculty member try to shout down a liberal when they come on campus. But almost daily. When i come on campus there are leftist activists petitioning for me not to be able to speak. They are trying to defund conservative groups on campus. They want to be the only viewpoint on campus. The college left hates the idea that there are other ideas. They want a total monopoly on the conversation. They are threatened by the very existence of a procon world view. Students hear both sides and they come somewhere in the middle and they are threatened by that. You are seeing them being effective in indoctrinating the next generation. If we dont properly reeducate and enlighten the next generation, well have a country completely unrecognizable. Mark is part of the problem the tenure, they cannot be removed, they cannot be challenged. So you dont have this competition of thought among professors. Thats correct. You look at the personality a architypes. S they dont c leave, they become professors because that enjoy that kind of culture. The tenure laws are outdated in is no checks and balances to remove these radical professors, and there is no ideological or intellectual diversity. University of california berkeley they have fulltime Staff Members dedicated to racial and ethnic diversity, but as soon as you raise your hand and talk about political or religious diversity. They say no we dont stand for that. We needd to have the free flow f ideas reenter tour College Campuses. St on College Campuses the most of intolerant people are those who preach tolerance. Mark the country is going broke among other reasons, turning education across the board. Wee seem to be suction dieing the lefts we seem to be subsidizing the left. We often die on their hills, not on our hills and our ideologies. To speak to what charlie was saying. Younger people in colleges are faced with the dynamic when they go into the world they have endless student death and endless costs from healthcare. And naturally if they are not offered a competing set of ideas, the free stuff will be enticing. But no one happens explained how the government has created an healthcare and the case cartel that inflated the costs commence wrat those subsidies. The Republican Party tends to agreet with what the democrats are offering. They operate within their pair dimes. As such the American People and certainly the younger generations will be attracted to those who offer it with a happy face rather than those who air it with a sour face. Mark what is the how do nonleftists get involved in the administration medication . It seems like a closed shop pretty much. It is. But if you look everywhere at a closed shop, there is a reason for it. The market didnt dictate it. There is always a governments intervention. The credit days is monopolized by government tilting of the statutes where the colleges run on a curriculum man dated by government. If we got the government out of education we would have the fre flow of ideas. In healthcare a lot of young people look at the system and say this is too expensive. We are being gouged so we need socialized medicine. Someoneov needs to say, government, medicare and medicaid. And medicaid gets their market share and uses that to gowjt consumer. We dont own the existing policies, they are not the result of free markets. They are a result of the Government Policies and only the free market policies can deconstruct that. We have to make the case, and unfortunately we are not seeing thatow from from ether party from either party. Despite the horror happening on our College Campuses, i have never been more optimistic about whats happening in this country. Turning points us parks, standing room only, selling out tickets like you wouldnt imagine. But i also look at the other speakers out there. Jordan peterson has the number one bestselling book on amazon getting millions of views on youtube. And he talks about things that shouldnt be controversial. There are only two genders. Thats considered the hate speech on College Campuses. Hell say men are better at some things and women are bert at some things. Shocking statement. Well win because the enemies of freedoms always overshoot their target. And because decentminded people in the middle will gravitate towards better ideas that are principled fan freedom. People between 1620 much more to the conservative side. Every study shows they are going way more conservative than the generation before them. We fix it with better ideas, better arguments, and well be the decent fairminded champions of liberty and freedom for a generation that feels lost in this sea of post modernism and neomarxism. Mark s what does the Republicn Party stand for now . If we are going to continue to dore the same thing over and over again. Well define the definition of insanity. Its been three decades since reagan and we have not found a home in the Republican Party. Republicans take a look at what charlie sees on the College Campuses and say this is so scary. We need to move further to left. But they are always going to vote for the authentic thing. Its not so much that the young generation is irrevocably lib val. Y but they are attracted to the strongest players on the block. They need to be offered new ideas. If you expect washington to fix itself i think we have enough examples its never going to happen ever. Republicans all three branches of government and 30 state governments and we are not seeing any new ideas. We need to fix it from without. We need grass the roots organizations. But ultimately it has to come from without. I dont think the republicansdemocrats are serving anyone. And to the extent Younger Voters are more attracted to new ideas, i think it will be through a new movement, not a tainted Republican Party that comes with a lot of baggage. Mark how do we do what daniel is talking about, a convention of states, the state legislatures, they send delegates, they have a meeting which they used to do all the time. And they can propose amendments to the constitution to try to hone in the federal government. Thats a big task. Im all for it, i have written by the. But in the meantime, could it be years. Do you want to give the Playing Field upng dome krat party where they control the house, the senate and presidency . Even now if they control the house and senate the current president will be stopped in his tracks. Im focusing on a short and longterm objective. The shortterm is to change the cancerous culture on College Campuses. If we dont get that right, our culture will be unrecognizable. The first component of culture is education. We have 1,800 major College Campuses across the country where postmodernism and neomarxism has run amok. The young people we are empowering need to run for office. They understand more than the current republican officials, they have fought the left headon. If you want to see what drives a leftist towards action, they dont ware for the t poor, they hate the rich. Its not that they have a benevolent view of the world. They want to watch it burn. We need to empower, equip and train the next mike lee and thomas massies. Why dont we make a goal to do that. Thats ambitious because there are people in both parties that dont want that. Mark the problem is its like sending diamonds into a landfill. We tried a lot of that. I was dealing with several primaries throughout the country wrather side will use their superior fears and special interest funding to run on our issues and paint the conservative guys pass the liberals and confuse the voters and we are not having a lot of success in primaries. In 2014, we were endorsing a lot of challenges. It needs to start with some of the sitting members. You have the Freedom Caucus and conservatives in the senate. We need a new contract with america. We need a new taxpayer and consumer bill of rights where like charlie said we are not just against the other side and hate the other side. Where we affirmatively stand for certain ideas. We stand for free markets. If we would do that. We would offer voters another a new idea, a new set of ideas, even within the republican ballot line, so you dont have the Ballot Access issue where you will give control to the democrats. They will run as republicans and it has to start with the sitting republicans. Mark ladies and gentlemen you can join me every single night onve levintv. Give us a tall, 844levin tv. s way. This ones below market price and has bluetooth. Same here, but this one has Leather Seats use the cars. Com app to compare price, features and value. Have discovered something strong. Dependable. Long lasting. They found themselves in a chevy truck. And now, you can too. 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All right, lets talk about free markets. You push free markets in our colleges and universities. Amazon is under attack, facebook is under attack, twitter is under attack. Theyre all leftwing. Lets admit it. Conservatives having difficulty dealing with all of them. Should the government get involved and regulate the entities . First and foremost, amazon in particular, very few people know theyre on the verge of signing one of the Largest Department of defense contracts in our history. 100 billion cloud contract for Amazon Web Services over ten years which would be subsidizing the entire amazon empire. Amazon in particular, the president s instincts are spoton here. Amazon loses money basically every vertical of the company except Amazon Web Services, they use preferential treatment to the u. S. Postal service, masters at using tax loopholes not to mention jeff bezos himself owns the Washington Post and uses that as battering ram over politicians in d. C. Every day. No one wants an unflattering article in the Washington Post. First and foremost, stop subsidizing this. Mark let me ask you this, what are they monopolizeing . Some people make the argument they are monopolizing Online Retail transactions, they have 40 . Exxonmobil controlled 42 of all domestic oil kind of transactions. How did the domestic Steel Industry controlled 70 of steel production. Right, we could put forth claims towards the different categories. As a free market guy, focus on the government contracts first and foremost should. Not get corporate handouts, especially one from the department of defense, 100 billion over ten years, and the president should absolutely veto and nix that completely and immediately. Mark what about facebook . Facebook is quite interesting. Heres what i cant figure out about facebook. Barack obama did even more than what Cambridge Analytica did in 2012. Barack Obama Campaign. They compromised the privacy of over 25 million americans. In fact, they bragged about it. The New York Times wrote a very flattering piece saying the Obama Campaign was technologically sophisticated and cutting edge to be able to use facebook as a way to run a modernday campaign. Zuckerberg didnt apologize after that. Zuckerberg didnt testify in front of congress. Make no mistake, the only reason zuckerberg testified in n front of congress and facebook is under attack, some of the data might have been used to help a republican get elected president of the united states. Nothing to do with privacy, nothing to do with internet rights or freedoms and everything to do with democrats who are upset that big tech monolith might have been used to aid a conservative candidate. Mark should they be regulateed . I dont necessarily think so. They should be treated as a public forum. That is an important distinction constitutionally and for the courts because theyre not a content provider. They need to be treated as a public forum which google pretends they are. Mark they are a private company, how do you treat it as a public forum . Thats the distinction. If they want google, for example, pretends theyre a public forum because they allow different voices and opinions to be heard. Facebook is not in the content creation space, they aggregate other peoples content. Are they a public forum or Public Company . Could still be a private company and operate as a, quote, public forum and censor different voices. A conservative far more likely to get censored on facebook than anyone else which represents a huge threat to the first amendment. Mark so dont use facebook. Thats the issue. They have 2. 1 billion active users. Mark they have 2. 1 and one less. Thats correct. It would take a lot of cultural realignment to stop using instagram owned by facebook. Whatsapp is owned by facebook and facebook in general. I get a lot of my followers and forced multipleication through facebook. Its the devil you have to use which i dont think government regulation is the best way to go about it. Mark amazon, facebook, whats your take . In fact, when it comes to government regulations, sometimes they are a more potent weapon for the incumbent powers within a market than subsidies are. Because they use them to box out competition. I dont think they would work. Im kind of black and white when it comes to this. Private property that i think a lot of us have forgotten about. When it comes to a persons private property, i have the right to use my company, my livelihood for what i want, you have the right to pay the ronnize it or start your own thing. Basically federal courts are giving random plaintiffs standing to sue President Trump for blocking them on twitter. Now trumps own twitter account he could use any way he wants. Twitter, likewise, could offer a twitter account to anyone they want or deny it to anyone including the president. They could deny it to me. Its incumbent upon conservatives to start their own platform. I know its difficult but unlike health care where 60 of the incumbent Insurance Cartel organizations, 60 of their revenue comes from government funding, Government Programs such as medicare and medicaid, in this case, it is a free market, just difficult to break into. We got to take that initiative and this is an example where we could be very consistent that on the one hand you have the right to take your organization and make it as political as you want, on the other hand, i have the right with my private property to service what i want. Mark do we trust the federal government to referee . No. Mark speech. It can only be worse. They can only make it worse. Like i said mark where is the federal government ever properly refereed speech . Never, never, because again those that already have market share and economies of scale will use the regulations to their advantage. So i think for conservatives social media is a tough path to plow. Mark isnt the truth let me say this, we may have to take it to the next segam. We dont know what the next technology, is the next platform is going to be. If you talked about facebook 20 years ago nobody would know what facebook is. There may be something out, there somebody out, there somebody sitting in their dorm room at harvard at this time who is not zuckerberg but somebody else that comes up with something that makes it even oldfashioned to be on facebook and so forth. So heres the you brought up the key point here. Be very careful, if theres a regulation that tries to regulate facebook, i guarantee you zuckerberg will have the best team of lobbyists that protects the company more than anything else so it prevents the next competitor from rising up. That is the story of regulation over the last 100 years. Like the Auto Companies. Or doddfrank. Protects the incumbent. The Auto Companies, notice trump is easing the cafe standards. I expect the Auto Companies to say abolish them, they gained it out. They have the trial lawyers, the regulators, Institutional Knowledge and the capital to be able to comply with the cost of regulation. Mark regulation is typically anticompetition and antiindividual . Thats right. Regulation is a tool for the incumbent company or Business Owner to use against the small little guy that does not have the same resources to compete in the marketplace. And you saw that of the financial crisis. The big banks got bigger. No penalty to pay and the Small Community banks got completely Community Banks got completely give us the work no one else wants to do. We dont just go against the grain. We grow it. Give us the frontiers. The places where success is measured in pushed limits. Give us the middle of nowhere. 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Need some help managing your oab symptoms along the way . Ask your doctor if myrbetriq is right for you, and visit myrbetriq. Com to learn more. [ ] kelly live from americas news headquarters. Former First Lady Barbara Bush is in failing health. The 92yearold wife of president george h. W. Bush will no longer seek medical treatment and will focus on comfort care, according to a family spokesperson. A spokesman said she is surrounded by her family and appreciates the kind messages and prayers she is receiving. One person killed by a tornado that caused damage to greensboro, north carolina. The victim was killed in their car by a falling tree. A local state of emergency has been declared for gilford county where greensboro is located. Mark welcome back. Charlie kirk, daniel horowitz. Daniel, let me start with you, a question. Seems to be some conflicting ideas within the Republican Party, even within the conservative movement, when it comes to National Security and Foreign Policy of the rand paul position whos more libertarian, somewhat protectionist or isolationist in that regard, i would argue, and then you have the marco rubio position which is almost hyperinterventionist and those arent the two positions, other positions like the traditional reagan position. Can you explain this . When we started conservative review, we started out with a scorecard where we wouldnt just rate the members based on votes but give a description what they did on committee assignments, what legislation they proposed . And we had this discussion how do you rate Foreign Policy and National Security . Its not definitive, you dont have doctrines that are clear cut like raising taxes, increasing spending, and we noted this false dichotomy we have in the Republican Party, its borne out of the lack of vision among conservatives. You have the bloods and crips fighting each other, daniel, which one are you for . What we need to do is identify our interests. What are our american interests . We need to do an audit what were involved in, why were there. If military intervention, what do we hope to be in its place . Learn some of the lessons from iraq and syria and afghanistan and understand what is doable, what is not doable, cost benefit analysis. To do all of this, i do firmly believe as much as we hate congress, you need the peoples representatives involved. I dont believe that any airstrike, imminent strike needs authorization, but if were going to have troops for 15 years, the American People are rightfully wary. Mark where are you talking about in particular . Afghanistan. Afghanistan. Mark afghanistan. There was an authorization but an authorization of use of force in japan too and its 60 years later. Mark there have been very few declarations of war. I understand your point. There have been five. America is at war quote, unquote or some battle more times than its not, and so theres that argument whether we should or shouldnt, and i agree with it shouldnt be ideological point, it should be a rational point, but that said, obviously, to get congress involved, Congress Needs to do something and congress is a very slow body. They dont even hold hearings on budgets. So the balance, is it not, is if theyre going to deliberate for three or four weeks or three or four days and the president thinks, ive got to hit that spot right over there, those guys are doing whatever theyre doing, this creates the conflict. Sure, i think the question is we have about 4,000 Ground Troops in syria, and theyre kind of there indefinitely and you have the sunni insurgency and the iranian hegemony backed by hezbollah and assad. Mark and we have Russian Troops in germany. Not engaged in combat. Mark theyre there potentially to be engaged in combat, right . Sure. Mark what do we do . Were not going reinvent the wheel in one generation where we go back to what was viewed as offensive expeditionary back in George Washingtons time. But i think there has to be some understanding of yemen, syria, somalia, what are the players, what do we hope to get from it . Is it solvent . I dont mind if we create a red line and say hey, you use chemical warfare, were going to strike the chemical weapons. There is a broader question of is syria as a whole atenable situation with the sunni insurgency and assad. In the middle east, the two big players are the iranians and the Saudi Arabians and the Saudi Arabians have a lot of proxies in the middle east. We should be very careful to think immediately saudi arabia has our best interests at heart. That is a fallacy, people call them a frenemy, i call them close to an enemy. They do not have our best interests at heart. The iranians are not our friends either, we should notified a Saudi Arabian proxy war. That is exactly right. That is a religious conflict. Mark are they building icbms for saudi arabia . Iran . Do they want Nuclear Warheads on icbms for israel. Intercontinental ballistic missles . No, they want them for us. The way to go after iran is go after iran. Not go down the rat holes in yemen. I agree. Where you have the al qaeda and the houthis. We lost a navy s. E. A. L. Mark we should declare war on iran . I agree with you. Mark im asking. You we went into the wrong country with iraq . Iraq was fighting iran. Saddam was antiiran. Mark i came to the conclusion that we picked the wrong country because iran is a threat us to. I believe that and i believe it today. I also dont believe we have to attack iran directly, though one day we may. It depends. Barack obama put us in a position which backed us up against a wall, were arming essentially their nuclear plans. That said, it doesnt mean i dont think we should be strategic and use proper tactics, and back other countries that may help us in the long run, you know . You look at all the wars weve been involved in, thats exactly what weve done. Russia is not our friend, is it . We allied with them in world war ii. Thats not going to happen. There is this battle going on within the Republican Party, even the conservative movement on what to do in terms of Foreign Policy. And when we come back, i want to ask you both this question what is the Foreign Policy of the Democrat Party . Because other than appeasement, i cant figure it out. Im curious to know what you think. You can join us every week on levin tv. Give us a call, 844levintv. On our network conservative review, crtv. Review, crtv. Lets begin. Yes or no . Do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet . Do you want 4. 95 commissions for stocks, 0. 50 options contracts . 1. 50 futures contracts . 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John kerrey and barack obama, and youve been vocal on the iran deal and you went through the specifics, they put us in a totally compromising position militarily, culturally and geopolitically. The democrats seem so determined and hellbent to try to withdraw our presence from certain sectors across the world where we had success in keeping radical powers in check whether it be trying to advance the filibuster, put a lot of our military funding in jeopardy or conversations, so look, i think the Democrat Party is simple, they want a globalisttype government. They dont believe america is the greatest country in the history of the world. They dont believe america is exceptional, you can see it through the now Foreign Policy discussions that used to be politics ended on the waters edge, that doesnt exist anymore. The democrats have a globalist world view where they think the solutions can be solved in the u. N. Or america should not be better than any other country and want to almost rid the world of the inequities through the lessening and weakening of stat, and you are position which is a horrible idea because we live in the most peaceful time in Human History which is a direct core larry, the more ubiquitous american presence, is the more peaceful. Mark does this explain the position on immigration . No borders, lack of sovereignty, you are one of the great experts on this and write about it all the time . I was headed right there. We focus on cultural, domestic policy but really Foreign Policy and National Security at its core. In the early days we didnt have a dhs, the state department ran our immigration policy because it was rooted in foreign ols. This is where you see the rise of the altleft taking over the democratic party. Im not too old but old enough to remember a time when i grew up in maryland, the governor was William Donald schafer, a liberal democrat but believed in a strong National Security, traditional values and he got ran out of the party pretty late in his career because he was strong on immigration, and that just shows how far theyve moved over. What i think you referred to this often is the decivilization agenda where, there are certain bank things that whether they stopped at waters edge or whether theyre just natural law, family structure, a mantoman, woman is a woman, a marriage is a marriage and borders are borders, questioning the raw basics and what is so sad about immigration is that the open border doesnt just flood the country with a lot of lowskilled immigrants, a lot of crime, but the drug crisis that we have now. If you look at any graph of what they call the Opioid Crisis which they want to make a health care issue, it started in 2013. Thats where the compassion and sympathy for these unaccompanied alien children comes full circle. A lot of them were drug mules, they had to pay the drug smugglers to come in, you cant implicate that agenda in any discussion over the drug crisis. Everything must yield because the ends justify the means. Mark you agree with this . I visited the border for three days, id like to say there is no border. Its a joke. There is literally a copper bar that you could step over and walk into mexico. This is in the tucson sector, the number one sector of drug traffic in the country, and i talked to Border Patrol agents, senior level Border Patrol agents and said how many of you support building a wall . We polled all the agents, 95 supported building the wall. The other 5 didnt understand the question. What we have here is attack on sovereignty, attack on our country, an attack on our culture at its very core. A nation is defined by border. You have a weak border, you have a weak country, its intentional. I dont give the democrats any sort of advantage on the argument. I dont give them the benefit of the doubt quite honestly. They want open borders, they want political and societal chaos. They want globalist agenda where america is not better than any other country where the constitution is run amok. When have you 15 million Illegal Immigrants then all of a sudden the rule of law completely disappears. When you get rid of the rule of law, you can have anarchy. I believe that within the base of the Democrat Party in the left is a desire to want to completely decivilize and destroy western civilization as we know it. Mark when we come back, this rule of law, where are we on the rule of law . What about our judges . Are they upholding t vo gopis found a way to keep her receipts tidy, even when nothing else is. Brand vo snap and sort your expenses with quickbooks and find, on average, 4,340 in tax savings. Quickbooks. 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Whats a state power, they give to the feds, whats a fed power they give to the states. That is antithetical they read into the constitution, and they are abusing the rules of stands to make anything a justicable case, everything trump has done that is not new territory, he merely gets rid of things that didnt exist in the country from 1789 until Barack Obamas last two years such as transgenderrisms in the military, contraception update. A lot of conservatives are proud of his deregulation agenda. I got news for you. Whats happened to all that . The courts are enjoining them. The Legal Profession created this rule where they can get standing in a court to sue an abstract and have a district judge put a nationwide mark thousands of district judges. Put a nationwide injunction on mark and block the president s agenda. Whats your take on that . When i was raised, i was told there are three branches of government. That is not true. Mark theres at least four. The most powerful. Its unaccountable, its unelected and its unknown, thats the bureaucracies and included and in that are the District Court judges, and as you articulate very well and ridge nat draft of the constitution, Circuit Court judge from nowhere, the majority of our laws and power vested within the government is not between the supreme court, the legislative or the executive, its between the bureaucracies, they are putting unprecedented amount of pressure on freedoms and liberties on state, local and federal level across the country and theyre unaudited, unaccountable and unknown. We dont know their names, cant get rid of them or vote them out. This is something the Founding Fathers did not foresee because the bureaucracy is a life of its own. A multimillion person Standing Army against our freedom and liberty against one of the greatest threats we have today. Mark with the unelected branches, the courts and much of the courts have been created by congress and the Administrative State also created by congress, that legislate, that adjudicate and that execute, and theyre outside the constitutional system and outside our ability to reach them. All right, well be right back. More and more people have discovered something strong. Dependable. Long lasting. They found themselves in a chevy truck. And now, you can too. See for yourself why chevrolet is the most awarded and Fastest Growing brand the last four years overall. Get a total value of over eleven thousand five hundred dollars on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Termites, were on the move. 24 7. Roger. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. Terminix. Defenders of home. Having mplaque psoriasise is not always easy. 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Ask about the 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. Humira go. Mark welcome back. Im in ask you what ive asked all my guest so far. Next 20 years in america, do you feel positive about it or not so positive . Charlie. Positive despite unprecedented odds, opposition from people that want to destroy this country. Never bet against america. Dont a bet against the working people. Give the enemies of freedom in our colleges and our culture and media but with people like you and we are people like our organization and Student Activist that are rising up and fighting every day that are signaling the alarm and organizing for ideas that are timeless. Im optimistic because thats the idea. Its more than anything else but freedom will always win. Its all in our hands. If you ask me about the next three or five years i see a resurgent of the left foot over the next 20 years the good news is charlie has said, the left is overplaying their hand. The country does not want what they want. I think that is the opportunity for younger conservatives to come in and offer something affirmative that speaks to peoples hearts and their intellect and where they are. When they balance that against what they see in the left the long run it will win out. Seize the opportunity. Mark you are more confident than i am and that is okay. It doesnt chris im chris what wallace, the u. S. And allies strike assad regime that used chemical weapons to murder its own people. These are not the actions of a man, they are crimes of a monster instead o. Chris we will discus the decision to hit syria again, what it means for the civil war there and the president s message to other countries supporting assad. To iran and to russia, i ask, what kind of a nation wants to be associated with a mass murderer of innocent men, women and children . Chris nikki haley, u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations live only on fox news sun

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