0 inaugural address. ♪ >> so what will president obama tell americans he will do about the deadlock that is gripping dc? what can we expect to see ore the next four years? we have live fox team coverage. also the bloody hostage crisis at the oil plant in the african desert. now worse than any one first thought. what they are finding as forces finally secure the scene. plus the fate of the american hostages and the hunt for the so-called one eyed terrorist who has taken credit for the deadly siege. >> i am harris falkner. we begin with the oath. >> preserve, protect and defend. >> the constitution of the united states. >> the constitution of the united states. >> so help you god. >> so help me god. >> congratulations mr. president. >> thank you chief justice. >> first lady, his two daughters at his side today president obama was sworn in by supreme ago where they did not allow corporations to pay for any of the festivities. joe biden warmed up the crowd. he wanted to not only thank the big money donors for 2012 but he has an eye on 2016 and might be reaching out for them for campaign contributions. >> yeah, i heard a little something about that. look, i remember i am sure the rest of the nation does, too. the president and chief justice john roberts had an interesting day the first time they tried to do the oath thing. >> didn't go so well. chief justice roberts four years ago tried to memorize the oath, slipped up a little bit. he had to come back over to the white house from the hill within a day or so and redo it behind closed doors just to make sure legally the president had been sworn into office. no hiccups today. he brought note cards. what was striking about it was how simple the ceremony was how brief it was. it was in the blue room at the white house. a small room. it was really just -- since it was so small just family close friends and beyond the historic moment the president had a moment as a dad to celebrate this with his daughters. take a look. >> >> thank you everybody. >> i did it the president said his young daughter said you didn't mess up, dad. >> kids always keep us honest. >> appreciate it. big day for vice president joe biden. you heard ed talking about him. swearing in this morning in a private ceremony on the naval observe tory grounds. he had to get it bright and early. getting into place all dressed up by 8:00 this morning. that's because supreme court justice sonia sotomayor had to get to a book signing in new york. this was already on her schedule long before she received the vice president's personal invitation to do her swearing in. she managed to make both stops without a problem. >> we are about to see a tradition that goes all of the way back to george washington. only this time the president is not speaking just to americans gathered at the capital, he will be setting the tone for a second term in front of untold millions watching from around the world. james rosen is live tonight in washington. what can we expect to haerp and maybe more interestingly what might the president skip? >> harris, good evening to you. latter point first democrats involved in planning the inaugural everyone from the president on down is on guard to avoid sounding like they are spiking a football. the white house is weary of folks at home saying mr. obama is throwing himself a big party while they are still struggling financially. they will address the intractable gridlock in this town. >> he will make that point very strongly that people here in washington need to see common ground. he will talk about the american people they are not engaging these debates in washington progress and change won't happen. >> aids say while we can expect more broadly on battles to come such as gun control and immigration reform this won't be the detailed policy speech we will get with the state of the union next month. >> james, i wonder if the president runs the risk of sounding too much like he has. he has given a lot of speeches. >> that is definitely a risk. some republican speech writers of white houses past have made that exact point harris saying current conditions could lead the president to repeat himself in 2009. economy remains sluggish healthcare remains too costly, et cetera. one historian interviewed the president from rolling stones magazines says mr. obama needs to revise faith in the american dream. >> i would image if i were writing a speech for him i would inject a dose of ronald reagan optimism don't despair in america. >> follow me at twitter at james rosen and i will tell you which president was the first to have his inaugural address live nationwide. >> i always follow your twitter but i will especially tonight. >> you are always so good to me. >> the political landscape at the part of the term was different than it was when he came to the white house four years ago. republicans control the house. you need look no further than the recent game of political chicken over the fiscal cliff to know just how divided washington is. and more instance show downs are looming. one example the debt creel and controlli -- debt ceiling and what americans describe as out of control spending. republicans take with the attitude toward congress at this point? >> to get real solutions president obama needs to understand what will pass in the republican led house. it will also be acceptable to him. lawmakers tend to be unhappy when the president goes around them. they called on mr. obama to do better. >> he speaks in general terms likes the executive order approach a whole lot better than the legislative approach. you can't get all that foreign with executive order. you have to legislate and you have to legislate realistically. you have to realize you don't control the entire congress. >> republicans don't like that the president is converting his campaign apparatus into a purpose that helped him in his second term. they are thinking that is probably not a good sign in working in a bipartisan fashion. >> one area where they do not agree at all is over the budget. it>> it has been a source of problems when they work on critical issues and budget is a key component. the senate will do it's job one says. >> we have always intended to do a budget this year for two reasons. it is not true that we haven't had budget control and effect over the last several years. budget control lasted 2011 with ridged spending cuts that were in effect last year. we cut a million we didn't like it. we need a budget. >> we will cover it when it happens mike em anuel thank you very much. >> new details in the newsroom about one of the victims killed by a suspected new mexico chaplain known for his work with firefighters in albuquerque. it happened in a moem in a quiet area. a 15-year-old boy is their suspect. they say he shot five people including the chaplain and three young children inside that home. their ages 3 to 10. we do know police removed several weapons from that home. they are trying to piece together what led to the murders. >> this just in we have our match up for super bowl 47 earlier, this game on fox the san francisco 49ers beat the atlantic falcons 28-24. now they will face the afc champions baltimore ravens who beat the new england patriots 28-13. 28 seems to be the number tonight. that wrapping up a match up pitting brother against brother in the super bowl as coaches john harbaugh and jim harbaugh face off in the big game. you thought you would see quarterback pictures in the boxes. no it's the coaches. >> fox's top story. the first day of four more years. up next i will sit down with an expert who has a good idea of what the second term of the president may hold. he knows a lot about inaugurations as well. he over saw the media for the 2005 inauguration. taking a look live at the u.s. capit capitol where tomorrow we are told 500 to 700,000 people are expected to see the president be sworn in publicly. that went down from four years ago which broke a record at 1.8 million. in the 30s it will be chilly. throw on a jacket at least the sun will be shining. it is january after all. chilly temperatures they will brave it. stay tuned more fox report coming up. 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