form vice-president dick cheney's heart transplant and doctors revealing what they're worried about as they monitor his condition. and a taser takedown at the airport. now we're hearing both sides of the story, but who is feeling the sting now? the u.s. supreme court about to open a hearing, an unprecedented three days of argument and the justices taking up one of the most important cases. beginning tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. eastern, the court set to hear arguments in the mandate of the law that would require you it buy health insurance by 2014 or pay a pent. millions will be affected when the ruling comes out in june. putting them in a heavy partisan fight over the president's major accomplishment, all of this during an election campaign season in which his republican challenger oppose the law. on this eve for the supreme court, we're hearing from both sides of the political aisle. >> at the end of the decade we're going to be glad the republicans called it obamacare, when the reality is in place, and you and i say it's not going to matter, it's what people's experience is. >> we're saying get rid of the health care law and not ration l board of seniors health care and that they organize their lives around. and don't change their lives around. >> we will have a live report moments away from the supreme court, watch for that. you know, it will be a few months until we know how the supreme court rules on the health care law, the high court will either let it stand, strike down part testify or throw it out altogether. it's not clear what impact that will have on the entire nation, here are numbers to consider, six hours of oral arguments are planned. that's rare, the most given to one case in the past 45 years. 17 attorneys to argue the case and 26 states i mentioned, have joined in a lawsuit against the obama administration over this. 50 million americans didn't have health insurance last year. >> former pennsylvania senator rick santorum picking up a win in louisiana. 49% of the vote. far ahead of former massachusetts governor mitt romney's 26%, it's all about winning delegates though. santorum gaining 10. romney gets 5. and here is where the candidates stand now. ramally bell ahead with 568 total. santorum 273, former house speaker newt gingrich, 135 and texas congressman has 50. according to the tracker. the nominee needs 1,144 delegates and the road continues, seven more important primaries coming up next month and voters in d.c., maryland and wisconsin going to the polls a week from this tuesday, april 3rd. aen then there is a bit after break, new york, pennsylvania, connecticut and rhode island all on tuesday, april 24th. and santorum, romney and gingrich joining people in washington. reacting to the house of former vice-president dick cheney heart transplant. it was breaking news last night and mr. cheney recovering in a hospital in virginia, the candidate sending well wishes to the former vp. more on thinks condition later on the fox report. strong words on president obama, and warning of tough punishment if the north goes ahead with a rocket launch last month. they had treed in exchange for help feeding a starving population, if the readers go ahead with the test, the aid for food could fall apart. as mr. obama meets the world leaders in south korea where he is at this hour how to talk nuclear weapons out of the hands of extremists. our wendall goler is with the president, and wendall the isolated nation next door is front and senior for the president of soul. >> north korea plans to launch a satellite and the rest of the world sees it as a poorly disguised missile test. president obama warned against it. >> to constitute a direct violation of his own commitments and its international obligations and moreover, it would only deepen north korea's isolation, damage further its relations with neighbors and seriously undermine the prospects of future negotiations. >> the president made clear the launch will cost north korea hundreds of thousands of tons of food aid the u.s. agreed to provide harris. >> i don't know if this turned out to be a big deal, wendell goler. we were reading there was some kind of incident with the press corps. what happened? >> reporter: the press pool of a dozen or so photographers, video crew basically too tight got locked away from the president and the south korean president and angry protesting, before it was set free. it was a mix-up not an attempt to keep us from finding out what happened in the meeting. we missed the photo opportunity, but were there for the news conference. >> wendell goler travelling with the president in south korea tonight. new calls for the justice tonight or justice i should say in the arm of the teena teenager, trayvon martin. the 1-year-old killed last month allegedly by george zimmerman who claims he did it in self-defense. there's been no arrest causing nationwide outrage and now we're hearing from the reverend jesse jackson, speaking at a church service earlier in florida. >> how do we take, trayvon's mm he's he not coming back, he was murdered and martyred and we must illuminate the darkness with the light that comes from the martyr. >> jackson going on to say how can we turn a moment into a movement. right now, a vinnegil where it happened. exactly one month ago tomorrow. this coming into us from the u.s. geological survey that a possible magnitude 7.2 earthquake has just hit central chile. if that holds, that's a very powerful quake. seismologists are reporting it hit west, northwest outside santiago, we're monitoring this, like would it possibly heed to a tsunami warning or anything like that. we'll bring you any updates and any video as they come into the news room. right now, there's no way to put a price on a life, he we know. fresh words that the u.s. is compensating the families of the afghan civilians killed in a massacre blamed on a u.s. soldier. also, former vice-president dick cheney has had his share of surgery, nothing like the heart transplant operation he just underwent, what interests are worried about now, as mr. cheney begins the road to recovery. stay close. 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small sinesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon. i wonder how she does it. that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best tecology rules. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006. >> moments ago, i told you there were demonstrators outside and the hearings on that tomorrow. our steve centanni are outside the high court where the protesters have been all day long. first, steve, what can we expect from them tomorrow. >> a lively debate inside on the first of four issues, regarding the health care law. whether the case is premature because no one has been reduced to pay a pent. the main event with arguments over the individual mandates and both sides in the debate insist that the health care law is constitutional. you've seen jurors uphold this law and two conservative juries. >> offering strong upon. we're confident it will be constitutional and in our book there will ab process play out this week and the supreme court. >> the real concerns that americans are concerned about. the constitutionality forcing americans to pay what could be meated to cost $20,000 a year for families. >> arguments are this week, but a ruling won't be handed down jl june to july. four months after the americans go to the pole. >> and he i realize team are calling them tempstrators and there are those who could hope to witness the argument. >> there have been demonstrations and people in line, about 5 of them. and take a look at pictures we shot earlier. some of them here since friday morning. the longest any of the police officers i've talked to, remember the line for any of the supreme court arguments in their memory and some are paid to save a place in line. and 36 an hour, that's about 2700 from friday to monday morning, harris. >> wow, paid to stand in line. steve centanni, kicks off at 10 a.m. eastern. thank you. >> a story we brought you here on the fox report. former vice-president dick cheney remains in the intensive care unit, after a successful heart transplant. he'd been telling us he'd been on the waiting list for nearly two years and got he's had five heart attacks over the past 25 years and a few operations to keep his heart going. and reaction from george w. bush, his spokesperson, saying he and mrs. bush were thrilled that the surgery went well and they are keeping vice-president cheney in their prayers for a full and speedy recovery. our peter doocy has more from washington. >> former vice-president dick cheney was scheduled to speak at a fundraiser for speaker boehner tomorrow in d.c. and look at the flyer, passed along with the former bush administration officials, saying no way that cheney could make the commitment if he knew would be having a heart transplant. he had the first in 1937 and in july of 2010, he had a left ventricular assist device to help pump blood through his body. and because that have division, he thought he might do without a heart transplant. >> the equipment that i wear was originally put together as a transition device to keep somebody going until they could get a transplant. >> now, it's gotten good enough that a lot of people live on it for years. and i haven't made a decision, what i'm going to do yet. >> a year after a heart transplant, patients have an 88% survival rate. five years after, 75% and ten years after. 56%. and today we found out what the vice-president's doctors should be looking for. >> the thing we have to worry about is the next 24, 48 hours, infection, kidney failure, stroke and finally he rejection, but you know, with today's modern medical care, hopefully he's going to live for many, many more years. >> neither the vice-president nor his family know the donor's identity right now, but say they're forever grateful for this life saving gift. harris. >> peter, thank you. new developments in the deadly rampage in afghanistan, blamed on a u.s. soldier. a u.s. official confirming compensation has been paid to the families of each person killed in the march 11th shooting and $50,000 for each person killed, but the u.s. would not confirm that amount. staff sergeant bales accused of sneaking off the base and firing on afghan villagers. he's charged with 17 murders including the death of nine children. a tragedy, one american university has never experienced it will now. a student shot and killed on campus. the school wide emergency response as the hunt for a killer or killers goes on at this hour. also, facebook issuing a warning on behalf of users, but the social network is not the only one sounding the ala alarm. wait until you hear who is overstepping privacy boundaries to learn more about you. tiger woods doing something on the pga tour he hasn't done in 30 months. 3-0, wow! >> details ahead. . 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two u.s. senators asking the attorney general to answer the question. some companies have been looking through potential employees accounts. asking for pass words, right along with the typical, where do you see yourself in five years question? in fact, on friday, facebook officials warned pliers to stop doing it and threatened legal action. our anna kooiman with the news. >> critics compare this trend asking for your keys to your house or reading your personal diary, a dangerous precedent for future job seekers in the digital age. >> and that's were charles schumer today calls for an immediate end for employers requiring personal log in information from applicants and employees and as for the department of justice and equal employment commission. and they'll be passed over if they are he' unwilling to hand over pass words. >> things at that we deem private are just that, private. shouldn't be required to give up your right and private communications and you shouldn't be required to give up your private life just to get a job. >> it often has information protected by employment laws. gender race, religion and age and facebook has made it a violation of their statement of rights and responsibilities, and harshly criticized the practice, issuing a statement that reads in part, quote, you should never have to share your password and let anyone access your account jeopardize the security of your account or the privacy of your friend and we've worked hard to give you the tools to seize your information. and social media is a relatively new phenomenon and privacy laws have not kept up with advances in technology. while today's request was voluntary, senators are currently drafting bipartisan legislation to update our federal employment law. >> anna, thank you. >> a fox urgent, a massive earthquake off the coast of chile. a tooun alert has been issued and closer to home, a weather issue that starts a work week, bringing with it the potential for dangerous weather, where and what to expect and grounded at the airport. literally. two officers zapping this guy with a taser, perhaps, worse than the takedown was the take away. and dragged out this. and what prompted it all and the fallout next. and these bots got game scham hmmm who's got brain, these are people behind march madness robot style. ♪ ♪ i'm in love with a robot ♪ oh, oh ♪ with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaids, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or seriouallergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease a before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. top qualitlobster is all we catch. 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[ male announcer ] yes, you could business pro. yes, you could. go national. go like a pro. two of the most important are energy security aneconomic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project icanada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for oucountry's energy security and our economy. >> i'm harris falkner, the bottom of the hour, time for the top of the news. an earthquake hit off the coast of chile, it happened a short time ago. at this point there's no official tsunami issued. an estimated 7.2 quake has hit 20 miles north. one of the cities hit a couple of years ago. tomorrow, the supreme court is set to hear three day's worth of arguments over president obama's health care reform law. one of the issues they'll take up. the mandate. whether they'll mandate people to buy insurance by 2013. ruling not expected until june. and vice-president cheney, former, underwent a successful heart transplant. he had been on a wait list for nearly two years. a fox extreme weather alert. right now the threat of strong storms loomling and the possibility of even some twisters cannot be ruled out at this point. meteorologist maria molina is live for us in the extreme weather center. >> unfortunatelying, we're looking at another risk for severe weather for today. across portions of north carolina and this is the same system that yesterday brought areas of rain from the northeast all the way to the southeast and reports of tornados across areas as far west as southern illinois from the system. and still produce trouble out there. fortunately, right now we don't have any tornado watches or severe watches. localized severe weather occurred, across eastern north carolina. and some damaging wind gusts, but we have another system that we will be tracking coming up this work week and already producing trouble across areas of southern california with areas of rain around l.a. and off the mountainous snow that could top a foot or more over the sierras, and that's going to move to the northeast and produce weather along the areas of the northern plains, including north and south dakota as we head into tomorrow. large sized hail and isolated tornados possible yet again. something we're going to be tracking and that system keeps pushing eastward, tuesday into wednesday and looking at more severe weather along areas just south of the great lakes, but of course we'll keep tracking that, otherwise the big story tomorrow the extreme warmth that continues along the center of the country, temperatures well into the 80's, 80 degrees as far north as rapid city, warmer than in raleigh, carolina. at high at 76 degrees and unusual stuff going on there and across the northeast, the storm system that rolled on and cooler temperatures and guess what, guys, it's been very warm, we've had flowers bloom and crops out there and now looking at possibility of freeze, hard freezes going on across areas of ohio into the mid atlantic and that's coming up monday night into tuesday morning and temperatures are expected to dip into freezing. >> harris: a couple of degrees that hit me, 80 degrees in the central northern part of the country, a heatwave for them, seriously and severe weather is cause for concern and the freeze will bring relief to allergy sufferers, i imagine. >> as far as pollen goes. and raindrops take out some of the pollen particles from the air. if you get rain, don't do a whole lot of complaining, it's good for you guys. >> harris: a lot of people are suffering right now. maria, thank you very much. you may remember and maria just touched on the storms and where we're watching parts of the country today. there were areas of kentucky and indiana devastated a few weeks ago. and one catching the attention of someone across the country. henryville, indiana, she was protecting her children from the march twister when she was crushed by debris. doctors had to amputate her legs. and they were staying there and people are helping for the home. >> we were all ready to come out and help this morning. >> and bless them. some volunteers, including members of a high school baseball team, coached by stephanie's husband and stephanie's home gets revamped, we're learning the national weather service is having its own upgrade, a new type of radar that provides more accurate tornado forecasts and this hopefully will help save more lives. elizabeth in our atlanta wur bureau, with those storms there had been reports of people not hearing the sirens. >> and forecasters say it's an extra tool, and it will be at 161 sites across the nation, dual polarization. before the forecasters had to predict the storms looking at radar screens and predict the swift wind movements. and with the enhancers, they can see trees and 2 by 4's and parts of the buildings, up in the air and warnings can go out much more accurately. >> the radar sends out a horizontal and a vertical people of energy, so almost, you think of it like a cross hair and now more than just the size of the object, we're able to see the size, depth and variety of the object in the sky. >> current radar technology would see them set back to forecasters and very difficult for them to pinpoint exactly where the tornados were touching down, harris. >> what are forecasters saying about the technology? they're the ones who are going to have to work with it. they say it's another tool in the toolbox. specifically during the night tornados when they can be the most deadly, not only are people sleeping, but potters seem to be at home and not looking for funnel clouds so it's so dark. they will a more exact prediction when people are most vulnerable. >> we want to make sure we weren't saying severe thunderstorms capable of producing a tornado. we wanted to say at this point the tornado is on the ground. possibly strong tornado given this type of degree brie signature we're seeing. >> so far about 50 have been upgraded and like i mentioned more than 161 across the nation and forecasters say it will be updated by the end of the year and as far as cost is concerned. it will cost the taxpayer about 50 million dollars, but the forecast essay it's money well spent and saving a lot of lives. >> elizabeth. thank you very much. a mom of five beaten so severely she doesn't survive and police are looking at a possible hate crime. it's our top story as we go across america. california, a woman from iraq attacked by a tire iron in her own home in southern cal and one of her five children finding her unconscious and she's dead after days on life support and chris coming across a note, go back to your country, you terrorists. >> reports her husband previously worked as a private contractor for the the u.s. army, training soldiers deployed to the middle east. they recently moved there from michigan. >> they're terrific. i can't imagine something like that happening in san diego let alone my street and neighborhood. >> police are investigating the killing as a possible hate crime. oklahoma, the latest on this encounter at the will rogers world airport in oklahoma city last month. two officers now under investigation by their own department after they tased the guy. >> the arresting officer reports the man became combative and claims he was a cia agent there to meet newt gingrich and here they're seen dragging him face down across the floor. all charges have been dropped. florida, reduced to rubble in a matter of seconds. more than 500 pounds ever dynamite. it ounce housed the magic. and a future high-tech off complex now planned for the site. hawaii, hoop dreams for robots and their creators. 38 high school teams competing in the robotic march madness, just like the famous college tournament, this has the share of powerhouse teams and cinderella stories and not to mention a lot of heart. >> it's like a sporting event for nerds and the best robot out there. if you don't have the heart to go with it-- >> that's a fox watch across america. >> new questions about the man who admitted killing seven people in france, including three children. did he in fact have help? and scientists say it's the closest thing to being in space. well, without leaving earth. movie director james cameron, deeply involved on a mission. 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[ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! pope benedict xvi is wrapping up his trip to mexico, and to cuba. and a lot has changed in that time. the brother of long time dictator fidel castro, raul is now in charge. and our steve harrigan is live in havana, cuba. steve? >> harris, the pope is going to have two major outdoor masses here in cuba, the first in santiago. it could be up to 35500 people. despite the papal visit, things are very different this time around. ♪ >> pope benedict xvi begins his three-day visit to cuba with two goals, to mark the 400th anniversary of the country's patron saint, our lady of charity and solidify the position of the church in the only communist nation in the western hemisphere. his 14 years since the pope has come to cuba, a visit by pope john paul ii in 1998 hoped it could park changes as he had in eastern europe. >> expectations were high and a change dramatically and t that-- . >> reporter: although the church made several gains, expanding its charity and cuba, opening a new seminary outside of havana and having the church officials here at state controlled media, adopting a pragmatic approach with the cuban government. they've been criticized by some opponents of the castro regime. the pope is scheduled to meet with the cuban president and he may meet here in havana with fidel castro and it means for opponents of the castro regime. interest has been criticism of the visit before it's begun, harris. >> harris: we had a couple of technical glitches there, but steve is back with us and steve, i understand that venezuelan president hugo chavez is also in cuba right now? >> that's right, chavez has come again for health reasons to cuba, radiation therapy treatment for his cancer and he's already had three cancer operations here in cuba for an undisclosed form of cancer in his pelvis. the question about his treatment and sickners, how strong ahead of his reelection attempt this october in venezuela, harris. >> harris: all right. steve harrigan, havana, cuba. thank you very much. a possible accomplice, in france. and pakistan, as we go around the world in 80 seconds. france, charges filed against the brother of the admitted gunman who carried out the country's worst terror attacks in years. prosecutors saying the brother helped to plan the attack, that killed three jewish school children and a rabbi last week and three paratroopers. a silent march in paris remembering the seven victims. the gunman who claimed allegiance to al-qaeda killed in a standoff by police. pakistan, new protest over n.a.t.o.'s supply route into the afghanistan. pakistan closed its border to coalition forces after american air strikes accidentally killed 24 pakistani soldiers. and this week, pakistan's parliament begins debating whether to open the crossings. >> myanmar, suspending an election campaign tour after falling ill. her doctor ordering her to get some rest. she's 66 years old. a former noble peace lawyeriat, and a key test of reform. a fashion show you can taste. and it's frogs on disney princesses wait for it, chocolate. and beats a meat address. that's a fox trip around the world. and james cameron behind "titanic" and avatar. broke and deep sea record. the first human to drive alone to the deepest point. setting off solo deep in the pacific ocean. a lime green submarine, he designed. and mariona depth, enclosed in total darkness. 36,000 feet below the surface. this sound like one of his movies. he's expected to spend six hours that collecting samples and filmening 3-d. a the temperature a few degrees above freezing the pressure is so great it's like the weight of three suv's on your big toe. boy, i hope he got the instructions right on that vehicle he built. a little while ago sending a tweet from the ocean floor, just arrived at the ocean's deep heest point, hitting bottom never felt so good. can't wait to share what i'm seeing with you at deep challenge. wow. is it spying or the next step in going green. coming up, a closer look at smart meters and the big debate over having one of them in your home. plus, the highly anticipated film "the hunger games" making its box office debut this weekend and breaking at least one big record. [ male announcer ] any technology not moving forward is moving backward. [ engine turns over, tires squeal ] introducing the lexus enform app suite -- available now on the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. see your lexus dealer. there's no going back. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more pcessed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i kn is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. but i have this new smartphone. and now i can see everything more clearly. ♪ i can organize the analysis. sort through all the data. maybe even rattle some cages. i predict that i'm going to like the future. because the future is where i'll be serving up humble pie. a la mode. [ male announcer ] at&t introduces the samsung galaxy note. phone. tablet. both. ♪ >> i volunteer as tribute! >> have you seen this film yet. one of the hottest tickets, "the hunger games" breaking at least one record this weekend with the biggest opening outside of the summer in the holiday season and the third best debut behind the final hair i potter film. and "the hunger games" took in 155 million. and 21 jump street 21 million. dr. suess, the lorax. 13 million ab john carter and act of valor founding out the five. a big debate growing over the use of smart meters. special electronics meters that send information on your energy use to the provider. some hewlett providers using this technology and dozens of communities not liking it. protesting the meter, saying it's a violation of privacy. our casey stegall is in the los angeles bureau, casey. >> yes, harris, according to the market research company. three out of four electric meters in the country will be smart by 2016 you may have have one and millions are and running in multiple states. as they look at ways to upgrade the power grid. a smart meter replaces one and your business and transmits the energy use remotely. sound convenient? some customers say not so fast. >> i'd sell my house and move out of this house before i let them put one on there. >> long-term exposure to them. you just don't know what that's going to bring. >> and that's just a sample of the reaction coming out of nevada after nv energy, the state's largest energy provider to about 99% of the customers there, started rolling out these smart meters. 1.3 million of them. and customers fear the meters allow the utility company to spy on them. monitoring when they're home and health concerns have been brought up over the radio frequencies, they emit. but nv energy insists it's no he more than the devices most of us use already. . >> we do not collect any personal data on a customer. and then we're not allowed to provide that law in the state of nevada to any third parties or commercial purposes. so, this privacy issue is truly-- . >> reporter: now, president obama sees these as one of the next steps in going green. back in 2009 he pledged to have 60 million of these things stalled around the country so people can better track their energy use and also conserve when possible. >> stacey stegall. and one country's mistake is another's furious. and tiger's win. the first victory lap on the pga tour in three years. in the sunday red shirt. you go, tiger! >> sports is next. oh! 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Louisiana ,United States ,Kazakhstan ,Nevada ,California ,San Diego ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Connecticut ,West Virginia ,Mexico ,Santiago ,Regióetropolitana ,Chile ,Massachusetts ,Havana ,Ciudad De La Habana ,Cuba ,South Korea ,Henryville ,Indiana ,American University ,Germany ,North Carolina ,Texas ,Afghanistan ,Raleigh ,Kentucky ,Florida ,Rhode Island ,Illinois ,Virginia ,Wisconsin ,Oklahoma City ,Oklahoma ,Michigan ,Central Chile ,Chile General ,Mississippi ,Pakistan ,Iraq ,South Dakota ,Pennsylvania ,Jewish School ,North Korea ,Ohio ,France ,Paris ,Rhôalpes ,Venezuela ,Kuwait ,Hawaii ,Americans ,Venezuelan ,Pakistani ,Afghan ,German ,South Korean ,American ,Cuban ,Laura Mclennan ,Hugo Chavez ,George Zimmerman ,Jack Nicholas ,Trayvon Martin ,Steve Harrigan ,John Carter ,Jesse Jackson ,Tony Stewart ,Los Angeles ,Maria Molina ,Pacific Ocean ,Fidel Castro Raul ,Santorum Romney ,Casey Stegall ,Artis Brown America ,Stacey Stegall ,Harris Falkner ,James Cameron ,George W Bush ,Charles Schumer ,Dick Cheney ,Rick Santorum ,John Sander ,Newt Gingrich ,Fidel Castro ,

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