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Maybe its a nice present. I think the public ought to know maybe its a president where he all those meetings that pelosi sends me a beautiful vase as and schiff held in secret behind opposed to a missile test. Closed doors to remove a mike well ask the sunday panel dulyelected president that about the fragile state of u. S. , ought to be alarming to all americans whether you voted for north korean nations. All right now on this president or not, they would try to go behind closed Fox News Sunday. Doors to reverse the will of the people in the election. The whistleblower ought to be known and testify, that they mike hello, again. Tried to take out a it something happy new year from fox news in washington. President. Everybody in america has the the debate over parameters after right to face their accusers. Senate impeachment trial goes on why should the president be this holiday weekend. Denied that same constitutional President Trump spending it in right. Mike congressman Steve Scalise. Florida slamming House Speaker nancy pelosi in a series of join us on this holiday weekend. Tweets about the process which he calls very unfair. See you in the new year. In a moment well speak with the reaction from senator ben cardin number two republican in the on impeachment standoff and house, congressman Steve Scalise potential renewed arms race with but first, lets get the latest russia. From rich edson at the. President s maralago retreat in florida. Rich . Reporter mike, President Trump male announcer check out the after christmas sale is about halfway through his two week trip here in florida. The president is now working in daily criticisms of the House Speaker who led the effort to impeach him. She hates all of the people that voted for me and the republican party. Reporter she is trying to force Senate Republicans to allowance with in any impeachment trial. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is still withholding house passed impeachment articles delaying a at Bass Pro Shops and cabelas. Senate trial. With savings of up to 50 president says pelosi should on select mens and ladies clothing; focus on homelessness in footwear; california and face a primary fishing and marine gear; and toys. Challenge. The facts are clear, pelosi use your gift cards and take advantage of huge savings instore and online. Said, every witness told the same story, despite the ps attempt to cover it up President Trump abused power for his own personal bain. Defend our democracy. Democrats say if the president did nothing wrong Administration Officials should have no problem testifying. Give an answer why we shouldnt have wednesdays and documents. He hasnt given a good answer, plain and simple. Reporter pelosis saying impeachment in the house and delaying political trial, that impeachment is a political charade. Are not 2 3 of senators to convict and remove the president. We all know how it is. Reporter senator lisa merck kusky told a local tv station that she was disturbed to hear senator Mitch Mcconnell was closely coordinating with the white house on a trial strategy. Senate republicans are pushing for a quick trial. President wants a trial to examine joe bidens son hunters ties to ukraine. Biden is now clarifying saying that he would honor any legitimate request from congress, though he says subpoenas should go to those responsible for shaking down ukraine. He says that is the trump white house. Mike . Mike rich edson reporting live from maralago. Thank you. Joining me from louisiana, congressman Steve Scalise, the House Minority whip. Welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Good to be back with you, mike. Mike congressman, we want to begin with breaking news. Reports out of new york an intruder with large knife, perhaps even a machete attacked the home of a hasidic rabbi as they were celebrating hanukkah. Police arrested a suspect. Your reaction, sir. It is really alarming. Were seeing growing antisemitism, something we need to speak out against, people of all faiths. Whether a synagogue in mittsburg. Pittsburgh or home of orthodox rabbi, we need to stand up that it is wrong to attack people based on their faith and this antisemitism growing throughout the country. This is something we need to be alarmed about but not only stand up against. Mike is there a government response logical to this, to a wave of antisemitism weve seen in new york . I think our reaction needs to be quick and direct. That antisemitism is wrong. Attacks on people of faith are wrong. Regardless who is attacked well stand up against it. Not try to figure out who did it. That is Law Enforcements job. And Law Enforcement is doing a great job by the way to insure theyre getting the suspect. Too often in Washington People are trying to figure out somebodys motives instead of. Mike both republicans and saying it is wrong, call it out democrats in the senate are largely lining up behind a shorter impeachment trial but for what it is. Differ whether or not to call witnesses. Joining us now is democrat ben antisemitism is wrong. Cardin of maryland. Senator, welcome back to we need to speak out against it. Fox news sunday. It is popping up around the mike, good to be with you. Country more and more. We need to stand up to be vocal mike Senate Democratic leader united against it. Chuck schumer is arguing for mike as your role as one of top four witnesses in a senate trial with ties to the white house but republicans in house of representatives, what are your former Vice President joe biden expectations when congress will not testify in a Senate Returns . Will Speaker Pelosi cave and trial. Now he is saying he will obey send over the articles of any subpoena sent to him. Still bidens complaints about the process undermined leader impeachment quickly. The house passed it, they shouldnt have. Schumers negotiations with you look at what the evidence maas was, Speaker Pelosi wanted to the sole responsibility for the talk about the evidence, everyone of the witnesses trial. We have responsibility to have a fair trial. Testified under oath there was we need to hear from those who no crime, maybe no quid quid. Have the direct information maybe she is carrying out her about the president s call with own quid pro quo, acting if she the president of ukraine about has some role in the senate the holding up of a president ial trial. They had a weak case. Meeting, about holding up of i think she knows they had a weak case. There was no evidence or crime aid. Those witnesses need to be heard committed. In the United States senate. I think what leader assumer is yet they want to impeach the president to appease the radical base. That is what it is about from saying lets have at least those the beginning. Witnesses testify along with the they rejected a agenda for the documents that would reflect hardworking families by the exactly why the funds were held way. You see pelosi exposing the fact up. Why a meeting was not allowed she has no case and trying to with the president of ukraine, exactly the context of the july have one more bite at apple. Phone call. They will talk about more i think that is a minimum for impeachments next year. How about they focus on lowering the fair trial in the United States senate. Mike isnt the reality, drug prices, securing our senator, that democrats had all the power and leverage in the border, doing an infrastructure house but very little of it in package they could have done in the senate, just another example bipartisan way . Of how painful it is to be the they dont want to do any of that. They have become the party of Minority Party . Well, in the house of course impeachment. They have obsession with this the president chose not to carrying out political vendetta cooperate but worse than that, against the president at least he told the key witnesses not to working with him to get things testify before the United States done. At least President Trump is working for families, creating congress. He refused allow documents to be jobs, getting economy booming. Higher wages in peoples produced. Paychecks. That is what we should be never before in impeachment inquiry hassed that been done by focused on. Mike do you believe speaker the president of the United States. So, you had, unusual pelosi overreaching by trying to circumstances in the house. The senate now has its influence a senate trial . It is not her role to go over responsibility. The house has sole to the senate. Responsibility on impeachment. She can run for the senate if the senate on removal. It is our responsibility, we she wants to be a senator. The house has a role. Would hope that our leader would the senate has a role. Time for the senate to do their job. Want the senate to operate in for months she was saying how important it is weve got to fair manner and hear from key witnesses and receive key remove the president immediately. He is threat to their whole way documents. Alabama senator doug jones is of life. Seen as most endangered democrat once they pass the impeachment, she doesnt want the senate to in the senate next year. Jones says he is focused on get the papers to start the doing his job during an trial. They cant have it both ways. Impeachment trial. People see through the charade. If i its a political charade. A pure political argument all this is not what our founders you would need is a computer to intended for impeachment to be used for. Mash a button. That is not what this country is they wrote about it. Hamilton talked very specifically about the concern about, not what the founders that impeachment would be used to carry out a political intended, not what i intend to do. Mike you said the process vendetta instead of to go after cannot be controlled by politics a crime. There was no crime committed. But with jones up for no now all theyre doing is just reelection in ruby red alabama, trying to attack the president personally because their field doesnt that make it difficult is so weak on the democrat side. To win back the majority . The president has done such a great job at fulfilling his let the politics play out. Promises. Things he ran on doing. We have a constitutional responsibility this is one of our solemn responsibilities, i wish barack obama and impeachment process, so we have to do what is right under the joe biden stood up to russia and constitution. Well take a separate oath at helped ukraine as much ukraine, beginning of the trial to act as selling javelin missiles, impartial juror. That is our responsibility. Allowing them to stand up to we need to do that at the same russia in ways that barack obama time i agree with senator jones, and joe biden wouldnt allow we need to continue to do the ukraine to do. Mike looking ahead you said business of people of this Mitch Mcconnell will run a country. Fair trial in the senate but unfortunately the house sent us hundreds of bipartisan bills on alaska senator lisa muster health, education, labor, public safety, leader mcconnell has not bought any bills up on the floor of the senate. That was this year. Next year i hope that he will murkowski talking about the how allow to us take up these the senate would run the trial. Important issues so that we can she doesnt seem convinced,. Deal deal with the other issues Chuck Schumer made comments that are important to people of the country. In the past few weeks that mike get specific. Constructed things Chuck Schumer look ahead. Things are polarized with as candidate for senate for impeachment on the hill. What do you think realistically 1998. He was running in a platform in can get done in the election part of acquitting by clinton year up coming . Well we have to deal with the when he got to vote against key issues. Impeachment in the house, went we have to deal with over to the senate and voted against impeachment there. So in the end, look, the Senate Prescription drug costs. Cct a fair trial. With very to deal with i have confidence in infrastructure. They are important issues. Mitch mcconnell doing that i heard Steve Scalise talk about there was not a fair trial in that we have to deal with labor rights, we have to deal with minimum wage. We have to deal with the literally shutting down the ability for the minority to even environment. These are issues passed in the have a day of hearings which is United States of house of required under house rules. Representatives sitting on they broke that rule. Mitch mcconnells desk. Mike you sit on the foreign they broke a lot of rules to ram relations committee. Through this impeachment north korea promised the united charade, just because they have states a Christmas Gift. A political vendetta against the it hasnt come so far. President. He didnt commit a crime. What are the concern so far their star witnesses said under oath when asked, can you name an about more provoke tiff behavior Impeachable Offense . Was there any bribery . From the the regime. Everyone of them said no yet north korea is a nuclear they stillody knows it will endn acquittal. What they havent done, is power. Import they have the power to produce a prices. Nuclear weapon. We passed a bill unanimously out of the committee. The meetings between the two every republican and democrat leaders have not reduced the voted to lower drug prices. Kim jongun i want to see make a families would be paying lower full declaration of his nuclear prices because the president Weapon Program and make a would sign the bill. Pelosi wont bring it to the commitment to start dismantling that. Floor because of impeachment. We havent seen any of that mike Richard Blumenthal said during the trump administration. Mike china, russia, iran are there are five to six republicans with severe engaged in military exercises in the gulf of oman and indian misgivings about senate ocean. They started four days of strategy. Does delay bring out more exercises on friday. Concerns . People can question strategy. Iranian officials said they people might have own tactics serve as signal between beijing, when they go about it. Every impeachment when you had a moscow and tehran reached a new republican, divided house and senate with the white house they level. How alarming do you find that. Have always negotiated with the white house to have a fair extremely alarming. Process. Were seeing russia is that i think is what is missing continuing the military in this. There was never an attempt by alliances with countries very the speaker to have any kind of much against our interests. Only reason the president negotiation on a fair process with the white house t was done imposed sanctions against russia with a Republican House and a for its behavior in regards to democrat president under ukraine, behavior in regards to clinton. Our own elections was because it was done with the democrat house and republican president congress in a bipartisan manner under nixon. Passed very strong sanction they negotiated fair terms and bills against russia. Process so that you could have a now we find that russia is fair trial. They didnt have that in the starting to operate with iran, house. It was very clear that pelosi with china. Didnt want a fair process in where is the Republican Leadership in congress to say the end it will end in no, well stand up to russia, acquittal. Well stand up to iran, well why dont we focus on real things that matter for hardworking families. Mike leader mcconnell doesnt stand up to china, to make sure sound like he is in rush. This military threat against the President Trump is down in United States is held in check. Were not seeing that. Maralago stewing s there tension there . I dont think there is mike meanwhile russian tension. I think the president has been president Vladmir Putin is focused on delivering for boasting about a new hyper son families. We just before we left were finally able to get the usmca trade agreement passed t should son hypersonic weapon that have been passed months ago. Can evade American Defense by the way, mike that was systems. Do you believe the hype. Something that could have i would take that very created 160,000 jobs for workers acroir c time going after him personally because seriously. They dont like him. The president wants to embrace, as he said, they dont like the people who voted for him which i president putin and president xi think is a bigger concern that theyre missing. I think those people will speak of china. This is ridiculous. Out again in 2020 and reelect they are enemies of the United States. President trump and send in a they are trying to bring down our system of government. Republican house because they we have to take their threats dont want the house spending all of its time carrying out seriously and protect our national interests. Mike there are public reports political vendettas. They should work for the to suggest that the united families that President Trump is states is behind the russians in working and delivering for. The hopes to deploy our mike how do you take fight to 31 House Democrats in districts hypersonic system by 2020, which some say is optimistic. President trump won . You got to go back and just do you find that troubling, sir . Continue to talk about the what the United States should be in leadership is to try to things that we would do if we were in the majority, actually calm things down globally. Delivering for the same families we are the leader of the free that expect congress to be world. It is in our interests to not working for them, not fighting over their own personal power in only enga in arms agreements washington. I think that is what you see this about. They still dont like the fact that in 2016 donald trump got with russia but expand them. Not only have a elected. Theyre trying to reverse and nonproliferation policy but a negate the votes of millions of policy that will reduce the people who elected donald trump amount of arms around the world, as our president. And theyre trying to reelectede particularly nuclear weapons. So it is concerning that our intermediate arms agreement, inf, the president is withdraw from that. We have new s. T. A. R. T. With russia deals with the nuclear weapons. What is the future of that . We need u. S. Leadership to engage the international community, make it safer for all. Mike senator, there has been awful news out of new york of an intruder with a knife attacking a hasidic rabbi hanukkah celebration. Your reaction what appears to be the latest in a wave of antisemitic attacks in the new york area . Mike, this is extremely tragic. I am the representative for antisemitism for organization for security and cooperation in europe for parcelmenttry assembly. I serve on the u. S. Holocaust memorial museum. We see a rise of antisemitism globally. What is first required leaders must stand up to condemn any marginal, any action against marginal groups. It is not only words, it is actions, to make it clear that those responsible will be held fully accountable, that we Work Together to keep our communities safe but it is our language, it is our actions. This, rise here in the United States is something that should be of concern to every person in this country. Mike Governor Andrew Cuomo is on the scene there in new york. He is calling it a act of domestic terrorism. Do you agree with that assessment, sir . I do. I think these individuals are acting not just out of hatred towards one person but hatred towards anyone who is different. To me that is what terrorism is about. I agree with governor cuomo. This is act of domestic terrorism. Happy new year to you. See you back on the hill. Thanks. Mike. Up next we bring in the sunday group to discuss the impeachment standoff and democrats in congress and President Trump. clapping sound of can hitting bag and bowl clapping always there in crunch time. We have a slogan in america. At the core of our justice it is called speedy and, speedy and fair trial. We have the majority and now they want mcconnell to do wonderful things for them. He is going to do what he wants to do. Im not anxious to have the trial. If she wants to hold the papers go right ahead. Mike Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell making a push for the Senate Senator mcconnell declares a talks at impasse. Time for the sunday group. Former congressman jason chaffetz, marie harf, foxnewspolitics. Com editor chris stirewalt, great to have you all jason you heard congressman scalise and senator cardin talking impeachment. Do you expect Speaker Pelosi to essentially cave when Congress Returns in a week or so. It is interesting to me the democrats are asking with critical documents. It starts with presenting the articles into the United States senate. Im shocked, if you really look at it, what you have is this unique position where the accused, trillion trump and republicans, they actually want to start this process where the, those that are making the accusations nancy pelosi, adam schiff and the like, they wont even send over the documents so they can start that process. I think theyre poll testing it. I think the democrats are holding this back for a reason but it doesnt serve our country very well. Mike chuck, you had Vice President biden saying im not going to testify in a senate trial. Then he kind of backpedal ad bit, of course i will comply with a subpoena. Is he hurting leader schumers ability to negotiate with Senate Majority leader mcconnell . I dont think so. I think he ended up where he should have started saying, namely saying well cross the bridge when we come to it. If they present me with legitimate process i will probably obey it. What it illustrates this whole business of impeachment is little bit after driveby shooting for joe biden because his name and hunters keep getting dragged into it. On the question about Nancy Pelosis strategy here, you know, i started out thinking this was a little too clever by half on her part. I sort of see what she is up to. She is trying to see if she can sow a Little Division in republican ranks. Giving Mitch Mcconnell and donald trump saying slightly Different Things about the process. Lisa murkowski came out as kind of a wild card. She is keeping her options to see how this develops. Of course that is all political stuff. Not exactly thenal part but as leader mcconnell is fond of saying its a political process. Mike chris, as we watch the house, democrats didnt seem too concerned whether republicans were getting anything or anything they wanted in terms of impeachment processes. Is there any reason to believe that leader mcconnell is going to give schumer anything . If he has to. There in your clips and quips there, the key sentence donald trump said, Mitch Mcconnell will do whatever he wants. That is what the president of the United States, speaker of the house, knows the truth. Mitch mcconnell is the one who will get to decide this. What pelosi is doing applying maximum pressure right now on mcconnell to try to drive a wedge between him and trump. Because trump and his squad want total chaos, right . They want absolute pandemonium. They want matt gaetz swinging from the chandeliers on the senate side to make it just as wild ado as possible and drag joe biden in, drag hundreder biden in, do the whole thing. That is what team trump want. Think dont want to pass 40 bad votes on susan collins, thom tillis, every vulnerable senator. How long pelosi can keep it up i doesnt know. Mike do you expect tension to bubble over . She will keep putting fire crackers in their shoes. Well see what happens. Mike marie, Foreign Policy background, russians, chinese, iranians, doing military exercises right now that alliance. North koreans promising this Christmas Gift. What is troubling you most at this point . I was think about this question this morning. A lot of things trouble me as we go into 2020. Obviously the alliance in the exercises, iran working closely with russia and china. A lot of countries working separately from the United States. Whether it is on climate change. Whether on iran negotiations. The United States has been on island because of a lot of President Trumps rhetoric and a lot of his behavior. Im worried about what iran will do. If there is potential for conflict there. If that is the negotiations arent handled well. They are really only negotiations in name right now. There is not a lot of movement there. I would say the same about north korea. The final issue, which knit isnt a Foreign Policy issue. The fed put out a report that President Trump put in place cost manufacturing jobs. Caused prices to be higher. Caused job losses in many sectors. That is Foreign Policy issue and donald trump will have to grapple with heading into 2020. All of those things make me concerned n the Foreign Policy world there is always prospect of something we dont know, right . Some crisis, something we dont foresee. We cant foresee with so Many Political division here at home how we handle a crisis right now, how the president would handle it, feel concerning to a lot of people. Mike jason. Somebody who worked for senator kerry, as secretary of state kerry i could understand that you would feel that way. I tell you, those of us are supportive of what the president is doing look to china and the fact that were making progress on a trade deal with china does bode well, not only with our negotiations and work with north korea, but also around the world. And the usmca makes us stronger in this hemisphere than ever. So the president has a lot to point to. The world has been fairly calm, cool and collective. Things can blow up in a moment. It is concerning with the iranians are going to do in such close proximity there in the gulf of oman. I got to tell you, i think the president has scored a lot of victories. He was able to plus up the defense budget. He is doing the space force which is important fories. That concerns the russians. So the president does have another side to this story. Mike chuck, are you concerned about the North Koreans perhaps ending this moratorium . We saw this president take a different approach than some of his predecessors by talking directly with the north korean leader. Thoughts on north korea at this stage . I guess back in april kim jongun announced like we need something by the end of the year. He was kind of getting a little perplexed i guess about this on again, off again thing President Trump was throwing at them. Negotiations have essentially gone no where since then. We get the idea of the Christmas Gift which didnt quite come. There is end of year deadline to be followed by january 1st annual address by kim he will announce all sorts of new policies. It was interesting this week he sort of prepared the north korean ruling party with a big event where they talked about the hardships they may have to go through next year. Which tells me theyre perhaps preparing for the sanctions not being lifted because they themselves do something that the u. S. Cant ignore that will be regarded as provocative but i think, you know, like Everything Else with north korea. They talk, they often talk very tough. They often talk very bellicose terms. Then kind of underdeliver. With both iran and north korea, their programs or missiles or Nuclear Programs progressed over the last year because these negotiations havent gone anywhere. There have been a number of missile tests in north korea. Thats right. I think 13 this year. Mike so chris, heading into a president ial Election Year when the entire house is on the ballot and much of the senate, will it take a significant Foreign Policy crisis to get everybodys attention, to get everybody kind of refocused and not so hyperpartisan . One of the things i love most about the american electorate it could care less about Foreign Policy unless it hurts them, their family or their lives immediately. American voters one of the reasons weve been able to have or used to have for so long broad bipartisan consensus on big Foreign Policy issues it doesnt move voters particularly whether they have this or that meeting or this treaty or that treaty. Not that big of a deal. Until americans are dying or gas prices go up or there is some disruption in their lives American Voters tend to ignore it but for partisans sometimes hard to take advantage of the opportunity of actually working together. It is interesting, were in the middle of the longest war in American History in afghanistan. We still have troops fighting and dying there, talk about when it hits home. There are real negotiations that have some promise there. That is a thing to watch in 2020 whether we can bring home our troops, some of whom were born after the attacks of 9 11 and fighting in afghanistan. We dont talk about it enough. Mike an Army Sergeant was killed christmas eve. His transfer happened Christmas Day. The taliban claimed responsibility for it. Tough negotiations there. Panel we have to take a break here. When we come back, just a little over a month to the first of the nation vote. Well discuss Amy Klobuchars pitch to rural america. Whether iowa could swing back blue in 2020. When we were looking for a roommate, he wanted someone super quiet. Yeah, and he wanted someone to help out with chores. So, we got jeanpierre. But one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with renters insurance. Yeah, geico did make it easy to switch and save. Oh no. Theres a wall there now. Thats too bad. Visit geico. Com and see how easy saving on renters insurance can be. Verizons important to us because we facetime with her grandparents all the time. vo when you have the best network, you want to give the best network. Feliz navidad laughs vo this holiday, you can gift americas most Reliable Network and the latest iphone. I would probably give it to her grandparents, so they can take tons of photos. My mom is amazing. If i got her one of these for christmas, shed be freakin out. vo now, buy the latest iphone and get iphone 11 on us. And apple music is included. With plans starting at just 35. shrieks yeah, exciting. vo happy holidays from the network that gives you more. I want to tell you how excited we are to have made all 99 counties today. Every county in iowa. [applause] but the point of this, you should learn something about me, i kept my promise. Mike senator Amy Klobuchar trying to break into the top tier of the democratic race, giving voters in iowa a second look by visiting all the Hawkeye States 99 counties. Were back with the panel. Look at real clear politics average of polls in the the Hawkeye State with Amy Klobuchar running fifth, even though she campaigned in all 99 counties. Is away makeorbreak for this midwestern senator . Probably. A lot of voters look at joe biden, but with a moderate younger, more speed on their fastball because theyre concerned bernie and Elizabeth Warren cannot win a general election. Someone like amy has to do well in iowa. She is from the midwest. Iowa is not necessarily makeorbreak necessarily. Ask president santorum or president huge huckabee wins show how iowa wins mean in the primary r. Voters are looking for someone can win an general election. Theyre married biden left and mayor pete cant and far left candidates. Amy klobuchar may be the one to benefit from it. Mike foxnewspolitics. Com editor, mayor pete is leading in iowa in the polling according to average. How many tickets out of iowa are there. Depend who. Big danger joe biden, somebody wins iowa and New Hampshire and it aint him. Amy klobuchar won iowa and Bernie Sanders won New Hampshire thats fine. Regional favorites and on and on, biden by super tuesday, stretch his legs go out be a National Candidate and win. The banker for biden, somebody like buttigieg, wins iowa, finds a way in New Hampshire where he led in polls recently. That sets biden up for trouble. Puts biden in same position in a lot of ways Hillary Clinton was with barack obama in 2008. Iowa means more for democrats than republicans. Republicans it is one off. For democrats, barack obama, john kerry, others know this is launchpad into success. Mike biden has super High Expectations and challenge to meet them, right . Absolutely. Overlaid with the concern that he continues to mishandle things like, will i testify in front of course youre going to testify in front of the senate, mr. Former president of the senate. The fact that it takes him so long to get to the obvious answer should be disquieting to democrats. Mike chuck, Elizabeth Warren fundraising dipped about 30 in the Fourth Quarter from 24. 6 million to 17 million. The rcp average she is running fourth in iowa and New Hampshire. Are voters in that left lane of the Democratic Party choosing senator Bernie Sanders over her . I think actually there is sort of a maybe like a split not as much interchangeability between warren and sanders voters as we thought. There arele to those voters i suppose. She said i am a capitalist. He is out there saying socialist. That sent a signal. I dont think they are interchangeable as much as we thought. Seems like more that warren kind of soared as somebody lapping over into the nonleft lane for a while. Then she lost some of that to Pete Buttigieg when he came up. I mean his rise is really a Pretty Amazing story of 2019. No one really saw that coming but that also makes you think that perhaps he is volatile . That if Amy Klobuchar will move up, might be by taking votes away from buttigieg. Buttigieg is the alternative. A lot of people have picked, all tern tough to biden, because they thought was too old. The alternative to others, warren and sanders because he is too left. Klobuchar can do that. He is starting to take fire. People are going negative onim f some of his voters. Mike how do you think Biden Campaign folks are feeling . There is Great Expectations obviously. Do you think theyre playing long game at this point, thinking eventually he will get the mojo if he doesnt get a win off the bat . I think they have to be reasonably happy actually with how well he held on to basically frontrunner status, despite all the inevitable gaffes that you get with joe biden. He has a bedrock of support in africanAmerican Voters. Large extent latino voters the key to the democratic base. If he rolls up a big win in South Carolina after iowa and New Hampshire, i think. Which is very foreseeable he would be in good shape. Mike speaking of latino voters mayor pete is talking, trying to break in with latino voters. Talking about a path to citizenship, doing something on that in the first 100 days. He is also tweeting on Christmas Day about jesus saying today, i join millions around the world in celebrating the arrival of divinity on earth, who came into the world not in riches, but in poverty. Not as a citizen but as a refugee. That got of changes after lot of christian leaders. Jason your thought on mayor petes pitch to latinos. He is doing a lot of pandering lately, no doubt about it. I dont think he can run all the way to the finish line. I think he will do well in iowa. He has to. If he cant win in iowa where is he going to actually win. I think there is room for two, maybe three people that are coming out of iowa but i got to tell you, i do not see, i think the big story there is that the democrats dont just neatly line up behind each other when they start dropping. That far left radical aoc, Bernie Sanders, party, they dont neatly get behind say, a joe biden moving forward. I think there is a lot of animosity there, a lot of resistance there. When you have Michael Moore this week say that he felt like joe biden was sort of the Hillary Clinton of the year, i just dont feel the energy that you felt with barack obama. You could just sense the intangibles that they were coalescing around somebody. Here we are, something about 35 days away from iowa. We really dont know who the top, in the top five who will pull it out. Mike marie, are you stunned by Bernie Sanderss comeback . Not that long ago he had a heart attack in middle of the campaign. People thought he may not have the endurance to go further in the campaign. He seems to be a doing a better with a lot of left voters. He is hanging in there. Donald trump said you could survive things politically you never thought you could in the past including a heart attack during the president ial campaign. Im not concerned 35 days out from iowa we dont have a quick frontrunner. These process play out that are helpful for the party. Im glad my party doesnt fall in line who the frontrunner. Im glad were having a debate in the party how we fund healthcare, deal with the military, how we protect our country. Those debates are good. I want voters to stay focused on number one priority that is to beat donald trump. If joe biden is the nominee, i hope democratic voters and independents voted for democrats in 2018, even moderate republicans helped us take back the house, those principles apply as they to the president ial election in places like iowa, democrats took a number of house seats. It will be a key state in the president ial election. All of those same issues were fighting over whether prescription drugs, whether national security, those will all be on the ballot. It will be very interesting to see how those play out especially someone like Elizabeth Warren who is more far left. Mike chuck, what if an impeachment trial drag as bit. A bunch of senators would like to be in places like iowa and New Hampshire. Part of me wonders if in the back of her mind nancy pelosi is trying to hold this thing off until the iowa caucuses. We havent seen any evidence, that would be unintended consequence of not filing impeachment papers until early february, when the state of the union takes on. It will be a bump in the road if there is impeachment trial in january. Bernie sanders, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren on the toptier. People like michael bennet, cory booker would have to sit there literally silent. Those are the rules of the senate. Anything somebody running for president hates having to be silent. Mike right. This whole impeachment debacle is taken, sucked all the energy, all the attention away from these candidates who are out there supposedly talking about these issues. You never see that on the news. It is a total distraction. They are not getting the name recognition that they need going into iowa and beyond. I think that is really hurting them. The conversation on the ground in iowa to your point, jason is very different. People on the ground are not talking about impeachment. Theyre talking about the fact democrats in the house passed 400 bills, including on prescription drugs, including on usmca Mitch Mcconnell is not moving. Elizabeth warren is not talking about impeachment on campaign trail. We met with mayor Pete Buttigieg at the post, one thing he did say, people out in iowa are not asking him a whole lot about impeachment on the road. I do think there is a way in which generally mixes up the messages of the Democratic Party. Although to be sure it does fortify the base. Biden is net winner out of this. The impeachment stuff is bad for him, talks about his sons sketchy conduct. It is good for him. Keeps focus off the race. That is good. If youre the frontrunner less attention paid to the race. That is why sy going wiretowire. Mike thank you, panel. See you next sunday. Up next we visit a few of the interesting people who were power players of the week in 2019. burke a rock and wreck. Seen it. Covered it. At farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum mike most sundays at this time you find Chris Wallace here sharing Inspiring Stories who he met in and around washington. 2019 brought particularly memorable encounters. Here are a few highlights of this years power players of the week. Chris is this a dream come true . You will talk. I will slide. A dream come true, chris. Something weve wanted for a long time here. It is for the fans of d. C. Who have been great for us. It is for everything good about the game. Very proud families and proud men who are not going to beg. Chris Lisa Marie Riggins is talking about fair, fairness for athletes in retirement. A nonprofit she helped set up for last year to advocate for former football players. She has the support of hall of famers like dick butkus, Franco Harris and her husband john riggins. Im getting by all right for now. A lot of guys out there are not. They deserve a little better than what weve shown. I will get tremendous satisfaction knowing, that there are at least 4500 players and their families that will have a check that they earned, that is commensurate with their contributions, that something will improve their quality of life, it will be a thanks for everything that they did. They were not forgotten. They are not ignored. They are honored. I could not continue to have my family in my life and be in any way respectful of myself. Chris cara is describing her journey. The story she tells in educated. Its a remarkable but painful account that has captivated hundreds of thousands of readers. Cara grew up in bucks peek, idaho, one of seven children. Her dad was mormon survivalist. Never went to grade school or high school. Why not . He thought if we went to school we would be brainwashed. Chris what is your birthday . I dont know my birthday. Chris her pham sy said academic success became at expense of her soul . That tension for a lot of years idea of myself as a whore and idea as a scholar was very difficult to reconcile. Chris robert karo, spent half his life telling life of lindh dont johnson. Four books, he is only up to 1964. Not yet to vietnam. He took us into the office. Ought line of my last volume, from here, there, end of the book over there. Chris if you should be unable, for whatever reason to finish the book, have you made provisions for somebody else . I made provisions nobody else can finish my book. Nobody will publish anything in my name that i didnt write. Not a word i might not be a good, not outsing everybody. Im going to out work you. Chris at age 58 toby keith slowed down. He says his music doesnt sell as much. I am not going to write that stuff, sure. Chris if the staff at Fox News Sunday is any sign. He still has his fans. And his music be that will last forever. Well raise up our glasses against evil forces singing whiskey for my man beer for my horses. Chris that is pretty good stuff. Give me a guitar. Well do a whole mike mike fantastic stories. Cant wait to see what power players are in store for next year. And a program note, tonight you can see chris on a special Fox News Sunday power player hall of fame at 7 p. M. Eastern on fox news channel. And thats it for today. Have a great week, and well see you next Fox News Sunday. Eric we have a fox news alert, at let two people are dead, shot to death after a gunman if opened fire at a church in texas, and police say the suspected shooter was taken down. Were interrupting the journal editorial report with this breaking news update. Im eric shawn. Laura and im laura ingle. The shooting happened near fort worth, police saying there are multiple victims at least one in critical condition. Christina coleman has the very latest from our west coast bureau. Hi, christina. Reporter hi, laura. The suspect and a victim have both died, and a third person is in critical condition. He suffered cardiac arrest and is in the hospital a

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