With congressman Steve Scalise, the number two republican in the house, whos calling for the whistleblower who set off the inquiry to testify, and jim himes, a top democrat on the intelligence committee. Then, President Trump overrules military leaders, clearing three soldiers accused who were convicted of war crimes. I think it sends a clear signal that the president of the United States paying attention. Chris well ask our sunday panel what it means for the military justice system. And our power player of the week. Did you really make half a billion dollars . I did. Made more than that. Reporter Country Music star toby keith on his rise to the top and taking on his critics, all right now on Fox News Sunday. Chris and hello again from fox news in washington. Its been a big week in the impeachment hearings, and this coming week promises to be more explosive. Foreign Service Officers testified about what they saw as President Trump setting a condition. Ukraine would not get military aid unless it promised to investigate democrats and the bidens. But so far their evidence has been second or even thirdhand. On on ambassador gore son sondland will be the first person who takes us inside the oval office. In a moment, well speak with the number two republican in the house, Steve Scalise, and congressman jim himes a top democrat on the intelligence committee. But first, lets bring in kevin corke with the latest from the white house. Reporter the white house says the musings of career diplomats about a phone call whose transcript weve alreadien seen are meaningless, but critics argue taken in the combined whole, their assessesment paints a troubling picture of possible improif priority or worse. In closed door testimony to congressional investigators, david holmes the political counsel at the u. S. Embassy in ukraine testified that he was at a restaurant in kiev on july 26th when he overheard the president s phone conversation with ambassador Gordon Sondland. Holmes said he heard the president say to sundayland, so hes going to do the investigation, so which sondland replieded, hes going to do it. The he ukraines president zelensky and the it is to investigate joe biden and his son hunter. If true, the story, say democrats, say there was a quid pro quo for military aid aid. Jennifer will yims listened in, she found the president s insistence that ukraine carry out the investigations to be, quote, unusual and inappropriate. And tim morrison, who was a National Security council aide testified that sondland led the effort to get ukraine to reopen an investigation into the bidens. This week williams, morrison and sunday will all testify sundayland will all testify publicly on capitol hill. By the way, in a political loss for the president last night, John Bel Edwards won in louisiana. Ed . Chris . Chris kevin corke, thank you. Joining us now from louisiana, the number two republican in the house, congressman Steve Scalise. Congressman, welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Chris, good morning. Good to be back with you. Chris and well talk about that louisiana election in a little bit, but i want to start with david holmes. Hes the official that kevin just mentioned, the american official in ukraine who says he overheard a conversation between the president and Gordon Sondland on july 26th, the day after President Trump and president zelensky spoke. Holmes told members of congress in his sworn testimony he asked whether the president cares about ukraine. He says sondland told him mr. Trump only cares about big stuff that benefits the president like the biden investigation. Doesnt that contradict the president s story, sir . All the president cared about was going after the bidens . Well, if that was the case, then President Trump wouldnt have done all of the things that hes done to help ukraine stand up to russia. And, in fact, on the original zelensky phone call that was released, president zelensky was with thank President Trump for the things hes done like selling the javelin missiles which helped them. By the way, barack obama and joe biden would not sell ukraine those same javelin missiles and would not chris sir, all of that is true. I mean, your statement of the record is accurate, but the difference is between the april phone call and the july phone call President Trump had us pepped military suspended military aid, 391 million in aid that the u. S. Congress, you, had helped, had authorized. The president suspended that, and the question is did he suspend it because all he cared about was investigating the bidens . No. And, in fact, part of what congress appropriated had language attached to it that required that the administration make sure that ukraine s rooting out corruption because there were elections during that same period you just mentioned x. Zelensky got elected on a platform of rooting out corruption, which were glad about, but nobody really knew if he was going to follow through, and because of ukraines history of corruption, the law required before any taxpayer money go to ukraine, the president had to insure that theyre rooting out corruption which, ultimately, they did. The money was released and he got the money he needed. Chris but both in the april and july phone calls, President Trump never mentions the word corruption. What he talks about is investigates; investigations of the democrats, possible interference in 2016, investigations into the bidens and burisma, and the phone call that david holmes overheard on july 26th, he says what the president asked was is he going to do the investigations. Well, and again, we can talk about second and third and fourth information of people who ultimatelyily are going to testify. You can hear it from them on wednesday. But what the facts are, did the money actually go to ukraine, and even on the phone call with President Trump and president zelensky, they talked about the steps that ukraine is taking to root out corruption. It was something that zelensky got elected on, a platform of doing everybody knew that ukraine had problems with corruption going back to possible interference that russia also was involved in in the 2016 election. Chris well, youve set up the big witness this week, which is on wednesday ambassador Gordon Sondland is going to testify. So far republicans have complained, and theyre right that all of the evidence has been sechand or thirdhand secondhand or thirdhand. Somebody who talked to the president told me or told somebody who talked to the witness. But thats not true for Gordon Sondland according to what nsc officials have testified. We saw the transcript yesterday. Gordon sondland met directly with the president at least a half dozen times during this period. If he and here is what he said. He corrected his testimony on september 1st with a top aide in which he said i said the resumption of u. S. Aid would not would likely not occur until ukraine provided the public anticorruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks. Congressman scalise, if Gordon Sondland who met with the president a half dozen times this summer testifies on wednesday, yep, the president said to me were not releasing the aid until they announce theyre going to investigate the bidens and burisma, doesnt that blow a hole in the president s defense . Well, the president s defense is that those things didnt happen. And its not just the president s word. President zelensky himself said that the aid wasnt conditioned and there was no pressure. And then because of some of these innuendos that youre talking about, the foreign minister of ukraine just a few days ago release another saint saying there was never a link between aid and investigations. And once again, there were only two people that participated in that phone call. It was donald trump and president zelensky. Both of them were very happy with the phone call chris but, sir and the real bottom line is he got the money. Ukraine got the money. Chris well, first of all, a dozen people listened in on the phone call, and a number of them were immediately upset because what the president said about burisma well, those were schiffs witnesses chris no, sir, theyre career foreign Service Officers, and these are people who work in the schiffs witnesses. There are other witnesses chris you had a woman yesterday wait a minute [inaudible conversations] sir, you had a woman yesterday who was on Vice President pences staff. She said it was inappropriate. You had tim morrison who was on the nsc staff who said that he, alarm bells with immediately went off for him. Alexander vindman immediately went to see you say theyre schiffs witnesses, they all were working in the Trump Administration. But let me get back to they were not all Trump Administration folks. Chris are you saying that the person working, Alexander Vindman wasnt well, the Inspector General [inaudible conversations] the Inspector General said that the whistleblower had political motivations. Chris and [inaudible] were not talking about the whistleblower. Were talking about morrison and were youve seen our list of who weve asked to testify chris but im asking you about these people who worked in the Trump Administration, who work for the trump National Security council or work for the Vice President s office. This is the important this is an important point, chris. There are a lot of people who worked in the Trump Administration who have very countering views to that, and theyve not been allowed to come toward. So its nice that some people can say one thing about a thirdhand information phone call, theres Something Else that other people can counter that with, and they havent been allowed to come forward. Ultimately, President Trump and president zelensky were on the call, both of them said nothing was wrong. The foreign minister just came out a few days ago to say there was never a link chris he, incidentally, was not on the call either. But if i could go back to Gordon Sondland. If Gordon Sondland tells him the president told him condition aid to ukraine on investigating the bidens, are you going to say that hes wrong, that hes lying . Look, i know you been asking and others have asked hypothetical questions. Lets talk in reality. Why dont we look at the three witnesses who actually did testify this week. All three of them were asked by, whether it was John Ratcliffe or whether it was chris stewart, all three of them were asked did you see any impeachable offenses, did you see any bribery, any of that. Not one of those things were mentioned. Not one person chris sir [inaudible conversations] with all due respect, that very badly mischaracterizes what they said. They were asked, william taylor, for instance, the acting ambassador to ukraine, was asked whether or not these were impeachable offenses. He said im there as a fact witness, im not there to pass judgment. But he made it clear what he thought about what the president was doing. Here he is. To withhold that assistance for no good reason other than help with a Political Campaign made no sense. It was, it was counterproductive the all of what we had been trying to do. It was illogical, could not be explained, it was crazy. Chris he said withholding military aid to help with the president s Political Campaign was crazy. And the problem with that is it didnt happen, chris. The Ukraine Foreign minister, based probably on some of that testimony, said it didnt happen. Zelensky said it didnt happen. Those are the people directly involved. You can bring with up people that have third and fourthhand information. I thought this was supposed to be about finding facts, and if theyre going to try to impeach a president of the United States, shouldnt it e be based on something that actually happened versus one persons opinion of a thirdhand conversation . Chris well, okay. All right. You raised the question that i had raised a hypothetical, and i think thats fair, sir. Are you saying though because Gordon Sondland was a direct witness, he spoke to the president in the oval office, are you willing to abide by whatever Gordon Sondland says happened . Abide by i abide by what the president did and what president zelensky actually received. President zelensky received the money. Barack obama wouldnt give that money, by the way. Chris but, sir, youre right. President trump has been much tougher in terms of dealing, in terms of giving aid to ukraine than president obama was. But President Trump released the aid two days after the whistleblower complaint went public. Well, President Trump released the aid after he made sure by law, by the way, and pelosi voted for that law, schiff voted for the law that requires that he insure that corruption is being rooted out before taxpayer money goes to a country like that. Chris okay. Ive got two more questions, ive got two minutes, so so im going to ask you to squeeze if you can. We mentioned at the top the president s decision on friday to clear three members of the military who had been accused or convicted of war crimes. Senior pentagon officials advised the president against it, said that it would undermine the military justice system. Clearly, the president is the commander or in chief, hes well within his rights. Do you have any problem with this decision to clear these three men the . No. I think there have been a lot of concerns expressed over the years that many of our men and women in uniform that were out battling terrorists on the battlefield were being put in a position where they had to think about whether or not if they returned fire, if they defended themselves some of these people that were mentioned were bombmake terrorists, and yet our men and women men in uniform, in this case, were in jail for 25 plus years for killing a terrorist on the battlefield. I think our troops and morale is much higher amongst troops ive heard from because this has been a concern ive heard from our men and women in uniform for years that they felt they were sidelined because they needed a team of attorneys before they could return fire on the battlefield. Chris okay. Ive got one minute left. You had an election yesterday in louisiana, and the democratic governor, John Bel Edwards,was reelected. President trump was many there campaigning hard multiple times and said, look, if Eddie Rispone doesnt win, its going to make me, trump, look bad because i dont have any coat tails. Does it make him look bad . What he said is hed be made to look back whether he came in the state or not. Eddie rispone made up about a 22point disadvantage over the last month because of President Trumps involvement, so eddie ri, pone was about 27 in the primary, he ended up at 49. So clearly, President Trumps involvement helped close that massive gap. And, look, the governors polling showed he was above 50 before President Trump first started getting involved that forced a runoff. Chris congressman scalise, thank you. Thanks for your time. Always good to talk with you, sir. Please come back. Great being with you. Go, tigers. [laughter] chris up next, reaction from a top democrat on the intel committee. Can they get any republican members to jump ship and support the push for impeachment . 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Chris House Democrats hope the drama of these impeachment hearings will draw viewers and change minds across the aisle, but so far theres no sign of daytime between President Trump and daylight between President Trump and house republicans. Joining me now, congressman jim himes, the number two democrat on the house intel committee. Welcome back to Fox News Sunday. Good morning, chris. Chris lets start with the testimony from the three witnesses that the democrats have called so far in this hearing. Here is a back and forth between congressman jim jordan, a republican, and ambassador bill taylor. You did listen in on President Trumps call . I did not. You never talked with chief of staff mulvaney this. I never did. You never met with the president thats correct. President zelensky never made an announcement . This is what i cant believe, and youre their star witness. Chris isnt it the case, congressman, that none of the witnesses that youve had on the stand so far in public has any firsthand evidence of what President Trump said . That is the case, chris. And, of course, that changes this week. The three witnesses that you saw in public this week, of course, were important because they could give can be context to what has occurred. And you summarized it in talking to my friend mr. Scalise, it was characterized as crazy to withhold military aid which did happen despite what mr. Can scalise said mr. Scalise said. And, of course, we heard from ambassador yovanovitch who did have firsthand experience of waking up at one in the morning to be told she had to get on the next plane because, as we learned, she was in the way of the president s intent to get the ukrainians chris none of them ever had any direct contact with the president , which brings us to Gordon Sondland. Doesnt your case, essentially are, depend on sondland whos the only witness that youre going to put up in these public hearings who met with the president . Yes, he did meet with him a number of times, but if he doesnt say that the president set this condition, this quid qd pro quo, doesnt that blow a hole in your case . Well, you know, i dont think it blows a hole in the case. Why do i say that in there is now ample evidence out there, you know, that there was a corrupt deal being cooked up. For example, the statement by the former National Security adviser john bolton that he didnt want any part of this, as he called it, drug deal that was being cooked up. But we will hear from at least two firsthand witnesses, right . Ambassador sondland, as you talked about. We know what hes already said in his revised testimony when he refreshed his recollection. He basically said, yeah, thats what was happening. Well hear from i Lieutenant Colonel vindman. And heres an important point too. The president who frequently says im the most transparent guy out there is not letting, is refusing to permit other people like his chief of staff who presumably had conversations with him about this to come testify. He is refusing to permit emails from phone calls and other documents that might actually shed some light on this to come forward. And the American People need do themselves a question which is given the outlines that have been developed and that will be developed by firsthand testimony next week, is refusing to allow others to testify and to produce documents, is that the baer of an innocent person behavior of an 9 11 person or chris okay. As far as vindman is concerned, he overheard the phone call. So did other people, but he didnt have any firsthand exposure to the president. First of all, how confident are you that Gordon Sondland is going to say in his half dozen meetings with the president over the course of the summer he set a clear condition, no aid until they investigate the bidens . Are you sure hes going to say that this. Well, no. I mean, again, im not going to try to prejudge what a witness might say on the stand. But, look, you know, lots of crimes can be committed, and this is typical in corrupt enterprises, by the boss hinting and giving direction and everything. You know, corrupt people dont always say, hey, heres the signed contract. What has already developed from secondhand witnesses is that this aid was withheld as a condition. And, you know, Steve Scalise may try to convince the American Public that the president was just ticking the legal box that there wasnt corruption, thats just not true. The department of defense, not the president , certifies whether ukraine is corrupt or not, and they had certified before the aid was withheld. So what were seeing is a whole bunch of defenses that just dont make sense. Chris well, forgive me, sir, i dont know that richard nixon, the impeachment investigation he was never, of course, fully impeached, he he resigned first, would have been nearly as powerful without john dean, the clinton impeachment without the blue dress. If you dont have anybody who can take us into the oval office, it seem to me that creates a big problem. And the other question i have is how credible is Gordon Sondland at this point . He already had to revise his testimony once to tell you about a meeting that he never discussed, only a after other witnesses cornered him on it, in this july 26th phone call in a restaurant with him expect president , the president saying is he going to do the investigation, he never even mentioned that to you. So is he even a credible witness in. Well, thats a good question. And, again, we do have people who were in the room, chief amongst them ambassador sondland. We will see. Im not going to try to prejudge his testimony. Yes, he has amended his testimony. Look, and it was not lost on ambassador sondland what happened to the president s close associate roger stone for lying to congress. To Michael Cohen for lying to congress. My guess is that ambassador sondland is going to do his level best to tell the truth because otherwise he may have a very unpleasant legal future in front of him. But, look, the other thing i would emphasize, chris, there are plenty of other people who were in the room. Mick mulvaney, the chief of staff, refuses to come before congress. John bolton chris i understand, but youre not going to get well, youre not going to get the testimony of bolton because youre not willing to wait for it. Well, again, there are people and there are documents and there are emails, and all im saying to you is we are going to have first person witnesses who were in the room this week. And the American People should scratch their head over why the president is refusing to let anybody else like Mick Mulvaney come forward to the congress to tell their story or even to release documents and emails. That is not the behavior of an innocent person. Chris ive got a couple of questions for you, and we can wrap this up. Last week on meet the press you said, you know, i dont think this latin quid pro owe is such ad good idea, its hard for people to understand. The Washington Post has subsequently reported that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee had actually done focus groups and found out that people didnt like quid pro quo, they were more impressed by bribery. Is that why you guys all chained your language, because of a focus group . No, i dont think so. Look, what we have here is we have an abuse of power, and an abuse of power is when you use your power for corrupt ends. Example yes, the president has the right to fire an ambassador. But the president does not have the right to fire an ambassador because shes standing in the way of a corrupt enterprise, okay . Thats an abuse of power. What is challenging, of course, is explaining precisely whether this is bribery, that is, do i offer you to do something to do do to do something corrupt or do i threaten you. In this case, its possible that both occurred. The president said, you know, im not going to give you a white house meeting, you know, or i are give you aid if you do this. And let me be clear, im not saying the president said that. That is, of course, the purpose of these hearings that we have out. But allegedly the president did something that looks both like bribery and extortion. This is not about focus groups, this is about making abuse of power understandable to the American People. Chris and finally, ive got 30 seconds. I want to ask you the same question i asked mr. Scalise, what do you think of the president s decision to clear those three members of the military who had been accused or convicted of war crimes . Well, thats a great question, chris. You know what makes me saddest about this is despite what Steve Scalise said, this is not a question of our soldiers being constrained by lawyerses on the battlefield. You know, almost all of our soldiers on the battlefield, our sailors, our marines, behaved in exemplary fashion, did not shoot innocent people. A very small number of them did. Chris right. And we are a good society because when our soldiers or military people do that or the of thing, we have a conscience. We seek justice. And thats what we have done, and, of course, the president has reversed that, and that sends a terrible signal to those good people in the military not to mention our enmays who enemies who now say, look, the United States is no different. They dont hold themselves accountable. This is an ugly moment in our history. Chris congressman himes, thank you for joining us. Well be watching you and your colleagues in this weeks round of hearings. Talk to you soon. Of. Chris up next, well bring in our sunday group to assess where the push to impeach President Trump stands at this point. Plus, what would you like to ask the panel about what weve learned so far . Go to facebook or twitter foxnewssunday, and we may use your question on the air. Sales guy, give em the employee price, then gimme your foot. Handsfree sliding doors, stow n go seats, man, yall getting a hook up and yall dont even work here. Pacificaaaaa have you ever seen another exame of foreign aid conditioned on the personal or political interests of the president of the United States . No, i have not. No one did anything. You see why maybe, maybe the president was a little concerned about what went on in ukraine . Chris democrats and republicans pushing two very different narratives about u. S. Relations with ukraine under President Trump. And its time now for our sunday group. Jonah goldberg of the dispatch, fox news political analyst juan williams, marie harf, executive director of the serve america pac, and fox news correspondent gillian turner. Jonah, where do you think we are at this moment, end of week one, beginning of week two of the impeachment hearings, and how important is Gordon Sondland . I have to say i thought it was very interesting that neither if democrat himes, nor republican scalise was willing to say, yeah, whatever he says, thats the truth. Yeah. So, first of all, i hate acting as if im a theater critic in this [laughter] chris thats exactly what we thats where we are. Its all about narrative and when its engaging the American People chris who was effective, who wasnt. Right. On the merits, i think its fairly obvious that President Trump demanded a quid pro woe quo from the quid pro quo. Whether thats impeachable, never mind whether he should be removed for that, reasonable people can differ. That said, i think that these hearings have not been sufficiently dramatic to put the kind of pressure on 20 Senate Republicans that will lead to ever removing the president from office. In terms of sondland, hes just a wildcard because hes had to change his testimony because he clearly was the president s political guy who really had no place doing anything like this to begin with. Hes the ambassador to e. U. , and ukraines not a member of the e. U. , he is clearly scared of being caught in a perjury trap not trap, perjuring himself or contradicting himself. So the question is where he comes down on this, and i dont think anybody in washington knows. Chris we asked you for questions for the panel, and we got this on twitter from peter. A Political Party is using trumped theup reasons to remove a potus, president , they dont like. What will be the longterm impact on the nation, and could this process repeat itself often . Marie, how do you answer peter, and how do you answer the argument that some people are making, that jonah at least raised, that maybe the president is really bad judgment here, but this doesnt rise to the level of overturning an electionsome. Democrats will have to make the argument for why it does x thats why getting all of this information out publicly in these hearings is so important. This week we will shift to people that were part of this irregular channel of policy including Gordon Sondland, but they will have to make the case x thats what we will see them outline over the coming weeks chris but doesnt it make it a little bit hard, i mean, lets say that jonahs right and this was a quid pro quo. In the end and i know people said, well, attempted robbery, ones not as bad as the other, but theyre both crimes, but in the end, ukraine did get the aid, and they never do did do an investigation. Again, is that worth kicking a president who was duly elected by other 60 Million People out of office . I think it is. And i think the democrats will play this smartly if they keep it focused on ukraine. There are democrats who wanted to impeach him a year ago or a year and a half ago over the emoluments clause or his tax returns. Keeping it on a National Security case will be key, chris x. I think the precedent that we would set in this country if we say this behavior by President Trump is acceptable, that it it does not rise to the level of impeachment, that precedent would be so dangerous for every president that came after, thats actually the precedent im more concerned about, not that we would suddenly start impeaching president s every time we dont like them. Chris that is what a lot of other people, not just rockribbed republican, are concerned about that were dumbing down impeachment and we could be making it too routine. Well, i think this is an exceptional moment in history. Weve only done this three times in history, in american history. So to me, the concern is that we are exactly in a dangerous situation that takes us in the exact opposite direction, chris, which is the president continues to say the call was perfect. Well, then short of impeachment, that means that hell continue to do the same thing, that he thinks its okay to use federal dollars, National Security aid as a bargaining chip to get on a foreign leader to get dirt on his political rival and also invite Foreign Countries into american politics. Thats dangerous, and i think if theres ever a moment where youd say, well, im worried about impeachment becoming routine, you say, no, i understand this is not an ordinary situation. This is not the new normal. In fact, the worry would be that somebody would say, okay, thats okay. Chris gillian, as someone who worked in the National Security council under bush 43 and obama, what has struck you this week hearing from these longtime career, devoted foreign Service Officers . Well, its interesting to see the policy people, the policy wonks that work behind the scenes come out of the woodwork and give voice and give face to what theyre doing on a daily basis. In that regard, if you strip the politics away for a second, its been nice to hear from people that are really the heart and soul of Foreign Policy speaking directly to members of congress, talking to the American People for the first time. That was a bit of a historic moment that we got this week chris and in terms of what they said about what the president was doing . A lot of highly irregular things going on behind the scenes with the second diplomatic channel to ukraine. Again, it will be up to the members whether this is ultimately impeachable. But this week i think the tides going to turn. Were going to hear from the other side. Gordon sondland will be a key, crucial witness here. Hes the first person were going to hear from who is an ally of President Trump. Kent, yovanovitch, taylor all policy wonks, people the president doesnt trust, he say he doesnt know them, he calls them the deep state. Gordon sondland is a 23re7d of the president , hes appointed by the president , so its a huge opportunity for republicans to try and, you know, present their side of what happened here. The first witness with firsthand information, as you were saying chris okay. So let me end where we began on Gordon Sondland. How important is he in he were, you know, its a sill hi game, but we like to play it. [laughter] if he says, yeah, trump did it, do you think that will actually sway some republicans in the senate to vote to remove . Conversely, if he says, no, he never gave me those directions, there were all these little winks and nods but he really didnt do it, do you think theres the possibility democrats might give up impeachment . Its possible that one or two senators could be moved in the long run if that fact pattern were established. I do not think that the democrats are going to give up on impeachment. Chris and you dont think the senate, 20 republicans would ship and remove him. No, not yet. Republicans are already going this week down the messaging chain, theyre going in this direction where theyre saying even if there was quid pro quo, thats okay. Its not impeachable, it doesnt rise to that level. Theyre already going thats the safe harbor. It was bad but its not worth john boltons really the key, i think, because he is someone that conservative republicans in the base trust, and if he testifies chris hes not going to testify because democrats arent going to wait for him. Well see. Theres not enough evidence here chris just stealing time from your next panel. Were going to take a break here. Up next, President Trump clears three members of the armed forces accused or convicted of war crimes despite warnings from the pentagon about undermining the military justice m. Our sunday Group Tackles that and 20 Democratic Politics 2020 Democratic Politics when we come right back. My parents never taught me anything about managing money. The amount of Student Loan Debt i have, im embarrassed to even say. We just decided we didnt want debt any longer. I didnt realize how easy investing could be. Im Picking Companies that i believe in. I think sofi money is amazing. Thank you sofi. Sofi thank you, we love you. You know, we teach them how to be great fighters, and then when they fight, sometimes they get treated unfairly. I think it sends a clear signal that the president of the United States is paying attention. Chris President Trump clearing three members of the military charged with war crimes, and one of them giving thanks. Were back now with the panel. Gillian, secretary of defense esper reportedly urged the president before he made his decision not to intervene in these cases. He said it would undermine the military code of justice and send a bad message to people out in the field. To the degree and this, obviously, just happened friday evening tow, from if your contacts, is the president s action being received in the National Intelligence community . National security community. Yeah. In that, excuse me, community of people here in washington, they worry that this will interrupt the chain of command Going Forward because if troops that are deploy abroad feel that they can undermine the rules governing warfare abroad, which are very clear despite what some people will tell you, and then ultimately be granted clemency from the president , it will undermine commanders. I will say though this is a very clear reaction by President Trump to something that has been spinning among troops for a long time which is that they feel the military is becoming overly lawyered, the military is becoming overly commanded by superiors who are here in washington and in virginia. This is pulling at the heartstring of that. Thats what President Trumps trying to do that, is right some of the balance. Chris jonah, one of these three men had already been convicted for ordering his troops to fire on two unarmed people. Another one, matt goldstein, was facing trial for killing an alleged taliban bombmaker who had been released. President trump, though, to pick pup on what gillian says pick up on what gillian says, President Trump says we teach e these people to fight and kill, and when they do that, we punish them. Yeah. Look, im troubled by some of this chris which way in. For the reasons that gillian alludes to in the National Security chris the decision to clear. Yeah. Look, take the goldstein case. He hadnt had his courtmartial yet. That is the way you get to find out what the actual facts are, and he short circuited that by intervening the way he did. On the gallagher, chief gallagher, the navy seal who was pardoned or had his sentence commuted, i guess, there were members of his squad who took incredible risk to report his behavior. And that sends a signal, this could send a signal, dont do this. I agree with the concerns about the overly lawyering up our military, but im not sure the messages being sent by this is the one that everyone wants. Chris lets turn to democratic president ial politics because at a point when you would expect in the late fall of the year before that the field would begin to narrow, its actually expanding. Youve got michael bloomberg, former mayor of new york, who looks like hes about to enter the race. And then there was former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick who got into the race this week. Take a look. This time its about more than removing an unpopular and divisive leader, as important as that is, but about delivering instead for you. Chris marie . What is going on [laughter] with the Democratic Party . I actually think there are a lot of democrats out there who are not satisfied with the field. Theyre worried that joe biden is too old, maybe off his game a little bit, cant go toe to toe with trump, and theyre worried that Elizabeth Warren is too far to the left to win nationally. So theyre looking for a younger, more electable candidate. Some of them are looking at Pete Buttigieg, amy klobuchar, people like that, but there is no consensus that in this race theres a good, younger, fresher moderate who can take on trump. And thats why youre seeing other people getting in the race because theyre being pushed into it by, i think, some lack of interest by democrats on the ground in any of these chris but the big question is, clearly, there is somebody who is dissatisfied with this field and doesnt think anybody if can beat donald trump. The question is, is that the voters in hawaii, New Hampshire in iowa, New Hampshire on the ground or is that the donor class and the elites . A little bit of both. I think the donor class particularly is worried about Elizabeth Warren being so far left on me ca care for all, on taxation issues. But i also think there are voters out there in the country that look at biden and kind of like him but think hes just not in his prime anymore and are worried about warren. Theyre looking for someone else, and that someone else, theres not a lot of great options right now that people see in this field. And thats why youre seeing more and more candidates get in the race are even at this late date. Chris lets talk about the push to the left because the wall street journal had a stunning report this week. They said that if all of Elizabeth Warrens tax increases went into effect, some people at the very top yes, very wealthy they would be paying a tax rate of more than 100 . They make a dollar, theyve got to pay a dollar plus in taxes. And president obama said this this is still a country that is less revolutionary than it is interested in improvement. One, do you think most democrats willing to accept more moderate incremental change, or are they looking to just change the whole system . No, i mean, its interesting. Weve seen a tremendous rise in the number of democrats who selfidentify as liberals. And i think see that play out in terms of support for warren and buttigieg, and for warren and sander, i mean to say. And secondly, i think that you see also in in that theres lots of people in this, especially if the donor class who are apoplectic about the requested that Elizabeth Warren may be the leading democratic candidate and go up against trump. But ill say this, when you look at the numbers, the majority of democrats selfidentify as either moderate or conservatives. And i think sometimes people lose position on that as they say, oh, this is bernie sanders, the president calls sanders and warren socialists. The reality is right now as we speak joe biden leads in the national polls. Chris but hes fourth in iowa finish. Hang on chris and hes not leading in New Hampshire. So to my point, Pete Buttigieg is now leading in the polls in iowa. Both of those guys are moderates. Chris let me put up this poll. S this is very interesting. A new des moines register, kind of the bible out in iowa, poll out today, mayor Pete Buttigiegs move to a clear lead in iowa, 25 . Warren, biden and sanders all bunched in the mid teens. Let me bring in marie again. If mayor pete were to win in iowa, how big a deal . A huge deal. Hes a small town mayor who has never won statewide, hes never won anything larger than that mayoral race. Democrats are looking for the next barack obama. Theyre trying to find that candidate they fall in love with, that inspires them, and i think some of them feel like maybe its mayor pete, and theyre projecting a lot onto him. Thats why hes rising in the polls. But for someone who watched the dnc chair race, the idea that he can win nationally to Many Democrats is a fantasy. Its a higher risk, but the one thing democrats agree on universal hi is that youve got to defite trump. Sure. If you have a moderate, its a simple bet. Guess who . Its joe biden, potentially Pete Buttigieg in that moderate lane who has the best chance in a swing state chris and if bloomberg gets on and Deval Patrick already in, they would be in that moderate buttigieg has really profited from the spotlight pivoting to Elizabeth Warren. The longer were examining and picking apart all her plans with a finetoothed comb, hes maintaining this slow and steady ascent in the polls. Not, you know, generating huge headlines every day chris okay. Doing well, nonetheless. Chris thank you, panel. See you next sunday. Up next, our power player of the week. Country musics toby keith on his career, his critics and staying true to the red, white and blue. Thousands of women with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr her2 metastatic Breast Cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. 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Chris he started out working the oil fields of oklahoma, but for decades now hes been filling arenas with his devoted fans. Heres our power player of the week. It changes your life. You go from, you go from making 2300 a week to making 15, 20,000 a night overnight. We should have been a cowboy. Chris toby keith is talking about when he broke out as a Country Music star a quarter century ago. Chris and how hes stayed on top ever since. It might not be as good, i might not can outsing everybody, i dont know, but im going to outwork you with. Chris fair to say that over the years the two big themes for toby keith have been patriotism and partying . Well, the partying thing went all the way through, but the patriotism thing well always stand up and salute, well always recognize chris he says he wrote courtesy of the red, white and blue in 20 minutes after 9 11. Youll be sorry that you messed with the u. S. Of a chris the first time he played it was for marines shipping out to afghanistan. [cheers and applause] Chris Natalie maines of dixie chicks called the song ignorant, but keith stood up to his critic. John wayne and johnny cash sang about the flag, now i cant send these kids off to war and want em to come back home and do a good job . And right there i went im going to be that guy. Chris and then theres the partying. Red is solo cup in october, bankruptcy, threatening to sue me over the song. In february they sold more almost 2 billion, with a b, dollars to chris so youre the king of the red solo cup. And they didnt even write me a check. They didnt give me a tshirt. [laughter] chris but hes done all right over the years. In 2014 Forbes Magazine called him countrys 500 million music man. Did you really make half a billion dollars . I did. I made more than that. Chris keith got into more chris keith got into more controversy. He played the trump inaugural. Going to a president s inauguration no matter who it is, thats what youre supposed to do. Its an honor to make history and get to do that. Chris at age 58 tobety keith has toby keith has now slowed down. Instead of 200 shows a year, he does 50. Its more of a hiphop country. Hope the kids make half a billion, end up on forbes. I made mine, but im not going to write that stuff. But if our staff at Fox News Sunday is any sign, he still has his fans, and his music, well, that will last forever. Well raise up our glasses against evil forces. Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses chris thats pretty good. [laughter] give me a guitar, well do a whole show. Chris i would love it. You know, sometimes this job is pretty great. [laughter] if you want to hear more, toby has an album out of his greatest hits. Thats it for today. Have a great week, and well see you next Fox News Sunday. M on the other side. The journal editorial report is next. Paul welcome to the journal editorial report, im paul gigot. The democratic impeachment probe entered its public phase this week. William taylor, the top u. S. Diplomat in ukraine, and george kent, the senior state the department official, appeared on wednesday with foreman u. S. Ambassador to ukraine appearing before the panel on friday. But even before their testimony began, the partisan lines were clearly drawn in the Opening Statements of Committee Chair adam schiff and his republican counterpart, devin nunes

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