Block the president s National Emergency declaration. There is no emergency at the border. It is not a reality. We discussed the latest on the board will end the 2020 president ial field moved to the left. With Democratic Party chair. Plus, President Trump s long time michael. When special Counsel Robert Mueller will release his final and our party player of the week. Saudi millennials with a real world playbook. A gps for adulthood. All right now on fox news sunday. And hello again. From fox news in washington. We begin with breaking news. Fighting broke out along the border in venezuela. As troops loyal to Nicolas Maduro blocked opposition backed convoys attempted to bring humanitarian aid into the country. Several people died and some 300 were injured. The Trump Administration condemned the violence. It is only one of the challenges President Trump faces this week. On wednesday he meets with north korea s kim jongun for a second summit this time in vietnam. In a moment we speak as secretary of state, mike pompeo about north korea, venezuela and other hotspots. But first a preview of the trump kim summit from Kristin Fisher reporting live from vietnam. Reporter chris, the location of the summit is very symbolic. Just a few decades ago vietnam was at war with the United States. Now it is one of the Fastest Growing economies in the world. All while retaining communist control. President trump is hoping to show north Korean Leader kim jongun, that if he commits it denuclearization, his country could enjoy the same kind of Economic Prosperity as vietnam. North Korean Leader kim jongun is on his way to hanoi for his second summit in less than a year with president donald trump. At the first summit in singapore the two agreed to work for the complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula. We now have a situation where the relationships are good. Where there is no nuclear testing, no missiles, no rockets. We got our hostages back. But the singapore agreement was light on specifics. The challenge to hanoi will get to the north to sign something more concrete. The North Koreans will likely ask the u. S. To lift some sanctions that have been crippling their economy. While the u. S. Demands specific steps during denuclearization first with deadlines and a verification mechanism. But President Trump says hes willing to be patient. I am in no rush for speed. We just do not want testing. Reporter while there have not been any Ballistic Missile or Nuclear Weapons tests since the singapore summit the u. S. Intelligence Community Says the North Koreans have continued to develop both of the programs. Chris kim fisher reporting from hanoi, thank you for that. Joining us now, before he heads off to vietnam, the secretary of state, mike pompeo. Welcome back to fox news sunday. Great to be with you. Chris before we get to the kim summit, i want to ask about the developing situation in venezuela. Apparently 60 members of the Venezuelan National guard defected to the opposition and some aid did get through. Generally speaking, the maduro forces stood firm by him. Is that a disappointment . Chris, the venezuelan people are speaking loudly and clearly pay they understand that juan guaido is the legitimate president of the company. We are supporting that, the lima group and others around the world are seeing whats been done by this tyrant. He is starving venezuelans and preventing medicine from sick venezuelans. Burning trucks. This is the worst of the worst of a tyrant. I think the venezuelan people of seen it previously so the military, some of the violence was clearly these gangs while the military was not a certain they wanted to lean into the violence. We are very hopeful in the days and weeks and months ahead that the majuro machine will understand the venezuelan people will made it yesterday said the new United States will take action. Weve already taken action. To support the venezuelan people. And we continue to that. Have a duly elected interim president. Juan guaido, we will continue to support him. We continue the American People have been most generous providing a couple hundred tons of food, medicine, hygiene kits for this venezuelan people. In a coalition to put force behind the voice of the venezuelan people. Was happened there is a tragedy. There were five or six or eight killed yesterday. But there been hundreds and hundreds killed from starvation over the past weeks and months. Millions of people having to flee their homes. 3 Million People i believe 10 percent of the venezuelan population, those are the actions of the American People in the Trump Administration. To support democracy in venezuela. Chris but no military force. Every option on the table, we will do the things that need to be done to make sure that the venezuelan people voice, the democracy rains and there is a Brighter Future for the people of venezuela. Chris lets turn to the main order of business for you this week. That is the kim trump summit in vietnam starting on wednesday. Before the singapore summit last june, National Security advisor, john bolton, said look, they had to give up their entire Nuclear Program before the u. S. Does anything. And who you were just after the summit. Take a look. The complete and verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the peninsula is the only outcome the United States will accept. Chris is that still the president s position going into the summit, complete denuclearization and no u. S. Concessions before them. Is been no change in u. S. Policy since the time i been secretary of state. Frankly even before that when i was the cia director, objectives are clear, mission is clear, President Trump also said this will take time. They may have to be another summit. We may not get everything done this week. We hope will make the substantial step on the way up. I spent a lot of time with chairman kim. My team is on the ground today continuing to flesh out, a path forward to a roadmap for the two countries. Its important to the world security. The council is demanding, not the United States but the Un Security Council has demanded chairman kim give up these weapon systems. Its in the best interest of the people of his country. And i hope that we can make a real step forward this week. It may not happen but i hope it will. Chris why a two day summit . It might be one day or two days. But i am confident if it takes more we will go beyond that. There have been conversations for an extended period of time. The president is going to put in what it takes to get the outcome the American People deserve. Chris obviously you will not tell me whats been a commish or what you will get at the end. So far it leads to the outside, there has been some progress. Specifically as Kristin Fisher mentioned in her piece, there been no nuclear test, no missile test, by north korea since 2017. But in the terms of denuclearization, handing over its Nuclear Weapons handing over nuclear fuel, Nuclear Missiles has been very little. Take a look at this. We still await concrete steps by north korea to dismantle the Nuclear Weapons that threaten our people and allies in the region. We currently assess the north korea will seek to retain the capabilities. Chris the question i guess is, as you head into the summit has north korea given any indication now to put meat on the bones it will either turnover and inventory of the arsenal or turn over any of the Nuclear Arsenal . June of last year in singapore, chairman kim unequivocally stated that he would denuclearize his country. Weve made progress along some, less so in others. This is a complicated process. The history is right. I was the cia director one point too you recall. The history is difficult. The previous administrations policy, which was a test allow the North Koreans to test. Pray they stop and carol when they threaten us. Its been upended by President Trump. We put real economic pressure on the North Koreans. We built up a global coalition. One of the critiques was that we go it alone. We built up the worlds coalition. To communicate to chairman kim that now is the time, now is a moment and hopefully we make Real Progress on that this week. There is criticism that President Trump is unrealistic of his relationship and the threat coming from north korea. Im going to make a couple points about this. After singapore the president tweeted this. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from north korea. And he talks repeatedly about the strength of his relationship with kim erie take a look here. We go back and forth and then we fell in love. No really he wrote me beautiful letters. And they are great letters we fell in love. Chris why does the president say that . Relationships matter, chris. They affect everything in our lives. Whether it is grand strategy, denuclearization or simply things. Relationships absently matter. Its important that the two leaders are able to effectively communicate. I have observed this over the past weeks and months. Ive watched them exchange messages. I watched our team understand the messages the two leaders are provided. Now we will get to have a second summit. Where the two leaders can sit and have a candid discussion and i hope she with the end state. Reducing the threat to u. S. Chris from the president s point of view, is the idea of formally ending the korean war, which we have in back in the 50s , pulling u. S. Troops of south korea, are either of those on the table for the summit . I told you before we start i will not talk about the context of discussions or elements of the negotiation. I will simply stay away from that. We have an announcement you will be among the first to know. Along with everyone else in the world. I will ask you a slightly odd question but it is something we will discuss later on in the show. While youre sitting down with kim, the House Oversight committee is going to be conducting a public hearing on television with Michael Cohen, the president s former lawyer and fixer. Reportedly, he will talk about all kinds of bad or questionable things in the trump organization. Do you question the appropriateness of having that hearing . Holding a public hearing that potentially could undercut the president while the president is negotiating . Congress has his own authority that can move how they choose to proceed. I know what we will be focused on. Im very confident the president and our team will be focused on the singular objective that we are heading to hanoi for. This week, the present reverse course on syria in december. He said that he was going to pull all 2500 u. S. Troops out of northeastern syria right away. Take a look. We have won against isis. Weve beaten them and weve been them badly. Our boys, our young women, our men, they are all coming back. And theyre coming back now. Now it turns out theyre not coming back now. He announced on friday that he is going to keep 400 troops there including 200 on the border with turkey. Two questions really, how is he now accepted the prevailing view in the military even if they lose all their territory, that isis will remain a threat . And secondly, have you gotten any buyin now that we are staying there from britain or france that they will keep troops there on the border to protect our kurdish allies . The predicate of your question i think is wrong. Let me try and address the policy there. President s made very clear that the achievement of destroying the caliphate in syria and iraq, we forget most people forgot that rocco, this is an enormous accomplishment. We are very proud of that. Lanes of people liberated from the terror of isis. The president has also been very clear that this is the threat from radical islamic terrorism, its real and it continues. We have to continue to fight the announcement this week that we will still have residual footprint inside of syria. Our mission statement, the tactics will change as time goes on. We will use different tactics and in different parts of the world to fight back against radical islamic terrorism. President trump is committed to doing it. And they agreed to keep troops there now . We are hopeful we will have a coalition there. I dont have anything to announce but i believe the europeans will understand the risk and threat and be partners alongside. Chris i have about a minute left and i have one final question. Podium hoda says she wants to return here to face justice after joining isis. You say she will not be allowed in. She was born in the United States, she did have a u. S. Passport. In the past other isis fighters, men that we have captured have been brought back here to face justice. Look, no one has sympathy for hoda muthana. Budweiser case different . Why not allow her to come back in if she was born in the u. S. And has a passport . And face justice here . She is a noncitizen terrorist. She has no legal basis for claim of u. S. Citizenship. She is not coming back to the United States to create the risk that someday she will return to the battlefield and continue to put it risk American People, kids, boys and girls that were sent to help defeat isis. She put them at risk. She is not a u. S. Citizen, she is not coming back. Chris even though she was born in the u. S. . Im just trying to understand the issue. His issue that her father was a diplomat at the time, because they say he stopped being a diplomat before she was born. Here is what i can tell you. We have a strong legal basis for a claim that she is not a citizen and is not coming back. Chris secretary pompeo, thank you. Thanks for your time. Safe travels and good luck in vietnam. Thank you very much. up next our sunday group to discuss the power this is the allnew chevy silverado. Its beautiful. Beefy and mean looking. Its the strongest, most advanced silverado ever. The cab is bigger than the last generation. Its the first truck ive seen make you look small. But thats not all. Whoo oh my. Whoa the silverado has more cargo volume than any competitor. Very impressive. Now, during the chevy president s day sales event, get 0 financing for 72 months on this allnew silverado. Drive yours away this president s day. We were paying an arm and a leg for postage. I remember setting up shipstation. One or two clicks and everything was up and running. I was printing out labels and saving money. Shipstation saves us so much time. It makes it really easy and seamless. Pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and its ready to go. Our costs for shipping were cut in half. Just like that. Shipstation. The 1 choice of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com save and get 2 months free. Chris deadly classes on the venezuelan border. Malaki most opposition efforts to bring humanitarian aid into the country. Time now for sunday group. Gop strategist, karl rove. Columnist for the hill, ron williams, julie pace Washington Bureau chief for the associated press. And senator Mitch Mcconnell is former chief of staff, is the power stronger or weaker . I was a weaker. Every day the steady application of the force of the United States will make him weaker because inside of the country, hundreds of thousands of people are taking to the streets and were protesting at the Border Crossing points. And they are with maduro as his military forces kill protesters dancing on stage in front of a captive crowd in caracas. I think he is weaker today and every day that the United States and its allies come most interesting of me this was led by the lima group, organization of states. This is multilateral action involving the United States and steady application of forest and protestants of the country will bring maduro down. Chris the sad fact is for people that would like to see maduro out, that there have been a lot of talk that perhaps the military, the armed forces would turn on maduro , side with the people and opposition. That did not happen. What does the u. S. Do now and how does President Trump and his administration and the u. S. Avoid the image that once again, heres the u. S. Intervening in latin america. Which has happened dozens of times over the last century. And we do not have a great track record. So much unintended consequences and resentment against the us. To me, maduro is a vulgar dictator. I think people are separating. I think thats why the humanitarian aid by the lima group got involved. I thought you were on target in raising the question for secretary pompeo about u. S. Military intervention. We can have cia and other people trying to undermine him but at some point i think the American People say, why is it our job . Intervention in this area. It does not have a good track record and it also broaches the possibility that the u. S. Would actually put military forces in to oust maduro. It does make sense, it doesnt make sense with the public in terms of the Foreign Policy. It doesnt make sense and of course it fits with the current push against the charges of socialism that the Trump Administration is advancing here against the democratic opponents. Chris we will be talking about that with tom in the next segment. Lets talk about the other big foreign policies during this week as we just discussed with secretary of state. President trump will be meeting with kim jongun in vietnam starting wednesday for a second some of this with the president had to say about that this week. We started off with a very good meeting. I think we will continue that long. I dont think this will be the last meeting by any chance. But i do think that the relationship is very strong. Chris julie, how confident are u. S. Officials that they will come medical summit with something more than they came out of singapore with, which were basically, vague declarations of an intent to do nuclear rise . Of two Different Things from the u. S. Officials. One, privately, they say that their expectations of some kind of significant deal are pretty low in the summit. There might be more talk about denuclearization but the ado that they will come out with something specific with dates and verification is very low. But there is some concern that the president , because he knows a take away from the first summit was that it was big. There wasnt anything particularly specific that he could get a room with kim and make some type of concession that goes against with his advisers wanted to do. He could be so eager to strike some kind of deal that he could give something up. I think it is a real concern particularly if you look at and i know we talked about this a bit later but something that will be happening in washington while he is our broad with cohen, his former lawyer that will testify. That he could be looking to direct attention in a different direction. Chris josh, what is your sense among republicans, particularly senate republicans, Senate Foreign policy. Experts, how do they feel about the summit and about giving kim and other Big International platform that tends to weaken the sanctions regime. There are indications of russia and china have loosened up since singapore. Not getting a big concession from the North Koreans on specifics of denuclearization. I think the important thing to focus on is to look at this as a continuum. From when the present was first inaugurated, i dont think theres any question that we were perhaps even at the brink of war with north korea. There were launching missiles indiscriminately. Some of which were testing could hit the continental United States. Clearly we cannot ignore this we basically have two paths at that point. You could approach the brink of words with the president has been doing which is engaging directly with kim. And i think you know, no question there is not been a concrete signed agreement out of the First Singapore summit and probably will not be out of this. But whats not happening is they are not sending missiles. They are not testing missiles, they are not sort of broaching that brink of war type fever that we were at for the first year of his presidency. That in and of itself is great progress. Karl, you have experience when youre advising president bush 43. How much did he and his team, all you know about what you already had baked in the cake, what youre going to give the end of the summit. A lot. And that is one of the proms with their relationship with north korea. We dont even have a agreement of what denuclearization source sanction relief is. They have had one summit. But lets not kid ourselves, we are at the beginning of a process, we are not deep into the process. And we are going to face an issue here where what kind of concrete steps are the North Koreans going to take . Sure, they are not sending missiles over japan and they are not testing Nuclear Weapons. But maybe they dont need to test. We know that the operative Nuclear Weapons and we know theyve got the ability to send missiles. Whether they can marry the two together we dont know. But one concrete steps are we going to take . One of the key things i think people are looking at when i talk to people in the Foreign Policy areas, there is the facility the only facility from which they derive this material. Three elements they need for Nuclear Weapons. The question is, test of seriousness is whether or not they will decommission and make it under an International Inspection regime. Chris had to tell you, i spoke to a Foreign Policy expert this week that i asked specifically, that issue. He said they have enough material already, theydo not need that. They already have enough. They have dozens of weapons. Lets not kid ourselves. Even if we came to an agreement that they will not make more, they plenty material, plenty of weapons. They will continue to use the material and had to fabricate weapons unless there is an agreement to stop. Even then, in a country that is a virtual slave state, how the heck to have an inspection regime . That is a very pessimistic view. But i must say that it raises the question in my mind, karl, why are we giving this man an International Platform . Why are we legitimizing him . Enough with the chinese and russians have often operated in such a way to support this. You asked a question and i will give an answer. Work with the administration i think has made the determination that is better to engage and not engage. We can argue about that but we engaged and it did not work. We did not engage and that did not work. The president so far, has gone some things out of this. At least chris all right lets wait to see what happens wednesday. We have to take a break. We will see later in the program. We want to move on because when we come back, Democratic Party chair, tom perez joins us to discuss the claims at democrats are going socialist and we will also discuss the parties effort chris this week, selfdescribed democratic socialist Bernie Sanders, dumped into the 20 20 race. Adding to a large and growing field of candidates. Taking the party for for the left. Tom perez, chairman of the democratic committee. Welcome back. Great to be with you, chris. Chris President Trump is pretty clear about one way he intends to go after the Democratic Party and whoever you nominate in 2020. Take a look. The Democratic Party has never been more outside of the mainstream. They are becoming the party of socialism, late term abortion, open borders and crime. Chris whether it is the degree new deal, medicare for all or suggestions about very high tax rates on the super wealthy, how do you defend against President Trump s charge and effort to portray the Democratic Party, tax and spend policies as socialist . This is one of the oldest tricks in the playbook, critics. You go back 75 years will republicans do not want to discuss the issues that matter to real people. They call it socialism. Social security when it was being debated, you had republicans calling it socialism. Minimum wage in 1938, republicans are calling it socialism. Medicare, Ronald Reagan said and i quote medicare will lead to socialized medicine, medicare will lead to socialism in america, the Affordable Care act, the Childrens Health insurance program. All of those things were socialism, socialism. Why do they do that . Because they run on the issues. They dont want to talk about preexisting conditions. We are right on the issue we want to make sure if you are diabetic you keep your coverage. They dont want to so they change the subject. Chris okay, some of those issues, climate change, healthcare, have been around a while. But a new issue came up this past week. Three Democratic Candidates for president now say they support competence and descendents of slaves. Here they are. I have long thought that this country would be better off if we did find a way to do that. America has a history of 200 years of slavery. We had jim crow. Chris and now Elizabeth Warren says she also supports reparations. Not only for slavery but for native americans. You talk about some of the other issues and say well, republicans have always put them as socialist. Back in 2016 barack obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders all dismissed the idea of reparations. And polls have shown that the vast majority of americans are against the idea. Are you comfortable with some of your leaving Democratic Candidates talking about reparations, compensating the descendents of victims of slavery . Is Unfinished Business of america, chris. Weve seen throughout the nations journey that we have more work to do. That is why democrats are talking about it. But with democrats are talking most about right now is, how to build an economy that works for everyone and not just the few at the top . How do we make sure that if you have diabetes, that we will bring down the cost of prescription drugs. How do we have an Infrastructure Program chris specifically reparations. Do you think you will be something in the democratic platform . The idea that will pay the country or the country will pa , compensation to the victims, descendents of victims of slavery . It something that will be discussed during the process. I think what will be discussed, at length during the nominating process is, how do we make sure America Works for everyone . I find this, the whole interesting thing about the continued use of the word socialism. Is that repressive socialist regimes, two of the most frequent qualities number one they tried to undermine the press. And number two, they have corruption. I find it very ironic when you hear this president using the word socialist all the time. I mean, he, putin, kim, castro, with all have in common is that they were doing so many of the same things. You should not be attacking the press away this president does. It is unprecedented. You shouldnt be to be wrapped in truck for a second. I opened the president in the same class with putin and kim and castro . And sang authoritarian socialist regimes undermine the media. That is wrong. You should not do that. Period. No footnotes, no exceptions. Authoritarian socialist regimes have endemic corruption. You should understand. Democrats won in 2018 and no small measure because the culture of corruption engulfing the administration. Chris use of the clip that we played earlier with the president was going through the litany of things that he said the Democratic Party has now become. One of the things he talks about is democrats as the party of open borders. On tuesday the House Democrats will pass in a region of disapproval against declaration of a National Emergency. Any concerns the president will be able to paint democrats as soft on Border Security . We look at the facts, the facts belie that, chris. The fact of the matter is that democrats understand you can have secure borders and the rule of law. That is what we have fought for. And as you correctly pointed out, i think last sunday in the show, what the president has done is unprecedented. Mr. Miller was on the show, you correctly pointed out that there has been no factual circumstance where the president asked for x, Congress Said no and the president went ahead and did it. That is where the Heritage Foundation in 2011 chris i hate when people turn my own words against me well played, mr. Chairman [laughter] okay. Lets turn to the Jussie Smollett case. After he claims that he was the victim of a hate crime , democrats rushed to his aid. You tweeted lets call it what it is, a vicious hate crime. Kirsten gillibrand wrote, it is the latest of too many hate crimes against lgbtq people. And cory booker and, has called it a modernday lynching for this hub this was responded to. Another sad example of people so quick to want to attack and come after this president. Much like you saw with the covington kids. Chris was this a rush to judgment . And to play identity politics in an effort to attack the president . Chris, i spent the better part of the decade under republican and democratic administrations as a career federal hate crimes prosecutor. I saw the cases firsthand. If the allegations are, in recent days are true, its unconscionable. Because hate crimes, the fact of the matter are on the rise. And when you create a false situation, you are doing an injustice to all the people who have been victimized. Splint you think the rushed too fast . We acted on the facts as we know at the time. And here are the facts that we know tapered hate crimes are on the rise. And in the aftermath of charlottesville, frankly, that was a layup for the president. He should have unequivocally said, there is no place for this. And yet, he was empowering, he was giving permission. That was wrong. And we have to understand right now the fact of the matter, hate crimes on the rise and it should be a bipartisan issue. Chris them ask about something that people say would be a layup for you. Do you still feel that regina Governor Northam should step down for wearing black face, 35 years ago and do you support the Virginia House of delegates holding a public hearing where the two women accusing justin fairfax, lieutenant governor, of Sexual Assault can testify . I call for Governor Northam to step down. I believe his ability to govern has been compromise. As president lincoln was a public sentiment is everything. Without it you cant do anything. Chris you called friend to step down . Yes i think his ability to govern has been undermined. I have a concern in the context of having a parttime state legislature conducting the hearings. I have been unequivocal in making sure that when allegations of this nature are made, they are investigated and i do not think Virginia House of delegates in the senate are the right place to investigate it. We have an independent investigation. They should be prompt, it should be thorough, it should be fair and that is what should happen. Chris okay i have about a minute left. I have some bookkeeping to do. Will milwaukee host the 2020 Democratic Convention . We have three finalists. Milwaukee, houston and miami. They are all in the hunt. We are hoping to make the decision within the next few weeks. [laughter] at the most per my goal is the end of the month. I hope to keep that but my goal is to get it right. And if it takes a few days over then we will make sure we get it right. Chris your schedule 12 democratic debates. This year, the end of this year, and the beginning next year. Will fox news get at least one of the 2020 democratic president ial debates . We have not made the decision yet. We have made the decision on the first two debates. What were doing the first two debates chris isunprecedented. Two nights make a truly random draw and heres the goal, chris you know is unprecedented . Giving us a debate. We will see about that. But heres my number one goal. My number one goal is to make sure everyone gets a fair shake. You have 16 people in the race, 15 are going to make it to the mountaintop, my job is to make sure everyone and their supporters feel like their candidate got a fair shake. My the job is to make sure whoever wins has an infrastructure that will enable them to thrive. That is why i enjoy coming here talking to you, talking to your viewers about our vision. Of the Democratic Party, a nation frankly that works for everyone. Chris we welcome you. Thank you so much for joining us, chairman perez. Please come back soon. My pleasure. Looking forward to it. Chris up next we bring in our sunday grip again to discuss the special counsel report that will be wrapped up someday. And the presence former fixer on capitol hill this week. Plus, would you like to ask the panel about the timing of Michael Cohen s hearing while the president is overseas . What a facebook or twitter what a facebook or twitter fox n you still stressed about buying our first house, sweetie . Yeah, i thought doing some hibachi grilling would help take my mind off it all. Maybe you could relieve some stress by calling geico for help with our Homeowners Insurance. Geico helps with Homeowners Insurance . They sure do. And they could save us a bundle of money too. Im calling geico right now. Cell phone . Its ringing. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on homeowners and condo insurance. Get to know geico and sthis is the allnewld its beautiful. Beefy and mean looking. Its the strongest, most advanced silverado ever. The cab is bigger than the last generation. Its the first truck ive seen make you look small. But thats not all. Whoo oh my. Whoa the silverado has more cargo volume than any competitor. Very impressive. Now, during the chevy president s day sales event, get 0 financing for 72 months on this allnew silverado. Drive yours away this president s day. Neighbors. Loved ones. Living with diseases like cancer, epilepsy, Mental Health conditions and hiv. Maybe youre one of them. But new medicare rules could deny access to the latest, most effective therapies. Therapies that keep them healthy. Are medicare cuts that save less than one percent worth the risk to millions of patients . Call and tell congress, stop cuts to part d drug coverage medicare patients depend on. She still be the president can be russian asset . Also we start the investigation and im anxious to see where the director concludes that. Chris Andrew Mccabe like a lot of people, anxious to see what put special Counsel Robert Mueller has found in almost 2 years of investigation. We are back now with the panel. Julie, first of all explained to the viewers, and me, why we get all of these reports last week, the miller report is coming up this week or now we dont know when its coming out but it will not be this week. Secondly, what do your sources in the white house say . How worried are they really about the report . On the first point i think what youre seeing is Wishful Thinking on people sports. We been living with this for quite some time and there are signs that it is coming to a conclusion. In part because Robert Mueller has handed of some investigations people on his team are moving on to other jobs. Reality is we will not know when the investigation is done until it is officially done and Robert Mueller tells the new attorney general that he is done. I think its important to note that when it happens actually kickstart another process which is to figure out what becomes public. There is not actually the end of this. The second question, theres been anxiety and administration about the report because it is just such an unknown. We are fairly confident theres going to be nothing in the report that directly ties the president to russia in terms of a phone call saying that coordinate some type of smoking gun. But there are other areas where they have a lot that relates the question of obstruction. Around the firing of james comey. Also the trump tower meeting happen when don junior they think they know what Robert Mueller has. Based on conversations with lawyers that represent people having conversations but remains a bit of a black box. Chris i want to pick up with one of the first points which is after mueller gives up the report, he gives it to william barr, the new attorney general and according to the regulations, that is a confidential report. Which he then has to decide how much a turn over to the congress and the public. This is what he said to the confirmation hearing. Im going to try and get the information out there. Consistent with regulations and the extent i have discretion i will exercise that discretion to do that. Chris karl, the Justice Department generally does not same thing about people it doesnt decide to charge. The comey press conference on Hillary Clinton being a pretty dramatic example of not following that. But you also have the fact that the last two years House Republicans, the people in the intel community, pressing the fbi to turn over a lot of information that it did not like the fisa warrant. Isnt going to be a little hard not to turn out that spigot for House Republicans or william barr or the present state we cannot share the information . That will be the big event what is public and what is not public. Rules by janet reno after the expiration of the independent counsel statute, in 1999. Its been in force ever since. I thought it was absolutely dreadful, the sanctimonious james comey blasting Hillary Clinton. It was a decision that should be made at the doj. Having made the decision, taking himself the power to do that then decided not to indict her and then trashing her was bad, this is several hundred years chris but let me just ask you this. So, according to the Justice Department legal guidelines, they cant indent a present. So the only person i could bring a president , im not saying has anything to do is congress. During at the sharon in information . You get to the critical moment. That is the key question. If they declined to indict the president , because president s should not be indicted while in office, that is one thing that might need to be made public because that would need to be taken into consideration by Congress Holds ultimate power of impeachment. Short of that i do not think they should make anything public. Because that is not what we should do in our system. Comey showed why that was wrong. Chris we are running out of time here. Well get to another subject and that is michael, the president s former fixer, former lawyer is going to testify public before the House Oversight committee on wednesday. The very day that President Trump sits down with kim jongun in vietnam. We ask you, for questions from the panel about that. Gary tweeted this why does congress have no respect for the president . Josh, how do you answer barry about the decision by the House Oversight committee to hold a hearing with Michael Cohen who is going to say bad things about the president right in the role of the summit . I think is a terrible precedent. It used to be not so long ago an agreement that the president was overseas you hold fire on domestic political disputes. This one is absolutely the highest in the latter of a political dispute. My former aide to the president that is proven time and again that he is very interested in trying to harm him politically at a moment when the president is sitting down for something that can only be described as a top National Interest for the interNational Security of our country. I think its absolutely ridiculous. One point i wanted to make in reference to whether this is public or not. We are not dealing with an intern here in the 90s with a starr report. Dealing with Sensitive Information about a state actor of russia. There is deftly going to be things redacted here. I absolutely am confident the democrats will use this as an opportunity to say the doj is not sharing everything. In the end i think we will know everything we need to know in the mueller report. Chris wait, let me bring in juan. You been pretty critical comedy problems with the House Committee holding a public hearing on National Television with Michael Cohen when the president is over in vietnam in a summit with kim . I think it hurts us, the American People in terms of the voice of the president. Because i think Michael Cohen is likely to indict the president s character. He was the president s confidant, his fixer and he will be talking about things like payoffs, potential criminal activity. He directed to involve himself at the president s will. I think it is damaging but remember, Michael Cohen was scheduled to have appeared much earlier. He delayed it and this is just the consequence of the delay. I do not think it was intentional action by the congress in response to the question. Chris have 10 seconds. They could have waited until next week. They could have waited forever but you know what . Hes going to jail chris not until may. But the point is going to jail and he was avoiding testimony. And they want to get him now. Chris okay, thank you panel. I will see you next sunday. I will say it may be inappropriate [laughter] up next our power player of the week. How millennial ceo is helping other people her age face the real world. Remember when you graduated from school and went out in the real world and had to figure out by yourself how to deal with all sorts of practical problems . Now they face the same challenges it but they are getting a big helping hand. Here is our power player of the week. Genevieve ryan is talking about three years ago at age 26. 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Have a great week and we will see you next fox news sunday. Howie on the buzzmeter, President Trump flat out calls the New York Times the enemy of the people. Its obstruction. What else could it be. What other reason could the president have for calling Matt Whitaker as the investigation is growing and threatening him. The president is make an assault on the department of justice. Corrupt intent to use the levers of powers of the government for a corrupt purpose to deflect an investigation into himself or his allies. Howie

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