Toxic and what politicians and the media can do about it with one of the survivors of the shooting, republican congressman rodney davis, and with democratic senator Amy Klobuchar. Then, President Trump confirms he is now under investigation as the special counsel broadens the russia probe to look into possible obstruction of justice. Well discuss the potential case against the president and his Defense Strategy with jay sekulow, a member of his legal team. Plus, President Trump announces a rollback of the obama administrations opening to cuba. Effective immediately, i am canceling the last administrations completely onesided deal with cuba. [cheers and applause] chris well ask our sunday panel if the new policy goes too far or not far enough. Chris and our power player of the week, one mans journey bringing comfort to foster children. A child deserves to own something thats brand new, that belongs to them. Chris all right now on fox news sunday. Hello again and happy fathers day from fox news in washington. The Nations Capital is still shaken from this weeks attack where a gunman opened fire on republican members of congress during a baseball practice. House whip Steve Scalise has been upgraded from Critical Condition to serious after several operations, and on both sides of the aisle officials are asking how they contributed to the toxic Political Climate and what they can do to change it. Democratic senator Amy Klobuchar joins us in a few minutes, but first from springfield, illinois, congressman rodney davis who was on that field during wednesdays shooting. Congressman, first of all and most important, how are you four days after the attack . How you doing . You know, chris, its still pretty surreal. I can tell you this is the best fathers day ive ever had to be able to come back home and see the outpouring of care and support from the people that know me best, including my family. It has just been a really humbling event and very memorable for me and my family. Chris have you gotten over it in an emotional sense, are you still in shock . You know, people tell you how youre supposed to feel, but it never seems that you do. I mean, i still sense normalcy. There are times when im probably a little more agitated, there are things that im going to do differently in my life and in my workplace to insure that we probably put security more as a priority than we have in the past. And thats a sad state to be in when you just woke up a few days ago, got in a car and went to a baseball field to practice for a charity game and next thing you know bullets are flying. Chris i want to take you back to just after the shooting. Here you are, sir. This political rhetoric and political discourse that has led to hate has led to gunfire. I called my wife and my children immediately when i got ahold of a phone. I told them, i love you. And dads okay. Chris congressman, you said that you were at your breaking point, and you called this an act of political, rhetorical terrorism. Now that youve had a few days to think about it, what do all of this, poll stickses and politicians and media, what can we do to change it . And, frankly, how long do you think that new leaf will last . Well, i may have made it too complicated, chris. I want to change that to just political terrorism, because obviously the evidence from the shooter, this maniac who began firing at all of us, shows that he turned his religion into politics. And when somebody turns their religion into politics, theyre no better than anyone else who hijacks a religion and tries to indiscriminately kill people. I thank god for agent bailey and agent greiner who were there to save us all. I hope and pray that we can take this day, this day, this tragedy that could have been much, much worse and turn it into an opportunity to come together as americans. Because no one i dont care what side youre on no one deserves to have the violence that we all experienced just four short days ago. Chris in 2011 after congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot in a Shopping Center outside tucson, president obama made a similar appeal. Take a look, sir. Its important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that were talking with each other in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds. Chris but congressman, as you know all too well since then, the political discourse in this country has only gotten worse. You know, it has, chris, and the polarization has seemingly continued to rise on both sides in creating the fringes on the right and the left. And thats why since ive been elected to congress, ive tried to be somebody who talks about bipartisanship, who actually has a record of bipartisanship. And now i want to stand up and ask the American People, those of us who are or the majority in this country who want republicans and democrats to Work Together, lets stand up to the hate on both sides, lets stand up to the rhetoric that we see that leads to this polarization, that leads to bullets being fired at a baseball field just a few days ago. Chris final question. Theres been a lot of talk about beefing up security for members of congress, even talk about members like yourself being able to carry your own guns for selfprotection. How do you think we can balance on the one hand the fact that you want voters to have access to you, but on the other hand you need to be protected . Well, thats a debate that were going to continue to have. But i think its an important debate to have. And chris, i want to tell you and all of your viewers, you know, i was cleaning out my baseball bag a couple the day after the shooting, after we played our congressional baseball game for charity. And as i pulled something out from the area where you store your bats, i saw something drop on the ground. And here it is today, chris. This is the piece of shrapnel from a madman who came to politically kill innocent people. This is the reminder that owl of us have all of us have that we have to take a step back in this country, we have to tone down this rhetoric and come together as americans and say enough is enough. I thank you for having me on too, chris. Chris well, i thank you for that message, sir. Thank you, thanks for your time. I know that this will be a special fathers day for you and your family, sir. Yes, it will. Chris and joining us now from minneapolis, democratic senator Amy Klobuchar. Senator, i want to start with a town hall last month in north dakota where one voter confronted republican congressman kevin kramer about the effort to repeal and replace obamacare. Here it is. Thats a question. Answer it yes or no. Will the rich benefit . Shut your mouth. Will the rich benefit from if the health care is destroyed, do the rich get a tax break . Yes or no . Of course not. Chris it was the same back in 2010 when republicans, members of the tea party were going after democrats trying to pass obamacare in the first place. Has our politics gotten out of control, senator . Well, thank you for that question, chris. I, first of all, want to say im so pleased by the word from congressman davis. Im glad hes safe. Im so glad representative scalise, that his condition is improving, and i do think that the language, the rhetoric on both sides has gotten out of control. And as you know, it is on both sides. I am someone that believes you have to treat people civilly, that you can disagree and that courage is truly not whether youre going to yell at someone in the middle of an empty chamber, but whether youre willing to stand next to someone how dont always agree with for the betterment of this country. And that means finding Common Ground and higher ground. I think its senator enzi of wyoming, a republican, who has said, you know, we disagree on a lot of things, but we can agree on about 80 of the things 80 of the time. And so trying to find those areas, whether it be funding for roads and bridges, whether it that we need to upgrade that, whether it be looking for ways that we can all say not Everyone Needs a fouryear degree, lets get more kids into jobs where we have openings and give them those skills, i think there are areas where we can find Common Ground, and thats what ive tried to do in my work. Chris but part of the problem, senator, is we seem to be in a vicious cycle. Back in 2010 democrats passed obamacare without a single republican vote. This year republicans seem to be trying to pass repeal and replace without a single democratic vote. How do you stop the vicious cycle . Well, you can start right now. As you know, the American People would really like to see us Work Together on health care, and there are plenty of changes that we need to make to the Affordable Care act like bringing the prices of prescription drugs down, bills that i have with senator mccain and senator grassley, two republicans, as well as work we should be doing to make sure the exchangeses are strong. But doing this behind closed doors is actually not what we did with the Affordable Care act. So im hopeful that this would be an opportunity given what were seeing across the country with the prices of prescription drugs where we could work on that together. Chris let me i have found Common Ground go ahead. Chris senator, let me just ask you a question about that. You know, part of this is both sides have got to admit theyre doing things wrong. Havent democrats held up an awful lot of trump nominations . I know some of them are conservative, but some of them are well within the mainstream. I saw an item today that the average weight between nomination and con average wait between nomination and confirmation between george w. Bush and obama was a couple of days, for donald trump it has been 25 days, the average wait, the delay. Would you agree that your party is guilty of some obstruction here . Im not saying were perfect throughout time, but i do know that all of his cabinet nominees are now in place, that they have been voted on, some with significant democratic support, and that also now were with working down to the next level, and theyve actually been well reported, havent put people up for a lot of those positions. When they come up, especially in the military area, the security area, weve tried to move quickly on those. So we need to do what we can to fill those positions. But, again, the president has to govern and not just squander those moments away when he, you know, sends out tweets at seven in the morning. Because i do think there are many of us that want to govern, that believe we are out of a crisis in the economy, were at a time of opportunity, so lets use that opportunity. Chris im going to get to those tweets in a moment, but generally after an attack like this democrats are quick and you, in some cases, have been quick to talk about gun control. This time almost all democrats, including you, have been silent about tougher gun controls. How come . Well, i think, first of all, this was a man with severe mental illnesses. We dont know all the facts here. Yes, we came together with republicans like pat toomey of pennsylvania and said we should have better background checks. We did that at the last time after sandy hook. We were unsuccessful. But i think that what we need to look at, of course, im ranking on the rules committee, we should be looking at security, how we can beef up security at events like this and in the capital. But the bigger lesson from this, to me, is that i hope people just like they did on that baseball field, i was there with the 25,000 people that joined in all four leaders were out on the field actually looking like they liked each other. At the end, when the democrats won the game, they gave the trophy to the republicans and asked them to put it in representative scalises office. We need to take that spirit and go from two teams to one team for america. Chris i want to ask you as a member of the Senate Judiciary committee, you mentioned tweets, and i want to ask you about President Trumps tweet on friday. Lets put it up on the screen. I am being investigated for firing the fbi director by the man who told me to fire the fbi director. Witch hunt. Question do you believe the president is trying to get rid of Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein . And, perhaps, also the special counsel, Robert Mueller . Well, i hope not. Representative ryan, speaker ryan has given him the advice that he let needs to let the special counsel do his job. And as a factual matter, Rod Rosenstein has told the senate in a briefing, and he said we could say it publicly, that the president had made up his mind already to fire jim comey before he even wrote that memo. And finally these tweets, chris, these tweets really every time one goes out, it does squander this moment of governorship. I think there are areas that we can come together with the administration, with republicans including things like infrastructure, thingses like doing something on things like doing something on work force training, doing something on tax reform. But its going to be really hard to do that when those tweets come out at seven in the morning and then the whole focus of washington and the country is on what the president said last time. So lets use this moment to govern. Chris final question. If the president does go ahead and theres some talk about firing Rod Rosenstein or firing Robert Mueller what will the reaction be in congress . I think that would be, to use Lindsey Grahams words, a disaster. Because mueller is just starting to do his work. The chips will fall where they may. This is about a foreign government, the country of russia, trying to influence an american election. As marco rubio himself has said, this time it was one party, one candidate. Next time it will be another. So we need to figure out what happened and then move Forward Together as a country. And the president should not be firing the man, Rod Rosenstein, who was, in fact, the person that was appointed by george bush, has served valiantly as a u. S. Attorney and is simply trying to do his job. Bob mueller, foreman fbi director former fbi director, strongly supported by republicans in the past. Let them do their work. Chris senator klobuchar, thank you happy fathers day, chris. Chris thank you. Thanks for having me on. Chris and remember to get your kids to call their dad. Yes, thats a very important thing. Im texting my daughter after we stop and reminding her to do the same. Chris maybe she watched the show, and maybe you wont need to. Exactly. If shes a awake. Chris up next, our sunday group to discuss calls for unity here in washington and how long they will last. Ghting robots. Destroy. But when it comes to mortgages, shes less confident. Fortunately for sarah, theres Rocket Mortgage by quicken loans. Its simple, so she can understand the details and be sure shes getting the right mortgage. Apply simply. Understand fully. Mortgage confidently. What in real time . Stomer insights from the data wait, our data center and our clouds cant connect . Michael, can we get this data to. . Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. You used to be the yes guy. What happened to that guy . Legacy technology can handcuff any company. But yes is here. 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Com and see how easy it is to switch and save on renters insurance. Chris chilling footage from wednesdays attack on the gop congressional baseball practice that left four people shot, including a member of congress and the gunman dead. And its time now for our sunday group. Fox news senior political analyst brit hume, columnist for the hill, juan williams, julie pace, the the New Washington bureau chief for the Associated Press congratulations, julie thank you very much. [applause] [laughter] congratulations. Chris anyway, and Washington Examiner contributor lisa boothe. No, it does deserve applause. Brit, obviously, nobody can directly link this attack, the actions of a deranged man to the Political Climate in washington, but why is have things turned so venomous here over the years, and is there any way to stop it . Chris, i think that congressman davis had it part right and part wrong, because i think the poisonous Political Climate and the poisonous language with which people who disagree speak of each other is as much expect attitudes on capitol hill are as much a reflection of whats in the country as they are a cause of it. And we hear people speak of each other today in twitter, in political debate in a way that never used to be the case to this extent. People dont really disagree. They think the other party, the other side is evil and must be stopped. This is really something new. We need to keep a civil tongue in america and recognize the humanity and the decency of the other side. And what we have is the most vicious sort of name calling. And it doesnt help when the president who has certainly been a victim of this himself adds to it with the force of his own rhetoric. Peopling, you know, youve got lyin ted and crooked hillary and bad people he says are investigating him. So it all feeds and contributes to this climate of rage and hate of the two political viewpoints that predominate in this cub. Its poison in this country. Its poison. Chris there was an interesting story in the New York Times this year x a stud found that people im not talking about politicians, im talking about voters right. Chris they used to basically have no use for each other, now they hate each other. It was a thermometer from 1100 and your feelings, and the average now was 0, thats how ice cold their feelings are for people of the other party. I guess the question is how do you change it . Well, i think you have to understand that the confirmation bias that exists in terms of media content, where do you get your information from and are you live anything a bubble, its almost become secure in this area of the internet that people look for points of view that affirm their preexisting prejudices. Friday was an versely of lincolns famous a house divided against itself cannot stand speech. I feel like were in that moment. This is one of the most divided moments just by live anything this community that ive living in this community that ive ever experienced in all my years in washington. You know, the part that is so, i think, damning was spoken by jim mattis, the defense secretary, recently. He was asked what worries him the most. He didnt say any military enemy, he said it was the divisions among us as americans, the failure to talk, to listen, to be able to come to compromise and some solution. He said we cant go on like this because what we fight for in the military are american principles and values, and yet those are shattered. Chris President Trump made several appeals this week for unity. Here was his weekly address. Though we have our differences, what unites us is so much stronger; our love of our country, our devotion to its people. Now more than ever these values must guide us and bring us closer together. Chris julie, do they feel any responsibility in the white house . Do you hear any talk about that for this division . Obviously, it didnt start with donald trump, but i think as brit would say, a number of people would feel that he has added to it. And is there any sign that the president , for all of that talk, intends to dial back his rhetoric . Well, i think if you look at the way the president handled the immediate aftermath of the shooting, his remarks not only there, but also in the diplomatic room hours after this happened, it was measured, responsible and sober x then you look at some of his tweets, and hes going back to calling Hillary Clinton crooked hillary. He does not seem to believe that any of the rhetoric that weve heard from him both during the campaign and as president has contributed to this heightened sense of tension that we have between these parties. And i dont anticipate that youre going to see a dramatic shift from him, though again, i do think that he handled the immediate aftermath in a very responsible way. Chris now, we should point out theres plenty of blame to go to both sides, because on the oh side youve got other side youve got that tasteless, on the left, photo op by kathy griffin, not funny. And then you also have a production of julius caesar, shakespeare in the mark park in new york city, where julius caesar, as you can see, looks just like donald trump. Theres plenty of hate on the left as well, isnt there, lisa . Yes, there absolutely is. You had members of congress who were on the field in the aftermath calling for unity. Yet i question the sincerity of some on the left of also those calls for unity. You had the day after the shooting minority leader nancy pelosi, when asked if the political culture, if it was equally afflicting the left and the right, proceeded to attack republicans going back to 1990 calling them the sanctimonious republicans. Mind you, this is the day after a known Bernie Sanders supporter proceeded to carry out that exact thing. This also comes on the heels of october 2016, a gop office fire bombed. February, 2017, a 71yearold staffer of Dana Rohrabacher knocked unconscious. May 2017 chris i know, we could also point to Gabrielle Giffords being shot but there was no, there was no known link between the shooter and the tea party, yet you even had the New York Times Editorial Board chris are you really suggesting its all on one side . No, im not saying that. Im saying when posed this question by minority leader nancy pelosi, the simple answer would have been yes. Chris, these are politicians. They lead to some extent, but they also follow. And the divisions that you see play out on capitol hill and elsewhere in this town, the white house as well, are a function of the sentiments of constituents. Thats why, for example, you dont have any real effort to make a deal on capitol hill on the part of democrats with trump, because their constituents think trump is utterly evil and unsuited for office x they dont want any part of him. That is a reflection. The causes of that go much deeper, but its not the leaders can lead, and it takes a great one to lead us out of this if thats going to happen. But they also are following. And its the broad climate in the country op both sides on both sides that is responsible. Chris all right. We have to take a break here. Well see you all a little later. Up next, the president tweets hes under investigation. A member of mr. Trumps legal team joins us live. dog yeah, these new beneful breaknbites are great. Theyll break off a couple if you sit, you stay. But if you want all four, mmmm. You gotta get cute. You gotta let a baby sleep on your belly. vo new beneful breaknbites, with real beef as the 1 ingredient. Chris a look outside the beltway at wisconsin where the worlds top golfers are competing in todays final round of the u. S. Open. The investigation into possible links between russia and Trump Associates and whether the president has tried to shut down that probe took some dramatic new turns this week. Joining me now is jay sekulow, a member of the president s legal team. Jay, i want to start with the president s tweet friday that i discussed with democratic senator Amy Klobuchar. Here it is again. I am being investigated for firing the fbi director by the man who told me to fire the fbi director. Witch hunt. Has the special counsel, Robert Mueller, formally notified the president that he is under investigation . The president has not been notified by anyone that hes under investigation. That tweet, chris, was in response to the Washington Post story that alleged that five unnamed sources, Anonymous Sources, leaked to the Washington Post that the president was, in fact, under investigation. So that tweet was in response to that. Theres been no notification of any investigation. Nothings changed since james comey said the president was not a target or a subject of investigation. Nothings changed. Chris well, but you dont know that he isnt under investigation now, do you . Well, no ones notified us that he is. I cant read peoples minds, but i can tell you this, we have not been notified that theres an investigation of the president of the United States. So nothing has changed. Chris i want to go after another part of this tweet. Why is he going after Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein . First of all, he seems to imply that rosenstein is investigating him. Thats not true. Its mueller. And secondly, he is making it clear in an interview with nbc that he decided to fire comey well before he ever met with Rod Rosenstein. Take a look. I was going to fire regardless of recommendation [inaudible] he made a recommendation. Hes highly respected, very good guy, very smart guy. The democrats like him, the republicans like him. He made a recommendation. But regard he is of recommendation, i was going to fire comey. Chris im going to ask you a direct question, does the president think that Rod Rosenstein has done anything wrong . The president has never said anything about Rod Rosenstein doing anything wrong. Heres what is the legal situation here. There is a constitutionallal issue when you have this scenario. The president made a determination based on consultive advice. Hes the commander in chief, he gets to make the decision that james comey had to go. That was coming from groups right, left and center over the last year, you and i know that. Theres been concern about james comey. It was put forward in a referendum, thats what the president s referencing, from the Deputy Attorney general and the attorney general requesting the removal of james comey as the fbi director. And ultimately, its the president s determination. Heres the constitutional threshold question, chris the president takes action based on numerous events including recommendations from his attorney general and the Deputy Attorney generals office, he takes the action that they also, by the way, recommended, and now hes being investigated by the department of justice because the special counsel under the special counsel regulations reports still to the department of justice, not an independent counsel. So hes being investigated for taking the action that the attorney general and Deputy Attorney general recommended him to take by the agency who recommended the termination. So thats the constitutional threshold question here, and thats why, as i said chris well, whats the question . I mean, you stated some facts. First of all, youve now said that he is being investigated no. Chris you just said no, hes not being investigated. Chris you just said that hes being investigated. No, chris, i said that let me be Crystal Clear so you completely understand. We have not received, nor are we aware of any investigation of the president of the United States. Chris sir, you just said two times that hes being investigated. No. The context of the tweet, i just gave you the legal theory, chris, of how the constitution works. If, in fact, it was correct that the president was being investigated, he would be investigated for taking action that an agency told him to take. So that is protected you should the constitution as his article i power under his power. I appreciate you trying to rephrase it chris sir, i didnt rephrase it. The tape will speak for itself, you said he is being investigated chris chris no, wait a minute. Jay, its not just being investigated for firing comey, theres also the question of what he said to comey when comey was still the fbi director, so theres more than just the fact that he fired comey. Chris, let me be clear, you asked me a question about what the president s tweet was regarding the Deputy Attorney general of the United States. Thats what you asked me, and i responded to what that legal theory would be. So i do not appreciate you putting words in my mouth when ive been Crystal Clear that the president is not and has not been under investigation. I dont think chris well, you dont know that hes not under investigation again, sir i cannot read the youre right, chris, i cannot chris okay, good, were in agreement, you dont know whether hes under investigation chris, thats like chris question im asking you, does he think that Rod Rosenstein, its a very simple question, does he think Rod Rosenstein has done anything wrong . He hasnt expressed any opinion about Rod Rosenstein. Let me Say Something here, youre asking me if i had a conversation, which i have not had, about Robert Mueller with the president of the United States, i could not and would not discuss that with you. Unlike james comey, who leaks information to the press, i actually respect the Attorney Client privilege. Apparently, he did not. Chris well, youre speaking for his legal team, so youre out here to represent him and tell us what the president s belief is, is that correct . No. Im here to tell you what the facts are and the legal issues. Im not the clients conscience, im his lawyer. Chris i understand that. Have you spoken to the president at all . Yes. But im not going to discuss those conversations with you. Those are privileged under the Attorney Client privilege. Chris well, i assume if he asked you to Say Something, for instance, mark cat wits said all kinds of things, i assumed he was speaking for the president he made a general statement to the press after the testimony of james comey. Thats what that was about. Youre asking me now questions about what people are thinking in their minds,. Which i dont read minds, and also whether i may or may not have had a conversation with the president about, and you understand this. I respect the Attorney Client privilege unlike james comey. I want to be real clear on that too. Im not going to give you conversations ive had or not had with the president of the United States chris well, i as lawyer its privileged, period. Chris does the president think that rosenstein, because you talked about this constitutional theory that he took action on the advice, although he says he didnt take it on the advice of rosenstein, does he think that rosenstein should recuse himself, and is he laying the groundwork to fire rosenstein and mueller . Ive had no conversations and heard nothing about that at all. I think this, chris, let me tell you one thing about the constitutional theory, as you call it. Its actually calls the constitution. You know, the president has certain Plenary Authority chris i think you called it the constitutional theory, sir. Yeah, it is a constitutional theory based on the constitution. Chris i understand that. Not socalled, its part of the constitution. The president has inherent authority. Heres what youre trying to do, chris chris now youre reading minds again. No. Chris, i i deal with fact and law. Chris then dont tell me what im trying to do, because you dont know what im trying to do. Actually, what im trying to get is a straight answer out of you. Yeah, well chris let me ask you this, as a matter of law, does the president think he can be indicted under the constitution . The president i havent had that conversation with the president , but he cant be indicted under the constitution for Something Like this. Of course not. Chris why is that . Because theres not an investigation. And theres chris well, you dont know oh, boy, this is weird. You dont know whether theres an investigation. You just told us that. Chris, youre asking me to speck so what youre asking me chris im asking you as a matter of law, not whether theres an investigation. Does the president think he can be indicted as president. For chris thats a constitutional issue. For obstruction of justice . Chris no, for any issue. Now, chris, you know, lets be realistic here. You know what the answer is, can president s be indicted for obstruction, you know what the position has been since the 1970s and again stated in 2000. Thats not how you engage a president. Theres a political process if somebody did something wrong. Youre conflating a constitutional process, criminal law, with a issue of political consequence. So i am his lawyer, im not his political adviser. Chris senator Dianne Feinstein, the top democrat on the Senate Judiciary committee, responded to the president s tweet this week with this statement the message the president is sending through his tweets is that he believes the rule of law doesnt apply to him and that anyone who thinks otherwise will be fired. Is she wrong, sir . Yeah, shes wrong. First of all, Dianne Feinstein also called for an investigation of james comey and Loretta Lynch for that whole episode regarding her engagement in calling it a, quote, manner, not an investigation. But with regard to this particular issue, i mean, the tweet theres nothing illegal or inappropriate about tweet. The tweet came on heels of a Washington Post story that had five Anonymous Sources and didnt even identify the agency from which those sources came from, and thats what he tweet inside response to. Its that simple, period. Chris final question. The president just added john dowd, a highpowered washington lawyer, to his legal team. Should we expect him to hire other criminal lawyers, and in a sense, is he preparing for potential legal battle here . Look, i mean, john dowd is a legal legend, you know that, in washington d. C. And the president is doing the appropriate thing by hiring lawyers necessary, if there was to be an investigation, if there were to be an investigation. You have the lawyers in place. Weve got a great legal team, weve got john dowd on the team. This is a solid team. Contrary to some of the press reports, a deep team. If necessary. Chris do you think i misspoke, im going to ask one more question because im not allowed to ask you what the president thinks. Do you think he should stop tweeting about this case . Look, heres the thing on that, you know, people have been canning me that. The president asking me that. The president has changed the way in which engagement goes on. Youve got great ratings, no doubt about it, but lets face it, the president speaks to 1078 Million People through his social 107 Million People through his social media platforms. I think, look, the president knows the effectiveness of social media, hes been very effective at it. Again, im his lawyer, i deal with the issues. Nothing that hes tweeted is causing me any issues at this point, nothing. Chris jay, thank you. Please come back and well continue it and maybe this time well get on you know what . Be here in studio, and we can stay on the same wavelength. There we go. Happy fathers day. Chris happy fathers day to yo i too, sir. Up next, well discuss the latest developments in the special comes investigation, plus the president rolls back mr. Obamas cuba policies. What would you like to ask the panel about the reversal . Go to facebook or twitter foxnewssunday, and we may use your question on the air. The real you shine through . Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness,. Thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if youre allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts. Or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight. And may stop treatment. 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Well, the president increasingly sees himself as a victim of a politicallymotivated attempt to undermine or perhaps end his presidency. And what really seems to have him frustrated, according to chris you could argue that hes right about that. You could, except that this investigation is going to go on whether he feels that way or not. And one of the things that his associates, his advisers say is hes frustrated because he doesnt have the ability to control this. So you see him lashing out in these various ways on twitter. He is consumed by the coverage of this investigation, and he watches it in real from realtime. He has the televisions on, hes watching whats being said about him, and its really fueled this anxiety. Because, again, this is not something hes going to be able to control. This is something that is going to continue, and the tweets and his reactions to this seem to actually be causing the investigation to expand, not contract. Chris yeah, i want the pick up on that. There are two things that can both be true here, lisa saw. One, it can be a witch hunt, it can be an effort by his opponents to bring him down. But you could also argue that hes made things worse. James comey kept telling him hes not under investigation, so he fires comey. Now he is under investigation. And then there are those tweets. I think youre right. I think both of those can be true. And, look, the president had every right to fire comey. I think the problem was, one, the conflicting messages from the white house and then also the alleged conversations that happened between him and the fbi director. But if youre the president , i actually think calling this a witch hunt is a smart political strategy. Because the if you look at it from the sense of, okay, so you have the fbi director who the New York Times said made an extraordinary statement, i think it was back in march, announcing the fact that they were looking into Trump Associates and the russians in regard to russia. But meanwhile, behind the scenes telling him that he himself is not under investigation while everyone else is calling for impeachment for him. Then you have the former fbi director leaking memos, as he said, to force a special counsel investigation. When he took instruction from Loretta Lynch to call it a matter as opposed to investigation, and now hes allegedly being looked at for obstruction of justice despite what senator risch pointed out in his testimony. I think calling this a witch hunt is a smart political strategy looking at all those things. Chris all right. Enough about all of this. Were going to talk about one of the real subjects affecting peoples lives that you all want to hear about, and i want to turn to President Trump announcing this week that he is partially rolling back president obamas opening of diplomatic and economic ties to cuba. Here he is. America has rejected the cuban peoples oppressors. They are rejected. Officially today, they are rejected. Chris brit, how significant is the president s decision really when you consider the fact that, yes, he is rolling back some things, on the other hand to, the u. S. Embassy in havana is going to stay open, u. S. Airlines and cruise ships are still going to be able to serve the island. What he did is he dialed back part of the outreach of cue a baa, a signal cue cuba. Theres not going to be any real detente between washington and havana. But, you know, it was not he called it a complete rollback, reversal. It wasnt really a reversal. Chris we asked you for questions for the panel x we got this on facebook from Pamela Murray who writes what benefit did we gain by changing the policies in the first place . Juan, how do you answer pamela . And specifically, the question of after president obama in 2014 had this opening, this effort to reach out to the castro regime did they really release the, you know, ease up on the repression, political repression in the country . Short answer to pamela is, no. The thing is, im going to say this on a very personal level, i was somewhat conflicted. I was a critic of the obama rapprochement because, to me, my family had experiences in latin america with these castrolike dictators. Its not healthy, its repression x. Its repression that leads to political prisoners, as you were describing. But the thing is, chris, you have 50plus years of failed u. S. Policy with regard to cuba that has not led to the release of political prisoner, increased human rights or even pressed freedoms in cuba. So the idea that you would have and this is specifically in answer to pamela an infusion of americans with american values, american capitalism and american democracy coming into cuba, challenging the way of life, giving people new reason for hope is, to me, a significant change. And one of the realities chris but you agree that in the two and a half years it was in place, it didnt actually change no, no, i think it changed. If you care about the cuban people, yes, there was change. Did press freedoms increase . No. But this is a slow and steady process, and there was no change in the previous 55 years. Chris, this has has been an enduring debate as to how to deal with these dictatorial regimes. One theory holds if you open up commerce, eventually that will have a democratizing effect. Results from china, i think, are mixed at best as to whether thats effective. I think its worth a try. Cubas a somewhat different case because, you know, they have a 920s economy there 1920s economy there, and the early indications is at least on the political suppression, it has not ended. I think it remains to be seen whether the commerce will have the effect we hope it will have, but theres no certain answer as to whether that works or not. Chris julie, in the white house how do the trump officials, advisers reconcile his call and his defense of human rights in cuba with a few weeks back when he was in the middle east, his silence on that issue when he was in saudi arabia . Its a pretty jarring contrast. I was on that trip in saudi arabia, and this is a country that other u. S. President s have dealt with despite their pretty grim human rights record. So its not as though trump is the first person to do it. But he completely ignored the Human Rights Violations when he was on that trip. Yet we hear him talking about cuba and saying this is a human rights issue. You can look at this two ways. You can say this is sip call and just an attempt to try to roll back something that obama did, or you could look at people like marco rubio and other lawmakers who truly believe this is a human rights issue and have been putting a lot of pressure on this white house. One important difference, cubas an american adversary, for sure. Has been forever. Saudi arabias an ally yeah, but i think cubas our neighbor, and they havent posed a direct threat to us, and its time to for change. The Younger Generation in florida of cubans, theyre for obamas plan. Its the older generation that, i think, is still entrenched in the hatred and anger. Chris lets not disthe older generation diss the older generation. [laughter] oh, no. Chris panel, see you next sunday. Up next, our power player of the week, how a father is changing the lives of thousands of kids one comfort case at a time. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. 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Chris rob, who spent eight years in foster care, wanted to send a different message. Lets keep going. Chris so in 2013 he started something called comfort cases. We wanted to make sure that they had more than a trash bag. So we give them a case with a brand new pair of pa jam a maas, a toothbrush, a bar of soap, a blanket and a book. Chris what difference that make in. It makes a huge difference. Chris to understand, listen to robs story. When he turned 18 and the government checks ran out, his foster father put him on street. Rob ended up working in a taco restaurant while he went to school. The owner knew that i was homeless, and so he would leave the outside bathroom door unlocked for me to sleep in at night. Chris so you graduated from high School Graduated from high school homeless are. Chris after a stint in the navy, rob went into the Mortgage Business and married reese x in 2009 they decided to adopt from foster care. Amaya was 4, and her little brother was 2. We were told that the little boy was probably never going to speak, and if he did walk, he would walk with braces on his legs. He had such severe alcohol fetal syndrome. Chris three months later, they took in another pair of siblings. It was while raising his new family, rob made a discovery. A child deserves to own something thats brand new, that belongs to them. There are checklists that you will grab. Chris so rob and reese started comfort cases, organizing packing parties. The first year they put together a couple of hundred duffel bags and backpacks. By last year, 25,000 to six states and d. C. Thank you, thank you. Thank you for coming. Chris amaya is now 13. She is amazing. She loves the charity. Today we have field day. My son grayson, who is 10, i always call him my spokesperson. Chris reese read that being around animals could help someone. Three years ago we bought a farm with goats and chickens, and we were barely getting by. And now three years later, he gets on a cool bus every single day and turns around and waves bye to his dads. Every single day he looks at me, and for the first time last year said, i love you, daddy. Chris rob cites shocking numbers. Threequarters of the people sent to prison have some link to foster care. More than 70 percent of foster children will become homeless. His goal that every single child in foster care no longer carries a trash bag. But i really hope that we as a community realize that the over 400,000 children deserve the same thing that we give each of our children, and thats love, and thats letting them know that they are wanted. Chris i told you it was special. Scheer says they raised 100,000 last year, and no one took a penny of salary. If you want to learn more, go to our web site, foxnewssunday. Com. Thats it for today. Have a happy fathers day. More all you kids out there, especially mine, call your dad. And zeal well see you and well see you next fox newst sunday. Will see you at seven for the fox report. We may have our differences. But we do well in times like these to remember that everyone who serves in our Nations Capital is here because above all, they love our country. We can all agree that we are blessed to be americans. That our children deserve to grow up in a nation of safety and peace. And that we are strongest when we are unified. Welcome to the journal editorial report i am called

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