Preparation for his attack. Rick lebenthal joins us from dallas with the latest. Hi, rick. Reporter good morning, even with a stifling heat index topping 100 degrees were still seeing memorials at the Dallas Police headquarters, with a steady stream of visitors of all races, creeds and colors leaving flowers and balloons and messages of love and support. And also sharing hugs with Dallas Police officers who are standing out here in front of Police Headquarters. Were now hold that micah johnson, that theyre confident he was the only shooter. He was apparently wounded before he was killed, leaving messages in his own blood in the parking garage where he was killed. He demanded a black hostage negotiators, and at times laughi laughing. Dallas Police Officers sent in a drone with johnson as you said supplemented his training at a dallas area gym that also trains Police Officers teaching personal protection techniques, in the search of johnsons home, they found a personal journal, where he focused on how to move, shoot and fire. Police also found ballistic vests and ammunition and they also found methamphetamine in that home. Meanwhile the Fbi Evidence Response Team is still processing the extensive crime scene near the corner of main and griffin. And the Dallas Police Department Remains on high alert, we saw it here yesterday at Police Headquarters when a suspicious person was reported inside the Police Parking garage. While the s. W. A. T. Team deployed, searching every vehicle on every level of the structure before clearing it two hours later. This is obviously a very tense time for dallas and its police department, which must continue to protect and serve this community while it now plans for five funerals this week, elizabeth. Rick lebenthal reports live. Thank you so much, rick. There are two stories, really, mixing race and police in america, the shootings in dallas, and also protests spreading across the country following the shootings of two black men by police earlier this week, those shootings took place in minnesota man and louisiana where tensions are understandably high this weekend, but also, those arent the only states to see violent protests against the police. Will carr joins us now as he follows these developments around the country. Definitely some tense violent protests, in minnesota 21 officers were injured when police shut down they were demonstrating in the wake of Philando Castiles death. At one point they started throwing everything they could. Officers were hit by bottles, fireworks, a piece of concrete. There was also reports of a molotov cocktail being thrown. 100 people were arrested. Police ended up dispersing the crowd. They were marching against the officer involved shooting that killed altman certainly. 11 people arrested in atlanta. There were peaceful protests demonstrating against police injustices. We have a group of people civil rights. The black lives Matter Movement has denounced the violence that played out in dallas and continue to call for peaceful protests across the country. Not all the calls on social media are for peaceful protests. Will carr in los angeles. Back to you as news war recents, thank you. Back to the dallas ambush, questions arise, where do we go from here and what is and is not working . These questions linger as mourners continue to pay respects at memorials for the five fallen Police Officers in dallas. Congressman, first and foremost, just so our viewers know, your district is south of dallas, and one of the victims Brent Thompson lived there, so our condolences to you, how is the Community Coming together . Well, Brent Thompson is from corsicana, texas, his brother is the District Attorney in that county. They paid their respects when the procession brought his body back to corsicana yesterday afternoon. Were all praying for his family, but were also praying for our country. We have got to stop this assault on our police forces. I think the Dallas Police chief acted appropriately. I think some of the officers that were shot, im told they intentionally expose themselves to draw fire. Congressman, im so sorry, im going to have to interrupt you, im going to get back to our interview, right now theres a News Conference in dallas in front of the hospital there, so were going to break in and listen live. But i assure our viewers that well come back to you as soon as the News Conference is over. Were a level one trauma center. Warren, warren, anne marie. Im the Emergency Department manager. Im laura petrie. Unfortunately, we interrupted our guest, were going to come back to this press conference as news warrants so im going to get back to the congressman now, were going to wait until it begins and were going to learn more about the victims that are still in the hospital right now. Congressman, i want to get back to what we were talking about. You said moving forward, we have to come together, to unify, to prevent any instances of not only violence between police and constituents in counties across the nation, but also the ambush that we saw on officers. How do you do that . What advice do you have to constituents who say i want to be pro active, i want to ease tensions. I want to create a special group in my district, of mayors, police chiefs, leadership members of the africanamerican, hispanic, anglo communities and myself so that we can have a dialogue to ease tension. The Dallas Police department was working with the black lives matters organizers. I dont fault dpd, they had an active outreach to the Africanamerican Community here in dallas. But we need to broaden that. The police are not the enemy of any group in america, they protect us. And the shooter that shot the five white officers did his if hes really trying to help the Africanamerican Community, i think he did a disservice. Right, just as the man who shot Martin Luther king in memphis, that many years ago, white people were outraged that Martin Luther king was shot, just as i think all americans regardless of ethnicity, are outraged that this man targeted police Police Officers. What do you know Going Forward . We all know that policing starts at the top. What do you need from washington . I think its a good thing that president obama is going to come to dallas on tuesday, there are two africanamerican congressmen and women that represent dallas, theyre both good friends of mine. I think that north texas congressional delegation will come together. The Dallas Police chief, david brown had a briefing with congressional delegation yesterday at which i think every congressman came himself or herself, or was represented by a senior staff member, and they held a briefing. Part of it is dialogue, part of it is, once we know if theres some issues that can be addressed, at this local, state or federal level, that we begin to do that. But the answer is not to make the police of america targets. There is no organized conspiracy by the police in the United States against any group. And i support the black lives movement trying to highlight what they think are their issues, but i would point out that all lives matter. And that we need to come together as americans, to diffuse this tension and to prevent this kind of violence in the future. We heard that echoed from the president. Congressman, i know you served the texas area for almost 30 years, i presume you havent felt tension like this even in the 80s and 90s. We have had problems but not Something Like this, it is a wakeup call, we dont need to sweep this under the rug, but when officers who are protecting the First Amendment rights of a group, to protest their concerns about the police and then police are shot protecting their First Amendment rights. Devastating. We have to realize that, lets address the problem. Thank you very much, congressman, we appreciate it. Just in the past few minutes, we have learned president obama will head to dallas on tuesday as that Community Transitions from shock to grief. As we speak, the president is on hiss way back from europe right now, cutting his europe trip a day short because of the shootings. Kevin cork traveling with the president in madrid spain, covering the president s comments on the dallas shooting, hi, kevin. Good day to you, my friend and the president we all figured would be making his way to texas as soon as possible. We do now know that that will be tuesday and hes expected to deliver remarks at an Interfaith Memorial Service for one of the fallen five officers in dallas, this trip was supposed to be partially for nato, a trip to spain, a place that the president has never been. He did meet with the president of spain, he did meet with the active prime minister. But everything was clearly overshadowed by whats taking place here in the United States. The president did make his way here, once he got here, he did make some visits as he was expected to, he did meet with American Service personnel, but everything has been overshadowed by the violent attack on the Police Officers in dallas, texas. When you think back to what happened in dallas, that really cast a pal over the visit. The president said, listen, protesting is fine, but you should never let the tone of your protest lead to violence. Listen to what he said today. Whenever those of us who are concerned about fairness in the criminal Justice System attack police offic Police Officers, you are doing a disservice to the cause. Reporter and speaking of protests, as you pointed out, the black lives matter group has been responsible for several demonstrations not just around the country, but frank ll lly a the globe, they have suggested the tone of their protests have in fact led to some of the civil unrest that we have seen, about which today the president said this. In a Movement Like black lives matter, theres always going to be some folks who say things that are stupid or imprudent, or overgeneralized or harsh. And i dont think that you can hold well meaning activists who are doing the right thing and peacefully protesting responsible for everyone that is uttered at a protest. Reporter the president certainly did come out strong today in defense of Law Enforcement saying they need and deserve the respect and support of all the american people, thats a sentiment we expect him to echo as he comes to dallas, texas on tuesday. We go back to Baylor Medical Center where at least a couple of victims of the shooting have now come to the media for the first time. Tammy taylor. Im not entirely sure, you know, what it is that everybody wants to know. Im okay. Thank you all for that, my kids are okay. Were all alive and first and foremost, i want to send my prayers to the family members of the officers who passed. I want to say thank you to the officers who were there for me and my son, who watched over us during that time. I just want to say thank you, im sorry and they were really heroes for us. They saved my life, they saved my sons life. All of them and i want to say thank you to them first and foremost. It was not an experience that i ever thought i would have to go through in my life. Im glad i did because it makes me a better person. It makes my sons better people. They have a clear understanding of how the world really can be and how some people really are selfish. And they dont take into consideration the lives of others. And the mental and the physical and the Emotional Turmoil that we will have from here on out. I do want to say thank you to everybody for the prayers and the well wishes. Prayers are always welcome, always needed. I guess i just have to answer any questions you might have. Can you tell us about the night of the shooting and what went down . Okay. Well, with everything and not just the two recent incidents, from the alton or the phil in louisiana or minnesota, and even those that have not been televised, theres been in incidents all over the country that, being the mother of five young men, i sat down with my kids when i came home from work on thursday and we talked about everything and i talked to them about how they needed to comply, if for whatever reason they were ever stopped by the police, comply, be respectful of self, of them and answer questions or either just, you know, tell them your name, your age and to contact your parents, you need to contact my mother, thats what i was telling them. And it just so happens that a post came on facebook about a meeting at the park downtown. Im not real familiar with downtown dallas, i googled it and i asked the boys if they wanted to go and they all wanted to go. I wanted to show them that we can be unified and there can be a peaceful mark. We were there and it was very nice, it was very peaceful, it was very informative, the kids had a good time. My 12yearold said, im making history, i get to march. Im not real familiar with dallas, but we marched around and we were just coming back down and i believe they were on the stairs of the courthouse, i think thats what it was. Being that i had to be to work at 7 00 in the morning and the crowd was kind of big, i told the boys, lets go before the traffic gets too much and as we were walking back, it was really just me and my boys, everybody was still headed in the direction of the rally. And we were walking up main, i believe it was. I cant really im not entirely sure what that cross street is that we were on at the corner. But the officers had had the street blocked off and we were standing on the corner getting ready to cross the street to go up to where my car was parked and we heard a shot. And we all looked. We didnt know what it was. You know, like, it was close to the fourth of july. And we all kind of looked and it was a pause and there was a second shot and the Police Officer i saw, kind of tall, hefty, white guy, bald, i remember seeing him and that second shot kind of as he was going down, he said he has a gun. Run. Im sorry. He said, he has a gun, run. And my kids started running. And i started i wanted to make sure that they were all in front of me, so they started running up the block and i was running behind them. And i felt the bullet. I dont know if it bounced off the ground or what, but i felt it when it hit me in the back of my leg and my son, andrew, had turned arrange to grab me. Because hes in i guess he turned around to see where i was, and he went to grab me, but i had already been shot so i grabbed a hold of him and pushed him into the street and i think he hit the car and we ended up in between the car and the curb, and i was just laying on top of him. And the Police Officers had started coming up the block and one of them, i heard him when he said, is anybody hit. My son said no, because he didnt know i was shot. And i was saying yes, but i wasnt saying loud enough so my son could hear me because i didnt want him to hear me. The officer said it again kind of louder, i said yeah, im hit in the leg, that officer jumped on top of me and covered me and my son. And there was another one at our feet and there was another one over our head and there was several of them lying against the wall over there and they stay there had with us and i saw another officer saw another officer get shot. And now theres two. Im sorry. I dont know if the shooter moved but they were able to get us up. Get me up, help me to get me up and put me in the back of the police car. Another officer was in the back of the car and my son. And that car was riddled with bullets. Im thankful that that officer didnt get hit as he was driving us. My son, as far as i know, it was like when we pulled into the hospital, the police car came in on rims only. The whole time i just kept praying because i got separated the my other three. I remember seeing my son snatch my youngest one, really snatched him and pulled him into the garage, but that gate was down so they were just standing up against it. I couldnt find juwan, he had just taken off. But i just prayed the whole time i was on the ground with andrew and the car, on the ground in front of the hospital. They pulled me out of the car and they had to lay me on the ground there because there wasnt a gurney available and i think the officer that had gotten shot in front of me, he was on a gurney headed into the hospital. They got one, and i was still praying and i was still praying into the hallway and into the room. Just kept praying for everybody, for my sons to be safe, for the officers to be safe. Because i had never been in a situation like that before. There was hundreds of rounds, just i had never heard anything like that before. There was shots all around us. But im thankful. Im so thankful for the Dallas Police department and atf, i dont know who was down there, but im thankful to all of them because they had no regard for their own life. They stayed with me and my son. And im thankful because all i could do is lay on top of him and just pray. I knew i was going to okay, i knew i was. I was like, i just got shot in the leg. But it was a little worse than i thought. But i am im sorry that it happened, im sorry that that person thought that that would be okay, that he thought it would solve something. Im sorry that im sorry, im so sorry that they lost their lives. But im thankful. Im so thankful. Two civilian victims in the dallas shooting speaking for the first time, talking about her experiences and thanking the Police Officers who quite literally in her words had no regard for their own lives as they tried to save herse. As we remember the five officers in dallas, we also deal with the fallout of this that shetamia said that the shooter thought he could solve anything. We believe that you should keep what you buy. Thats why your unused talk, text and data never expires with active service. Some major carriers say you can keep your data. But when you read the fine print, your data does expire. But tracfone has unlimited carryover, so you get to keep your unused talk, text and data. 90day plans with unlimited carryover start as low as 20. Unbeatable nationwide coverage. No contract. Tracfone. Do everything for less. climbing sounds when Kevin Jorgeson needs light, he trusts duracell quantum because it lasts longer. duracell slamtones this clean was like pow. Everything well . It felt like i had just gone to the dentist. My teeth are glowing. They are so white. 6x cleaning , 6x whiteninga in the certain spots that i get very sensitive. I really notice a difference. 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This is not the person to be president of the United States, i believe ever, but definitely not at a time that we need a healer, a reconciler, and somebody to remind us that as a nation when we bring people together, when we understand and not talk past each other, but talk together and each other, i think you can build trust. Now clinton is the one that needs to build trust with voters. Theres significant compromises between the Bernie Sanders and Clinton Campaigns, to the point that sanders is calling it the most progressive platform in the history of the democratic party. Now that hes pushed clinton to the left on health care and education, he may be ready to finally endorse her. That would be a big boost for the Clinton Campaign heading into the convention, the question is will his supporters follow suit . And despite all of those compromises between the candidate this is weekend, there were some very contentious movements between sanders supporters and clinton supporters at this Democratic Committee meeting in south florida. Trying to unify the party. Lfor the other side of the aisle, donald trump heads out on the campaign trail, swinging through virginia and kentucky. The Republican Convention of course is now just one week away in cleveland and speculation is high about who will speak and who will be tapped as trumps number two, bryaniian yannis. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich whos being vetted for a vp spot tells media to expect an announcement this week. Gingrich, indiana governor mike pence and new Jersey Governor Chris Christie are the front runners, but a new dark horse is also being considered, mark flynn. New jersey insiders tell politico, they believe christie wants the job and is auditioning for it. Trump is reportedly now also considering general flynn to show hes strong on national security, a registered democrat, the general ran the Defense Intelligence agency for two years under the obama administration, but has been a harsh critic of the president. He says hes honored to be in the discussion of vp, but said this when asked about his stance on abortion. Abortion, i think for women, and these are difficult issues, but i think women have to be able to choose what they you know, sort of a right of choice. While the generals prochoice support causing the susan b. Anthony board to nypd commissioner bill bratton said this morning that the Trump Campaign did ask for flynn to be at roll call in the wake of the dallas shootings. Former nypd personnel reached out to the department for the potential for mr. Trump to address a roll call, we turned down that request, that we dont allow the department to be politicized. The campaign has denied ever making that request to the nypd, but again, all eyes remain on the vp search this week. Seven days to make that announcement before the convention, as bryan llenas follows things from new york. Thanks, brian. Ahead of the convention, Donald Trumps campaign will release a new tax plan at the beginning of the week. Steve moore is senior Economic Advisor to the Trump Campaign and helped write his new tax plan. Steve is also an economic fellow in the Heritage Foundation as well as a fox news contributor. Thank you for joining us today. I want to bring our viewers up to speed, what is the latest . The latest is not probably going to be released early this week, but possibly later this week, and by the way, a lot of the final details havent been finalized by the candidate himself, donald trump. But i can tell you this, were going to provide one of the biggest tax cuts americans have had since reagan ran for president in 1980. Were also going to really cut those business taxes because donald trump believes that businesses are overtaxed and overregular lated and a key way to get jobs back to this country is to cut those business taxes. And you know this, the United States now has the highest business tax in the world, its costing jobs and businesses to leave the United States, he wants to bring them back where they belong. Im going to ask you a pesky questions that folks here in washington often ask, which is how are you going to pay for it . That is a pesky question, and ive been involved in tax reform for 30 years and its a pesky things. Were going to be taking away detections for rich people. Are we talking about Oil Depletion allowance from the oil barrons or are we talking about Interest Deductions for people who are paying interest on their houses . Ill tell you this, a lot of this has not been finalized yet. Were a week out from the convention, you guys have had like a year i guarantee in short order were going to have that plan released and all i can tell you about those deductions that you talk about is that most middle income people will not see any reduction in their deductions. What are you defining as high income people . Around 200,000 a year. Theyre going to get a what im talking about is people making over 500,000 or a million, theyre going to start losing those deductions. Those are the kinds of things that were going to take away. Hes made a big deal out of this socalled kerry Interest Deduction that he wants to get rid of is he want this is tax cut to really be oriented at the middle class, people who make between 30,000 and 100,000 a year, those are the people that are really squeezed right now. I was going to ask you what donald trump thinks on his free trade policy. Ill talk about that. We just have to have fairer trade, im with him on that. All right, well, you made some progress, we appreciate it, steve. Good to see you, sir. Thank you. After the break, mourners continue to pay their respects for the five fallen Police Officers in dallas. Were going to bring you continuing coverage as americas election headquarters continues. Plus, mandatory evacuations are in place in california ahead of a raging wildfire. 19 wildfires burning across the west, well check fire conditions for firefighters that are battling all of those fires, after the break. Has been a struggle. I considered all my options with my doctor, who recommended oncedaily toujeo®. Now im on the path to better blood sugar control. Toujeo® is a longacting insulin from the makers of lantus®. It releases slowly, providing consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours, proven full 24hour blood sugar control, and significant a1c reduction. And along with toujeo®, im eating better and moving more. 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Insulins, including toujeo®, in combination with tzds thiazolidinediones may cause serious side effects like Heart Failure that can lead to death, even if youve never had Heart Failure before. Dont dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. Toujeo® helps me stay on track with my blood sugar. Ask your doctor about toujeo®. More wildfires out west, santa clarita, california. You can ski this brush fire is raging out of control. The fire has grown to 7,500 acres, forced a number of evacuations, firefighters now linked to santa clarita, the United States Forest Service is on the ground there trying to combat that blaze. Meteorologist janice dean has a look from the fox extreme weather center. Unfortunately were going to be dealing with hot, dry, blustery, windy conditions across not only southern california, but into the four corners up towards the Northern Plains, high fire danger here for nine states as we head into the new workweek. The dry conditions not getting a lot of moisture and were dealing with an extreme drought, especially for southern and Central California extreme to exceptional drought, really over the last several months, the highs today, hot, once again as you move into the southwest, along the coast, you get a little bit of relief, but we really need to see the moisture, especially for firefighters battling that fire in santa clarita, but you can see the moisture is well to the north of this region and thats where we have our system moving in, looking at rainfall across the northwest and Northern Plains, but none of it getting into the areas where we really need it. The sage fire is the one were watching in santa clarita, look at the temperatures in the 90degree range, with winds anywhere from west southwest to west at around 11 to 15 miles an hour. The forecast radar also tells the story, where were not getting any moisture, the dry conditions are going to continue, the threat for more wildfire danger the rest of this weekend and into the early next week, the last 24 hours, you can see that radar in the Northern Plains, thats where we have the threat for severe weather, large hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes for he regions across the Northern Plains and the upper midwest. We hope Mother Nature intervenes with that sage wildfire. Janice dean thank you so much. Pray for rain. After a week of violence on this sunday, pastors nationwide are calling for peace and unity. Were going to live to san diego to talk to a pastor that has a message for healing. Live pictures right now from Dallas Police headquarters, the growing memorial to those five dallas officers. Sorry maam. No burning here. Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmmm. Incredible. Looks tasty. You dont have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. Take on any road with intuitive allwheel drive. The nissan rogue, murano and pathfinder. Now get 0 apr for up to 72 months, plus 500 bonus cash. Little miss muffet sat on eating her curds and whey. Along came a burglar who broke into her home and ransacked the place making off with several valuable tuffets. Fortunately geico had recently helped her with homeowners insurance. She got full replacement on her tuffets. The burglar was later captured when he was spotted with whey on his face. Call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. This dog treat called max and dentalife. Covered its really different. See . Its flexible. 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This whole incident and time hits me hard because i was born in 1960, so i grew up in a time of racism, and my father was a Police Officer, and my son is a Police Officer here in san diego. Im on both side office the fence. Its very emotional for me to see it. Today in our church we had Police Officers in our service and we were challenging our people to live as the people of god. This is an opportunity for people gofd to rise up and start loving unconditionally people different than them. I challenge them today to find someone this week that doesnt look like to them and tell them that god loves them and tell them that their life really matters. As i was growing up, you hear people all the time say you dont see color when in fact we really do. The reason it is important to acknowledge we look different yet we are the same, god made us different. Hes a very creative god. We need to respect for what they are but spend time loving them and getting to know them and bring bridges and healing to peoples hearts. You talked about growing up in 1960s, what can we learn from the past . That defensiivision and hatr doesnt work. When you get to know somebody and develop relationships with people, love is a very powerful thing. My wife cannot put enough rules in my house and she does have rules, by the way, she cant put enough rules for me to follow to ensure i love her. It has to come from my heart. Her rules cant prevent me from committing adultery against her. We can put laws in place and we need them. That wont change peoples hearts. Only god can change peoples hearts. Every one of you out there that says our prayers are with you, what are you admitting to when you say that, you believe theres a god who is listening to your prayers and can answer your prayers and change someone. Lets first pray to change our hearts. The laws wont make this go away. Our hearts have to change. Thats what im telling our people, we pray god changes our hearts. My challenge to people here who say my prayers are with you, you get on your knees and pray to a god you allow god to let you love somebody different from you and when that happens, that will change our land. We only have 30 seconds left and before, how can americans lead by example . Just as i say, get on our knees and pray for our country. Lets stop being politically correct and acknowledge there is a god were praying to. If there is no god were praying to, were fooling ourselves and submit to him and act like he wants you to act. He made you in his image for a reason. We know every man is made in the image of god. Why . So we can act like god . Love one another and forgive one another and reach out to one another to be loved. Thank you for your message and i know your success has benn ea earned. God bless you. What a show. Great message. Absolutely. Shannon breen is up on deck. 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