0 thanks for watching fox where we remain proud and fearless. >> i'm john roberts in for chris wallace. turmoil and transition turned deadly in egypt and expose a deep divide in the arab world. >> john: the country's first democratically elected leader forced from office. the military now in control and the path forward unclear as the u.s. walks a fine line with our largest arab ally. >> we are on the side of the egyptian people. we want their voices to be heard. we want all sides to engage with each other and work through a political solution. >> john: we will discuss with two key senators. republican bob corker and democrat jack reed. then, the battle over abortion in texas. >> the people who were here >> the two victims were two teenaged girls from china. chinese nationals on their way from los angeles through san francisco as part of a summer camp. we have is not been told as to what caused their deaths. the rest of the group did survive the crash here in san francisco. there are a number of people being treat heed at nine different area hospitals. lass number of people in critical condition. those numbers continue to fluctuate. as for the investigation going back to that, the ntsb says they will be here for probably a week before they have it all cleaned up and before san francisco international airport gets back to normal. john? >> as you said, adam, when you look at remains of the aircraft the it is remarkable that so many people got out alive. adam hously for us at san francisco international airport. thanks. >> any time. >> john: president obama condemning the violence in egypt but reiterating that the united states is not taking sides. fox news correspondent greg palkot in cairo with the latest developments for us this morning. greg? >> rival camps here in cairo arguing. including in tahrir square behind me and more violence is feared as well. there was a large gathering of supporters of ousted egyptian president muhammad morsi. they are calling for his rein tatement and their leaders are telling activists to lay down their lives for them. there have been dozens killed, over a thousand injured. this amid turmoil inside the military led interim government. after confirming to fox news and others last night that muhammad elbaradei would be the new prime minister. we are waiting for more word on that. the u.s. is taking heat from island. we should point out for view ares sake there will be a significant delay in our communications with senator corker because of the satellite hops it takes to get to afghanistan. senator corker start with you. you heard what current greg palkot had to say about the mass demonstrations today. are you worried about a further escalation of violence in egypt and what are the possible consequences if there is an escalation? >> i think there is no question he. i received a call late last night from the administration and they are involved in trying to calm all sides but i think that is what our role should be right now, john is obviously something has happened that is going to provoke a lot of unrest for some time and it has implications in other parts of the region. what we should be doing right now is urging calmness undaring the military to move through the civilian process as quickly as possible. to ask the muslim brotherhood be the egyptians task to create a government that is stable, productive and protects the people of egypt. >> john: senator corker do you believe that the president has been handling this appropriately. he said he is not taking sides here. he has issued warnings anded a mow knicks to the egypt -- and admonitions to the egyptian government. but at the same time he cannot be sad that morsi is gone. do you think he is handling it appropriately? >> i'm in a country where what we wish to happen and what happens isn't always the same. i came from pack tan where numbers of issues exist there and things that we like to occur don't always occur. people sometimes think because we are in fact the greatest nation on earth today that because we want something to happen it will. i think that again urging calm, we need to remember that the reason we conduct foreign policy, the reason people like me are here and jack and others to the same thing is we are trying to project our nation's national interest -- protect. and what we need to look at here is what is in your national interest and calm in that area obviously egypt breaking apart is not good for the allies that we have. we do have some treaties that are in place that are very important. we need to keep that in mind. so again, i don't know what else our nation can do at this time other than to urge the military to move along in a responsible way. to urge all parties to recognize that they have been part of this process. it is broken down. we can assess what happened down the road and who caused all of this to occur but at present as a nation these people who have run for office, these parties who have been created to move this country ahead need to realize that right now breaking that apart is not in their interest, certainly not in our interest and again at the present i'm not sure what else the united states can do other than trying to be a calming voice and doing the same with the rest of the neighborhood. >> senator reed, one thing that is talked about that the u.s. could do is cut off aid to egypt's military. the president stopped short of calling this a military coupe. american law would demand, require that if the president and state department did declare this a military coupe that aid be cutover off. senator mccain and leahy said they think aid should be cut off. let's play what senator mccain said on friday. >> we have to suspend aid to the egyptian military because the egyptian military has overturned the vote of the people of egypt. >> john: senator reed, senator mccain clearly by inference said there was a military coup. do you agree? >> you have military forces acting to essentially carry out a widespread popular views in the country against a regime that was becoming increasingly. >> but a regime tha roux good t was democratically elected. >> but the people of egypt were growingly concerned about the direction of this government. on a practical basis we have to look and ask a simple question he. will cutting off aid accelerate or enhance the opportunities and the chances to have a truly democratic government. i don't think so. i think also there are other strategic issues at play. one is the transit of the suez canal. a stable relationship between egypt and the state of israel. also ongoing counter terrorism activities. i think we have to be very, very careful in terms of suspending aid or cutting it off. i think what we have to do is insist that the military has a very rapid, very clear timeline, pathway to democratic elections that there is full participation in the elections and that we also engender much more economic support not from the united states but from the international community to assist the emerging and hopefully very quickly emerging democratic government in cairo. >> john: i want to move on to healthcare in a second but senator corker ain't to ask you another questions. a lot said the transition to elections should have been slower and allowed opposition parties to gather more support. do you think that was mistake to rush to throw mubarak overboard two years ago? >> i do think that our nation sometimes thinks that going to the ballot box is democracy and i do think that there is a rush from time to time to try to move countries in that direction too quickly. i don't think egypt is mature yet in that regard and i think we need that this right now is an excellent opportunity, another chance for us to work with them in that regard. let me go back to the aid issue if i could, briefly. part of the aid that we supply is in support of the treaties and again we need to look at our national interest. there will be plenty of time to assess the aid issue. seems like washington always wants to jump to something that really in many cases at this moment does not matter. the aid doesn't flow on a daily basis. we'll have plenty of time to assess that and it seems to me that what we should be looking at is how the military and how the country itself handles this transition. we need to encourage that. i think trying to jump top what we are going do relative to support at this moment is not the place that we need to be. >> john: let me he jump top healthcarefy could now. and senator reed to you. the employer mandate delayed a year. is the whole affordable care act in jeopardy now? >> not at all. this was a response to concerns principally among the business commune that the information and the operational details would not be there and as a result i think the administration wisely decided to postpone for one year the mandate on employers. exchanges go into effect in october. coverage goes that effect. what they have done really affects small minority of businesses throughout the country. >> but you senator this is supposed to all work together economically. the individual mandate coupled with the employer mandate and now taking one piece of that away. does that throw a mess into the whole economics of this? and people have been complaining about that anyway. >> i don't think it does. i think the key factor is effectively recruiting individuals to join the exchanges that make the exchanges attractive to companies who might want to come in and get their insurance through these exchanges. we are really talking about a very small fraction of companies. in fact, the vast majority of companies in this category provide healthcare already and they will continue to could so. i think given the potential confusion postponing it not eliminating but postponing it for a year makes sense. in fact, this was one of the major concerns of the business community and in fact the administration is responding to the concerns. >> and senator corker opponents of the affordable care act say let's not stop at delaying the mandate. let's repeal that part of the bill. would you support that? >> well, john, i think the point you made earlier is dead on. all of is these things are tied together and i don't know how you could create a mechanism that has more downward pressure only employment than this healthcare bill. what it is doing to part-time workers meaning driving people to part-time effort. we have seen that most recently in the payroll numbers. what it is doing to keep employers from bringing on any kind of employee. it has been damaging and i think just moving it back a year is not going to undo the uncertainty that people have. so i think the administration is recognizing that this policy is very damaging to the employment in our nation and i'm glad they have taken this step and, yes, there is many other pieces of this if not all i would like to see undone and let's put something together that actually promotes economic growth in the nation and certainly gives people access to healthcare. to me this is not the way to do it. jack is aware there was supposed to be a technical corrections bill at the end of this that never occurred. what we are seeing right now is the many flaws coming out of this piece of legislation. i'm glad this has been put off but i don't think it is going to undo the uncertainty that many businesses across our nation have nor do i think it going to do anything relative to the cap that it is putting on employment right now that we are seeing play out each month when we see the employment numbers released. >> john: we will mark that down as a vote in nava favor of rep. senator reed a quick response to what the senator just said and how do you implement the individual mandate while at the same time delaying the employer are mandate. could not a lot of employers dump healthcare, dump employees into the private exchanges as opposed to providing healthcare for them? >> first i think the majority of companies that are subject to the rule already provide healthcare and continue to do that for business reasons because they believe that their employees should have good healthcare coverage. i think this delay will give some companies the opportunity to assess what they want to do and they will give the government the opportunity to be better in terms of reporting requirements. the overall thrust of the legislation is going forward. it has great momentum in terms of establishing the exchanges and making sure that people have cover and. we already have seen many benefits of affordable care. parents can keep children on the plans until they are 26. there are many things. also in the context of jobs we have seen another job growth this reporting period and we have to continue that. i think really if we want to talk about job growth we have to talk about more infrastruck infrastructure and more stimulus in the country. i think the affordable healthcare system is on a path to take off on time this fall. >> john: at least part will. not the employer mandate. thank you very much for joining us today. we very much purchase i apprec. coming up next, texas governor rick perry is poised to make an announcement about his political future. it all comes as he finds himself in the middle of a heated national debate over abortion. the governor joins us next. ♪ when you experience something great, you want to share it. with everyone. that's why more customers recommend verizon, america's largest 4g lte network.

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