Baier. Tonight were going to look at the possible Democratic Candidates for president in 2016. The republicans early contenders could pack a bus, but the names being heard in democratic circles could fit comfortably in a Station Wagon one no doubt being driven by Hillary Clinton. Even before officially announcing shes clearly the frontrunner, but shes been ahead before when someone else took over the wheel. Who could that be on this trip . A couple of politicians seem ready to take her on. Senator jim webb of virginia, and governor Martin Omalley of maryland. And what about Vice President joe biden . Could he throw his hat into the ring . Then theres senator Elizabeth Warren. She says she isnt running. But theres a chorus on the left who want to change her mind. To get a feeling for how the big names are coming across we go across the nation. Reporting from los angeles, heres john roberts. Reporter im standing at one of the most famous corners in america. The world for that matter. Hollywood and vine. The theater there is where they used to give out the academy awards. Now its just up the street. In america, theres a different type of red carpet, if you will. Its called the race for president. Candidates parade up and down an across the country, not only giving speeches, but also hoping to create a physical impression that will attract the attention of the voters. I think images are important for whoever wants to be president of the United States in the 21st century. Reporter virginia is a columnist at Bloomberg View and author of the power of glamour. I spoke to her about how the impressions we get from the candidates are more than just verbal. We are visual, sensory creatures. We take in a huge amount of information about who people are, through their gestures, through their facial expressions, through their a appearance appearance. What image are the candidates trying to project to the voters . Im competent, im like you, but not too much like you. People dont want to see their ordinary working day flaws in a candidate, they want to see the parts of them that they like. Do the candidates out there for the Democratic Party need to cast themselves in a certain way to fit in with what democrats are thinking in 2016 . Voters in a way when they look at a candidate they want to think, is this the movie that i want to be in . Do i want this person playing the starring role as president in the movie of my life . Reporter and thats where patsy comes in. Shes the ceo and executive Development Coach at corporate icon, an Image Development company. I wanted to know what advice shed give to the democrats who might be running for president. Hillary clinton became famous, infamous you might say, for the pantsuits, some of which were in pastel colors. Is that a good look for her . No, its not a good look for her. As a blouse its okay to frame her skin tone, but the whole suit being a pastel color or for instance, when she was at the debate, she wore a color very similar to your tie, very bright pink jacket. That wasnt a message of leadership. Or what peoples perception of leadership will be. The jacket and the pants should be all one deeper tone and then have color within it. Hillary clinton has had so many different hair styles over the years. Shes had the bob cut, the short, the long. Shes had it pulled back. Shes had it in a hair band. What works best for her . The one she has now. Shes found it. Its such a simple style that frames her face nicely. They found the right color combination for the skin tone. Dont vary from it dont pull it back in a ponytail dont put a head bapdnd on it dont make it extra curly. Find the style keep it consistent. Elizabeth warren, harvard professor turned senator. What advice would you give her if she runs for president . Shes no longer a professor and she still looks like a professor. It isnt a power appearance. She doesnt look like a leader. I would be recommending to her that we strengthen up the hairstyle so that it still frames her face. Shes close, but there are some little errors of where the part goes. It looks kind of weak. What do you think of joe biden and joe bidens image . Joe biden has too much personality. Lets just kindly call it that. Theres a lot of character going on. Hes affable with laughable unfortunately. What about the look that jim webb presents . Is that a good president ial look . I like thats been a military man. He carries himself like a military man. Thats very good for a president ial candidate. However, he tends to have his hair parted a little too close to the center. Thats a little more of a small town type of look not very sophisticated in the world stage. What do you think of Martin Omalley . Heres a former governor of maryland in his 50s but still have a sense of boyish charm. You will see him in a black tshirt and jeans. He has a band. I think that could help him out. He seems much more approachable. And so people will enjoy that about him and that hes easy to talk to. Bernie sanders, independent from vermont. Whats his image . Stodgy. His posture is rather forward and a little slumpy like this and his glasses are kind of outdated in a faded kind of color. It looks like hes had him for eons. Id want to give him a little bit more vitality. Hes a finger wagging type of guy. So the would have to give him some coaching in that area of being a little bit more respectful and dignified. Okay. So weve worked on the images of the Democratic Candidates. Now, what sort of role should they play . I went back to virginia for some help with this hollywood puzzler. In terms of casting themselves for this democratic president ial primary, lets look at a few candidates. Hillary clinton, what would the movie be for her . Hillary clinton reminds me of the next star wars movie. Fabulously well funded. Very professionally made but really . We have to have a rerun . Will be disappointing compared to the previous one. What about jim webb . He is, you know, i am the military guy. I speak about military issues from experience. Jim webb is going for the american sniper. Elizabeth warren what would the movie be for her . Well, the movie Elizabeth Warren wants it to be is the hunger games, im the heroine that stands up to the big powerful maryland, Martin Omalley . You go to the movie plex its sold out, so you go to another. Sometimes you have a happy surprise. Joe biden . Joe biden is kind of the interview. Hes a kind of fun guy, likes to laugh, and is incredibly likely to cause an International Incident by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. When we return we talk to our allstar panel and ask them what roles they see these democrats playing in our future. Great rates for great rides. Geico motorcycle see how much you could save. The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses. If you have a business idea, we have a personalized legal solution thats right for you. With easy stepbystep guidance, were here to help you turn your dream into a reality. Start your Business Today with legalzoom. So weve got Hillary Clinton, an understudy waiting in the wings sfor years. Is she going to become the next democratic headliner or are any of these other potential candidates ready to take over a leading role . Lets bring in our panel, steve hayes, siegeenior writer for the weekly standard. A. B. Stoddard associate editor of the hill and charles krauthammer. A. B. . Hillary looks convince bl but shes indeed old news old stuff. The default leaders of the Democratic Party. This is a very different Democratic Party not only than the one she faced and failed in convincing in 2008 but that her husband became the nominee in 1992. Theyre trying to persuade everyone that they simply are unbeatable but theres a lot of vulnerability not only about her record at the state department which will come under heavy question but also the very lavish you know trips she takes on corporate airplanes, the willingness of the foundation revealed this week to take donations from foreign governments. They see no conflict of interest there, and, of course, these very expensive speeches. Shes been close up to the time of the announcement about putting a president ial campaign together. There are people who have space to challenge her, but whether or not they have the courage to do so. Steve, you talk to democrats and there is this angst about the clinton candidacy, a little bit. You hear it in many quarters. You see the draft Elizabeth Warren efforts, staff in new hampshire, iowa, and south carolina. What do you make of all this is. I think there should be angst in the Democratic Party. Look at her book tour. A total flop. Ben carson sell ps 100,000 more copies of his book than Hillary Clinton sold of hers. She came out and gave interviews, gaffe after gaffe after gaffe. The conventional wisdom at the time was Hillary Clinton was rusty. I think shes not that good a candidate and you can point to 2008 as evidence for that. I think shes got two primary challengers, one is how does she defend the obama legacy . And also create some distance from the obama legacy . If you look at where we are in the world, she was secretary of state. If you look at faith in government, faith in institutions, what people think of washington d. C. , thats a big challenge for Hillary Clinton. The second question closely related to that is what does the government, the party of government do . What does the party of government say to voters when fewer and fewer voters believe in government anymore . Charles . Steve, if we are comparing book sales, maybe i should consider a run for the democratic nomination. Look there are real problems with her nomination, and the party, i dont know how much anxiety it has because i think its been taken with the idea she can notnot be beaten. This is a steam roller and the country is hungry for her. Its really crying out for a real challenger a because she needs the exercise if no other reason. The rollout was a disaster. She makes a lot of mistakes. She was not a good candidate in 08. To begin with, she had a good challenger in 08 and she lost. So i think it would really help her, but secondly, and i think a. B. When you mentioned the fact that the foundation has been taking these donations from foreigners, that is so tone deaf. It is so obviously a mistake, but it reminds you about the clintons for now three decades which is to skirt the edges of the law to sort of act above everyone else from the lincoln bedroom up until now, and it is sort of its showing you what is out there and people, they imagine, only remember the good times in the 90s. Theyre also going to remember the sleaze and the skirting the line of the clintons and she is reminding them of it. Short answer here, is there a path for another democrat . Yes. Tough one. Absolutely. Former virginia senator jim webb is one of those people who may run. He has such a colorful history. The term politician seems an inadequate description. His story when we return. In my world, wall isnt a street. Return on investment isnt the only return im looking forward to. For some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. Which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. Our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. Start investing with as little as fifty dollars. Why do people count on Sunsweet Amazin prune juice to stay fit on the inside . Its made only from prunes nothing else. Its works, simple as that. Its a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. Try Sunsweet Amazin prune juice. Also available in light. In a work, work, work world. Take time for sunday. Just know that your truck. Has a little thing for monday. Seriously . 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Senator jim webb believes he can lead the Democratic Party into the future. And he hopes to do that at least in part by recapturing a constituency from the partys past. I made this decision after reflecting on numerous political commentaries. On november 19th 2014, former virginia senator jim webb announced he was considering a run for president in 2016. Strong majority of americans agree that we are at a serious cross roads. He feels he has a vision to offer. He believes big money has taken over politics. With government not responding to the needs of the public. If you break down our problem in this country its great. David sanders is a friend, an adviser to webb. Hes going to take a wire brush to greed. Webb feels his own party the dms are essentially writing off the White Working Class and not taking their social concerns seriously. The modern Democratic Party, they detest us. Over the last, you know, 20 30 years the Democratic Party has abandoned working class white people especially southerners. And thats a democrat speaking. Whats more peter is chairman of the Democratic Party. In craig county, virginia. In the blue Ridge Mountains near roanoke. Out of frustration, i think a lot of people that were traditionally democrats became republicans because of that sense of abandonment. Its those people that webb has fought for. In his writing, and in his politics. If webb has a fighting spirit, he comes by it honestly. He was born into a long line of scots irish warriors and raised with a reverence for American Military everywhere churvirtues. A lot of people talk about patriotism, but at the same time huhuh i think its become a word. In jim webbs world its not a word. Duty, honor country. I think jim really has heard a call. Webb graduated from annapolis in 1968 and shipped off to vietnam as First Lieutenant in the marines. Platoon commander with the first marine division, webb led his men through some of the bloodiest fighting of the war, awarded the navy cross, a silver star, two bronze stars and two purple hearts. One for wounds received while shielding one of those men from enemy fire. His platoon in vietnam i mean, they worship him, and jim worships them. Webb was shocked and angered by the reception he and his fellow veterans got when they came home. He was mad when he got back. The idea that these kids answered the call of their country and they come home and, you know baby killers, all this stuff. War wounds to webbs kidney heads, and knee forced him to retire from the marine corps. 1972, he entered Georgetown Law School graduating in 1975. Two years later, he was a staff lawyer with the House Committee on veterans affairs. Meanwhile, he was writing. And in 1978 published field of fire. Still considered one of the finest novels about vietnam. The definitive novel of vietnam, a great, great piece of american literature. Reporter in 1987 Ronald Reagan appointed webb secretary of the navy. He resigned the next year, however, after refusing to go along with plans to shrink the navy. Convinced to do anything that doesnt pass his test of duty, honor, and country. Thats who he is. If the guy told a lie, his tongue would fall out. All told webbs published nine books. Including one about his heritage. Born fighting, the story of the scots irish in america. He also found time to go into the movie business writing screen plays and producing the come Tommy Lee Jones action film rules of engagement but politics lingered nearby. In 2002, zempb months before the invasion of iraq he ripped into the Bush Administration in the pages of the washington post, those who are pushing for a unilateral war in iraq know full well there is no exit strategy if we invade. When everybody else was saying lets blow them all to hell, jim was saying what are we going to do when were done . How are we going to get out of that . In 2006 webb ran for the u. S. Senate. He started out far behind republican incumbent george allen. But in a great year for democrats, webb eked out a victory by less than half a percentage point. Once in office he voted for both the stimulus and the Affordable Care act. Though he expressed his misgivings to the president about the latter. He voted for it, and with the idea that there would have to be a ton of changes to it but just to move it on, to get it off the table. One vote webb was proud of was for his own post9 11 gi bill. Its a great day for everyone whos served. The largest expansion of Veterans Benefits since world war ii. Few in washington including webb himself thought he was naturally suited to the u. S. Senate. And it was no surprise when he declined to seek a second term. But today, three years after leaving the senate, hes got his sights set on the highest office in the land. If jim webb became president i can guarantee you this. Hes going to put a lot of rocks in the center of a lot of bees nests. If webbs hopes are to bring the White Working Class back to his party, hes off to a good start. If you go by what people are saying at the hutch on main a coffee shop . Virginia. Dissatisfied with the current state of political candidates so i said what about jim webb . Local democratic chairman peter wren. Everybody raised their hand and said i would vote for jim webb. The republicans, the democrats and the independents. Now, me im a republican. Billy lee served in the marines. I would vote for jim webb before i would vote for any other democrat out there. And probably some republicans. Id have to see what they stood for. Im a very conservative democrat, but the party has left me. Carrie crawford is a retired school board member. I think that jim webb can pull People Like Us back into the party and make our party strong again. I think jim webb would give the people out here in the workforce a voice, you know, more than what theyve got now. Jerry crawford is carries husband. And a fulltime farmer. I think jim webbs a great guy. We trust him. People want leadership they can trust. Its that simple. Can jim webb slow down the Hillary Clinton juggernaut . When we return, i talk to the man, himself, in annnnnn doers they dont worry if somethings possible. They just do it. At sears optical, were committed to bringing them eyewear that works as hard as they do. Right now, buy one pair and get another free. [ man ] i remember when i wouldnt give a little cut a second thought. When i didnt worry about the hepatitis c in my blood. When i didnt think twice about where i left my razor. [ male announcer ] hep c is a serious disease. Take action now. Go to hepc. 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You think america forgets . The worst times of vietnam and postvietnam, america is always about its veterans. But america has to do a better job getting veterans back in. The one thing that i say over and over again, if you want to thank a vet, hire one. So far, weve seen that when it comes to the democrats the conventional wisdom is all about hillary. But senator jim webb wants to change that. He believes hes the one who cannot only take on hillary, but the republicans as well. I recently visited with webb in arlington, virginia. Born fighting. You wrote a book about the scots irish in the mountains of southern anppalachia. The warrior class theyre called. People who dont complaint they want to work. Democrats dont know this group exists. This is a valuescentered culture. This is a culture that does not envy wealth. Its a culture thats very heavy on personal honor. Military service. The Democratic Party has lost the message that made it such a great party for so many years. If you look at the vote in this last election youll see that white working people overwhelmingly rejected the party that should be addressing their interests. You said a few weeks ago the Democratic Party has lost its way. What did you mean by that is. The people who have no voice in the corridors of power could always count on the Democratic Party to be talking about economic fairness issues, particularly, and its kind of up for grabs these days. I think that the Democratic Party needs to get back on that message. How has the party al yenienated what you call white working people . To my view, theyre natural affiliates of the older Democratic Party. They need a better break. Theyve gone to the Republican Party on a lot of the cultural issues and they havent seen that the democrats really want them over there. How do you feel this administration has either affected that one way or another . This was a trend before the Obama Administration. The Democratic Party needs to become the Inclusive Party again for working people regardless of ethnic background. My wife is from asia. When i look at my wife, i dont see a person of color. I see the woman that i love. Thats where we want to go with postracial america. You voted for obamacare. Would you be willing to make significant changes to obamacare now seeing how its being implemented . I was one of those who warned early in the white house that this was not being handled properly as a leadership issue. I mean it was 7,000 pages of contradictory information. I voted with the republicans 18 times during the votes on health care reform. I certainly would agree that there are places that we could look at in order to make it a better law. Lets turn to Foreign Policy. You dont like to waste blood in the American Military. Nobody does. Is that a policy shaped by your vietnam experience . When you use military force you have to have a clear understanding of how that fits into your National Security objectives and how its going to end. Tell us what the end objective is. Thats one thing i said about iraq before we went in. I was very much opposed to the invasion of iraq and what we inherited was a very bad end. Is it possible to be against the original reason for fighting in iraq . But now that weve been there to see a reason for some kind of redeployment with boots on the ground to help those forces fight isis . We really do need to have an examination of what the intentions of the administration are and whether theyre achievable. Looking back at the past six years, when it comes to Foreign Policy, is there an obama doctrine, do you think . I dont think weve had a clear doctrine since the end of the cold war. A set of parameters that everyone understood in terms of how we would examine our Foreign Policy interests and how we would either use force or otherwise help our allies. Do you sense a disaffection in the military with the Obama Administration . I think youre seeing a real worry about the compensation issues and also i think people would like to know what our National Strategy really is. If you run, youre going to be up against the clinton organization. Is it possible for you to raise money to get support in that dynamic . The question for me really is, can you advance the principles of leadership and offer people leadership that they can trust and that understands where the country is and not have to be bought . Thats why i announced an Exploratory Committee where were out talking to people and listening. Would Hillary Clinton make a good president . Im not sure where she is in the process. If she runs, i think the American People will have a chance to make up their own minds about that. You know shes had a pretty unique career and so if she decides to run, people will make up their minds. 1979, a piece you wrote women cant fight. You talked about how a Naval Academy dorm was a womans dream popping up in the press again. So are some of the passages from lost soldiers, nurse goodbody. These reports, have you seen them . What do you say to them . Ive said things in a certain way when i was 30 years old that i wouldnt say today. If people look at what i did when i was secretary of the navy, after, you know eight years after that article was written, i opened up more, but we did it the right way. We had the military report to the political process and not the other way around. And in terms of passages in books, i think the duty of a writer is to live in the real world. Ive seen the real world in ways that no politician i dont think can. When we come back, our allstar panelists consider jim webb. Can he reshape the Democratic Party . Sosososososo the nissan rogue, with safety shield technologies. The only thing left to fear is your imagination. Now get 0 financing or up to 1,000 back on the 2015 nissan rogue. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Theres a gap out there. Thats keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. At humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare changes. When frustration and paperwork decrease. When healthcare becomes simpler. So lets do it. Lets simplify healthcare. Lets close the gap between people and care. Meet the worlds newest Energy Superpower. Surprised . In fact, america is now the worlds number one natural gas producer. And we could soon become number one in oil. Because Hydraulic Fracturing Technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. Supporting millions of new jobs. Billions in tax revenue. And a new century of American Energy security. 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Its his opening, the way he ran when he ran in virginia. Purple state may be trending blue. This is exactly the kind of race he ran. I think its a ripe area for going after Hillary Clinton precisely because of the fundraising scandals and the wall street support and that the decades worth of cronyism shes going to have to answer for. Jim webb is going to be able to make a plausible case if he runs he would be the candidate who speaks out for not just the White Working Class as he pointed out but the working class more broadly going back to, you know, you talked to him about jacksonian. Other people were, you could call it the new deal doing back to the old school class warfare rhetoric. Theres a real opening if he makes an anticronyism run. Theres a website democraticstrategistroundtable. Com. A paper. A challenge of the White Working Class vote. It says this. In the last three president ial elections the democratic candidate lost among White Working Class noncollege voters by an average of 22 points. The worst performance came in 2012 when obama lost this group once the bull work of the Democratic Coalition by a staggering 6236. Are they gone a. B. . The democrats are in deep trouble with these voters. What theyve counted on is a new coalition that they got under president obama, and theyre also counting on the fact that the country is less and less white so the white vote continues to decline. Its not a good longterm strategy because Hillary Clinton cannot count on exciting the same coalition that president obama did, number one. Number two, theres a discussion in the party now about whether or not you can persuade voters, which means bring them back or change their minds or just go get new ones which is voter turnout. So how many new voters are there left for her to go after and turn out . If you look at the partys attempt to woo only urban areas and not rural areas, what you see is fewer and fewer white voters for democrats. This may look good in president ial years when they win in a squeak but they cant win the house they cant win the senate, they cant win the statehouses and cant win the governorships. Long term, losing the white vote is a real problem for the democrats. Think about this. Arkansas, the home of the clintons. There is not a single elected democrat in office anymore on a statewide level. Just not one. And look at the guy who just won the senate seat in arkansas whos a guy who represents the whole i mean, hes jim weshbb on the republican side. Thats exactly the kind of constituency that republicans appeal to now. And thats why jim webb is such an odd man out on the democratic side. Its not only that the obama party is constructive of other constituencies, its also a matter of policy. Youve got the urban elites on the coast who determine the policy of the party. Who dominated in congress and who dominated in the think tanks, who dominate in ideas. One example, when obama, kerry, and others talk about the biggest challenge to america as being Climate Change or on the matter of policy, the vetoing of the Keystone Pipeline in and of itself, a very small issue but its a stark representation of the extreme left on the environment against unions workers, Real Infrastructure exactly the kind of things democrats used to actually support. But its now way gone by the boards. And thats what i think webb is up against. It isnt only that a coalition of minorities have been constructed successfully in the obama years but it is these policies which appeal to highend, interestingly white liberals on the coast and thats what dominates the party and it loose loses entirely the White Working Class. The scots irish history, his heritage. Also a real focus on the American Military and a respect and tradition and virtue that he talks about pretty eloquently. Yeah. Again, this is how he won the senate race in virginia. Look, i think he could be a credible candidate. Imagine somebody like jim webb or jim webb, himself, on the stage with Hillary Clinton having a debate with what youre talk about,s cronyism favoritism, liberal elites on the coast. Thats an argument thats going to sell, going to sell in places like potentially an iowa. Its going to sell among a Democratic Base that maybe hasnt been a Democratic Base for a long time thats flirted with republicans. In some cases voted for republicans. If democrats want to win, theyre going to have to get at least some of those voters back and i think jim webb again, or somebody like him could be the person to challenge hillary on that. Is he going to step up with you know, going after Hillary Clinton . Thats really the question. Right so far hes really been soft on this topic. He doesnt want to criticize her. He doesnt want to go after her. Hes not definitely a candidate yet. I suppose if he gets on that debate stage he is going to go after her and hes going to be tough. I think jim webb is a very interesting general election candidate. I think in this party the party doesnt know how liberal it is but i still think the establishment decides these contests just like on the republican side. I dont think senator cruz is going to be the nominee and i dont think that youre going to see a diversion from the clinton crowd deciding the nomination. He is progun. He is anti hes not an environmentalist. There are a lot of things that cut the wrong way for the primary voters and i think thats why it would be very tough for him. Ultimately, except cultural issues, he is not of a culture of a new party. The party is essentially whats called the 60s and 70s counterculture. He represents as you said the traditional old pre counterculture issues, military scots culture patriotism and again, emphasis on the word family, et cetera. Thats out of step of where the party is. He might not have a chance in the nomination. He might be in a state like virginia or elsewhere a strong general election candidate. Coming up next is Hillary Clinton such a prohibitive favorite that its killing the betting action on the democratic side . Not if you love crazy long shots. Stay with us. My name is michael. Im 55 years old. And i have diabetic nerve pain. The pain was terrible. My feet hurt so bad. It felt like hot pins and needles. Coming from the inside out of my skin. When i did go see the doctor and he prescribed lyrica. It helped me. Its known that. Diabetes damages nerves. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. 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When it comes to the democratic ticket Hillary Clinton is dominating, cleaning up taking over 88 of all the money states, and that is huge. Rory scott is the spokesperson for the book maker patty power, which is already taking bets on the 2016 election. He gave his paddy power odds. John kerry Elizabeth Warren coming up a little bit, starting 2021. Joe biden, 601 which for a second serving, second term vp. You know there are very very long odds Elizabeth Warren joe biden, taking 63 of the money between them. We head here to london for this because it is illegal to bet on the odds in our country. Since we last talked more bets are rolling in the u. K. You may think what do we care about the u. S. President ial election . In fact weve taken 5,000 bets on the u. S. Election compare that to the u. K. Weve taken 4,000, so bear in mind, with the general Election Year its quite staggering. It seems some of the bets have a more realistic chance of paying off than others. 500 to one, more to just wave to your mates in the pub, saying look alec baldwin has taken more bets. And some put the odds on Chelsea Clinton for the record it makes two clintons ahead in the betting. Oh, and this guy, too. Did you hear what i said . Yes. Answer me yes or no. To be sure, this is not scientific. But then again neither is politics. Thank you, john so panel, is anyone here willing to bet against Hillary Clinton . It is time for another round, the democrat version, welcome aboard, steve . I am willing to bet against Hillary Clinton, and probably i will be accused of drinking the free booze that comes out at a casino but im going to put 50 on the Hillary Clinton vote. If its a confrontation its virtually inconceivable for me to imagine Hillary Clinton not having some type of a challenge. There has to be a moment before she gives the speech at the Democratic Convention accepting the nomination. Where somebody rises to challenge her, somebody seems viable. The question, i think, will be is that alternative candidate truly viable somebody who can take her on and beat her lot less money or is it just a flash in the pan, or a series of flashes in the pan as we had on the republican side in 2012. I am the house here, but i will say in 2007 there was a big feeling that it would be coronation that year before barack obama came on. Yes it was, i think people were looking around bushes and parked cars and stuff and they cant find another barack obama, so theyre pretty sure the clintons have locked this one up. I think she has a pretty untested primary run and gets the nomination. Are you 100 no im 80 on Hillary Clinton, if she has a Health Episode or pulls out, im ten on joe biden. Charles, welcome back to the casino. You guys are close, but youre wrong. Of course. 90 on Hillary Clinton, and ten on Elizabeth Warren. It is absolutely true that the party is crying out and it needs a challenger if only to toughen up Hillary Clinton or to bring her down if she has the weaknesses that we imagine she does. And you ask if there is a path for another nominee, the answer is yes but there is no one out there who could and will do it. Elizabeth warren i dont think she will run. I put the ten dollars largely on perhaps you will have an act of god. But in the absence of that, the clintons are pretty good in challenging the acts of god. If she runs and obviously she will and nothing intervenes i believe she has a clear path. If warren challenged her, the odds would change, i would put a lot more money on her. But i dont think she would. I think this is the coronation, and nobody wants to get in the way because everybody wants to line up for the jobs afterwards. Now steve has money on the field which probably includes jim web you all dont have any chips on jim web. No, i dont even have any, i dont even reserve any for wine and women, so my feelings are pretty definite. If she sort of stumbles and leaves the field then it could be joe biden and somebody could knock him out. But im with charmsles. I think i can speak for many we would love for joe biden to run for president , he would be terrific to cover. I say it in a serious and joking way. That is our hour, but the odds are good, well be right back bringing you the latest on if youre running a business legalzoom has your back. Over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Doers they dont worry if somethings possible. They just do it. At sears optical, were committed to bringing them eyewear that works as hard as they do. 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