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Michael bloomberg. The new york city mayor announces its too late to focus on iowa and New Hampshire. They are not happy. Late entry highlighting growing anxiety among some democrats. The slate of candidates wont be unable to unseat President Trump in 2020. Shannon welcome to fox news night. I am Shannon Bream in washington. President trumps visit to a College Football match up causing a stir on camps. Trace gallagher has the story. We tick tock closer to kick off in the huge alabama and lsu game. The university of alabama Student Government is retracting a warning it issued with President Trump set to attend tomorrows game. The Student Government association told students disruptive behavior could result in students losing their game tickets for the rest of the year. That generated major social media push back. In response, the Student Government is now in a walk back. First writing we strong affirm its belief in free speech. Later after possibly not feeling totally forgiven, the vicepresident of Student Affairs added this and by the way the president so far is not picking sides. Watch. I better not do that. They are two fantastic teams. Both undefeated. President trump got mixed response at highprofile athletic events. Bood during the world series and partly bood at a fight and loudly cheered during the fight. His Approval Rating in alabama is in the high 50s the president stands to be well received in the stadium. And Terry Bradshaw said the president s decision to attend the alabama and lsu game is commendable. Hats off for him to have the guts to do it. You have to respect the office of the president of the united states. Thats an incredible thing to have him go to that game. The president will make a public appearance on monday at the veterans day parade in new york. For now trump off to the university of alabama with my oldest daughter attends. Roll tide. Shannon thanks. The president went through atlanta. Africanamericans voters arguing democrats dont deserve their allegiance. They hit you hard for 3 months and get your vote and say byebye. I see. It i deal with them all the time. I deal with adam schiff. [booing]. He is a crooked politician. Nancy pelosi should be go back home to San Francisco and clean up her district. Its falling apart. We have done more for africanamericans in 3 years than the broken washington establishment has done in measure 30 years. Shannon joining me is a civil rights attorney and a fox news report. Welcome to you both. Thanks. Shannon the usa today said trump and pence trying to win over africanamericans and say only 8 of africanamericans cast their ballot for trump in 2016 and his Approval Rating among lack voters is just 10 . I urge them to recheck their numbers. Black voters support for President Trump is 20 to 30 . I think those numbers will go much higher given the accomplishments we have seen from President Trump for all americans and especially those in the black communities. He asked the black voters what do you have to lose . What we have gained. Record low unemployment. Unemployment for black americans have never been below 7 which is astonishing. This president is delivering for black voters. Shannon one of the black voters supporting the president. This is david harris jr. He made the case for the president. What the president is doing for our country and for the black community is so underrated. Its down played by the liberal media. They dont want to focus on any of his successes. Shannon and he and others say its beyond the unemployment numbers. What do you say . Well, first a big shout out to kelvin and king brought on stage today by President Trump. We should celebrate what President Trump has done positive for the community. But as he criticized democrats for only showing up and asking for votes during election season, he has to do more than lip service on these issues. He established he has support in American Airlines africanamerican community, now he has to come through and work on issues of diversity. Have the Justice Department prote protect civil rights and break up corporations not supporting africanamericans. He has to deliver and do more. Not simply be another politician asking for a vote during election season and not coming back the rest of the year. I was going to say. We have the do nothing democrats and the antitrump media who have not been talking about the accomplishments of this president. Thats the purpose of the black voices for trump coalition. We will get that message out across the country. Recruit black activists to get them to reelect President Trump. Democrats have done nothing for black americans. Look at the inner cities. Los angeles, new york, detroit. You look at these deplorable conditions in these communities and the voters keep voting the same people in every time. Nothing is changing. Now things are starting to change. Shannon robert, the other topic. The president heading to the game of the century College Football. Today a piece said anyone assuming that tuskaloosa will be friendly territory. Its a blue dot in the midnight of a red state. Robert, your reaction . Well, one shout out for fox news. Its important to understand the reason that people boo is because they do not feel like this president hears their voices. To Institute Policies supporting young americans. On a College Campus its a great opportunity for the president to articulate why he should not get booed. Get out to the regular American People and campaign to them and explain how you will make their life better. It doesnt have to be blaming the liberal media. Institute policies and people will support you for that. Shannon the world series and now College Football. I think all of the College Campuses should be bastions of free expression. Thanks for joining us. Vermont senator Bernie Sanders banking on immigration. He is campaigning tonight in iowa with squad leader alexandria ocasiocortez. Sanders wants an overhaul of the u. S. Immigration system. We will end the ice raids. [cheers and applause]. We are going to develop a humane border policy. Shannon he is talking decriminalizing illegal Border Crossing and giving full welfare access to Illegal Immigrants and breaking up the Border Protection agent. Former vicepresident joe biden not on board with all of thaty. Should not abolish ice. Its the policies and thats easy to fix. Shannon in 2007 sanders opposed a bipartisan amnesty bill. He said i dont know why we need millions of people to come into this country as guest workers who will drive wages down lower than they are now. Voters in iowa and New Hampshire are used to be courted for months by candidates. Tonight those early key states are not impressed by Michael Bloombergs decision to skip them as he makes a late bid to join the crowded democratic field. Tonight he made it official. A spokesman said we are confident we can win. The late timing of our entry means many candidate visit a big head start in the four early states. We have enormous respect for the democratic primary process and many friends in those states. Our plan is to run a broad based national campaign. Bernie sanders is not worried about bloomberg jumping in. I have no problems with him getting in the race. He said he is running because of me. The polls i looked at a am far ahe ahead. Shannon tonight devin nunes is demanding testimony from the chairman of the House Intel Committee adam schiff. A correspondent has late breaking details. Even if that hearing happens it will be in private. This is the letter from devin nunes complaining with the House Intelligence Committee in the upcoming impeachment hearings. Shive had promised testimony by the whistleblower but backed off. Going into the weekend the president is exuding confidence. What they are trying to do is weaken me, but its made me stronger. People are angry about it. It made republicans and people that vote for me not just republicans really angry. The president is changing his story about the key players. Testimony from the ambassador to the eu gordon sonland. On october 8th, trump tweeted sonland is a really good man and a great american. Now here is the president today. I hardly know the gentleman. All right. Democrats are emboldened by new evidence like this letter from john boltons attorney. Bolton was involved in many of the events about which you already received testimony and meetings that have not been discussed thus far. Boltons attorney wants the federal court to rule on whether the white house can overrule a subpoena. Mulvaney said he was ordered by the white house not to appear. Any time you block someone, we include there is a consciousness of guilt there. Democrats face a new adver adversary next week. Jim jordan tweeted that republicans only have until saturday for witnesses. Does this sound like due process. That tweet is just a preview what have we will be hearing and wouldnt you just love to see jim jordan and adam schiff, if jordan was questioning adam schiff . Shannon i want to know if jim jordan will have on a coat and tie. Its a lonely life for the jacket. Shannon thats a great moment of experience. Importance. Is the far left trying to get trump reelected. The New York Times headline sparking that question tonight. Our panel weighs in next. Dealing with Psoriatic Arthritis pain was so frustrating. My skin. It was embarrassing. My joints. They hurt. The pain and swelling. The tenderness. 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So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa shannon one week ago today the october jobs report came in much stronger than expected. And Elizabeth Warren released her 52 trillion dollars Healthcare Plan after admitting it could cost 2 million american jobs. Tuesday a report on Service Sector economy beat expectations. Also on tuesday a billionaire predicted the stock market would crash. The stock market hit record highs and Bernie Sanders say bill gates was taxed 100 billion dollars we could end homelessness. The New York Times headline. Can this help trump . Joining us now. The president has a lot to celebrate on the economy. Listen to what 2020 democratic contender mayor Pete Buttigieg says. People are seeing a president who says the economy is doing great. Look at the stock market. A lot of people in south bend saying what about me . Shannon is that the mood across the country . I think there are a couple of things going on. The economy is doing really well. This is a historic moment for the strength of the economy. You have not just wall street but demographics that the democrats covet doing well. Women, businesses and blacks and hispanics doing well. Record low unemployment rates and wages going up. There are issues. Debt is an issue. Graduating college and have massive debt, you have to figure out how to get your life statue of libertied. The president has a great message to run on. The economy is strong, but if you any with my opponents that gets stops. Shannon the abc news and Washington Post put out a poll asking about the economy under President Trump. Better 44 . Better or the same 77 . Those are better numbers than president obama had. How do democrats run against that . They are not. They are focussed on social issues and issues with this president as far as how he carries himself and twitters and the impeachment inquiry. Its hard to beat a mess message on the economy with the facts. When you talk about africanamericans and the gap between generational wealth. I think trump has the economy message sewed up. Democrats will have to figure out how to talk about the economy and the small businesses. They never mention small businesses. Shannon the new entrant to the race. Michael bloomberg. What President Trump said about matching up with him. I have known michael for a long time. Early on he said a lot of great things about trump. Michael became just a nothing. He was really a nothing. We wont do well, but i think he will hurt biden. Shannon do you think this hurts biden . I think he can. It increases the likeness you will have Elizabeth Warren as Bernie Sanders as the nominee and that helps donald trump get reelected. I am confused whose bloombergs constituency is. Antigunand prochine. You will find something where every voter will say why would i vote for that guy. I would be surprised if he gains more traction than bill de blasio who is already out of the race. Shannon the massachusetts senator to run a billionaire who keeps slamming her tax . Lets talk about you cant win without iowa, New Hampshire and south carolina. He hasnt butt any boots on the ground. Put. Senator sanders said billionaires were terrified. Moderates are terrified they dont have a candidate that can go up against trump because biden is failing with the daily gaffes. He is not the candidate they thought he would be. Democrats have to figure this out. Although i like senator warren, democrats understand that most of americans are in the center. They are moderate. This is a message to say democrats get it together. Biden is not the choice. Shannon it seems like thats what bloomberg is trying to signal. There are no other good options so thats why he got in. Thanks for being with us late tonight. Conservative commentaror ben shapiro shouted down at stanford during a speech entitled no, i wont let leftists idiots raise my kids. They apologized for a depiction but protestors interrupted ben shapiros speech. In harvard. Sex workshops for sex week at harvard. An annual event since 2012. 20 companies donated free sex toys. Organizers plan to provide a platform for selfexplayeration. Exploration. And a person who grew up behind the iron curtain kith his position at a university saying he felt like i was living under commu communism again. 2 senators say its time to cough up every document about hunter biden. Thats next. And this is how it made me feel. It was like that feeling when you go to taco night at your favorite restaurant. 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Help from a team that will exceed your expectations. Shannon remember the texas child who was the center of the custody case and a flash point in the culture war between conservative and progressives. The mother wanted to transition the young son into detail against the fathers wishes. The judge awarded the parent joint custody. The child went to school dressed as a boy. Two Republican Senate chambers are calling on the state department to release all documents about hunter biden. Rich joins us with the latest. Republicans are now getting in on requesting ukraine documents from the state department. The Homeland Security chairman and Senate Finance chairman requested the state department provide all records relating to hunter biden and any potential meetings with the state department. In a letter to sect pompeo they write this information will help them understand what actions if any the Obama Administration took to ensure that policy decisions with the ukraine were not improperly influenced. Hunter biden worked on the board of a ukraine natural gas company. We are looking corruption. We are giving hundreds of Million Dollars and we are looking for corruption. All you have to do is looking at biden and you will see tremendous corruption because what he did is quid pro quo times 10. Trump is trying to take the focus off of what the problem s. The problem is donald trump invited on 3 occasions 3 Different Countries for Different Reasons to intervene in the american elections. In 2016 the u. S. Consulting firm requested a meeting with the Top State Department official. In appealing the state department the consult not noted hunters position on the board. George kent said he told vicepresident joe bidens staff heave concerned about hunter on the board because it creates a conflict of interest. He was alarmed by efforts to push ukraine to initiate a politicals motivated investigation into the bidens. Shannon thank you very much. Coming up the impeachment hearings go public next week. First tonights western roundup. The mayor of fort angles, washington considering disarming soldiers to honor veterans. She said she got complaints with the guns held by the soldier in the memorials and she suggested flags or eagles to represent peace. One person thats a lack of understanding of the people that she represents. Newsome went to a meeting with pgand e. The whichever argued one morning is not too much to ask. He sent representatives and a letter to the fallen deputys family. More popeyes madness. A woman smashing her mersades for that chicken sandwich. So vets can join . Oh yeah. How do you kind of buy a new car . Its used. Its for mikey. 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House democrats will make their case to you the public with open hearings next week. Has the public already had its fair share of impeachment drama. Tonight howard examines the coverage and what is at stake in the next chapter. The impeachment show on capitol hill is unfold being like a 3 act play. Act 1, House Democrats summoned diplomats who dealt with the ukraine leaking highlights to the press. Act 2, adam schiff releases transcripts of those session which sparked a media debate like when sonland provided new testimony saying he forgot about a conversation pressuring ukraine to launch investigations. After a few weeks, sonland said yes, i do remember now. He was offering something called an opinion to the ukrainians about why military aide a held up. Act 3 next week. Hearings move to the public stage which could provide televised drama or fizzle which happened when Robert Mueller repeated what was in his russia report. President trump is barely making a distinction between the democrats and the press. The Crooked Media launched the deranged impeachment witch hunt. He called the whistleblower fake and urged he be outed. The whistleblower is a disgrace to our country. Because of that the whistleblower should be revealed. I say tonight to the media do your job and print his name rand pauls challenge drew flack even from news anchors. He is a small man. What he did there was small and cowardly right. Mainstream journalists who know the cia officers name held it back. The whistleblower may not testify. The hearings feature the same players rehashing the same lines that were made public. The production may not get rave reviews. Shannon thanks. A lawyer for the whistleblower sending a cease and desist letter to the white house demanding President Trump stop attacking their client and warning he may be liable for anything that happens to whistleblower. Former Deputy Attorney general john hugh. Thanks for joining us. I am ready. Shannon this letter from the attorney representing the whistleblower saying should anyone be harm, we wont hesitated to take all appropriate action against your client meaning the president bhachlt do you make of that letter tonight . This is a legal publicity stunt. Even if a private citizen noted to say things criticizing the whistleblower she or he would be protected by the free speech law. The president is free to say whatever he wants about any public issue. There no ability to get a president or a senator or member of the house to stop criticizing someone particularly a member of the government. Shannon what are the protections for a whistleblower being anonymous . Its interesting. What the letter raises is whether we will learn whistleblowers identity. There is even an argument that the executive branch made the president and the head of director of intelligence whether this person is a whistleblower. Assuming he is protected by the law, the law guarantees there is no retalitation. He is not fired and doesnt lose any salary. Being nan anonymous is not called for by statute. Wont the president and the Minority Party get a chance to question the whistleblower and find out if that famous memo is the truth and the origins of some of these stories. Shannon a letter tonight from devin nunes. He sent this letter to the chair. Saying we thought we would hear from the whistleblower. To adam schiff its time for you to testify in private asking him to sit for a closed door deposition. We know you or your staff met or talked with the whistleblower. We want to know if you had discussions. What are the circumstances were. Whether the whistleblower was given guidance. What are the odds that adam schiff sits for a closed door depo . About zero. This is where schiff will allow the republican minority and the white House Counsel to have a chance to question the whistleblower. Thats the safest thing for chairman schiff to do. The hard thing this has to be done in the most open and transparent way. What the House Majority has to realize they have to persuade the American People and the senate. The more it looks like they are stone walling requests from the minority and appearing not to follow fair process, even though they are not required into in the constitution, the more they slam the door the less likely to get a conviction in the senate. Shannon hours away from the next development. The republicans have to have a list of requested witnesses to the diabetes by tomorrow morning that they want to see called publicly. The democrats get to decide which of those witnesses if any are called to testify publicly. They have the veto power. You know the republicans will make a big stink if they dont get some of the people on the list or any of them. First the republicans will pursue this storyline that maybe the House Democrats were cooperating with the whistleblower and witnesses. They want to raise questions whether it was coordination of stories which would raise doubts. Then they might say we want to have hunter biden and joe biden called up for questions. Youre absolutely right. The house under the new rules has the power to refuse to issue subpoenas. That would create a devastating image of the house investigation refusing to be fair and transparent which will guarantee the trial will fail in the senate and the American People will be suspicious of the outcome of impeachment. Shannon i will get up early on saturday morning to see the list. John hugh, thank you. Thank you. Shannon night court next. Are the cows behind ben and jer jerrys ice cream happy . One person says no. Stick around for the argument next. Aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. 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Tom and alex. The ben and jerrys case. They said deceiving consumers they sell a greater volume of the product. Claiming all of these cows are happy. Not buying it. No good deed goes unpunished. This complaintant if you go to the website says its deceptive. Those farmers who agree and volunteer to be part of the program are compensated by the company. That is not saying that all of the product is from those particular cows. If you read the plain language on that website, the plaintiff will lose this case because he is stretching far too much what is in that advertisement. Shannon alex, what obligation do they have to tell us what cows they use and how happy they are . Well, ben and jerrys faced a lawsuit brought by a d. C. Website. There was already one issue with their website. There is a one minute video that presents that the dairy comes from family farms and not these mass production factories where these cows are injected with antibiotics. There is a concern that you are presenting yourself as a clean company, environmentally friendly and you are using these cattles. Shannon now the case. A homeless shelter in brooklyn residents said they ate chicken that made them sick. The lawyer said they falsified the expiration label. Bob, they want 8 million. They wont get 8 million. Getting sick is not worth that with damages. They are suing the city. They have a good case against the vendor who changed the label. How is the city responsible . How are they supposed to know this fraud was occurring . It was a business they had worked with for many, many years without incident. The lawsuit against the city fail. Shannon didnt the department of Homeless Services say they suspended the food provider. Thats fair. You try to get as many people on the complaint as you can. There is a question about how liable the shelter might be. Grocery stores are liable for selling products that expired from other vendors. This is one to watch and see where it goes. 8 million sounds high. Shannon we have the rotten Chicken Salad and ben and jerrys and whether the cows are happy. We will put it to the video at home. The jury at home. Let us know what you really think. This is a dangerous scene unfolding on the raging Niagara River just feet away from niagara falls. A man was hanging on to a log. The waters were frigid. Fire fighters teamed up with new york state police. The rescuers worked hard to keep the mans head above water. It was a successful rescue. To everyone involved in that incredible effort, you are all our midnight heroes. Enjoy your weekend. A busy week with public impeachment hearings. Good night from washington. Have a great weekend. I am Shannon Bream. We still nees on table ten. Hed be proud of us. A Family Business should stay in the family. See how lincolns Insurance Solutions can help protect your family, your business and everyone who counts on you, at lincolnfinancial. 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What youre made of, were made for. Usaa tucker is up next. Have a great weekend. Dc tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. Jeffrey epstein died some weeks ago, months ago at this point. But basic questions remain unanswered. Among them, why do powerful people appear to be covering up for him, still . Theres a new development in the Jeffrey Epstein story tonight we will bring new just a minute. Worth sticking around for. First tonight former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg appears to be running for president. Now, in the plus column, bloomberg is one of the richest people in america. More than 10 million. More money than he could ever spend. He is also highly popu

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