Gop senate is likely to pass. Lets start with senior capitol hill producer chad program live on capitol hill with latebreaking news. Tell us about this news regarding the former special counsel. Blockbuster night on capitol hills, starting with Robert Mueller. This subpoena was issued to Robert Mueller to appear in open session, joint session between the House Intelligence Committee and Judiciary Committee on july 17th. We are told he will come but this was the condition, Robert Mueller told the committees he would not unless they formally issued a subpoena and that he would stick to the 4 corners of his report. If your member his statement and he released a report some time ago he said he wasnt going to go beyond what was in the report, the report spoke for itself. Here is part of the statement from adam schiff, chair of the Intelligence Committee and jerry nadler, chair of the Judiciary Committee, quote, americans demanded to hear directly from the special counsel so they can understand what he and his team examined, uncovered and determined about russias attack on the democracy, the Trump Campaigns acceptance of that help and donald trump and his associates instruction the investigation into that attack. Doug collins is the Top Republican on the house Judiciary Committee, he says i hope the special counsels testimony marks the end to the political gamesmanship democrats have pursued at the cost of the taxpayers. This is going to be an amazing hearing and heres why. We think about a major hearings on capitol hill and the magnitude of this is off the chart. When James Comey Amon testified, Jeff Sessions when he was attorney general, think about Michael Cohen appearing earlier before committee on capitol hill, those will be worked by this one, this might be the biggest hearing weve had on capitol hill. I talked to a couple republican lawmakers, they found out about the subpoena on the house floor from other members and the speakers lobby on the vote on the Border Security bill. Some republicans think democrats are trying to make the point before the start of the august recess but republicans will have serious questions, try to undercut mueller, ask about the Text Messages between lisa paige and Peter Heather nauert he and the steel dossier. The special counsel has said the 400 pages plus report is my word on everything and im never going to talk about this again. The fact that hes reached an agreement to speak, there is a lot in their. There is precedent for this because Kenneth Starr did testify on the star report with bill clinton in the late 1990s. Shannon the results will be the same, being able to hear from the special counsel. You are busy because theres a breaking news about the funding fight for border wall funding, not for the wall but humanitarian efforts in the crisis at the border, it seems across party lines we agree on that much. This was a supplemental spending bill, 4. 5 billion and it was 230195, bipartisan vote, three republicans voted with democrats, will of texas, Brian Fitzpatrick of pennsylvania and christmas of new jersey all moderates from swing districts. There were four democratic defections which Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, ilhan omar of minnesota, unit presley of massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib. Why would we continue to direct funding toward ice and cvp when we think they are abusing that and abusing children and not keeping them in sanitary conditions, nancy pelosi allowed liberal democrats to go in and rewrite this bill to tweak this bill to get it across the finish line. They did not have the votes yesterday but the key changes in this bill, this is part of Nancy Pelosis statement when she talked to the democratic caucus. She said, quote, today we have an opportunity to help the children at the border, understand that we are against with white house, the president would like this bill to go down today and a vote against the bill is a vote for donald trump. The next stop is the senate where they have a bipartisan bill. It is unclear of the house and senate can get on the same page before the end of the week. Chad program live on hell, thank you very much, burning be at night oil. Donald trump tweeting this, residential harassment. Lets turn to bradley maas, republican congressman matt gates who is on house Judiciary Committee will be doing the questioning plus harvard law Professor Emeritus alan dershowitz, author of the case against the Democratic House impeaching trump, welcome to both of you gentlemen. I want to start with something congressman nadler said. He is chairman of the house Judiciary Committee where impeachment would start where this hearing will take place. Until we play that from the chairman. There is no right to defy congressional subpoena. The white house might assert some privilege but when they revealed a lot of the information to mueller and even attorneys they waived the privilege. I think he will answer is put to him because it is his civic duty to do so and he is an upstanding prosecutor. Shannon they reached a deal. Did you know about it . It was just a week ago in the Judiciary Committee when i asked chairman never whether he intended to subpoena Robert Mueller and he said he would not answer at that time so i hope were not in store for impeachment by surprises this seems to feed into the elements of the Democratic Party that are more focused on donald trump and relitigating the Mueller Report then dealing with the humanitarian crisis at the border or other challenges i think a lot of swing district democrats would like to work on it this time. Shannon to the legalities of this chairman nadler said you can exert different privileges but they are talking to mueller and because of that we may need to probe into those conversations . Your take . The irony is precisely what natalie wants to ask mueller about mueller cant answer. He cant answer questions about why he didnt recommend prosecuting donald trump, why he didnt recommend prosecuting, Justice Department regulations and traditions, they decide not to prosecute, that is it. He keeps his mouth shut. What he can answer questions about is what is not necessarily in the report, namely the steel dossier, the failure to properly inform be fisa court. The reason certain people were put on the investigating committee. I know end the democrats will see this backfire. The questions they want to answer mueller will never answer. But the questions republicans want to ask mueller will have to answer because he wont have privilege restrictions on what he can say. I think this will backfire on the democrats. Shannon what do you make of that assessment . The president said he cant go into detail on the fisa warrants, not because he wasnt there but it is still classified. Very limited portions came out, same with the dossier. It is caught up in this ongoing ig investigation. Robert mueller will not intrude on their get into those issues. He will refer back over and over to what he put in the report. He will read it line for line at times to reiterate his point. I remain unconvinced of what we are going to get out of this hearing. Shannon the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says this is what they will ask about, the questions he has, his committee in conjunction with judiciary that will hold this public hearing. Any questions about counterintelligence investigation, the rule of counterintelligence agents, questions about prosecutorial decisions that were made fact questions about these statements that were made in the report so any number of issues we wish to cover. What questions will you have because he will ask him of those. The mueller team was hr chernobyl. Look at the last Inspector General report where the ig appointed by president obama said it was inappropriate for Robert Mueller to bring peter stzrok and lisa paid onto his team after they worked americans investigation, not something you normally see. We have legitimate questions how all these people ended up on the mueller team that has a history of donating financially to democrats and it didnt seem sufficient balance. There may be reasonable answers to those questions, i think the American People understand if you have bad ingredients you are going to get a bad gumbo. If you have bias people running an investigation you end up with a more biased result. Shannon a member of Donald Trumps legal team is joining us by phone. You dont think we will hear anything more than we are to learn from the Mueller Report. Do you think there will be any new ground uncovered here . Any concerns . The attorney general and president said they are okay with mueller going to testify. We have no concerns. Bob mueller said his report is his testimony. I click the testimony will be his report. Member with a report said. There were concerns over issues of russia collusion or conspiracy with the Trump Campaign, what did bob mueller conclude . There was none. In these issues came up after that. After the answers to the question with no collusion they bring the obstruction inquiry with us. Of obstruction the department of justice not only rejects but says based on the evidence, bob mueller epstein put forward the department of justice concluded there is no obstructive intent but bob mueller has to answer some questions which who fired peter stzrok . Andrew mccabe said he fired him. Who fired peter stzrok. How you allow his phone to be wiped clean after he was terminated from the investigation . How has the special counsel allow evidence regarding bias to be removed and then the phone reassigned to someone else and then you have conflict of interest to the irregularity of the investigation, people like the congressman will ask, those are legitimate questions so bob mueller has a lot to answer to. The report speaks for itself. Alan dershowitz has said many times much better than i would be able to say bob mueller epstein conflated a reversed the burden of proof issue, if we were convinced he committed a crime would exonerate him. They made the statement in the report regarding obstruction but we are not saying thats not their role. There is a lot to answer for. We are not concerned about bob mueller testifying. He will stick to his report and he will have questions he has to answer regarding the investigation. I want to read you something from nancy pelosi, she says shes glad the American People will get to hear directly from Robert Mueller it adds our National Security is being threatened and the American People deserve answers. It makes reference to russias systemic attack on our election. What about that point she makes in regard to National Security . I understand your point about National Security but what did bob mueller conclude in his report. There was no collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia. They could ask it again but this is nothing new. It is good that bob mueller will testify. He will have a lot of explaining to do with the irregularities that took place in the investigation and he will have to answer them. Thank you for calling in today. Thanks for being with us. Professor, i want to bring you back in. To this idea that one of the members, the statement are coming fast and furious but one of the members on the democratic side of the aisle said this would be a chance to expose the president s felonies with regard to obstruction. A special counsel did not make that connection many in congress have argued he left it to them and now they will finish the job by having him come in and ask him what he meant for them to take the reins from here and finish looking into obstruction. Remember james comey was recommended to be fired by the acting attorney general of the United States precisely because he went beyond his role as saying we are not going to charge anybody and im going to tell you my opinion that Hillary Clinton engaged in extreme carelessness. I oppose that. Many americans on both sides of the aisle oppose that because prosecutors are not allowed to do that. It created terrible precedent. Of a prosecutor decides not to prosecute an ordinary american, businessman and then he is called in front of congress and asked what is the evidence . Why didnt you prosecute, didnt you believe this witness or that witness that would violate the presumption of innocence, it would violate and undercut the rule of law and that is what the committees are asking mueller to do and he wont do it if he is respectful of the traditions of the Justice Department. He doesnt want to commit the same sin that his friend james comey committed for which he was appropriately rebuked. We will see him stick to his report but he can be asked why did he put these people on the committee, he can be asked about the investigations but he cant be asked why he didnt prosecutor why he didnt come to a conclusion about obstruction of justice. Mueller was completely wrong about obstruction of justice even in the report. He thinks a president can be charged with the instruction of justice for exercising his article to power by firing comey. Thats just wrong. The president is clear. George hw bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger on the eve of his trial in order to stop the investigation and yet nobody suggested the president can ever be charged with obstruction even if the president could be charged with anything for exercising his authority. Comey got it wrong on obstruction of justice and if asked about it republicans will make him look foolish because he doesnt have his lot right and didnt have but jay was right that he will have to reiterate the fact that there just wasnt sufficient evidence to charge and he would have to reiterate the Justice Department, the attorney general made a decision that it would be wrong to charge the president with obstruction of justice and that should end that part of the inquiry. A number of people on the right have said including the president they didnt get what they wanted out of the Mueller Report, after we were told for a year he is the end rbl on this, he wont say anything beyond his report. Is this anything more than political theater for democrats . It will be political theater for everybody. You want your crazy views from all sides what they perceive from an ideological political perspective should have happened, did happen. There was not just one instance of obstruction the special counsel laid out. There were 10 separate instances, trying to get Jeff Sessions to pull back the investigation, trying to fire Robert Mueller, trying to get the white House Counsel to recant his testimony and change his testimony to make it lineup with what the president said. Those are obstructive act, nothing stops congress from looking into that in the context of impeachment just like they did with bill clinton. I keep the 400 pages with me on my desk all the time. Theres a lot. People havent read this it is worth reading and going through if you care about this story and it was set in her blumenthal who said that after the hearing it is a new day for america and understanding how the president of the United States committed acts of felony obstruction. As to all matters of objection even the Mueller Report acknowledges there are brought article to powers that are legitimately used by the president. Even the Mueller Report acknowledges a lot of these occurred in public where there could be no the president was acting before god and everyone and that there was no underlying crime of criminal conspiracy with russia. It is to any of those things individually could be parsed out but when you look at them in their totality no reasonable prosecutor would bring an instruction of justice claim when you have all of that together and it is a unique circumstance, this is the president who could have done all the things the Mueller Report alleges would have been obstructive acts, they never occur but even had they occurred this legitimate article to authority that congress cannot go in and pierce through this fabricated impeachment. 1000 prosecutors disagree with you. Those are people that have been asked to grind. I agree with 90 of what you said. There are one or 2 acts, if there is evidence that he tried to get somebody to change testimony that would be different, that would not be protected by article 2 but find a prosecutor trying to get an investigation and that is under number 2. I will take a 90 . Any of us would like in law school to get 90 in one of your tests. Thank you all for being here, great to see you tonight. Democrats starting to panic about the firing squad had of the first 2020 president ial debate next. The next challenge. The next place. On to the next level. And all the rewards that come with it. The allnew ram 1500. Motortrends 2019 truck of the year everything you need, to get on to bigger things. With who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. Ordering custom ink tshirts has been a really smart decision for our business. I love the custom ink design lab because its really easy to use. They have Customer Service that you can reach anytime. Tshirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. From the moment clients walk in, theyre able to feel like part of the family. [spokesman] custom ink has hundreds of products for your business and free shipping. Upload your logo or start your design today at customink. Com. This is the story of john smith. Not this john smith. Or this john smith. Or any of the other hundreds of john smiths that are humana Medicare Advantage members. No, its this john smith. Who we paired with a humana team member to help address his own specific health needs. At humana, we take a personal approach to your health, to provide care thats just as unique as you are. No matter what your name is. The massive fieldld of president ial hopefuls descending on software preparing to rumble in the first primary debate. Party leaders are, quote, terrified it will turn into a brawl. Mark meredith is here with everything you need to know. The debates are split into two nitrogen candidates sharing the stage at the same time. Several contenders are on the ground in miami preparing for what may be the first true test of the 2020 election. Miamis forecast calls for 80 wednesday but no one knows how to get inside this arena and there are reports that the debates will turn into a circus. The American Federation of teachers says i am worried will be a scrum. Can democrats take the stage for the first 2020 debate . The opportunity to be a Public School teacher, college professor. Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren rallied supporters in miami had of the debate debut, will take part in wednesday obsession, latest polls show her neck and neck with bernie sanders, but both trail joe biden. They will compete thursday. Beto orourke says with limited time it will not be easy for any candidate to cover everything in one debate. We have 60 seconds to respond to the biggest questions on the minds of the American People. Reporter others like Julian Castro say it is the best chance to make a first impression. People dont know me the way they know other people in this race. Im confident in this debate and months to come i will do well. Reporter mike pence spent the day in miami launching a latinos for Trump Coalition but his own crowd got heated when he brought up immigration. Amazing to think democrats and many in the media spent the last 6 months saying it was a manufactured crisis. Reporter we will watch to see how much debate focuses on donald trump and his administration of democrats will pivot to their specific issue. We will wait to see if donald trump will live tweet the debate himself or stay off twitter. It should be interesting to watch. Reporter i vote he loves twitter. Thank you for the preview. Fox news at night will be live from miami for the two debate, the first of the democrats. He will get instant reaction you will only see right here on fox wednesday and thursday night. We have live extended coverage from the scene in miami from 11 00 pm. We will take it to 1 am eastern so we will see you there tomorrow night. As democrats head and the first debate, if youre wondering where freshman democratic lawmakers are on the big proposals communities ilhan omars tweet in favor of Bernie Sanderss plan to erase 1. 6 trillion in student just and another big topic freshman democrat Rashida Tlaib does not think the reparation discussions go far enough. Direct payments individuals or defendants of slaves . I supported the opportunity for Restorative Justice and that can come up all above in some instances. I can tell you what home it is direct payment people want to see but also increased access for Higher Education to real, equitable funding and education. Lets turn to Richard Fowler and fox news political analyst gianna caldwell to weigh in on this, welcome to you both. We talked about this before, we have some strong feelings about these promises for reparations and how you believe they may be simply manipulating voters. Absolutely. I grew up on the south side of chicago, a Poor Community i grew up in. When politicians would come around the election times, been in office for years and make new promises we were taught to be very curious about those individuals and when it comes to talk of reparations democrats of been in office for many years and at this point when theres a potential cracking in their base, black lives matter coming out against democrat politicians they want to dole something out africanamericans to say they are with you but this conversation has never been taken seriously before. I find it to be disingenuous and racially insensitive to take African Americans down this road. Reporter charlie kirk tweets this, democrats are not running on ideas, their running on bribes, free college, free healthcare, free money for those, quote, unwilling to work, free housing, free slavery reparations, free lgbt q reparations. If you think something is expensive now just wait until it is free. Not sure what free lgbt q reparations are hes talking about. Elizabeth morans proposal saying gay couples were not allowed to marry and can get the same tax benefits and her number was 50 million. The Democratic Partys looking for ideas on how to move the country forward and advance the rights of all people, not just a chosen few and having the debate about these ideas is the best thing for our party. She did sleep is from detroit, detroit is making a comeback but that is not happening in all quadrants of that city. Part of that city where it is working in parts where it is not working and with the Democratic Partys trying to do is ensure it works for all parts of the city. There are people in our party calling out democrats for not getting it right. These people are not running to the Republican Party saying were going to vote for donald trump. They are saying they want progressive candidates that will stand up for their issues. Shannon will they show up at the polls based on these promises . Obviously theres a lot of focus on showing up at the polls and my hope is folks will call it for what it is, a hoax. They are just trying to throw some meat out and get somebody to vote for them. That is how campaigns work, primary and general both. Thank you both, great to see you. Californias governor blaming texas for that states homelessness crisis. Attorney general of the Lone Star State is here live to weigh in. danny let me get this straight. After a long day of hard work. You have to do more work . Every day youre nearly fried to a crisp, professionally can someone turn on the ac . no . Oh right. cause there isnt any. Here vo automatically sort your expenses and save over 40 hours a month. Without you, we wouldnt have electricity. Our hobby would be going to bed early. vo you earned it, were here to make sure you get it. danny its time to get yours vo quickbooks. Backing you. Whoooo. Did you know the exact same hotel room. Can have many different prices . Thats why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. Your Perfect Hotel room for the perfect price shannon californias homeless crisis is getting worse by the day. And residents are now demanding that the state Democratic Leadership do something about it. The golden states new governor is putting some of the blame on texas. Correspondent alicia acuna digging into the claims from west coast newsroom, hello, alecia. Alicia hi commissioner we reached out to Gavin Newsoms office to find californias homeless crisis getting worse by the day and residents are now demanding the states Democratic Leaders should do something about it. The golden states nuclear is putting some of the blame on texas. Dig into his claims from the west coast newsroom tonight. We have reached out to governor Gavin Newsoms office to find out what data he was siding when he defended his work to combat the homeless crisis when he was mayor of San Francisco, he said this. The folks that were on the street when we left were from california. Im not suggesting they are not our responsibility, quite the contrary, we took responsibility. We were dealing the vast majority were coming from, we notice, from texas interesting fact. Weve not heard back from newsoms office and not been able to independently verify what he said about texas but our research determined did find a study by the guardian that shows since 2007 about 150 have used free bus tickets to San Francisco but the city has bust out 10,000 and recently appointed un human rights monitor told Business Insider what she witnessed on city streets was a human rights violation calling conditions comparable to what she has seen in the worst slums in the world, the last time i had seen someone cooking on the sidewalk like that was india, the pavement dwellers and now in a state with the sixth largest gdp in the world, other cities are working to fix the problem, this is timelapse video of a handful of shelters for the homeless in san diego where occupants can store belongings and 11 billion taxpayer price tag is not sustainable. The mayor says it is working. We are giving People Health and support. That is what the shelters are for and we are going to enforce qualityoflife for houses in our neighborhoods. You want people off the street. We need people to get off the street particularly those with Mental Health issues or substance abuse. Reporter adding to this, 20 California Community colleges and district announce they oppose a statehouse bill that would allow homeless students to sleep in their cars in designated parking lots. Shannon thank you. Californias governor claims texas is sending its host to San Francisco. Lets get reaction from Texas Attorney general ken paxton. Great to have you with us. Were you aware of these accusations and how do you respond . I grew up in california. If i gavin newsom i would try to blame somebody else. Ive been there a lot recently and their problems but no evidence suggests, if anything it is just the opposite. A lot of jobs are moving to texas and a lot of people are moving to texas because our tax rates are lower. I want to read something else, the la times are putting on what the governor had to say. He went on to criticize states led by republicans, quote, we could let all those folks a for themselves, you lose a little bit of your soul. Where is the strength in that . That is weakness. He was specifically pointing to gop run states like texas. I couldnt disagree more. We put more opportunity in our state. We are growing economy. That is why we had so many, we provide opportunities for people to work. I encourage them to do the same. Cut their tax rates, provide an environment its not so regulatory, more fair and they will lead. Shannon a couple things going on with elected officials in texas. Governor address on homelessness and camping. Any texas city camping on its streets, it will be another local the state of texas will override. At some point cities must put Public Safety first. There are Better Solutions for the homeless and citizens. The mayor says this the following day. The person sitting against the building dealing with swearing demons needs our help. The answer is not to arrest them. We need to tell people not only where they cant be but also where they can be. What do you make of the backandforth . This is a problem austin is creating and it will cause havoc if they allow this to go on in downtown austin. There is so much development, so much opportunity, so many jobs being created and if they allow people to camp on the streets it will affect us like it is affected San Francisco. We will try to dig in and get more from the Governors Office about the claim that texas is sending people into San Francisco. Thanks for joining us. You will be looking for a while for that data. Keep us updated, thank you. Another tough prediction for gavin newsom, while pushing californias new guncontrol he told californians it would need special identification called real id to buy ammunition starting july 1st. Millions moment after the News Conference the Justice Department contradicted news when clarified there would be no real id requirement for firearms or ammunition next month. Several stories about the subway system. One of its fleet of the future trains malfunctioned in oakland forcing hundreds to walk through dark tunnels to safety. And report says Violent Crime has more than doubled over the past four years. The report also says as many as 15 of riders are doing so without paying fair. Vaporing not allowed, a ban on ecigarettes, the first major city to ban the devices favored by people who are trying to quit smoking but anyone over 21 who has a id to prove it can purchase actual cigarettes, alcohol and even marijuana in Retail Establishment across San Francisco. Federal prosecutors allege Duncan Hunter used Campaign Funds to pursue extramarital affairs, lobbyists and congressional aides including one in his office. Republican hunters accused of misusing 250,000 in Campaign Funds. He says it is being prosecuted for political reasons. The socalled deplorables are back in the news. Stick around for our real news roundup. That karl brought his karaoke machine . Aint nothing but a heartache. No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. I never wanna hear you say. No, kevin. No, kevin believe it geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Geico could save you fifteen percent aaaah nooooo. Nooooo. Quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent. Bounty, the quicker picker upper. We were paying an arm and a leg for postage. I remember setting up shipstation. One or two clicks and everything was up and running. I was printing out labels and saving money. Shipstation saves us so much time. It makes it really easy and seamless. Pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and its ready to go. Our costs for shipping were cut in half. 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Freshman democratic socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez praising workers who plan to walk out of the companys selling beds to ice for migrant facilities, tweeting they couldnt stomach making beds to cage children. The Trump Campaign tweeting to keep migrants comfortable while democrats do their on unitarian aid. Sadly open border advocates a oc, bullying them to cancel the sale depriving kids of good beds to sleep in. Abc news chief political analyst matthew dowd suggesting Hillary Clinton was right to describe Donald Trumps supporters as deplorables, quoting clinton you know to be grossly generally stick have of trumps supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. When asked, events in the past two years, conduct and behavior we have seen cancel next wing to be how hillary was wrong. A protest outside schools regarding pro lgbt curriculum in birmingham, england a british lawmaker breaking down in tears on the floor of parliament. Arguing in favor of those lgbt lessons was parent in the community, weeks of protesting and pulling their children out of school over the same sex relationship curriculum. An american missionary stand accused of abuse and worse by a group called no white saviors. Shannon a Christian Missionary looking to clear her name following accusations by two mothers in uganda. In a group called no white saviors the virginia woman contributed to the deaths of hundreds of babies by treating without a medical license at a Nonprofit Charity clinic called serving his children. That missionary joins us to tell her side of the story along with her attorney, david gibbs. Thanks for joining us. Shannon i want to read from womens pro bono initiative. The mothers allege they were led to believe miss rene bach was a medical doctor and her home was a medical facility and she was often seen wearing a white coat, stethoscope and administered medication, the actions led to the death of hundreds of children. That is a serious allegation. How do you respond . First off i never represented myself as a medical professional or Health Worker of any type. The organization hires medical professionals that are ugandan, local and National Folks and i have assisted our medical team in emergency settings and in crisis situations but i have never practiced medicine and i have never put on any sort of youth forum, it is a tough allegation for sure. You believe this group is potentially defame in her, may be libelous and slandering her . Would you consider legal action in return . Is your case Strong Enough . The case would be Strong Enough. The problem with reputational terrorists on the internet is finding these people around the world, putting out information that is not factbased. It is said when missionary or humanitarian or any individual from the United States or any developed nation wants to go into a third world, what rene in serving these children has done and come under these attacks with no real way to defend herself effectively. We believe it is important to get information out. While they want to talk about the desperately 6 children, they are ignoring the fact that 3600 children had their lives saved. Serving these children with a medical team in uganda under renes leadership was remarkable. Shannon to respond to that, you talk about how they use the internet. On social media to this point there were good things being done along with what they allege were bad things they say this, look at all their service, all the good they have done for all of gods people. A deeply flawed reasoning only afforded to white folks who committed heinous crimes, whiteness gives you the benefit of the doubt even when the evidence is clear as day. Are you surprised by these attacks, how do you prove your innocence . There is definitely a movement, the white people complex, hot button topics in the world i come from. I would have to say when i originally went to uganda, it was through that experience that led me to return to uganda and ultimately serving these children. I have to say when i went to uganda the first time i was a Young American woman boarding a plane to africa and i had a white savior complex. My desire to go to uganda was to help people and serve and often times anyone coming from a culture like america or a culture where we say we have White Privilege going into a culture that is stated to be underdeveloped or lack of resources, anyone could be considered a white savior in that environment and i was not immune to that myself. Im proud to say through the grace of serving these children and personal growth, i wasnt even needed in uganda for a program to operate and completely ugandan lead and nationally run. These accusations are incredibly disappointing as i have spent a majority of my adulthood serving in uganda. I also realize not everything is done perfect the right time. Im willing to stand for organization and the work we have done. Shannon we will follow the case. Thanks for joining us. On to the next job. The next challenge. The next place. On to the next level. And all the rewards that come with it. The allnew ram 1500. Motortrends 2019 truck of the year everything you need, to get on to bigger things. Whoooo. Did you know the exact same hotel room. Can have many different prices . Thats why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. Your Perfect Hotel room for the perfect price with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. Ordering custom ink tshirts has been a really smart decision for our business. I love the custom ink design lab because its really easy to use. They have Customer Service that you can reach anytime. Tshirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. From the moment clients walk in, theyre able to feel like part of the family. [spokesman] custom ink has hundreds of products for your business and free shipping. Upload your logo or start your design today at customink. Com. Shannon just a reminder, we have special shannon special coverage for you the next two nights, 11 00 pm to 1 00 eastern from miami. Most watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us in dc. Heather this is fox and friends first which happening at 4 00 am on the east coast a fox news alert, Robert Mueller headed for the hot seat. House democrats calling their star witness to testify about the russia report in what is expected to be one of the most anticipated hearings of the decade but did it backfire in democrats with both sides gunning for answers . We will talk about it. The house passing a 4. 5 billion supplemental board fund to supplement the funding out there. White is about to hit a wall in the senate as the clock ticks wa

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