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Democrats move in a impeachment case. Stick around, later on former congressman eric shock after striking a deal with federal prosecutors dropped all nearly a dozen corrupt and charges hes been fighting since 2016. He claims he was targeted by overzealous prosecutors, but was does he have to admit to today to get the deal with prosecutors of . Will talk about it. Hello, and welcome to fox news night. Im Shannon Bream in washington. We begin with the latest on the House Democrats antisemitism resolution. Or not. Today the date the House Democrats plan to on introduce a regulation conzelmann ilhan omar ignited a firestorm with more comments. Now focusing their attention on President Trump and his record of tolerance. Conzelmann omar, it seems like there is congresswoman ilhan omar wanted nothing with our questions when she questioned the United States relationship with israel. Many republicans and democrats were quick to rebuke the latest in the list of questionable comments. Will congresswoman omar said i thought was wrong and hurtful. The only reasons people would stand with the jewish people and the state of israel is jewish money. I think weve all heard that kind of talk before. And we must not tolerate it. Across the court, when asked if omar would be removed from the House Foreign Affairs committee, the conversation quickly turned from ilhan omar to donald trump. When has he ever said anything about the hateful remarks that continue to flow out of 1600 pennsylvania avenue . When has he ever said anything about that . We are not going to be lectured by Mitch Mcconnell on anything. Its bigger omars comments hit home more to her own party. 24 jewish democrats in the house, and just two republicans. Right now, you have the Old Democratic Party thats wrestling with the new Democratic Party and the new Democratic Party within that, nancy pelosi is moderate, you have people with antisemitic comments, and its just a very Different Party than i imagined a year ago. Democrats brought in the antisemitism measured to include all forms of hate. But its not clear when or if even such a measure will be introduced. Its also not clear if omars name will be mentioned in the resolution, as some democrats were issue could be in danger if that happens. Tonight, i reached out to senator Bernie Sanders team for his take on the congress womans comments, while democrats and republicans are upset about a range of things she said, sanders, who is jewish, addresses a specific issue in his statement the israeli prime minister. Says in part, we must not equate antisemitism with legitimate criticism of the right wing that yahoo government in israel. But i fear whats going on in the house is an effort to target congresswoman omar to stop for that debate. Thats wrong. Other 2020 candidates are beginning to weigh in this issue as well, shannon. Shannon thank you so much. A recent European Union poll finding 90 of european believe antisemitism has arisen in the past five years there. And your video from belgium shows a carnival parade were a float displayed a giant caricature of jews sitting on bags of money. The European Commission said it is unthinkable the float was prorated on european streets 74 years after the holocaust. The news comes as allegations of antisemitism and grips britains labour party. Can antisemitism split democrats like it splits labour over the handling of what Speaker Pelosi called deeply offensive antisemitic comments by conzelmann omar . Today, pelosi called the latest comments not intentionally antisemitic. And norm coleman, also the chairman of the republican jewish coalition. Great to be here. Shannon ill start with you, senator. What do you make of nancy pelosi seeming to soften a bit of a characterization of these comments . Shes getting pressure from the left. I actually allotted Speaker Pelosi, sidney moya, the democrats who originally said that this is not right. Omar is an antisemite. Not everyone who criticizes israel is antisemitic. But if you have someone who repeatedly issues, traffics in the classic tropes, jews controlled media. Pelosi originally criticized and had to step back in a virtually thats the base of the Democratic Party today. Shannon we heard in the Washington Post headline, there were reports what happened behind doors today, House Democrats brought saying they will not include her name in this resolution. The article goes on to say House Democrats erupted in fury with challenging leaders over indirectly sanctioning freshman representative ilhan omar. What do you make of that . That there would be that much heat that they cannot get together in a uniform voice on this particular issue . That tells you that the pelosihoyer leadership, theyll sack buys anything at the altar of identity politics and at the end of the day that will see how the u and went, thats the redgreen access, you have the far left socialist in the world along with the islamists, the sacrifice is the Jewish Community. I have to tell you, as an american muslim, its offensive to me that shes not held to the same standards. If she was not muslim, there would be unanimous rebuke and that wouldnt be an issue. But shes being coddled and an vandalized and we are not being treated as equals. Not being given tough love. They are denying its antisemitism. I would ask the democrats to look the state departments report on what new antisemitism is, the definition is the generalization of israel to make the Jewish Community appear in the bigoted way against them and to generalize and conspiracy theories, all the things shes trafficking in our canards of tropes of bigotry against the Jewish Community, classic jewish antisemitism new antisemitism. They are making fools of themselves by not taking the bull on the horns and teaching or onthejob training which should not be done. Shannon there are things in the past that more than one occurrence since she joined congress. Congressman richman said this, i think theres a big rise of antisemitism and racism which is a bigger conversation we need to be having, but it starts at 1600 pennsylvania. Does not start with one member out of 435 members of congress. What do you make of them pointing the finger back at the president . They are avoiding the reality they have in front of them. A member of Congress Whose antisemitic serving on the committee. This is not new antisemitism, this is classic antisemitism. Talk about jews controlling the media. New antisemitism is also what shes a part of, the bds movement, which is a way to say that israel shouldnt exist, so we will drive them out by boycotting, et cetera, sanctions. What we are hearing from omar is classic antisemitism. Their way to deal with that is classically point the finger at someone else. Thats what this is all about. The democrats have to deal with this. Im not the one to counsel democrats on how to solve their rifts, but there are democrats, israel in support of israel, a bipartisan issue, that is changed. That is changed. The far left democrat base is moving the Democrat Party away from the support of israel and tolerating this classic antisemitism, which really breaks my heart. Shannon quickly, what do you make of the fact that we are toward a is brought to include antiislamophobia as part of the language . Its offensive to me that there is a moral equivalency between with the Jewish Community has been through postholocaust and out to pittsburgh recently and to compare that to the he has, there is some palpable antimuslim bigotry, but there is no way to compare it and in many ways you water it d, we were told the same with the black lives Matter Movement and we are told that if all lives matter, thats insulting. Yet when its clearly there is no moral equivalency between antisemitism and whats been happening post 9 11 to muslim communities, its offensive and we should not invoke muslims by saying there is some equality there and its a very different narrative. Shannon thank you very much. Great to see you looking so good. Great to have you with us. Thank you. Shannon breaking tonight, President Trumps former lawyer Michael Cohen has turned over more documents in an attempt to prove his false statements of congress in 2017 was to blame and the president s other attorneys, claiming they be be inaccurate. They deny that. So cohen was on the hill, same day the preimpeach and push turned into another impeachment threat by a freshman lawmaker. Kristin fisher is here to break it all down. Big day at the halo. Michael cohen gave lawmakers what he claims is evidence of one of the q charges he made during his public testimony last week, the false charges which hs about to go to jail for it is edited by the president s attorney. Two sources confirm to fox news tonight that do include edits from the president s legal team. Its unclear who specifically edited the documents or what exactly was changed. After cohen made the claim last week, one of the president s attorneys jay sekulow said testimony by Michael Cohen and edited to change statements to congress to alter the duration of the trump tower moscow negotiations is completely false. A republican on the committee is accusing democrats of coaching cohens testimony, but cohen refused to comment on all of this as he was leaving capitol hill today. Here is his only public statements. I believe all the members were satisfied with the statements and the responses that i gave to them. I told them that any Additional Information that they would want, they should feel comfortable to reach out to my counsel and i will cooperate to the fullest extent of my capabilities. Cohens marathon, four days of testimony in over a week is seen by sun as the beginning of the democrats push to impeach the president. Freshman congressman rishi lead said shell introduce articles of impeachment this month. But thats not what the lit democratic leadership wants. They want to wait these come out, a difference that congresswoman to they know the dangers of allowing the dangers of President Trump to violate our United States constitution. Concern of the democratic leadership is if they move without clear evidence of wrongdoing and without more public support, it will hurt them in 2020. According to a new Quinnipiac University poll released just yesterday, 59 of voters say President Trump should not be impeached. Shannon . Shannon that was a significant finding there. Kristin fisher . Thank you very much. Well see you again later. The senate poised to rebuke the president over his emerged a declaration to build a wall over the southern border without congress. New statistics and claims about what exactly is happening over the border. The ceo of twitter admits he was too aggressive in banning conservatives. Is that good enough for the highprofile twitter users band equipment well ask him after the break. Jesse kelly is on the panel along with leslie and larry. We continue. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. If you have a garden you know, weeds are lowdown little scoundrels. Dont stoop to their level. Draw the line with the roundup sure shot wand. It extends with a protective shield and targets weeds more precisely. It lets you kill whats bad right down to the root while guarding the good. Roundup sure shot wand. And to stop weeds before they start, also try roundup landscape weed preventer. Roundup brand. Trusted for over 40 years. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, every day can begin with flakes. Its a reminder of your struggles with psoriasis. But what if your psoriasis symptoms didnt follow you around . Thats why theres ilumya. 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Today, Trump Administration officials released new numbers about the tens and thousands of Illegal Immigrants flooding the border each month. Dhs secretary . Found herself in the hot seat on capitol hill. Mike emanuel was there. This is not a manufactured crisis. This is truly an emergency. Kirstjen nielsen headlinea house hearing a day after customs and Border Protection called the situation at a breaking point. More than a more than 300 increase of the more family units apprehended compared to the same time period last fiscal year. 70 large groups of 100 or more people so far this year totaling 12,069 people compared to 13 groups in 2018 2018 and only tn 2017. As a secretary of Homeland Security, i can no longer assure you whos coming into this country. That is a direct National Security threat. Time and again, secretary nielsen backed President Trumps decision to go around congress and build a wall. Have you advised the president on his declaration . Ive given him the facts of the men and women at the border. One democrat blasted nielsen as uninformed after nielsens at any migrants seeking asylum would not be turned away. Either you are lying to this committee or you do not know whats happening at the border. Chairman Lindsey Graham tried to drill down with the customs and Border Protection commissioner. If we build barriers were barriers make sense, that would help. Certainly. If we change the laws that create this problem, that would help most of all. Dramatically. The secretary general is looking at how the Trump Administration is processing those, and if Illegal Immigrants were deported without their children. The department of Homeland Security was not prepared for the administrations zerotolerance policy. Also today, senators Chuck Grassley and Dianne Feinstein asked the health and Human Services secretary Inspector General to investigate allegations of sexual abuse of unaccompanied minors. Shannon . Shannon thank you very much. Time now for tonights power panel. Fox news contributor leslie marshall, radio show host larry oconnor, and host of the jesse kelly show, jesse kelly. Welcome to all of you. Hi, shannon. Shannon the numbers that came out today, and some of the revelations by the dhs secretary, including that they have to pregnancy test every girl over the age of ten because what happens to them on the strip . Leslie, that was shocking to me. That is a shocking. Its not that these people are coming here, its what happens to some of them allegedly children after they get here whether separated from their parents, whether they are victims of some type of harassment, Sexual Assault, or molestation. And its that we have a four plus your backlog in our court, no legal representation for these individuals. If we have an emergency over the numbers, we need to look to the year 2000 when we didnt declare a National Emergency and we had hundreds and thousands more coming to our borders at at the times 19 years ago. Shannon let me read some of these headlines. Larry, i know you are chomping at the bit because we are told its not a National Emergency, but today people are saying it is a crisis. The wall street journal, record immigration search at the border, Washington Post come recordbreaking family migration, overwhelmingly polie is a crisis at the border. Which is . Though the pregnancy tests,s what happens on the journey, the 2,000mile journey from honduras, guatemala, el salvador across mexico. Its horrific and by having a open border policy, its attracting people. Children are being used by pons. Leslie, my heart breaks for these children. Im sure yours due to. We need to secure our borders so there is not any reason for them to come here. I dont understand at this point what we need to do. In 2014, the Obama Administration asked for emergency appropriations to secure the border because we had about 40 fewer crossing the border illegally. At that time, they passed a law get this, it was called the secure the southwest border act. Guess what it didnt do . It didnt secure the southwestern border. We need to secure the border and finally we have a president doing a bit leslie, you are right. In 2000, we have a major problem and been whistling past the graveyard but we should do something about it no, the numbers have been dropping since then. We have record high numbers the numbers show we could be on pace to have a Million People illegally cross. At what point is it an emergency . Shannon i want to see, jesse, if you want to weigh in now on this breaking news from the wall street journal that Michael Cohen may have lied again last week. Apparently he said he never asked, never sought any kind of pardon from the president. Reports that his lawyers had that conversation or were asked to have those conversations. Jesse, your reaction to this breaking news . Thats what Michael Cohen does. Michael lies but he lied to congress. Like the congress twice now. He continues to bring people down with him. We all know what Michael Cohen is doing. Hes selling a book. He is trying to up many points n so as soon as he gets out of prison he can go on a book tour and make sure his book goes up to number one because his career is over. He has nothing to show for it and this is version number 2 million of this is the thing thats going to take down trump. Nothing is going to take down trump, nothing to presented so far. Shannon what do you make of this, its different from what we are hearing tonight . Right now, if he said, he said, right . We need to see evidence. Cohen has lied before. Could he have lied about this . Absolutely. Could the lawyers be lying about this . Absolutely. Is his own lawyer. If you look at the timing, you are going to go to the person thrashing, hey, help me out with a parting . The timing for me is a little bit suspicious. I wouldnt put it past him to ask for a pardon. I think a lot of people in that position would. Shannon larry, we heard there were discussions after the raid and there were some discussions of his attorneys coming to the Trump Legal Team and say, hey, can we talk about a pardon, imply that he may cooperate with the southern district. If you look at the trump finances, the organization, the whole deal. The problem with the he said, he said, he said in one hand is Michael Cohen, the other is lanny davis, Michael Cohens lawyer. They are on the same side to supposedly pay this guy who was a known liar and everyone knows hes a liar is a star witness. They cant get enough of this guy because they dont care if he is telling the truth. They care hes giving them anything they can use for impeachment because thats all theyve got is to impeach this president instead of actually defeat him on policy and his ideas. They cant do that. Shannon i want to make sure we get on this twitter thing because, jesse, you were one of the people kicked off twitter, suspended. Today, jack dorsey the ceo yesterday, heres what he said being too quick to get rid of conservatives. We fully admit we were probably way too aggressive when we first saw this. And made mistakes. Shannon jesse, i recall you are back on twitter. Is that good enough for you . Its good enough for me because i dont need an apology. I dont need jack and i dont need twitter and conservatives need to wake up and realize you better do something with your career and find a new avenue and make sure you dont need twitter because they are going to keep banding people. As is apologizing now, hes covering his rear and to Keep Congress off his back. Thats all hes doing to give twitter that power over you, if you are a conservative . For a man, its like going out buying a dream car and asking your wife to Parallel Park it for you hey, hey, hey shannon oh im the best Parallel Park or in the universe. I come from boston and i felt my driving test the first time around because i couldnt Parallel Park. I will go up against any guy to Parallel Park. Shannon it may take me 20 minutes but im going to get it done and not hit any cars in the process. Im saying nothing about this. Larrys going off on us. Leslie, larry, jesse, thank you for weighing in on multiple topics in breaking news shannon a shocking reservation by one of the senates newest members, her time during the air force, what shes doing now to make sure it does not happen to others in th. A young activist assaulted at uc berkeley. The suspect pleading not guilty. Even though you have seen the video on camera. What does it say . Its actually sickening to watch it. 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Greenberg, who was attending a different college, studying at the Uc Berkeley Library when he came across conservative activist Hayden Williams mending a recruiting table for the conservative group turning point usa. The table had trump logos along with a sign that read hate crime hoaxes hurt real victims. Remember, this was at the height of smolletts hate crime hoax. He accused williams of promoting violence, then got violent. Heres the attack followed by williams attorney. What is there to say . Its actually sickening to watch it. Its outrageous that a young man he was exercising his First Amendment rights on the Berkeley Campus was viciously assaulted and subject to the violent threats. Zachary greenberg is facing three felonies including assault. Today, he pleaded not guilty. His attorney had a message for those who say greenberg violated Hayden Williams rights to free speech, saying freedom is a two way speech. Watch. I remind one important constitutional due process of law, due process in a courtroom. Not on social media or the internet. Greenbergs Attorney Says hes a clean record, but Hayden Williams record said this is not greenbergs first brush with the court system, though she did not offer specifics. Shannon . Shannon im sure well find out. Trace, thank you. R b singer r. Kelly has been arrested again. This time, reportedly over unpaid child support. Taken into custody shortly after living in illinois courtroom. The singer recently pleaded not guilty to ten counts of aggravated sexual abuse accused by four women, three of whom were under age at the time for this morning, 11 r. Kelly ranted and cried in his first interview on the subject claiming that hes innocent. I didnt do this stuff this is not me im fighting for my [bleep] life yo, come at me with this [bleep [bleep] the First Female Fighter Pilot flying combat saying she was raped by a superior officer in the air force. Coming from one of the senates newest members. Correspondent Kristin Fisher tracking the story. Back with more. Such a surprising moment in this hearing. You have a true trailblazer for women, the First Air Force from a Fighter Pilot to fly in combat coming out saying she was sexually assaulted on more than one occasion during her 26 years in the military. When she finally reported it, she said she was horrified by how the military handled it. Like many victims, i felt the system was raping me all over again. But i didnt quit. I decided to stay and continue to serve and fight and lead. Speaking on a hearing on military Sexual Assault and prevention, arizona senator Martha Mcsally explained why he took her so long for her to come forward. I didnt trust the system at the time. I blame myself. I was ashamed and confused. The perpetrators abuse their position of power in profound ways. And in one case, i was prayed upon and then raped by a superior officer. The highest number of assaults and more than a decade, a trend make sally is hoping to reverse. I share the failures of the military system and commanders who failed in their response abilities. But its for this very reason we must allow, demand that commanders stay at the center of the solution and stay up to the moral and legal responsibilities that come with being a commande commander. Shannon tonight, the air force is saying it standing behind make sally and promising to eliminate Sexual Assault from its ranks. But what a story from senator mick mcsally. Hillary clinton still explaining why she lost the 2016 election. This time blaming voting laws. Is there any truth to that statement will find out why one factchecker is blasting that assertion. Former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker joins us next. I should. Right. Actually, youre still at risk for a fatal heart attack or stroke. Even if im taking heart medicine, like statins or blood thinners . 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We hope that the dnc will bret baier and martha maccallum, all who embody professionalism from moderating a democratic president ial debate. They are the best debates team in the business and they offered candidates and important opportunity to make their audience to the largest tv news audience in america, which includes many persuadable voters. Tonight from democratic congressman Eric Swalwell who is visiting iowa and New Hampshire in a potential run of his own, ive been on nearly fox news show. I dont go on because i excepted views of their host, but i respect that some of their viewers are openminded. Viewers like my parents and inlaws, for starters, we should talk to them getting them on our side will save america. And speaking of president ial politics, Hillary Clinton is talking about her failed 2016 bid, blaming voter suppression. I was the first person who ran for president without the protection of the Voting Rights act. It made a difference in wisconsin, the best studies that have been done and said somewhere between 40 and 80,000 people were turned away from the polls because of the color of their skin. Shannon but those claims got four pinocchio is not from us but the Washington Post. Hillary clinton is wrong on so many levels and seriously misleading about those board suppression claims in georgia and wisconsin but lets bring in former republican governor of wisconsin scott walker who is also a contender for the presidency in the past. Great to have you with us. Thanks, great to yeah, its amazing to hear hillary continue yet again but she cant get over this loss and somehow want to blame it on anyone but herself and she never came back after she lost the primary to Bernie Sanders and her ideas didnt work with people in the midwest spiritual look at anyone else in the make to blame except herself. As you mentioned, even the liberal Washington Post given not one, two but four and oak euros because the facts dont align with what Hillary Clinton said. Wisconsin was not under the Voting Rights act, they gave her the highest rating for lying, being inaccurate that they can. Meanwhile, governor, because youve been to the debate process, you been to this running for president but what did you make today that the dnc does not think fox news cant host a veil or neutral debate so we want to the opportunity . I think its remarkable, the fact that they are saying to any voter across america that if you watch fox news, we dont want your vote. Weve seen that in wisconsin in the past where one of the candidate said that they didnt want to have people voting for donald trump vote for them in the past and they immediately backtracked when they realize, hey, he carried the state of wisconsin. I think they are going to regret this because in states like michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, key states that they need to win the presidency in 2020, they need some of the people watching fox news as well as all the other tv stations out there. I think its a big mistake. We welcome them and we hosted some 2016 contenders on the democratic side. We know the viewers want to hear from them as well for the president tweeting this, the democrats blocked fox news, good, i think ill to the same thing with the radical fake news. Is that the pendulum swinging to buy the other way, governor . I think in the end, he gets to speak to a wide audience unfiltered. He was with a whole bunch of republican governors across the country and the number of us were supporting him. Ive got to tell you, when he talks about the 5. 3 million jobs, when he talks about record low in employment for africanamericans, latinos in this country, the lowest Unemployment Rate since 1969, and talks about a whole bunch of other things. Even simple things like the right to trial legislation that he passed, giving people facing terminal illness something new, giving hope back to a hopeless situation, those are all things he talks about well. The more he talked about a chance i directly to the american voters, better he will be. Shannon i want to ask you things going on under the new governor either is in wisconsin, including this proposed budget he has giving driving licenses o people in the country illegally. Announcing that undocumented folks will be eligible to receive drivers licenses and i. D. Cards, it makes our roads and community safer, helps strengthen our economy. They talk a lot about safety and the fact that people will be properly trained to drive, theyll be able to get insurance paid youll have a record of people here in the country a police need to investigate anything. Itll make it easier for them to find people. Well, a huge mistake not only here in wisconsin where its being proposed, but in multiple states across the country. This is part of the trend after the 2018 election. Think about this for a minute. We are a nation of immigrants but we are also a nation of laws and we should have Legal Immigration like the president talked about in the state of the Union Address but we shouldnt have state and local jurisdictions rewarding people who are breaking the law anymore than youd expect a state to help someone fill in a fraudulent income tax in both cases violating things that are federal law out there. We can do a better job of this. The argument is ridiculous, to expect that someone violate a federal immigration laws do not be in a position where they are going to violate local and state traffic laws i think is just a inherent contradiction. Shannon we understand that republicans control of the legislation, dont have any towns going on with it. Well see what the proposal is in response. Former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, great to have you with us. Once a rising star brought down by nearly 200 felony corruption charges. Today, he struck a deal with the feds. Former congressman eric live after the break. Minimums and fees seem to be the foundation of your typical bank. Capital one is anything but typical. Thats why we designed savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . With advil liquigels, what stiff joints . What bad back . Advil is. Relief thats fast. Strength that lasts. Youll ask. What pain . With advil liquigels. 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But now youve had three years of fighting this and today a deal that basically you can let you know, a misdemeanor charge. If you are good for six months and pay back these fines, you move on. You said, though, you are a little bit surprised. It happened a bit quickly. We thought we were heading to trial in june because they charged me with 24 felonies, 80, 100 years in prison, and we knew it was a fictitious case. When you this toyed with the lead prosecutor who saw me as his path to stardom who investigated my Office Nearly 20 million in transactions. And in the absence of a crime, he attempted to try to manufacture crimes. Shannon there is a 52 page indictment, described this way, accusing you of treating government and Campaign Funds as a personal piggy bank, buying cars, selling them at a market what you admitted to doing. Sound like they gather quite a bit of information putting together this indictment. That same agency walked into federal court and said that this indictment of 24 felonies has no merit. And they dropped every one of those charges against me today incorporate what they asked for was a plea not from me but from a Campaign Organization for a simple fec violation, which is a failure to keep all the adequate, necessary documents and Record Keeping and so forth for sec reports that you are required to follow the congressman. I said when i resigned, we couldve done a better job with Office Functions in my job. I was out there running around the country helping candidates, a district larger than nine states, i traveled to all 205 towns at least once throughout the year to each city throughout the year and so i was very upfront about the fact we made mistakes. But mistakes are not crimes, and they said then and improving today in court that neither i or anyone on my staff purposely violated the rules or any laws. The fact that the agency came forward today and said, we are dropping all of these charges, i think it speaks volumes. Shannon when you admit you did the deal of buying face value tickets and selling them at markups and not reporting the income to the irs, there has been the talk of a lot of use of private jets and things, members of the hill didnt think appropriate the way those things were charged. Let me just say that all of them proved out to be not true. The reality is shannon but you did take the private jets . Wait a minute, flying private is not illegal. I took 1,078 flights over eight years. And the government took issue with two of them. So did we screw up two of them . Yes. But when i campaigned for 42 congressional candidates in one month, i campaign for more congressmen than the speaker of the house at one time, i did it because those congressman asked me to go campaign for them. I wasnt getting paid more. I wasnt getting any benefit of it. I was working harder for my team for people to say, oh, hes flying around more than us . Yeah, because im being requested to go campaign from her people. But there is nothing illegal or improper about that. But i assure you whether its paul ryan or nancy pelosi or any of those leaders when they have to fly around committee do it privately. Shannon we have to go before you get caught cut off. Its a relief with four of your life on this, so well look to see what your new chapter is. Im looking forward to being able to sleep a little bit better at night after the last four years. Shannon aaron schock, thank you for joining us. More news next. U love me . Do you love me now that i can dance . Watch me now work, work, ah work it out baby applebees 3 course meal starting at 11. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Uh uh i deliverberty the news around here. Sources say Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Over to you, logo. Liberty. 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We think the car, we are told, is still underneath that and a Fire Department is there on the scene trying to work on this, get the water turned off. We dont know if somebody is still on the car, if theyve gotten out yet or not but you never know. The west coast. We know a lot of the author are watching us from the west coast, so we hope this doesnt snarl things up too much and that everyone is safe and this is wrapped up soon. In the meantime, mostwatched, most touched dome i trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us, good night from washington, im Shannon Bream. Shington, im Shannon Bream. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. Ever get the feeling that news stories come and go faster than they used to . Ask anyone in the news business. Its real. The oj story lasted about a year. Ikw it feels like there is an oj a week. Maybe its the effect of staring at screens all day jumping from snippet to snippet our brains have been rewired to think only in the present tense or maybe there is a lot more news than there used to be some World Historic crisis its every four days knocking the laste World Historic crisis from our consciousness forever. Once upon a time people had a chance to digest their disasters. The titanic, for example,

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