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Well hear from a former clerk, jennifer mascot. Welcome to fox news night. Im Shannon Bream in washington. After rallying up nato allies President Trump is spending the week at a private golf course and chief White House Correspondent john roberts joins us live from london where it will soon be dawn on saturday. Hello, john. Reporter of the 12 russian intelligence agent by Rob Rosenstein and Robert Mueller add a new level of uncertainty for what will happen in the summit monday in helsinki. President trump was not happy about the indictment of 16 other russians in the investigation so hes bound to not be happy about this one as well. There are reports out there the president was informed the indictments were coming down that would indicate when he had his meeting with theresa may the Prime Minister of the u. K. Earlier and they were discussing the upcoming summit, the president would have had the notion the indictment coming down down. In the press conference earlier with may in england the president suggesting he will bring up the topic of meddling in the 2016 election and bring it up directly with putin. Listen to what the president said. Well be talking about meddling and i will absolutely bring that up. I dont think youll any gee, i did i it, you got me. There wont be a perry mason here i dont think but you never know. I will absolutely firmly ask the question and hopefully well have a Good Relationship with russia. Reporter during the press conference Chuck Schumer the Senate Minority leader said the president should cancel the meeting and saying he should can sell the meeting with vladamir putin until they take steps to prove they wont interfere in future elections. Gladhanding with vladamir putin would on the heels of the indictments would be annin an insult. Going forward, there should be no oneonone meeting between this president and mr. Putin. There needs to be other americans in the room. Secondly, the president and his team are not willing to make these topics a top priority the meeting should be canceled. Reporter and after the indictments of the 12 russian agent critics of President Trump said its rewarding putin for bad behavior and the president is cozying up to russia but our allies including the canadian Prime Minister and theresa may said they should go forward and theyre looking forward to it. Listen here. I welcome the meeting with president putin but what is important the president goes into this as he is doing from a position of strength and from a position of unity in nato. I think that is very important. Obviously, weve discussed the activity of russia in many ways including the use of the nerve agents on the streets of the United Kingdom and the impact thats had. Reporter in the nato declaration released on wednesday a consensus document the 29member nations of nato said crimea is the linchpin to better relations to russia. The sanctions on russia will stay on until putin shows signs hell get out of crimea. At the press conference this afternoon i asked President Trump if it was possible to have better relations between the United States and russia with beaute poutine not getting with putin not getting out of crimea. He said theres a potential chance of doing that. I also asked what about the idea of getting russia out of crimea. He told me this was the problem he inherited from barack obama and hes working on it. Listen to the exchange. Have you taken on many things you say you were left with by the Obama Administration that you say you have fixed. This is something you inherited from the Obama Administration the occupation of crimea. How do you fix it . Its a process. If i knew i wouldnt tell you because it would put us at a disadvantage but well see how it melds out but crimea is another bad hand. Reporter and President Trump says he will indeed bring up the topic of crimea with putin monday in helsinki and other issues are syria and the idea they may use leverage to get russia out and all of that will be on the table at helsinki, finland, monday. Be there. Shannon i dont know when youll sleep but great to see you. House republicans said theres significant new information from fbi lawyer lisa page and appeared behind doors and because she was more forthcoming than her lover, peter strzok, theyre getting high marks from republicans. Catherine herridge with more on what shes hearing happened behind closed doors. Reporter lisa page spent four hours on capitol hill and expected back monday for the second half of a closeddoor deposition which could go into a classified setting. Fox news asked whether she saw Peter Strzoks testimony about the antitrump Text Messages and whether they coordinated testimony with his lawyers and whether she had regret. Page was romantically involved with strzok and did not respond and some offered limited comment. Ji wont characterize her testimony because i think that would be not in the spirit of where were trying to do with transcribed interviews. I will say theres new information that weve been able to gain today and that new information is credible. Look, theres no secret, well go over the same Text Messages and get the other side of the conversation that we didnt get from him, well get from her and maybe it will line up but to the extent theyre inconsisten inconsistents inconsistencies could raise problems for her and him and the special counsel. Reporter and there was a 29page indictment from the Russia Special counsel alleged a direct link between the russian meddling and the putin government. The defendants are members of russian intelligence known as the g. R. U. Are accused of hacking democrats emails and releasing them. Nay created fictitious personas. The defendants said one was a lone romanian hacker. Reporter theres no allegation americans knew they were corresponding with russians and no allegation an american committed a crime or it change the vote count. Shannon Catherine Herridge with the update for you. Thank you. What if anything have we learn from two days of testimony from the two players in the Hillary Clinton emails and the russian collusion. Welcome. Good to be here. Im going to play something we got from congressman gates who obviously say is a republican and is a big voice in this and after they closed the doors heres what he said in reaction. I can tell you that lisa page is a very credible witness. Shes doing her best to help us find the truth and i can tell you that i think in ways shes been falsely accused of not being willing to cooperate. I think theres significant information that is new that she has provided. Obviously you know im in favor of getting transcripts out for the American People so they can judge for themselves. Shannon thats congressman mark meadows not congressman gates. What do you make of that . I think its great shes talking to them behind closed doors and giving them answers because i think, shannon, this has all shifted from the question of collusion and now its about what has putins government tried to go to unsettle america and americas elections. But number two, what the heck has been going on inside the fbi. I think thats a very secondary serious question that the american voters, they want to know the answers and the big key in all this, this all has to be public. We have to take the appropriate steps to fix it. Shannon all right, juan, you heard him there, congressman meadows saying he wants the transcripts out and think its good for the American People to see what lisa page had to stay. In the case of peter strzok he wanted his closed testimony released and they wouldnt release that and now were in the situation where apparently congressman gates and meadows say let it out. I dont think anybody would have objection except the fbi. We know yesterday fbi counsel was there and there were concern among republicans that lisa page has a counsel there for what she could and could not say. Shannon in the meantime we have the indictment on 12 people that a grand jury believes conspired and hacked into a number of d. N. C. And Hillary Clinton and other computers and systems and servers and stole information and shared it. So, here is Rudy Giuliani saying the indictments are good news for all americans. The russians are nailed. No americans are involved. Time for mule tore mueller to end the pursuit of the president. Juan. If i were the president s counsel i might issue a Statement Like that. For the rest of us we know Rod Rosenstein was careful in saying in this indictment. What he was indicating is right now what we have on the table is no indication any americans were aware they were being used or abused, if you will, shannon, by the russians who were interfering in the campaign. There was a congressman or top aide in florida who may have gotten information. Roger stone close to the president believes he was unnamed in the indictment. So we have lots of those but i think the memphis emphasis is so to say so far no evidence of collusion so lets wrap it up and the American People want to know what happened. Shannon we heard from a number of folks on the hill including democrats and senator mark warner of the Senate Intel Committee says when they can they need to wrap it up because theyre questions that need to be answered and hope it happens as soon as possible. Lets face it. Its great they seem theyre coming to the end of this. I think the idea that russia tried to impact our elections. Theres nothing new with this. Im glad theyve taken additional steps. Im glad the special counsel pitched the prosecution of the indictments to another part of doj. I think what were really saying is hopefully the last steps of the special counsel because were all exhaust from this topic and theres no collusion but yet there are serious questions of what went on at the fbi and serious questions about what vladamir putin intends to do when it comes to our elections. Shannon do you think this clears the president today or no . Absolutely. If they had collusion on the president , it would be wrapped up in the 12 indictments. I know Rob Rosenstein didnt say categorically the president was in the clear but theyre going after the wrongdoers and they have nothing to do with anyone in the white house. Shannon final word to you, juan. So far if you were looking at it from the president s perspective youd say wheres the beef. Im looking for collusion. Im not sure were at that point. Obviously, theres tremendous pressure on mueller to try to wrap this up or give us some indication before the midterms because i think he wants to stay out of the politics of it we saw on display with Peter Strzoks testimony yesterday and people screaming at each other, but i think youre going too far, matt, when you say its clear sailing nor president for the president at this juncture. Shannon this is an opinion piece from the Washington Post saying one thing no one can plausibly say its all just a witch hunt. Anyone saying that should be acknowledged for what they are, someone trying to keep President Trump from political harm exceeds their concern about the National Security of the United States. We know thats true of the president himself and also seems to be true of most of his party. Matt. Yeah, so this is absurd. We all know that putin has tried to influence our elections. Several elections in a row. Mike pompeo brought this up when he was director of the Central Intelligence agency. Its about previous 2016. I take that seriously. The reason for the special counsel, unfortunately though, it was all about collusion. Theres no collusion, juan, if they had any indication of collusion it would have been wrapped up in the 12 indictments. I cant tell you on national tv today theyll wrap this up tomorrow. But i can tell you after 18 months of talking about this and over a year of investigating this, they have nothing on the president. What they have something on is vladamir putin. I think its appropriate to go after that and what they found out is at the top levels of the fbi, politics got in the way of their work and the American People are disgusted. Shannon we have to leave it there and i agree with juan the wording is careful and left room for other things to come so well stand by and wait for if there is another shoe or shoes to drop. Juan and matt, thank you both for being late with us on a friday night. In the wake of todays indictment against 12 russian nationals for hacking and stealing and sharing information through the election there are calls from some lawmakers on both sides of the aisle saying President Trump should cancel the meeting with the rush russian president. Well be joined live. Any paint can change the way a room looks. But only one can change how it feels. Century, from benjamin moore, is the firstever soft touch matte finish paint. Its revolutionary texture unlocks 75 unprecedented colors, each with exquisite depth and richness. Its a difference you can see, touch, and feel. Thats proudly particular. Century. Only at select local paint and hardware stores. Shannon dont go there was the message for the president s upcoming meeting. Good evening, christen. Despite the new indictments and cancel the summit and the white house says its still on. At todays press conference with theresa may almost half the questions were about his next meeting, the one on monday with russian president vladamir putin. On the table, crimea, Nuclear Proliferation and russian meddling in the 2016 election. Ill bring that up. I dont think youll have any, gee, i dit it, you got me. There wont be a perry mason here but you never know what will happen but i will ask the question. The last time they met face to face was in vietnam last november. I believe president putin feels strongly he did not meddle in our election. The time before that, hamburg, germany when Rex Tillerson said the two leaders moved forward on the message of russian interference and today the u. S. Government indicted 12 russian intelligence agent for doing that and democrats are calling on President Trump to cancel the meeting. Chuck schumer said gladhanding with vladamir putin would be an insult to our democracy and senator warner wonders if they can be trusted. Theyre not willing to make the facts of the indictment a top priority of the meeting in helsinki then the summit should be cans canceled. He wants President Trump to make a pledge on crimea should be part of russia and watch out for alaska next. They acknowledged the illegal occupation of crimea and blamed it on his press pr predecessors. As for what he wants. Ill talk to him about that before i talk to you and if something happens it will be great and if it doesnt happen im not going in with High Expectations but we may come out with very surprising things. The white house said the president will spend the weekend prepping and likely get a round of golf in since hell be staying at his private club in scotland. Shannon it is beautiful. Thank you very much. A top democrat said it would be quote, an insult to our democracy to have our president shown show up and be chummy with the russian president. We have a republican from new jersey joining us. Great to have you. Thank you very much. Shannon i know the Cyber Attacks are things you were warning about and your own office was targeted. In 2006 and 2007. The chinese hacked my computers. As you know, i work strongly and aggressive on human right abuses trying to combat them and they took the email and i was working on a bill called the Global Online freedom act because google, cisco and microsoft were complicit and they invaded my computers and frank wolf had it happen to his computers as well. This is nothing new. The pentagon is fending off attacks 24 7. Hacking and attempts at cyber terror and trying to glean our secrets from that. Its something we need to be ever vigilant on and as pompeo said not long ago this isnt the first time the russians have tried to influence elections. I do think we have to be very aggressive with the russians and saying not now, we want full accountability. Youve heard repeatedly, why dont we just extradite the 12, and even if there was theres no way vladamir putin would put them on a plane to be prosecuted but theres another alternative, to red notice using interpol them so anytime they travel anywhere, particularly with one of our allies the intel officials could be apprehended and then transferred to the United States for full prosecution. They become they have to stay in russia or else and red noticing should be done immediately by the department of justice. Shannon thats an interesting option. Ill let our folks know about that. Senator john mccain says this, President Trump must be willing to confront president putin from a position of strength and if President Trump is not prepared to hold putin accountable the meeting in helsinki should not move forward. The president said hell bring it up and brought it up before and said it wasnt us and we didnt do it. Where do you go from there . On saturday i led a bilateral meeting with the russians. We had nine members of the russian duma and we pressed hard on crimea and they leave. That invasion is illegal and immoral, they stop what theyre doing in the ukraine and i raised Human Trafficking. Russia is seriously backsliding and i wrote the laws for america and the world on Human Trafficking legislation in 2000 to combat Human Trafficking yet theyre getting worse and women are being cruelly exploited. So in this meeting with the nine members of the duma we pressed the issues and also pressed meddling. He came back and said, well, he denied any government complicity which i think is absolutely false from what we saw from todays indictments but said if 13 hackers, i dont know why he chose that number, 12 today, can visit this kind of actions on the largest democracy on the world, what happens if we had 26 hackers out of russia . Clearly, he had some inside information he did not want to convey to us and now we know more about that today with todays indictments. I know you think it will be helpful to meet face to face with russian officials. And everyone has advised the president to be strong and i think hell heed that and raise putin in the eye and raise these important issues, the political killings going on. I had a meeting with boris nestovs daughter and offered an amendment and had a parliament and its serious with all the immigration and now the hacking did aggression and now the hacking. Shannon congressman, great to see you. Be back soon. Hillary clinton called the president S Supreme Court nominee devastating warning hell turn the clock on womens rights and women who clerk ford him are joining us and theyll talk about how hes impacted her legal career. Shes next. No matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . By staying in rhythm. 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Shannon how has the relationship been. Hes lot a long record as a principle jurists and has a great record and has gotten praise along the spectrum for his judicial record and character. Shannon 18 female clerked penned this letter how hes been more than theyve even expected as a mentor with career advice no matter where they are on the political spectrum and said thats how he likes to hire because he likes different view points. And he keeps up with all his law clerks. You get a Quick Response from him. I check with him when theres a big professional opinion coming up and he annual reunions and has a lot of character and a great family person and has helped all of us quite a bit. Shannon and im behind in emails and it speaks well he makes the time for people. I want to play something Hillary Clinton said today in a speech talking about his nomination. Heres what she said. It is a blatant attempt by this administration to shift the balance. I used to worry they wanted to turn the clock back to the 1950s. Now i worry they want to turn it back to the 1850s. Shannon theres a question about hell role back womens rights, rowe roe v. Wade. He looks at every case and hell go by the books and law without injecting policy preference. Shannon there was a wall street commentary saying these days the press is full of story powerful men exploiting female employees it makes it more striking to hear his female clerks speak of his role as a fierce champion of their careers and for my own daughter theres no judge i would trust more than judge cavanaugh to be a teacher, advocate and friend. Immediate reaction on the left. A tweet from a civil rights attorney said the thats a perfect example of the backscratching of schools. You make me powerful, i make you powerful. Judge cavanaugh has got ten praise for his judicial record and character and hes looking out for everybody. Hes looking out for diversity and will be a powerful voice making sure women get equal career opportunities. Shannon almost half his clerks have been female and was the First Circuit court judge to have all females in a class at the same time. Well dig into his record on the hill and watch it together. Thanks for coming in. Thank you for having me. Shannon a woman is suing a health club because they revoked her contract. Theyre allowed to use whatever restaurant they would want to use. Shannon does she have a case . The same fitness chain is facing another claim. Youre the jury for us. Get ready, night court is next. Shannon a social media mom found it offensive that Scarlett Johansen would play a transgender person in a role. And shes now backing out of the role after outcry from lgbt activists claiming she was stealing work from actual lgbt actors. And she person has resigned from her blog after several people complained to the editor and they scrub the scarjo post and now have culturally sensitive work to be reviewed. Robert downey jr. s black face role generated no backlash according to a reuters report. Were looking into a case involving the national gym chain called Planet Fitness. The client known as mrs. H. Went into the locker room and saw a person she thought wiz was a man and asked him to leave and smirked at her and said he or she was applying makeup and rice called 911 to report Sexual Harassment against mrs. H. Whats going on . I was sexually harassed. Whats the name, man. Shes across the gym. Shes white. Hold on, i still have her in my sight. Shannon liberty counsel said they revoked mrs. H. s membership and wants it back and wants a change to the locker room policies to have access to the appropriate biological sex only. The legal issue is a civil rights attorney and we have the president and general counsel for the National Center for life. Glad to have you. Thanks, shannon. Shannon lets talk about this. Planet fitness had a similar issue in michigan who had a woman who sued there and it was thrown out and now the court is taking another look at it and theres not a lawsuit yet but could be one. Liberty counsel said she was kicked out under the lunk policy saying if they act up they have to leave. Planet fitness employees failed to abide this and judging cannot include calling attention which constitutes harassment on the basis of sex which mr. Prices leering presence in the womens locker room was. She got no warning and made a complaint about something they felt she was a threat. So mrs. Rice is applying makeup and mrs. H. Harasses her and when she called the police, then she complains. Its a clear case of transphobia. Shes putting on her makeup after working out and has every right to be there and the harassment on the part of mrs. H. Got her membership revoked. Could Planet Fitness revise their guidelines, but the idea of mrs. H. Being the victim when she initiated a contact for no apparent reason is laughable. Shannon in the letter, liberty counsel said another person complained about the individual that the person exposed their naked body in the womens locker room and anatomically its still a male body. Then they said this person who said leave me alone im putting on my makeup, did not leave for an hour while this other woman wait to get to her hour and came back and hat hasnt changed or showered or changed clothes. Its an uncomfortable situation. Number one, Planet Fitness has a Consumer Protection duty to disclose the policies. If theyre going to let men who this person is genetically a man and look at people in the changing room, they have a duty to let people know that before they take their money. Number two, they have a duty to supervise what is going on in their facilities, whether its male or female. For example, if someone were to break out a cell phone or start taking pictures or filming in the rooms that would be completely inappropriate and theres a duty to supervise and maintain order for protection for everybody involved. Interestingly in the case, we also have a woman with a religious view point that is inappropriate for her to be viewed by another man that shes not married to and so instead of Planet Fitness going okay, theres reasonable accommodations, this is a conservative traditional woman, a woman of faith, theres things we can do, instead of accommodating her religion they close to retaliate and almost punish a whistleblower by expelling her from membership and its Political Correctness run amok. Shannon they said were commit to create welcoming environment to all our members and under our gender identity non discrimination policy all members and guessed may use all rooms and theyre asking for some actions to be taken by july 6th and want mrs. H. To get her membership back and want a policy in writing posted in the membership contracts or on site saying so you know, this is our policy so people can be aware bra before they go into a locker room setting. Are we going to tell people when you sign up for your membership, drop your pants to see if youre a man or a woman biologically and if theyre leering at you, if theres less lesbians leering at you do they then get expelled. The reason the policy is in place to let everyone know they have a welcoming place. This woman has religious beliefs and she inhabit as a world where other people dont have the same Belief Systems and other people have different experiences and cant push her own beliefs and experiences on other people as she has the right to exercise her religious freedoms, the person can express what they feel their way. Shannon and to make sure everybody is protected and i covered these in School Settings where theres accommodations where theres separate areas for separate people and separate but not equal. How do you find a resolution here . Well, number one, we have to look to the law, shannon. We need to remember religion, even under our constitution is a protected right. A sexual gender choice that someone can change from day to day or selfidentify is not. So when we basically say men, any man who so choose to walk into a long term and have access to viewing these ladies and violating their privacy, potentially even predators, clearly Planet Fitness can deal with these issues. Were not asking for radical and not looking to violate the bodies or expose people, but were looking for what is common sense decency. There are accommodations. Facilities like Planet Fitness can have a separate onebathroom changing room for people who may feel uncomfortable. Theres lots of potential accommodations. Because if youre going to let men walk up and take their money and not disclose that thats a violation of what her reasonable expectations would be. Shannon her attorney have given until july 26. Well track this case and see if it does end up in litigation. In the meantime, thank you very much for weighing in on the case tonight and folks at home we want to know what you think. Youre our jury. More news next. Shannon all right, the university of wyoming slogan gets caught up in controversy. A new marketing slogan at the university of wyoming said quote, the world needs more cowboys is getting backlash. The phrase sparking outrage by some staff saying it is racists and it says some cowboys are diverse. Its been a monsoon for three days in arizona. Houses demolished and people trapped in cars and under water and now 200 tourists stranded in the grand canyon had to be flown but out by helicopter five at a time and Zion National park. Police busting a serial rapist being a ride share person and he was charged. His bail is set at more than 4 million and that tonights western roundup. On the bright note, a veteran is making waves literally. He was at his local pool when he noticed a young boy afraid to dive off a board and decide to show how easy it was and it motivate the little boy. The videos gone viral and bliss, who served in world war ii and the korean war is being called a hero on social media. Check him out. Hes brave than i am. I dont like diving boards either. 95 years old and encouraging people and taking away the fear for a young boy to jump in himself. Hes a hero. The most watched and most trusted and grateful you spent your friday evening with us. Have a great weekend. Im Shannon Bream. Brian hope you had a sensational day, this is Tucker Carlson tonight. I am filling in for tucker throughout the show unless something goes wrong. President trumps visit to the u. K. , meeting with the Prime Minister and the queen amid controversy, and big protests here at home. This was taking place but dont act surprisingly 12 russian intel officers were indicted. There is no evidence of collusion. Heres deputy ag Rod Rosenstein today

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