Zero and relaunches the socalled quantitative easing to bolster the economy. The white house. [audio difficulties] by the way, there was a debate tonight and if you did not no, to Democratic Front runners taking the stage in a new debate complete with social distancing and no audience. Former Vice President joe biden and senator Bernie Sanders duking it out as four more states prepare for primaries amid a pandemic could hello and welcome to a special fox news at night with a sunday coverage of covid19 responsibilities democratic debates but im Shannon Bream in washington and lets peter ducey how they say the Democratic Candidates would handle the crisis. Reporter joe biden was to mobilize the u. S. Military and send in National Guardsmen and women into hospitals as part of a coronavirus staffing search and he suggested that then the National Guard would help build towns that could hold overflow beds for patients. We are being attacked from abroad and this is something of great consequence and this is like a war buried in a war you do whatever is needed to be done to take care of your people and what you do and i had proposed it and laid it out in detail that everything you need in terms of dealing with this crisis would be free. Reporter Bernie Sanders would mobilize the military but they would be open into it if experts suggested it. The coronavirus dominated the conversation tonight as a candidates stress their approaches are changing a lot for the foreseeable future. Our entire staff is working from home. On a personal level what we are doing is im not shaking hands. Joe and i did not shake hands. I am very careful about the people i am interacting with and im using a lot of soap and hand sanitizers. I have to say, thank god, right now i do not have any symptoms and i feel rightful for that. Reporter moving ahead, by darren and the sanders said there will be free treatment and bailouts for workers whose workers dipped to coronavirus laded closures but they disagreed on the best way to improve the Health Insurance system right now. Bernie sanders says medicare for all, joe biden says the coronavirus has given us proof that that does not work. With all due respect to medicare for all, you have a singlepayer system admittedly and it does not work there but it does nothing to do with medicare for all. That would not solve the problem at all. Reporter but closer to home, Bernie Sanders believes hes got proof that backs up his belief in medicare for all. Despite with the Vice President is saying, what the experts tell us is that one of the reasons that we are unprepared and have been unprepared is we dont have a system. Weve got thousands of private insurance plans and that is not a sits system that is prepared to provide healthcare to all people. Reporter Bernie Sanders says if he gets the nomination then in all likelihood he will collect a woman as his running mates but joe biden went even further and made it a certainty if he is the democratic nominee for president that he will pick a woman as his running mate and that has already got the former rival, andrew yang, coming out tonight on twitter to say wait, a second for joe biden did not mention that he was definitely going to pick a woman as his running mate when the two of them recently spoke. Shannon. Shannon peter ducey, thank you for the debate representative. Former Vice President joe biden committing picking a woman and his running mate and sanders saying hes likely to do the same thing. Thats not all they promise. Lets take down welcome to all of you on the special sunday night coverage. Good to be here. Shannon. Shannon howie, you are great at breaking things down for us after the facts what to ducey see tonight what stood out to you . Spector shannon, there was a striking contrast in the opening moments and talking about the coronavirus. Joe biden projected empathy, Bernie Sanders attacked President Trump. Take a look. First of all, my heart goes out to those who have already lost someone and those who are suffering from the virus and this is bigger than any one of us. This is called for a National Rally to everybody move together. Certainly whether or not i am president is to shut this president up right now because hes undermining the doctors and scientists trying to help the American People. Bernie sanders, by the way, talked about medicare for all ingredient sharers and drug companies. Its not like hes updating his talking points that hes done for the last year but here and now it was so senatorial for these two whitehaired gentleman that one of the only times the debate got heated was over a battle over the budget and Social Security from one decade ago. Take a listen. My lord, bernie, youre saying im opposed to Social Security and it says its a flat lie and that the Washington Post says its a flat lie. When joe and others who are enamored with the [inaudible] which included cuts to Social Security and raising the retirement age i formed defending Social Security caucus to say no. The Simpson Commission was back in 2010 and most voters dont even remember appeared shannon. Shannon okay, i want to bring you in here because this is down to these two final democrats at this point and the former Vice President promised to do was that if he gets the opening on the sipping court to name an africanamerican female and a lot of people went directly to Kamala Harris and were looking at other folks but professor Jonathan Turley who we have on quite a bit, people know him and well respected said this, biden pledged to impose a threshold requirement for the race and gender of the next nominee is troubling. An absolute condiment would be unconstitutional use for the mission to a Public College yet it would be used for admission to the court that created that rule. Do you feel like its pandering and patronizing or do you think that, this is his favorite idea because he talked about it before . I think its politics. The africanamerican vote was crucial to him in terms of reviving his chances and in fact, taking him to the point now where hes the leader in this nomination fight for the democrats and historically, of course, theres only been to black people on the Supreme Court and never a black woman. I think from the biden perspective he is speaking specifically to blacks but also to black women. I think the larger agenda here too, i think, white suburban women as well and the idea you get a woman and of course the country idea would be that nobody points out when he put a white man on the court and they say gee, thats another white man but its accepted and certainly the case that if you look at President Trumps appointees he would say they were conservatives and on the federalist list of potential nominees so theres all sorts of litmus test and its difficult and i think its forgettable that we apply these criteria to nominees because you would hope you would get the best people. Shannon and who most lines up with your ideology. And politics today. Shannon another issue that came up was fracking and they were really we know where bernie is on this and its tricky for the former Vice President who is from pennsylvania and is very important there so tom nichols whod is an author but says hes an x gop, never trump and he said ayden is from pennsylvania originally and is not nearly as stupid enough to band fracking why hes fighting a narrow palo battle in this Electoral College and biden bernie knows this but will push biden on this issue but he said no new fracking so he did leave room there tonight. But its a big mistake because when you drill a well what he is essentially saying is the only wells they can use fracking are those in existence and that means no more fracking because those wells will, after a period of time, run out and will not be replaced with new production is so big, big mistake but it is a sign that this debate did not change the font or mental direction of the race and was a good debate, best one we had so far, both men got in their shots but its not quick to change the fundamental direction of the debate but so much with joe biden was attempting to basically placate the left of his party and that may help him in the short wrong but i will point a woman in a black woman to the Supreme Court and no new fracking and im in favor or oppose to stationary cities and now going to endorse Elizabeth Warren bankruptcy bill which is the opposite of what i did when i was in the senate and now im in favor of free college for all those things may help them in the short run but if he is the democratic nominee i sent most of those things, if not all, appointing a woman as his running mate that will stand on its own but the rest of these things will create problems for him, i think, with the group of people or up for grabs particularly in states like pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin and ohio. Shannon President Trump stark up on them the last time in 2016 in these important states. They know better this time you know they have to invest to win the Electoral College back to the democratic side would i want to go through quickly and you give me your blurb i want you saw as the format because people on twitter are like this is great, no booing and cheering and it seems like more under control and easier when you only have two people but how we, what did you think . It drained some of the drama but seen as [inaudible] were smart to let them debate each other but what struck me in the first coronavirus debate was they did not really take any personal shots at each other print bernie can do delegates math and note joe bidens is the likely nominee and biden knows he knows Bernie Sanders so they were pretty civil. I think the key for me is, again, going back to coronavirus how they dealt with this in the big points scored by biden is that we need results, not revolution. That would be for me the headline quote i would take away. What we heard from how we, i think, going into this there was question about biden going oneonone with sanders and would he have a flood that would contribute to the talk about hes not mentally stable but that was offensive in the first place but tonight there was no such slipup for joe biden. Shannon karl, the former Vice President did he do enough to reach out to the Bernie Sanders voters who, in voter analysis, they say if biden is the guy im not voting for him. There are two ways to go after the sanders voters. What is to do what he did tonight. I agree with you on no new fracking trade i agree with you on this but i agree with you on that. I will do the things and i agree with Elizabeth Warren bankruptcy bill and i agree with you, bernie on precollege been that is one way. The other is to go after trump and say which he did at one point, the question is whether we will be to trump and in fact, he laid it out pretty good if i lose to bernie and will support bernie because the real threat is donald trump and i hope bernie does the same for me. Fight when the nomination and bernie is forced to say of course, we will do this but at the end of the day i think its a mistake to do what he did which is to say im moving to the left and tried to placate you by looking like im bernie and i dont think there will go very far but i do agree with juan that the argument of results versus revolution was one of the stronger themes that biden hit. Im not sure this was marked by both of these men forgot sometimes what they were talking about. Bernie talked about ebola when it was corona violence and there were a couple incidences where biden would repeat himself. We too saw two old guys giving it their best and older guy in this looked younger that is to say bernie gave more forceful presentation but will not change the outcome of the delegate Selection Process for the outcome you primary. Shannon last debate so we will see what voters think. Carl, juan and harold, thank you. Shannon Federal Reserve taking a bold step with Emergency Action to the target Interest Rate to nearly zero. As president and president emphasizing the efforts on both wall street and mainstream. President trump i dont know if thats ever happened on a sunday before but i would think there are a lot of people in maastricht that are very happy and i can tell you im very happy. I did not expect this. No American Worker should worry about missing a paycheck. If we can say often enough to our fellow americans and if youre sick, with a respiratory illness, stay home. Shannon correspondent Kristin Fisher summing up another fastpaced day of the covid19 responses tonight. Shannon, here in washington the mayor announced a strict new guidelines put all venues licensed as nightclubs have in order to rightparenthesis as for bars and restaurants they are allowed to stay open but only if they follow new rules but no bar sitting, serving or sitting patrons and tables and booths must be separated by at least six seats. It is all designed to force this social distancing that we have heard so much about. President trump is urging restraint from all those grocery shoppers. President trump there is no need for anybody in the country to hoard essential food supplies. They said to me could you please tell them, go, buy, enjoy, have a nice dinner and relax because there is plenty. Reporter the mayor has enacted a curfew from 10 00 p. M. Until 5 00 a. M. Until further notice. All residents are being told they have to stay in their homes unless theres an emergency or unless their employer requires them to work. Same in puerto rico which is taking the additional step of closing all businesses except supermarkets, pharmacies, gas stations and fakes. One of the biggest stories are now is whats happening in airports across the country. Thousands of americans racing to get home from overseas in the midst of these travel restrictions. They are being funneled to 13 airports for enhanced screenings but leading to these massive bottlenecks. Long lines, people jammed in a side by side for hours its the exact opposite of the social distancing that Public Health officials have been calling for. If you are an american citizen and a Family Member that you can get back and dont need to rush back, you will be able to get back but its understandable how when people see a travel ban that they immediately want to hunker and get home and hopefully we dont have more of that but i think we probably, unfortunately, will see that. Reporter biggest hotspots continue to be washington state, california and new york but the numbers are growing across the country. More than 3000 americans have tested positive in that number is only expected to rise of the countrys ability to test for the virus accelerates. One think that is going down, Interest Rates paid today the Federal Reserve announced it is again lowering Interest Rates. This time it is 20. Shannon. Shannon kristin, thank you. Wall street so far appears unimpressed with the new data movement. Stocks gold is soaring higher. Should the United States repair for a massive crisis . Will there be enough hospital beds . Our doctors are on deck to answer this important question next. Tv sports announcer oh lets go to a commercial. Not another commercial when you bundle your home, auto and Life Insurance with allstate you could save 25 . The more you bundle the more you can save. What . Bundle and save. Click or call for a quote today. 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I will not say the lab testing issue is over because it is not. It is entering the next phase for the much higher priority now is now that we had the Testing Available how to get people into the system to be be tested in the appropriate prioritized way . Shannon we may be one small step closer to a covid19 vaccine. A Government Official telling the Associated Press the first dose in a Clinical Trial for vaccine will be delivered on monday. Lets talk about that and all your other questions at fox news medical contributor and former white house physician. Good to have you both with us. Thank you, shannon. Shannon the vaccine seems so far off that we continue to hear good news whether from israel here, australia, other countries but what can you tell us . It is not a cure but it would not stop us for someone who is ill now, give us a timeline and what it would mean. I would tell people to be careful of this notion that we are on the brink of a medical solution to this problem. Vaccines generally take about a year because it takes time for the immune system to develop and lets be honest, distribution is an issue. We will not get a vaccine guaranteed in the next four, six weeks which is when we are leading up to our peak. It may help with reinfection rates but also lets make it hang our hat on the medicine that will cure this because weve been working on a medicine for the common cold which is another type of coronavirus for about 50 years with no lock. I doubt we will come up with one in the next six weeks. Shannon i want to play something who from a doctor well respected across the board but she said this today that we will get exponentially more tests and more test results in the coming couple of weeks. You will notice, as the test rollout over this next week, we will have a spike in our curve. For those of you who watched china and china reported remember when they changed their definition and all of a sudden there was a blip in their curve . We will see that. We will see a spike as more and more people have access. Shannon doctor jackson, that will psychologically be tough for people. We know the numbers are coming but its only going to get worse before it gets better by nearly every element. Yeah, thats right, shannon paid we have to expect this to spite just like she was saying. The folks that are out there in the positions that will be testing patients will start by testing patients that have clinical indications and patients look like they have coronavirus and those that will be readily tested and those will have coronavirus. The numbers will go up and we have to understand that they will be a lot of the folks that think they have coronavirus that dont have coronavirus and people have coronavirus they dont get symptomatic and dont get tested. We dont know what that denominator is but it will look like, for a while, the numbers are going up rapidly but keep in mind that some folks are out there but weve just not identified them yet and will not change significantly things for us but we both just know that they are out there. We will change and be able to better prepare around the country but the numbers will spike and it will scare people initially. But we need to remain calm. Shannon we know that there are a lot of asymptomatic people out there, they may never get tested, they dont feel bad, can they still be spreading the virus can. That is the most concerning thing that people will go out there and watch a soccer game and think nobody out here is sick and i dont see what the big deal as to why is everyone getting worked up and the reality is its hard for this virus to hurt someone who is young and healthy. They can be silent carriers and that is what we worry about because when we visit older folks and we got a colleague at work with an immune problem or on chemo or had an organ transplant they are extremely vulnerable to this and that is where we are seeing the mass casualties overseas. Forget about chinas data, forget about irans data because theyre not transparent but look at the data coming out of northern italy. It is a preview of a movie that is about to play in the United States and it does not look good. Hospitals are overrun and numbers are looking really bad, 386 deaths just today in one d day, adjusted for the u. S. Population and age and thats about 2000 people in the u. S. That would die just today. Theyve got a total lockdown and were not even some people have not even recognize theres an issue. 40 of americans said in a survey they dont think it will be a problem. Shannon lets put up the maps to show where the numbers are and cases are. Its constantly being reevaluated and this is from john hopkins. There are a couple resources tracking these so 167,000 plus cases out there almost up to 6500 deaths but that number up in the other corner, in green, is the recovery. A lot of people are in that process but doctor jackson, do you think that part of the equation will call people . We seen how many people to recover and people who do well. Those numbers greatly outweigh those who end up losing their lives. Most people that get this will, like i said before, not even know they had it or get it and get sick but not very sick, minor cold and flu symptoms and then they will recover. I agree that its difficult to apply the italian data to whats going on in the United States because the italian data, 25 of the population is over 65 and their average age of the country is about 12 years older than we are. Theyve a large chinese population they are on a regular basis and a lot came in from italy when it broke out in china and dont have the Public Health response that we had and they do not lock the borders down earlier so i dont think itll be the same in italy right now but i think we have a much better response and we had a very aggressive response and the president was aggressive in restricting china or travel from china and has been that once europe was identified as a source he immediately acted on that. [audio difficulties] i think we will be in a better situation than italy was for sure. Shannon we hope that is the case but i think we all need to be mentally prepared for whatever we are facing. Looking out for ourselves and for those who are compromised, elderly or in some other way a special category in need of our help its in time to rise to the occasion. Doctors, good to have you both with us. Thank you, shannon. Shannon how the coronavirus shannon how the Coronavirus Crisis change the democratic debate. Who came out on top . We weigh in on that next. With key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New, boost women. Designed just for you. New, boost women. Yoall this grass. All this mulch. All these projects to do. You need a tractor that can do it all right. Mowing. Hauling. Mulching. Trenching. If its on the todo list, the 1 selling subcompact tractor in the u. S. Can do it. Versatile performancematched attachments. Legendary durability. Affordably priced. The kubota bx series. 100 online car buying. Carvanas had a lot of firsts. Car vending machines. And now, putting you in control of your financing. At carvana, get personalized terms, browse for cars that fit your budget, then customize your down payment and monthly payment. And these arent madeup numbers. Its what youll really pay, right down to the penny. 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There was a lot of talk about going into this the joe biden needed to make an appeal to the bernie in the sand sanders die hold voters to get on board that he would need them in the general election. The grumbling from sanders diehards is no idle threat. A whopping 12 of them voted for trump in 2016, according to analysis by cooperative collection and study. That added up to roughly 260,000 voters in michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin, exit pulled showed them my june victory was 7700 77744. The bernie rose were so mad at the establishment and it hillary and at the dnc they came to tell me they were not voting for this carpet either thursday and home are voting for trump so what do they do now if biden is the nominee . I think biden has a real situation on his hands but he is barely earning any support from democratic voters under the age of 50. Bernie sanders has 70 of support for voters under 50 and the democratic primary. While the mass might look differently in a controlled primary that is controlled by the Democratic Party in the election biden will have a real problem they are appealing to voters hes basically called bernie rose for the last eight months and going onstage and taking all of bernies policies suddenly he flipped his entire record and platform in the last week with the exception to medicare for all and thats not what his record says. We cant take bernies policies in a crisis and expect voters to believe in you. If you have 40 years of having completely opposite policies. Shannon hes got a voting record so people could go look for themselves. Now hes cop between this criticism that hes not progressive enough to bring on the people for bernie and has now adopted one of the warrant of plans as well tonight but here is what the new York Magazine said of the headline, joe bidens platform is more progressive anything. Biden mostly cast himself as a return to normalcy but what he is promising as well as a continuation of the liberal tradition of roosevelt, johnson and obama. , katie is he to progressive or not progressive enough . Vice President Joe Biden has a much bigger problem than supporters of Bernie Sanders going into a general election. The map will be him as nominee and tonight he tonight he proved once again oneonone with Bernie Sanders that he is not a moderate and is an extremist and believes and gun confiscation, beto orourke has appointed that the gun control proves that and he says tonight that he wants a ban on new fracking and said he wants a ban on all oil drilling and that is an extreme position and will not be able to turn into votes like michigan, pennsylvania and even wisconsin. He talked about tonight how he doesnt support the Hyde Amendment which means hes for taxpayerfunded abortions. These are extremist views and not for Bernie Sanders but for the rest of the country at every single level and that is where he will have to contend. Trump campaign has a lot to work with when it comes to general election because joe biden will have to change his position again and lie about what hes saying throughout the democratic primary or will be too far left for the rest of the country. Shannon that was the numberone criticism i saw on twitter although thats not where we get our information but. [laughter] i hope not. Shannon people were taking snippets of what the former Vice President said tonight and pulling up his voting record over the last 30, 40 years or plain clips of him saying the exact opposite. What does he do with that that is moving with these accusatio accusations . I think the Vice President had a strong night tonight on the debate stays with independent journalist has said he was winner coming out of tonights bates. He will screw that line somewhere in the middle and not an extremist and the American People know hes not. He charted a course that is appealing to the majority of americans in this country and he looks president ial when dealing about this crisis that the iraqi people are facing with this pandemic for he was calm, collected, as he was in his News Conference three days ago and many of those ideas were adopted by the president. This was just a day later in responding to this virus but he looks president ial on the debate stage and i dont think the problem bringing both the bernie camp back and disaffected trump of voters. Let me translate this because when joe biden says he no longer wants any oil drilling that is translates into getting rid of thousands of jobs that people depend on, union voters. Those folks can be reeducat reeducated. That is what Hillary Clinton said and she lost. [inaudible conversations] shannon i will put up the National Average as a dancer now and the democratic primary and this is nationals we know statebystate is different and that matters when youre putting together the map but with the former Vice President by this is may, 22 points ahead of the senator so why does he have a case for staying in at this point . Dont forget 14 years ago, within three days you had to biden in fourth, fifth place in some states with very little money on hand to any of the south can win a primary which he was expected to win and all the establishment support which he is in line with backing him and then it supports. Half of primary voters have not voted yet and possibly wont be for a while due to this pandemic read what we saw on stage here today with Bernie Sanders reiterating his plan which was possibly, especially Washington Post said today that unlike the United States with the top Health Officials told congress to roll out testing with singlepayer countries they were able to get testing to folks faster but not in the United States because of joe biden. Hes worried about how you will pay for medicare for all and ask the bank who just got a massive boost endangering his bailout 12 years ago. People who dont know what they will do to pay the rent and to be able to get to work and pay for their healthcare and pay for these taxes and the treatments and pharmaceuticals, line but its not just the crisis of the moment but the crisis that comes after this moment and joe biden policies and record and definitely down trump are not preparing us for that and that is why think the American People will learn that each day Bernie Sanders has been right on these issues and has the right plans moving forward. Shannon final word, katie. On the singlepayer argument the reason were unable to get the testing we need is because theres too much regulation with the way the cdc and fda push forward medical supplies in this country that regulation would take it off and now we are hopefully going to get the checks that we need. Singlepayer system is full of more bureaucracy and the reason why testing is low is a result of bureaucracy in america and the singlepayer system, as joe biden pointed out by the way, italy is failing but i dont think we need to go down the Bernie Sanders route of completely taking it out of the system. Shannon we are going over time. I will leave it there. Shannon thank you all. Fracking from the trump campaign. Do not miss it, next. Introducing tide power pods with cat nat. I love how much i can stuff into these machines. But that is such a large load, dont the stains sneak through . Please. New tide power pods can clean that. Whole situation. You just toss it in before the clothes. Its like two regular tide pods and then some power and then even more power. With 50 more cleaning power, even your large load got clean. How many kids do you have . Girl i lost track. Theres a lot of kids. And then theres a husband, and then theres me. Thats a lot of clothes. You know whats good about this . Your signs pointing at my sign, so people are gonna look at my sign. Switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. You know, like the sign says. The lines at airports including chicago are unacceptable. I understand the frustration and some passengers who are returning to the u. S. Might have with some of these procedures but i would just say and rest assured that we are continuing our strict protocols, looking at individuals as they come into the country and make sure they are medically screened. Shannon chaos in some airports across the nation this weekend as peoples are met with our long line waiting for those required medical screenings. This will combat the spread so lets discuss that issue and site democratic president ial complaint with the special edition of thank you. Shannon must talk about the airports because pictures of people they are tweeting out in the stories they were telling about taking eight hours to get through customs and immigration what is being done to handle that . I was taking care of almost immediately but this is an extraordinary number of people coming in and needing to be screened and this is in a ministration that has been on the forefront with the travel restrictions and with testing individuals coming in, 15 airports have the priority and its protecting american citizens and that is what this administrations unpaid president , and generate 31 put in that travel restriction from china the same one joe biden called xena phobic and the same one that dr. Fauci said cap this fire it from spreading and save the United States. Shannon i want to play tonight at the two men who hope to face off against the president had their own debate and i want to place only the former Vice President said hoping tonight that there is basically nothing he and the president agree on. We fundamentally disagree with this president on everything. This is a man who wants to cut Social Security, cut medicare, not bernie, president of the United States but this is much bigger than whether or not im the nominee or bernie is the nominee. We must defeat donald trump. Former years of donald trump will fundamentally change the nature of who we are as a nation. Shannon he is predicting a resounding victory against the president should he be the nominee. Yeah, hes completely wrong. Joe biden exposed himself tonight. This president is protecting medicare and Social Security and has the strongest economy and joe biden did he expose himself tonight saying no deportation, no detention facilities and this is someone who wants the entire nation to be a sanctuary nation and have local Law Enforcement not communicate and work with ice but hes a radical. He wants to eliminate fossil fuels and millions of jobs and he exposed himself and is just like his counterpart, crazy bernie, no difference. Shannon we heard to them the left side of the aisle over the last couple of weeks saying this administration is not to be a, handling the coronavirus and that it is bringing to light everything they dont get right. New york times, opinion piece under the headline, deadly lack of leadership says is, trump wasted precious time in the weeks and weeks telling the America Public just that while not taking the drastic measures that the government is now being belatedly taking. Surely in the end we will have costs. This has been a constant drumbeat and its come to public consciousness how does the Campaign Plan to counter that . Its a whole lot of fake news but i dont take my points from the New York Times but from dr. Fauci who is a renowned expert in this area said the unprecedented efforts that this president has taken, travel restrictions in january and the task force but together in january for the coronavirus even had a name from a mandatory quarantine this saved lives. This could be so much worse and it is not because of the actions this president has taken, the same one joe biden called xena phobic. Joe biden is asleep at the wheel, obama is asleep at the wheel and the swine flu was a disaster and recovery which is why joe biden is mere and marine imaging and the carbon copy is what he presented in his speech. Copying President Trump is now as a model for all future pandemics. Shannon its been interesting to see there are Democratic Leaders out there anything of gavin newsom, governor of california, democrat, not a fan of President Trump is having to say and has been positive as this is played out and weve seen this from leaders in new york as well. Do you think there is a time and a moment here we could find to be a political . Yes, absolutely prayed that is what the president has encouraged with the president has been praised by Governor Newsom and Governor Cuomo and his president was in a 24 hour time with a Bipartisan Coalition a really great piece of legislation that passed through the house, a bill that will put resources and make the needed changes that we need to shore up his economy and keep it the strongest in this president did that and this led the Bipartisan Coalition on the hill. Shannon kaylee, great to see you. Good to see you. Shannon good growing pandemic concerns alter voter turnout in primary states, that is next. 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Thats a 72 a year value. No one else offers this. Faster speed, coverage, and free advanced security at an unbeatable value with xfinity xfi. Can your internet do that . Shannon plenty of uncertainty in the election process, two days away from yet another round of tuesday voting. With the complicating factor of the coronavirus pandemic. Correspondent Allison Barber reports from columbus, ohio. Good evening, allison. To states, georgia and louisiana planned to postpone their elections but before states voting on tuesdays say their primary will proceed as planned. 577 delegates are up for grabs in arizona, florida, illinois and ohio. In ohio Election Officials say in person voting early turnout is about 80 higher than was this time in 2016. Schools and restaurants lock their doors, peoples avoid each other, coworkers are getting trained and Election Officials are preparing to distribute bags filled with gloves, hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes to every polling location. This is a requirement. Reporter they are assuring voters that this election will be safe. Mass gatherings will not be permitted. Voting locations is very different from that. Its a neighborhood gathering in a place where people will walk into, and conduct their business and walk out. Reporter they said theyve successfully relocated polling locations in senior facilities and training will be provided by the Ohio Department of health and cdc. If there are lines, the poll workers have been taught to go outside encourage everybody to maintain two arms length is the easiest way to describe it and then you go into the voting booth having the next to one another may not be ideal but also in many cases there are screens there and so there is an opportunity for separation. Again, we are talking about Healthy People and its safe to vote and it safe to be a poll worker and that is the recommendation but if you have a concern and not feeling well whatever else take advantage of the vote by mail and already voting opportunities. Reporter ohio was yesterday, saturday at noon i asked the secretary if you would consider extending the deadline or getting rid of it and letting people request mailin ballots all the way through election day and he said that would be an extreme step and logistically challenging but it is something for staff is evaluating. Shannon. Shannon ellis and barbara, thank you. Mostwatched, most trusted, thank you for spending your sunday evening with us. Good night, be back here tomorrow night at 11 00 p. M. Eastern. N there. N there. Tv sports announcer time out. Lets go to a commercial. Nooooooo not another commercial when you bundle your home, auto and Life Insurance with allstate you could save 25 . 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Mark and youre the director of the center on chinese strategy, hudson institute. You have written widely about china including recently. Lets get started on the coronavirus and work our way through how it is being dealt with. I want to get into who

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