Lawmakers to find a permanent solution for 2 million young illegal immigrants. If the Senate Majority leader says this is the week to solve it daca. We need to form the empiric and public this is real. Shannon top intelligence Officials Say russia is already meddling in the 2018 elections. Welcome to fox news night, im Shannon Bream in washington. A troubling timeline and prospects of a promotion, on the resignation of the staff secretary rob porter and the future of chief of staff general ron kelley. The fbi director testified the agency repeatedly updated its investigation into Domestic Abuse allegations involving porter last year. While the white house continues to assist the worst of revelations were only recently uncovered. There are also questions about whether the security procedure was finished or still ongoing. Chief National Correspondent ed henry joins us live. The wall street journal reported that john kelly said when it came to the rob porter story, especially since of a news confirmed as you noted right before abrupt departure over Domestic Abuse allegations, porter was being considered for a promotion possibly as a deputy chief of staff. Fbi director Christopher Wray testified that his agency delivered a Background Investigation on porter in january, testimony that seem to contradict the white houses claim yesterday that the fbi clearance process did not reveal the allegations against porter in a timely fashion. Sarah sanders shifted the timeline admitting the fbi did give information on porter to the White House Security office, watch. We did the followup and provided that information in november. We closed the file in january. Earlier this month we received some Additional Information and we pass that on as well. The white house personnel security office, what they considered to be the final Background Investigation report in november. White house chief of staff john kelly almost certainly knew about credible allegations about Domestic Abuse. Lied about that timeline, inexcusable. Kelly must resign. Various trump allies told him to blot out suggesting maybe he was sore at kelly pushing him at his job, he tweeted Domestic Abuse is a red line. If speaking out against that makes me look petty, then so be it. If this has nothing to do with my exit from the white house. I trust the fbi director in this matter and so should you. Tonight, a Top White House official said shannon tonight were hearing about something else. The president s lawyers said something else, he actually did pay a star who is rumored to have an affair with the president , he said it had nothing to do with the campaign, what can you tell us . Normal on time, lawyer for President Trump it tells us that this New York Times scoop isnt true. He paid 130,000 out of his own pocket to stephanie clifford, hes admitting this to push back on a charge that either the Trump Campaign or the Trump Organization paid her and it was somehow improper. Hes saying the payment was lawful, this might raise more questions about possible hush money since the president and the porn money insisted nothing happened, even if his goal is true, he was trying to protect the president. Shannon the federal court is trying to make public documents from former ken starrs probe of thenpresident bill clinton that led to his impeachment. The order follows a request by cnn suggesting the documents could give insight on a special Counsel Robert Mueller is conducting the current russia probe and how he could handle possible testimony from President Trump. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls it a witch hunt after Israeli Police said there is enough evidence to indict him for corruption and bribery. Joins us now from jerusalem with details in the case where it is an Early Morning there. This investigation has been going on for about a year. For the most part, this investigation remains in the background politically. Just a few hours ago, the Israeli Police issued a recommendation to the Attorney Generals Office. In the first case, he was caught on paper offering to help an israeli newspaper publisher in return for favorable coverage. He is accused of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gifts from several different businessmen. The the Prime Minister doesnt deny accepting champagne, jewelry, cigars, insists they were a gift from friends but not bribes. He was defiant earlier today during a televised speech where he denied all of the allegation allegations. All of these attempts without exception will end with nothing, i know the truth. I tell you this time too, things will end with nothing. Just because the Israeli Police have made the recommendation to the Attorney Generals Office doesnt mean the attorney general will indict the Prime Minister, it should be pointed out that the attorney general is a close key ally of Prime Minister not in. Benjamin netanyahu. Shannon where does this leave the government . It was just a couple years ago brought down with accusations. It doesnt look like it happened here yet but theyre several members of the conservative coalition, that support Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the who are in shipping to be Prime Minister themselves. Whether or not his Coalition Partners play with him going forward. Shannon the fight to get something done on Immigration Reform is getting dicey, as one senator said it is the president way or no way at all. A branch in the president s plan to roll back daca within weeks. Good evening leland. Good evening to you, welcome to senate daca debate day two. We effectively started with the same place we did yesterday. Both sides agreeing to agree, at least hope of a deal. Listen to Senate Majority and minority leaders. I think the sooner the bette better, if we can come up with a bipartisan compromise thats right in the ballpark of 60, let it rip. Theres no reason in the world why we cant achieve it in the next few days. In front of a bipartisan congressional group, President Trump seemed optimistic about a deal that would grant either citizenship or legal status to 1. 8 million people. President trump i hope we can do daca, i think we have a chance to do it very bipartisan. I think it can happen. Right there is where the agreement ends and bipartisanship takes eight partisan turn. Now listen to a president laying out his turns, ending his chance of negotiation. Greg ending chain migration and canceling the visa lottery. Framework deal is not an opening bid at negotiations as a best and final offer. Floated around for five and half months and put it into a logical package. Minority there Chuck Schumer also squashed any bipartisan spirit. To begin this debate as Republican Leaders suggest would be getting off on the wrong foo foot. Unrelated to daca, very partisa partisan. I suggest we move to bills offered by senators grassley and senator as said. Lets get things started on the right foot, i object to the leaders request. Statements like that as proof democrats would rather use socalled streamers than actually make a deal. Conceivably a deal comes with a march 5th deadline. Breaking late today, another federal judge issued a preliminary injunction effectively stopping President Trumps wind down of daca protections. If it gives the senate a perfect opportunity to kick the can down the road. If we have learned anything about this congress, its that when offered the opportunity to punt, bipartisan agreement is very easy to find. Shannon at least its an agreement on something. Today, another letter containing suspicious powder arrived at former president d. C. Office building. Fox news has learned there has been an increase in suspicious substances addressed to members of the house and senate over the past two weeks. Hes not even writing but word that tennessee senator bob corker is rethinking his retirement already has one campaign ramping up the rhetoric. The spokeswoman for congresswoman Marsha Blackburns Senate Campaign says anyone who doubts that she can win in november is a sexist pig. If they are worried about ego driven tired old men. Corker announced his retirement back in september but some republicans think he could lose the seat to democratic governor phil preston. Republican congressman kevin kramer initially decided not to run against a freshman democratic senator heidi heitkamp. She is thought to be one of the most vulnerable senators this cycle. Kramer tells fox news he will make a decision by the end of this weekend. A leftleaning Public Policy group wants to citing Cyber Security concerns per the center for American Progress takes you to report this week rep colo secretary of state defended the practice saying that state has incorporated enough safeguards and someone who works on a submarine should be allowed to vote. Plenty of room for improvement but entering the second year of his term on an upswing, pick up seats and flipped the house and the 28 midterms. You cannot just run against donald trump. It is the job of we democrats to put together a strong, cohesive, Economic Group of proposals. Aimed at the middle class and those struggling to get there. Shannon fox News Politics editor Chris Stirewalt about the current political lay of the land. Its my jam. Shannon it is your jam, jam on it. The world can change between now and then come out what you make between then and now . Compared to a month ago, the president s Approval Rating is up substantially, around the 40 mark. Substantially better than it was at the end of last year. The generic ballot has gotten tighter and now we are hearing democrats warning, dont take this for granted. Youre going to have to hustle for this. Shannon as Chuck Schumer was saying you cant just run against him. Priorities usa had this to say. While still on track for a successful november, the extent that democratic gains will be blunted if democrats do not reengage more aggressively in speaking to the economic and health care priorities, democrats have to have winning messages on health care and the economy, voters are not hearing them if democrats are going to win. It just as the climate has changed substantially in the last six weeks in their favor, what will the next six weeks bring . I cant tell you the potential harm, were going to have a special election in pennsylvani pennsylvania. A lot of that is going to depend on women in the suburbs of pittsburgh. You think this ongoing stuff about the Domestic Violence accusations against the senior White House White house staffer, do you think that helps or do you think it hurts . If they can get to a deal, all of a sudden republicans say we are going to start deporting these people, do you think that helps or it hurts . What you do end of this should be a lesson for the republicans, it has a material effect on how voters perceive you. Of these things arent all baked into the cake. You can crumble your cookie now. Shannon i love cookies, chocolate chip are my favorite, what is your favorite . Im a snickerdoodle person probably mostly but i will go with the magic cookie bars number one. What if you put chocolate chips in a snickerdoodle . Let us know what you think. Lets break down both of the things you brought up. Talking about the back and forth at the white house is having to do about it when they knew and what they knew, he says raise fbi timeline made one thing clear, the kelly coverup is unraveling right before our eye eyes. A white house official who wants john kelly to get fired. The president has to balance here, there are multiple layered failures on this. One of the failures was the president in praising this investigation even after it was clear he had to leave because of his accusations. The white house has said multiple times we have got this wrong. We are working on our internal review process. Our president s point man on the hill, succeeded in bringing order to a chaotic white house. I loved Anthony Scaramucci talking about a lack of order in the white house the tasmanian devil knows the tornado. The president has to decide is kelly worth it and if you fire kelly and you push them out over this, is what comes next worth it and a lot of that will depend on with whom could you replace him and as that person palatable and can they handle it . Shannon you and i have talked about i dont think that would be a fit. Great to see you, we will continue cookie discussions. Top intelligence officials have no doubt russia will be a problem again during the 2018 elections. They say our four in front of m me. Former u. N. Ambassador john bolton weighs in on the threat. A Food Delivery Program to replace food stamps . At the house is floating an option and will look at whether its actually viable, why some people are offended ahead. Whoooo. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. The United States is under attack by entities that are using cyber to penetrate virtually every major action that takes place in the United States. There should be no doubt that russia perceives that its past efforts as a successful and diffuse the 2018 u. S. Midterm elections as a potential target for russian influence operation operations. And that was director of National Intelligence dan coats as a Senate Hearing today addressing worldwide threats. Some democrats claim while the Intelligence Community is taking the threat of election meddling seriously, the president is not. Joining me now, former u. S. Ambassador to the united nations, great to have you with us. Lets start there with a russia threat. Weve heard discussions today that they have already started meddling in these 2018 election elections. I dont doubt it, this fits a pattern that the russians have followed, the soviets followed up before them of trying to interfere in the american political system in the election or elsewhere through spreading disinformation. I wouldnt get hung up on the fact they are using Digital Communications in the cyber warfare, thats just the latest technology. The effort is to so distrust about american institutions. If you look at our past years debate over russian collusion, they are doing a pretty good jo good job. Shannon what do you make of this threat . There has been so much about what they did or didnt do on facebook, the bots, that kind of thing. So many people are engaged, they get their news through social media and if thats where this misinformation is being sprayed it seems that perfect opportunity for them. Its hard to see any direct connection between the use of social media. They did an effect on the referendum, dont think the russians are so much more sophisticated on social media than we are. The notion of spreading false information, of getting people to turn on one another to undermine faith and Law Enforcement and intelligence institutions, that all plays right into russias hands. This is a form of propaganda that they are engaged in and they have been doing it for a long time. Theyve got substantial indications theyve been doing it in multiple european elections. We need to be ready for it. We need to have an open debate on it because the more we expose it, the harder it is to have an influence. Shannon there are plenty of folks on both sides of the aisle who openly stressed this is happening and they want the American People to understand it isnt a partisan issue. No discussion of worldwide threats would be complete without talking about north korea. This is an existential threat, potentially to the United States. But also to north korea. Kim jong un views any kind of effort to force them to give up his Nuclear Weapons is an existential threat to his nation and to his leadership in particular. Shannon lets talk about what they did with the olympics, aside from all of the media situations, there were some breakthroughs it seems like with south korea. Some cracks in the door. Between those two at least. Sean i think the present government of south korea following in the path of brian south korea and governments is open to this kind of persuasion. I think they have a very misguided view about whats going on. A lot of this happened in the 2,000 olympics in 2004 and 2006, it didnt slow north koreas Nuclear Weapons program down at all. This is also a form of propaganda. I think what senator coates is saying about north korea posing an existential threat is important. When he says existential, he means our existence. The fact of north koreas Nuclear Weapons could end the existence of american cities, i find that intolerable. Those who say we can live with a Nuclear North Korea badly misunderstand the nature of the regime and the threat of a truly multipolar Nuclear World which is why they Trump Administration has got to make some very hard decisions about the possible use of military force. Shannon as our military prepared that to your best guesstimate . I dont think anybody should dr. Capability. Colin powell used to tell me when i worked for him at the time, after he left being the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, he was on the lecture circuit. He was asked what would be two of north korea ever used chemical weapons against south korea . His answer was we would turn north korea into a charcoal burket. Our capability should not be underestimated. Shannon always good to have you. The president proposes a major makeover to the federal Food Stamp Program. Coming up, Trace Gallagher on why the plan is raising a lot of eyebrows. Lottery winner jane doe gets her day in court in New Hampshire, gets one step closer to collecting half a billion dollars in winnings, but will she have to step into the spotlight to get it . Shannon americans can pay a premium with fresh food delivered straight to their homes, the Trump Administration wants to use that model for a program to replace food stamps. Trace gallagher on why many think the comparison is a bad taste. For the past 40 years, the department of agriculture has distributed food stamps through paper coupons and Electronic Transfer cards, that way recipients could get the food of their choice at the store of their choice. Under the new proposal, any family that gets more than 90 a month in benefits which is about 80 of all food stamp households would now have some of their benefits delivered as a nonperishable food items, we are talking about juice, greens, cereal, pasta, Peanut Butter along with fruits and vegetables and canned meats. The usda has dubbed the Program Americas harvest box. Office of management and budget director Mick Mulvaney has likened it to blue apron, the companies that delivers uncooked meals, here he is. It lowers the cost to us because we can buy prices at wholesale, we also make sure they are getting nutritious foo food. The program would save the federal government an estimated 129 billion over ten years. They Trump Administration is getting big time pushback for use in the blue apron analogy because critics say blue apron meals run about 10 apiece while food stamp meals averages 1. 37. Conservatives have always a arbor day special hostility for the Food Stamp Program. Some democratic lawmakers are almost also furious, massachusetts congressman jim mcgovern says the program sounds like something out of the great depression, not 2018. Others say the Current Program is working just fine and people should be allowed to choose their own food. It is worth noting that since 1968, the u. S. Population has gone up 68 . The Food Stamp Program has gone up 1400 . Shannon thank you very much. President trumps border wall is getting closer to reality, companies are putting up the bids to construct a barrier along a 3mile section along the south texas border. A contract will be awarded in may but only if congress can reach a deal to actually fund i it. The illegal immigrant who was acquitted of murdering Katie Steinle after his defense team admitted he shot her went back into a San Francisco courtroom today. He pleaded not guilty to federal gun charges. His charges argue that the charges are politically motivated in the case should be thrown out. The chelsea bomber was sentenced to life in prison, 30 people were hurt when he set off a Pressure Cooker bomb in a crowded new york city neighborhood in 2016. He had also planted other bombs failed to explode. The Lottery Winner who wants to remain anonymous might be able to go ahead and collect her 560 million jackpot even if the judge decides whether or not to let her do it without revealing her name. Our legal eagles debated her case and i heard all about it from you on twitter. The update on what happened today in a New Hampshire courtroom. This ticket is the most valuable piece of paper on the planet earth. We dont know much about the New Hampshire woman who won at last months 500 million jackpot. Thats the way she wants to keep it. She hired lawyers who went to a judge of fighting to retain her anonymity. She doesnt want to be a celebrity. She already signed the Winning Ticket as instructed on the back, a move it she called a huge mistake. The administrator of a designated trust could have signed maintaining her privacy. There is documented history of people coming into their homes, thats a real possibility. White out isnt an option as they state lotto commissions as any alteration would invalidate the tickets. The integrity of the game is at the stake and the rules cannot be bent. We dont feel we can choose when we follow along and when we dont. Lottery officials acknowledged a life changing aspect of her win and offer this advice. Anybody who comes into sudden wealth has to learn the ability to say no. Working on a plan to allow her to claim her jackpot until the court comes to a decision. Her attorneys point out she is losing 14,000 a day in interest. Shannon . Shannon remember that grand immigration debates that was supposed to begin last night . Still nothing doing in the senate. Next up, whos to blame for the whole thing coming to a grinding halt. Halt. Your daily dose of omarosa dra successful people have one thing in common. Halt. Your daily dose of omarosa dra they read more. How do they find the time . With audible. Audible has the Worlds Largest selection of audiobooks. 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Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell allowing only this week to debated on the senate floor. Democrats blocked republicans from setting up initial votes on Immigration Reform. Lets talk about it with editor in chief of campus reform, lawrence jones. And richard fowler, welcome to you both. Happy early valentines day valentines day. Shannon hopefully you have big plans. Were letting you come tonight so you will have tomorrow night free for all your festivities. If nothing doing in the senate, maybe they are celebrating valentines day early. Some feelers on the boat on the goodlad bill but mcconnell says as far as the senate is concerned, this week is at. Where did they go from. I think this deal was deadn arrival. I think the president set it up that he gave the democrats what they wanted which is at the end of the day they wanted citizenship. Not only did he give it for the Daca Recipients but he gave it to the parents which angered a lot of people who voted for donald trump. He knew what the end of the day the democrats really didnt want a deal. I think we have this negotiator as a president giving the democrats what they want and still requiring Border Security knowing all along that they didnt want to deal because they want to run on this issue. Shannon a lot of folks say that if theyre not able to settle up, is this about maintaining so they could talk about it in the fall. A lot of people go back to 1986, is it amnesty without giving enforcement measures and the republicans would be crazy to agree to a path to citizenship, a lot of people on the right call that and the state. We are not going to insist on Border Security, cutting down on chain migration, redoing the visa lottery. The democrats say they want daca and thats it. I think the answer is somewhere in the middle. You have to go out to the American People and have a conversation with them to see that. Take a look at what happened today in floridas 36th house district. It was won by trump by five points, one by democrats by eight points tonight because republicans ran on antiimmigration message. I think with the American People are trying to say is this here is the big bargain. Four democrats in the lot of americans, they want the dreamers to stay. Donald trump wants this wall. It might be medieval but he wants this wall. Wait a minute, i think the deal is the democrats give a trump the wall, he give them the dreamers. When you add other pieces like the lottery shannon theyre not giving him the wall. Theyre saying a study on Border Security. Some kind of security measures. If there was a clean bill that just had daca and the wall democrats would support it. Immigration advocates said he would vote for it. Shannon if you think it. Wall, would that end this . Do you think that deal would get done without chain migration . I dont see it getting done without chain migration and the visa lottery. Whats the holdup . If the president is going to extend with the parents as well. Theres no parents in the house. Shannon let me just clarify so people can understand. And some of these proposals it does say chain migration will go forward. When fathered and if you are pursuing it right now, spouse and children, there are others who say this could extend to parents of daca children. I think a clean daca bill for 1. 8 dreamers which is exactly what i was at the beginning of this and the wall. Democrats indicated they would be willing to vote for the wall, Luis Gutierrez a staunch immigration advocate said i will give him his wall if we save the dreamers. Senator blumenthal said the same thing. There seems to be some room in the middle and i think the American People want a solution. That would be an easy deal if that was the case. I think it is an easy deal. Shannon i think the both of you are ready to go to the senate. We have accomplished is much as they have accomplished. I want to get to our second topic which is omarosa. She is appearing on celebrity big brother. As bad as you think trump is, you would be worried about mike pence. Conservatives wishing for impeachment might want to reconsider. We would be begging for trump back if mike pence became president. Im christian, i love jesus, he thinks jesus tells him to say things. Shannon she is a pastors wife and that she is ripping mike pence on the faith thing. Its not unusual but here we go again. She is ripping up at pence after she claims to be officially making fun of him. Saying somehow its scary, she believes in the gospel, it doesnt shock me that this is coming from omarosa. She is ripping up the white house but this is the white houses fault. There are plenty of black conservatives like me who warned the white house sheet we told him she was a problem, they didnt listen because it somehow she a relationship with the president. Guess what, you guys have to deal with damage control now. You are aware of it and you still brought her to the white house, she did help with the black community at all so now they got to deal with this mess. I have no time for omarosa, she lost her credibility for me when she was for hillary and then she went for donald trump. I think shes looking for a book deal and given the information she will likely get it, good luck to her. She learned from the master of marketing and now she is using it to weaponize against him. Moving on. Shannon we will leave it there was some agreement between the two of you. Great to have you, see you soon. So many memos, so little time. The democrats response to the nunes memo in limbo. We will sort that all out. If you thought it best in show was the pinnacle, we will see if the world of politics really has [narrator] introducing a breakthrough in hearing aid technology. Presenting the all new eargo plus. 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Eargo, hear life to the fullest. In a memo from Senate Judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley and republican mentor Lindsey Graham is arranging new questions about how the Intelligence Community went about getting permission to launch and continue surveillance on trump associates. It sparked outrage among many conservatives. My next guest has read the memo and also the house intelligence g. O. P. Memo, staff writer for national review. Some people thought this was explosive. Chemist russell from the wall street journal tweeted this last week. Why isnt the mostly unredacted front page news . It concerns the nunes memo and blows of the talking points they ran with. I have read it, you have read it, there is interesting material there. I think she is an outstanding reporter, i disagree with this and heres why. Both the nunes memo and the grassley memo dont contain sufficient evidence for us to conclude that the fbi was involved in this scandal here. To conclude whether the fisa court was materially misled. The evidence is lacking, im not saying it wont exist. Im not saying it will never exist, never be discovered. For right now, the evidence is lacking and i think the best course of action is to say im going to wait until i see more foundation, until i see more evidence of misconduct before im going to get outraged at the fbi. Shannon there have been suggestions that these fisa judges didnt get the whole picture. They raise questions about whether they upset if they watch the media and read the papers that they are hearing. Do you think at some point we could hear from one of these judges or even privately they could reach out and say we need more information about what you provided to us that lead us to giving you these warrants. You hit the nail on something that does really important here. The fisa court has the ability to ask for more information, the rules of procedure prohibit the fbi or the doj for making material omissions in their submissions to the court. If they violated the rules of procedure, the fisa court can act. It is going to be secret right now, that is one of the things the American People need to know. Has the court acted . It drains a lot of the air out of the scandal if the judges believe that the fbi was reasonably forthcoming, the standard when you are seeking a warrant is not to provide all of the information that is available. You cannot make material omissions. That is an important distinction and an important difference. Shannon which of these things do you think would be most helpful . The democrats memo, the underlying fisa applications, the documents underlying the house intelligence memo some of this has to be classified material that we cant get. What do you think we can get and what you think will be most helpful to the whole picture . A mostly unredacted democratic memo, it will suffer from some of the same defects we have seen in the grassley memo and the nunes memo, based on information that we cant see. I am going to be pessimistic, im going to say its a long time before we see the actual application, any orders from the actual court. It may be years perhaps but we have in this country and over classification problem. Its important for people to understand that a lot of things are classified that should not be. Shannon all information should be helpful especially the democrats memo. David french, great to have you on tonight, thanks for joining us late. It is a dogeatdog world. Look how hold together. A little to the left. 1, 2, 3, push easy easy easy horn honking alright alright weve all got places to go weve all got places to go Washington Crossing the delaware turnpike . Surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money sean saved by switching to geico. Big man with a horn. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Sometthats when he needs the way ovicks vaporub. s sleep. Proven cough medicine. With 8 hours of vapors. So he can sleep. Vicks vaporub. Goodnight coughs. Shannon after the discovery there is no age limit on running for governor in kansas some teenagers decided to go for it. He filed for his dog to run for governor on an antisquirrel agenda. That would get my husbands vot vote. The campaign was shortlived as the kansas secretary of state said today he cannot be the top dog since the state constitution declares the governor must be a human, must be a person. We would love to have you on your talked about it, youre always welcome in fox news night. Mostwatched, most grateful you spent the evening with us i hope we can do daca. I hope we have a chance to do shkreli. If we can come up with a bipartisan compromise, lets go. It is one thing to talk to jesus. Another when jesus talks to you. For her to say that christians are mentally ill. Her friends were screaming at the sky and beheading donald trump. [applause]

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