Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Democracy 2020 Election Coverage 20201107

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And he became the president , no dispute about it in 1980 and there was just something that changed. The secret Service Detail got bigger and the people around him were now saying mr. President instead of governor, theres theres a different feel in the air when a man has been elected president of the United States, even with all the caveats that you just delivered, bret. You know, youre exactly right. Donald trump has every right to pursue legal challenges, other candidates have in the past. So far we didnt see anything to rise to the level of Serious Fraud and certainly not a Serious Fraud that would change the results of elections. Were not talking about 500 votes as we were talking about in florida in 2000. Were talking tens of thousands of votes in pennsylvania. Tens of thousands in nevada and so the president is certainly right, within his legal rights to pursue these challenges, but there really at this point doesnt seem to be much reason to believe theyre going to succeed. One of the guests on Fox News Sunday weve been told by the biden, i guess you would say transition now not campaign, theyre going to give us somebody a top official in the transition about president elect bidens plans and well have mitt romney, a failed president ial candidate himself he came up with a tweet yesterday and made exactly this point, it is absolutely within the president s legal rights to pursue every challenge that he believes in, but he felt that the president really needs to watch his language, and said that, you know, its one thing to say i want to contest the vote in pennsylvania or nevada or arizona. Its another thing to say the vote has been stolen, that the election has been rigged, and he talked about the disorder, what that does, damaging the peaceful transfer of power in this country. So, i think youre going to see that increasingly from a number of republicans that, you know, if you want to pursue this in court, go ahead. But lets not be talking about stolen elections or Election Fraud. So, chris, no one expects that President Trump is going to go quietly. He has said in all of these tweets, that he believes that he won so the question becomes, what does it look like . I mean, mitt romney can ask him to be careful over his language and people said that the last three years, but he is the man he is, and he speaks boldly and my estimation is nothing will change in that regard for some time at least in the coming days as he wrestles with the reality of this, and also with the legal realities and what is possible as he puts together whats said to be by john roberts reporting a large and formidable team. Well, i have two reactions to that. First of all, i think its going to become increasingly untenable for the president , again, theres one thing to be pursuing legal challenge, theres another to have this very heightened rhetoric that we now is the way that the president does business. I think its going to be increasingly untenable because i think youre going to start to see a lot of the republican leade leaders, who realize their fortunes and futures are no longer tied to donald trump. You even saw Lindsey Graham who may be or may have been until yesterday, Donald Trumps closest friend or colleague in the senate beginning to talk about a biden presidency and working with him, and that they have a good personal relationship, so, i think youre going to see more and more of that from Republican Leaders in the senate and the house and around the country. The other thing i think we do have to point out is how unnormal, how abnormal that this is. Because you know, ive been studying up on mitt romney because of the fact that as i say, im going to have him a guest tomorrow. Back in 2012 when he was the losing candidate, it was about 11 30 at night when we called ohio and the presidency for barack obama and romney had, as all of these candidates do, had an army of lawyers ready to go out to airports, to go around the country, and challenge, and there are always questions about vote counts in various states and he waited for 90 minutes, romney did and then he called president obama and he conceded and that is what people do. Its always hard to accept, Hillary Clinton needed some time until the next morning, if you remember, before she came out and conceded to wrap their heads around it, but in the end they look at the overwhelming math and do concede and there are things that happen. The president invites, if he loses, invites the winner into the white house to have that meeting in the oval office, the two of them sitting in the wing backed chairs together. And you begin to see members of the winning team, the Transition Team invited into all the departments. You do get the concession speech. So, if we dont get that, and i think that the Biden Campaign has been prepared for that, they can go ahead, but it certainly cuts into the transfer of power that most americans expect every year. Live in washington right there. Thats in front of the white house, now called black lives matter plaza actually by the washington d. C. Mayor, renamed that street. It is the space in front of the white house and people gathering there, youre looking live in washington. Chris, i do want to talk about what other message this election sends. Now, its very possible that republicans are on track to net at least seven house seats. Its possible as many as 13 democrat house seats, the win. And its likely not a single House Republican will lose reelection. We dont know the outcome in the senate, but it appears like theres a very good possibility that the republicans will hold on, pending that runoff, the two runoffs down in georgia. Half of this country voted for donald trump, republicans outperformed in the house where going in and the polls were dead wrong. What do you think the message is to a vicepresident elect im sorry, a president elect biden taking over in january . Its going to take some getting used to. You know, i think obviously its a muddled message. There was no blue wave. Youre exactly right. The republicans had a very good night in the house, as you say, it doesnt look like a single incumbent losten they picked up could be a half dozen seats maybe a little more. Nancy pelosi it looks like shell remain speaker unless she gets tossed out by democrats, but whoever the democratic speaker is is going to have a razor thin margin in the house, in the senate as we say its up for grabs, but at this point you would bet on republicans maintaining control, given the fact that democrats would have to sweep both of those special elections in georgia. Having said that, you know, a mandate is what a president wants to make of it. I was looking back at the year 2000 and of course, you know this better than i because you were there in tallahassee, as george w. Bush ended up with 271 electoral votes, two votes over, you know, what would have been a losing campaign and he ruled aggressively. He didnt view it, well, i just squeeked in by the skin of my teeth, he was the president and he acted like it. And he joe biden talked about a mandate for action and putting a team together, a white house and a cabinet team. Talking about plans for how hes going to handle the coronavirus, how hes going to handle the economy, having said that, theres a political reality that sets in. If particularly if the republicans hold onto the senate, theyre going to have the control over confirming or not confirming his cabinet appointments. You know, that probably makes it harder to get or maybe impossible to get Elizabeth Warren in as secretary of the treasury. Bernie sanders in as secretary of labor. It certainly is going to make it impossible if republicans hold the senate, to get a big tax increase or some of the other things the public option, i think would be in serious trouble. So, you know, it clearly would be much harder to get a biden agenda through, but that doesnt mean that joe biden isnt going to be able to claim, is one thing, but whether he actually has it, that hes got a mandate for his policies. Its going to be interesting to see i do believe just watching this political process that donald trump has had an indelible impact on the station and that the people that weve seen turn out at these rallies are not going to go away as a movement, as an entity, in the United States. And so how joe biden is going to approach bringing the country together and all the things that you described, chris, about the traditional ways that we watch this transition of power, just all of us have followed this president throughout the course of the last four years, almost four years, and the assumption that any of that happens as we have seen it happen in the past. Hes not traditional. Lets just say hes not traditional. I think we all have a front row seat to see it play out. Can i just say, i mean, one of the questions is will donald trump, assuming this goes ahead and joe biden ends up as the president after all the court challenges, will President Trump attend the inauguration . People are now even raising that idea. Again, we know tradition. The new president comes, he meets with the old president whether hes beaten him or whether the old president has simply served his two terms, they ride up to capitol hill together. They share the rostrum together. And thats part of what we expect as a country. Will donald trump observe those niceties . Well have to wait and see, but i completely agree with you. Donald trump, you know, hes going to end up with more votes than anybody in history except for joe biden this year, as you say, he had an astonishing comeback in the closing days of this campaign. Even if he loses, and hes going to be a big player, you know hes not going to go away and be quiet. Hes going to have an enormous impact on the Republican Party in this country, an enormous impact on his millions of supporters. He continues to be a very big factor in the political debate in in country, whether hes the president , or the former president. All right, chris, thank you very much. Well head back in a bit. In talking about that transition of power, we have to remember that he is the president until january 20th. And there are interesting things that could or could not happen during that time while these legal challenges are going on. Talking about the were looking live at harrisburg, pennsylvania. Those are trump voters and supporters in the streets there in harrisburg, the state capital. Talking about the inauguration, history. There have been icy times before. Dwight eisenhower when he was elected had a silent ride from the white house to the inauguration with harry truman. They said not one word to each other. And we will see how this all progresses. Bill hemmer, your thoughts as weve been getting more of this reaction in. A number of things, yeah, really, you get a thoughts right now. Well try and go through this together. As you point out. Donald trump got 70 million americans to vote for him in 2020 to chriss point hes not going away and he still has strong support behind him. So many times in the election, can you get to 51 versus 49. Over the past several days were talking raw votes here, were talking, really on the statewide level, but often times you would not even consider, the voting margin here is something that i want you to focus on here. Im going to take you through nevada, arizona and georgia. Tell you a story about what were seeing here, okay, the difference in the margin here, 25,000 votes for joe biden, throughout the state of nevada. All right, let me clear this off here and take you to las vegas here and reno. Three quarters of the population lives in clark county, that is las vegas. The margin biden over trump, it will change a little bit here, but fot substantially on a percentage basis, 80, 798, 2016, 81,000 in favor of Hillary Clinton. So donald trump and republicans did better in raw votes, thats the case im making raw votes in terms of finding voters in nevada this year. Come down to arizona, a lot of consternation, why did we call it 11 20 on tuesday night for the 11 electoral votes in arizona. This is phoenix, tucson, maricopa, you find the majority of the population of arizona, thats phoenix and maricopa county. Look at the difference here, joe bidens picking up 46,000 over donald trump, in 2016 donald trump beat Hillary Clinton with a difference of 41,000. Were talk 4 to 5,000 votes in the most heavily populated part of arizona, that made a difference ultimately. Now, i know were decision desks and a lot of election analysts were seeing returns come in prior to election day in favor of joe biden, and the mail vote. Thats critical, too, ill end that in a moment here. If you go into tuesday and trying to get your voters to the polls as donald trump and republicans try to, they managed to do that and successful at that. The mail vote made a substantial difference in the election much 2020. You could almost make a case based on covid and comparing this campaign to four years ago, its not apples to apples. It was very different in a lot of these Battle Ground states in how they conducted a vote. Ill come down to georgia, this is the metro area and weve been over that time and time again and breaking for joe biden, here is the difference when we went to bed last night. 7200 and still a difference, there will ab recount in georgia after the 13th of november. Should take about a weeks time. The 20th of november is when the state has to certify its vote. Again, im talking about raw numbers down here, this is chatham county, georgia. This is savannah down along the coast, i want you to watch this, okay. Joe biden beating donald trump by almost 25,000 votes. Real vote totals. Eight years ago, an africanamerican president , barack obama over mitt romney had a difference of 13,000 votes in that county. Chatham county is about 54 africanamerican, about 38 white. In 2016, the margins just slightly higher for Hillary Clinton. Were talking about 1,000 or 2,000 votes here and there as you poke around this map and find the critical spots. In the year 2020 with covid raging and the Democratic Party pushing mail voting in a way theyve never done before, joe biden popped up the difference by almost 25,000 votes in this county alone. Now, trump did well back in 2016 he was at 43,000. This year, hes up to 53,000. Watch this number here, four years ago clinton at 59,000, and in 2020, joe biden increasing that by almost 20,000 votes in one county, in one pocket of the peach state for a difference of 7200 raw votes. Were not talking percentages anymore, were talking about raw votes that made a difference in these, what now are battleground states and georgia has gone blue for the First Time Since 1992. Two critical elections on january 5th, a little less than two months from now, if youre running the Republican Party, youve got to get on the mail train and thats a huge points. You have to get on this idea. Bill, i mean, one in which you wonder, when the president had weeks and weeks and weeks about going after the mailin ballot system, entirely. What happens to some of that trump vote. I apologize, bret. In my conversations with those inside the Campaign Last weekend, into monday, into tuesday, they knew the returns that were coming in in states like michigan, they knew they were well behind going into ewilk ewilkes election day and they knew the same in pennsylvania. They had a ton of ground to make up. Their get out the vote operation. They relied if youre ayn couple bent if youre an incumbent president , you increase over four years prior and they did it its just that joe biden and democrats did better. You can point to mailin voting. You can point to the message, you can point to the way that joe biden stayed home and put an emphasis on covid. The pandemic is still out there and still in january when you vote in georgia. The point is, if this is the future for elections and voting in the United States of america, you either get on the train or you lose. I think youre absolutely right and i think back to the videos, i think back to the dnc, and Michelle Obama with her vote necklace and barack obama demonstrating on a video. This is how you fill out the ballot, the envelope has to go inside, all of the efforts that was made to press that mailin vote and to bring out more voters and i think its always going to be a question for the Trump Campaign, as to whether or not they dropped the ball on that by demonizing that mail in vote and whether or not it hurt them ultimately even though bo et side brought out for votes this time than ever before. One thing on process. That is the certification on the local jurisdictions, once theyre done with canvassing and they check it in their own ways, the counties, local jurisdictions, they could certify it, but each state, election officer has to certify by a certain deadline. They can do it before the deadline, but they have a deadline. At that point the state has to elect elect tors, name electors for the electoral college. Dana perino is host of the five, the left side of the screen, your thoughts on this historic moment. I want to take a moment obviously for Kamala Harris, this is a significant historic moment for america, for women in america, and for black americans and indian americans, its a big deal. And i think we should acknowledge that. So, for joe biden and Kamala Harris, last night i thought that that speech might be a little premature and obviously the trump team thinks its premature, i dont think we can let the day go by without that. And there will be so many firsts, youll read about for long time. To your point about the mailin voting, i really also remember that, too, and martha mentioned it, at the end of the Democratic National convention where we were in august, sitting there in d. C. At the very end, there was a constant call, you can vote, you can vote. During the campaign, you know, i looked at the enthusiasm go, wouldnt you remember be the person that you want to vote for rather than the one they want to vote against. I think about the Campaign Manager for joe biden, she had it right, she had a good strategy, she focused on it, she did not get swayed. Beto orourke tried to get her to the dump a bunch of money in texas, and she said that was not where to go. They had a better ground game and knocking on doors, the Trump Campaign, during the crohns and the Biden Campaign wouldnt. Raw vote total around atlanta and savannah you had people actually truly getting out the vote and doing it in the way that would not kick their ballots out, right, because there are those possibilities of mailin voting that you might have a signature not match or something could go wrong, used the wrong envelope, its not as cleancut. I would also point people to jeb bush who today writes an oped in the wall street journal explaining the debacle that was florida of 2000 voting and the steps he as governor took with the state legislature working in cooperative fashion to improve that states voting and includes a lot of mailin voting. So if youre look at some of the states, ifs this the future and voters want the convenience of mailin voting if this is what were going to do there is a model that other states could follow. Dana, i keep thinking as youre talking about Kamala Harris, im thinking much Hillary Clinton who ran against donald trump in 2016 of course, in that campaign and exit polls that we saw we learned in many ways voters didnt love either one of those candidates and so, i wonder what goes through her mind today, she has spent basically the last three years blaming other places for why she lost, but here comes joe biden, someone who by, you know, many peoples estimate in these polls, they like him, he trust him, hes definitely the quieter, calmer candidate and i think that cant be underestimated today. A president who has basically been in everyones eye level 24 7 for three and a half years, more than that, to joe biden who basically wasnt in hour face every day. You know, its very interesting to me to look at the difference between running Hillary Clinton and running joe biden and why he was able to succeed against this phenomenon, political phenomenon of donald trump. Its such a great point. This morning as i was walking out there in this beautiful weather, i said to my husband, it feels like today is the end of the clinton era for good. You did not see bill clinton out campaigning for joe biden. Hillary, of course, were in coronavirus so its a little different, maybe he would have been asked, but i dont think so. Hillary clinton did some fundraisers, but pretty much every week on the five, we could take something Hillary Clinton said and make a secme secment segment and it seemed so hamhanded. You look at wisconsin, Hillary Clinton took a lot of Traditional Democratic voters for granted and lost them. Joe biden was determined to get them back. He was able to get that. I think the on the union vote especially, but also with africanamericans, the place that the voters that they did not do that well with were latinos and hispanics, and you saw some coverage of that throughout the last couple of months of the campaign with county chair people raising their hands, hello, Biden Campaign, could anybody come and Pay Attention to us . And donald trump was able to increase his vote totals with hispanics and black, including black women. 4 to 8 , you might say 8 pers, but look, thats big increase so donald trump has a situation where he can look back and say that he changed the Republican Party and that he improved upon it and helped it grow. Thank you. Senator john cornyn reelected in a race that didnt turn out to be that close. A democrat ic senate would cinch the radical agenda, they must be stopped. In not so many words saying that joe biden is president elect. That from a republican senator. Juan williams cohost of the the five, joins us from washington as you look live on the screen in philadelphia and harrisburg, pennsylvania. First, juan, 30,000 feet, your thoughts on this moment . Well, i mean, its such an intriguing moment, able, historic, a new president , bret, but a new president coming into a nation in crisis on two levels, i think the most obvious level is the coronavirus and the economic consequences its had for us as a nation, he is coming into a very difficult circumstance and quite a contrast, you think back to most newly elected president s everybody is buoyant, everybody has High Expectations and great hopes, they all want to slap him on the back and i think theres among the democrats certainly right now, especially people who had a sense that donald trump was, now, the purveyor of chaos, division and alienation, the democrats might have ebullient joy, but even they understand this was not sweep of donald trump, its a close election and the democrats hadnt expected such a close election. Back to my initial point. They come back into a situation where theyre advancing a president going into dealing coronavirus as well as a nation thats at the moment dealing with tremendous divisions, its not j just rural versus urban. In some cases men versus women. Its black, white, you know, division. I mean, racial tensions as we saw this summer, all of this is present and i think it colors this moment in history. I will say picking up on something dana was talking about, bret, you know, you think about joe biden, someone ive known a long time and he wasnt Barack Obamas choice back in 16 to run and they picked Hillary Clinton and you think about initially in this year, in terms of the democrat sick primary, many voters, iowa, New Hampshire, even nevada they didnt pick joe biden, it wasnt until he got to South Carolina and the momentum built from that moment because it was such a clear victory about you in all but in all of those cases this candidate, joe biden had to evercome resistance not just talking about the president and Republican Party, but within his own ranks, people who doubted him as capable of winning the presidency. Today he can say i did it. You know, juan, one of the things weve heard multiple times as hes spoken over recent days is, that he is going to be a president of all of america, and try to heal the nation. But at the same time, there is this big push on the Progressive Side of the party that is really pushing him to do more. Now, a Republican Senate would prevent that from happening, but your thoughts inside the Democratic Party as they get ready to launch into whats going to be an interesting time for a president to bring the country together. Bret, you know, i just i want to hug you here because i think youve just identified what is the key political dynamic thats going to play out now. And lets just begin, again, in this moment because what we saw this week on capitol hill among House Democrats was people shouting at each other on a phone call, Abigail Spanberger just barely reelected in her district in virginia, i dont ever want to hear about defund the police again, and i dont want to hear about socialism and people on the farther left side, wait a second, this is who we are, this is what we want to do. Bernie sanders saying with the squad, we want to make joe biden the most progressive president in american history. So, you have here a dynamic of tension, division, i would even dare to say, among democrats, but when you talk about unity, the larger picture is not about the democrats, its about the division, the Political Division within the country, as i said, the nailbiter between biden and President Trump. People who really see the world quite differently, see reality differently in terms of whats important at this moment. But the notion that joe biden ran to restore the soul of america, to bring people back together again, i think, bret, you said to me once you thought that speech that biden gave at gettysburg, you know the famous president lincoln, the battlefield, the graveyard was a good speech. I agreed, i think it was. Because what he spoke about was really not politics, he spoke about us as an American People needing to come together and this is very appealing to people who are seeking a return to normalcy, a quite a contrast with the sort of invitation that President Trump did playing to his base repeatedly at every opportunity. Joe biden says, you know, he might have republicans in his cabinet. Joe biden says ive worked across the aisle. Joe biden paid a price even for working with segregationists when he was in the senate and why are you someone who would speak at the funeral of someone who was an outright segregationist . Joe biden paid a price when Kamala Harris on that debate stage, the first democratic debate of the season scolded him to being opposed to forced busing and again had to explain himself. So the democrats have elected a moderate and i think its so important to understand that. Way we talk politics is left or right. He won as a moderate and thats why he did so well with suburban, and bring them home. I think that its a different branding for the Democratic Party and theyre going to have to cope and deal with it and it may be harsh medicine for the left wing of the party. There are critics who say they dont know hes a full moderate. Youre right he didnt alter his campaign and even in early days as we were talking with bill, iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, he ran the same way and to the Biden Campaigns credit they did not shift from that at all. It was roughly the same speech bringing the country together, character, about empathy, and you know, he did stay inside a lot, but he the Campaign Strategy that they had worked. They stuck with it. And throughout this entire process, its also interesting to me thinking about that there was a lot of discussion in conservative circles about the fact that perhaps joe biden was the candidate that President Trump feared the most for exactly the reasons were talking about now. Because he was seen as more moderate. The president probably would have had an easier time running against an Elizabeth Warren or a bernie sanders. It would have been a more clearcut division in political ideology and joe biden proved that he has sort of filled the spot that more americans appeared to have been looking for and longing for in this particular moment. We can in the underestimate the importance of covid, this have pandemic. Because prior to this pandemic. There was a feeling that the country was on an economic track that was pretty much unasailable and pretty difficult to argue with. Generally americans vote their pocket book and generally vote for incumbents. The dynamic put into that that changed that is this virus and i have to wonder today what theyre thinking in china as they watch this situation and what theyre thinking across the globe. There will be plenty of time to get through this and think about all the ramifications here at home and globally as well. But this is a very significant big moment for the United States of america. Lets go to wilmington, delaware and check in with peter doocy who has been following this campaign throughout from day one. Yeomans worker. Absolutely. All over the country, tremendous job covering the Biden Campaign. Bring us the later, peter. Thank you so much. A campaign that started at a train station now named for joseph r biden, jr. Just a few blocks away from here, biden and harris are going to address the nation this evening. Weve learned because of a video, Kamala Harris was on a walk or a jog with her husband doug emhoff in the wilmington area when she phoned joe biden to tell him, we did it, joe, you are going to be the next president of the United States. Its an unseasonably warm day here in wilmington and we have been noticing more and more cars filled with curious locals coming, honking horns, cheering. The secret service is standing a few paces away from here trying to keep people going because they really are stepping up their presence here to lock everything down ahead of this address, this historic address from the president elect. 48 years from the day from when he first was elected to the state as a 29yearold man. We have been here frozen in time in this parking lot since tuesday. Every day there was a possibility they would come and use this space as a drivein style victory rally and theyre set up for fireworks behind the baseball park in one corner of the parking lot. Theres a stage where theyve got a couple of jeep pickup trucks and American Made cars, folding chairs kind of like a tailgate set up like a flatbed in front of the stage where theres an actual bulletproof barrier to keep biden and harris protected here in otherwise an open space next to i95. They also are, were expecting, because theyre done this multiple times this week, including tuesday night where biden only spoke for a few minutes, they are expecting a couple hundred cars, they line them somewhere else and bring them in. Thats not going to happen until this evening, i expect, because its set up for a light show. Weve been noticed the last few nights theyve been testing visual effects on the stage and a zoom screen and kind of like the Democratic National convention, which was also here and people zooming in and cheering from home because they obviously, throughout this entire campaign, at least since mid march, have been very, very conscious of social distancing. Something interesting about this, we were there in cleveland, about a week after super tuesday, we were setting up our camera on a riser at Community College gymnasium, waiting for biden and Campaign Staffers came out and they put up the podium and it said text joe to 33030. He was a few hours away doing live shots and then we were told the event was canceled and he wasnt going to come because they were concerned about covid19 and from them, for months, he bet that people want today see him from home here in wilmington and then they gradually put him out with social distanced stops, a lot of the time when we go to these things. They stick us in a circle in a folding chair so we stay away from other press and campaign candidates. And by the election day, we were elbow to elbow with folks in scranton and the same thing in philadelphia, but that bet paid off and tonight there is one final Campaign Event with the president elect and the vicepresident elect here in wilmington. Bret and martha. Thank you peter doocy where well join him once again and joined him many times in that parking lot in wilmington, delaware, done an excellent job following closely. The whole team, peter pat ward, jacqui heinrich, her staff. We have a statement from the president. We have reaction from the Trump Campaign, but right now the president is playing golf at his golf course in virginia. Thats a shot from the associated press, as this announcement has been made that joe biden will be the 46th president of the United States. We know that the Trump Campaign is saying, hold on, were fighting the legal battle. Our projection is our projection. Lets bring in chief White House Correspondent john roberts, what are you hearing . Sorry, i just i have Rudy Giuliani on the phone, ill get back to him in just a moment. Obviously, the Trump Campaign knew this was happening and i also know if i was the president i wouldnt be making a lot of putts right now. The Trump Campaign obviously knew this was coming because they had a statement ready to go when this news came down the president claiming that joe biden is rushing to claim victory and that hes doing that and that there is complicity with the media to hide the truth. The president basically indicating that this is not ended, at least not for him. A statement from the president through the campaign saying beginning monday our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. The American People are entitled to an honest election, that means counting legal ballots and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure that the public has full confidence in our election. The president also started out the day defiant and twitter sort of checking him along the way. A couple of tweets to share with you, the president tweeting i won this election by a lot. A disclaimer was slapped on that tweet by twitter. And other people were screaming stop the count we demand transparency as legal observers we were not allowed in the room. And election day, totally easily changing in pennsylvania and razor thin states. As a separate matter hundreds of thousands of votes were not allowed to be legally observed. That tweet sensored by twitter as well. This is the argument the president is going to make going forward, its going to be about vote counting, access to votes, its going to be about what votes will be allowed to be counted. Samuel alito, justice of the Supreme Court yesterday issued an order to pennsylvania to sequester all ballots that came in after 8 p. M. That was the subject of the court, a case that was before the Supreme Court. We dont know, though how many ballots came in after 8 00 on election day, we dont know who they were cast for. We dont know whether that was change the results of the election. And President Trump seems to think that it will. A short statement from the president is that this is not ended for him. There doesnt appear to be on the president s behalf to concede, only to fight on. One of the problems, he doesnt have a legal team he thinks is high powered enough to make a credible case for the American People on this, thats the other 74 Million People who did not vote for him. I hear theyre trying to beef up the legal team with some big names. The former attorney generals. United States Michael mukasey may be on that list of people theyre trying to get. Well see going forward. Somebody like mukasey, before he ever signed onto Something Like this, im told by people who are in this team that the president has put together to try to fight this, would want to see some real hard evidence that there were, in fact, voting irregularities. We had that list of 3000 people in nevada said to have voted illegally because they didnt satisfy the residency requirements in nevada that case was thrown out by a Federal District judge yesterday. Thats one loss for them. There have been other smaller losses theyve had. Mounting the case that there were mass irregularities or huge tranches of votes not counted. Thats going to require evidence and legal help the caliber of george baker and the Bush Campaign in hitting a high bar. Arizona is still getting closer as the vote count comes in, we dont if the Trump Campaign will make the projections they say will put the president in the lead there. The most likely place we are going to see vote recounts, that the president will quite tooth and nail, in georgia. In fact the secretary ever state of georgia suggested there is going to be a recount there and the president likely to try to go for a recount in florida florida, pennsylvania. We dont know what the margins are going to be, im hearing something in wisconsin they may challenge on. All this have will unfold in the days going forward. One thing i should point out. If joe biden wants to be the president of all of the people, hes got 70 Million People who voted for President Trump, so thats going to be a big list for joe biden as well that im sure he will, if he becomes president , try as hard as he can to do that. Thank you, john. A quick mention, i looked back at President Trumps comments after he won and thats exactly what President Trump said that night. He said i want to be a president to all of the American People and that became a challenge almost immediately there was a ton of resistance on the other side of the aisle to moving forward and were obviously going to talk a lot about that in the days to come as well. Show you the pictures, jubilation in the city in the streets of new york city and harrisburg, those are Trump Supporters waving trump flags and that is unfolding and the count continues to go on. Pennsylvania with discussion of a recount in philadelphia which is where we find eric shawn who is going to join us with the latest here. Eric. Yeah, hello, martha. Yes, this will likely go to a recount. Let me parse some of the president s statement. You can see the people gathering with cheers and horn honking and theyre celebrating the biden win in philadelphia. Quote our legal observers were not allowed meaningful access. The word meaningful. Republican and democrat watchers, canvass watchers were kept 25 feet away from the ballot counting, that was cut the other night by a federal judge to just six feet. Previously federal rulings have said they are observers to monitor and observe not to audit, so theyre not allowed to go over and look up and pick up a vote and see who the vote is for. In addition the Trump Campaign says that the Biden Campaign once ballots counted, fraudulent. Manufactured. Cast by an ineligible or deceased voter, the Biden Campaign didnt say they want voter fraud to put mr. Biden over the top. The Republican Senate majority leader and the leader of the house here in pennsylvania, both two Top Republicans said theyve seen no evidence of voter fraud in the commonwealth or the state and pushing back on the Trump Campaign and President Trumps tweets about the allegations of potential voter fraud. Theres so far no evidence of that. There will be some brought to the fore, in terms of affidavits, would it be enough to change a potential vote here. I talked to a vote counter who spent the last four days here counting votes, working in an eighthour shift plus with a broken foot telling me its impossible to cheat. They dont allow pens on the floors and multiple people handle a ballot, so she says that that cheating is impossible here at the convention center. Thats the latest from the streets of philadelphia, martha, back to you. Thank you. Thats a great point for all the workers around the country, that really spent in the middle of a pandemic, hours upon hours counting ballots. And we are looking now live in lansing, michigan, at the side of your screen. Hats off to them. Its a patriotic duty that theyre doing, taking a lot of heat from a lot of people. Were talking about the legal challenges going forward, but before we do that, congratulations to president elect joe biden and vicepresident elect Kamala Harris congratulations coming in, and were hearing an official statement from the campaign the the first statement from delaware, after this announcement. The projection that he will be the 46th president of the United States and that it will be certified. Lets bring in andy, Fox News Contributor. Weve been talking about the challenges and allegations of lack of transparency to see the count. But accusations of fraud and where those legal challenges go. This is separate, as you look at lansing, michigan. Thats actually washington, st. Johns in the corner, and thats lansing, i think. Yeah, lansing, michigan. Okay. Andy mccarthy, your thoughts. Well, i thought it was very perceptive on erics part to note that they seemed to have changed their rhetoric coming out of the Trump Campaign to meaningful access did they get meaningful accession to observe the process. Up until today, really, what we had heard was, you know, there had been no access and people had been thrown out, et cetera, and i think whats happening as these claims are being looked at harder, what were what is start to go come through is that, as i think carl rokarl rove has been sayin days this is a bipartisan in the counting rooms, hard to cheat, doesnt mean its impossible. But what were talking about is cheating on a scale that would seal not only one state, but a number of states which is a high bar. What weve been saying from the start, every election has improprieties and human error, the question always is, can you prove something thats enough to change the ultimate results. Election . If you cant, youre not really even going to get into the door legally. So, theyll have their chance to go into court, but they have to come with hard evidence and its got to be so compelling that it would change the result. Andy, i want to take a big picture look at this whole issue with you, because you wrote a piece called a successful presidency, a maddening president. Your thoughts on this outcome today as you look back at the first term presidency of President Trump. Well, i think, you know, as youve pointed out, in the last few minutes, the president had some really terrible luck, you know, things were going as well as they had gone for him in his term and we got a once in a century pandemic, which was a real challenge to how he governed not only in terms of running the executive Branch Response to it, which was critical, but also the messaging, which obviously didnt go as well. And i think in small campus, thats really the trump presidency. I supported the president for reelection. I think that there were tremendous achievements during his administration, not least the constitutionalist overhaul of the federal judiciary, which is something that will impact this country in a good way for a generation. And going to long surpass President Trumps own term. On the other hand, i think he has personal traits that he could never really transcend and, you know, the presidency, i think, with its awesome responsibilities is a Majestic Office that you want the incumbent. You want to feel as the American People, like the incumbent thinks every day he needs to rise to be worthy of it. And i think unfortunately, on that personal level, thats where President Trump fell short with a lot of people, but that doesnt mean that a lot of good things didnt happen during his administration, because they sure did. Thank you, andy. I think thats a great point about the chaos and the Biden Campaign tapped into that. You heard it from speeches all around the country. Do you want this chaos to continue . Arent you tired of it . You heard former president obama on the stump saying we need to take it back from the daily twitter battles. And i think that resonated with some independents, clearly it resonated for people who didnt vote for Hillary Clinton, but did for joe biden. Dana perino, Juan Williams, Chris Wallace are with us now. Chris, you were watching these scenes, new york city, harrison, pa. There are a lot of people emotionally invested in this election on both sides and at any election, when its finally called, there is just an outpouring of emotion. Absolutely. And you know, im going to make an assumption here, but you look at these scenes and you know, delighted theres been no violence, there is, as you say, in harrisburg, a lot of pro trump people and here, obviously in times square in new york city a lot of biden supporters, but i get the sense when you look at them and also read that sign which comes up, its less tears being shed for joe biden than tears of relief being shed by those people, that they think that donald trump is going to be out of the white house in ten weeks. He stirred enormous support and he stirred enormous opposition. I want to pick up on this question, theres going to be a lot of analysis, as to why biden won, why trump lost and i agree with something that martha said a while ago, before the coronavirus hit, i think that donald trump was for all of the opposition, was on his way to sweeping victory, the economy was going great guns, we saw, you know, historically low levels of unemployment, not just overall, but among blacks, among women, among hispanics and then the coronavirus hit. But thats not just bad luck, its a question of how a president responds to that situation and where i think donald trump was uniquely wellequipped to build the economy and to talk up the economy and, you know, to cut regulations and to cut taxes, i think by his temperment, by his character, he may have been uniquely illequipped to deal with the coronavirus. This is a builder, a salesman, a guy who constantly says things are going to bet get better. That you need somebody who has to deliver bad news to america, c. D. C. Says put on your mask, you have to say were all going to wear our masks and socially distance. And the president didnt want to do it and didnt do it very long. He talked by april by opening by the end of easter and by the end of april he was reopening and you know, i think that in the end, he was not a man who was equipped to say, weve got to weve got to sacrifice, weve got to hunker down and that came back to bite him as we you is a the coronavirus continue to spread and you know, we havent talked about it much, but this week were now having 120,000 cases a day, so i think the president had historic strengths and historic failings and i think it came back in the end to sink his reelection campaign. Dana perino of the Daily Briefing and cohost of the the five, Juan Williams is also with us. Dana to continue with that, there was a fine point to be reached between understanding the fear of the people in the country about this virus and also, striking that tone of optimism, and i think that on the president s side of the ledger, you can at that about, you know, the drugs that were efforted, the treatments that were efforted, the virus, the vax vaccine underway at a speed never about before seen in history, but a sense of capturing the moment and feeling that people had in the country. Its one of those things, you think what if. Like what if there had never been a coronavirus. I remember in around february 6th, 2020, our team here thats assembled today. We were there covering the state of the union address. President trump had just beat back the unimpeachment efforts by the democrat, the economy was going great guns. We were headed then to go to New Hampshire and iowa for the democratic primary and not long after that the coronavirus became very real and the president made that tough decision to shut down in order to help bend the curve. We did bend the curve and they started those efforts on operation warp speed. And he had a very different approach to joe biden, when it came to the coronavirus. Im interested in learning a little bit more when we can get past this particular moment to look at what some of the voters did decide and martha, its very interesting in some of the places that have the highest caseloads right now and highest hospitalizations i should add, they went for trump and i dont know if theres a cause and effect there. Aim he not exactly sure, but i want to dig into that a little bit more. If i can just mention something about this effort by the president to go to the courts, that is absolutely his right. And he should get all due process. One of the things though that i think about is, in the court of public opinion, this thing as youre seeing on your Television Screens right now, the Public Relations battle gets much more difficult. Youre going to have biden and harris speak tonight and then theres a series of things that happen during a transition where they announce personnel that will be building out the bidenharris transformation and its hard to compete for the space. President trump is very good and can always command is presence, what hes looking for is his lawyer to do that, i think thats a little more difficult. Juan williams, your thoughts about that and where we are, you know, obviously, once the speech happens tonight, it does take on a different feel, even as the legal challenges continue in various states. Well, i think thats right. And you know, dana is exactly right. So much of what were going through, i think you go back to 2000, the recount. And those who are governing have a difference in public perception. I want to go back to what, bret, you and martha were talking about, in terms of the images were seeing on the screen. You know, i remember that march, that womans march right after trump was elected, i think theres been a resistance to trump for so long and i think for people who saw him as chaotic and divisive and especially in the minority community, people who saw him as having racist attitudes, this is a moment of celebration much more about finally, finally saying donald trump is on his way out. Its not that they dont have good feelings about joe biden, obviously, he got the most votes of anybody who has ever run for president , but i think that what youre seeing on the streets of america goes beyond coronavirus, goes beyond so much and really comes down to people saying, wow, we finally got donald trump out. Yeah, and theres still a fight on the other side, as the president is saying. Hes not ready to concede. Thank you, juan, thank you, dana, thank you, chris. It is 1 00 on the east coast, fox news bret fox news projected that joe biden will cross the 270 electoral votes needed to become the 46th president of the United States. And with that, he has changed the map from Hillary Clinton 4 years ago. In fact, hes changed it in an interesting way. Arizona out west, winning that state. He could cross the 300 threshold just looking at the votes that are still out there today. Martha the map has returned when you see blue wall across the states that President Trump so surprisingly won in 2016 across pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan. Lets go bill hemmer as we look at how the electorate lays out across the country, bill, and where this victory by joe biden was put together. Bill i will show you how the map appears to be changing, 1 00 oclock eastern time, in georgia a recount. The difference between biden and trump, we know theres a thousand provisional ballots out there. When you look at history, a difference of 7200 votes, often times in this recounts you get a difference of a couple hundred votes here or there. This would appear to be unless it changes significantly, here in North Carolina, republicans still hold on lead there. The president with edge over joe biden, 76,000 the difference now in North Carolina. Why do i make this point . Lets say for the sake of argument now that republicans hold North Carolina, they hold alaska, half a vote in alaska. We expect results some time around tuesday, they are telling us november 10th and then if joe biden were to hang onto his lead here in georgia, georgia would go blue for the First Time Since 1992 for bill clinton. Immigrant population thats moved into atlanta over the past 15 to 20 years, changing dynamic in the city of atlanta and surrounding suburbs and down here in the southwest, we are mentioning arizona and the changing demographics possibly, phoenix, arizona, people packing up and moving out of california, possibly going into areas of maricopa county. Maybe that is the future for american politics or maybe its just a oneoff now that we are looking at in 2020. Let me go back here and just fill this in, okay, guys, sorry, sorry. This is the electoral output from 2016. Donald trump won 306 electoral votes, they broke away. Hillary clinton had 232 electoral votes, 5 did not go her way. If i come back to the scenario that i was setting up for you and alaska goes republican which we anticipate, if North Carolina stays the way it is and joe biden hangs onto georgia, look where we are 4 years later. Joe biden is at 306 and donald trump is at 232. I will leave you with one more point. A lot of voices to get to. I was talking about the vote margins, not percentages, 100 votes in this county, a thousand votes over here. This is pennsylvania, this is the map as it is right now. Pittsburgh, allegeny down here. This is summerset, pennsylvania, this is rural, this is where the plane went down years ago and this is the difference in the vote and i would encourage folks at home to keep your eye for the president. 31,105 raw votes this year. This is the difference in the county between trump and biden. He picked up 22,500 and 62 votes. Go back 4 years, come to 2020, he upped his margin by about 2500. As incumbent you are doing rallies and trying to get folks to the polls and trying to keep your support and build on that. Donald trump and the Republican Party did that in 2020. In the population center, fewer people live in summerset county. The Population Centers of pittsburgh and philadelphia and to a lesser degree up here in erie, pa the democrats did better, bret, martha. Bret bill, thank you. Just moments ago former florida governor, former president ial candidate jeb bush saying congratulations to president elect biden. I prayed for our president most of my adult life. I will be praying for you and your success. Now is the time to heal deep wounds, many are counting you to lead the way. Lets bring in now as we look live in new york city there, director of fox news decision desk. Let me say and martha will say this as well, thank you to you and your team for working throughout many, many years under amazing pressure to do what you did and the projections that weve made when we made them. The 30,000foot view, what does this election say about the electorate, what do you learn from this . A couple of things. First and foremost, the republican candidate for president lost on tuesday, but im not certain the Republican Party was as hurt by this election as you generally are speaking hurt by a president ial loss. In fact, in many respects it seems that the Republican Party is well positioned for a post trump era. I thought there were a number of interesting things. They are close to holding on in the senate and likelihood and if im a betting man id rather be Mitch Mcconnell tonight than Chuck Schumer in this morning, in terms of who will be in control of the senate next year. They have a good chance of controlling the senate. Theyre not going to control the house. Our model definitely projects they will not control the house, they will, however, it seems right now win a number of seats so they may be well positioned in the house for 2022 in terms of when theres a Midterm Election where generally the party the White House Party loses seats in the house. They are well positioned in that respect. I think if you look at the fox news voter analysis, the results there, we see that, yes, they had losses amongst, particularly amongst suburban woman but indications that the that theyre doing better particularly amongst hispanics, amongst minority groups than they have done historically, so they definitely had gains amongst hispanic voters and that helped them enormously both in florida and in texas. So i think that they are well positioned, surprisingly well positioned for a party that you thought was going to suffer because of the loss of donald trump. The third thing id say is that the elections sort of proves that the way America Votes changes the dynamic of the way we watch elections. I think we saw that on Election Night where the beginning to have Election Night it looked like the president did extremely well, much better than any analyst apted in terms of easily winning florida, ohio and texas and only later in the evening and towards the next day did you realize actually that, yes, it was not a blue wave but there was what we call a blue a [laughter] a blue undertone in terms of the votes coming later on and enabled former Vice President to win sufficient numbers, states and to get to over 270 electoral votes and become president elect. Martha in all of our meetings you talked about the fact that there would be likely the division on how the vote came in based on the fact that there was so many mailin ballots and so many of them were likely to come on the democrat side because of the way they had made that direct pitch to their voters to vote that way. It is unique. Just in the big picture, do you have any thoughts on this concentration that we see in the cities and the way that this played out and these legal challenges that are that are underway, anything in the dynamic that looks different that stands out to you . I think theres an enormous dynamic of how democrats voted by mail or early and republicans voted in person. I dont know if thats going to stay because i think one of the things that happened this year the president was telling his voters dont vote by mail. I think what we are going to see in the future is that the vote by mail which was unique because of the pandemic, i think thats only going to continue and once youve voted by mail, once you vote by mail, thats a convenient method again. I dont think we will see the kind of split in terms of mailin voters being democratic and i think we will continue to see urban rural split where urban areas will continue to be sort of blue and rural areas will continue to be red for at least the next few cycles or the next cycle through 2024. Bret arnon, last thing, what is your view of the Polling Industry in america . I think this is i want to see first of all when the final votes are counted how off the polls were and then the second thing i want to see is what exactly was the impact of President Trump being on the ballot because i think that having such a president who clearly has a very strong persona much stronger persona and ability to sort of command attention than than president in my experience have been able to have. I think that had a unique impact. I think when you dig did you see a shy trump voter . A lot of the polls were counting sort of people who were sort of voting for the libertarian and the others and a lot of the people who didnt like donald trump and werent going to say they were going to vote for donald trump in the end they held their nose and they went home to the Republican Party and so i think thats why the republicans are frankly pretty well positioned for a party that just lost the president ial election. Bret arnon, once again thank you for you and your team. Martha thank you so much, arnon, to you and everyone else who had worked very hard in the next several days. We do expect that we will hear tonight from president elect joe biden that he will make a National Address at 8 00 p. M. Eastern in wilmington, delaware, lets bring in Donna Brazile, interim dnc chair and Fox News Contributor. Dona, your reaction, it has been called, joe biden has been elected 46th president of the United States. Donna thank you so much, martha, i want to say thank you to Fox News Team especially arnon. Just an amazing last few days of watching this unfold. Im deeply happy, im well aware that the country, we still have huge divisions. I think if theres a mandate out of any of this, its a mandate to unify our country and to bring the American People together and i know joe biden very, very well. I know Kamala Harris extremely well and i do believe that they will uphold that position that they want to redeem the soul, bring the country together and heal the divisions, its not a partisan moment, this is a patriotic moment and our countries deserve to have a nation that can heal after such a tumultuous election season. Bret dona, i think we have the video and this is Vice President elect Kamala Harris and i think shes getting a phone call from the president elect, lets take a listen to this. We did it, we did it, joe. Youre going to be the next president of the United States. [laughter] bret very short, tweeted out. Donna, this is historic. The first woman Vice President , first woman of color. As a woman of color, as a democrat, your thoughts on this day . Donna its been a long time coming. The last to get voting rights, just waited and waited for our turn. Its been a long time coming. They didnt have the right to vote, but i did. I spent all of my time believing that the right to vote was key to our future and because of the American People, those who did not see color, gender, those who believed that it was about confidence and just giving everyone a seat at the table, women also sharing the leadership of this country. Im so grateful that this moment has come and im very thankful that Vice President biden now president elect biden has given us this moment. I cry because theres so many women out there that made this happen, so many shoulders of women who just didnt care what they were called, how they looked but they went out there and they kept moving the ball. They did it because there were so many men who also believed, i am just a grateful woman this morning, a grateful american that i can go to my grave one day and say, god, we got the first black man, we got the first woman of asian decent, we have made this country what it said what it would always be, a country for all of us. It is a country for all of us but this is a country that now has to get back to work so im going to get ready to work. Martha donna, we are all moved by how moved you are and it is always such a significant moment when we watch the milestones be reached and it also is a time when we can bring people together. There has been such an extraordinary division in the country and i want to know what your thoughts are, what would your advice be to this biden team and Kamala Harris, biden and harris team going forward. How do they reach across to a lot of people in the country who are going to feel the opposite of what many are feeling today in the streets . Donna you know, when President Trump was elected 4 years ago, i happened to be in the ballroom during the clinton campaign, i was chair of the party and i had to walk down the streets of new york with keep celebrating and i said, i understand how it feels, ive been there, so let us have the celebration but we have to get together. We have to work together. You know, to solve the problems of the country, we need solutions that fit everyone, in the not the red states. I say us because i consider myself to be one of the leaders of the party, but it is pleasing for us to come together, solve some of the problems and make sure we can get the virus under control. Martha, im going to be the person inside the Democratic Party that says there are friends on the other side that cares about this country like us. There are people who voted for you, there are people who care, they dont want partisan solutions, they want solutions and, yes, we can do it together. Thats the person im going to be tomorrow, but tonight im going to celebrate. Chris christie, my friend, sent me something very special and i will take it home as soon as my call is on, daylight today, but im going to make sure its cold and i will drink it chris christie. Bret if i know theres a gumbo made up and youll be having a goodold time tonight. Donna i will write an open letter to Trump Supporters. I hear you, i hear you. Ive been part of the fox family, i hear you. I understand i understand many of your worries and your concerns, you are not going to be left out of this. Theres so many of our fellow citizens who live on the outskirts and we have to bring them in the circle of opportunity. They voted for donald trump 4 years ago because they want that opportunity available to them and if we dont hear them, they are going to kick us out in 2 or 4 years and i dont want to be kicked out again. I want to keep the door open and so we are going to listen to everybody. I think thats the spirit youll hear tonight from joe biden and Kamala Harris. Bret we appreciate you being on the team and we appreciate your emotion and sharing that today and we will talk to you later. Martha thank you, donna. Bret peter doocy in wilmington, delaware, peter. Peter and the area where we are has a humungous secret Service Presence and as close as people can get, there are 150 folks as many as weve seen here at any time, whether its this week or during the dnc that was also hosted in this location, theyre holding up biden and harris signs. They have blue balloons and they are chanting, hey, nah, nah, nah, goodbye over and over again. About 150 as we can see. We are also now told that this evening there are going to be 400 cars filled with invited guests to come and see the president elect and the Vice President elect speak in this parking lot and the campaign is predicting that there will not be its a zero percent flake rate. Everybody thats been invite today come will show up. And 400 people throughout the course to have campaign is one of the larger biden events. Obviously for the last couple of months he has preferred to only host events that are not staged for small number of press or small number of local officials or small number of people in swing states, but this is a campaign that never really tried to have a lot of people. I remember last summer in iowa, i asked joe biden where everybody was in this event and it was the morning after Elizabeth Warren was seen in minnesota with a crowd of 13 or 14,000 people. Does it bother you or worry you that the more progressive candidates in the primary have much larger crowds and he said, that he thought he had the larger crowds but that it did not matter and ultimately it did not and we expect the show to get started here at about 8 00 p. M. We still have not layed eyes on the president elect today. Just the twitter video of Kamala Harris and maybe this is a surprise, maybe its not, but there has not been any kind of concession called. Symone sanders, the spokesperson was asked about that and what level of concern the campaign has that there has not been a call or maybe that President Trump is not going concede and she said, donald trump does not get to decide the outcome of the election, that is what the American People decide. They obviously believe, our decision desk does that the election has been decided and thats all that weve got here in wilmington on an unseasonably warm day as more and more people come down to join us or get as close as they can get to us at the chase center by the kristina river front. Bret and martha. Bret moments ago a statement from former president obama and former first lady Michelle Obama saying he could not be prouder to congratulate Kamala Harris and her husband as well as joe biden as the next president elect. Going onto say, how hard they worked to try to make this day happen and how convinced he will, he is, obama is, that joe biden will be an excellent president. As you can imagine its a long statement there from former president obama who did go out on the campaign trail and hoof it in the number of states to try to get this result. Martha he did the same thing for Hillary Clinton in the final days of that race, unsuccessfully but this time theres no doubt that his support helped to put joe biden over the top. On the other side of this equation, you have the fight that is continuing on the trump side and this sound bite that we are going to play is from giuliani outlining concerns and reason for moving forward. Obviously hes not going to concede when at least 600,000 ballots are in question. Its not my job to determine if the ballots are right or not. Its their job. Mailin ballot or absentee ballot, the burden on the law is on the party thats proposing it which is why it has to be inspected. Martha lets bring in chief White House Correspondent john roberts, john, the latest that youre hearing from the Trump Campaign from the white house there . Reporter ever since the announcement was made in the 11 00 oclock hour we have been hearing horns honking as people are driving around the streets of washington, d. C. Up on black lives matter, Lafayette Park from the white house. Obviously a lot of people in this city which we should point out is a democratic city happy about the perceived outcome of this election. Now to where we go from here, i talked to giuliani a short time ago who told me that on monday they are going to be filing several cases, most of the cases if that theyre filing on monday have to do with inspectors from their side not being allowed to inspect the mailin ballots as they were being processed, giuliani told me that in the state of pennsylvania alone theres about 135,000 ballots that fall into this category in philadelphia. More than 300,000 that fall into this category in pittsburgh. I asked him, do you know how many ballots, you know, might be for the president and how many ballots might be irregular, he had no idea. He said weve got to see the ballots before we can determine that. He insists that there may be enough that are involved here in these cases to overturn the results in pennsylvania. Again, we dont know. We will have to find out if he goes to court and gets access to those ballots and then gets a chance to look at them. At the rny just a little while ago, Republican National committee sent out another fundraising email for the election defense fund. So clearly this is something that from the white house perspective, from the republican perspective is far from over, despite what the calls for the election may be and despite that joe biden and Kamala Harris are coming out tonight to make what clearly will be a victory speech. The Trump Campaign, the white house and the president not in a mood to even begin to entertain conceding this election. Again, the next theres going to be a lot of small deadlines as we go along here, sort of canvassing of the votes in county level and certification of the votes in state level and the electors meeting on december the 14th, theres a lot of time between now and then the Trump Campaigns believes it can make a case to overturn the results. I mean, obviously the two states that they are looking at are georgia and pennsylvania and the president would need one more state as well. They still think they can win arizona but joe biden remains in the lead there. Bret and martha. Bret its important to point out that we have seen violations of transparency, we have not seen widespread fraud yet, any evidence of widespread fraud. We continue to look into allegations as they pop up and we continue to not find that. We are not going to stop digging and following up on leads and following up on indicators, the projection is the projection of the path to 270 that we say and other networks say that joe biden has reached and we will l be the president elect. We havent seen the evidence in anything yet that changes any of those decisions in the states. Martha the filing shot down in nevada, but this is a process that needs to be worked through allegation by allegation, john. Reporter gull an write told me that they might have had a witness there at the press conference that he gave in philadelphia. Im also being told of a witness in another state that may come forward with some information that could be germane to the president s case. But in terms of looking at ballots that were allegedly backdated or they had mismatched signatures, we havent seen evidence yet, not saying it doesnt exist, we havent seen it yet. Martha lets bring in panel fox news Chris Wallace and dana and Juan Williams political analyst and cohost of the five. Chris, we are so use today hearing from President Trump many, many times during the day and usually making appearances as he comes and goes. He has been quiet really over the past 3 days. We understand that hes playing golf right now but mostly we just heard from his representative who is are out there trying to lay the ground work for this case, your thoughts. Chris his silence has been very unusual and kind of deafening really since Election Night. We just had that one very controversial speech in the White House Briefing room when he said that the election had been stolen, talked about fraud, talked about conspiracies of big media, big money and big tech. You know, i just want to go back to john roberts and his report, i mean, it seems at this point that the trump camp is is filing and pushing the idea of lawsuits in search of evidence. Usually you have the evidence of something and then you file a lawsuit. And you also have the clip that you ran of giuliani where he said the burden isnt on us, the burden is on the vote counters that their votes are legitimate. Theyre not going to be able to overturn this unless they have hard evidence of fraud and as you guys have mentioned fraud of a level that would overturn the election. Tens of thousands of votes. You have to have evidence that there are people in the back room signing ballots, tens of thousands of ballots and fraudulently and as counting them. We have not seen no sign of that and although there have been a couple of court cases about whether people can stand 20 feet away or 6 feet away, any cases on the merits of vote fraud, of legally counted ballots or illegally cast ballots whether its in georgia or pennsylvania or nevada, judges have just quickly thrown them out. You know, theres no evidence so far. Maybe there will be. And as youve all pointed out, the president has every right to pursue his legal options, but at this point, again, these are lawsuits in pursuit of any evidence. I mean, we even had a case where theyre setting up hotlines in the white house, call if you have evidence of fraud. When youre talking about tens of thousands of vote in at least 3 states, arizona, nevada and georgia that put the president over the top, you can bet they will get a lot of phone calls but i cant imagine they will amount to very much. Bret we have been looking at things that pop up in the internet and people send us and have not panned out. We will continue about that. I want to talk about the race historically, juan, more than 8. 4 billion, billion dollars spent on political ads. 8. 4 billion this election cycle by pass surpassing any election ever. Now we are getting ready, juan, to go to a runoff with two senate races down in georgia potentially with the balance of power in the senate hanging on the two results. You should be talking about another 500 million just before january 5th in the race. Right. Now lets keep in mind that the democrats feel at this moment because think i think they spent 100 million in the South Carolina contest, jamie harrison, Lindsey Graham, they spent close to 100 million in kentucky in the race against speaker Mitch Mcconnell. Amy mcgrath and big money pouring into a number of races as you point out including the president ial race. And you look at it and you think, well, exactly what did the democrats get for that money, they lost both of those races, South Carolina race and kentucky race and you can see the race was pretty close at the national level, the president ial race, the senate for this moment as we can see it right now looks like republicans will retain control of the majority in general and in the house, the democrats lost seats and caused some turmoil. So the question then becomes, are you able to go back to the donors and say, listen, everything rides on control of the senate in the georgia two runoff races to come. Will you invest . And you have to think if youre a democratic donor, you say, gee, it didnt exactly worked out as we had planned. Now theres so much in terms of control of the senate and what it would mean for that first 2 years for at least the first two years with Biden Administration with control of both the house and the senate, not only getting his agenda through but i think it was Chris Wallace earlier talked about simple nomination, getting simple nominations who might be viable as a nominee, lets say Elizabeth Warren for treasury with democrats controlling the senate as opposed to republicans controlling the senate. So a lot of the money people are going to have to make decisions. I will say this to you, wouldnt you like to be a political consultant in this era who gets a share of that money . Martha political ads in georgia would be a good spot to be in these days. Go ahead. Dana i think republicans are turning to the messaging that says that the senate is your last line of defense to prevent socialism in america. Basically its what its going to come down to. No one is going to rest. You know, at first i was thinking, republican will be fine, right, because usually republicans are the ones that turn out in runoff election, they are more reliable voters that way. This time, i think everyone is going to be coming out. I read this interesting article about a woman in atlanta area and she made sure that black women voted for biden, she made sure everyone in her family got to the polls, i think they will be very motivated so nobody that worked at the National Republican Senatorial Committee or the democratic counterpart. No one is going to rest. I think what would be interesting is does trump try to help the republican candidates in that state . And does biden go down there and try to help them . That would be interesting. Bret fascinating. Martha great point. Lets go over to Steve Harrigan who is in atlanta, georgia which is obviously going to be the focus of so much of this as we are discussing, steve. Steve youre right, martha, in so many places across the country right now i think theres a sense of finally this is over but thats not the case at all here in georgia where theres a sense of excitement and for some degreed that this is just beginning down here in georgia. The battle potentially for control of the senate because by law in georgia youve got to get more than 50 of the vote to win the senate seat, both republican senators, one appointed and one in first term looks like they failed to do that so we will see runoffs here and what could be the First Political battle to have Biden Administration before hes even inago rated. The runoffs will take place after certification, probably january 5th for both of them and any anyone who tries to predict them at this point, it would be hard to do so. Almost impossible. If you just look at the margins in georgia, they are really stunning both for president ial race and for the senate races. We are talking about 5 million votes roughly for president and margin of about 7,000 at this point. At that time. 002 . If youre looking for a state that is perhaps the most evenly split in the nation with the most Important Senate races coming up, youd have to say its georgia. Bret steve, thank you, we are looking live on the screen, washington, d. C. , thats right outside the white house whats now called black lives matter plaza. Whats interesting here is that this is obviously happening midday in the sunlight of washington, d. C. And around the country. A lot of people looking at owl of all of the possibilities coming forward saying thats a good thing because it prevents a lot of mischief that possibly could happen around the country either way. Lets bring in white house secretary. Your thoughts on this moment and where we are. Well, first and foremost, bret, im an american before im a republican, im an american before im a protrump voter. Congratulations to president elect joe biden. Our american system works. It works beautifully. The voice of the people always prevails in this case the people narrowly prevailed in favor of joe biden. Bret go ahead. Martha i want to jump in here. You say it works beautifully but youre going to have roughly half of the country who is going to be thinking at this moment that it doesnt. Theyre looking at philadelphia, they are looking at milwaukee, all of the things they are seeing on social media. They are talking about sharpies and ballots an pictures of them in the dust. What do you say to them about that . Two things can happen simultaneously, martha, one you can look at statistics and numbers on this election and its hard mathematically to escape the conclusion that the biden margins can be overcome. If theres a way to overcome them through the courts that will become clear. We have a process that works in the courts as well. If theres overwhelming evidence of massive widespread fraud that can reverse margins it will become in court of law. If you dont see that evidence on monday, that also tells you something, thats again why i say our system holds, our system works even if you dont like the final result. Bret senator mitt romney tweeted anne and i extend congratulations to president elect joe biden and Vice President elect Kamala Harris. We know both of them as people of goo will and admirable character and we pray that god may bless them in years ahead. Ari, you have been inside white houses. Inside this white house, how much is the pressure, will the pressure build if they start hearing republicans, not just jeb bush and mitt romney but other republicans saying, mr. President , its time and how does that look on the inside . I believe in decency in all matters and i think the decent thing to do is let the president take the time he wants to absorb this. It is not easy. It is extraordinarily close. So if the president needs to take a few days or longer to absorb, ultimately accept and i think he ultimately will accept the outcome of the people, you have to allow that to happen and President Trump has been cut from a different clothe, much more aggressive argumentive clothe than typical republican and it would be a mistake demand President Trump tonight give a concession speech. Let it go at the pace that keeps people together in this country. Martha just one more thought on a particular state and thats arizona, ari, congratulations coming in from cindy mccain today who sided with joe biden in this race. She said, you know, congratulations to our dear friend joe biden, obviously the mccain issue in arizona was a factor here. Theres no doubt. I think there were several factors in arizona. Number 1 it goes back to 2016, the mormon vote, considerable vote in arizona has never been strongly in support of donald trump. He underperformed in utah and underperformed in arizona both in 16 and 20. The mccain factor is a factor but there are other things at play too. One final thought, in 2016 after donald trump won, won by a big margin and legitimately, the democrats instant reaction was to protest in the streets, resistance, overturn results in the electoral college, boycott inaugural while it is fair and proper to congratulate joe biden it is also right to criticize the democrats who put the nation through 4 years of misery because they never accepted Donald Trumps legitimate win in 2016. Martha i just want to point out on the screen right now Chuck Schumer this the middle of new york city. We are going to continue to hear from all of these people across the country getting their reaction but clearly happy Chuck Schumer in the middle of times square a couple of blocks where we are. Bret thank you very much for your comments. Lets bring in the panel, marie, Fox News Contributor and mark, also Fox News Contributor. Marii, i will credit you here, even in dark days of caucuses and primary, when everybody youre doing what, you think joe biden was going to win, you said, yes, i think hes going to win and now you have a president elect in joe biden who has a challenge ahead to try to unit the country not only the country but also the Democratic Party, marie. Thats right and even since the early days to have primary where it looked like such a long shot for joe biden, his Campaign Strategy never waived and thats pretty significant even after cohid hit and even after we had the racial upheaval this summer. His Campaign Manager led a strategy that essentially said to the American People, joe biden is the one candidate who can unit the Democratic Party, the factions of the party and can bring independents and those people like cindy mccain and after jim clyburn help joe biden in primary and put him on path to nomination, that strategy never waived. And so a lot of people deserve credit today for this joe Biden Victory but it is amazing that, you know, one thing we always talk about after the elections is discipline and strategy and the biden team maintains that through all of the ups and downs of what has been by any accounts an incredible year and really unprecedented year in many ways. Martha lets bring in mark, your thoughts today on this enormous news and big moment in the country . Well, first of all, i congratulate joe biden on the victory. I know him very well and worked with him for 7 years when i was staffer in Senate Foreign Relations Committee and worked with jesse, most conservatives of conservatives and passed legislation together, bring people together. I hope thats what he does. Hes capable of doing it and i hope thats the direction it goes. In terms of the election, you know, the reality is that if it werent for donald trump being on the ballot it would have been over before it began. We we were running election in worst pandemic and worst make economic crisis and worst race riots since 1960s and yet donald trump came super close to winning this election. He shouldnt have even been in it. The fact that it was so close shows that it was a winnable race and he lost. And the reason i think he lost, if we go back and look at this race, the moment that he lost the race was september 29th in that first debate because there were the people who decided this race in my view were the reluctant trump voters. You saw the polls saying 59 say they were better off than 4 years ago but 10 of the people werent voting for donald trump. He never really worked that hard to expand his coalition beyond his base. The most loyal base and has the most loyal base in the history of president ial politics but needed more than that base to win and a lot of those people were frustrated with his fights with reporters during the covid briefings and then you got to that debate and 74 Million People tuned in to see what donald trump would say and a lot of them turned off the tv and said, im done, i dont want 4 more years of the chaos. If he had performed in the first debate in the way he did and second debate, i think we might have a very different result today. Bret marc, former speech writer, what would you write for the president elect tonight . Well, first of all, i would i would write a gracious concession speech and i would also write a speech with the thought that im the first president since probably grover cleveland. Bret i was asking you about biden. Ly ask you i will ask you about joe biden. [laughter] sorry. If i was writing for joe biden i would write a i would deliver gracious speech and talk about unity and the fact that we need to bring the country together. He plans to reach across the aisle and work with republicans and try and bring the country together and basically what he was saying during campaign. He needs to now deliver it. Thats why the Georgia Senate races are so important. Joe biden if the democrats pick up those one of those two seats appear thats all they need to win the senate majority, joe biden is going to be under unrelenting pressure from the progressive base to go left, to push to enact their agenda, get rid of filibuster, pack the courts, pack the senate, pass radical legislation. I honestly think joe biden would probably prefer to work with Mitch Mcconnell because [laughter] bret makes it easier from him. The pressure from the left of his base, it insulates him and he has to reach across the aisle which is what he is good at. A Republican Senate he can get a lot done with and can unify the country. Martha good to have you here. We will talk to you later. Bret live in north las vegas, nevada, again, these challenges are continuing including in a place like nevada, jonathan. Jonathan yeah, bret, we had First Court Hearing on a republican federal lawsuit late yesterday. Now there were basically two planks on which republican lawyers were seeking relief in that lawsuit. The first one involved signature verification, but as we have said on thursday when it was first introduced in this lawsuit, it was based on scan evidence, one individual woman claimed her ballot had been stolen from her submitted by somebody else for her but as the judge pointed out to the republican lawyers yesterday, that instance was investigated by the clark county registrar here, they interviewed the woman, they determined the signature did match hers, they gave her the opportunity to officially challenge that in a statement she declined to do so. So the judge dismissed that essentially. Then the other one was transparency, again, the republican evidence was one allegedly credentialed member of the media didnt feel that he could adequately monitor the counting of votes, the judge said essentially it wasnt his place to override state Legislature Election observation laws. So that too was thrown out. Now you remember when it was first introduced, this lawsuit by the former acting director of National Intelligence ric grenell, 362,000 votes cast by people who republicans said were not legally resident in nevada. Interestingly, although it was mentioned in passing in the lawsuit filed, it did not come up in yesterdays Court Hearing at all so that is still out there, grenell said they have written to doj making these allegations but it maybe republicans have backed off a little bit because we and others have gone through the list and we and others including Election Officials here have pointed out that many on those lists were actually appeared to be active duty military who are posted elsewhere but have every right to vote legally as nevada residents. Bret. Bret jonathan, thank you. We should point out the spread is more than 20,000 still in nevada and thats the challenge in all of these challenges. Lets bring back Andy Mccarthy as we look live in philadelphia. Andy, thats the deal with all of the legal challenges. Of course, you have a day in court, of course, you can present evidence if you have it, but can it move enough ballots or invalidate because of some concerns enough ballots to change the outcome in a state, in a place like nevada thats roughly 22,000. In a place like pennsylvania it looks like its going to be north of 40, 50,000. Thats the big deal. It really is. That it has to make a difference and i think the other thing that theyre going to run into in terms of the brick wall, this occurred to me when you were talking to Juan Williams a few moments ago, you know, as he pointed out, the democrats, if you put President Trump to the side, the democrats lost this election, you know, they lost the senate, we will see what happens in january. They lost seats in the house. Its going to be hard for people to swallow the idea that there was a massive fraud scheme if it turns out that, you know, they forgot as part of the scheme to make sure that the democrats held the senate, took the senate and advanced their position in the house. So i just think, you know, its very uphill. Bret andy, what about the pressure on this president , he is a fighter, he has said he will not concede and you heard giuliani earlier, what do you think builds here as we hear from the president elect, joe biden and the Vice President elect Kamala Harris tonight . Well, we are already hearing, bret, as you just pointed out a little bit of retreat in their legal position. They are totally entitled to have recounts especially in the states that are close. It would be a very good thing for the country regardless of how it impacts this election to the Supreme Court to rule on the pennsylvania case because that would straighten out at least the future purposes whether a court has the right to change state election law, so that would be good but i think, you know, we will have to see what theyre able to prove in court but if theyre not able to advance the ball and, in fact, what it looks like over the next few days, is that either the claims are collapsing or they simply dont have enough extent of fraud that they can actually challenge the margins by which they lost the states. I think then at a certain point it becomes hopeless and, you know, when it becomes hopeless and the president comes to terms with that, if that happens, i think hell have to concede. Thanks, andy. Bret lets bring in back Chris Wallace, dana parino, Juan Williams, cohost to have five. Chris, now we start to look forward, right, in this transition time is a time when the biden camp will Start Playing the parlor game of who is going to be secretary of defense, who is going to be filling out the cabinet. Youre already hearing like michelle at the pentagon, the first possible female defense secretary. This is where we will be shortly even as the legal challenges are going forward. Absolutely. We are told now that on monday the first thing that president elect biden is going to do is name a Coronavirus Task force and and to basically make the message more important than chief of staff and more important than cabinet position that is youre talking about, is we are going to take this covid crisis facing the country seriously and we are going to deal with it and i think youre going see them roll out some policy ideas, some personnel ideas and make it clear, you know, regardless of what the president does, theyre moving full ahead in these closing moments. I just want to say one thing, the power of what we are seeing right now, you had ari and marc, to red republican fighters and they began their appearances here tonight today on fox saying, congratulations to president elect joe biden, here we have on fox the bottom of the screen, joe biden elected 46th president of the United States on fox. You see these the crowds celebrating in the streets of new york and other cities across the country. You know, theres a tremendous momentum. We just called this race just before noon. Its just before 2 00 in the east now and theres a tremendous momentum thats already picking up that joe biden is the dually elected president of the United States. President trump may be digging in his heels and may have his lawyers out, but, you know, there was a fictional bartender named mr. Dually at the turn to have century and famous said a quote that lived long after the stories that said the Supreme Court follows the election returns and you have to think with all of this moment momentum building up in the country and in the news media, its going to be awfully hard for any judge let alone Supreme Court justice to put their foot in the door unless theres very strong evidence of industrial strength Election Fraud and weve seen none of that so far. Bret chris, thank you. We have karl rove on the phone, former White House Deputy chief of staff. Fox news contributor, been with us throughout this ride. Karl, your thoughts on this day . Karl well, every 4 years america goes through a ceremony of democracy where we go to the polls and elect the president or reelect the president and this is the apparently the end of that process this year. Pennsylvania sealed the fate of President Trump and elevated Vice President joe biden to do job that he has sought for many, many decades and we all wish him well. He becomes our president january 20th, so much fends upon the acts of the president and our government. Hes the symbol of our government and like a lot americans a lot of different president s in different parties and he will be in prayers of Many American families. Martha karl, what advice would you give President Trump . Karl he has the right to look at his options. He has a right to exam what he believes is the situation that he was faced with, that he feels his campaign was given and he has the right to if he has legitimate complaints to go to the courts astray gowdy said eloquently last night. I thought this is one to have great majesties of america that we have every person, no matter how high or how low has access to the american courts, so President Trump feels that he has been wronged in this situation, he has access to the courts, but this is a pretty definitive judgment and, you know, we have more states to settle and the race may tighten some and theyll certainly be more votes added to President Trumps column and he will be forever one of 45 individuals today, now 46 who served as president and he has served with energy and activity and little bit of disruption which is what he sought to make in the system for the last 4 years and, win, lose or draw, now it looks like its a lost. Nothing to, you know, he gave it his all. This was an Extraordinary Campaign particularly his. It was amazing. We all thought that was going to be a big blue wave they told us, a huge margin for joe biden and instead its come down to pretty few small number of votes in six states and he has a lot that he has accomplished an a lot he has to be proud of. Some people win and some people lose and this appears to be a day that he lost. Bret what do you say to conservative who is now look to georgia and these two Runoff Senate races and are fearful as they look at the president ial vote in georgia about potentially losing control of the senate and changing this dynamic that everybody is talking about split government . Karl its a warning. If you care about having a reasonable governor on the passions of then you have to worry about georgia, and you have to worry about the 50 republicans in the senate today, 48 democrats and the outcome of georgia can determine, you know, could literally put the democrats in charge of all 3, the house, the senate and the white house which if youre a conservative like i am you worry about which is why i accepted yesterday a request from the chairman of the senate, Republican Campaign committee to chair an effort to raise money from around the country for these two campaigns. Bret you have your finger in a lot of stuff there, karl. We appreciate your time and thoughts. Thank you. Martha thanks, karl. Bret dana and juan still with us. Struck by all of the calls to congratulate the president elect, the Vice President elect. We have seen as chris mentioned ari and marc and tweets from mitt romney and jeb bush, dana, if we were looking back at 2016 there were not a lot democrats congratulating President Trump. The two plus years of russia investigation that said he was pretty much illegitimate, its worth putting in context all of martha well, graciousness is a wonderful thing, and you either have have it or you dont, and i dont think its good to compare your graciousness to somebody elses, but you could be aware of it. And thats just, thats where it stands. I do want to mention Donna Brazile spoke so movingly about what this moment means to her and to black americans and to women. It really is something. And i learned about bipartisanship from, actually, Donna Brazile and karl rove, 2005 when i was deputy press secretary. Hurricane katrina had happened, there was tremendous pressure from the democrats to not work with president bush, and Donna Brazile broke with her party, she wrote a column about it, she took a lot of guff for it, and together it can be done. So today i would say that if youre upset and angry about this apparent result, its so understandable. I understand broken hearts, and i just pray that everybody can feel a little bit better about where we stand in america at the end of this day. Martha and weve got the naked cowboy in the middle of times square playing his guitar. Juan williams, dr. Jill biden will be the next first lady of the United States, has tweeted out moments ago, shes covering up the word vice on a sign they probably have had around the house because now hes the president elect. Quick thoughts, juan. [laughter] juan well, i just wanted to mention if, you know, joe biden got more than 80 million votes. You know, in our lifetimes i think the closest is barack obama, he got 69 million. So this is an amazing performance, and hes won if we look at the numbers now by . Again 4 . We all have to have some sense of National Unity at this moment, so congratulations to him, to his wife and to mrs. Harris. Boy, what a victory for her. Bret thank you all. Id like to say thanks to the team here at fox. Best been its been a pleasure being alongside you for Election Night, which turned out to be election week. Martha we have a lot more to cover, we thank you at home for going along with us. Well be back at 8 00 tonight. Keep it here for our continuing coverage. Bret up next, a special edition of americas newsroom. Again, Vice President elect Kamala Harris trace and there you see reaction in the streets as the race for the white house comes to a close. Fox news projecting that joe biden will be the 46th president of the United States thanks to projected wins in pennsylvania and nevada. Welcome to our democracy 2020 special coverage, im Trace Gallagher in los angeles. Sandra, good day to you. Sandra good afternoon to you, trace. Im sandra smith in new york. Everything changed in the 11 a. M. Hour on the east coast this afternoon, making joe biden the president elect of the United States. President trump, however, said he he will continue to fight, saying in a statement that his campaign will begin prosecuting his case on monday. John roberts is live at the white house with the

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