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Another night of unrest in portland where the violence was stopped. A federal officer simply agreed to leave. The violent rioters turning their attention to local authorities to say a police union has been set on fire a local reporter in the crowd chanting every city, every town and burned the precinct to the ground. American cities in for a new wave of trouble pointed directly at the police themselves. Former doj official sally eights and the hot seat on capitol hill today admitting former fbi james comey went rogue and she was flabbergasted to find the fbi agents through the white house to interview general Michael Flynn. That is not all. Senator Marsha Blackburn with joining us tonight. Welcome to fox news night im Shannon Bream in washington. Keeping an eye on the unrest out west, that is where we start, hey, david. Shannon, good evening. Federal offices were withdrawn from the courthouse in portland. Protesting the city had been relatively peaceful. There have been a number of exceptions though and last night was one of them. Stopped now or you will be arrested according to the police after a peaceful protest a group of demonstrators at the offices. And barricades threw bricks at the police and attempted to pull the plywood off of the doors and windows. During the frenzy, a truck dragged a motorcycle into the crowd. Authorities say no one was hurt, no charges were filed against the driver. Around 1 00 a. M. , demonstrators broke through the door to the police union Office Setting fire to the building. That is when authorities declared a riot was taking place. And officers dispersed the crowd appear that same night, there were reports of gunfire and two other locations in the city, the portlands police chief say his priority is to deescalate the violence. We continue to have some nightly violent criminal activity that is taking place in the city. This has been problematic for us as it is a drain on resources, and we have people that are just dedicated to just provoking the police response. Meanwhile in seattle, demonstrators are trying a new tactic to combat the police. They have filed a lawsuit in federal court claiming their Constitutional Rights have been violated because the government has established a de facto protest tax. The lawsuit claims they must purchase boots, gas masks, and other gear in order to cope with Police Tear Gas and other measures used to disperse crowds. A portion of the suit says only those who have the means to purchase extensive protective gear can engage in First Amendment speech in the streets of seattle. That lawsuit seeks to get a temporary restraining order to restrict the resources that the Seattle Police department can use to disperse crowds. The city says the lawsuit is without merit, arguing the balance between important Constitutional Rights and Public Safety has already been decided by the court, shannon. Shannon are right, we will have more on the seattle lawsuit coming up, david lee miller, thank you. Tonights Facebook Factcheckers with the official page for the first time of the president s and included a clip of the president on fox friends talking about sending kids back to school. If you look at children, children are almost and i would almost say definitely but almost immune from this disease. And ive watched some doctors say totally immune. I dont know why we cant use totally because oh, he made the used of the word totally. But the fact is they are virtually immune from this problem. Shannon Facebook Says this this video includes false claims that a group of people is immune from covid19, which is a violation of our policies around harmful covid misinformation. The Trump Campaign says the president was stating a fact that children are less susceptible to the coronavirus. And flagrant bias against this president where the rules are only enforced in one direction. Social Media Companies are not to be arbiters of truth. Tonight, twitter is helping new tweets from the Trump Campaign until it removes the same clip about the president saying children are almost immune from the coronavirus. The attorney general sally yates said then fbi james comey went rogue when the fbi unilaterally sent agents to interview Incoming National security advisor Michael Flynn. Gates testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee Investigating the origins of the russia collusion probe. David spent shows us tonight. Speak with the clock is ticking closer to the election but today on capitol hill senators were focused on another election, one for years ago. Fireworks on capitol hill as acting attorney general sally yates turn on former fbi director james comey. Did james comey go rope . To use that term, yes. Senate judiciary 2017 Oval Office Meeting with then president obama and james comey and the topic at that meeting Incoming National security advisor Michael Flynn and potential contacts with russia. This was the first i had heard of the calls between flynn and i was really surprised. I was frankly irritated with director comey. The confirmation of allies of the president. Fbi director comey knew much more than willing to share even with his boss sally yates. They grilled sally yates with the steele dossier come a document that was used to issue a buys a warrant on Trump Campaign carter page. Nobody knows anything in the government and somehow a federal court was deliberately and systematically misled emma so severely that they now say they cant trust anything the fbi did. If this doesnt call for a cleaning of house at doj and the fbi i dont know what does. But democrats took shots at the Trump Administration. Today marks the second time of the Trump Administration that you testified before the committee. That is some of the appearances equals the total number of times attorney general sessions, acting attorney general whitaker and attorney general barr appeared before this committee and official capacity combined. So congratulations. Todays growing comes as john durham wraps up his probe into the origins of the russia investigation. He can criminally charge if he sees fit. Shannon. Shannon all right, david, thank you very much. So tensions running high at the Senate Judiciary committee today. Here is one example from the hearing. Let her answer the question. Just because a woman testified doesnt mean she has to be covered up. Thanks a lot, senator lee that you are very constructive. It went all right republican senator from tennessee and a female too, Marsha Blackburn to offer her perspective how this meant today. Senator, welcome back. Thank you. Good to be with you. It was quite a hearing. Shannon it was. Lee smith tweeting this today shelly gates show part 3 ongoing cup irma dont cover up on james comey with susan rice email and then excavate comey but former Obama Administration officials have said the fbi director as obamas fall guy. What do you make as a what you heard today and what sally yates had to say about mr. Comey . One of the things we found out she blamed jim comey for going rogue. She also said she would not have signed that warrant knowing there were so many inaccuracies. She said there were seven, not 17. Still, she would not have signed it, so she admits there was inaccuracies. Shannon, she also said in response to a question i asked. Do you think that agents who knowingly falsified information should be held accountable, removed, face jail time . She agreed for those that knowingly gave false informati information. They should be held to account and face time or be removed to lose their jobs. This is important because they have all kind of had this shield protecting themselves. They circled the wagon. And now, you have rosenstein, you have yates and they have both turned on cuomo. They are saying sally gates said today that she was relying on information from her brief errs. Well, our question now is lets bring these briefer sand because somebody had information and they knew was inaccurate. So every time we do one of these hearings, we get a little bit more information to find out who was doing something wrong. Quite frankly, i was astounded that sally yates was not curious about why jim comey kept cutting her out. I mean, she should have stood up there and defended her position and said, hey, why are you doing this . You are going around me. You are briefing the president. You are cutting me out. If you are going to go to the white house, you come through me. But she didnt do that. And i think it points to that incestuous relationship that had grown to be with that group of leaks. They didnt question one another. They just took for granted that they were all kind of protecting one another. Sally yates even said she never even heard anybody say you know she had no suspicion and didnt know anything about people trying to take down President Trump and that is hard to imagine how that can happen. Shannon yeah comanche said today she didnt think the president or Vice President at anything to say in the meeting. She said it wouldnt have gotten my attention had i thought they were trying to do something political in nature. Let me ask you this. We have seen a number of hearings but there will be more pure the American People and a lot of folks that i talk to when a lot of people hit me up on social media doesnt think anyone found wrongdoing and the one person who literally changed an email my changed the wording to make it Say Something completely opposite, you know, to get the application, they dont think anybody will be held accountable. Can you guarantee by the sitting senator on the Judiciary Committee that there will be any kind of accountability . We will get the Durham Report and that is where indictments will come. What we were able to do today is senator graham who chairs the committee did a great job on this, was to begin to break apart this and show that youve got rosenstein and yates blaming comey now. She said he went rogue. Then she said she was relying on information from her brief errs, so she thought the information she was getting, shannon, that shows that she has sank my did nothing wrong. Basically, but what we know is there had to be people giving her information they were doing something wrong and we obviously now no james comey was doing things wrong. And against procedures and protocols. Will people held to account . I think the fact today that she said should be held to account goes a long way to help us move down that path. Shannon and we await the Durham Report, the information coming from that but it looks like a lot of the folks are pointing everything at comey. We will see what happens in the end. Senator, thank you for coming back and being with us. Thank you for. Shannon two state run testing sites aiming to get people covid19 test results within 15 minutes or less. Rich edmonson is digging into the data tonight, good evening rich. Good evening, shanna. Recur the covid19 cases are slumming across the country by the numbers of those dying frome disease remains high. As President Trump post another Coronavirus Briefing from the white house. With going away now and it will go away just like things go away. Its no doubt my mind that it will go away. Please, go ahead. Hopefully sooner or later than later. Most cases on the road 4. 8 million and the most deaths more than 157,000. The seven day average of newly confirmed cases in the u. S. Is less than 60,000 a day. The First Time Since midjuly it has fallen below the number. John Hopkins University says that puts the u. S. At the highest daily total in the world and seventh per capita. On average within 1,000 per day are dying in the u. S. From covid19. Those statistics tend to lag peer there is usually a delay when the patient is infected with a virus, when they die, and then when their death is finally reported. The u. S. Is conducting fewer test about 750,000 a day. A new study from harvard, northwestern, rutgers and northeastern said the u. S. Is not performing testing with nearly enough speed to effectively contain the pandemic with an average weight of four days in the early a third taking longer than that. At the White House Briefing the president also broadened his attacks against voting by mail. Even if he endorses absentee voting by mail. Absent teen pallets are different than male in pallets, universal mailin ballots and much different you have to apply for it and do Different Things with a different system in a system that can be reasonably accurate. Democrats are is insistent that every democrat should be able to vote safely and confident in person or by mail. Speak. The Trump Campaign is also suing nevada has democratic governor recently signed a law automatically sending registered voters mailin ballots. Shannon. Shannon more on that coming up later in the show too, rich, thank you. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell taking aim at the money beachside town of malibu today because of a letter to Congress Asking for a slice of the Coronavirus Relief pipe. I promise, im not making this up, they have asked for hundreds of billions of dollars of state and local government because they have had to delay their conversion to an all electric city. I guess that is an emergency and malibu. They cant keep buying electric cars as quickly as they would like. Shannon and connell is not directly participating in the latest round of stimulus talk, but an important player in getting any potential agreement passed in the senate. Once again declaring riots in portland as protesters there break into a building and set it on fire. Our panel is next. This year, the Alzheimers Association walk to end alzheimers is everywhere. All of us are raising funds for one goal a World Without alzheimers and all other dementia. Because this disease isnt waiting, neither are you. 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Join over 1 Million People who found golo, a smarter way to lose weight. Let golo help you lose weight and reach your health goals quickly. Head to golo. Com. Thats golo. Com. Simon pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500 coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. Theyre off. In the kentucky derby. Rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. He scores stanley cup champions touchdown only mahomes. The big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. Shannon big night for defunding the police in seattle. The City Council Budget committee passing a series of proposed cuts to the police department, including layoffs, downsizing units like harper patrol, swot, public affairs. The Committee Chair estimating the codes to approved by the council would total 41 if enacted on a yearly basis, but the proposals fall short of 50 cuts demanded by protesters. Riots returning to portland as protesters greeted the doors of the Association Building, set fire and other damage. Also fire set out in the streets as the city approaches 70 of straight night of unrest. Lets discuss the new developments Fox News Contributor Leslie Marshall and radio talk show host jason rantz. Welcome to you both. Good evening, shannon. Hi, shannon. Shannon one of the local stations, Police Declare a riot after a crowd breaks into the Association Building and several arrests made. They catalog everything through the night and 1 18 00 a. M. , the building, they went inside and the group caused damage inside of the office and set fire to the building. Jason we are following this closely but a lot of folks are saying hey once the feds leave it will be peaceful. It doesnt sound like it based on the effects on the ground. We knew that would not be the case because there was violence before federal Law Enforcement before they got there, while they were there and the violence remains. The federal Law Enforcement officials were never the ones instigating the violence. They were reacting to the violence and despite overwhelming Video Evidence showing that, we still have voices claiming number when the violence wasnt happening and any of the violence is coming from trump, trump. It is absolutely ridiculous. I would think last night or the night before and tonight and tomorrow would put an end to the silly talking point but unfortunately we will be gas lift by in this case leftists to acknowledge a big part of their base is violent and they are the ones causing these issues. Shannon all right, here is the police chief in portland and he says violence is not the answer. As a black man and a public service, i have a unique perspective. I agree with a local pastor who say the spectacles are drowning out the voices that need to be heard to make positive change. This violence is doing nothing to further the black lights or movement, leslie. The violence detracts from the protesters message but the people i talked to on the ground in portland and the people who live in portland and the people that work in local media there say there are two different portlands that you see. Families Walking Around and its peaceful and at night, you see a small amount of individuals become violent and get out of hand. Sadly, that is what we see. That is what we are seeing from the media. You know, all of this violence and unrest, and it makes it look like the majority of protesters feel that way or as jason said a large number of my base which is not the case. The problem is there is a different daytime group, nighttime group and after the feds left, there were 72 hours in which they had virtually zero violence, zero arrest and protesters were actually putting fire is out. So i do agree with the police chief that this violence does not help the protesters message. Quite frankly, or their demands because they have been successful in some part in negotiating with authorities over the things that they have requested. Shannon all right mike quigley want to get reaction from all of you on a lawsuit filed by the protesters in seattle. They are suing seattle complaining they need expensive, protective gear in order to protest. This quote comes from their complaint individual protests would just come back unabated indiscriminate violence must purchase prohibitive gear to withstand emanation even with peaceful conditions to exercise their rights to free speech and peaceable assembly. Jason it is too expensive to protest. Oh, yes, it is so expensive. It turns out when you try to his whole officers and you commit arson, you destroyed starbucks and you throw ammunition blowing the side of a priest until next Police Briefing the cops must respond and it is bogus for you to peacefully protest that you need gear. There are peaceful protests that happen in one happen today that dont need gear. Im there on the ground and seeing what is going on. It is an absolute joke of a lawsuit, and they know that. Spent one final word to you, leslie. I wouldnt say it is a joke of a lawsuit. If we are looking at the pacific northwest, the lawsuits in seattle and also people being dragged into unmarked vans with individuals with a fractured school when being peaceful to hold up a speaker or pepper sprayed, the list goes on. I dont think a lawsuit has legs and i dont think it will go very far appear to think it is symbolic and that is what their message largely will be with this lawsuit in my opinion. Shannon jason you are shaking your head and you are saying that is not actually correct . She is right that the lawsuit will not go anywhere but the cops are being indiscriminate, that is not happening. Again for people who actually show up to these events and know what is going on on the ground, they know that is the truth. I have plenty of video if you want to check it out. Shannon okay. Leslie, we appreciate you both. Thank you for your time. Thank you come appreciate it. Thank you, shannon. Shannon former vp biden will not go to milwaukee to accept but where will he go for his acceptanc exception speech . We will learn the details next. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Are irritated. From allstate. Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. It works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. 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Shannon new york representative has been declared the hotly contested primary six weeks after election day Carolyn Maloney but her rifle attorney and professor is refusing to concede claiming a flood of absentee ballots thrown out because they were not postmarked by election day should be counted. Joe biden is not going to be going to with constant to accept the democratic nomination later this month. But milwaukee bracing for the possibility of tens of thousands of protesters anyway. The police there are gearing up. Bryan llenas has been tracking it all for us tonight, good evening. Shannon, good evening the coronavirus leading to the cancellation of the National Democratic convention will be entirely virtual airing on tv for two hours over the course of four days. We understood that this pandemic might require some extraordinary measures. Today the Democratic National committee canceled the august 20th convention in milwaukee, wisconsin. Vice President Joe Biden will now address the nation and accept the democratic nomination by video from his home state in delaware after ongoing consultation with Public Health officials and experts, the dnc concluded the speaker should no longer travel to milwaukee in order to prevent risking the health of our Host Community as well as the conventions production team, security officials, community partners, media and others necessary to orchestrate the event. Biden Convention Speech would have been an opportunity to counter critics who say biden is hiding from scrutiny but also who question his cognitive ability. Here is what biden said when asked whether hes taken a cognitive test. No, i havent taken a test. Why the hill would i take a test . Come on, man, that is like before you came on the program, you are taking cocaine or not, what do you think . Meanwhile as the republican National Committee scaled down convention in charlotte, north carolina, President Trump said today he may deliver his Convention Speech from the south lawn of the white house. We are thinking about doing it from the white house because there is no movement and its easy. Nancy pelosi blast of the suggestion as legally and ethically wrong. You dont have a political event at the capitol. You dont have political events in the white house. This as the Trump Campaign with a fourth debate earlier than the rest coming from providing the list of suggested moderators to the commission on president ial debates. This is a commission that is a left leading commission. And a quick look at that list of suggested moderators includes many of our friends bret baier, bill hemmer, Harris Faulkner and wouldnt you know Shannon Bream. Youve got my vote, shannon. Shannon thank you, brian, im not holding my breath. We will keep everyone updated, thanks, brian. Okay, President Trump on offense in a phone interview this morning when asked about joe bidens recent remarks calling for her husband joe a moderate. The president is not buying it. Joe bidens whatever they tell him to be. And i think it is good that the wife i would expect the wife to say that peer that is the appropriate thing to say. But joe is so far left here and look at the manifesto he and bernie agreed to. That is further left them bernie even was. Shannon lets get reaction as the countdown to the election with the president and cofounder of real clear politics tom bevan and guy benson, gentlemen, welcome to you both. Hey, shannon. Its doing, starting with the news today the former Vice President will not go to the dnc in person. The ceo of the dnc says this convention will reach more people than ever, the Unconventional Convention will launch biden to victory in november. Guy benson. They have to peer that is their spin and by the way im on team green for a moderator for 2020 in case there is ambiguity of what we just heard. Look, this might be a bigger deal and republicans might be able to make more hay out of this if the rnc also wasnt basically gone. This is a very strange cycle. We wont have tickle typical convention or anything either side of the idol. So you will see both sides try to hype up something a glorified zoom call on both sides of the aisle with a lot of people watching. Shannon all right. Lets look ahead to the many other things happening this fall based on the primaries from last night. Congresswoman who had a challenge and came out strong said this headline said i was y Community Responded and said our squad is big. And includes all we believe and we bless you what for each other and prior tours prioritize people over profit. It is only getting better. Tom, they toppled another incumbent lacy clay out of missouri with another progressive. There will be a new addition to the squad should that person make it through the general election as well. They had a good night. Yes, they did. Cori bush the woman who toppled lacy clay lost two lacy clay two years ago by 20 points and beat the cycle by three points. That gives you an idea how far the party on the ground has shifted. The sentiment on the ground. So she is going to be the newest member of the squad. And good night for the democrats or progressive wing of the party. Shannon okay, but what do you make about the fact that there was a race for the g. O. P. , a big immigration controversy will peer there were a lot of established republicans worried that he would cost them holding onto that seat in kansas. Tom. That is the other big news of the night is that republicans were worried that chris would put that senate seat and play, roger marshall, luke, kansas is a very republican state and donald trump should have no problem winning that state stomach state. They can breathe a sigh of relief they wont have to spend money there come a time there and focus efforts elsewhere because a lot of Republican Senate race in need of money and attention. Shannon okay, lets talk about the absentee ballot versus mailin ballots situation. Absent the balance, you have to make some kind of request, fillt an Application Online or person, do the extra step in the paperwork. Now the reporting today are a number of states have changed things this fall. They will send out ballots to everyone who is an eligible voter without that person asking for it. There is a distinction there, and now there are worries by some who say well, listen, the Trump Administration will slow down the mail ballot so they dont get to people. Most at the Postal Service put in place by the new postmaster general a top of trumpet has caused days long backlog and stabilizing the agency after decades of financial problems and not meant to delay ballots. Died, the debate will continue. The allegations will fly. It will be ugly. I think we are seeing the ugliness just in new york. I know that is a case study and a microcosm where you report at the top of this segment a call in one of those races, but it is 200 undisputed. And so just a few hundred thousand votes where you have huge numbers of ballots that were at least initially invalidated. A judge stepped in and said they had to count the ballots mailed him but not postmarked. These are completely legitimate concerns to raise without throwing all absentee or mailin ballots out the window as bad or corrupt. There are logistical, and i think, fraud related concerns that are completely fair to puzzle through. Shannon okay. We believe it there. Tom and guy, great to see both of you tonight, thank you. Thanks, shannon. Shannon President Trump headed to ohio to talk about the economy. Liam makes the trip with him but first, hes here. Join us next. Ther are you. Go to alz dot org slash walk. Did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance tada so you only pay for what you need . I should get a quote. Do it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. That is a concern as well. And you know, making them where ms can stay in their section and we are being strict with the rules. It will be a house party in the parking lot somewhere. Lets just call it a night. Not going to happen. Shannon bars and restaurants across the Buckeye State among the businesses trying to weather the economic store unleashed by the coronavirus. In just a few hours, the president touting an economic comeback in ohio as democrats blame him for the biggest job losses in american history. Talk about how we are doing, the Labor Department secretary, good to have you. Shannon, great to join you. Shannon i want to play a little bit an exchange with richard the president about the state of jobs and who was to blame. Here is that exchange. Hes lost a lot but if you look at where hes at right now, it doesnt matter. You can say its about the pandemic buddies lost jobs. Everything you are saying is missing the mark because right before the coronavirus, we actually did have the best economy and jobs market anybody had ever seen. So we have to push back on that because it is simply not true. Shannon mr. Secretary on cnn business, this is the ugly truth about millions of american jobs, they are not coming back. Are they . Well, shannon, maria was spot on in that interview with the head of the aflcio. The president in february of this year created 7 million jobs with the losses in january of 2017. Forecasted, 1. 9 million more jobs where we have 7 million more jobs. We had unemployment tied at a 50 year low and alltime lows for africanamericans and hispanicamericans. Another point maria made in the interview were wages rising for faster for lower wage workers so extraordinarily strong economy. What changed was the virus. That came up here from china that disrupted that. We are in a process of restoring that economy and moving very quickly, actually. I will be joining the president tomorrow on a trip to ohio. He will be talking about that. About the jobs that are coming back and how it will continue to work at restoring that really amazing economy that we had until the virus came. Shannon yeah, a lot of people say there are a number of companies that cannot survive, they wont come back. They are announcing they close down. Without them able to restart and rehire the people that they had on the role, what do you think happens to those americans who have been holding those jobs prior to the pandemic, the businesses themselves say that they will not be back . Well, we have made really great progress to bring people back to work. In may and june, we added 7. 5 million jobs back into the economy, brought the Unemployment Rate down. But you are right, shannon, we have a ways to go, and the president knows that. We have had extraordinary support for businesses and workers through programs like the paycheck protection program, which kept so many businesses afloat, kept the workers attached to those businesses because to have those loans forgivable, you need to keep the workers on payroll. So we are focused on supporting business, but at the same time, the president is certainly very mindful of the american to the unemployed right now. Even as we work to reinvigorate this economy, the president wants to provide continued unemployment support for the people who remain out. Unfortunately, the democrats last week refused a temporary extension of the federal unemployment supplement while the negotiations are going on in washington. That is unfortunate. The president will continue to work to get those folks support even as we rebuild that economy that was so strong until the virus came. Shannon and we are waiting on friday, jobs numbers which will be a big indicator of peer at the Washington Post said the dow jones is down 350 points by disappointing job status saying the companies at a 167 private sector jobs last night for fewer than 1 million expected by some economists and a fraction of the 4. 3 million added in june. So what will friday mean to you . Lets say about the jobs come about where we are going and the economys ability to recover . Well, you are right. The monthly jobs report come out on friday and will reflect job growth in july. I havent seen that report yet, but i think it will show continue job growth. And we sold some good numbers come out today and yesterday reflecting growth in manufacturing, and surface economy and as i mentioned, we added 4. 8 million jobs in june as well as 2. 7 in may. Weve been on a good path. We will see friday whether we are continuing at that pace. It may have slowed slightly because of challenges that we had with the virus. Arizona and elsewhere come i think we have turned a corner. The president was meeting today with the governor of arizona, doug ducey where they have really brought the cases down through some of the measures we have been talking about, masks and the likes. But we are on a good trajectory and we have to keep that up, in the meantime stay focused on the people who remain out of work by building the economy and getting those Unemployment Benefits extended if the democrats will allow it. Shannon we will watch as you and the president take a message to ohio tomorrow. Mr. Secretary, thank you for making time. Good to see you. Thank you. Shannon the l. A. District attorneys own husband now facing charges for pointing a gun at blm protesters. Details next. By setting up virtual monitoring for chronic patients, 24hour telemedicine visits, and Mental Health resources for everyone. 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Black lives matter was back at the l. A. Hall of justice this afternoon and what has become a weekly protest against los angeles District Attorney jackie lacey. This reaction to the das husband who faces three misdemeanor gun charges. We know that if anyone of us had decided to greet folks at their front door with a loaded gun pointed at our chest and say i will shoot you. I dont care who you are. Shannon the charges against david lacey are a result of an incident that happened ma, protesters showed up at the lacey home and the d. A. s husband opened the door waving a gun. I will shoot you get off of my porch can you tell jackie lacey that i am here . I dont care who you are, get off of my porch right now we are calling the police right now. In his statement of the gun charges, jackie lacey said my husband acted in fear for my safety after we were subjected to months of harassment that included a death threat no less than a week earlier. Jackie lacey is the first black person and first woman to run the countrys largest, local prosecutors office. She has been targeted by the black lives Matter Movement for nearly three years because the protesters say she has failed to hold accountable for shootings. She faces a tough reelection battle in november. Her husbands attorney come in the meantime said david lacey is disappointed he is charged with a crime but is confident that justice will produce the correct result. Shannon. Shannon jonathan, thank you. Finally tonight an offduty Police Officer in florida credited with saving a young boys life for from a potential shark attacked. The officer was walking along cocoa beach with his wife when he spotted the short moving dangerously to a boy on a boogie board so the officer pulled him to safety. We consider him our midnight hero for jumping in and even went offduty. Most watch, most trusted and so grateful that you spent the evening with us. 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Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. For most americans who dont live in new york city, new york is a lot like your half drunk neerdowell uncle. Flashy, loud, always bragging about himself, though somewhat less impressive than he claims to be. You love your uncle, you just dont want to know too much about his personal life. Theres no question it is messy and weird. You expect he owes a lot of people money, he eats with his mouth open. Still, hes your uncle. Your lives are intertwined. If you get some terrible disease and eyes, youll be sad about it. In new york is the same way. Even if you dislike new york too much to visit, you should care what happens there because

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