We are checking the economic and medical coasttocoast tonight. Jeff paul covering the bases from our west coast news from peter Rick Leventhal joins us live from the nearempty streets of new york with some potentially encouraging signs. White house correspond kevin corke reporting on the president s take, but we begin tonight with lehman vendors for the latest from capitol hill, hey. Hi, there voting on the hill, the senate voting, the house will vote in a couple of days. The final bill, some 883 pages so in the words of a famous woman, we might have to pass it in order to see whats actually in it or certainly how it works. But here the big 6 for you at home. A payment in the next three weeks for anyone making less than 75,000 a year. That will be a 1200 payment whether youre out of work or not. Plus 350 billion of loan guarantees that essentially turn into grants for Small Businesses to incentivize them to keep paying people, but already conservatives are pointing out bigticket items, they dont appear directed at americans needing help. 75 million for the National Foundation of the arts and 75 million for humanity. 75 million for the corporation a public broadcasting on 1 billion plus for amtrak, whose business has been decimated by the virus. I can tolerate some bad to do some good. Ive made deals, i know what its like to negotiate with the other side, but rarely do we need to be giving tbs or money now when people are dying . The Kennedy Center may be amazing place to go, im sure it is. 25 million is a lot of money to the average american. Al all right, so there was te pork spending on pet projects. Noteworthy that a quick search of the bill did not turn up solar or wind subsidies, it had been part the house request, but then there are special interest giveaways on policy like Provision Requiring companies who take government loans to remain neutral on organizing. Management will tell you that doesnt help them grow their businesses but organized labor loves it and lastly, in what might be a first, the provision of the bill specifically meant to exclude businesses otherwise who would be able to get relief from these loan programs. Democrats, shannon, want to provision excluding any company run or owned by a Family Member of an Office Holder from government loans. That appears to be aimed squarely at the president , whose Trump Organization employees thousands and its hotels and clubs, or should i say employed thousands, already hundreds of trump employees have been laid off, we will have to wait for the final bill to get past to see exactly how the terms of it will apply to the Trump Organization. Of course, those employees who are of the job. To speetwo, we still await the senate. The president continuing to urge lawmakers to get it together and get this thing done. What else correspond and kevin corke fills us in on how to fill in at the white house, hey, kevin. President trumps goal to reopen businesses shuttered by the coronavirus by easter, that is april 12th, is not a hard and fast rule or target. That according to a top Economic Advisor larry kudlow. But that isnt stopping the president from singing a fairly familiar refrain, which he did again today at his Daily White House briefing. He wants to get america going again, he said. Did it back to work and back to that booming economy, and that means getting that stimulus bill to his desk as soon as possible. We want to get back and the people want to get back. We want to get our country going again, and we can open it, the sooner the better. Its going to open up like a rocket ship. As you know, shannon, usually they are at odds talking about the details. Tonight after intense days of work but the treasury secretary stephen avenue turn on the leaders on both a democrat and republican side, the white house on the lawmakers appear poised to pull the trigger on that whopping 2 trillion package. Even if it does include pet project money like that 25 million set aside for the Kennedy Center in washington, for example. I didnt have a big problem with it, but this was a request from the democrats. If i wanted to go there tonight to look at romeo and juliet, id love to see romeo and juliet tonight. You know what would happen . That say sorry. I encourage the house to pass this vital legislation and send the bill to my desk for signature without delay, i will sign it immediately. And listen, i just have to point this off of the people that dont live in the beltway, that is part of the horse training that happens there. Its also one of the major frustrations, not just for lawmakers but for people all over the country when they see these things happen like that where you have to give a little to get a little, its obviously a great deal of frustration for a lot of folks. Meanwhile, there was a bit of drama at todays briefing. Hprobably saw this as Anthony Fauci seemed to snap a reportable question the credulity of the World Health Organization was been praising china for its transparency. Fauci seemed annoyed by the line of questioning after which the president quipped welcome to the group. Indeed. Shannon. Shannon its a little bit of the initiation, thats how it works at those briefings, kevin. Thank you so much, kevin, we will check back with you. In the states hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic so far there is reason for guarded optimism tonight. With evidence that a stayathome order along with social distancing practices is beginning to put a dent in the covid19 expansion right. Fox news photojournalist put together these stunning wimps is of a nearempty new york. Shannon that is a way ive never seen new york before. Rick leventhal is experiencing it live every day, taking a closer look at the data too. Good evening. Good evening, shannon. Roughly onethird of all of the covid19 cases in america are right here in new york city. And a big reason for that as we reported last night as the density. All of these people packed into this tight space, but tonight a glimmer of hope that the pause put in place to keep people indoors and the maintain social distancing is starting to work even as the numbers of infected new yorkers continues to rise. We have new numbers tonight to report. More than 33,000 people in new york state have coronavirus and over 20,000 in new york city with ove 358 dead but the rate f six people going to hospitals is slowing down. The projection was the hospitalizations were doubling every two days, okay . On monday, the numbers suggested that the hospitalizations were doubling every 3. 4 days. On tuesday, the projections suggested that the hospitalizations were doubling every 4. 7 days. Now, that is almost too good to be true. Meanwhile new york senators schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand are touting an stemless package but the governor and mayor of new york are fuming over the bill. They are single men provides new york state a fraction of its budget. Numbers from the Governors Office showed less than 2 of the budget while states like wyoming will get 17 of its budget even though wyoming has just 40 cases and new york has about 800 times as many with the mayor blaming the Senate Majority leader. Heres the truth. It was the majority leader of the u. S. Senate, Mitch Mcconnell, who stood in the way of real aid to new york city and new york state. That is just a fact. We know from all the negotiations that played out in recent days, that all the other parties were willing to do more to support direct aid to new york city, direct aid to new york state to keep our governments functioning at their current level. And the citys death toll is rising fast enough that the medical Examiners Office is building a makeshift morgue, refrigerated trailers to provide extra emergency capacity while authorities continue the hunt for personal protective equipment for Health Care Workers seeking millions more masks, gloves, and gowns, adding thousands of hospital beds and temporary facilities. One other bit of positive news, shannon, the state says 40,000 Health Care Workers have answered the call for volunteers to help out. Shannon and they are absolutely heroes in this situation and every day. Thank you very much. So as the reality of the economic shutdown sets and we are seeing the impact coasttocoast along with some confusion over who will get relief, how much, and when. Correspondent jeff paul has the very latest from our west coast newsroom, hey, jeff. Help is on the way, especially for californians, those who have lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic. We are learning all state chartered and large major banks with the exception of one bank has agreed to delay foreclosures and also provide mortgage relief for home owners who have been finding it difficult to make payments right now. Governor gavin newsom says eligible home owners can defer those payments for up to three months or possibly longer. Their late payments would not hurt their credit. The one exception the governor said, bank of america, which has agreed to allow customers to delay payments for one month apparently on a monthly basis. In march alone, more than 1 million californians have applied for an appointment, much of it do to a lack of a job or lack of hours. And even though he believes the state will need more help from the federal government, Governor Newsom supports the 2. 2 trillion coronavirus bill saying california will get 10 billion indirect benefits. This cannot happen soon enough, but the magnitude of what happened in 2008 is still manifests for millions of californians. We still have people that are struggling to get back to where they were before the great recession. People are older and still struggling and so these are individuals that once again are disproportionately being impacted by this moment. Nevada governor steve syslog has agreed to sign an emergency regulation on the hopes of limiting the use of two antimalarial drugs. Interest sparked in chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine after reports of it being used to treat the coronavirus. However the fda has yet to approve the drugs for treating the virus. While doctors can still order the drugs for their patients, the governors action bands everyday people from buying and stockpiling the medication. At this time among covid19 experts, nevadas own Health Advisory team of the drugs provide for covid19 patients. Aimed at preventing hoarding for the drugs of those that actually need them can have access to that. Back here in california, relief is also coming in the form of a ship. The mercy Naval Hospital ship is expected to arrive at the port of los angeles on friday, it will help treat noncoronavirus related patients and offer a little relief to area hospitals to focus more on patients impacted by the pandemic. Shannon. Shannon all right, jeff paul on the west coast, we will check back, thank you. So the businesses deemed nonessential is taking a financial toll. But there are those who believe americans should not think about returning to work anytime soon. Those jobs have to stop. People have got to be safe, they got to be home, the entire economy has got to be shut down. Six months from now, seven months from now, five months from now, i cant tell when, where going to have an economy back again. Shannon okay, lets unpack that with tonights a political panel, foxs conservators Leslie Marshall and jason chaffetz. Also former Deputy Assistant to attorney general welcome to all of you. Hey, shannon. Nice to be with you. Shannon we are now waiting on the senate to kind of get things done. There is a question about a provision that would it turns out a number of g. O. P. Senators argue actually pay people more to stay unemployed than to try to head back to work based on the way the doled out. Senator Bernie Sanders said this though in my view it would be an outrage to prevent working class americans to receive the emergency unappointed assistance included in this registratio le. The senator says we want a simple fix whats broken her by saying that Unemployment Insurance benefits should be capped at 100 of the pain you had before you were employed. At leslie whats wrong with that plan to fix that . There are a lot of problems with that, shannon. They are our Small Business owners, people who are self employed, file 1099s who cant get Unemployment Insurance in many states here in california its very difficult. And in addition, when does the money come . Right on the money is projected to come in may. I know the president said hed like it by april 6th, thats beyond overly ambitious and when you look historically, this country in 2001, again in 2008, it took months and we are talking two, three, four months for the people to get the money so i think they should be more concerned about the timeline than the dollar amount. Shannon and john, let me bring you here because you are very familiar and have written and talked about all of these different bailout packages or problems that weve had in the past. But what it administration is saying and what secretary mnuchin has stood there at the white house podium and said, we want to get these loans by the end of next week so you can apply same day and get them dispersed the same day, we want these checks out by april 6th. Is that doable . Listen, first of all, these guys in the senate and women in the senate have to vote for it. John . Sorry. First i think the stimulus package is nice in terms of Holding People over until the economy can get back on its feet, but its not going to make a big difference in terms of the economy, whats really important is the other part of the bill, which is a part that makes loans available to businesses because whats happening here is not a problem of people not having enough money to spend. If that theres not enough production going on because of the states shutting down production. What the president on the bill can usually do is make loans available to creditwhere the businesses of all kinds, to matter what subject, no matter how big or small and the other thing they could do, which the president can do himself, his cutaway red tape. Cutaway create a launchpad for when the stock downs are lifted, the businesses can really get back to work as quickly as possible. Shannon theyre going to try to hammer out this thing and vote in the house possibly in the next day or two to get this done. In the meantime, there are plenty of critics other of the president and today mark cuban, who listen, hes clashed with him over certain things, but he was kind of beta today a few times on the view about whether he would kind of take a shot at the president for not getting these things right. Heres how mark cuban responded . We are not in a ready environment, we are in her ready fire aim mode. So matter what he did its going to be wrong for some people so i think its the first time weve seen him actually prefer to experts on some level. Shannon subjacent, listen, even though they have disagreed over many things, cuban is trying to give him a chance to do his thing here. Mark cuban is a true maverick thats about as close of a complement is the president is going to get from mark cuban. It really is truly one of the brightest minds when he points some good things, but hes also giving credit to a president , deservedly so, for listening to the experts, taking action before it was politically correct, before it was in the mainstream media, helping to shut down that border and starting his publicprivate partnerships and putting people into action that it will pay dividends, and by the way, on that other subject, shannon, ive got to point out, go watch the floor speed by senator tim scott and he will explain to you why the provision of capping peoples benefits at 100 of the unemployment to their salary makes total and perfect sense. It is the right thing to do. It will get the money out there fast but we dont want people making 200 of what they were making in their job. That provides a bad incentive. Shannon yeah, its just like the whole conversation of how you attack this thing economically in the health care side of it. Using surgical precision versus dropping a bomb in the entire situation. I know the senate is trying to find that balance, as we watch them continue to vote on amendment and other things as they tried to get this thing done. In the meantime, mark cuban talks about the president deferring to experts. One of the ones who is a favor to his work across numerous that ministrations, different parties, dr. Anthony fauci. The media seems to love them. And respect him and listen to him and he says the president is listening to him. Heres what dr. Fauci said. The president has listened to what i have set on what the other people on the task force have said when ive made recommendations, hes taken them. Hes never countered or overridden me. The idea of just pitting one against the other is just not helpful. Shannon all right, leslie, doctor says the president is listening. Hes listening, but youve seen ive seen dr. Fauci cringe and put his head down or even his hand his hand to his face when the president says something and hell get to the podium and in a very professional manner the kind of backpedal in a sense from what the president has said. But i would prefer if the president stuck to the economy, because he knows economy. Hes been a businessman prior to been president and his political career currently in dr. Fauci is medicine so i would like the medicine and the scientist to be up there talking about coronavirus from a medical perspective and perhaps the president focusing more on the economic perspective. Shannon in the meantime, the wall street journal reporting on a number of polls out in the last couple of days. They say the coronavirus may make trump stronger. Thats a headline and this is the report. This is not what his critics expected. From standing with voters has improved even as the country closed down in the stock market underwent an historic meltdown. John, we are talking gallup, cbs, theres a reputable polling organizations. By the news has been good for the president. Its because trump is actually using the powers of the office for the purposes for which they were created. The presidency exists in our constitution to take charge when there are unforeseen crises and emergencies, when needed branch of the government that can act swiftly and decisively and quickly, even if may be imperfectly at first. One trump is doing that hes fulfilling the constitutional design and people and voters and recognize that this is the kind of executive that they want in office, not someone whos deferring all the time to experts, someone whos not looking to congress to make all the tough choices, but to act quickly and decisively to address a crisis thats happening immediately. Shannon all right, john, leslie, and jason, thank you very much for being with us tonight. As we are watching now, the senate is voting on phase three of the relief bill. We are monitoring this while the country, half of it, is under orders to stay at home. Are they going to get this thing across the finish line tonight . And we think senator mcconnell is going to speak live, we will make sure you see that too. Today the Coronavirus Task force has been breaking down the very latest data, so we got our own medical experts on deck. We will be back. Good morning, mr. Sun. Good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. Im gonna grow big and strong. Yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. For ralphies appointment. Eh, eh, eh. Whos his groomer . Carrie. Full groom for sure what . I just booked ralphies appointment online. That work . 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As testing wraps up we are seeing an increase in covid19 cases, as expected, and that will definitely continue, but as you can see, check this chart out. The mortality rate for americans is on its way down. With ink about 1. 4 right now, death rate lower than that in the largest European Countries iran and china. To discuss all of this means we turn toward to experts tonight. Fox news medical conservator dr. Marty mcgarry and former medical director of the peace corps is back with us as well, dr. Steve weinberg. Great to have you both back gentlemen. Good to be with you thank you, shannon. Shannon obviously as we get more cases, we get more people tested, we are going to more positives but asked lane how that impacts what looks like the mortality rate going down as we have a bigger set of data to look at now. Thank you, shannon buried at the of cases on the map, take for example the Johns Hopkins map. If that is not all cases. People need to a member that confirmed cases does not equal all true cases. So as we test more people, as we Start Testing those poor and the majority of those with the infection that have no symptoms or mild symptoms, that is going to make the deaths look like a proportion of a larger denominator, a larger number, so were going to see that the fatality rate come down. I believe based on all of my observations, shannon, and from around the world come of that the true case fatality rate is probably somewhere around seven tenths of 1 to 1 . Think of it around 1 . I think thats the number thats coming true once we get the testing out there. Shannon so new york having a next financial increase as we expected they would, its a very dense population. The thought is the virus has been here in the u. S. For a long time and possibly being spread and is very dense areas like new york, but today, Governor Cuomo was talking about this and you are in a little bit of this earlier in the show, he says that the hilt the hill reports it this, the governor cited tuesday projections that showed a doubling hospitalization numbers is expected to occur every 4. 7 days. Thats compared to a sunday production that it showed every two days. Now thats all most are good to be true, he said. Dr. Weinberg, what is your reaction to that, this is very early on. They think they wont peak for another three weeks or so in new york but he said there are some encouraging signs. I think is right. I agree with him. Remember the folks who got tested yesterday and they showed up on the graphs as positive yesterday, they got sick a week ago. They got this virus a week ago in new york is being locked down. Its been pretty locked down. Wed seen pictures on fox and how folks are out in the street, and so a week from now we are going to see the results of whats happening right now. I think Governor Cuomo is right. I think hopefully its peaked in new york. Shannon and dr. Birx talked about that today, how you dont see the social distancing payoff right away. It takes some time. Heres her explanation. The number of new cases over the last three days have been consistent, but not rising any more than a consistent day over day rise. We will see hospital cases continue to increase because they are collections of what happened 12 weeks ago before the full mitigation efforts were put into place. Shannon doctors, standby. Breaking though, we want to go over to the hill. History might be made finally in the senate is there putting together this 2 trillion coronavirus belief bill. Maybe the biggest bailout or biggest help relief bill for main street we are told ever. Congressional correspondent chad pergram always burning the midnight oil for us. What you tell us . Speak of the vote is still open to pass this coronavirus phase three piece of legislation, but they have the votes to pass it. The vote right now is 890 so far, no senators have voted against this. You have people across the spectrum here and again, they will close this boat sometime in the next ten or 15 minutes. They are stretching out the votes, making them longer, 30 minutes in length here so that senators dont congregate in the well of the chamber. This bill is 2. 2 trillion. Theres a lot of money in here for the airlines, about 58 billion, 350 billion for Small Businesses, and again, they extend on appointment benefits for about four months, including even people who are in the gig economy and freelancers, thats something thats very important. Theyre going to cover basically your salary if youre off the job during this coronavirus crisis, they will make you hole, the federal government will do so. This is phase three, they are already talking about face four. We are also told here that john thune, the republican whip from south dakota, hes not present tonight. He was not feeling well. They say that he is self monitoring, they did not indicate his office did not indicate that he was self quarantining but hes going back to south dakota. It just gives you a sense of what its like youre on capitol hill as they try to get this bill through and they fit having this attrition with senators getting sick and self quarantining. It has to go to the house maybe not tomorrow but perhaps friday, shannon. Shannon all right, chad pergram, we will stick with you through the night as we finally get to a vote and certainly anyone who speaks live afterwards to explain what theyve just done and comment on that. Thank you. I want to quickly return to our doctors and get a comment from them about dr. Birx saying listen, we dont know the payoff right now, it will take some time to see if the social distancing works but so far it looks like there are positive signs. Very quick comment from you both, start with you. You know, social distancing helps. Its one of the few big levers that we have along with sheltering in place, but look, our leaders are often optimistic because they want to give hope, and i think thats their job. On the grounds though, looking at the numbers, i dont think the worst is behind us in new york. Ive talked to doctors there that have said theyre already splitting ventilators. If theyre already at capacity. Look at the letter online from new york columbia presbyterian hospitals chief of surgery that they probably have 300 covid19 patients, but only 100 were tested at the time he wrote the memo this weekend. I think its a much bigger burden than most people recognize on the Health Care System and following the trajectory we are seeing in spain, its going to go up. Shannon all right, weve got to leave it there but dr. Weinberg, youre going to stick around and answer questions for his next hour so please come back. Thank you both very much. Sure will. Shannon how does the commander in chief defend against an invisible enemy . General jack keane knows a thing or two about taking on the enemy, he joins us live next. Mavyret. I was cured. Mavyret. I faced reminders of my hep c every day. I worried about my hep c. But in only 8 weeks with mavyret. I was cured. Mavyret is the only 8week cure for all types of hep c. Before starting mavyret your doctor will test. If youve had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b, a liver or kidney transplant,. Other liver problems, hiv1, or other medical conditions,. 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Brought to you by the National Association of broadcasters and this station. Shannon new video tonight from wisconsin were National Guard troops are training for possible covid19 response. As preparations continue tonight. So how do you strategize to take on an invisible enemy . Lets ask fox news senior stratc analyst general jack keane. What to think of the weighted ministries and has tackled this, how do you put together a strategy in this kind of situation that nobody could see . Okay, hold on, general. I think we are getting worn out from Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell where theyve been working to pass this multitrillion dollar relief bill. Lets go and listen in. This to trillion dollar rescue bill to save american individuals, Small Businesses, Large Businesses and to provide considerable funding for the Health Care Workers in the scientists and the doctors and others who are trying to solve this pandemic. So i think if i were writing your headline id say the senate has pivoted from one of the most contentious partisan periods in the nations history to passing this rescue package 1000. All in one quarter. Of this year. From argued with the most partisan, divisive thing you could possibly do to coming together entirely 100 of us to meet this challenge. I think it says a lot about the United States senate as an institution, our willingness to put aside our differences, to do something really significant for the country. I think one of the reasons that happened as we are inspired about whats going on around the country. People are helping each other, reaching out, looking for ways to make a difference. Following the directions of the Health Care Professionals this is a proud moment for the United States senate and for the country and we are going to win this battle in the very near future. With that i will take a couple of questions if there are any. Senator, understanding this is of course a crisis and time is of the essence, this boat began as the public had not yet seen the bill. Lobbyists had seen the bill. And none of the debate has been held in public. Was virtually no public debate on what looks to be the largest bill in american history. Can you explain why that was much of the public have had more time to understand what this bill is that is meant to help them . Do you work your . Yes, sir. Where they were elect to represent lives of the american people. I could walk you through it again. We lay down a bill as a result of consultation with the public on key committees. We invited our democratic friends to join us by sunday of this week. We had a bipartisan bill as a starting place. Then the speaker and the democratic leader came into my office on sunday and not slow down the process, but it had already begun on a totally bipartisan basis. Thats what we do here. We are elected to get results. Questions about the public. The public is watching all of it through you. In the debates on the floor. This bill is no different from any other bill. This is the way all bills are developed. What was different about it, it was totally bipartisan from the beginning to the end and as i just mentioned, we pivoted from impeachment to 1000 on this rescue package. This was about as flawless as you could possibly be. We had input from everyone. All over the country. All parts of our society. Nonprofits to prophets. All going to their elected representatives, coming into these discussions. This is a classic way you write legislation in a democracy. At the same time, i mean, you and schumer didnt seem to interact too much with each other throughout the entire process, you were railing on pelosi as if she did not have a right to have any sort of imprint on this bill. I know youre paid to find something wrong with almost everything. But theres not much to argue about one people of she has a right i will be happy to answer myself. We pivoted from one of the most partisan exercises you could ever be engaged in to a bipartisan 1000, to trillion dollar rescue package for the country. Not much to complain about. On process when youve got that kind of an outcome for the country. You all have a good break and we will see you when we get back here and hopefully we spent the curve on this pandemic. Shannon youve been listening to Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell as they voted on a historic, to trillion dollar relief bill. We are going to break down the analysis of what it means now moving forward chat program and general jack keane after a quick break. Into a smaller life . Are your asthma treatments just not enough . Then see what could open up for you with fasenra. It is not a steroid or inhaler. It is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. 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He says that members who want to weigh and will be allowed to do so, but theyre very concerned about getting everybody into the chamber at the same time. It still has to come over from the senate. At that vote is still open right now. They have the votes to pass it, its 950 but they have not closed the vote just yet, shannon. Shannon okay, so general, we have been talking with you about how you strategize against this kind of enemy. Any advice for the administration . Yes. First of all, i give them high marks because if youre going to win against any enemy, theres a couple things you have to demonstrate. One is you put a plan together and they did that, they had a strategy, but then you have to have significant flux ability to adapt to things that change on you, things that youre not forecasting. And also you have to have a dogged determination and perseverance to win and jakarta find your spine when youre facing fear and everybody does in circumstances like this. So they have demonstrated flexibility certainly here when the cdc tests did not work and then they realized they didnt have sufficient numbers when they did work. They went to private sector, massproduced these tests as well as all the other equipment in the personal protection clothing that everybody needed. Thats a good thing. Now theres another major shift thats coming because the president and his team certainly no that the United States economy cannot be sustained by this continuous shutdown. And we are reaching we will reach on appointment numbers in weeks and months that are comparable to the Great Depression, which took years to achieve from 1929 to 1932. As such, he knows he has to try to establish a balance by trying to defeat the virus and continue all the proven methodologies that are being announced every day from the white house, but at the same time, begin to open up the economy and get some people back to work. And i think he has an aspirational goal in easter, but having had interaction with him myself on a number of issues like syria and afghanistan and iran, i know he has flux ability here. Thats an aspirational goal. Hes not going to ignore the scientific community, but they will look for places, shannon, where the defeat of the virus is working and its acceptable to take the risk of bringing people back to work. Certainly not in the epicenter of new york city and other places that are getting close to Something Like that, but theres many places in the country that i think the scientists are helping him, giving him some advice on where you can begin a phased introduction of a factual work plan. At the same time, using all of the tools that you have to defeat the virus. Shannon yeah. And his Team Continues to say that they listen to him, they take his advice, something they will talk there before making any big decisions. Chad pergram, general, great to have it both with us on a very important historic night. Thank you both. They just closed the vote, 960. Shannon its official. Heads to the house next, thank you, chad. An amazing followup from a monday story, remember the distillery that converted for making whiskey to Hand Sanitizer . Megan alexander joins us for that good news and some more good news before we say good night. In nearly 100 years serving the military community, weve seen you go through tough times and every time, youve shown us, youre much tougher your heart, courage and commitment has always inspired us and now its no different so, were here with financial strength, stability and experience you can depend on and the online tools you need because you have always set the highest standard and reaching that standard is what were made for and reaching that standard is what were made for unlike ordinary wmemory supplementsr . Neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. In these trying times, we love bringing you good news. Tonight, with the help both one of our favorite people, make an alexander, welcome back. Megan, tell us about where you are in an nashville. Yeah, good to be with you shannon. The concerts end of the tours may be postponed for now, but Country Music is determined to keep the music playing. I was honored to host two different Live Performances this week. The musicians are taking it into their own hands. A great band, shenandoah, his friend, a lot of person know h him. Broadcasted from a small, quiet studio. Nobody was in the audience. But they were tuned in on line the world. They asked for requests, made comments, so that was very cool. Two days ago, garth brooks gave facebook their home concert. They were bringing so many people to tears when she performed amazing grace. Its anyway for fans to connect during this time. Yeah. Okay, we love the story out of our area here in d. C. The National Cathedral has discovered a cache of masks they didnt know they had. And now they are able to donate them. I called it a hashtag miracle today. Because thats how it felt when i heard the story. Absolutely. The building may be closed, but the work is never done. About a decade out, they ordered a bunch of masks. They never even opened them. They discovered them in storage, 5,000 masks unused, unopened. An incredible way to give back. Shannon i love it. They have converted you to Hand Sanitizer. I got a message today from a group a Packaging Company that said they are sending 2,000 empty jobs that we have said that they can continue making the Hand Sanitizer. We love it. This is unprofitabl incredible. It just shows people want to make a difference. The Distribution Company is sending all of these bottles. They were putting Hand Sanitizer and beer cans, anything they could do to help the first responders. So people are listening and making a difference. Speak to megan, think you so much. We have a benefit concert more, dont miss it. Amily as it grows company. A put enough away for college company. And a take care of your employees company. Were a help you ride the ups and downs of the market company. And when its time to retire, were a weve been guiding you toward this all along company. Think of us as all these companies, and more. Principal. Retirement. Investments. Insurance. For ralphies appointment. Whos his groomer . Carrie. Full groom for sure what . I just booked ralphies appointment online. That work . Wait you what . Its that easy download the app or book online at petsmart. Com aurelia i was just frustrated i almost gave up. Company. With miracleear, its all about service. Theyre personable, theyre friendly. 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Td ameritrade now offers zero commissions on online trades. Welcome back to an extended fox news at night. This is coverage of the coronavirus crisis. I am Shannon Bream in washingt washington. Every night we do special coverage after midnight eastern so you can always tweet us a question, video, or written, however you like. The number of u. S. Deaths now topping thousands. And breaking tonight, just minutes ago, the Senate Passes a massive multitrillion dollar relief packaging getting checks into the hands of the american people. And loans up to Small Businesses as quickly as possible. We are going to take a live. What the timeline is for you ahead of what is expected to be a historic spike in unemployment claims. Welcome to fox news at night. We are tracking the very latest crisis. Coasttocoast tonight. White house correspondent, kevin. We begin tonight with the latest and capitol hill. And its been a busy one. It down to the wire. Very late night indeed. They expect a vote on friday. 883 cases of it. We might have to pass or at least read what the Senate Passed to see what it is or how it works. Heres the basics for you at home. And he will making less than 75,000 a year, 1200 will be in your bank account or in your mailbox whether you are out of work or not. 350 billion of loan guarantees has essentially turned into grants for Small Business to incentivize them to keep people on the payroll. But conservatives, for a while now, there are some big ticket items that dont appear to be directed at americans who need the most help. 75,000 to arts and humanities, broadcasting, and 1 billion pl plus. I can tolerate some bad to do some good, i have made deals, i know what its like to negotiate with the other side. But really, we need to be giving pbs more money now. The Kennedy Center may be an amazing place to go, im sure it is, 25 million is a lot of money to the average american. Pet projects. It didnt turn out solar or wind subsidies. And then there is some special interest giveaways on policies like the Provision Requiring companies who take government loans to remain neutral on union organizing. That doesnt help them grow their businesses, but lastly, which might be the first, specifically meant to exclude businesses who would otherwise be able to get lead. They want provision from getting those government loans. Of that appears to be squarely at the president to his employs thousands in hotels and clubs around the world. Or should i say, did employ thousands. Already, hundreds of employees have been laid off and we are going to have to wait until the final bill and the reading of it and enforcement of it to see if any of those trump businesses are entitled to them put us the money onto their employees. Speak to the industry is hit hard across the board. Including the president. All right leland, thank you. Finally, after we were told about the line, lets take a look at the white house view. High kevin. Evening shannon. That is to reopen businesses that have been shut down by the coronavirus but he has been talking about easter which is coming up on the 12th of april. However, that is not a hard and fast rule. But that isnt stopping the president from claiming a familiar tune. He did it again today and his white house briefing, and Daily Briefing pretty much now, he said listen, lets get america going again. Get them back to work. Get that economy is booming once again. Of course, that means giving not stimulus bill worked up and over to his desk as soon as possible. We want to get back, and the people want to get back. We want to get our country going again. So we can open up the sooner the better. Its going to open up like a rocket ship. Lots of activity. Package. Even if it includes pet project money. I didnt have a big problem with it, but this was a request from the democrats. I wanted to go there tonight to look at the romeo and juliet. I love to see romeo and juliet. You know what happened . They said sorry. I encourage them to send a bill to my desk or signature or whatever. Without delay, i will sign it immediately. There is your bottom line. As soon as they get to his desk, he will sign it. The real question now remains just how soon that might be. Shannon all right, we are going to check that. Kevin, thank you so much. As the reality sets in, we are seeing the impact coasttocoast along with some confusion over exactly how everything the Senate Just Passed is going to get out there. Who gets the relief . How much, and when . Good evening jeff. More and more people around the country and here in california are either losing their jobs or watching their hours get cut due to the coronavirus. Just this month, more than 1 million californians have applied for unemployment as a result of the impact of the pandemic. They are finding it difficult to make their mortgage payments every month. They say there is relief in sight. Major banks, with the exception of one thing, have agreed to delay foreclosures. The governor says eligible homeowners can do for those payments to up to three months or possibly longer. Late payments will not hurt their credit. The one exception, bank of america, apparently on a monthly basis. It is significant that we have some consistency. It is significant that we dont have a patchwork, one bank to another. Thats what happened in 2008. Credit unions doing one thing, banks doing another. State banks doing something altogether, different. We wanted to engage our nations largest banks and see if we can create some continuity, some consistency. In nevada, steve syslog has assigned an emergency regulation. In the hopes of encouraging the ports of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine. The fda has yet to up through the drugs. Doctors can still order the drugs for their patients, the governors actions ban every day people from buying and stockpiling the medication. Back here in california, help is also coming in the form of a ship the uss naval ship is expected to arrive at the port of los angeles on friday. It will help create treatment for noncoronavirus treatments. She an end. Shannon thank you very much for the update. For a lot of you out there at this is a lot of anxiety. And there is plenty of misinformation. So we are taking your coronavirus questions straight to our experts tonight and every night. Including video formats. They are all back with us. It welcomes him. Good to have you. High shannon. You are new to our group answering questions, lets start with you. What is the health risk . Yes, copd stands for a disease of the lungs. One of the features we know of f this virus is that it attacks the lung cells. One of the problems with copd as it doesnt allow it to defend himself. That will be specific to any other Health Issues that she h has. Shannon the same caution we are all being given about washing your hands and coughing into your arm and staying away from people, this person is an elevated sense of staying home and isolating above and beyond what the average american is being told . It shouldnt be anything above what we are doing already. In general, in comparison to the other diseases that diabetes, heart disease, it seems to be lower in that scale. They would still be a risk of nonetheless. I dont think that requires any additional progression. Shannon dr. Weinberg, our next question for you. Does having facial hair provide a Larger Service to ribavirin is may attach . Well, shannon, i dont think that it necessarily increases the risk. But when they have mustaches and beards, of course i dont, you will receive of doing this certainly if they already have some of the virus in there. If they had their nose, mouth, eyes, they are going to inoculate themselves with the virus. Shaving it off is not a bad de deal. Shannon well. I dont know. The wife might like it. This one comes from twitter how at risk are cashiers and should they be wearing gloves or any other kind of cte . They have the tape out, making sure theyre not too close to each other. At the cashiers do have masks and gloves. Some of them i think they are safer showing up to work. Whats the best advice for those folks . First of all, thank you for showing up to work. All those who work in grocery stores. That is the essential business right now. The masks and gloves are not effective barriers to getting an infection. It doesnt go through your skin. But it is a powerful reminder not to touch her face. Some have plexiglass which is effective in case someone coughs on you. Its the exchange of money that is the risky contact you might experience. I know a lot of people arent carrying cash because they talk about is not actually on the money. It can tend to be a germy thing. Maybe its the one time you want to use plastic. Next tweet, does it make a difference if i use tied to bacterial liquid hand soap as opposed to just regular hand soap . All this hand washing, we are told to be very careful. Yes, the answer is no. In general, washing hands frequently with soap is the key. It shouldnt matter what type of soap you wash it with. If you are watching with the soap and water, you are eliminating the virus. Shannon okay, you dont have to make sure its antibacterial. The next question comes to us from jack daniels. Assuming we believe china with their normal change, how long could waves of infection persist . I believe it may have been talking about this today there is a chance that there is a resurgence will go back into winter months if it looks like this is a seasonal surge . I agree with completely. We dont know. The answer to the question is simply we dont know. Thats why we are working so hard on a vaccine. Vaccines not going to do us any good today commi come out tomor, its to be ready if it comes ba. And the spanish flu in 1918 it came back two times after the original time. There were three tranches. But we didnt have vaccines them down back then, and now we are going to have a vaccine and hopefully it will be prepared ie so if it doesnt come back, everyone will be ready. Shannon i want to ask you about this idea of Blood Donation. Saying they desperately need people to step up and continue to donate blood. Some people have been fearful of it for any number of reasons. First of all, social distancing. I get questions on whether covid19 can be transferred through blood . If they want to be continuing donating, how do they do that . Viruses dont have a great track record with blood transfusions. Its understandable people are apprehensive. But this has been tested, it is been scientifically supported that blood transfusions are as safe. It is safe to donate blood. And we need blood right now. The only blood tests for this is a Antibody Test so its not the virus circulating in the blood system. So we do need people to donate blood right now. Especially with the influx of Critical Care patients. Shannon absolutely. My son and i were both very sick, fever, sore throat, chills, i took him to the doctor twice and they tested him for a flu and a strap and both were negative each time. The symptoms mirrored the flu so closely it may be wary about the covid19 virus and not known. At the doctor says what would be your advice course mar . We have a High Percentage of the regular flu that is going around. If you look at the coronavirus, covid19 specifically, we know that about 7080 of people are displaying very minimal to no symptoms. It is very likely. One of the statistics that we dont know is the number confirmed infected. We dont know the number of unconfirmed. Because we are not testing as many people. It is very likely that they didnt. The good news is if they had it then they probably wont get it again. They will be able to spread it to anybody else. Shannon okay, thats good news. Stick around, we love our questions for you. We really appreciate your time. Always treat them to us at fox news at night. More, after this break. When we face adversity, we find a way through it. Its about taking care of each other. Its the small parts that make a big difference. At chevy, we promise to do ours. Were offering chevy owners complimentary onstar crisis assist services and wifi data. If you need a new chevy, interestfree financing for 84 months with deferred payments for 120 days on many of our most popular models. You may even shop online and take delivery at home. Its just our way of doing our part. Thwhich, if im not mistaken, papadia. Its just our way of doing our part. Is latin for better than a sandwich. Heheven has a better pickle. Get a new papadia for six bucks. Better ingredients. Better pizza. 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Am i more at risk to get the virus course mark ive been staying instance of ive had the sickness. Dr. Weinberg . I dont think so. The longer shes been staying then, she washes her hands, she makes sure all of her equipment is clean. She is not coming into contact with anyone else, that she shouldnt have any risk than anybody else. Shannon since you mention the cpap machine, we talked about this question a little bit before. I know nothing about medicine. Weve seen people suggesting that could in some way operate as a ventilator or be some extra help for people if we get to a real shortage. As the cpap machine usable in that way at all . No. A real ventilator someone has a tube in their windpipe. It is pushing her into their lungs. With this disease, they develop develop i could go on and on. The cpap machine would not do that. Shannon okay, so her next week comes in to us from jan. Curious why we havent done this social distancing with past virus outbreaks. Dr. Macario, what makes it so different and so urgent . I think the high mortality is whats got people on garden taking this very seriously. Also, the numbers and the rate of growth or spread of this infection. If you look at spain, just two or three weeks ago, they did not have a significant mortality burden and today they had almost 800 cases it just in the last 24 hours. We are probably going to learn a lot of great hygiene here for many flu seasons to come. So that is one Silver Lining of this. Shannon absolutely. There are lessons and things we can his for the future. That is the good side of this. Our next week comes in from april, she is pregnant pure and she wants to know if theres any more data for pregnant ladies. Any birth defects . Yes, there is no current Available Evidence that suggests that there is any elevated risk to a woman who is pregnant or that there is any elevated risk of having any birth defects. A lot of this data is coming out from china. And there have been reports of babies getting covid19. That is more about the contact transmission between the mother and the child after. Does not appear that theres any real risk to a pregnant woman or developing birth defects. Shannon okay. Our next question is from ashl ashley. With all the disinfecting and hand washing, arent we just creating a super virus . We need good bacteria, and i feel like we are destroying it. What you think . How would that work . I love that question. We have created we doctors have overused antibiotics. We have created superbugs. But i dont know of any super viruses. Im not sure that we could create a super virus by washing our hands. I dont think thats realistic. But your question certainly know something about health care, and i am impressed. Be to me too. We have one from dominic orlando. How long until you put Hand Sanitizer does it protect you . How long does it actually protect you . Is it like some screen coming up to gabriel climb . What we know. Not at all. It is not like sunscreen. It does not protect you, it simply does a one time removal of any viral particles that may be on your hands. It is important to recognize that we want people to wash their hands frequently any time theres context. It is not a shield, and it is not protective. It simply minimizes the risk of transmission. Shannon okay. Dr. Hussein, this is for you. This tweet comes in from rocket. This is not can it be to you, if senior should get the pneumonia shot, i had to call my mom from work and im concerned. Does the pneumonia shot does it give any help here . We have some of these cases end up there. Senior should get the pneumonia vaccine to protect themselves against pneumonia. But there is no evidence that get in the mo pneumonia not seee will help from covid19. Shannon doctors, they give her your time. Our folks are comforted by hearing from you. So thank you all. Thank you. Thank you, glad to be here. Speak to the growing tension between china and u. S. At some of the communist leaders continue their p. R. Battle to make it look like the u. S. Is the back eye. More on that, next. Dr. Jerome adams why should young people care about the spread of coronavirus . Well we know that people with underlying medical conditions over the age of 60 are at highest risk, but theyve got to get it from somebody. Dr. Deborah birx so were asking everyone to be selfless for others so that we can protect those who are most susceptible. Dr. Anthony fauci not going to bars, not going to restaurants, it all just means physical separation, so that you have a space between you and others. Dr. Jerome adams for more information on how you can social distance please go to coronavirus. Gov shannon secretary of state mike pompeo says china is continuing to put out false information about the coronavirus. A growing source of tension between the two nations for several weeks. Lets take a look at the new cold war being raged over a very hot topic. This is been called his victory lap. The chinese president touring yowuhan. They interpret chinas response much differently. Chinese, as a potential threat to her health and way of life as the wuhan virus breakout has clearly demonstrated. They say chinas strategy is to distract from its early secrecy is by spreading disinformation. Its aggressive lockdown to prove their off th there authoritarian life is better than the United States. They are trying to undermine u. S. Power. Worldwide. They say they are working to counter disinformation campaigns trying to pin blame for the virus on sluggish democracies. Even as officials in china suppress information as this virus began to expand rapidly. The chinese diplomat spread a Conspiracy Theory that the u. S. Military brought the virus to china. This agreement on chinese officials, they say its crazy to repeat these rumors. Still, the Trump Administration says china continues to push conspiracies while touting its assistance to other countries. China and, now, making a small sales of product around the world saying they are now the white hat and what has taken place. They have picked up on top u. S. Officials including the present calling this the wuhan or chinese virus. Chinas foreign ministries as the u. S. Should instead get it its own house in order. At the president says he will stop using that phrase. Everyone knows that it came out of china, but i decided we shouldnt make any more of a big deal out of it. Despite the diplomatic arguing, officials here and in china so they want to Work Together to try to help bring the world out of this pandemic. Even as they take two competing systems to the fight. She and n. Shannon thank you so much. It appears there is a tragic end to the story of robert levinson. An american held hostage and ironic for the last 13 years. Jennifer griffin has details. His family was told of the robert levinsons death by officials at the white house. But President Trump says he is Still Holding out hope. I will not accept that he is dead. I dont accept it. Im telling you, its not looking great, but i want to accept hes dead. They havent told us that he was dead. But a lot of people are thinking that that is the case. For levinsons family, this is the news that they have been dreading. The former fbi agent was on and on authorized dia mission when he disappeared near quiche island in i ron on march 9th, 2007. His family lives in suburban maryland and never lost hope that he could be still alive. We recently received information that is led both them and us to conclude that our wonderful husband and father died while in iranian custody. We dont know when or how he died just that it was prior to the covid19 pandemic. It was signed by his wife and their children. It appeared to reference those in the obama minutes illustratioadministration. Thosr what happened to bob levinson including those in the u. S. Government who for many years repeatedly left him behind. It will ultimately receive for justice for what theyve done. We will spend the rest of our lives making sure that with this. And the Iranian Regime must know we are not going away. There are still many questions about when levinson, who wouldve been 72 years old, died during his 13 years of captivity. They say whats particularly cruel is that the iranians will not return his body for a proper burial. She and then. Shannon jennifer griffin, thank you. Mounting the defense against a visible enemy. Plan of attack, next. And asks all healthy donors to schedule an appointment to give. Now, with the corona virus outbreak, it is important to maintain a sufficient blood supply. Your Blood Donation is critical and can help save lives. Please schedule an appointment today. Download the blood donor app. Visit redcrossblood. Org or call 1 800 red cross today. 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They have a close the vote just yet. Shannon in general, we have been talking about how you strategize against this kind of enemy. And he advised for the administration . Yes. First of all, i give them high remarks. If you are going to win against any enemy, theres a couple things if to demonstrate. One is that you put a plan together. Something they did they had a strategy. But then you have to have significant flexibility to adapt to things that change on you. Things that you dont forecast. And also, you have to have a determination and perseverance to win. You have to find your spine. When you are facing fear, and every buddy does in a circumstance like this. They have demonstrated flexibility here. When the cvc test did not work. They went to private sector, mass produced these tests as well as all the other equipment. And personal protection clothing that everybody needed. Thats a good thing, now there is another major finished, next shif that is coming. They certainly know that the United States economy cannot be sustained by this continuous shutdown. And we are reaching unemployment numbers and makes and months that are comparable to the Great Depression which took years to achieve from 1929 to 1932. As such, he knows he is to try to establish a balance it by trying to defeat the virus and continue all the proven methodologies that have been announced every day from the white house. But at the same time, begin to open up the economy and get some people back to work. And i think he has an aspirational goal with easter, but having had a interaction with him myself, i know he has flexibility here. Thats an aspirational goal. He is not going to ignore the scientific community. They will look for places where it the defeat of the virus is working. And it is acceptable to take the risk of bringing people back to work. Certainly not in the epicenter of new york city and other places that are getting close to Something Like that. There are many places in the country that i think scientists that are helping him could give them some advice on where you can begin a phased introduction of back to work plan. At the same time, using all of the tools that you have to defeat the virus. Shannon yes. And his Team Continues say they listen to him. Something they are going to talk through before making any big decisions. Great to have you both. They just closed the vote, 960. Shannon its official. Thank you chad. Okay so up next, with the Surgeon General and what they think on where we are in the coronavirus pandemic. Hes next. President trump is considering opening portions of the u. S. Economy potentially by easter. Early tonight, Laura Ingraham got his take. The president has been getting a lot of criticism. For aspiring to end the end the lockdowns by easter. Do you think knowing what you know now and knowing some of what we have seen with the rate of infections and the rate of hospitalizations, do you think thats realistic . Or unrealistic . I have set all the time and first of all, good evening. We have said constantly that everyplace is going to have a different curve. New york is going to have a different curve than washington then boise, idaho. And what the president in my mind is doing is trying to help people understand that there is a light at the end of this tunnel. We will get through this. And as you mentioned earlier, we are seeing new yorks cases level off. We are seeing their hospitalization start to level off. If you look at china, you look at south korea, there curve was about 22. 5 months. There is hope that if we finish through and twothirds of the way through. That we can flatten the curve and that we can get to the end of this more quickly. Laura i got an email from a friend of mine up in boston who was just questioning this number that was again talking about numbers in perspective and projection, this number that he keeps siding. That we made 40,000 icu beds and 30,000 ventilators. He said the following, he said who is going to work on the patients and the fence . The ventilators . Robots . That arent enough medical personnel to manage that money. What about those numbers. How are we getting to those numbers . Given that the realistic projections from the data we now have from wuhan and delete . A couple of things that id say there, number one, you have best Case Scenarios and worst case and errors. We are not naive enough to assume the bestcase scenario, but we also have to understand that those worstCase Scenarios are projections based on us doing absolutely nothing. Thats why the president said ten days ago we need to hole nation to adopt this 15 day quarantine. Specifically to new york, washington, california, to the hot spots and said you all need to do even more. Those worstCase Scenarios, we hope we dont get there. And fyi, i want ben t to be telg people i talked to anesthesiologists in new york who told me that there anesthesia ventilators in western new york and albany that could be converted to icu ventilators. We are bringing in extra ventilators, procuring them through partnerships with other suppliers. We are doing everything we can to help new york out. And i am confident that working together with the state we can actually meet the need as long as we continue to lower the demand. Laura are you saying that looking at the data in the worstcase scenario in italy, and projecting that onto the American Population in the city of new york with 20 million people, 10 million in wuhan. That you think a number of 40,000 icu beds given the rate of hospitalization we are seeing now is accurate . Thats like triple the worstcase scenario is in it . It absolutely is the worstcase scenario and i will tell you i am heartened by the people around the country who are doing the right thing, but we are still seen far too many pictures of people out there doing the wrong things. Playing basketball, out on beaches, we need america to understand that we still could be like italy. We could be worse than italy if we dont participate in this 15 days to stop the spread. More and more people are doing the right thing, and i feel actually pretty good but if we continue to lean into this, we will actually flatten our curve even more. Will start to come down and we wont reach those horrific projections. I also know that we are sending as much as our stockpile as we possibly can. So that our Health Care Providers, who are my friends and colleagues, get what they need. Laura we certainly help those numbers could never get up that high. We dont have the personnel to man the fence or the icu beds currently in new york. Let certainly hope thats not the case. Actually 30,000 . There are actually Health Care Providers too. We are looking to move from places that dont have a lot of cases to places that do. So that we can meet that need. Laura dr. Adams, the president today made the point about she was asked about bringing our supply chains home the concern about nations hoarding their medical supplies. Germany, blocking the export of certain medicines. You see this in india as well with hydroxychloroquine. What are your thoughts about this need to bring it all home . Given whats happening now. When there is a crisis, people rise to the occasion one way or another. We are seeing hoarding. One of the things the president always talks about, and we see it every time in any disaster of any sort, is that the supply chain gets disrupted. We now have a Global Supply chain. We dont make as much as we used to. Laura thats my point. We know we dont make it. We dont make a lot of the stuff. My question to you didnt we bring the stuff home . We should definitely try to get as much as possible. During the hurricanes two years ago, and you have the medical industry actually hurt. Im worried that more people are potentially eight that they could be hurt for medical supply disruption that affects other areas. I have asthma they are facing a shortage because of the supply chain being disruptive. Laura we are so happy that you are almost task force. I know how hard yall are working. I talked to enough of you every day. Surgeon general of the United States, dr. Adams. Thank you so much for being with us. Thank you, dont forget to donate blood. You can still go out and do th that. Laura fantastic. My friends did that today it and said it was real easy. Thanks for the reminder. Shannon in the midst of the alarming news, there are good stories out there about good people doing good things. We love bringing them to you. We have one of those tonight from chicago. This highend chicago catering business is serving free gourmet quality meals to its hungry neighbors. There is a lot of people that were struggling normally and then this hit and it just makes everything that much harder. It they cater thousands of events per year, now all of its business is canceled through at least may. It was crushing. We actually purchased the building february 21st. Not knowing that any of this was happening. It is typically used for parties, turned soup kitchen. The caterers using their resources donations to cook 200 meals per day. In a touchless to go system. A restaurant the dishwasher said he was laid off last week and is taking care of his 80yearold mother. Its terrible. Im just trying to figure out where mike and i get my next meal . Volunteers are also hand delivering meals to the elderly. At one of the high crime southside neighborhoods. Thank you, thank you. For now, the owners are paying employees. We have cooks in our kitchen who they are the only person working in their whole family. One of many businesses rising to the occasion and this pandemic using the facility to help americans. Hopefully, it will keep us afloat long enough to make it to the other side. The president says this country was not built to be shut down. He hopes to have businesses open sometime soon. Perhaps, partially by easter sunday. In chicago, fox news. Shannon the grateful you spent the evening with us. Good night from washington, i am Shannon Bream. Motor . Nope. Not motor . Its pronounced motaur. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases. Wash your hands. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Stay home when you are sick. Cover your cough or sneeze. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects with household cleaning spray. For more information, visit cdc. Gov covid19. This message brought to you by the National Association of broadcasters and this station. Trace we begin with breaking news out of washington, the Senate Unanimously passed phase three of the coronavirus really feel. Hello, everyone, im trace gallagher. Its 10 00 p. M. In los angeles, 1 00 a. M. In new york coming over the next few hours, we will cover all of the updates surrounding covid19, both here in america and globally. Worldwide, the number now, 450,000 and above, and in the United States, the amount of cases nearing 70,000. The new york area clearly feeling the worst effects. With the infection rate 8 to 10 times higher than anywhere else in the country. Weve been spending a lot of time