Fox news night. I am Shannon Bream m washington. Kicking off our coverage of Decisive Action by the u. S. And iraq, and critics and supporters tonight, good evening. Good evening, shannon. The pentagon released a statement confirming the u. S. Has killed a radian major general. The Statement Reads at the direction of the president , the u. S. Military has taken decisive defensive action to protect u. S. Personnel abroad by killing constance phil and ami, the head of the iranian guard corps could sue orders. The terrorist organization. General was actively developing plans to attack american diplomats and Service Members in iraq and throughout to the region. The 62yearold was designated a terrorist by the u. S. Back in 2005. He orchestrated the attack on coalition basis in iraq over the last several months including the december 20th attack. Also responsible for killing more than 600 american troops over the rack war. And it was a failed iranian plot to assassinate the saudi ambassador to the u. S. In 2011. Among seven People Killed by a air strike near Baghdad International airport. The other major death is an iraqi commander. He is the man behind the 1983 u. S. Embassy bombing in kuwait. Iraq security media reporting that rockets hit near the airport cargo hall setting two cars on fire. Earlier today secretary of state mark asper reiterating the u. S. s right to defend itself. Im not going to telegraph what we will do, but people know that we have vast capabilities to do a number of things, we act in response to actions by iran or its proxies. And we will prevent any personnel by iran or the proxy. Lawmakers tonight already raising questions about this, connecticut senator chris murphy tweeting this evening that he was an enemy of the United States, that is not a question, the question is this as a report suggest, did america adjust assassinate without any congressional authorization . The second most powerful person in the iran knowingly setting off a potential massive regional war, the air strike comes just one day after the u. S. Deployed 750 troops to the region in response to the Iraqi Militia will attack on the embassy in baghdad. And adding the strike was aimed at deterring future iranian attacks and that the u. S. Will continue to monitor the situation and take all necessary action to protect its people and its interests. Shannon. Shannon but breaking news out of new york. Thank you. The iranian commander soleimani was seen as an enemy of American Forces going way back to the Obama Administration and beyond. Take a look at the clip with an interview from the chief of staff with our own jennifer griffin. I think that we have to be careful. And i Qassim Soleimani is the one who has been exporting the activities throughout the middle east for some time now. His absolutely responsible for killing Many Americans. I would say the last two years i was there, the majority of deaths came from his surrogates. Not sunni or al qaeda. So obviously, that is concerning to me. And what are they after, what are their ends . Now i believe that we are not supporting Qassim Soleimani by the air force. We are finding only missions in support of the isf. Shannon now coming in, we have some new pictures of the aftermath of the air strike in baghdad. Coming in from the associated press. They were reportedly showing what has happened and what was left from the aftermath. Fires burning, the destruction you can see. The pentagon tonight has taken full responsibility and explained what was behind the commanderinchiefs decision to launch this air strike taking out general soleimani. This is the aftermath they are. Of course it is a much different time over there. And soon the sun will be coming up, and it will be very interesting to see what the reaction is overseas. There are many divisions i will feel very differently in those communities in the region about what has happened tonight. Again, the pentagon saying that it has had distinct information that there were threats to american interests in the region. And to this president had warned and made very clear that he would protect american interests and personnel. There was reference not only to the siege at the embassy, the u. S. Embassy, but to the prior iraqi attack, september 27th when an American Contractor was killed, others were injured as well, so tonights Decisive Action by the pentagon, critics and supporters of this who are weighing in from both sides of the aisle. And we will talk about that and talk to some of them throughout the continuing coverage of this hour. But you are looking at the first images of the aftermath coming out from the associated press. Lets go to chief breaking news correspondent Trace Gallagher for on how the media is showing the strike in baghdad. The smoke you have to settle on the attack in the u. S. Embassy in baghdad before liberal commentators in the leftwing media seized on the opportunity to criticize the president. Watch. You have them stoking antiamericanism. Giving an advantage to iran. This goes back to really strategic decision that to the president made. We are engaged in a war of words. It is not helpful. These are tough times and one wonders if the administration has the horsepower and brainpower to deal with them. It did not take long for them to label this before his benghazi despite the fact that there were no u. S. Injuries, the embassy was not overtaken, and the president is sending troops instead of pulling back. Still groups like vote vets, a Progressive Liberal Group that aims to put democrats in office wrote in a deleted tweet. A potus remember your benghazi rants during 2016, you are about to have your own one unfortunately in iraq. Msnbc host joy reid retreated about impeachment adding the caption as trumps benghazi unfolds in iraq. That prompted texas senator ted cruz to reply whats wrong with you . As partisan hatred really that deep . We root for american soldiers, not against them. Senator Lindsey Graham pushed back President Trump is determined to protect american personnel and expects our iraqi partners to step up to the plate. No more benghazis. And one of the men who defended the u. S. Consulate in in 2012 says it is inaccurate to compare the two. There is no ambassador there. And there was no consulate personnel at all, because they were all evacuated prior to the protesters getting there. And thats between this administration and last administration. This one took a stance before it actually was coming. Meantime secretary of state mike pompeo shared a photo of the iraqi official outside the embassy tuesday condemning him as an iranian proxy surrounded by terrorists. We should point out that after tonight strikes of the Baghdad Airport that killed general Qassim Soleimani, the Washington Post ran a story with the title air strike in Baghdad Airport kills irans most revered military leader. The headline has changed air strike kills major Iranian Military figure in iran. But they previously called him an austere religious scholar. Shannon. Shannon Trace Gallagher with the latest. So what is the impact out of baghdad with growing tensions in the region . Lets discuss with the Deputy Director of the u. S. Office of National Council resistance of iran, and a survivor of that attack in benghazi in 2012. Mark iced, he is joined by his service dog, great to have you all with us tonight. Thank you so much, shannon. Mark, i will start with you. I wonder how this appeared to you. What your emotions were and what urinalysis was seeing what happened at the embassy just a couple of days ago and how this Administration Responded . What we saw here was a group that has been allied who has been trained by irans forces and has american blood on their hands. They are the first group that really started utilizing the esps. The Electronic Force penetrators that killed numbers of 600, 700 military Service Members. You know, when, and they lost 30 rockets, killing the u. S. Contractor, and our response was appropriate. We had to let them know that you are not going to deal with this. Youre not going to be a terrorist organization and attack americans and kill american Service Members. You saw them use the ruse, what i call it, of mourning the death of those 25 that were killed to gain access into the green zone, to utilize that, and attack our embassy. And the president , i mean, he did exactly what he should have done. He responded forcefully, immediately, but also with the right restraint at the time to protect the forces that were there. Shannon i want to play something from Wendy Sherman from the Obama Administration. She was a deputy secretary of state. Putting together the Iranian Nuclear deal. She wrote a piece this week ripping President Trump saying that this is lies at his feet, that he brought us to this point. Now this was written before tonight strike that took out soleimani. Heres what she said afterward at the strike surface. That in my view very painfully, it is President Trumps withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Agreement that started a series of steps that have led us to this day. Shannon your reaction . First of all, what you have seen in the past few weeks, months in iraq, and particularly the past week has nothing to do with the Iranian Nuclear deal. It has everything to do with the intentions and the operations and the agenda of the Iranian Regime in iraq and the whole region. And remember Qassim Soleimani, we are talking about them today has done in iraq and dates back to early days in 2004, 2005. Those efps that penetrate through armor and where the number one killer of American Forces were prepared by the force headed by Qassim Soleimani, and shipped across the border over a decade. And Qassim Soleimani was the most notorious criminal. He was evil. He has the blood of hundreds of thousands of people both in iran, in iraq, in syria, lebanon, and other places. So trying to basically portray what the Iranian Regimes operation is conducting in iraq as a result of someone elses fault is totally inaccurate. The fact of the matter is that that is what you saw in front of the embassy, the american embassy. There were no protests there. There was a military march by the proxies of the Iranian Regime, with Qassim Soleimani. And this has been going on for a long time. The real reality about iraq is that the people of iraq have been protesting against the Iranian Regime influence. Specifically Qassim Soleimani since last october in their protests all over iraq from telling a square baghdad, to cabrillo, and the nations there. They are all turning against the Iranian Regime influence. And he has the top arm in iraq, who was basically running the militia operations in iraq. This is the reality of iraq. It cannot be overseen. But remember that the 800pound gorilla in the room is the regime and the ruin in toronto, because the regime is in trouble. It is facing a lot of protests back in november, they were protesting 191 sitter megacities. And arrested 12,000 people, so this regime is weak, is vulnerable. Thats why they have these actions. And today, the actions and elimination is good news. It is a big blow to the Iranian Regime, the biggest blow in a long, long time. It will change the whole equation. It is a game changer and will go in the right direction. Shannon very quickly i want to give you a final word, i want to ask about your reaction to a lot of the stuff we are singing tonight. Senators, political candidates, and others saying that this was an unnecessary provocation and the president did this as a distraction. And people serving the region, you were there for years. What do you say . It is really sad for me as a service member, a private Security Member serving this country for so many years that our politicians are so filled with hate that instead of seeing that iran is the turning that they are, the tyranny that they are killing their own people, killing thousands of americans in iraq, and instead of condemning the criminality of what they do, they want to stand behind and say that it is inappropriate action. Well, we have now a president who is not afraid to do what needs to be done. It is not afraid to do the right thing. Was going to take a measured strategic look at things and he will do what needs to happen. And killing terrorists, killing people who are killing american sends a message to the rest of the world. I mean, currently we have iran, china, and russia doing joint exercises in the persian gulf. This is a message to them as well. And it also stands on the Positive Side was just recently said, to the iranian people, to the iraqi people who want to have their own country. You want to have a say in what goes on in their own country. Shannon a clear message to them and leaders around the world. Thank you for your service. Thank you both for joining us tonight. Good to see you. Thank you so much, shannon. Shannon off of the targeting of the top iranian commander, this is what is next. And new moves on a trump impeachment defense, could it include our next guest . Republican congressman supports matt gaetz joins us next. Thats life. Uhhh, what do you. What else do you got . stammering wwe have a melon rind stew. Comes with a pork and bean reduction. 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Killing an American Contractor less than a week ago. There is other news tonight. Other trouble could be brewing for Andrew Mccabe. The fbi director admitting to misleading borough investigators about a 2016 media leak. Fox news corresponded here with us. To speak of this report came out a little bit under the radar in the final hours of 2019. The former acting fbi director spent months helping the fbi investigators find out who leaked information to the wall street journal. It turns out according to the report to, he did. Former acting fbi director Andrew Mccabe is in the spotlight once again. After documents were released by the Inspector General telling a story of deception. In october 2016, just weeks before the president ial election, the wall street journal published an article claiming thousands of sensitive emails from the time Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, or sitting on an unsecure laptop, one belonging to huma abedin, the wife of disgrace congressman anthony weiner. Leaking to the journal or other publications. I would like you to stay on national tv that you are not a source for the New York Times. You are never a source for the New York Times or any other publication considering thats what you are accused of lying about. Basically where you ever a leaker to the New York Times . Absolutely not. Not in any time ever. More than 200 pages from the department of justice obtained through a freedom of information act request by citizens for responsibility and ethics, washington, highlighting an interaction between an fbi director and mccabe. I mean and i said long nights and weekends working on this trying to figure out who amongst your ranks would do Something Like that, and he, mccabe, kind of looked down. Kind of nodded and said, yeah, im sorry. He left the borough in 2018 and continues to be a staunch critic of President Trump who declared his impeachment as the crime of the century, far more sinister than watergate. Unredacted emails obtained by security report to show that there was a clear direction from the president to put ukraine funds on hold. Democrats push for a trial, full of documents and live witnesses. President trump, if you are so confident that you did nothing wrong, why wont you let your men testify . Democrats believe that mick mulvaney, john bolton, mike pompeo and others should come before the senate and testify in a trial which by the way, still on hold. The senate is back tomorrow at noon, the house returns next week. Buckle in. Shannon there is a lot to get done. David, thank you. North carolina congressman mark meadows making the case for one of his Freedom Caucus colleagues to send the president in an upcoming impeachment trial, should it happen in the senate. Joining us live, matt gaetz who also serves on the arm sources committee, and analysis on several things, but the death of one of the powerful Iranian Military leaders, your initial thoughts . I am no cheerleader for war with iran, the president has shown restraint when it comes to war with iran, there were people that wanted him to respond aggressively when they shot down a drone or were engaged in activities in the streets. But the president was clear that if there was harm to americans that he would respond not with proportionate response, but with overwhelming force. And that is what we have seen occur here. I support the president s decision. Soleimani was one of the leading destabilizing forces in the middle east. He is the architect of the genocidal strategy we have seen in syria. So i believe that the world will be a better place without soleimani in it. We only got a tweet from one of your colleagues across the aisle saying so what if President Trump knows this leads to war and is a distraction, while those with Congressional Authority step in and stop him . I know i will. There are a lot of people that said he had no approval, he needed congress in order to do this. It is really rich for the squad to be referencing a distraction when the entire impeachment debacle has been there a distraction from the important work for the congress that could impact the lives of americans. If President Trump wanted war with iran, there were plenty of other opportunities to do that. He expressly does not want to war with iran, neither do i. But when you have soleimani out there animating the most destabilizing tactics, you will remember, shannon, the people that stormed our embassy wrote soleimani is our leader on the wall. I dont think they will be writing anyone elses names on those walls if they care about them. Shannon lets turn to impeachment, mark meadows saying you put together your atm, jim jordan, matt gaetz, we dont know when or if this will happen in the senate, but what can you tell us about the strategy moving forward . I can tell you that the president deserves the ateam and that the defense will be multifaceted. There will be some folks that do the work on the senate floor, i would expect the white House Counsel to quarterback that group of people. I think Alan Dershowitz would be an excellent addition to that team. But of course, there are a core group of house members, myself, jim jordan, mark meadows, i would say lee zeldin, Matt Ratcliff who have lived these facts day in and day out for two years. We can add a lot to the defense in terms of the context, the witnesses, and also, a really reflection of who the relevant jury is. I dont think that the United States senate is the only jury that matters. This is the case we make to the American Electric into the world. We are the shining example of democracy in the world, if we allow the votes of tens of tens of millions of americans away from to see, that sends a message to the country. Shannon democrats speaking out saying a writer or group that claims to see unredacted emails involving officials saying the president gave direct orders to hold up this aid. The intel chairman adam schiff said this. They directly cooperate witnesses who testified that military aid was withheld at the direction of the president and that the white house was informed doing so may violate the law, Chuck Schumer says that his new evidence that raises questions i can only be answered by having key witnesses pulled in. What do you say about the new revelations . I dont think that they are new at all. The aide was withheld. There is an afc opinion that said the withholding was appropriate. That gives the president plenty of justification to want to ascertain whether or not there would be these corruptive influences. We also know that in between the president s call with senators and ambassadors, where the case was effectively made by the ukrainians that they would use this aid effectively. The president s belief that corruption could give the u. S. Taxpayer a bad deal is something that has been well reflected in his views on aid generally and specifically to ukraine. Shannon i know you are with the president tonight, can you tell us about how he is feeling with both of these major stories looming, the air strike and now facing potentially the senate trial very soon. I would describe the president s mood as very focused. I think he was really dialed into the ways in which soleimani was planning to kill americans, to harm our diplomats and to throw the entire region into civil war. We understand that this is a big moment in time where he appreciates the gravity of that. But i think that the safety and security of americans was central to the president s thinking. And i think he is aware in the Obama Administration these red lines were drawn and they were crossed and there was no consequence. Here the president gave ample warning, but when iran did not heed that warning, heads will roll. Spy matt gaetz joining us from top commanders and others behind attacks, we have breaking news details coming up next. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate i switched to miralax for my constipation. The nerves in your colon. Miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. And it doesnt cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. Miralax. Look for the pink cap. 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General soleimani was actively developing plans to attack american diplomats and Service Members in iraq and throughout the region. General soleimani and his force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Coalition Members and the wounding of thousands more. And democratic chairman tweeting this the law requires notification so the president cant plunge the United States into ill considered wars. Also here without delay from senior officials about this action and their plans to deal with the aftermath. With that in mind, lets bring in Lucas Tomlinson and republican congressman veteran michael waltz, great to have you both in. We will start there, you know that the statements are piling up from your counterparts on the hill saying that this was done in defiance of what shouldve been congressional action. With the president shouldve come to you first. To add to the pentagon statement that soleimani was planning additional attacks, he has over 600 american soldiers deaths on his hands over the years. He has been killing americans for years. In addition to what he was about to do. This was an act of selfdefense. We had actionable intelligence, and i cannot imagine a situation where you would have the commander in chief who knows american diplomats or servicemen are about to be killed and does not take action, to not take action would be irresponsible on his part. Selfdefense and then you can take preadmittance attacks when you know that its coming. Shannon what about this specifically escalating what is going on in the region, and what happens next may be unpleasant. Lets be clear, iranian backed militia just killed an american a few days ago on a base who was over there as an american civilian. What is irresponsible to my democratic colleagues respectfully is to wait until more americans are in body bags and then come to congress to ask permission to take action, i dont think so. We have a right to selfdefense. The president and the Defense Department have a right to preemptive strikes if they know that intelligence is credible that we are about to take casualties, and at the end of the day i think that this was a proportional response. This did not happen in tehran, we are not sending americans for an invasion, this was to take out a designated terrorist with american blood on his hands who has killed hundreds of thousands including human rights abuses in iraq. Shannon what do we know about how this came together, the intel or anything else . Because it is swept, the calendar of events we have seen . To put it in perspective about soleimani, he was responsible for the death of 17 of all u. S. Troops deaths in iraqetween 20032011 in the iraqi war. 608 troops were killed during that time. That is quoting the state department. Back to the intelligence, the u. S. Military has been tracking soleimani for a long time. Keep in mind, the shield militias were fighting isis and there was a cause i alliance, there was an alliance where these militias were attacking isis, and now with isis largely defeated, iran is turning their attention to the United States. Soleimani has been moving in and out of iraq for some time, meeting with the Prime Minister on a number of different occasions, and the u. S. Military has been watching him. Tracking the movements with drones for some time, and when they saw that he was getting into the car with abu mahdi almohandes, the head of all shigella militia groups, also has america blood on his hands hands, two months after the bombing, also designating terrorists when the u. S. Militia saw abu mahdi almohandes and soleimani get in that car together, they took the shot authorized by the president. Shannon with all of this in mind, what do you need as a member of congress to hear next . Do you need a briefing . Because critics say that they dont have a clear shot. Do they need to see what will happen next . They wander from senior officials . We will have a continuing of oversight role along the services committee, and i think that the president has a great team around him. Estabrook, pompeo, and they have been clear that we are going to continue to maximum Pressure Campaign on iran, which is working. We are seeing riots, we are seeing protests. We are seeing the good economy collapse. The oil is drying up. But the iranians will continue to lash out to create the narrative which many are playing into that this is the president s fault. That those things were kumbaya and fine before 2016. They were not. Iranians have been killing americans for many years, continuing the maximum Pressure Campaign, stay strong and i think at the end of the day iran will come back to the table from a position of weakness. Or they will face economic collapse. One of the two. One point about soleimani just to show you how powerful he was, ten days after the nuclear deal was agreed to in july of 2015, he got on a flight to moscow even though it was heavily sanctioned and he met with Vladimir Putin and a member of top russian officials that were orchestrating the move to syria to prop up the assad regime, and it just shows that he was not only a shadowy commander and the head of all forces in syria, he was almost the top diplomat, back to abu mahdi almohandes, he was the top of so his death is going for the american killed just a week ago, and the attack that killed 25 of his fighters. Shannon we stand by for the next development. Thank you both for being with us tonight. 2020 candidates reacting to the air strike. The 2020 report next. Ontrol, is about to become your problem. Ahh no, come on. I saw you eating poop earlier. Hey my focus is on the road, and thats saving me cash with drivewise. Whos the dummy now . Whoof whoof so get allstate where good drivers save 40 for avoiding mayhem, like me. Sorry hes a baby but i did pick clarity by knowing i have a treatment that goes right at it. Discover piqray, a treatment that specifically targets pik3ca mutations in hr , her2 mbc. Piqray is taken with fulvestrant after progression on hormone therapy and helps people live longer without disease progression. Do not take piqray if youve had severe allergic reactions to it or any of its ingredients. Piqray can cause serious side effects including severe allergic and skin reactions, high blood sugar levels and diarrhea that are common and can be severe, and pneumonitis. 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Talking about it with top 2020 democratic strategists. And matthew gorman, welcome to fox news night, great to have both of you tonight. Lets start with the andrew yang tweet, this is not what the American People want. And President Trump during the last campaign ran on getting people out of incursions overseas, bringing the men and women home. How do you think this place politically . We have tried to engage with he ran from decades, with crippling sanctions, and they have set the terms and the rules. They have certainly threatened american lives. They have killed americans, and even more so, recently, they have gotten very blatant doing it. Because they believe that we were never going to enforce or respond to. And quite frankly, tonight, we saw bread lines mean redlines with President Trump. If youre going to kill americans, you better expect retaliation. We had the military taunting the president on twitter saying he would not do anything. Unfortunately for some in the area might have called his bluff. Shannon you heard congressman walts a few minutes ago saying that the commander in chief has a duty for americans being threatened, they say that the intel showed them that there were threats to american interests in the region, that he was justified to take the strike. I am in the vote of Many Americans tonight to that want to know what happens next . What is the strategy tomorrow and the next day . I understand that we just took out an enemy to the United States who is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of americans. That is a good thing. But i want to understand what comes next, shannon, because this results in escalation taking complex with iran that has been in shades of gray and now much more stark relief of black and white, are we near a shooting war in the middle east . Do we consult with the Coalition Partners . What are the potential implications for the Service Members and the diplomats in the middle east, elsewhere around the world . And what is our strategy moving forward not only to contain iran, but whether it is a strategy of escalation or deescalate station . The American People have rights to those answers. Because of president ran on withdrawing american troops from the middle east. He ran on pulling us out of conflicts in the middle east. And tonight it looks like anything but that. It certainly is a market escalation. So i think that we need to hear from the president what is his strategy . Shannon he also talked about pushing back on foreign interest that he thought was pushing the u. S. Around. So we will be to see the next move from the administration and certainly for folks overseas as they react. I want to get into 2020 news with you and put up the latest fundraising numbers that have come in for the last quarter. President trump obviously is the only one running on his side. All the g. O. P. Dollars are pulling for him, 26 million they are. But sanders at the top of the field, followed by pete buttigieg, joe biden, and yang, we know that elizabeth warrens numbers are coming in tomorrow. So what do you make of this . There is a lot of money pulling in on the democratic side when you put that together. It trumps what the president has, but that is the nature of primaries. Yes, exactly, it is. And that was very much the case in 2011 and in 2003 when people of the opposite party were running against the incumbent president. But look at, Bernie Sanders number is quite astounding. He is really raising an lot of money, but right now what i am looking at at now is cash on hand. We are getting where voters are voting very soon, so you have to spend that money that you are raising. So remember, last quarter, joe biden spent a lot of money and his spending rate was very high. He has not released to that number yet. Im very interested to see what that number is, because, no one drops out for lack of money, you drop out because you ran out of money. Shannon final comment from you about bernies surging number on the dem side . 10 million behind in incumbent president that is extraordinary. When you look at the democratic field will house the dnc, they brought over 450 million last year, outpacing the president s Reelection Campaign and according to politico, matt is right that there is huge enthusiasm, money, and we will see what happens next. Shannon we will, thank you both. Good to see you. All right, should state give driver licenses to people in the u. S. Illegally and why one columnist thinks you should be terrified of armed churchgoers h,in texas. The lightning round next. Most cold medicines may raise blood pressure. Coricidin hbp is the. 1 brand that gives. Powerful cold relief without raising your blood pressure. Motor . Nope. Not motor . Its pronounced motaur. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. For those who were born to ride, because the tempurbreezeâ„¢makes stransfers heat. Away from your body. So you feel cool, night after night. And now tempurpedic is ranked number one by jd power in Customer Satisfaction with retail mattresses. Spin on the department of Homeland Security says it is time to investigate states passing laws to give driver licenses to people illegally. The lightning round, cochair ethan bearman, and daily caller video, stephanie handel, welcome to both of you. Thanks, shannon. Shannon lets start with this, heather smith, tells the ap, the Trump Administration takes admission and Homeland Security very seriously, these laws make it easier for terrorists and criminals to obtain fraudulent documents. Ethan, we are talking about drivers licenses for people in the country illegally. Millions of people driving on our roads, widely figuring out that they were driving without drivers licenses, also not buying insurance. We need to protect ourselves, get them properly licensed and trained them to drive on our road. A natural old battle between states race and federal rights, we will find out if there is a federal law that will overruled the states, but for right now i support california. Shannon basically makes people pass a test, and requires them to meet the legal things that they need to do to drive a car, what is wrong with this . Well, it is interesting that all of these states are pushing these types of laws and starting to hand out licenses to Illegal Immigrants, we know that new york is the 12th state to allow this. But nobody has thought about national security. And i have never seen any sort of numbers or statistics on the amount of Illegal Immigrants that are actually buying car insurance. Because i remember i had a friend who was hit by an illegal immigrant after california had passed the laws where Illegal Immigrants could get licenses. So it is interesting that you take them forward on this issue without producing any facts or numbers. Shannon lets go to the next hot topic which was a piece that appeared in usa today from an arizona writer. And it talks about the fact that this guy and a texas church who stops a bad guy, he is great. He is exactly the kind of man you want around with a firearm, training, Everything Else as an fbi agent. But we know nothing about that at least six other parishioners who drew their handguns in White Settlement texas, and that is terrifying, are you afraid that there were other people there with guns . No, i am terrified that there are democrat politicians and the guncontrol group who continue to try to chip away at our Second Amendment rights. What happened in this church is exactly what needed to happen, the sad reality is that there is evil in this world, and lawabiding citizens need the opportunity to fight back. If it was not for jack wilson, there could have been many other deaths in that church. We need the right to fight back. Shannon okay, andrew pollocks daughter who was killed in the mass shooting tweeted this the usa today has no i feel what terrifying is, terrifying as my daughter on the third floor for 40 minutes with nobody to help her. I would have for terrifying concealing holders to be there after school. Fix fixit. A welltrained hero who knew exactly what he was doing with a firearm, but all of the other people who are not so welltrained, we dont do full background checks, 89 of American People want us to do complete universal background checks, which people continue to do. 86 want red flag logs, this is a problem that we are not vetting who is going around with these guns well enough in states like texas, the gun violence, mortality and injury rates are higher than the states that dont allow everybody to walk around with guns. Shannon all right, we will leave it there for tonights lightning round, ethan and stephanie, happy new year. Good to see you both. Thanks, shannon. Shannon thank you for joining us with special coverage of the Ongoing Events in iraq, that taking out of a top iranian leader after a lot of tension in the region and promises by the president. That is it for now. Mostwatched, most trusted, good night from washington. I am Shannon Bream. 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