0 curry, on the right, one of our great producers, been with us almost from the very beginning of the "the angle" is going to bigger and better things, she's getting married. malcolm is a lucky guy. we will miss you. she is one of the greats, what can i say? up next, gutfeld. >> todd: fox news alert, day two of the new congress and no speaker of the house. kevin mccarthy hit with a wall of republican resistance and now only hours left to win him over before they try again for the fourth time. you're watching "fox and friends first"s, i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier. mccarthy is heading into today's vote confident he can get it done. listen. >> leader mccarthy? >> yes. i have the record for the longest speech ever on the floor, i don't have a problem getting the record for most votes, too. >> ashley: talking to congressman elect jeff vandrew. start with david live in washington, good morning. >> good morning, kevin mccarthy and his supporters will be back at it in a few hours, hoping to gain more votes, like 15 or 20 to be more specific with 20 republicans holding out, mccarthient cabe speaker and the business of house cannot begin. margin over democrats are too thin. mccarthy has no plan to drop out, will stay on for a fourth, fifth or sixth ballot. on the first round, he gained 203 votes, on the final it was down to 200, these are republicans who voted against mccarthy in third and final round yesterday before breaking. congressman donald flipped his vote in the final round from mccarthy to jim jordan. >> does anybody think this institution is work something all due respect to kevin, he's been in leadership since 2009, the debt was $11 trillion then and $32 trillion now. when leadership votes with minority, with the democrats, the past history of our republican leadership, maybe we should do something different. >> my thinking is weller mccarthy doesn't have the votes, pretty apparent, you have to consider alternatives, jim would make a tremendous speaker. >> mccarthy has plenty supporters, 200 that are angry this is turning into such a spectacle. >> there is a point where you go from new york to a hostage situation and 90% of republicans voted in can't be held hostage for the agenda of a few, especially when there is a lot of concession toward the agenda. >> somebody has to get 218 votes and kevin mccarthy is the only one that is close in the conference. >> you bet the democrats are enjoying the spectacle. there is a tweet, we're breaking the popcountry out and the dem caucus until republicans get their act together. republicans 222 members and democrats 212, mccarthy cannot lose more support. as you heard in the sound bite, he will get the most votes for speaker, that was before first, second and third round yesterday. back to you. >> todd: you want to start the new year clean, they are doing the opsits, trying to put on the weight, instead of going on cleanse and trying to lose weight. thank you for the update. former speaker newt gingrich weighing in on the drama saying there could be negative consequences for know ares voting against mccarthy. watch. >> a number of so-called insurgents, whatever you call them, are putting re-election at risk now because people will say, how can you hold the entire party hostage, how can you hold the house hostage, who do you think you are to have this authority? >> todd: let's bring in new jersey congressman elect jeff vandrew. it feels weird to call you congressman election, a week ago we would have called you congressman. what is going to happen today congressman elect? more of what we saw yesterday or will we pick a speaker? >> we are going to pick a speaker andevery congressman is a congressman-elect, we haven't gotten the job done. we worked hard to get this majority, americans worked hard, they want to see improvements in government and fiscal situation and do something about open borders, something to do with education, with policing, with military. we have a lot of work to do and we have plans issue the bills, the resolutions, it is this nonsense that is interfering, two i think thises i don't want to see, one for this to drag on forever. we got to get this done, done today or tomorrow and it is time for us to move on and make a difference in america. second thing, we will not have and i will not tolerate, neither will others, democratic speaker. they are laughing and shame on us, we need to get this done. there is a group of people that want to really hold out and that is unfortunate because it is time to move on. a lot of concessions were made, we have a lot of fiscal restraint now in the rules, way of removing a speaker, even if five individual members think that person should be put up for election again and aren't satisfied with his work. it is enough, it is time to move on and unfortunate that this is going on. we can achieve greatness, bring our country home, do the things people want and that is what i'm going to push for, work for and i don't care how many hours, we must elect a speaker. >> ashley: this has not happened since 1923, when it went through nine ballots. it went through three yesterday. mccarthy feels confident he will get the votes. potentially getting a democrats speaker, what is the chance hakeem jeffries would get that spot? that would infuriate people when the house won by small majority. >> it would not just infuriate the people, that would infuriate me, it is intolerable and will not happen, i will jump up and down on the floor of the house of representatives and so will others. work it out and move on, this is chance for a small group to have a big voice because the margin is so thin. they can't use that to what americans can accomplish and do. that is where we must go. what this is really about is not just choosing a speaker, it is about choosing a future for america, a better future, we can do this, we have great ideas and bills. the list of bills we're doing know with the next week or so, i felt good for the first time walking into the floor house, there were things i could vote for to make a difference, things like making sure we do the right thing when it comes to the border, doing the right thing with so many issues, energy, etcetera, we've got it. we're there, we know what needs to be done, we got to get through this part. it is important, i don't want to make history, great, interesting, footnote, let's move on. by the way, jim jordan does not want to be speaker, he nominated kevin mccarthy, spoke in favor of kevin mccarthy, he wanted to be chair of judiciary and i hope to serve with him for a long time. he's going to be an excellent chair, it is what the man wants and that should be respected and what he deserves. it is foolishness to keep nominating him to the position that he will not accept. stop it. don't do that. find out what we can do. kevin mccarthy is by far still the closest with 200 plus people who want to see him, vast majority of republicans want to see him become the speaker. if he doesn't do a good job, we'll be first to let him know. >> todd: as far as kevin mccarthy, the sound bite leading to your interview here, he said he is dug in. can you envision any scenario where hes look, i don't have the votes. the votes are not breaking my way, i need to do what is best for the republican party and nation and give up, do you see a scenario where he does that? >> you never know what is going to happen in of well. i know kevin is truly dug in. he's worked really hard. i don't know that everybody agrees with every single thing he's ever done, who does with anybody. he worked hard to raise money for new, young freshmen coming in, diverse and exciting class coming in to comp liment those who have been there a while and worked hard to make sure we got majority, every year we've increased the number of republicans and something to be said for that. that is not easy in the country these days because democrats have a lot more money, they have billionaires around this country and everywhere else supporting them and pushing for them to change the fabric of this country and he's worked hard to make sure we have a voice and we change that. that is something to be said. at this point, it will take a lot to get him to remove or move his position, let's see what is going to happen. >> ashley: you hope there are no repercussions. go on. >> and i call upon people's higher -- i guess higher abilitieses, higher thoughts, their better desires, when i say people, i mean the people who are actual ly the 19 or 20 most involved with doing this, they have a lot of concessions and have are good, things i agree with and think they are good, good, fiscal conservative ideas, areas we need to be more careful. the other thing we have to be careful, people try to blame the terrible things that have happened over the last couple years on mccarthy. it is nonsense, we don't have majority, something we have to understand, you get what you vote for and people voted for this back then and boy, they got it. it was terrible. it is terrible. now is our chance once we get through to say, this is what we can do, we'll show you the bills and resolutions. we'll show you the investigations and you tell us you think this has value. i think it does and i think people will realize that and that is where this turns around. this will be in my opinion, once we go through and hope it takes a day or two, whenever it is done, a memory. >> ashley: you hope so. a lot of people, especially republicans and gop hope there is no repercussions from this, when it comes to the election and they think, why vote for the gop if they can't agree, when they work for the people and this is postponing anything done for the american people. congressman-elect, jeff van drew, we appreciate your time. the bills say hamlines condition is improving. he was resuscitated twice. >> todd: brooke singman has the latest. >> brooke: the bills say he is still sedated in critical condition. his family is speaking out publicly for the first time since monday. they say they are deeply moved by the prayers, kind words and donations from fans and want to acknowledge the dedicated first responders at university of cincinnati medical center who have provided exceptional care from damar hamlin. players wearing t-shirts that say love before their game with the capitals and the harbor ferris wheel lit up with the number three last night. both trib utributes. dan orlovsky led prayer for the family. >> pray for strength for damar hamlin, comfort for damar, to be with his family, give him peace, if we didn't believe prayer didn't work, we wouldn't ask this of you, god. i believe in prayer, we believe in prayer. we lift up damar hamlin name in your name. amen. >> amen. >> amen. >> ashley: tom brady says we are praying for damar and his family, moments like this put into perspective what itten moos to play this game we love. brady contributing $10,000 to damar hamlin chasing ends foundation which raised $6 million since monday night. it supports mckey rock. the family updated go fund me page saying donations are being used to fund his treatment. >> todd: i'm gleaning there is improvement, it does appear not out of the woods in any way, shape or form. prayers continue. the outpouring of support for this individual and his family, for the team, the buffalo bills and the league continues. if there is positive to take away, in times of tragedy, our country comes together and rally and we put petty differences aside to a degree. if you look online, there is some -- always, but by and large come together on this. >> ashley: there is always a select few going to push against what majority of people are saying. it is really about this young man's family, his health, coming together for really america, especially when it is such a divided nation when you think in the grand scheme of things. really we just pray for a speedy recovery. when you saw that happen on the field, it was startling and for people watching live, people who watched football their whole lives say they have never seen anything like that happen before. hope there can be comfort brought that he can make his way out of this and everything will be okay and this will just be a memory at some point. you hope and pray for the safety of the rest of the players, as well. >> todd: yesterday, not a lot of focus on what happens to the game itself, the bills and bengals game and unclear what happen with that and the nfl schedule. it is appropriate, we are focused on the health of this individual. there are so many questions. i have questions and i'm looking forward to speaking with former n.f.l. player, jack brewer, friend of the show. i am looking forward to hearing his perspective and i think he will give interesting perspective on what players and retired players are thinking this morning. turning our attention to the southern border, learning more about the attack on the mexican prison miles from el paso. a mexican gang leader is now on the loose. mexico secretaries pinon fled the prison as gunmen sprayed the prison with bullets. he was serving in connection with kidnapings and abductions, the gunman killing people and guards, unclear if arrests have been made. did you hear about this, colorado democrat governor is sending migrants to big cities like new york city and mayor eric adams is not happy about it. >> notified yesterday that the governor of colorado is now stating that they are going to be sending migrants to places like new york and chicago. this is just unfair for local governments to have to take on this national obligation. >> todd: but the move is to help migrants get where they need to go, providing transportation to help migrants reach their destination, carrying out our value of treating every human being with dignity and upon are, wonder if he gets same criticism of abbott or desantis. eric adams says the city received 30,000 migrants since last spring. >> ashley: youngkin calling into an investigation of a high school telling students they receive national merit awardless to protect feelings of those who didn't. >> violation of civil liberties, students achieved a real accolade to be national merit scholar and they were not told because they didn't want the other students to feel bad. >> ashley: students named condemned students by the corporation and governor youngkin says the delayed notification appears to be deliberate attempt to disadvantage high-performing students calling this human rights violation, that is unbelievable. >> todd: i worked my tail off to get that, sf that was deprived, there would have been h-e-double hockey sticks that ain't right. >> todd: there is one thing parents want once the killer is convicted. >> the latest on the case after this. e wolfgang puck home i knew there would be a lot of orders to fill and i wanted them to ship out fast that's why i chose shipstation shipstation helps manage orders 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