0 it was locked, you can only lift it a little bit and the scooper in there, pull it out. >> her obsession didn't stop there. >> it's convenient, it's right there, has a long shelf life, don't worry about it, it is there. i had it for breakfast, great way to start the day. >> gutfeld is next. >> president biden: i'm not walking anything back. i make no apology. >> does it complicate diplomacy of this moment? >> president biden: i don't think it does. >> carley: help of a cheat sheet, the respond word for word what was print on the paper he was holding. >> todd: mayor of mariupol says russian forces are in control of the city. half the population remains with the area virtually impossible to live in. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. alex is live on the ground floor standing by from can i have can i have. >> todd: here is more. >> he said in warsaw president putin cannot remain in power, the white house stepped in saying this was off-script emotional moment, democrats called it a gaff. >> do you believe what you said, putin can't remain in power? your government is trying to walk things back, does your words complicate matter? >> president biden: i want to make it clear, i am not articulating policy change, i make no apology for it. >> the original comment put partner nations on edge issue not wanting to provoke russia. kremlin spokesperson says this statement is alarming, we will continue to track the statements of the united states president in the most ark tentative way. senator rand paul called his comments a national security risk. >> it is a national security risk, he's sending signals no one would want to send, we are not trying to replace putin in russia. >> reuters was told ahead of peace talks, it does not appear russia is willing to compromise at this pointh. at this time president putin hosts the -- >> todd: to another fox news alert. city fallen into russian hands and 5000 people have been killed. >> carley: alex logan has the latest. alex. >> alex: there was intense shelling over kyiv, the other side, east, russian forces are tightening their grip on mariupol. the mayor says much of the territory is occupied by russian forces ordering a complete evacuation. 5000 people have been killed since russia's invasion and 210 were kids. monday kyiv came under intense shelling, the mayor says their troops have managed to regain the town. next advance is liberating nearby towns and ukrainian forces turn to the offensive. half of the refugees displaced are children, they fled with little or no belongings and no home or personal relongings to return to. first face-to-face between russia and delegates began today, talks begin as new surface of potential poisoning of roman and ukrainian negotiators beginning of march. zelenskyy says he could bar off alliances with other countries, but will not budge on giving up ukrainian land, and that is echoed by the ukrainian mp. >> no, simple answer, we will not give up our territory, this will be a tactic from putin. he will cut our country piece pie piece. >> negotiations will start today through tomorrow. these will be face-to-face talks, so far we will not see anything come to fruition from conversation regard anything semblence of peace there have been attacks throughout the night in lviv overnight. as of this morning, this city is relatively peaceful. >> carley: we are hearing russia is focusing efforts on controlling the donbosk region. what does that say to and you what do you know about the attack? >> alex: this attack took place 75 miles from where i am standing, the second attack on an oil depot just in a matter of a couple days, there was another attack just two miles away on saturday and the one that took place overnight, near the border of poland, western side of the country. we are seeing troops focus on the donbosk area, seeing attacks on oil depots and factories the military use across the country. >> todd: let us bring in ukrainian parliament, great to have you. i toment focus on this russian poisoning report, we need to be delicate how we handle this, there are conflicting reports whether this was poisoning or something else. for argument sake, if the russian poisoning story is true, if they did poison negotiators, including abramovic, do they even thpt war to end? >> right now there is no fact that would prove they thpt war to end. sside of the potential poisoning, move how they were preparing for peaceful negotiations taking place right now. first, last three days they cancelled all humanitarian convoys in corridors outside the occupied cities. second, they are taking right now women and children from mariupol and as hostages as their "exchange pool," they want to exchange for captured soldiers and third, they were firing missiles when president biden was giving his speed in poland, agreeing on the same time, aiming close to polish border as possible. kira rukik. we are here, which fact is proving they want peace and negotiations to come along well. i do not believe this, as well as i do not believe that peaceful negotiation for the last eight years that happen when they occupied eastern territories. there is no to putin, only thing he understands is there are language of power, language of force. >> on the poisoning or the fact that aabramavic saying that was due to environmental factors, i think there is a lot of questions to still be answered there. peace talks underway in istanbul today, what do you expect to get out of them? >> i would expect human -- for ukrainian people, but again, this should not be related to any peace talks, related to putin and his general keeping their word on letting civilians out. they cannot execute on that plan. then we expect to hear like this first and most important point what are security guarantees we can get from the other countries, other war leaders. any peaceful negotiation with russia have no sense because there is no way for us to make sure that putin will keep his word. right now we have heard that there is a bunch of war leaders who will be able to get on security guarantees, but i believe they will be announced after the round of negotiations, this is most critical part. the rest will come along and we will be starting, discussing in ukrainian parliament if needed, however the first and foremost it is security guarantees. most important point one needs to ukraine is not giving up territory or anything. we have already fought for it, we have already died for it, we have stole our blood for it, no way we are saying, you can take this, no way at all. >> todd: the comments by joe biden over the weekend discussing potential removal of vladamir putin from office getting a lot of attention after the white house tried to walk back the comments n. your opinion, did the comments help or hurt the ukrainian people. >> the joe biden talk was motivational, but didn't have what we expected. clear plan of removing putin from power, this is what the united states want to do. we want it and want to hear the plan rather than he will remain in power. second, we didn't hear about the weaponry that we do need to fight putin. we heard just general summation that the united states will be standing with ukraine, we appreciate standing with us, we need practical help and this is why i think it did not help ukraine right now. what we need right now is concrete steps, concrete list of items we can get and increase list of steps that will be taken to actually change the situation instead of talking and mourning about it. >> carley: your country needs fighter jets, missiles and drones and there has been discussion in the united states about getting them to your country. it doesn't seem to be anying anywhere. how close are you to getting that advanced weaponry and what is the holdup? >> the holdup is procrastination or indecisiveness of the nato countries. it is day 35 of war, for 35 days, my people were dying, my people were risking their lives, so somebody will finally make the decision to give us the fighter jetss, to give us necessary weaponry, it just didn't happen and every time we hear we are close, in the end, we are not getting anything, we did not get anything that would allow us to close the sky for ukraine ourselves. we are saying we are getting all the support and able to fight them back, we are fighting bravely on the ground, this is where we have the need. in the air, our cities continue being destroyed and our people are being killed because we are 35 days and no strong hand come and say, i'm taking responsibility, here are the jets that you need, here are missiles you need, go and fight russians like you do. this is what we were expecting from the world leaders and nato countries this is what we were expecting from peep whole say putin cannot remain in power. >> todd: your frustration is understandable, we share it with you, thank you for your time this morning. american veterans picking up for freedom in ukraine. special ops vet verts and medical professionals traveling to train soldiers and civilians on the ground in combat care. >> carley: dr. aaron epstein joins us live in ukraine. we talk to people whose mission is to get people out of ukraine in safer location, your mission is different and critical, tell us about it. >> yeah, my org is comprised of 1500 special operation veterans and officials and we aim empowering our nation population through training. so through training of their civilian population, as well as military forces and primarily combat sashlt care, we're hoping they can treat injuries that they sustain on the battlefield, so that is one line of effort. we have a couple different lines such as train the trainer program and special operation to build up capability of our partners and this translates capabilities to our partner population, so they can train their own people and beyond that, what we've been doing is translating key u.s. guides and documents such as u.s. army tactical course into ukrainian and making it publicly available, looking for population wide effects through training and education on the ground. >> todd: dr. epartly cloudy -- epstein, how do you train peep nel a war zone? >> it is complicated, we need to move between sites just because they will get bombed. for example, we had one training site in central ukraine in the middle of training process, the missiles were inbound, we moved to the bunker and continued training the civilians in the bunker. we're joking if it ain't raining, we ain't training. we continue regardless. >> carley: you are telling people what to do in case of the chemical weapon attack. what if that happen? >> we had to assess their capabilities in terms of chemical weapons event and it is limited by infrastructure, they don't have the capability we have in the u.s., after assessment, we interacted with ems in key cities and same time translated the u.s. military guide or chemical weapon response and laid out what needs to be done in terms of mask, decontamination, water treatment and transport from there to the hospital in way that keeps everybody safe. large-scale education is what it comes down to as far as being able to affect their possibility to handle a chemical russian attack. >> todd: you can do nat at amazing work you are doing. >> todd: weather alert, a squall causes massive pileup on a highway in pennsylvania. 60 vehicles were involved, including cars and tractor trailers. authorities say snow and fog are to blame for the crash. take a look at this, wow. that is first time i've saw that, wild dash cam video showing one person diving out of the way. look at that, as an 18-wheeler barrels through the pileup. >> carley: we turn to the crisis at southern border. agents encounters 95 illegal immigrants in the new mexico desert on thursday. they were discovered in remote area with imaging technology and new footage emerges from eagle pass, texas, large group being released into the community under the catch and release policy, that group was reportedly 300 migrants. >> todd: president biden unvauling the budget for the year. biggest increase in climate spending in u.s. history with 44.9 billion committed there, including civilian climate giving jobs to young americans. in the budget $10 billion for postal ballots to be sent for free and increase in irs budget and devote $309 million to protect u.s. southern border. >> carley: the plot thickens, will smith speaks out. >> todd: smith danced the night away, he could face the music for his actioning. >> carley: jackie ibanez joins us. >> jackie: apologizing to chris rock after the slap heard around the world. >> jada, i love you, gi jane 2, can't wait to see it. wow, will smith just smacked the [bleep] out of me. >> keep my wife's [bleep] out of your mouth. >> wow, dude, it was a gi jane joke. >> jackie: smith tearfully apologized to the academy, but shared this yesterday. my behavior was unacceptable and inexcusable, jokes at my expense are part of the job, joke about jada's medical condition was too much to bear. i would like to publicly apologize to you, chris. tmz did not know that jada suffered from alopecia, smith wasted no time getting down after the after party while grasping his best actor statue. me and jada, got dressed up to choose chaos. interesting. smith could face heat from the academy, they said the academy condemning the action of mr. smith's at last night's show and started a formal review and will review further action and consequences. people magazine reports smith was close to being kicked out of the ceremony after the attack. the academy condemning abuse of any kind. rock has not yet responded to smith's apology. >> todd: jackie ibanez, story of the day. thank you. prosecutors in the hunter biden attack key nothing on the case, the story is being spread. how republicans just laid the groundwork to target the media blackout. >> carley: and -- two years later, she says she's been black listed by her industry and she is speaking out right here on "fox and friends first." why do nearly one million businesses choose to mail and ship? 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