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Think that it is all right think about what i am saying todd a little Stevie Wonder to kick off your tuesday morning. Look at what is out there. Jillian our building looks bright like there are a lot of lights but it is pretty empty. Todd the lights are on but nobody is home. Good morning, hopefully all lights are on in your home, watching fox and friends first on tuesday morning. Jillian thank you for starting the day with us. In a few hours donald trump is heading to kenosha, wisconsin where he is expected to deliver along and order message amid the unrest in the city. Todd joe biden blaming the president for the uptick in violence nationwide. Jillian good morning, griffin. Jillian reporter donald from going to kenosha to praise Law Enforcement response to last weeks despite governor either is urging him to reconsider. He made that very clear in an exclusive interview with laura ingraham. I am a tremendous fan of Law Enforcement and i want to thank Law Enforcement, they have done a good job. When the governor says i shouldnt come or he prefer that i not come, im the one that called him and said youve got to bring out the national guard. He agreed to a small number but the small number was plenty. His democratic opponent traveling to pittsburgh in his first in Person Campaign event of the general election, joe biden blasting donald trump for the violence in cities across america. He doesnt want to shed light. He wants to generate heat and he is stroking violence in our cities. Fires are burning and we have a president who fans the flames rather than fighting the flames. But we must not burn. Todd the president punched back hitting him over who would do a better job keeping americans safe. He is a weak person, he has been we call his life but now hes really week. Biden wasnt going to come out of his basement until the election, now he had to because the polls were so good for me. Now he had to because the polls are different. Reporter has for todays trip to kenosha there are no plans for meeting between the president and members of jacob blakes families. The site of shooting, that will go with the president s visit. Jillian thank you. Todd the democrats finally start to condemn the vines, dan bonnjinoh says too little too late. We needed them to speak out before the cities burn down, not afterwards. You are not doing much good after the fact when your focus groups tell you we took a focus group poland asked people is a good idea to walk down the street and get your butt whipped by protesters and shockingly 61 said no and joe biden licked his finger and saw wind changing and said maybe we should speak out, they covered for them forever. Todd biden and harris facing criticism for staying file and on the violence during the convention. Chaos in los angeles and portland overnight. Jillian giant crowd gathering after la did the distilled black man police say attacked an officer. Reporter a lot going on, crowds in los angeles facing off with police after two deputies financial a black man, he was riding a bike, but he ran. The la county sheriff says he got into a fight with deputies and pulled out a gun before police shot him, protesters fled the citys outside marching to the sheriffs office. Black lives matter mobilizing the protest saying it was all hands on deck. The police in portland declaring a riot as the fires were set in the streets, crowds marching to the mayors house calling for his resignation. You can see the Group Setting off fireworks coming days after a man was killed near clashes between protrump supporters and counter protesters. Aaron anderson was a member of the conservative group Patriot Prayer, officials express condolences, Oregon Governor kate brown blames Patriot Prayer for inciting violence. The groups founder defense seeing him. Their attempt to justify murdering him in cold blood, this is the attempt of the far left to dehumanize people so we dont treat them like humans. Reporter in an express interview with laura ingraham, americans are tired of the lack of law and order. The people of portland, the people of oregon, liberal state considered liberal are tired of it. Tired of living with this. Reporter kate brown saw on Law Enforcement agencies to help the violence, some of those agencies say they wont help out. Todd thanks. Raising a red flag, to heal our nation it is too late to save our city. If we dont Pay Attention to what is happening we are going to lose the city. What the president has to do is make sure the American People understand the cities are run by states or democrats, they have been week on this violence and they have enabled it. The president has to stand strong, and say to people we are all americans, lets get this behind us and move on to a stronger future. Stacy washington joins us in 30 minutes as biden shifts from ignoring the violence to blaming the president. Todd Steve Mnuchin set to testify before the house covid19 committee amidst all talks, he has blame democrats insisting they are not negotiating in good faith telling fox, to push and to continue talks. Another round of funding after passing a 1 trillion relief bill. Jillian the black panther costar posting a tribute to the late actor, Michael Jordan posting a message, quote, you showed me how to be better and create legacy and whether you have known it or not i have been watching, learning and motivated by your greatness. I wish we had more time. Donald trump will hold an outdoor remembrance ceremony thursday. The actor died from colon cancer friday. Todd eight after the hour, joe biden pushing back, the president treat them as a puppet for the left. A soft spot for rioters . Really . Any truth to the biden far left shift . It is an insult to people of real concern. He joins us next to talk about it. announcer now more than ever, its important to lose weight, improve your health, and strengthen your immunity. Starvation dieting, processed foods, shakes, and diet gimmicks have made us heavier and sicker. The solution for losing weight the right way is golo. We help transform your body and change your lifestyle, so you can lose weight and get healthier. Over 20,000 people of all ages, and entire families, switch to golo every week, because golo works. Golo is a unique approach to weight loss that targets insulin resistance and body fat. Insulin resistance makes it easy to gain weight and harder to lose it. 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Todd joining us to react, business and economics professor at the kings college, thanks for being here. You call that statement from joe biden nonsensical, why . Reporter people arent judging joe biden on his looks when it comes to the economy. He wants people to judge the book by its cover but the truth is we can read the book. s campaign has published everything hes talking about on the economy. I wonder if he read his own policies. Look what the campaign has published and what is written has been written in large part by his rivals, the sanders camp, the warren camp. What he has written is a Big Government move on the economy with you are talking healthcare, education, green energy, manufacturing, joe biden is talking about growing the government in a way we havent seen in generations if ever so now, people using the socialist label, i dont know if hes a socialist but people using the socialist label arent looking at him, they are looking at his policy and drawing conclusions based on it. Jillian you hear him say do i look like a radical socialist and that soundbite, the question is is he doing enough to tell swing state voters that he isnt if that is the case . Hes not. Clearly he is not because by making that argument he is dodging the real issue, not talking about policy and you notice this throughout the Democratic National convention, they didnt talk policy, he didnt address the issues on the table when it comes to the economy. Hes quick to blame the president for the covid19 economy but short on details when it comes to how he would deal with the. The problem hes left with is independent voters say you are telling me you have a plan but the only thing i have heard, the only thing i have read is increase taxes, increase regulation, tell me how that will put me back to work and grow the economy and the answer is it wont unless he chooses that message or gets a better line than do i look like a socialist, he will not persuade the voters whose votes are in the air . August is a great month for the stock market, the s p up 35 , nasdaq up 10, dow up 7. 5 plus. Stocks doing great. For the average american that doesnt have stuff, the average american that lives paycheck to paycheck who is better, biden or trump . For the average american stocks do matter because many people have retirement portfolios that depend on the markets, dont want to say that doesnt matter but looking at the average american what they care about, do i have a job, if i want a new job are the prospect there for me to get it, are my wages rising and if you look at the track record between biden obama and trump the answer clearly is donald trump wants superior in helping to generate more jobs than you have unemployed people, higher wages and strong job growth in a moment nobody thought the Trump Campaign or the Trump Administration was going to be able to deliver on the job he was talking about, they did. If you are the average american looking at this insisting jobs and wages comparison here really isnt even a comparison. Biden is the biden recovery was the slowest on record, one of the weakest on record, that is what he is having to run on and that will be a hard sell to the trump economy just months ago and feel that can come back again. Jillian a lot of people out there say the president needs four more years because he needs to continue on with trying to get the economy back to where it was before there are other people who question right now and my question to you is does joe biden give confidence to people with the things he said, lack of questions and lack of being out of his house at this point to make them believe that he would be the one to get the economy back on track because confidence when you dont have a job is a huge thing. You can talk about the substance of bidens economic plan all day but the fact is he hasnt even been willing to come out and make the case, wont answer tough questions, hasnt been on the road, the average american looks at that and says if you believe in your agenda, that you can lead us back, why are you dodging the things about your economic campaign, not being honest, politician needs to be forthright, say what they mean. If they cant do that if voters dont think he will do that, wont believe his economic agenda he will have a hard time selling it to people. Todd either popping popcorn pelted by rain. Jillian dont know what is happening. Thanks. Now to this story. Another senseless act of violence on the streets of new york, a judge on the way to work, where will the random attacks end . We dont want Vladimir Putin deciding who the next president is. We want the American People to decide that. Todd nancy pelosi fixing on russia as in person Election Security briefings come to a end, the president , republicans and democrats are not. No matter where you live, where you live has never mattered more. For over 100 years, realtors® have brought local knowledge and deep expertise to helping people find new places to dream and thrive. The next great place youll call home. So, whether youre upsizing downsizing or just ready to make a change. Look for the r. Jillian new york city judge sucker punched in broad daylight, taking a blow to the job while walking to work, the court described the attacker as emotionally disturbed. The judge reportedly went to the hospital and is doing okay, this days after a woman was almost raped while waiting to board a subway in the middle of the day. There was video of the incident online. Todd the union head representing new York City Police officers, disciplinary rules for the department, the nypd drafting punishment guidelines similar to ones used to determine how convicted criminals are sentenced. Pat lynch speaking out saying, quote, apparently mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines are unfair to criminals but perfectly fine for cops. The nature has nothing to do with fairness. Jillian joe biden making it clear he will not been tracking if elected president. Im not banning fracking, let me say that again. I am not banning fracking no matter how many times donald trump lies about it. Jillian he seems to contradict his earlier promise not to issue new fracking permits on public lands. Bidens Campaign Says he never opposed fracking on private land, the president accused biden of wanting to abolish fracking, biden has only proposed a ban on fossil fuel subsidies. Former White House Press secretary sarah sanders, one issue voters cant be sure about where biden stands. Im not sure if he has any idea what fracking is. Joe biden is wholly owned by the radical left. If he somehow manages to win, we can certainly count on the fact he will destroy everything donald trump has done by making us energy independent. They dont and he knows it particularly in states like ohio, west virginia, backtracking and trying to salvage numbers the tank. Jillian it seems biden has been taking pages out of Donald Trumps book in the american first economy. Louisiana constricting temporary roads following hurricane laura. It is protecting what is left allowing people to stay in their homes until permanent repairs. 250,000 in the dark, 600,000 either have no Running Water or under a boil water advisory. Jillian devastation left behind, janice dean, what are you tracking . A couple things behind you. Janice a couple things, nothing too concerning, a wave off the coast of africa could develop, these waves are the ones that typically become the big hurricanes, the major hurricanes, this area of low pressure in Central America, lowpressure that is a tropical depression probably our next named storm just off of cape hatteras. The good news is it is going to move away from us, bringing rough surf and rip current on the coast so be aware of that if you are going to the beach. The tropical models for invest 99 l moving into Central America not going to affect the us, we will update you on that. Tropics fairly quiet the we are getting into peak season and will keep you uptodate. The other big story the heat across portions of the southwest and texas where we have advisories in place, temperatures hitting 100 degrees with humidity feeling worse than that. Humidity feeling worse than that. Showers and thunderstorms over parts of the plane states areas that were hit by laura so flash flooding will remain a concern. Nice to see you. Jillian miss seeing you in person. Made it virtual hugs, 25 after the hour, joe biden blaming violence in cities, trump says biden is all talk and no action, joins us next. Todd philadelphias they are caught eating indoors out of state while banning it in his own city. Bad to the bone this isnt just a bandage its a badge of armor of care of respect. Because it means you fight for the safety of those you love. When you come into walgreens you get a flu shot thats right for you. And them you become a flu fighter. Do your part and defend your crew against the flu. Walgreens jillian fox news alert, chaos on the west coast, massive crowds of protesters facing up with police after a Los Angeles County did beauty shoot and kill the black man. The man was riding a bike when they tried to stop him coming iran. The la county sheriff says he got into a fight with deputies and pulled out a gun before police shot him. Police in portland declaring a right as fires are set in the streets. Crowds marching to ted wheelers house demanding him to resign. Protesters setting off fireworks claiming wheeler hasnt been too heavyhanded with the police force. Donald trump is heading to kenosha where he is expected to deliver a law and order message amid the unrest in the city, ahead of history joe biden slamming him for that very message on the campaign trail in pittsburgh. You may believe mouthing the words law and order makes him strong but his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as a militia in this country shows how weak he is. Does anyone believe there will be less violence in america if donald trump is reelected . Jillian the president blasting bidens ability to lead our nation. A good person, he has been week his whole life but hes really week. Biden wasnt going to come out of his basement until the election, now he had to because the polls are so good for me. Now he had to because the polls are different. Reporter the president accusing warped minded democrats in the Mainstream Media of sticking up for antifa anarchists. Todd where was joe biden to condemn the violence when the rights initially started and what does this change in strategy say about his campaign . Joining me, stacy washington, thanks for being here. You heard the soundbite a few seconds ago, biden is putting all this violence in our country squarely at the feet of the president. What is your reaction . Selfinterest, here he comes, he wasnt planning on coming out and commenting on this, he had days to talk to the cameras. A Vice President ial candidate or president ial candidate nominee for the democrats and i stand with nancy pelosi and aoc and others in leadership in their party and condemning this violence and calling on antifa and black lives matter in any person engaged in the violence to stop, if that is what you are doing we condemn it and talk to the mayors directly, he could call them in so many cases to demean the president , i want you to start ordering prosecutors to charge these people, they are not charging them. Prosecutors and democrat ron cities are not charging individuals, released on their own cognizance. And he is dropping in the polls, stamped against violence and blaming it on the president who is not in charge, at the local level. Prominent democrats have been calling for unrest for years. You touch that. You cannot be civil with a Political Party that wants to destroy what you stand for. There need to be arrests in the streets as long as there is unrest in our lives. Todd what is the real democratic party, the when you heard in an soundbite or biden from yesterday . It is the soundbite and there is one more you can add to that list, Kamala Harris saying these riots will never end, they are never going to stop. The democrats own this mess. Just like they own all the inner cities of america, and black americans and hispanic americans to stay on these riots and an easy thing to stop. Prosecute the wrongdoers, change language surrounding it and start hearing from people youre supposed to be serving in these offices but they are not going to do it because these are there people, democrats asking black lives matter to own the violence and donald trump will not work. Todd seems like what we were doing until earlier this year. Stacy washington, we appreciate your time. Jillian philadelphias mayor catching heat after being pictured, in his hometown. Addressing the backlash tweeting the risk was low because the county i visited has fewer than 800 it could kim jong un for cases compared to 33,000 cases in philadelphia, regardless i understand the frustration. The Mayors Office releasing a statement pointing blame at the federal government saying, quote, d for 2 Health Experts over the past we 5 months, this might not be an issue by now. Lots of Restaurant Owners and nancy are very said up. We asked if you think this is a double standard. The majority of comments pouring in, one twitter user a double standard. They need to practice what they are making us do. Shame on him, nick tweeting do as i say, not as i do. That is the bottom line, do as i say, not as i do. Todd i feel bad for people. They are just trying to earn a living. I agree with betty, shame on him. Nancy pelosi says the Trump Administration decision to scale back in person Election Security briefings is endorsing russian meddling. Very clear that the president once, invites, appreciates russias involvement in the election. We dont want Vladimir Putin deciding who the next president is. We want the American People to decide that. The president things otherwise. Todd the director of National Intelligence John Ratcliff told Congress Last week, written briefings until after the election to cut down on these, have not denied russia is trying to interfere but insists china is a greater threat. Matt gates echoes the claim that china is a threat to watch while slamming democrat like adam schiff for congressional leaks. I would not trust adam schiff with the secret ingredient to my mothers lasagna recipe much less our nations most sensitive intelligence but this dispute is not about intelligence. It is about politics. Democrats want to use these briefings as a platform to scare the American People about russia. We know the real threat we face is from china and the democrats know that joe biden has a big china problem. If we rebuild this economy after coronavirus we need a president willing to confront china. That is what donald trump is done. Todd the Senate Intel Committee chair marco rubio calls this a historic crisis but his Committee Still needs to continue receiving briefings. Jillian march madness may be on. The ncaa filing its trademark for the battle in the bubble. Potentially following the nba and the nhl and the pandemic. Todd playing in bubbles is perfectly viable for sports. I think the ncaa tournament is made for a bubble, they need to turn it next year. Coming a couple weeks ago saying we dont have a tournament next year this is in real trouble. Jillian i will be curious to see how it plays out. Todd i blame jillian for this was the price of chocolate jumping double digits. Jillian what is driving the increase when we return. Just over a year ago, i was drowning in credit card debt. Sofi helped me pay off twentythree thousand dollars of credit card debt. They helped me consolidate all of that into one low monthly payment. They make you feel like its an honor for them to help you out. I went from sleepless nights to getting my money right. So thank you. Todd time is 40 after the hour. Amazon, one step closer to making your next delivery look up with the drone. Jillian Cheryl Casone joins us with the milestone in drone delivery service. Reporter getting the goahead to drive their delivery drugs. From the faa, with training and maintaining that. Amazon not quite there yet and foxbusiness still testing and flying the drones, further develop and refine the delivery service, make sure this is safe. Once you take to the skies you will be fully electric and carry 5 pounds and make deliveries within 30 minutes. It will be a game changer. Im guilty of taking part in this next story. Have you heard of the quarantine 15 . Jillian now but i believe it. Reporter like the freshman 15. Sales of chocolate spiked during lockdown. Sales up 12 on premium chocolate, 24 . If you factor in grocery stores, the us chocolate market, 20 billion from by 2025. Chocolate, lockdown goes together. Jillian ive been eating a lot of chocolate and cheeses. Todd tried that. Todd have you done the pumpkin yet . A couple weeks. Todd we are going to get that 4 pound pie and polish it off. Todd those who pointed guns at black lives matter protesters appearing in court for the first time. Did not enter a plea during the police hearing, at the independent womans form, join us earlier to weigh in. We see some jury trial, wouldnt surprise me if the jury sides with this couple and these people, and protesters knock down and irongate and ignoring a no trespassing sign, convinced with absolute certainty no crime was committed. The couples back in court next month. Jillian donald trump accusing joe biden of wanting to raise taxes and adopt the Green New Deal. Is going to do 4 trillion in tax increases, he is going to do things that pose so much on the Green New Deal which is done by a child. The Green New Deal if you actually did it is 100 trillion. Jillian biden insisted no new taxes for americans earning under 400, 000 a year. The tax rate hike, elements of the Green New Deal and 2 trillion over two years. It is 44 minutes after the hour, donald trump travels to kenosha to meet police and Business Owners who lost everything during the riots. Todd Rachel Campos duffy think the visit will be a healing moment and joins us next. Discomfort back there . Instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders. Try the cooling, soothing relief of preparation h. Because your derriere deserves expert care. Try new soothing relief. Book two separate qualifying stays and earn a free night. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. Andso youre a smallheaded, choicbor a big one. Ere. 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Jillian Rachel Campos duffy joins us with more. Thanks for having me. Jillian you think most voters agree with the governor and his request that he doesnt come there and visit. They were crying for help and he ignored them, he thought it was not good for him politically and when poll numbers showed that he accepted Donald Trumps offer for help, someone who is entirely out of step, didnt care what is right, for him, the democrat party, specifically joe biden. The president should come. In the get go there were not enough reporters on the ground telling the story. I was in wisconsin going where are they, why are they not telling the story, Small Community like so many communities getting devastated, so many people lost their american dream, so many businesses burn to the crisp and people lost everything. Im glad the president is going there. He should see that. How do people get compensated . They put up go fund me pages, that will not bring up there businesses, these organizations are organized, flooded with cash, corporate cash, the president got to look at away for those organizations to compensate the people who have been affected by violent rights. Jillian we had a clip of Geraldo Rivera talking about the one thing he would like to see is more unifying message is coming from donald trump, coming from the white house. I know you say this trip will help unify those in wisconsin. Do you think the president could be doing more . We all could be doing more. The country is so divided. Security for our country is a unifying message. If he could say i am coming here, if i am in charge i will make sure this doesnt happen anymore. I will get to the bottom of these people are and who is funding the mans get to the root of the problem. When he never called out blm or antifa specifically, explicitly for the damage they had done. That is wrong and that tells me and signals to me he is not serious. Those are biden voters, people who tied their party to blm and specifically. Jillian lets take a look, the violence outside wisconsin, 102 of the 175 arrests in kenosha have addresses outside the city. What does that say to you . It says to me this is organized was they are funded to. On the ground reporters showing they had food trucks, they were unloading supplies, these were organized terry groups that have descended on little towns, not just minneapolis, this is a small city in wisconsin and a lot of wisconsin moms like me are looking at this, if this can happen in kenosha it can happen anywhere, it is important for the president to come and say i will put a stop to this and do everything in my power to end this. A lot of parents dropped off their kids at college like i did in madison. It is the cutest college town you can imagine, completely boarded up, riots or violence and mayhem came to madison and they are worried that will come back. This is top before this, it was the economy and covid19, the game has changed politically in peoples minds, it is now security. Jillian devastating to see so many buildings boarded up across the nation. Thank you, appreciate it. We will be right back. For drug free relief that works fast. Vicks sinex. Instantly clear everyday congestion. Todd the first day of school is next week in new york city. New York City Schools want to cancel state tests saying its not fair in a mixed school environment. Jillian joining success Karol Markowicz. Thank you for being here. We appreciate it. Hi, how are you. Jillian is canceling state tests the answer . Car roll, can you hear us is shall canceling state tises the an. No. Absolutely not. State tests hold schools and teachers accountable. When would we need more accountable than now. What Educational Program our kids are getting. Take away accountability from failing teachers and schools. Here is a line from the chancellor how can you possibly require children to perform at any level given the mixed instructional environment that we have and in some cases a very substandard educational environment because we know kids need a lot of different supports. But how will new york city students compete if they dont have the baseline of those tests . Also, whose responsibility is it to make sure that the children have those supports and there isnt this wide variety of educational experiences for kids across the city . I think he doesnt want to have that accountability himself he doesnt want people to see the educational experience kids are getting. The fact is in that same speech he said we are 69 days away from the elections. He repeated again we are 69 days away from the election. What does he think a President Joe Biden will do that a President Donald Trump isnt . The idea that joe biden will let him not have any accountability is really scary one and i dont know why School Chancellor believes that jekd will let him get away with no accountability. You wonder with these ideas being floated if we are on the verge of learning as we know it and standardized testing as we know it and changing for the future not just for now. Well, in new york city, the standard dyed testing is also used for screen schools. For schools that are competitive need to get into them for middle school and high school. Karanza became School Chancellor on the idea those shouldnt existed. Better schools and no competitive schools. All schools the same. A bit of ideology there where he has always wanted to do away with this. Wanted to do away from schools couldnt because of push back. Using the crisis to get rid of screens all together. Todd the new York City Teachers Union is threatening to strike if the state does not mandate coronavirus testing before school starts. They want it all done by them. Who bulges first on this . I think the city will. The city will strike and get largely what they want. I dont see mayor bill de blasio standing up to them. Todd do teachers have a point or is this all to try to get their liberal agenda passed . They absolutely have had a point. They have taken it too far and their list of demands have grown. Their point is that the doe and bill de blasio are incompetent and i have to agree with them. Todd tough to disagree with that when you look at how the city is going. Thank you for your time this morning. Any bit of Karol Markowicz insight always valued here on a tuesday morning. Thank you. Jillian thank you. Have a good day. Thank you. Todd set your dvr 4 a. M. Every morning so you never miss a minute of fox friends first. Jillian see you back here tomorrow. Fox friends starts right now. Just a few hours, President Trump headed to kenosha, wisconsin where he is expected to deliver a law and order message amid the unrest in that city. I am a tremendous fan of Law Enforcement and i want to thank the Law Enforcement. They have done a good job. Fires are burning and we have a president who fans the flames rather than fighting the flames. Biden wont calm things down. They will take over. He is a weak president. Is he controlled like a puppet. So if biden gets in, they will have won. I am not banning fracking, no matter how many times donald trump lies about it. No more no new fracking. A strong candidate says no, i never believed that i dont believe that biden cant stand his ground. You just

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