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Where leaders test americas biggest city in us troops on high alert in the Nations Capital is protesters swarm the white house. Griff jenkins there as Live Team Coverage continues. Rob schmidt monitoring the latest of elements and cities across the country. We start with brian live in new york city, a much different scenario overnight. When i came into new york they checked ides that the total. Reporter a much different scenario tonight that it was the last two nights the we saw mass looting. 8 00 pm curfew, not an 11 00 curfew ms. It difference. You can see the way you see the streets now the cop car behind me is blocking the entrance into so. It was not like that the last couple nights. It is not only that, they also blocked the heckler traffic coming into manhattan anywhere above 90 sixth street and we saw tons of looters the last couple days just loading up vehicles, many from out of state, with stolen goods. It seems that the measures have been working and strict enforcement of the curfew but today there was just a lot of peaceful protests, thousands marching in the streets chanting George Floyds name talking about Racial Injustice in america which is something they are finally able to get their message out. There been were not distracted by the looting there was one incident tonight that was particularly big. On the Manhattan Bridge between brooklyn and manhattan there were thousands, about 2000 protesters who were trapped on the bridge. It was a bit of a standoff but protesters deescalating the situation, there were some arrests that the nypd brought in 500 Police Officers on the manhattan side of the protesters turned around. It was way past curfew. This is a far different scene than we saw with mobs of looting over the last two nights a lot of conversation who was to blame. Governor andrew cuomo said they needed to do more and this is what he said. The police in new york city would not were not effective in doing their job last night period. Look at the videos. It was a disgrace. I believe the mayor underestimates the scope of the problem. Reporter low love lost between the mayor and the governor. 500 people arrested for looting over the last few days and under new yorks bail reform laws most if not all will be released. New York City Police appear to have much more control on the streets with the city under curfew after days of violence and lawlessness. What is like on the ground for officers patrolling the city. The founder of Blue Lives Matter nyc has been protecting the city all night long, he joins us live by phone. Good to talk to you this morning. We were just hearing from brian, a reporter out there. It is a much different scene. I experienced it this morning going through the lincoln tunnel having my id checked and seeing the closures across the city, curfew, closures to pick the traffic, how long do you think Something Like this can be sustained. It is proving that it is working. Since day one officers around the city and across the nation are doing the best they can especially new york city. I cant speak on behalf of the nypd but they by far are the best police in the world. I may be a little biased but seeing the storefronts, ive gone to Baltimore Orioles games, sometimes you feel youre in a third world country with patched up storefronts, you have the same feeling in new york city especially down this industry, very special to me because back in the day my grandfather owned a building there. My father and his siblings, the storefronts were completely destroyed. It is really hurtful, Governor Cuomo a lot of politicians going back and forth saying things that they dont know what they are talking about, day one the Police Department has been going nonstop. To see the Police Chiefs out there with their Police Officers running through the streets putting handcuffs on people, took a get the Police Commissioner by saying that, thats one of the most highest iq Police Chiefs or commissioners in the world, and to Start Talking like that and sing the Police Department wasnt enough that is not true. Last night, it is like occupy wall street, very very calculated. Where they going, what are they doing, when they get arrested they have their own lawyers waiting for them, rides to get the mom, this is for the by some organization that wants to do harm and take it to get these offices, nonstop, its not right. Donald trump weighing in as well. He tweets quote new yorks finest are not being allowed to perform their magic, with a moment of the radical left and others have been allowed to build they will need additional help. New york city is totally out of control, new york city mayor and Governor Cuomo must put down in writing, before last night seemed to write itself a little bit but do you agree with the president . Absolutely, hes been a huge supporter and not just new york city but everywhere. If you have no divorce and Emergency Service units and canine dogs use them, dont hold them back in materials, pepper spray, use that these protesters are dangerous, they are vicious, they dont care if they hurt somebody. A lot of them are very young, late teens and early 20s, not adults, many dont even live in the city but allow your Police Officers to go out there and do their job. It is an absolute tragedy what happened to mister floyd but that was one of the out of 800,000 for individuals to want to wage war against the United States uses antiamerican as possible. The officers put their lives on the line. There been many officers that died in the line of duty throughout the decades and in 2014 with the right and ferguson it left because politicians like the ones we are seeing go out there, spew hate and nonsense and downplay the situation. A lot of people are a little loose will feed into it and hurt somebody. We dont need anymore officers killed in the line of duty. A couple seconds because we are out of time. Im sure it turns your stomach when you see the videos of the officers being hurt. The officer were watching on our screen was hit by a car in the middle of an intersection. Many officers getting hurt out there and what upsets me is the media is only showing you certain things, the officer shouldnt taken his cannot but it doesnt show when someone hurled a breakfast speed. Youve got to be careful of the media with what they say and how they show it. Officers are putting their lives on the line and sacrifice their own wellbeing for others to right the ship out there. Thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. 250 protesters reportedly arrested in los angeles overnight. Jeff paul is live in hollywood where the National Guard is on patrol. Reporter a much quieter night compared to a few nights ago when you had multiple fires and a lot of chaos in the Greater Los Angeles area and tonight it is much quieter and a big part of the reason is people like the one standing behind us, the National Guard is out helping out not only the lapd but la county Sheriffs Department and what we have seen is a lot of arrests, probably 100 people arrested for curfew violations or being under suspicion of leading. Early in the day there were some peaceful protests including one involving mayor Eric Garcetti who took a knee with protesters and some of those protesters went to mayor Eric Garcettis house to protest outside that building because they wanted to be attention to disproportionate funding to other resources beyond just the lapd. Mayor garcetti also addressing the community today, listen to what he had to say. I know what it is like to see on those lines, to have Police Officers who have maintained their resolve and restraint so those tactics will sometimes be out there but it is my direction to memorize those and if we can to not use those at all. Reporter curfew in effect at 6 00 pm and seems like a lot of those protesters listened and went home. Back to you. Tensions ramping up in dc, the pentagon moving 1600 troops near the district as protesters ignored curfew and swarmed the white house. More on the crackdown in our Nations Capital. Good morning. We were headed for an almost entirely quiet night in the Nations Capital, Peaceful Protesters turning out despite the curfew until just after midnight agitators attempted to tear down that 8 foot fence in Lafayette Park near the white house, the use of pepper spray, unclear how many arrests were made but nothing in range of the previous night, military helicopters last night under investigation at the direction of the National Guard commander. Earlier in the day senator Elizabeth Warren joining protesters here calling for the affirmative defense and sector general to investigate the president s photo op at st. Johns church, which presented democratic nominee joe biden will attend the funeral, the handling of the nationwide chaos. The president of the United States must be part of the solution, not the problem. This president today is part of the problem. I wont traffic in fear and division, fan the flames of hate. Then there is this, the pentagon announcing theyve moved 1600 activeduty troops to military bases in the Nations Capital region, they are on heightened alert but not in washington dc or participating in civilian authority unless they are called to do so. Jillian bill diblasio the npd slams about looting in new york city. The nypd and the mayor did not do their job. Do what you have done in the past, you know how you stopped living in the past, do that again. Who is to blame . Jack brewer says the governor is a hypocrite, he joins us live. Want to brain better . Unlike ordinary memory supplements neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try neuriva for 30 days and see the difference. I offered the National Guard, the mayor said he could understand it with the nypd. The nypd and the mayor did not do their job last night. Andrew, calling out mayor bill diblasio and the officers on the streets for failing to maintain order in growing chaos. The nations Largest Police force enforcing. 00 a few last night, it was a mostly call night after days of looting and ransacking. It to weigh in his jack brewer, good to see you, thanks for being here. Words we place blame for this when talking about leadership . Blame is not a good word to use. You can see we have a lot of leaders around our country who havent been led by the spirit of god and the reason i say that is policies people have been putting in place for decades now are adding fuel to the fire we are seeing before own eyes, you have politicians talking out of both sides of their mouth. Said to see whats going on in new york. The president came out and offered support federally, politicians wanted to play politics and it is not their time. You dont have to agree with everything the president says that the governor say that this is a time for these leaders, they have an obligation to the people to Work Together but to sit back and make decisions after 3 or 4 days of diversity being burned up for the is just not right but you cant play monday morning quarterback after leaders coming up to step up and make quick fast decisions in times of crisis like this. Heather your Governor Cuomos out by. The response from mayor bill diblasio is, quote, these comments are offensive to the men and women of the nypd who are out there every night trying to keep new yorkers safe. It would be nice if our officers knew they had the respect of their governor but this is a battle that has been going on between these two guys, whether it is police or Something Else for years now. Why cant they put their differences aside when the city and state needed so much right now . It comes down to humility. You got to drop your ego at the door, be humble. We need humble. We need more spiritual leaders to step up and help to try to guide these political leaders because humility is something being lost right now. Their egos run this, theyre worried about politics, worrying about the ratings, worrying about what they can raise money off of for political campaigns. All those things dont matter at this point. What matters is protecting people, morning the life of george floyd and helping the nation heal. These leaders just are not doing that in some of the major cities across america. You have about that people can read but says heres what this generation of progressive leaders is lacking. Final word before we go. We have to pray for our leaders, the bible teaches us that. Sometimes when you take on these enemies in spirit you cant do it in the flesh or pointing fingers at each other. What they need to do is sit back and look at Real Solutions that can get to the soul of people because right now we have folks out in the streets many, majority are peacefully protesting but there are a few wreaking havoc, bringing evil upon our Police Officers and other businesses and communities and we have to do something to stop it. Not just mourning the death of george floyd, he was a peaceful man. Everyone says he was a gentle giant. Thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. It is 20 minutes after the hour, smashed glass, destroyed stores like lives lost across the country at the hands of violent leaders, the economic losses unimaginable. Todd this could be the knockout punch to Small Businesses already hurt by the pandemic. Joins us next. As the covid19 pandemic sweeps the world we urgently need your help. Who are so precious to god, have no access to food, medicine; or to keep themselves safe from the virus. And right now, we must take extraordinary measures during these extraordinary times to fulfill what it says in gods holy scriptures, comfort ye, comfort ye my people. Your 25 will help rush an emergency food box filled with lifesaving food and germ fighting supplies to an elderly person in israel. This is shoshana. Shes a 97 year old widow who lives in jerusalem. She tells us about the day Joseph Mengele sent her parents and grandparents to the gas chambers. Her pain is evident even today. We cant change the past but we can do something now. Our teams are on the ground delivering emergency aid and food boxes to elderly jews across israel. Your gift of only 25 helps provide a box filled with with lifesaving food and sanitizing supplies like wipes gloves and soap. Each box is delivered to the doorstep of an elderly jew fighting to stay alive. During this pandemic our god is bigger than any crisis. When god says, to share our food with the hungry, thats forever, and its more relevant than ever before. Go online or call right now. You can be a miracle for an elderly jew today. I geh. Common bird. E. Ooh look over here something much better. There it is. Peacock, included with xfinity x1. Remarkable. Fascinating. Very. It streams tons of your favorite shows and movies, plus the latest in sports news and. Huh run the newest streaming app has landed on xfinity x1. Now thats. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity x1 just got even better with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. Just say peacock into your voice remote to start watching today. Todd stocks hitting a 3 month high as investors look past civil unrest spreading across the country. Jillian on main street many businesses being targeted and looted. With the Economic Impact of the writing . Peter morici joins us live, good to see you this morning. It is devastating when you look at the businesses that have been looted and ransacked the last couple days and you realize in a lot of cases these are businesses closed because of coronavirus and Business Owners just starting to reopen. What is the fallout here . A lot of businesses were not going to reopen the closed permanently and this will add to their number for two reasons, when his many businesses cant afford more than Liability Insurance, they dont have substantial insurance for this kind of writing it looting and so forth so they are going to take losses. On top of that coming off of a 2month shutdown whatever financial reserves they had are long gone so they are broke, you 1630, 40, 000 worth of damage, you cant fix it, take down your sign, help a landlord get through. Im confused by the markets yesterday and this week because markets and investors love certainty. Riot in the streets of your biggest city is not certainty, that combined with the fact that Small Businesses are in big trouble. Why we see what we are seeing in the markets . Markets are looking past this because we have had this before and in the end civil authorities managed to gain control as they did in new york city last night and so while this is disturbing i think the source of uncertainty is what it means for the november elections. We havent had a lot of responsible utterances from either side, nor have we from ceos. As a consequence you would think that would have markets to have interpretation but in reality folks expect the economy to recover perhaps not fully by the end of the year but most fortune 500 companies, most s p 500 companies will be doing well in 2021 and the market values we see reflect. What we expect profits to be come january. Jillian looking at the list of major chains announcing store closures due to riots that include walmart, target, cvs, apple, these locations all across the country, some of the stores, target and walmart, stores that people have been relying on for months of coronavirus so you lose them whether it is temporary for a few days whatever the case may be it seems everything is devastated right now. One of the things to remember is a lot of these downtowns were on the edge anyway, businesses are terribly overtaxed, overregulated and now we see unprotected by their mayor. Is getting to the point in manhattan where it is questionable whether a lot of operations should continue. Chains have been taking down their science and before these riots. Brooks brothers took down its sign in georgetown, very fashionable district with lots of Clothing Stores. One wonders why. Across the river in the old town section, a comparable section close to the white house in virginia, walgreens took down your sign before these riots happened. Companies may be using this as cover for decisions they were going to announce anyway. In the 15 seconds we have remaining is always looting covered by insurance if they even have insurance . Small businesses generally have Liability Insurance required by their lease. As for this kind of looting, insurance for this, that is an additional cost and if they havent it is usually with a deductible, usually not adequate. Thats why this is so menacing to be Small Businesses decimated already by two month of lockdown, they have no extra cash, they are in more debt than they were before so they cant afford to stay open. Jillian thank you very much. Thank you for joining us, appreciate it. 28 after the hour, financial hit from looting is one roadblock for our next guest. Clothing store set to reopen today after pandemic restrictions used. Forcing the state to stay close even longer. His message, he joins us live. Tensions running high across americas protests rage on for in a straight day following the death george floyd. Peaceful them and street is deterring violence and looting is Police Crackdown on curfews nationwide. 38 states and washington dc activating 20,000 National Guard members. In new york, thousands of protesters defied the 8 00 pm curfew overnight. Good morning. We are standing in the northeast check point. What you can see behind me is nypd officer stopping every vehicle that comes through and asking the driver what is your purpose being here . What is your intention . Are you any essential worker . Do you live here . Only those essential workers are allowed to come into manhattan. Overall it appears to be working because this was a much more peaceful night and we had seen in the last two nights. Let me show you video of what happened earlier in the night, thousands of people continue demonstrating yesterday, some protesters continued and defied new york citys 8 00 pm curfew and some of them were arrested. At one point protesters were stopped on the Manhattan Bridge, blocked on both sides for over an hour, some protesters calling for bill diblasio to resign. Looting did continue although on a much smaller scale. And parts of manhattan even after the mayor cordoned off Lower Manhattan and cut off all traffic. Governor cuomo has been calling out bill diblasio for not using more police as the mayor continues to hold off on calling in the National Guard. I believe the mayor underestimates the scope of the problem. We do not need nor do we think it is wise for the National Guard to be in new york city. Nor any armed force. If you bring outside armed forces into the equation that they are not trained for, that is a dangerous scenario. Reporter more protests are scheduled for later this afternoon but so is the curfew, going into effect at 8 00 tonight and it goes until sunday. Shannon appears to be working, thank you. Cavuto overnight violence in portland and boston where protesters clashed with police after days of unrest. Jillian florida has seen 24 hours of peace after calling in the National Guard. Officers tried to keep demonstrations from getting out of control. Reporter good news to report, a much quieter night across the country as lot and order remains control. Still some flash points of violence, the first in boston, you see a mess. Rioters putting explosives toward police, look like fireworks, causing explosions. Portland, oregon in the last couple hours officers used teargas would have the ground grew larger many writers throwing projectiles at police, but at this point that is the worst we have seen, the protest started off peaceful in portland, weve seen in many cities the situation eventually devolved in oregon. To philadelphia an interesting story, a statute from the 1970s, frank rizzo has been removed by the city viewed by many as a racist leader and his statue was defaced earlier this weekend over the weekend, the city cleaned the statue initially but then decided lets get rid of this thing and removed it. A Great Success story and a lot of cities overnight, peaceful protests on a successful night in atlanta. The same goes for dallas, mostly quiet and subdued. Florida called up the National Guard which was effective in keeping the peace in that state. Broward county, the president marking the tragic death in a said story retired st. Louis Police Officer david boren on instagram writing our highest respect to the family of david boring, great Police Captain in st. Louis who was shot and killed by despicable looters. We honor our Police Officers now more than ever. 77yearold david dorn was guarding lees upon angela, a friend owned that shop and he was guarding it from a mob of violent writers and was shot and killed to death, streamed on facebook live, a terrible story, four current Police Officers were shot in st. Louis, a very awful night monday night into tuesday morning. At this point there have been no arrests. Jillian that video is heartbreaking. A chicago Clothing Store set to reopen as the windy city lifts more pandemic restrictions. Todd the storeowner keeping doors close even longer due to looting. The ceo joins us live with more. Thanks for joining us, as a Small Business owner what is your reaction when after your business is jeopardized by the pandemic you see what is going on, looting and destruction in something you built your whole life. Thanks for having me. It has been surreal. Saturday evening got a call from the building that we had looters in the building and my family here, we feel helpless and traumatized having people in your location you put your heart and life into. Jillian we had a conversation with an economist talking about looting insurance. Did your store have that . What is your plan financially to be able to get your business up and running . My first step was to get things cleaned up and have my employees in their. You start to do that sunday morning but im still trying to figure out it is going to be a challenge but so far they have been responsive. It is very early in those stages. Todd if theres any positive to come out of this, crazy that we have to say those words, your team came together. Describe what you are talking about. It has been a challenging last few months, and be forced to shut down. The only positive aspect as we got closer together as a team, weve been able to gel. It was amazing on sunday morning different lives of my team slowly start to come in from my manager to a couple other guys, it was awesome to have them together. Businesses that is much as i love walgreens and starbucks i didnt see any of those employees out there and it is because they came out from the and Small Business and because we feel we are part of something bigger, we have to fight on our own and it is just another step forward for us to make sure we continue our legacy, our 50 ninth year in business i told the team i will be damned if we are not going to make it to 60 years. Jillian what has been the range of emotion over the last three months in dealing with coronavirus, learning you have to close, trying to figure out how to pay your employees and keep your business afloat, getting to the point you can reopen in now this, what has been going on in your brain . Reporter ive had every spectrum of emotion you can imagine. My wife was driving through the scene saturday evening when i got the call from the security guard, it was a dangerous precarious situation and as she came home all i felt was relieved and i felt some perspective on sunday morning that there is damage, mostly insurance covers it but we moved forward as a business but at the end of the day we are all safe. My team is safe, my family is safe so it gave me perspective on things on sunday morning, thatll range of emotion has been exhausted over the last two month so now im almost a little bit numb, just want everybody to be safe and together and be there for each other. Jillian thank you for joining us and we wish you the best with your business. Time, 41 after the hour, twitter censored the president s call to restore law and order, others are posting without interference. Twitter is on the side of lawlessness, joining us live with that message. Usaa was made for right now. And right now, is a time for action. So, for a second time were giving members a credit on their auto insurance. Because its the right thing to do. Were also giving Payment Relief options to eligible members so they can take care of things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. Right now is the time to take care of what matters most. Like weve done together, so many times before. Discover all the ways were helping members at usaa. Com coronavirus the suspect in the shooting of a las vegas Police Officer scheduled to appear in court today, facing several charges including attempted murder of a Police Officer, he opened fire on officers at the protest, the officer was struck in the head and is on life support in critical condition. He served in las vegas Police Department since 2016. Six Police Officers charged after video was released showing them tasting two College Students in atlanta, the body camera footage shows the officers pulling students out of the car when stuck in traffic. To the officers were fired for using excessive force. Others on administrative leave. The officers on assault and battery charges expect to turn themselves in by friday. Todd is twitter adding fuel to the fire . The social media giant fact checked the president , so tweets from democrats contained misinformation go untouched. Jillian is twitter on the side of the riders, joining us to explain is madison, thanks for joining us. What a time for twitter to start fact checking, there is so much going on on social media i dont see how they can keep up. Discouraging to see what twitter has done and what comes down to is the fact that twitter is exploiting a pack form to influence american politics. It is a major issue. We see when they are censoring the president sang his tweet could incite violence or something of that sort believing up videos of people being murdered and leaving videos tweets of people encouraging violence throughout these riots, simply unacceptable. Critics would say twitter is a private company with First Amendment protection, they can do whatever they want brutality respond to those critics . Back to what i said. It is a clear example of them trying to unfairly influence american politics, the presence of important things we should be considered a publisher in several platform. It will be interesting to follow how that plays out over the coming months and to comes back to what the president s message was talking about the lawlessness and what we are seeing across the country and the fact that these criminals that are looting and are killing people and doing these horrible things have to be held responsible for the destruction of american cities. I talk to people all the time, i dont care what race or religion or where you are from but we were all outraged when we saw the video of the murder of george floyd but i want people to keep that same energy when we see more videos of murders of people like retired Police Captain david dorn. The Great American to have lost their lives of the message is getting lost, the rights of looting and violence because theres a message we need to talk about when it comes to racism and when it comes to changes that need to be made in this country and the Peaceful Protesters have been overshadowed by the violence in the criminals. A portion of that video of david dorn, that was the first thing i saw when i opened twitter this morning and it makes your heart sink. Is what twitter has to say, we are not attempting to address all misinformation. We prioritize based on highest potential for harm, focusing on manipulated media, likelihood, severity and type of potential harm along with reach and scale factor into this. What do you make of that statement. It is foolish. Its not what they are doing. When they talk about prioritizing i would think you would prioritize videos of murder as being harmful over a tweet that is put out by the president of the United States, the reality is the president of the United States circumvented the Mainstream Media for many years the rather undercover to Many Networks like cnn and msnbc by using twitter, by using social media to speak directly to the people and reach out with a message and i think people realize that and people who have agendas are recognizing that and finding ways wherever possible to put a stop to the president s direct contact with people. Most people are going to see that tweet. It is inevitable. Thank you for joining us, appreciate your insight. Thanks. Meantime the mother of George Floyds 6yearold daughter breaking her silence. Im here for my baby. I want justice for him. Live in minneapolis, the emotional plea and new probe into the citys Police Department. 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Inslee secretary Grocery Stores of been ransacked or are boarded up to prevent violent leaders which is created food deserts in here in minnesota the governor now says the department of human rights is filing a charge to launch a civil rights investigation into the minneapolis Police Department to review the departments practices and procedures over the past ten years to determine if theres any discriminatory practices towards people of color. And also in minnesota George Floyds 6yearold daughter standing next to her mother at a press conference the girls george floyd was a good man and his daughters proof. He does not have a father. He will never see her grow up, graduate, she 100 walked down the aisle. A private Memorial Service will be held in minneapolis tomorrow. Rivendell certain will deliver the eulogy, a public memorial was scheduled for next week in houston, texas. Back to you guys. Thank you. Coming up in the next hour of fox and friends first one of new york citys top cops blasting the governor for criticizing his offices. Get out on the streets, take a look, cops are bleeding. The nypd working day and night. We are live with the battle over strategy on fox and friends first. When we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. I remember setting up shipstation. One or two clicks and everything was up and running. I was printing out labels and saving money. Shipstation saves us so much time. It makes it really easy and seamless. Pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and its ready to go. Our costs for shipping were cut in half. Just like that. Shipstation. The 1 choice of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get 2 months free. We begin with the fox news alert on fox and friends first, tension still high across the country as protest continues for an eighth straight day over the death of george floyd, dozens of arrests in los angeles. Most demonstrations peaceful with protesters turning violent and looting as Police Crackdown on curfews nationwide, 28 states and washington dc activating 20,000 National Guard members but not in new york where leaders spar over how to protect americas biggest cities, troops on high alert in the nations s protesters swarm the white house. Heather coverage continues, jeff paul on the ground in the los angeles area, todd pyro has the latest in cities across the country. Aishah hasnie is live in new york city. Looks like we dont have that shot but we will go to the west coast to try to get her back, 250 protesters arrested in los angeles overnight. Todd the National Guard is on patrol, seems like it is effective there. Ive ever seen

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