Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20190626

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Already there with a preview of coming attractions. Carley hey, yeah, good morning, guys. What a day for a ballgame. Check out this stadium. Look how beautiful it is. Speaking of beautiful, lets dive right into this. I have the official trophy. This sucker right here is what the democrats and republicans are going to be fighting over later today. This thing is heavy. I would say it weighs about 50 pounds. You can see the donkey and the elephants right there. Republicans really really want this trophy because democrats have been on a bit of a winning streak. Lets put it right there they have won nine out of the last 10 games. I hear congressman Roger Williams really has some tricks up his sleeve to try to make the win happen. We will be talking to him later today. We you will also be talking to congressman Steve Scalise to talk about his recovery and everything thats going on with him. A lot of fun and day of reflection as well. Send it back to you guys. Brian talking to Steve Scalise would be special. Remember he was practicing when he was shot. Steve two years ago. Brian he came back and you had the interview with him. Spent the whole day with him. Steve i was there last year the whole day to spend the day with him. The first at bat. The other Team Democrats hit it toward him, he was able to go back and he picked up the ball and made the out. There was not a dry eye in the house. Jedediah im a big Steve Scalise fan no one bounces back better than him. He has he a sense of character. Brian can i give the republicans advice. Get kurt chilling to run for office. [laughter] he is a conservative from massachusetts and if he could just get his seat, they will win. Steve Frederick Richmond a democrat in the louisiana is a star on the Democratic Team and he is an amazing player. Jedediah play basic . Steve yeah. Jedediah any good . Brian no. Steve no. Brian you could put on the airconditioning because we have paid our bill, i think. Its 120 degrees in here. Steve brian, its a little humid because you left the top off your jeep yesterday. Jedediah we will have to keep update on that later. Steve thank you for joining us on this very busy wednesday and we start this hour with a fox news alert. Down in washington, Robert Mueller is heading to capitol hill. The special counsel has agreed to testify july 17th. Brian all right. The president is already slamming democrats for issuing the subpoena to begin with. The socalled friendsly subpoena. Jedediah our own Griff Jenkins is live in washington where a new battle is brewing. Whats going on, griff . Griff you think its hot where you are sitting wait until july 17th. This will be one for the history books mueller in the hot seat backtoback appearances. President trump reacting last night with a simple tweet. President ial harassment he writes. Mueller agreed to appear after subpoenas from House Democrats. Chairman adam schiff explains. I dont think the special counsels office would characterize it as a friendly subpoena. He did not want to testify. He made that very clear. Nonetheless, they will respect the subpoena. He will appear. Griff both democrats and republicans are looking forward to the chance to question the former special counsel. Democrats will be zeroing in on what led mueller to his conclusion on no collusion and apparent confusion on obstructions. Judiciary Committee Chairman jerry nadler had this to say. Our interest is for the American People to hear it from him. There has been a campaign of misrepresentation. The president , who keeps saying the report found no collusion, no obstruction. Thats not just either way. Griff republicans are here to press mueller over the unverified steele dossier and antitrump fbi agent peter strzok and lawyer lisa page you see here. Republican mark meadows has a warning. Bob mueller better be prepared. I will tell you he will be crossexamined for the first time and American People will start to see the flaws in his report. Griff now, undoubtedly we will have a lot of fireworks. It will be interesting to watch because, remember, mueller had said previously if he were made to testify he would not go beyond what he wrote in his report. Tune in and get your popcorn. Steve thats right. Griff, thank you very much. Robert mueller made it very clear he didnt want to do what he is going to do on july 17th. As a former fbi director it would be hard for him to ignore or reject the subpoena. To griffs last point, the democrats want him to answer questions he cant answer. They will ask him did the president obstruct justice . He cant answer yes or no to that what about collusion . He cahe can say exactly what the report says. The republicans have a lot more questions than the democrats do, you know, about strzok and page. About fusion gps. About the dossier. About all that stuff. So, as Lindsey Graham says this could backfire on the democrats. Bottom line is, after all your looking and all the time you had and all the money you spent, did trump collude with the russians . No. Do you stand by your report . Yes. Did you turn it over to the attorney general to decide about obstruction . And the attorney general said i did and im not going to revisit it. So it is case closed for me. They can do anything they want to in the house. I think it will blow up in their face. Brian we will see. One thing is pretty clear. They will ask Robert Mueller, too. How did it make you feel when president of the United States said that youre come compromised or how did it make you feel when the president of the United States kept attacking the process . What did you think about the rumors he was going to fire you . Im thought sure he is going to answer that either. The other thing i have a sense of he has until july 17th to bone up on it. I dont think he knows the details of the report. Steve he better his name is on it. Brian he is like the king of england. He assigns the people why are most of them democratically affiliated. Arent you concerned about that. Do you feel why some feel there was an agenda in there . Jerry nadler watch these hearings they often get out of control . I sense this pingpong could got other direction. Jedediah if he doesnt know it now im pretty sure is he sitting with a highlighter to go over it and make this his moment. Another hot topic we have been talking a lot about is the border and national security. The democrat led house passed a 4. 5 billiondollar bill to aid migrants at the border. Lets take a look at the breakdown of whats in that bill. You have will will 34 food water blankets medical services transportation. 866 million update housing conditions. 200 million nullity Agency Processing Center Pilot Program and cap child stay in shelters 90 days. Clearly they are addressing what they have many of us have called humanitarian drivers. The question is where is the money for security at the border . There is no funding for the wall. And there is no look at how to stop incentivizing this process. Where is the prevention that this doesnt keep happening over and over again . Steve i have the answer to that. Jedediah tell us. Steve some of that money is in the senate bill voted on last week and it passed on a bipartisan basis. 30 to one. Thats why Kevin Mccarthy yesterday said madam speaker lets go ahead and put the senate bill on the docket and lets vote on it. Of course, she did not do that there is nothing really that the president wants in this particular bill and so now it sets up a battle royal between the house and the senate because its nowed in the senates court. Brian they have about 36 hours to come up with a compromise. Ken cuccinelli the brand new actor of citizenship and immigration supervisors who joined us yesterday weighed in on the house development. Right now we have a system set up by congress where the federal government is performing the function of the last mile of a Human Trafficking chain all the way from central america. And were literally handing children over to unvetted people who are here illegally, hopefully moving the budget through will give hhs and the Border Patrol in particular the tools they need to deal with those children and ice, the detention it needs to be able to actually make the rule of law mean something in this country. Brian what theyre going to focus on are the conditions and the Democratic Party who said the president was manufacturing a crisis and the caravans were made up and that after 2018 you watched the situation go away have gradually understood this is a catastrophe or crisis as people like jeh johnson sat on our couch, former Homeland Security secretary with the Obama Administration said there is a crisis they havent seen before and now they want to make it about humanitarian. Best strategy can i come up with. You look at your house where you live right now is it comfortable . Maybe the answer is yes. Is it comfortable when you have family over . Perhaps. Is it comfortable if 8,000 people showed up . Absolutely not. Thats what happened. You have facilities that were built prior to President Trump or President Trump that now are so far over capacity you cant possibly say they are adequate. Nobody is to blame exception for everybody in congress. Steve statement the conditions down there are terrible and thats why the democrats are taken it up. Ultimately they should be able to do both. They should be able to do something about the humanitarian angle and do something go ahead and bolster border security. They have some of that in the republican led senate bill. Big question is remember the president said that he would veto this particular bill unless it does something about the loopholes and the asylum and it does neither. Stay tuned for that. Jedediah big democratic debate coming up. Democrats are starting to weigh in on this immigration issue. I had Elizabeth Warren coming full steam ahead. Huffington post headline Elizabeth Warren repealed a law that criminalizes migrants. Brian instant immigration. No longer breaking the law to come in our country. Beto orourke feels the same way. We should not be criminalize thcriminalizing mommas and babies. We must pass comprehensive Immigration Reform creates values for citizenship for undocumented citizenship including dreamers and protects our borders. So, anyone who comes can come in Elizabeth Warrens america. If thats okay with you she will further introduce herself on night one of the democratic debate lineup. Steve indeed. In fact, the reason we are talking about this particular story is Elizabeth Warren and hul Julian Castro has the same idea. And beto orourke likes that too. Steve leading groups today demand that 2020 hopefuls embrace this decriminalizing the Border Crossing and closure of Detention Centers. They want candidates to sign on to their free to move, free to stay policy platform and platform tells the candidates to stop using, among other things, the expression comprehensive Immigration Reform. They dont want people to say that anymore. They wants what they want. Jedediah Elizabeth Warren setting the tonal for what this debate will look like. Rails to the left. She is telling you off the bat now and announcing to other democrats on the stage this is what you will have to compete with. See every single one of these democrats tilt left creating a huge contrast between President Trump and democrats. Brian night one Elizabeth Warren and beto orourke will be the headliner. Night two she will have advantage of that night two biden, sanders and mayor pete and kamala harris. Jedediah do you know what else is exciting, steve . Jillian . Jillian i would argue that i have a rather boring life. Brian you had a great hour. Jillian lets begin with fox news alert now. Two u. S. Service members killed in afghanistan overnight. Its unclear whether the unidentified troops died in combat. They are the eighth and ninth Service Members killed in afghanistan this year. Their deaths come hours after secretary of state mike pompeo made a surprise visit to the war zone. Is he hopeful that a peace deal with the taliban could come before september. Police release the last known photos of a missing college student. These surveillance images show mackenzie at the Salt Lake City airports before she took a lyft ride share to a park at 3 00 a. M. And seemingly vanished. Police have obtained a warrant to search mackenzies cell phone records. They hope to find out more about her dating life and who she could have been meeting at that park. You have the right to remain adorable. A Police Officer pulls over his own daughter. Watch this. License, registration, proof of insurance, please. I dont believe this is a laughing matter. Its just not funny. Have a good day. Jillian thats the cutest thing ever. Thats 10 month old getting stopped by her dad. Orlando Police Officer she was driving on the wrong side of the road. And i dont think he issued her a ticket. Steve was she actually in the road . Jedediah a little reckless, jillian if you ask me. Brian thanks, jillian. Clint eastwood isnt afraid to go against hollywoods grain. Resh the empty chair . This morning he made another bold move thats going to have everybody talking and people filming. It can cause damage to the enamel. With the new pronamel repair toothpaste we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. Its innovative. With pronamel repair, more minerals are able to enter deep into the enamel surface. The fact that you have an opportunity to repair whats already been damaged, its amazing. I think my goto toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. With moderate to severe ulceratiyour plans. Crohns, can change in minutes. Your head wants to do one thing. But your gut says not today. If your Current Treatment isnt working. Ask your doctor about entyvio®. Entyvio® acts specifically in the gi tract, to prevent an excess of white blood cells from entering and causing damaging inflammation. Entyvio® has helped many patients achieve longterm relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. 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I will send a letter to the department of Justice Civil Rights Division expressing that the city agrees. Steve there have you mayor Pete Buttigiegs responds to Police Shooting not sitting well with the department. Fired back mayor buttigiegs comments already have detrimental effect on Law Enforcement offices and officers nationwide driving a wedge between Law Enforcement officers and communities they took an oath to serve. Our next guest lives in indiana says it was buttigiegs First Leadership test under the president ial candidate microscope and he failed. Radio talk show host tony katz is here to explain. Tony, good morning to you. Good to see you. Steve how did he fail . Well, if your whole purpose as a mayor is when big things happen you can explain to the people what happened and the action that you are going to take and then you can barely explain what happened and then you dont [inaudible] and then kind of act incredulous that you have to deal with, this thats a failure of leadership. When the people are infuriated this is about a body camera not being on. You also, as the mayor should be infuriated that a body camera wasnt on. If there are rules these rules arent being followed when you are are not around anrunning for president. His entire response was why are people yelling at me dont they know im Pete Buttigieg . He has been on the campaign trail doing remarkably well. In his city he is not connecting at all with the people most angry. When he tries to connect with them as you pointed out, he absolutely throws the fraternal order of police and the entire Police Department under the bus. Steve he is calling for the federal probe of the shooting in the wake of. Im sure you saw the video we ran it yesterday of that town hall he had where so many people were so angry at him and in fact there were some hecklers calling him a traitor because he was siding with the police. So thats a conversation of where we may be in america. But you take a look at that video and there are two videos that one on the stage and the one with the bull horn. On the stage your constituents are angry with you and he doesnt have the natural knowledge to get off the stage, get in with the crowd, look people in the eye . Listen to what they have to say . You look at him with a bull horn he doesnt look like a president ial candidate like a School Monitor like the guy monitoring the hall. Hall monitor pete. Steve you are not the only one who was surprised at that performance at that town hall. David axelrod said this on twitter watching this town hall on the Police Shooting south bend remind president ial races are a series of tests some like debates you can anticipate. Others you cannot. Pete buttigieg faces one of those unanticipate you had tests right now. Through it we will learn more about it. So after that he divided he would call in the feds to probe what happened. I dont think there is anything wrong with calling in the feds to take a look at what happened. If you want to make sure that your citizens are getting the full story and the full coverage. But when we talk about on the political side the damage is massive. Here is somebody who is seems afraid of his own constituents. If he cant take on someone yelling at him because a Police Officer wasnt wearing a body camera and they are supposed, to how does he take on Vladimir Putin . How does he [inaudible] this is big stuff. This was a great opportunity when Rudy Giuliani had september 11th, he is in the streets walking, telling people its going to be okay. And Pete Buttigieg cant get off a stage . Its an ugly, ugly look. Steve tony katz joining us from indiana today. Tony, thank you very much. Thank you, steve. Steve meanwhile, professors at one college could lose tenure not because their students are failing but because they arent nice enough. Now, three of those professors are fighting back and they are going to join us live coming up next. Oh, could you, uh, make me a burger . Poof youre a burger. [ laughter ] everyone acts like their parents. You have a tattoo. Yes. Fun. Do you not work . So, what kind of mower you got, seth . I dont know. Some kid comes over. We pay him to do it. But its not all bad. Someone even showed us how we can save money by bundling home and auto with progressive. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. But we can protect your home and auto. To take care of yourself. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. Bonnie made a friend in class. Oh, she is already making friends. No, no, she literally made a new friend. I want you to meet forky. We have some quick headlines for you a critic is slamming toy story 4 for having sexism, racism and disablism. British writer stella duffy telling bbc radio that the movie lacked diversity and the character bo peep is antifeminist and not every Hollywood Star refuses to film in georgia. Clint eastwood is going to make his next movie in atlanta despite a boycott by some over the states new abortion law. Production begins this summer on the ballot of Richard Jewel starring cathy bates, olivia wild and john thats some of the news but not all. Jedediah new law could make it easier to revoke tenure against professors who arent nice enough. Brian yes, finally. Filed a Class Action Lawsuit against the university and argued the new policy is designed to see you lens free speech in the classroom. Jedediah gregory boris, pharmacology and toxicology professor philip pa late, welcome all of to you the show. Im a little confused. Full disclosure im not a tenure advocate i personally oppose tenure for professors having been one in the past. What are the parameters under this not being nice . That seems kind of vague to me, no . It is vague. Thats one problems. We have used standards with the notion free speech faculty members in the university and public arena outside of the university. Now the board of trustees university of arkansas has adopted new language which makes it less precise as to what youre going to be libel for if you engage in speech thats not someone in the administration or publicly and those rules will change. Even author those of us who have earned tenure and i have taught for 30 years under this same policy and its a contract. Our contract writes we will protect your right to speak. We think thats been changed basically to substitute collegiality for protection of free speech of faculty members. Brian greg, do you think this is free speech has to be maybe political speech or maybe the wrong party that you speak about . Well, i think under the in our current culture, you know, in my area in philosophy and english, i also teach film, i think about 90 of the professors selfidentify as progressive. As it turns out, conservative voices are going to be limited under this kind of policy and tom is right. You know, they say that politics is downstream from culture. So is policy. So once you get an a atmosphere thats created where faculty members have to be cognizant of the fact what they say nay come up in a year end review as a complaint or Something Like that. Once you add to the policy vague statements like we could be punish you had if we dont work productively as our colleagues ago inprettied by who . Bine. Brian what are you 9 years old . Im sorry . Brian they are treating you like a child. Yeah. Tom is right. The new language is vaguer than the old language. Whenever you add more words to a definition you multiply the number of interpretations that there can be. Jedediah philip, we have a statement from the university the ua system and the board of trustees are committed to Academic Freedom and free speech which continue to be protected under these updated board policies. The policy revisions did nothing to change that commitment. What do you make of that statement . Thats what they say but its really what actions they might take and the problem here is the system and it is a system of many campuses throughout this statement is composed as most other colleges and universities of monthly liberal faculty. Only about 10 of faculty identify as conservative. And those faculty feel very much at risk and threatened when they open their mouth. So even though the administration maintains the freedom of speech is protected, we feel intimidated. Brian right, guys, you are taking action. Preemptive strike and its a lawsuit suing for free speech at the university of arkansas but hopefully setting a press dent for others. Thanks, i appreciate it. Thanks, guys. Jedediah thanks for being here. Thank you for having me. Thank you. Jedediah President Trump jedediah spit on for supporting President Trump. Tomi lahren joins us next walk this way this is the couple who wanted to get away who used expedia to book the Vacation Rental that led to the ride which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Flights, hotels, cars, activities, Vacation Rentals. Expedia. Everything you need to go. Expedia. So, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. The United States Postal Service makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Steve from the house field to the baseball lawmakers face off Charity Annual congressional baseball game. Brian Carley Shimkus is on the road. She joining us right now from Nationals Park when the congressman played ball you are there, carley. Carley thats right. You guys keep on sends thee on these sports stories. People are going to start thinking im athletic. I dont mind that im with someone who is very athletic Roger Williams he is the teams manager not coach. Thats right. Carley you received upgrade recently. Thats right im manager. Its a great honor. Carley i was going to say thank you for getting up early with us then i found out that you raised practice to 6 00 a. M. As early as march because you really want to beat the democrats. How is the team looking . They are looking really good. About as good as they are going to get. We had our last practice yesterday. As good as they are going to get. Really proud of them. Since march 1st. They get there 5 30 until 7 00. Really worked hard. Win or lose, these guys have really worked hard. I think we are going to put a good product out there tonight. Carley one thing that i think people dont really know about, this you guys take this pretty darn seriously. Its real serious. People are talking about it already. Months before the game. And there is a lot of bragging rights. But people want their team to win and we won a couple years ago and ready to win tonight. Carley you have a little bit of catching up to do. Democrats have won nine out of the last 10 years. Yeah. Carley i hear have you recruited pretty solid talent to help you guys out this year . Well, we have got some good pitching this year and some younger guys. Big difference between 45yearold and 65yearold on the ball field. Our whole mission we have got to throw strikes. Keep the ball in front of us. Put the ball in play. I have think if we do that and i think the democrats will tell you the same thing, its damage control just dont throw the ball around if we throw strikes we won the game. Carley two years ago a gunman opened fire at congressional practice you were there as well as your staff zac. Two years later, any thoughts, reflections on that moment . Well, you remember, it was a life changesser for everybody that was involved. And you know, you cant go anywhere anymore. Im amazed the people that will tell me as i travel the country. I remember where i was when i heard you all were under attack. Its amazing that people still remember it. Its a life changer. One to remember but we are also moving forward now. Carley thats right. Did you say one thing that was interesting. You said that when the shooting happened, you first thing that came to your head you werent surprised . Right. Carley why werent you surprised . We have so much anger up here and division. I wasnt surprised that somebody lost it. Carley today is a moment of unity and fun. I do have a bracelet that all the ball players have that has the date of the shooting and the words in god we trust. I want to give to you wear. Carley thank you. Life is short god is in charge. Enjoy it. Carley thank you. Steve about 12 hours from game time in our capital. Brian jillian, always fun to toss to you. Jillian thank you, brian, always fun accepting. Start off with this headline we are following, enhanced Technology Brings new hope to a cold case 45 years after a teenager goes missing, the fbi releasing this chilling ransom call on the anniversary of Margaret Allen foxs disappearance. 10,000 might be a lot of briefed but your daughters life is the buttered topping. Jillian that is really hard to listen. To say fox was last season getting on a bus in new jersey on her way to go to babysitting job in 1974. This is what margaret may look like today. There is a 25,000 reward for information. She would be about 59 years old today. Grizzly details sanctuary laws. Ice using seven Washington State cases as an example. They say murders and violent sexual assaults were committed by Illegal Immigrants after they were released from custody. Sort of hit a Critical Mass and this statute that the state passside just one step too far governor jay any prison. Ice request or notifying ice about a pending release. Old navy wants you to celebrate of fourth of july in purple. The company is selling these American Flag t shirtsdz as part of a new antidescrimtion campaign. The back of the shirts are reading in part, quote purple is what happens when you bring red, white, and blue together. Old navy will also donate 25,000 to antidiscrimination campaign. Its all to mark the companys 25th anniversary. Heres a question. Would you pay money to stop your child from throwing a tantrum in public . Kangaroo jump. Kangaroos jump. Kangaroos jump. All right jillian one of the greatest movies. A new survey finds one in five parents would cough up cash to stop a meltdown. 44 say they would be willing to shell out 500 or more. The survey comes from the Insurance Broker policy genius. So, parents on the couch, would you pay money . Brian yes, absolutely. Jedediah i have a bun in the oven, i would say i think i would. Steve i have always found the bribe if you stop we will go to dairy queen works best. Jedediah works on me. Brian i dont know if thats tiger but somehow it works. So folks already up at 6 40. Janice birthday here . Happy birthday whats your name. Lois. Where are from you . North carolina. Janice where are you from. Indiana. Janice wave to everybody from arkansas, right . We are from arkansas. Janice i love this mostly sunny which is what is going to happen in new york city. Mostly sunny skies. Take a look at the maps. Hot, hot, hot today across portions of the northeast with temperatures well above 85, close to 90 with the heat index. Could see some Severe Weather across the plain states. Keep that in mind, large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes, my friends. A look at severe storms and forecast today. If i could, a happy birthday to somebody very near and dear to my heart who puts up with a lot at home, sean, my husband, it is his birthday today. I didnt get to do it this morning so i dual it on national television. Happy birthday, sean, i love you. Steve at home bribing the children with money. Janice yes, he is. Very good. Steve they are arguing. All right. Thank you very much. Brian how much do we have to pay tomi lahren to get up this early . She is the same host and same woman who host fox nation show author of brand new book that comes out next week never play dead, how the truth makes you unstoppable and reorder that right now. First off, we need your opinion on what is going on with this walkout. Jedediah way fair walkout. Steve they have said we will sell 200,000 worth of furniture to a company, nonprofit down at the border at one of those Migrant Centers and so today at 1 30. 500 people have signed a contract they are going to wakeout at way fair. Way fair says you know what . We will go ahead and sell the stuff to them because they are not breaking any rules. Let them walk out at the end of the day would they rather have their precious Illegal Immigrants sleeping on the ground . I dont understand this logic and democrats who constantly squabble over funding beds in Detention Centers. You would think they would want beds for Illegal Immigrants to sleep on not if you understand the real story which is more beds means they keep the people in the Detention Centers for longer, its not as quick of a catch and release into the shadows quicker. Thats what the democrats want ushering the future voting block in the United States of america. Brian see in the bill they put out. They dont want additional beds which is why the president is not going to sign it unless the senate can force them to change it . He shouldnt. This is a crisis. All we are doing by saying come to this country and we will take you and process you and let you be released into this country, thats issuing a cattle call for more people to come and make that dangerous journey. The democrats talk about the humanitarian crisis they are creating it by issuing cattle call for people to come into this country. They shouldnt be. Jedediah i want to get this tweet from alexandria ocasiocortez on this way fair issue. Stunning to me. Way fair workers couldnt stomach they were making beds to cage children. They asked them to stop. The ceo said no. Tomorrow they are walking out. This is what solidarity looks like, a remind that every day people have real power. As long as we brave enough to use it. We you will want it solved. Do you want the beds for the kids or not . Now she is making the case they shouldnt provide those . I dont understand the democrats do they want a solution . Do they want a fix . Their sliewlingsz is we have averaging 100,000 apprehensions per month. They are fine with that they dont want to house Illegal Immigrants and release them into the shadows of society. Overwhelm our cities. Issue them into red texas turn it blue. They have to get as many through the door as they can. All strategy and they cloak it in humanitarian crisis. Its an opportunity. Steve well so, that walkout is going to be 1 30 this afternoon. Sounds like the company says okay you can walk out but were going to sell them the stuff. More on that later. Meantime last night eric trump was in chicago. Apparently a woman at a place called the avayy spit on him. And he told breitbart it was purely disgusting act by somebody who clearly has emotional problems. Brian a waitress that actually works there. You know what it is like to feel under attack. You live in los angeles. Jedediah didnt have you water thrown on you. Yeah i had water thrown on me. Par for the course. A lot of democrats, loving intolerant left believe they have a moral obligation to attack, disparage and harass people who dont think like they do. I walk around the city of new york and l. A. I see pride and tolerance and love. But that same affection love and tolerance is not given to conservatives. Funny how onesided their love and tolerance is. Brian support of the sacrifice to the trump family. Half the country lauds them and loves them. Other half is angry. Its not easy being the child of a president of the United States. Angry is one thing though but spitting on somebody and attacking somebody, verbally or physically assaulting somebody. Steve i do believe the secret service apprehended her. I believe she was apprehended beliefly and later released. Jedediah dallas massacre take a look at it. Check it out. You are watching it go on and news commentating on tv but on the radio screaming complete chaos. And then later finding out some of the heroic actions the officers did. Because, if you remember, they believe there were two shooters, they were getting shot at so much from Different Directions they thought there were two shooters. Officers did some heroic things that citizens, regular citizen will never know about. Steve we remember this well. We were on the air when it was unfolding. I was in dallas at the time, too. I know a lot of the officers and i spoke with three officers who were there had friends there responding. One of them actually was working in the hospital when his fellow officers were being ushered in. This is part 2 of my dallas Police Officer series on fox nation now. Its really never before seen look at what happened that night. What led up to those events and how those officers reacted. Truly the best of the best in dallas and im really lucky. Brian took down an experienced shooter with a military background. They did. This happened at black lives matter protest where we lost those five officers. Those officers that were there to protect those that were protesting against them and then five lost their life and several more injured. These officers really take us into the whole story. A lot of things the public has not heard yet. I encourage everyone to watch it. Brian another reason to get the app. Steve foxnation. Com. Jedediah senator mcconnell meeting with a group of 9 11 First Responders. How did it go . Three people from that meeting join us live with a promise from the majority leader. Coming up. My experience with usaa has been excellent. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. 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One, thank you for having me and two, the gentlemen below me deserve all the credit. Kenny and rob were phenomenal yesterday and last several years. Yesterdays meeting with senator majority leader mcconnell was engaging, productive and we accept his commitment and promise to us to help us move this piece of legislation. And, yeah, he was up to speed. Mitch mcconnell has an amazing staff that we have met with several times in the past as late as may 22nd which is two weeks before the hearing with jon stewart. Are we happy and content no. So many people suffering. We are on the right track right now. Im thinking by august, the 9 11 will see the relief they deserve. Brian rob, tell me what the perfect bill would look like that gets signed into law, in your mind . In my mind, a perfect bill would be exactly whats written right now. Exactly what the house has and in a Perfect World it would run for another 71 years concurrently with the health program. Brian the thing is, i imagine on top of that, kenny, is you dont know who has been affected yet. Thats how insidious some of these diseases are, right . So you dont know really what the total would ever be . And i think we have seen that the cap, which were currently dealing with of our 2020. Puts a time period on peoples illnesses. Benefits in a certain way, if people get ill before 2020, and if you get ill after 2020 you are out of luck. Something thats unacceptable. John said earlier we are looking to have this run concurrently. The reauthorization that we spoke to senator mcconnell about yesterday, we are looking to have it run concurrently with whats left in the health portion, which is 71 years. Because we cant put a time limit on peoples illnesses. Brian i know one thing did you, john, you gave senator Mitch Mcconnell louie alvarezs badge. Why was that important . Thats what louie wanted. Respecting the wishes of a dying man. You know. Louie alvarez was a lot like my dear friend ray pfeiffer. These guys die and pass away from 9 11 illnesses but they die with dignity. I think louie wanted a touch at Mitch Mcconnells heart strings and he did. I have had several meetings with Mitch Mcconnell over the years and yesterday was the first time i have saw a different side of Mitch Mcconnell. I believe he was honestly touched. There wasnt as many people in that room, i think Mitch Mcconnell might have actually shed a tear. Brian rob, the other thing i believe is conversation is other First Responders are watching. Because sadly is there going to be other incidents where you guys are going to have to put your life on the line in the hope in the end your families and yourselves will be taken care of for your actions. Do you get the sense that beyond new york they are watching to see how washington responds . Sure. I mean, there are cancer bills going on in states all over the country right now for firefighters. Theyre definitely watching, you know. I believe that there is an agreement with Civil Servants and our employers if something happens we are going to go in. We go in under the pretense if something happens to us our families will be taken care of. Yeah, i believe theyre watching, sure. Brian the communication between the retired men and women and the ones active i think is pretty strong from what i understand. But, can you give me an idea, too, kenny, where do you think we go from here with this package and how many other guys are waiting on possible funding and insurance because their families dont know where the next check is coming from . I think why are looking at about 20,000 right now that are being held, their cases are being held up a little bit because of this issue that we are down here discussing. Where do we go from here i think we have to hold senator Mitch Mcconnells feet to the fire. John spoke about a fantastic meeting we had yesterday really the proof is going to be in the pudding. We will have to make sure this gets done. We will have to make sure this gets done in a timely manner and make sure Mitch Mcconnell sticks to his commitment totolook to get this done by august. Its important. Like i said, brian, we are looking at about 20,000 people right now. These people need the relief that were down here fighting so urgently for. Brian i know they appreciate it. John, sadly, you know new york is still in the eye of the storm. You know these terrorists look at this as the gold standard, the place to hit. So knowing that we are not out of the woods yet but we are still dealing with what happened in 2001, what is your message to everyone watching right now . I think the spirit of the American People is my message that we all come together no matter our political affiliation, our religion. And when Something Like 9 11 happens, or oklahoma, we all come together. And thats what makes this country so good. And to be able to work with rob and keny and the other 9 11 responders over the last several years to get this done has been nothing but humbling. Brian make sure we get some follow through in august and i think that senator Mitch Mcconnell will do that rob, keny, and john, thanks so much. What you did for the country and thank you for continuing to fight. Thank you for having us. Brian thanks, guys. Meanwhile coming up straight ahead Robert Mueller will go to the hill. It will be july 17th. The former special counsel set to testify before congress that will be next month. The president weighed in. We have that story at the top of the hour and thats the back of my head i say, ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. 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Since youre heading off to dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. You ever wish you werent a motaur . Sure. Sometimes i wish i had legs like you. Yeah, like a regular person. No. Still half bike half man, just the opposite. Oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top . Yeah. Yeah, i could see that. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Steve live from new york city and 233 miles south of us is nasa park where the National Baseball teams plays baseball. Brian why would you bring that up. Steve thats where Carley Shimkus is tonight and today for the National Baseball game. Jedediah hey, carley. Carley good morning, guys. We are about 12 hours away until the big game. Take a look at this the players have already taken the field. They are getting a little practice in before their work day starts. They are all playing for this here trophy right here. Im going to try to lift it. Its pretty heavy. Right here this guy. About 50 pounds, i would say. You can see the donkey and the elephant. The official congressional baseball trophy. This game, of course, for charity. But everybody really wants to win it, especially the republicans because the democrats have been on a winning streak. So all day is about fun. Its about unity. Its about patriotism and of course it is about baseball. We will be talking to Steve Scalise who is the man of the hour of course. We will talk about his triumphant return to the baseball field last year and what is in store for him today. Guys, i will send it back to you in the studio. Steve it is a great day in our Nations Capital. Carley, i remember from last year, if you look over towards right field, toward the foul pole, they have a lovely buffet of breakfast set up for you. That is the most valuable information that anybody could give to me. Steve thank you. Carley steve, i owe you one. Thats where im heading. Brian thats why all the lawmakers are there early. Free breakfast. Steve they have some good home fries. Carley you are my new best friend. Brian i just wish carley was in a better mood but what can you do . Jedediah she is the best. Steve Robert Mueller not in a good mood. He does not want to go up to capitol hill and answer questions but on july 17th, the former fbi director, who knew it was virtually impossible to ignore or reject a subpoena from the house intel and judiciary committee, is he going to go up and is he going to sit in front of committees run by schiff and nadler and answer their questions. Jedediah going to get a lot of questions from republicans, a lot of questions from democrats. Democratic questions probably going to involve why there was no obstruction charge which he obviously cannot answer. Republican also probably have some questions about the origins of the investigation. The justification for the investigation, maybe even some of the questions about potentially investigating the investigators guess what . President trump is tweeting about this. He came in with just two words very powerful words. President ial harassment. Sounds like he has had enough, brian. Brian absolutely. Country right now on the brink with iran. The president is going to the g20 to cut a major trade deal with behemoth called china. We have a situation where we have a catastrophe at the border that both parties are desperately trying to solve while still staying in their political corners and now back to the future with Robert Mueller. Lets look at some of the hype around muellers testimony. People are talking about this is bigger than Ollie Frazier one. Listen. I think he will answer the questions put to him because its his civic duty to do so and is he upstanding prosecutor. We have the opportunity to flesh out what the prosecutors did, how did he did it. What the role of the personnel Trump Campaign were. This is what the American People have been waiting for since the Mueller Report was released to us in the form that we got. He is going to speak in front of two committees on the same day. Thats a lot. The 9minute appearance was the trailer for the movie we are about to see. I think its big. I think its a real break through for the congress for the house. I think it could really define the remainder of the trump presidency. Brian right. John dean once and for all should push his glasses back. Is it possible . Steve i was just fixing my glasses. Brian i dont have to tell you. Steve what the democrats are trying to do is they are trying to bolster the case for impeaching the president. But the problem for them is that when you actually see Roberts Mueller in that chair in front of the two committees its not going to live up to the hype, ultimately. Yesterday, i believe it was, adam schiff said i dont want to set Unrealistic Expectations that says a lot. Jedediah impeachment might not be a successful strategy for democrats if they want to get elected. We have seen that in the past when it comes to republicans and democrats. The interesting angle for me here though is the media. The media behind this story up from the beginning. Steve you think. Jedediah talked about collusion. They basically had trump convicted of a crime before they even had the information. Check out king of radio Rush Limbaugh on how the media mislead the public. Take a listen. They speak of things that are threatening the country. The difference is they made it all up. They invested over three years in fake news story after fake news story after fake news story and it all added up to what . The end of america, the demise of our democracy. The end of our politics. Except none of it was true. None of it. They are not going to be able to get rid of trump. Trump is going to be on the ballot in 2020. They failed. Brian peter baker has a story about how the rest of the world was kind of, many people out of our enemies were hoping the president would be out after the Mueller Report and it didnt happen. Jay sekulow says he has no concerns, he is the president s attorney about this. In fact he has no objection to mueller testifying and near does william barr. The other story is what is happening with immigration and humanitarian aid. The house late last night passing a 4. 5 emergency funding bill to address the crisis at the southern border. Jedediah victory sets up a showdown in the senate before Congress Least for july 4th recess. Steve kevin corke joins us from the white house. The president said if they pass that bill from the House Democrats they are going to veto it. Now they passed that bill what happens next . Doa here is the bottom line the president wants to be proactive he has to get democrats on capitol hill in particular to act. Let me show you the breakdown it did pass sort of a late down down the street on capitol hill 230 to 195 as the house approves its version of that 4. 5 supplemental spending bill to address humanitarian issues at the border. Here is an interesting breakdown. Four democrats said nay, alexandria ocasiocortez, tlaib. Three g. O. P. Es heard fitzpatrick and chris smith. Now to his credit the president long before democrats over on capitol hill were willing to acknowledge called this a crisis. Make no mistake about it, he needs their help to solve it. I will do it right now officially is ask the democrats to give us help on asylum, help on all of the loopholes, the horrible loopholes over a period of years that dont allow us to do what we should be able to do. We need the votes you have democrats. As mentioned over on the hill, Speaker Pelosi also addressing this. She called on the president to, look, sign the legislation, even if it isnt exactly what he wants. This situation is child abuse. It is an atrocity that violates every value we have. Not only as americans but as moral beings. The senate is obviously working on its own version but the key here is can they get the house to do something that the president will ultimately sign . At least right now the answer is no. We will see if that changes, guys. Back to you for now. Steve kevin, thank you very much. Meanwhile the president tweeted this too bad the democrats in Congress Wont do anything at all about border security. They want open borders which means crime. But we are getting it done, including building the wall. More people than ever before are coming because the u. S. A. Economy is so good, the best in history. Brian because when you break down the aid package, even though its billions, nothing to do with the wall. Nothing to do with security. Nothing to do even giving Border Patrol overtime. They dont want to do it. They also dont want to add beds. Just sheets to the beds they have already, i guess. Steve i guess what you are referring to is the fact that way fair, the Online Furniture store, they will have a walkout at their boston h. Q. About 1 30 this afternoon. Employees are planning to walk out to protest the fact that the company is selling beds and other home goods to be used in some of these Migrant Centers. Apparently a 200,000 furniture contract was awarded to nonprofit Government Contractor that manages some of the Migrant Centers. The wayfair employees dont like that and so they would like the company to take the money and give it to some sort of migrant legal aid society. Jedediah we have got two important tweets for you guys to take a look at this from the wayfair walkout group we have this tweet wayfair sold beds to furnish border camps. 547 employees signed a petition to ask that we cease all business with border camps. Ceo said no. Employees are walking out tomorrow at 1 30. We ask that wayfair donate all profits made from the sale to raices. Alexandria ocasiocortez on this issue comes in and says way fair workers couldnt stomach they were making beds for caged children. They asked the company to stop. Ceo said no. Tomorrow they are walking out. That is what solidarity looks like do you want the beds or not . We are all saying humanitarian crisis. You are coming out and saying many times, rightfully so, you want to make sure there are good conditions for these kids in these processing centers. Now you have a Company Coming out and say they are going to provide beds now you decided to oppose that what are your priorities . Brian they are not cages they are in huge warehouses because they are all overwhelmed. They want to divide the kids from the adults for obvious reasons. Especially when they come over unaccompanied. You cant build a plaster wall or get sheetrock so what they do instantsly because this is ongoing crisis is put dividers up. You could be sensationalistic and say that why dont you put on the uniform and be Border Patrol and try to come up with a solution for that without being properly funded. Steve to their credit it sounds like wayfair is going to allow their employees to have the walkout but they they are going to go ahead and sell the stuff tout nonprofit. Wayfair put out a letter and said as a retailer it is Standard Practice to fulfill orders for all customers and we believe it is within our business to sell to any customer who is acting within the laws of the countries within which we operate. Brian thats the way it is usually done jedediah, why dont you bring us he had lines. Jedediah two u. S. Service members killed in afghanistan overnight. Its unclear whether the urine identified troops died in combat. They are the 8th and 9th Service Members killed in afghanistan this year. Their deaths come hours after secretary of state mike pompeo made a surprise visit to the war zone. He is hopeful that a peace deal with the taliban could come before september. To another alert, a sheriffs deputy is gunned down trying to protect his community. Police say troy was shot responding to a disturbance and battery call in illinois. He was a four year veteran of the Fulton County Sheriffs Office and emt. Chisholm is the fourth officer shot and killed in the line of duty in a week and 23rd this year. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin says a trade deal with china is almost complete. Im hopeful we see a deal but there needs to be the right efforts in place. We are about 90 of the way there i think there is a path to complete. This but we will see where we get. Jedediah President Trump is expected to meet with chinese president jinping at the g20 summit on saturday. Two agreeing to revive negotiations after they were stalled in may. And god, guns, and freedom. An alabama car dealership offering a one of a kind fourth of july promotion. Not only are they going to get the great deals of service that we provide here, they are also going to get a bible, an American Flag, and also 12 gauge shotgun. Jedediah chatom ford sharing deal on facebook now going viral. Last through july. Great dial. Those are your headlines. Steve mean mile when the case of the missing College Students the last known photos of her have just been released. There she is right there. How police think these pictures could actually help them find her. Prosecutors in the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping trial takes us inside the investigation. And thats coming up shortly. Steve fox news alert. Robert mueller headed for the hot seat set to testify before committees on capitol hill july 17th. What can we learn that hasnt already been presented in the report . The other question is, according to some republicans, this could backfire on the democrats. Brian its all unscripted former u. S. Attorney who knows Robert Mueller worked with him for a long time joins us now to weigh in. This does not surprise you there was a friendly subpoena and that mueller is coming up to the house. Why do you think he was reluctant to say to do this to begin with . I think bob knows the drill on capitol hill. Meaning he knows how this is going to play out. Its going to be more of a show for nadler and schiff and those that are pressing and so, yeah, im not surprised by. This and i think its something that is not going to go as they think its going to go. Brian why . Well, he is very good. He is good on his feet. He is not going to respond the way that, you know, they hope he is going to respond. He has told us that this is about the four corner of the report itself and thats going to do his talking. I think he is in for a tough crossexamination by several folks, including my friend chip roy or jim jordan who i think is going to want to grapple with him. Steve sure, they will want to know the origins of the investigation, you know, when did he know about the bias between strzok and page and all sorts of stuff like that. At the same time, bret, he is going the democrats are going to ask him questions that he cant answer. They wants him to say there was obstruction. Thats right. Is he not going to be able to answer it. He cant go past what he found or didnt find in the report. Remember, executive privilege applies there is also doj rules and policies. He was a prosecutor under doj rules. So he is limited in terms of what he can respond to. Jedediah the key to success, bret for me in these things is whether they are master of ai have dance. Do you think mueller will be able to avoid key questions as to whether he knew there was no conspiracy, for example. And avoid other questions that were asked. Key questions by republicans that may paint him not only in a poor light but the Obama Administration as well . There is going to be some very difficult questions. Did you know back in 2016, 17 who knew what . Why didnt you answerrize what the Outgoing White House knew and when they knew it . Why did you bring on certain investigators and part of your team but not others . I mean ken starr had democrats and conservatives on the team when he led his special investigation. Here we dont see any signs that there was that atimothy to try to keep it, you know, maintain the balance on the investigation. Brian brett, i know one thing they will try to do why did william barr say what he said . What you intended . Is that why you came out. Here is some of those things. The other thing is about the whole fisa process. Do you think that Robert Mueller is the place to go if we wants to find out really what went on behind the scenes for all the fisa warrants . You know its interesting that he didnt touch the subject. I understand that the oig, horowitz is looking into that and you have john durham now who is very talent and going to work hard at trying to expose what happened in our Intelligence Community interaction on the campaign and the use of fisa. But, when you are investigating russian conspiracy by members of the Trump Campaign, how do you not look at whether or not there was a basis to begin with and who knew what when they presented the case to the fisk. The fisa court judge is supposed to receive vetted material and supposed to have confidence that that material has been verified and is accurate. And here we dont see those badges occurring. And why didnt mueller look into those issues . Jedediah brett, i have to shift you over because you were the prosecutor on the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping case. You have this other case i want to ask you about. You have this missing university of utah student mackenzie luack. Police have released new Surveillance Video of her at the airport at 2 00 a. M. Hoping it will lead to new information. We know 2 and calls for a lyft to take her to a park. From there no one knows what happened to her. Does this help us at all knowing what come down here . It does help. They will utilize it. Sad we dont have more video. We were optimistic there would be more. There were cameras, for example, in hatch park. But as it turns out many of those were dummy cameras that were used to try to deter juvenile delinquents. So we dont have as much as we would like. But this does help. People are going to see who she is they will start to think about what they saw and hopefully we gather details on what is right now a very troubling and strange case . Steve why do you say troubling and strange . Typically we see an Immediate Reaction for example by Law Enforcement to let the public know that there is a missing person. We didnt see that it didnt happen there may be tactical reasons for that also the age of the student, the fact that it doesnt seem that there is anything out of the ordinary when she is taken in the lyft and then dropped off. Those are all things that dont line up with the fact that now we havent heard from her for days. Jedediah my understanding is that the lyft driver has been cleared as well. They spoke to him and he has been cleared. Thats a little bit even more puzzling also why she was going to this park in the middle of the night. Yeah. Its very late. Why was she there . Why was she getting picked up. Typically you get in a lyft and going hoping at that hour. Steve a lot of questions and still no good answers. Brett tolman we thank you for joining us today. Thank you. Jedediah could the fight against the Opioid Epidemic banbackfire. One doctor sounding the alarm patients left in pain because doctors are too scared to prescribe the med . That doctor joins us live next. Goin down the only road ive ever known like a drifter i was born to walk alone youre a drifter . I thought you were kevins dad. Little bit of both. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. What sore muscles . What with advpounding head . Advil is. Relief thats fast. Strength that lasts. Youll ask. What pain . With advil. Its a revolution in sleep. The sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to hit the ground running. Its the lowest prices of the season. The queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is now 1299, save 400. Plus, 0 interest for 36months. Ends saturday. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. Repair the enamel on a daily basis. With the new pronamel repair toothpaste we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. Its innovative. My goto toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. California is the place you ought too be. Loaded up the truck and moved to beverly, hills that is. Jedediah time for news by the numbers. First up 195 million, thats how much you will pay if you want to buy the mansion featured in the beverly hillbillies despite a 50milliondollar price drop its still the most expensive house in the country. Next, 1 billion. Thats how many illegal robo calls the ftc says it blocked. The federal trade commission working with the Justice Department in a major crackdown. The agency has filed more than 140 lawsuits against robo calling companies. Finally, 28. Thats how many consecutive games the new york yankees have hit home runs in. 14 different players helping to break a Major League Baseball record. Down to you, brian and steve. Brian first place yankees, too. 17 minutes off the top of the hour. In an effort to combat our nations Opioid Epidemic, attention has been focused on stopping the flow of pain medications to people who might end up abusing them or addicted to them. The pendulum swung too far are we overcorrecting. Cut back on pain killer prescriptions. Fighting to get the medication they need they are in a lot of pain. Steve that is a big problem. The centers for Disease Control clarified their position saying their response went too far. Will the revised policy bring pain patients relief . Dr. Sally is a psychiatrist at a d. C. Methadone clinic and author of pcm. D. How Political Correctness is corrupting medicine. She joins us live right now. Good morning to you, doctor. Hello. Steve it was quite a mess back in 2016 because the cdc essentially said there is a crisis with opioids. Have you got to cut back. For people in a lot of pain, didnt help them. Well, yes. They issued their guideline in 2016. It was on chronic pain and it was for primary care doctors. To be fair to the cdc their guidelines were not bad. They urged caution and they urged a weighing of cost and benefit. What was unfortunate is that some doctors and Healthcare Systems and insurers and states and state medical boards, they tended to misinterpret those guidelines as a mandate to decrease dosing, again, in chronic patients, people with intractable pain who have been on these medications for years, sometimes decades and doing well. And the guideline was interpreted as a mandate to either decrease those doses, below a threshold that was inlociaintolerable for some bece their pain reemerged. It was and still is a disaster for so many people in chronic pain. And thats why we wrote the letter. I wrote the letter with a number of colleagues and to the credit of the cdc, they did issue a letter to us clarifying their intent, which was we want no one to be forced off their medications. No one to be taken off without their consent. Assuming its working well. And then two weeks later they published the same basic message in the new england journal of medicine. So they did a lot but that wasnt enough. Brian right. Now we have patients who come in with chronic pain and need them. But doctors are concerned because could end up in a lawsuit. They are not sure where its heading. Overall, doctor, do you feel we overcorrected . I definitely feel we overcorrected in this regard. What doctors now are afraid of, because we published those letters, we put them online. We wanted patients to take them to their doctors and say okay its okay for you to keep me on these medications since im doing well. Now many of the doctors are afraid of the d. E. A. , the Drug Enforcement agency and also cms sometimes wont cover it and state agency he is. There is still a lot of misconceptions and, yes, we had to cut back on prescribing. There is no question that too many doctors were a little too liberal. They had a low threshold for prescribing for acute pain, especially. This is pain, you know, if you break your ankle or something. They give too much at a time. It weensd up in medicine chests and then flow out. All that needed correction. But we have gone too far. Steve yeah, there was no balance. So have you heard from patients who needed the stronger drugs and now they are getting them again after this correction . We have owned heard from the people who didnt succeed unfortunately with their doctors. Its desperate. My colleagues and i get at least 10 letters between us a day heart wrenching and one of our group is keeping a registry of people who killed themselves. Brian lapsely, real quick, do you believe the pharmaceutical companies actually got us started on this mess and the addiction morass we are in right now . They are part of a very complex equation. I would not say they are the sole cause. Steve dr. Sally satel joining us from our Nations Capital where they are trying to make it clear what sort of drugs should be prescribed. Doctor, thank you very much. Thank you. Steve meanwhile, it has been one year since congressman Steve Scalise incredible return to the baseball field after being shot during practice in 2017. There he is making the first out of the game. Carley is live with him at nats park. There he is. Next. Sometimes, the pressures of todays world can make it tough to take care of yourself. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. Of a lifetime. Its progressive on ice. Everything you love about Car Insurance the discounts. The rate comparisons. And flo in a boat. Insurance adventure awaits at progressive on ice. Tickets not available now or ever. At progressive on ice. This simple banana peel represents a bold idea a way to create energy from household trash. It not only saves about 80 in carbon emissions. It helps reduce landfill waste. Thats why bp is partnering with a California Company fulcrum bioenergy. To turn garbage into jet fuel. Because we cant let any good ideas go to waste. At bp, we see possibilities everywhere. To help the world keep advancing. We need medics,. Steve Steve Scalise has been shot 50 shots were fired. Steve scalise is a friend. Is he a patriot, and is he a fighter. Steve yesterday, Steve Scalise returned to a heros welcome. Im definitely a living example that miracles real delay happen. Steve you have been over the last year working your best to get back to a good state of health. You are able to walk now you are going to start. You saved his life. If he didnt put the tourniquet on me i wouldnt have made it to the hospital. A year ago did you think he would be able to do this. Not really. Our prayers are answered. A year ago to the day he is out there playing second base. [cheers and applause] steve i was wondering how you were going to do in the game. And what happened . The first play. [laughter] first batter hits right over to second base and i had to go back hand the thing. I said man, i missed this play. Steve there wasnt a dry eye in the place. If you dont believe in miracles and that god has a piece of this action it was unreal. Steve it was it. Has been one year since Steve Scalises incredible return to the baseball field after being shot two years ago at a practice. Brian back in 2017. Now the House Minority whip is ready to take on the democrats once again. This time i imagine predicting victory. Jedediah he is right there now with our very own Carley Shimkus. Steve hey, carley. Carley good morning, guys. Good to see you and steve fantastic job last year. Its such an honor to have you here. You look fantastic. Thanks. Carley its been a long road to recovery for you. How are you feeling . Its been quite a road. I feel great. I can definitely feel how much better i am now, especially than last year. I was very limited in my mobility last year. Lucky to be alive. Still lucky to be alive but able to move around a whole lot better. I miss doocy out on the field. It was fun having him with with us. But you are with us. Such special moment on a Major League Baseball field with a bunch of your friends. Car carr last year you walked on field with cruchesz. This year i dont see those crutches around. Doing better. End of the year hopefully i will be able to ditch the crutches all together. Still need them for long distances. God is performing miracles and im getting better. Carley you said when bullets were flying two years ago your first instinct was to pray. When you prayed you felt better because you knew that everything was in gods hands. Thats such a beautiful sentiment. It was one of those things. Im crawling away and i had been hit and then all of the sudden everything gave out. I couldnt move anymore. Still hear a lot of gunfire and didnt know what was going to happen next. I knew the one thing that i could do that i had to do was pray. It was amazing how removed so much of the anxiety and all of the sudden i was calm and i knew that god was taking care of me and boy did he ever. Carley there was a series of events there people there at the right moment at the right place at the right time to take care of you. I know you spent a lot of time honoring the Capital Police who were also there to help protect as well. David bailey and crystal were my security detail that morning my team leads and wearing the Capital Police lawsuit in their honor. They sacrificed both of them got hit in the shootout and kept going at it and took the shooter down. They are bark and both going to be here tonight. Special to have them out again. People like Brad Wenstrup my colleague from ohio trauma surgeon came out and immediately put a tourniquet on and stopped the bleeding. My doctor said that was really the only reason i was able to make it to the hospital alive. Steve i think we are going to talk to him a little bit later. Lets talk baseball. I know have you been working for though moment hard. Who is going to win . Republicans will going to win tonight. Whatever the bookies are saying in vegas, its going to be a good night for us. A better team than last year. Really good pitcher. Dont tell anybody but greg studigregsteube from florida ia rock star. Good night for republicans. Ainsley will you be out on the second base. I will be the lead off batter. Carley awesome. I think our anchors back in the studio have a question for you guys. Is that right . Steve we have lots of questions. Steve. How are you . Steve im doing okay. Carley is doing a great job down there. You are predicting the republicans are going to win tonight at the baseball game. But yesterday the democrats won in the house by passing that 4. 5 billiondollar Emergency Aid Program and package. There is nothing that you really like about it in there i know Kevin Mccarthy said it should have been the Senate Versions which was passed on a bipartisan basis. Whats going to happen next with the that the presidency has already said he is going to veto that. Unfortunately the bill that pelosi passed last night is not a win for our Border Patrol agents who are trying to take care of these young kids. There is influx of people at our border. We need to secure our southern border. President trump is doing a phenomenal job of building wall. Helping work with mexico to bring more of their National Guard down to the mexican southern burden. Thats actually having a positive impact. Look, they are running out of money right now to take care of these young kids. The president has been asking for over six weeks for supplemental bill to help make sure we can take care of the kids. Pelosi has refused to pass it. Last night they bring a partisan bill. A bill that doesnt solve the problem that wont become law but the senate did pass a law that will at least solve it. We have got to get something done this week. Brian congressman, you have to get something done. Logistics you have to go into conference and pass something quickly. Yeah. And the clock is running. Right now everybody is scheduled to leave thursday. We cannot leave without passing a bill that gets to the president s desk that he can sign. Im still confident it can happen. The senate has to pass their bill over hopefully today and maybe by thursday we will take that up senate bill a bill that the president will sign that will actually solve the problem. Jedediah the idea of compromise always sounds good. Democrats and republicans are so far apart on this issue. I remain optimistic if i can. Im losing some of that. Democrats did come together with republicans in the senate. So there is a template that bill passed out of committee 30 to 1. So republicans and democrats came together this isnt even talking about wall funding taking care of young kids who have Serious Health problems. Coyotes bring them over many cases sexually abusing young girls. Pelosi wouldnt spend the money to take care of them. This bill haas to pass. The senate bill addressed the problem and bipartisan. The president said he would sign it. Lets get that bill to his desk. Brian game starts in six hours. Get readhours game starts in about 12 hours. Get stretched. Carley something happened almost like a movie moment. Describe that. I dont know if this would put it in a movie because i dont know anybody would believe its real. Very first pitch im out there hey, look, scalise made it back. Certainly wasnt expecting to make any plays because i had no mobility. Ruiz crack as ball to second base, i thought have you got to be kidding. Guy and i kind at that point your instincts take over i was able to back hand the ball and get it and im on my knees i see him running down the first baseline i have to throw him out. I made the throw sure enough. We all just lost it. Carley a ball just sped past this direction so well sign off now before we get hit in the head. And we love congressman scalise, thank you so much. Good luck tonight. I will send this to doocy i will sign it. Steve i will treasure that thank you very much. Jedediah thanks, carley. Steve leadoff batter for the republicans. What will he do for an encore. Jedediah they have to pull together. They need a win. Turn to headlines now. Quote a purely disgusting act. Eric trump is speaking out after a waitress allegedly spits on him on a bar. A local reporter tweeting a picture of Police Outside the avery in chicago saying secret service had the suspect in custody. Eric trump seemingly believes the employee was a democrat telling Breitbart News for a party that preaches tolerance this once again demonstrates they have very little visit. Dad dives face first to save his son from drowning. Check this out. The florida father jumping over a 4foot fence and diving into a pool to grant toddler who doesnt know thousand swim. The second you see it, you get superman strength and just have to go for it whatever have you got to do. The boy fell in the pool chasing after a ball. The family hopes this raises awareness about pool safety. And from super dad to super hero, a man comes back to life after being electrocuted and clinically dead for 2 20 minutes. Doctors refusing to give up on Michael Pruitt while shocking his heart. When they told you that you actually died, what did you think . That im a super hero. [laughter] every great super hero has a death. Pruitt was electrocuted by a live electrical wire at his job in michigan. Neighbors call 911 to complain about loud music. You will never guess what happens next. Watch this. Man, i dont want to get in on this party. Having a good time. Will you come and dance with me . Yeah. I cant dance. Some friendly officers having fun crashing the dance floor at high school grawtion party in texas. Those are your headlines. Steve that is the best body cam video ever. Brian 15 things before the top of the hour. Switch gears and go outside. Because its time for the allamerican road trip, janice. Janice yes, i am live on fox square with our expert mike caudill. Summertime. Im looking for a vehicle. Tell me about all of the cars on the plaza, go . Suns out, guns out. Four cars for you i never want to see you in. This one i do want to see new Mercedes Benz c 300 convertible. Starts about 50,000 right here. Fans on the back. These keep your neck warm in the winter. Put the top down, cruise in the winter. 10. 25inch on the interior. If thats not enough horsepower for you Jeep Grand Cherokee 707horsepower. 0 to 60 in sub4 seconds. This one tops out at 99,000. Its meant for the family that wants to go race car driving on the track. Beautiful red leather interior. This is one of the this is one of americas favorite suvs right now that was Just Launched its the kia full size fit up to 8 people inside. We talked about this before this segment, interior all about luxury. Tow 5,000 pounds behind this. Packed with luxury. Janice fancy. I wanted to bring something italian. Four door sedans. This is the alph alfa romeo i love the Exterior Design of this vehicle. Starts under 40,000. All about leather paddle shifters. I dont want to see you in this ever. This is the Ford Police Interceptor and utility. Its al all packed with technology. Hybrid motor under the hood which will save each one of these vehicles save about 3,500 in gas and fuel savings. I have flashy lights for you right here. I have got everything you want. [sirens] i have sirens and lights. One technology i want to point out. Perimeter technology. So you have to be sitting inside. You hit a button, if somebody is approaching from the rear to pose a threat, the windows and doors will lock. I tried it five times. I can run as fast as i can. And by the time i get here the windows are closed. The officer is protected. Its got bless stick material on the inside. Janice glad no one is here with hand did yo handcuffs. That was fast. Handcuff me. Steve thats a cool vehicle. Jedediah it is. Steve thank you j. D. And michael. Meanwhile coming up Army Staff Sergeant David Olivier becoming the ferris living iraq war veto receive the medal of honor. Pete hegseth is good friends with him, and he is going to join us live coming up next. Know youre not alone exactly, nothing. Theyre completely different people, thats why they need customized Car Insurance from liberty mutual. Theyll only pay for what they need [ gargling ] [ coins hitting the desk ] yes, and they could save a ton. Youve done it again, limu. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Brian President Trump honoring a war here david, becoming the first living iraq war veto receive the medal of honor. Staff sergeant belevia whose intrend spirit and unwavering resolve defeats our enemies, protects our freedoms and defends our great American Flag. David, today we honor your extraordinary courage. We salute your Selfless Service and we thank you for carrying on the legacy of american valor. Jedediah my fox Friends Weekend cohost and u. S. Army vet pete hegseth a s. A close friend of the sergeant and attended yesterdays event at the white house. Steve now he is attending here to the curvey couch. Tell us what he did. Pete oh my goodness this guy deserves the medal of honor as much as anybody in the history of that award. Fallujah, Staff Sergeant in the middle of the night. Clearing 10 houses they knew there were suicidal insurgents in those houses, foreign fighters. They went through the first nine didnt find anybody. In the tenth they knew they would meet the enemy. They did. Full fire ambush, his men were penned down. He took action to get his men out of the house they were going to die if they were stuck in that position. He took it to his own hands to him sufficiently and went in with a reporter actually which is why we know this is all true. Himself into the house and singlehandedly killed five insurgents the last one in the top part of the house with his helmet and knife because it was rigged with propane tanks. Had he fired his weapon, the home would have exploded. There were people jumping out of wardrobes and cabinets. Insurgents jumping off the roof. Bellavia thought he was going to die multiple times. Before he went in, its a vivid picture. Weighs pacing outside the house as they come back out. Saying do i go in do i go in do i go in and in a moment said im going in. If i dont go in more of our guys are going to die. The actions he took saved the life of his squad and put his own life i cant even imagine what he did. Other men as well. Actions he took are the definition of the medal of honor. Brian so his book house to house is one of the best war books i have read of the iraq war so far. Yes. Brian it opens up with David Bellavia he freezes. He thick take the bad guys, the burglars see him and they freeze and he does nothing. Little does he know later on in the war he becomes this hero when he goes into a house, doesnt freeze and enacts a way that you would expect superman to. Absolutely. I think that was part of the calculus. This guy is not your typical army guy. I mean, he is into the arts. Is he funny. All guys in the military are funny. He can electric particularet le. I heard never are making a movie. They should make a movie. It will make a ton of money. First living recipient of the middle of honor. Everyone else is post thom muse columbus. Will president obama didnt like it very much. He got the silver star. A lot of people felt like it should be upgraded on meddings of honor. Good on President Trump for reviewing his file. He seems like the idea type of person you would wanted on his team. If you could turn to your right or turn your left and have someone right beside you seems like the guy. He did it in the ceremony, too. He didnt get a chance to say any remarks. It was all the president. He brought his guys up on the stage. Steve there were a lot of them. Entire platoon. First sergeant, 30 plus guys from his unit. I got to know them vets through freedom. Iraq war Vets Administration i have known him 10 years. He started a group to have the backs of the guys still there we went and fought for something. Lets finish what we started. He has always done that. Brian stop apologizing for this war. It was fought for reasons that were valid and situation and the way you guys adjusted mid war to you urban warfare. Warriors. In this case they wrote the medal of honor for david bellavi amphitheater. Well get a chance to interview him for First National exclusive interview. Also doing a documentary on fox nation the whole story of David Bellavia on house to house. Jedediah stay tuned. Dennis prager, robert wolf, and Mike Huckabee all coming up. And youre not there to help. While meningitis b is uncommon. Once symptoms appear, they can progress quickly and can be fatal. Sometimes within 24 hours. Before you send your teen to college. Make sure you help protect them. Talk to your teens doctor. Whoooo. Did you know the exact same hotel room. Can have many different prices . Thats why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. Your Perfect Hotel room for the perfect price batter batter batter swing steve maybe will work better, were watching Carley Shimkus taking batting practice at congressional baseball practice. Here it comes. So close. Brian why take the batting helmet off. Jedidiah cheering herself on, i love it. Steve make it go straight. Jedidiah so close. So close. Brian so much safer on the break. Had her batting helmet on. Steve made contact. Brian make sure the hair looks good. More important than safety. Steve she is on television. Jedidiah sometimes they are too big you cant see. Brian are you okay . Steve thumbs up, are you having a good time . Im having. Brian never saw someone hop in the batters box. Jedidiah make it interesting. Steve one more. Brian back to fox friends. Jedidiah hitting one out of the park. Brian i have no faith in her. I have been watching. I dont think she will hit anything. Steve big game in d. C. Republicans need to win, democrats won the last nine times. Brian they hope to win. Steve democrats are there too though. Brian really . Fox news alert. Did you hear about this late last night . Robert mueller will testify on capitol hill. It will be next month which is in a couple days. One of the most highlyanticipated congressional hearings in decades. Jedidiah the president slamming democrats for issuing the subpoena but will it backfire on the left . Steve that is what some republicans are saying. What does Griff Jenkins thinks he joins us on from the capitol. Reporter this is the main event. This is what democrats have wanted. Mueller agreeing to backtoback public appearances before the house intelligence and judiciary committees after subpoenas from House Democrats. Intelligence Committee Chairman adam schiff says the witness was reluctant. I dont think the special counsels office would characterize it as a friendly subpoena. He did not want to testify. He made that very clear. Nonetheless, they will respect the subpoena. He will appear. Reporter president reacted with a simple treat here, president ial harrassment. Democrats and republicans looking forward to question mueller. Democrats to grill him on could could coconclusion on collusion. Our interest for the American People to hear it from him. There is campaign of misrepresentation. The president keeps saying the report found no collusion no obstruction that is not true either way. Reporter republicans will question mueller over the unverified steele dossier and lisa page and the relationship. Bob mueller better be prepared. I can tell you he will be crossexamined for the first time the American People will start to see the flaws in his report. Reporter fireworks are definitely coming on july 17th. Hype continues to build. Who this benefits in the end is really unclear. Mueller said if he was made to testify he will not go beyond what he wrote in the report. Many republican questions will be new ones he hasnt answered before. Guys . Steve we all want answers. Thank you, griff. Worry from some democrats after all this hype it couldnt possibly live up to it. Okay, he is going to give us the results, right . Well he already gave us the results in the form of the Mueller Report. That found Something Different than what, than what jerry nadler just said. Jedidiah we spoke with a former u. S. Attorney who worked with mueller last hour. He said this probably wont yield the results democrats are hoping for. Take a listen. Bob knows the drill on capitol hill, meaning he knows how this is going to play out. It is going to be more of a show for nadler and schiff and those that are pressing. He is not going to respond the way they hope he is going to respond and he has told us this is about the four corners of the report itself. That is going to do his talking. Brian he will talk about basically, i know republicans are very curious why most of the lawyers hired were democrats. One was hooked directly to the clinton camp. The other one, attended the clinton party. They seemed to have not been curious about the fisa warrant. What about the papdopoulus situation . Was any of these International Roles of Joseph Mifsud and andrew downer. Steve alexander. Brian the ambassador from australia who is a foreign minister . What about all these elements . Did that spark your curiosity at all . What about the Obama Administration did in overlapping period when he was president elect . Some of these questions he might not be able to answer but with the question it will make news. It will not be a clear shot. They believe every person will be up, like Michael Cohen a willing witness who wants to destroy the president. Robert mueller will not be like that. Steve i have a feeling both sides are dug in, unless there is some amazing blockbuster sound bite out of him at the end republicans will say, see . Democrats will say, see . We told you the same thing. Jedidiah everyone will listen and go back to the respective teams, go back to respective talking points. I dont know about you, people listen, dont want you it to end. Steve i thought it ended already. It will never end. Jedidiah why is it not being conclusion, another step we have to go through. Brian all about making him unelectable, hurting reelection chance, and dragging it out. Iran situation continues to worry the world. Were looking at g20. The president will be on his way after speaking to Maria Bartiromo shortly. There is an ongoing crisis at border, labeled early on by democrats as manufactured, the caravan, that was something the president was using to win the 2018 Midterm Elections. We all admit its a catastrophe unfolding. Border patrol is overwhelmed. There is no place to put the wouldbe legal immigrants. So now there will be some funding to provide some aid, right . Steve not necessarily. The democratled house did pass an emergency funding bill yesterday to the total of 4. 5 billion but it doesnt have any of the stuff the president wants in it. It is not even close to what the Republicanled Senate passed on a bipartisan basis last week 300. Keep in mind, the president said last week, im going to call off those raids, deportation raids for two weeks, to let the democrats do something about the loopholes and also about asylum. None of that stuff is in this bill. So, as, you know there is a good possibility, this is coming to a standstill. Jedidiah house bill doesnt have any added measures for security. I think that highlights the big distinction between how far apart President Trump and democratic had had led house on this issue. President trump tweeting on this very thing on the democrats on the border, on the economy saying too bad the dems in Congress Wont do anything about border security. They want open borders which means crimes. Were getting it done, including the wall. More people than ever before is coming because the usa economy is so good, the best in history. Of the steve, you point out he gave the twoweek deadline that is really important. He knew that was important. He wants to come together, he wants to be the president who allowed for that, willing to come to the table, he is going to act and going to fulfill the campaign promise. Brian other to bring up, they dont want to give more beds for terrible reason. Shorten the times, number of people, the duration, of whether it is unaccompanied minors or people that they stay in these, in these, in these warehouses or tents or facilities because they want them quickly caught and released. This was written about in the l. A. Times in february. That is why democrats were not looking to add more beds. Nothing has changed until now. Steve both sides agree its a crisis. Democrats talk about how its a humanitarian crisis, but republicans say it is that, but also a crisis of national security. You would think both sides wind up with something in the bill. Democrats bill has, just has stuff democrats want and the Republicanled Senate bill has something for both sides. Brian bipartisan, yeah. Steve absolutely. Steve scalise says the democrat house bill, not a winner. Watch. The bill that pelosi passed last night is not a win for our Border Patrol agents who are trying to take care of the young kids. As you know there is an influx of people at our border. We need to secure the southern border. Theyre running out of money to take care of the young kids. The president has been asking for six weeks for a supplemental bill to take care of the kids. Pelosi refused to pass it, last night they bring up a partisan bill, that doesnt solve the problem. That wont become law, but the senate did pass a bill that would solve it. Brian asylum would get something done. Three or four changes would actually get done. What durbin and graham are working on this would be a temporary fix. Steve good news, Elizabeth Warren ficked it out. Jedidiah yes she has. We have a big debate coming up tonight. Elizabeth warren wants to decriminalize allBorder Crossings. That full quote from the Huffington Post reads we should not criminalize mamas an babies fleeing violence at home or building a better future. Must pass comprehensive Immigration Reform, and protects our borders. I think that is key right now as you head into this debate. She is setting the tome for that debate. Talking about democrats shifting hard left. She is setting that tone. Listen this is where im going, you can follow me or you might lose the debate, where is the part we should build a wall . Steve why do you need a wall if you will decriminalize that. Leading progressive groups demanding 2020 hopefuls support decriminalization of border and close sure of Detention Centers. They want candidate to psion free to move, free to stay policy. What that does is among other things, asks candidates to stop using the expression comprehensive Immigration Reform. They want to end mandatory detention. They want to defund i. C. E. And they want to defund the Border Patrol. Brian right. Steve they have a wideranging idea what they would like to see at our southern border that is nowhere near what the president wants. Brian i spoke to kevin mack can lien nan last night. He is working shoulder to shoulder with mark morgan. Reports of him looking out to the raids is not true. Spoke to the president working hard. He is not giving up hope getting something out of congress before they go on vacation. Keep your fingers crossed. Jedidiah keep your fingers crossed. Well turn to headlines and this fox news alert. Terrorists are claiming responsibility for two u. S. Servicemembers killed in afghanistan overnight. The military has not confirmed whether the unidentified troops died in combat. They are the 8th and ninth servicemembers killed in afghanistan this year. Their deaths come hours after secretary of state mike pompeo made a surprise visit to the war zone. He is hopeful that peace deal with the taliban could come before september. To another alert. A sheriffs deputy is gunned down trying to protect his community. Police say Troy Chisholm was shot responding to a disturbance and battery call in rural illinois. He was a fouryear veteran of the Fulton County Sheriffs Office as well as an emt it is unclear if the gunman is in custody. He is the fourth officer shot and killed in the line of duty in a week and the 23rd this year. Defense attorneys in the trial of Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher will call their first witness today. The prosecution just rested its case. The decorated navy seal has pled not guilty to war crimes including killing a teenage isis prisoner in iraq. Gallaghers attorneys claim there is to evidence of murder. Last week a medic testified he suffocated and killed the teen after gallagher stabbed him. She may be small but her voice is big. This 10yearold opera performance will give you goosebumps. Check it out. Brian what . Jedidiah right. From florida stunning the judges on americas got talent. Of course she advanced to the next round. That is so crazy. Those are the headlines. To see that deep voice, coming out of that little girl. Steve lets listen. Jedidiah how does that even happen . Exactly. Good for you, girl. Steve she won. Jedidiah she will be a fierce competitor. Brian i believe americas got talent is number one show in the country. Steve with talent like that. Meanwhile tonight is a big night for 2020 democrats as the first round of president ial hopefuls take to the debate stage in miami. Brian who are the ones to watch . A former President Trump advisor predicts there will be a breakout star. Might not be the one you think. Robert wolf is here next. Cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. driver relax, its just a bug. Thats not a bug, thats not a bug burke hit and drone. Seen it, covered it. At farmers, we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum i felt withdrawn, alone. Mile, you become closed off. Having to live with bad teeth for so long was extremely depressing. Now, i know how happy i am. 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Brian democratic hope if you recalls gearing up the to take the stage, fir of two debates. It will be in miami. My next guest predicts all eyes will be on Elizabeth Warren. Former obama advisor and Fox News Contributor robert wolf joins us now what we can expect. Lets look at roster number one. Great to see you, robert. This is the lower profile candidates, the way the random drawing came out. Elizabeth warren, beto orourke, cory booker, tulsi gabbard, jay inslee the governor, amy klobuchar, john delaney, tim ryan, where do your eyes go . Two people on each side of Elizabeth Warren beto orourke an cory booker. Theyre in 3 to 4 . They need to show theyre in the top tier. My wild card is tim ryan. He which he is the congressman from youngstown, ohio, he gets industrial america. Julian castro will be interesting. With immigration, i listened to your stuff beforehand, brian, stuff on border, he will go there hard on his views. Brian hard left . Im not sure if it will be hard left. Brian ive seen him. It is hard left. Before we begin to the second round, keep my eye on tulsi gabbard. A military veteran agrees with the president on some things. Doesnt come out call him a racist every other word. Seems predibbable and confident. She did a good job. Brian what democrats care most about, according to ap poll. 73 care most about, experience in elected office. 40 say i want a woman. 38 have served in the military, 36 is younger. 26 has experience running a business. 26 black. 25 latino, we see rest of the numbers. Overwhelming experience in office. Swing over tonight number two. Looks like all eyes will be on joe biden. I sense biden will be in survival mode, right . I dont sense that. I think we i will be above the fray. Candidates with five or seven minutes on stage, if they think they are punching that is the wrong approach. They have to introduce themselves, show what they stand for. Not worry about what joe biden may or may not stand for. Most of the candidates are not known. Think about it. Joe, bernie, Elizabeth Warren, cam cam, wellrecognized leading the pack. Other 15 or so, they have to introduce themselves. Brian absolutely. We have had a look. They disappear after the night one with stephen colbert. Bernie sanders, Pete Buttigieg, kamala harris. This is the more highprofile. Four out of the top five. Brian when you look at the bottom, gillibrand, consistently zero , michael benefit who got . Late considered a moderate, people like marianne williamson, this their last shot proving they belong in the spotlight . They have spoken about it. June and july debates. Second quarter financing. August will be dday. Come september, you have to have 2 in the polls and 130,000 donors. I think field will be cut in half. Brian robert, if you had one candidate in particular, it wasnt joe biden, would you agree it is time to attack the frontrunner . It is not okay to lay back . You have to have your shot at the crown that night . No. Because i think that is more in july. I think tonight half the candidates have to tell america who they are. Much their recognition and people getting to know them is under 50 for like 20 of the 24. That is not a Winning Strategy to talk about joe biden instead of yourself. Brian i love to see what you say after night one. Have you back after night two. Appreciate seeing you. Thanks. Brian coming up straight made a conservative group has been targeted by big tech. Is this another case of conservative censorship . The groups founder Dennis Prager says yes. Look out google. He is loaded for bear. Rain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Steve 8 26 here in new york city. Time for quick headlines. A an american doctor is murdered in the country of belize on vacation. Gary swank and his tour guide gunned down while fly fishing. The guide was targeted by gang members on a boat. He worked for a large Virginia Health system and taught at virginia techs medical school. A search intensifying for two american tourists who vanished while jetskiing in barbados. According to the police there the couple has been missing since monday. Rescuers have not found any sign of them or that jetski they rented. They were both at the time wearing life jackets but the police have no idea where they are. Jedidiah wow. Conservative group prageru is sounding the alarm saying it has been targeted by several social media sites. Brian they have been banned from advertising on twitter and spotify where 100 videos are restricted on youtube, several more videos deleted from facebook. Steve our next guest says this is clear censorship against conservatives. Author of the rational bible, genesis, radio talk show host, founder of prageru, Dennis Prager. Good morning to you. Good to be with you. Actually good to be with you, but not good to be with you about this subject. I want to be very precise. Steve it has to be tough for you. Why are they cracking down on you . This is not new. They have been for a while. Were actually in a lawsuit with regard to google which owns youtube. For example, we produced five minute videos. Four prime ministers made videos for us, three Pulitzer Prize winners, liberal professors, conservative professors. Were about as mainstream conservative as exists. And these are educational videos. We have one billion views a year. Most of the viewers are under 35. So were a big forest in the world of what we believe and google, which owns youtube, facebook, twitter, spotify, basically all of the media of Internet Communications are run by people who do not want us, by us, i dont mean only prageru, us who are not on the left to have a big voice. So for example, they have placed about 80 of our 400 video, theyre all five minute videos, they come out every week, they have placed 8 of them on the restrictive list. If you filter pornography you cannot get professor Alan Dershowitz speak about israels founding. Steve what . Explain that. Explain it . It is very simple. If it is pro america, if its pro israel, if it is pro religion, it is likely to be censored by googleyoutube. It is phenomenon. I did have a video on ten commandments. It is on pornography restricted list. Jedidiah are they providing any explanation . No, zero why. Jedidiah are you violating some terms. Great question. Ask them. Ask them. Thats correct, ask them. I have no answer. The answer is selfevident. This is the greatest assault, were living in america through the greatest assault on free speech in american history. At the universities and on the internet. Brian let me tell what you they said. Twitter came out and said about you being banned from twitter ads, prageru twitter ads count ineligible to advertise on twitter ads platform due to repeated violation of twitter ad policies. The account may continue to tweet organically as long as it complies with the twitter rules. We did not hear back from other social media sites. What rule did you violate . Exactly. That means nothing. What you just read is pabulum. Thats right. There is a twitter rule. Dont be on the right. That is the twitter rule. Brian when you asked twitter to define that, do you get somebody on phone . No. Jedidiah that is outrageous. Steve what other organizations like yours have been banned from advertising on these social media sites . To the right, to the left, both. Overwhelmingly to the right. What came out yesterday with regard to google was astonishing. Brian whit sell blower. The whistleblower stating that, first of all we have a video of one of their top people saying we google are not going to let what happened in 2016, that is a Trump Victory happen again in 2020. Already liberal professors, this is not, this is a liberal and conservative on the one side, the left on the other. The left since lenin has never allowed for free speech. Liberals love free speech. We have a lot of liberal allies. A liberal professor voted democrat his whole life, came out with a study how results on the Search Engine of google gear to the left. Jedidiah youre obviously trying to run a business here though. How do you run a business like this. How do they run a business . Jedidiah how do you run a business . Operate with all these impediments placed before you with no explanation . It is a very serious challenge. It way transcends us. It happened to ben shapiro of daily wire. Dave ruben. Dave ruben is gay liberal theyre doing the same exact thing to him. They hate liberals and rightests. Brian bring up another thing. Remember what happened the irs took down tea petition, put them in delay of game, but tea parties played no roll in the romney election or Midterm Election there. Right. Brian theyre trying to do that again. Controversy kick up but suppress the actual news to make sure trump and company are not successful in their reelection. That is what the whistleblower is saying. That is what the whistleblower was saying. An email that called ben shapiro and Jordan Peterson and prageru nazis. Nazis. Ben shapiro is orthodox jew. Im a jew. Jordan peterson is a, one of the most prominent moral thinkers of our age. It is so vial that, we have, we have trivialized the word nazi. We trivialized the word racist because of what people like google do. Steve youre age to tell your story. Visit prageru. Com we can see what we put out, see how positive it is. Brian i did a video. That was nice of. You you were great. Brian you have a movie with adam corolla. I heard great thing about this. No safe spaces. You go to the colleges. Thats right. Well this is, it is almost as if the left has decided we want to promote no safe spaces. This movie, that adam carolla and i made is exactly about this. It is about the suppression of free speech. It concentrates on the universities. But it is about america generally. We have a bunch of liberals in it as well. Alan dershowitz. This is one of my favorite quotes from the movie. Im in his apartment in new york city and he says, dennis, as a liberal, as a democrat, as an american, and as a jew, i far more fear the left than the right. Brian Dennis Prager. Thanks so much. Jedidiah wow. Thanks, dennis. Steve the movie coming out in about three months. Brian were not censoring the segment. It just came to an end. Steve it was a good segment. It is gameday. Talking about the annual congressional baseball game in our Nations Capital. Jedidiah Carley Shimkus is gearing up. I saw the batting practice. You did pretty well. I have a whole new respect for baseball after the batting practice. I dont know it was good job. I will never watch the footage back. Later today, 7 05 eastern time, the congressional baseball game will take off. Better athletes than me take the field. We have Brad Wenstrup. Next he is credited with saving congressman Steve Scalises life. Well get the story after the break. Ker. She wears that apron to sell insurance. Nobody knows why. Shes the progressive insurance lady. They cover pets if your owner gets into a car accident. Covers us with what . You got me. [ scoffs ] shes an insurance lady. And i suppose this baker sells insurance, too . Progressive protects your pets like you do. You can see the secret life of pets 2 only in theaters. The secret life of pets 2 shaving has been difficult for me i have very sensitive skin, and i get ingrowing hairs oh i love it. Its a great razor. It has that fence in the middle. It gives a nice smooth shave. Just stopping that irritation. That burn that i get. I wouldnt use anything else when didwhen i needed ton . Jumpstart sales. Build attendance for an event. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Steve its gameday. Were about to talk about the annual congressional baseball game helps once a year in the our Nations Capital. Brian what i did, i sent Carley Shimkus, to cover all the action because she wont go to france. Steve she went to france. Brian thats right, she came back. Carley i think i ice pack for my shoulder because of the workout. You knocked it out. Carley thank you very much, congressman. Every interview congressman scalise does he mentioned you first. What did you do for him on june 14th, 2017 . I was fortunate god put me in the position to help him. When he got hit, he went down. He was the last one down on the field. Everyone else gotten off. I went out to see him, check his wound. A couple people were already out there. To check on the wound. I pulled his pants down. Military combat experience instincts, to look for the wound. When i didnt see an exit wound for the leg, that it went up, he was in much deeper trouble. Carley you were a combat surgeon. You were perfect person to be with him on that day. If that is not a miracle, i dont know what is. I was on the way to the outfield and changed my mind went down the first baseline, which is outside fence of the field. That was a godsend. I had to move once because the shooter was shooting. I was in perfect position to see steve, the shooter, capitol police. I thank god for that opportunity. Carley god bless you for that. You said you went to the field in alexandria, virginia, with your wife couple months after the shooting took place. You spoke to the groundskeeper. What was that. He came up, you were here that day, right . For someone reason i locked Third Base Gate night before. Carley that was where he was two months before. If he had been able to. It hit a link in the fence, he wouldnt worry about the link in the fence if that gentleman had not locked the gate the night before. Another miracle. Carley what was it like to see congressman scalise take the field and again today . He looks fantastic . He does. I dont think anybody could have handled this the way he has. Hears been unbelievable. People ask me the finest moment in congress, there are a lot of good ones, when he waked on the floor, came back to work, that was great. Last year, first ball was hit to him, he threw the runner out. You cant make this up. What a great story. Carley it was perfect. You guys have been working really hard. I believe you will bet on republicans to win, team gop. Not betting against my team. Here we go. Carley congratulations. Well be watching. Appreciate it. Carley back to you in the studio. Steve should be a Beautiful Day weatherwise. Bring as great mon. Brian i worry, 12 hours ahead. They will be exhausted. How much practice do you need before a game . Jedidiah that is true actually. Brian get a gatorade. Steve can go up to the congressional offices to take a nap, like a regular wednesday. Brian okay, fine. Jedidiah we have headlines now. Police released last known photos of these surveillance images mackenzie at the Salt Lake City airport before she took a lyft ride share to a park at 3 00 a. M. And seemingly vanished. Police obtained a warrant to search mackenzies cell phone records. They will hope to find more about her dating life and who she could be meeting. Concerns over the sanctuary laws. I. C. E. Now using seven Washington State cases as an example. They say murders and violent sexual assaults were committed by Illegal Immigrants after they were released from custody. Sort of hit a Critical Mass and, this statute that the state passed is just one step too far. Jedidiah democratic governor jay inslee signed a new law that prevents any jail or prison in the entire state from honoring i. C. E. Detainer requests or even notifying i. C. E. About a pending release. The senate will vote on a bill to keep the 9 11 Victims Compensation fund up and running. Senate majority leader Mitch Mcconnell making a decision after a heartfelt plea from victims on capitol hill. Advocate john field joined us earlier saying the legislation is on the right track. Yesterdays meeting with Senate Majority leader mcconnell was engaging, productive, and we accept his commitment and promise to us to help move the piece of legislation. Are we happy, ever content . No. So many people are still suffering. Jedidiah the Victims Compensation fund benefits people who developed illnesses after the 2001 terror attacks. A heart well ming celebration made for kings and queens. Flight attends on Southwest Airlines creating crowns out of snack packets for a couples 65th airline university. They handed them champagne. Passengers gave them a standing ovation. Southwest responding on twitter quote, they dont call us the love airline for nothing. The photo is going viral. I love that. Brian you do love that. Steve fly to love field in dallas. Brian have you seen jop janice dean . Janice look at amazing crowd came to see us. I have a 50th anniversary here. What is your name . My name is jean. Sam. Janice where are you from . Virginia. What is the secret . Tolerance. Not giving in. Janice tolerance and giving in, a round of applause. Thank you for coming to fox friends. Look at the maps real quick. I will show you it is warm here in new york city with mostly sunny skies. We have the potential for showers and thunderstorms across central u. S. We have a severe thunderstorm watch in effect for parts of nebraska, potential more of the same later on this afternoon. Keep that in mind. Summertime is here for 2 3 of the country. It will feel well over 90 degrees for many folks. Were watching this tropical depression. The good news, moving away from land, not going to affect anyone. Look at this beautiful girl over here. What is your name. Iris . Janice where are you from . Alabama. Janice is this your sister, what is your name . From alabama . Are you excited to be on fox friends . That is a good answer. Look at Beautiful People that came to see us on fox friends. Thanks for coming. You made my day. Back inside. Look at that steve so many folks. Welcome to new york. Brian thanks, janice. Steve 2020 democratic hopefuls time to shine. First round of democratic president s take the stage in miami. Brian Mike Huckabee knows a thing or two about president ial debates. He gives his advice next. Permission from jedediah, i would like to find out what is happening with sandras show. Good morning steve, brian, jedediah. What is gearing up to be the biggest hearing on the hill in decadesp Robert Mueller is set to testify before congress. The date is july 17th. Ranking member of House Judiciary Committee joins us live. First of two president ial debates as you were talking about happens tonight. What happens when 10 candidates take the stage . Latest on missing utah student. Ly release new images of her at the airport. Big three hours coming up live from americas newsroom. Join us top of the hour. The lon. Osteo biflex now in triple strength plus magnesium. Repair the enamel on a daily basis. With the new pronamel repair toothpaste more minerals enter deep into the enamel surface. You have an opportunity to repair whats already been damaged. It s amazing. t easy. Whats already been damaged. 12 hours . 20 dogs . Wheres your belly rubs . After a day of chasing dogs you shouldnt have to chase down payments. vo send invoices and accept payments to get paid twice as fast. danny its time to get yours vo quickbooks. Backing you. Exquick headlines, not every Hollywood Star refuses to film in georgia. Clint eastwood will make the next movie in atlanta despite a boycott over the states new abortion law. It is about Richard Jewell. Where else would you do it. Kim kardashian is under fire where kimono shaped line. Did i say that right . Critics accused her of disrespecting the garment warn on professional occasions. They are are tweeting, kimono. I will follow the story throughout the day. Steve Mike Huckabee, former governor of arkansas, Fox News Contributor, author of the book, rare, medium, done well. Jedidiah good morn. What a segue from Kim Kardashian and fashion to me. Steve it is perfect. Brian with kardashian and huckabee. Steve governor, tonight down in miami will be first of two democratic debates. Youve been on the debate stage with a bunch of people before. Seems to me you always have some funny lines prepared. Do you have any advice for the democrats how to distinguish themselves and grab some headlines . Yeah the most important thing is authenticity, be yourself. In fact i think the biggest mistake a lot of people make is they overprepare. I did not try to go in with a particular line or something that i was going to make sure i threw in there. I tried to listen carefully, soak in what was going on, and respond to what was taking place on the stage and react to it. But i do think that the number one thing that those candidate have to show in that debate is authenticity. I need to walk into it recognizing this isnt a debate. These are not close to debates. I was a debater in high school and college. These are not debates. This is television show. To be honest, this is a game show. They need to look at it that way. Brian five minutes, is like mini stump speech. Some are desperate look to swing and will swing up. The biggest one on that stage will be Elizabeth Warren. She must love the fact she is biggest name out there, beto orourke too. Well that is a good thing for her but its a bad thing for her. That means she becoming a primary target for other candidates who have got to do something to get attention. They will be over there with their hands in the air, saying me, me, it is very difficult with that many people on the stage to stand out. The other challenge they face, they dont get to control how much time they get. I think one of the big flaws in these debates, i suggested that the parties, no offense to television networks, but the parties need to take control of this. Everybody on that stage should have exactly the same amount of time allotted to them. If the candidate wants to spend all of their eight minutes, if that is allotted on one question, let them do it. But the clock starts when they Start Talking and when their time is up, theyre done for the night. And that way two or three candidates dont dominate the entire debate. The rest of them really never have a shot to be heard. It is an incredibly unfair process. And it shouldnt be about the tv networks and moderators. Let me throw one more thing in there, moderators ask 3 minute questions with six different subquestions. Turn to the candidate, say you have 30 seconds to answer. Now that is ridiculous. That is insulting. Jedidiah governor weve been talking about what issues will be a priority in these debates. One of those issues will potentially be immigration. I want to ask you what you make of the democratled house bill, 4. 5 billion bill to aid migrants at the border. It is stocked with a bunch of stuff to address the issue of humanitarian crisis. Nothing in it about actual security. Is this going to lead to the next stand still . What is going to happen here . Well its a good reminder why democrats cannot be allowed to continue having leadership in the house. Republicans need to take the house back as long as you have got nancy pelosi and swalwell and schiff and all these people running the house, nadler, others you have a really a clown car. This shows exactly why theyre incapable of leadership. Theyre not interested you remember a few weeks ago, it wasnt even a crisis, it was a manufactured crisis. Now its a crisis but not a border crisis, a humanitarian crisis. By there only being willing to address part of it, not all of it, shows theyre unfit for leadership. Steve whatever happened to the fact when two sides get to hash out an answer, both sides wind up in something . In the democrat version of the house bill that passed yesterday, republicans didnt wind up with anything. However, Mitch Mcconnell in the senate now, looks like the ball is in his court. How does he handle what nancy pelosi has handed him to come up with something before they leave town in couple of days . Number one rule of politics is, you know it is not all or nothing. If you want all or nothing, now or never, you get nothing and get it forever. Mcconnell understands that. He will send them Something Back really reasonable. They may not take it. They probably wont, because i dont think they have enough leadership. I dont think they have enough brain power between them to recognize theyre there to govern, not just to goof off to make points. That is what theyre doing. Brian daughter will be leaving the white house shortly. Looks like there will be a replacement Stephanie Grisham. Who will still work for the first lady. She has been there from day one. Really loyal to the family and the cause and the party. How do you think she will do . I think she will do great. For this particular reason. She has the absolute confidence of both of first lady as well as the president. The number one criteria for that job is to be trusted and to recognize that you really only have one client. The news people in front of you, theyre not your clients. The press at large, not your clients. The public is not your client. Your client is the president of the United States. Second client, first lady of the United States. Stephanie grisham has their confidence, has their trust. She will be great at job because of that. Steve she will also sounds like be the Communications Director as well. What would you suggest regarding the daily briefings . They have been on hiatus for a while. What should Stephanie Grisham do regarding that . Well, that is totally up to the president. I mean it was his decision to spend more time himself talking to the press, not do the briefings. Primarily because you had a few people in there that couldnt behave. They turned it into romper room. So until some of these showboats want to sit down, ask responsible questions, quit grabbing mike sown phone, asking six questions with one of a followup, most of the people in the room are responsible journalists, most are, they police themselves to better act like adults, probably isnt coming back anytime soon. Steve the final day as press secretary is on friday. Do you think she will run for governor . I have no idea. Steve dont give us that. She hadnt caught her breath, been up for air for three years. Will spend a couple weeks with her kids. Enjoy life and reconnect to the world that doesnt involve two cell phones in either had. Brian pick up on the Kim Kardashian story. We have to let you go, governor. Thanks so much. Talk to you later. Brian back to Say Something profound in just a moment. Hoo i like to plan my activities before i take trip, so by the time i get there i can just enjoy the ride. 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Trace im trace gallagher. It will be mustsee tv. They subpoenaed Robert Mueller after he made it clear that he does not want to testify, saying his report spoke for itself. Here is the president moments ago. It never ends. We had no obstruction. No collusion. We had a report that was

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