Where alveda king prepared scallops. Is it was delicious. Ainsley he was mad because he didnt get any of the food. It was delicious. Steve hey, joel, can you plug in one of the things in the wall. Ainsley joel, so cold in the studio. Because it smells like official in here we have to air it out. Ed its a friday and im happy to be here. Steve we start with a fox news alert. As of midnight the United States has slapped new tariffs on 200 billion worth of chinese goods. Ainsley the president raft. Ing up pressure on beijing to make a deal as tensions rise between the United States and north korea, too. Ed Griff Jenkins is live with how the president is responding this morning. Griff griff you make a threat, you follow through with it thats what the president did last night increasing tariffs on 200 billion of chinese goods to 25 after talks ended last night without a deal. The president weighing in yesterday. I have no idea whats going to happen but they renegotiated the deal. You cant do that. And im different than a lot of people. I happen to think the tariffs for our country are very powerful. You know, were the piggy bank that everybody steals from, including china. Talks resume today. Beijing is vowing retaliation ministry of commerce issuing a statement regrets have to takes necessary Counter Measures. Unclear what those Counter Measures will look like. President trump has threatened additional tariffs on 325 billion of chinese imports. This as tensions rise with north korea for the second time in a week. The rogue nation launched two short range missiles traveling 260 and 170 miles respectively. The u. S. Responding within minutes. Firing a long range missile from a base in california traveling 4200 miles into the pacific. And another fired from a submarine off the coast of florida. Officials say the timing was coincidental. And acting defense secretary Patrick Shanahan down played the provocation. We know what they fired i think hold off on talking about what it is. We will stick to our diplomacy. As you all know we havent changed our operations or our posture continue the generate the readiness we need in case diplomacy fails. U. S. Announced a seizure of a north korean cargo ship carrying coal in violation of International Sanctions in aim of last year you see this there all of this troubling signs kim jong un may be drifting from negotiation on a denuclearization deal guys . Steve a lot going on. Griff. Thank you very much. That ship that apparently a federal government yesterday asked a judge to sign over to the United States was north koreas number two biggest ship. And it was caught smuggling coal n violation of the sanctions. It just goes to show you. And the news this morning as people get up and they hear oh the tariffs kicked in. A lot of people dont feel the tariffs. There are Certain Industries that do. Nonetheless, the president made it very clear im not going to cave. And as of right now,. Ainsley i like the president very much is he a friend of mine. He said i have to serve the best interest of america. He said we have helped china rebuild. They are taking advantage of us. They were not supposed to renegotiate without talking to us. They all of a sudden changed the rules and he said im not going to stand for that. Ed president thinks he has room to move. The chinese economy is not where the u. S. Economy is their economy is in shambles. China still has a Strong Economy but they have hit so many problems recently the president thinks he has the upper hand he will try to wait out president xi. Ainsley they will continue talks today. Steve going to talk to David Petraeus. You will see that interview come up in 20 minutes. Is he down south. And our own pete hegseth interviewed the Vice President. You will see that interview at 7 30. That particular topic about trade. Ed a lot happening. No doubt about it. Yesterday was the oneyear anniversary of. Ainsley two year anniversary. Steve time flies. Ed when you are having fun. James comey fired by President Trump. He decided he was going to cooperate on that anniversary with cnn on town hall meeting where he was going to try to state his case. Its interesting because there were many of his critics, james comey, believe the reason is he speaking out with opeds and interviews like this because william barr, the attorney general is now bearing down on exactly what james comey and others knew and when they knew it in terms of the fisa warrant. Ainsley think about do we have confidence in the fbi in the field offices are amazing but there are many in the top that have been wrapped up in all these investigations. It has changed how people view the fbi. Thats what the president keeps saying it all goes back to james comey. Is he mad about that. Steve james comey took a shot at peter strzok and lisa page yesterday saying they did a lot of damage to the fbi. They should be dealt with severely. Goes back to ed, your point about bill barr a couple of weeks ago in that open hearing. He said spying did occur. They are just trying to figure out whether or not it was legitimate. Anderson cooper asked a lot of good questions of the former fbi director fired two years ago it starts, this particular sound bite montage does, with the particular question about spying. James comey does not call it spying. He calls it something else. The fbi does not spy to begin with. It investigates. You said not spying why do you think william barr used the word spying the word the president used as well. I cant explain it. He used it because the president uses it. How much work did the fbi do to. There were a lot of spokes off of that whether they were true or false and we were trying to figure out what weekend make of it. Were you confident did you everything by out book and the fbi and around around you did everything by the book. Do you think the ig will find anybody did anything inappropriate. I dont know the answer to that. Do you think its possible. Yes. The president is not above the law. There is a whole lot of facts laid out in bob muellers report that raise questions about whether there is a chargeable case of obstruction and witness tampering against this president. Ed interesting he does the same thing Andrew Mccabe did on book tour leave open this question i dont know. Maybe Vladimir Putin. Going back to the unverified dossier. They have been doing this over two years. Ainsley talk bob destruction in the last little clip he said when the president gets out of office he could be charged with obstruction. The president upset about this. He tweets he says james comey is a disgrace to the fbi will go down as the worst director in its long and once proud history. He broad the fbi down, almost all republicans and democrats thought he should be fired but the fbi will regain great news because of the great men and women who work there. Ed you know whats interesting, i had mark penn the democratic polster he advised both bill and Hillary Clinton over the years on the story last night. He has this recent poll from he runs the harris poll about whether the public wants to see more investigations of the president or move on after the Mueller Report. End the run it ever trump investigations 58 . Continual with the investigations 42 . Complete opposite of what jerry nadler and nancy pelosi are doing. Steve when you think about it, the advisors around the president would love to see the democrats engage the president and try to impeach him because they view that as a political motivator for their base. Ultimately, you know, he would not be impeached given the political make jump of the u. S. Senate. Nonetheless, mark levin takes a look at what some regard as the brazen plot that occurred a couple of years ago in the election and had this observation last night. What ought to happen here is there ought to be a grand jury impaneled, comey should give testimony. Put these people under oath and let them get the donald trump treatment. This is a Democrat Party can cabal trying to reverse the 2016 election. Trying to disenfranchise voters. They are shredding the constitution. They dont even know what is in the constitution. It is we standing up to this rogue activity it is we standing up for the constitution. They are playing with political fire. There are tens of millions of people who are not going to stand for this. They are going to vote. They are going to become more active than ever before. Steve before people vote, we should hear from the Inspector General at the department of justice. It sounds like mr. Horowitz will tell us what he knows. Probably in the next 30 days. Ainsley yeah. People want to read that and find out what caused all of it. What started it one investigation after another investigation. Many republicans, conservatives, think that this is just a way to take down the president. They are not going to stop until they do until he is impeached. Now they are going after his son. His son testified about the russia interference and that meeting at trump tower. They got the Mueller Report and now democrats are saying that some of it conflicts with the Mueller Report. Some of his original testimony. They subpoenaed him. They want him to appear before the Senate Intel Committee. Steve heres the thing. The Mueller Report which was going to define what happened regarding obstruction and collusion, you know, don jr. Got a pass to the Mueller Report. Yet, the Senate Intel Committee is doing doing their investigation. Ed i interviewed chris coons yesterday after he appeared before the Senate Judiciary committee don jr. The Intel Committee and mueller for hours and hours and hours. Mueller decided not continue to diet him for a reason. Chris coons was honest. I dont know. Other democrats like Dick Blumenthal saying they will stop at nothing basically unless maybe they say donald trump jr. Will go to jail. Listen to senator blumenthal. Ing. If he fails to answer, he ought to be put in jail. If he fails to comply with the lawful subpoena, he has no privilege. Prison is the only answer. Steve prison is the only answer. Jillian don jr. s sisterinlaw the wife of eric trump said this. This is over. The Mueller Report is complete. Whatever they think theyre going to do is not going to change that its not going to make Hillary Clinton the president of the United States. This is harassment of our family. Harassment of the president. And its a shame because the American People send these folks in congress to washington, d. C. To make great changes in our country and to do things that they want to see happen. They are doing nothing. What is this doing for our country . Its nonsense. They need to focus on things Americans Care about. Nobody cares about this. Its over. Its dead. Steve you know, there are a number of people, republicans who are wondering why republican senator from North Carolina richard burr even okayed a subpoena. Ed a lot of republicans have. Steve this is over. Whats he doing . Ed absolutely. A lookout of news breaking overnight. We have jillian here to tell us all about it. Jillian lets start with this story we have been following. The two suspects in the deadly Colorado School shooting are back in court. Meantime a close friend of Kendrick Castillo taking down one of those suspects is speaking out. Kendrick really was, as many people say, the nicest person you would meet. I wish he was still here. I wish he didnt have to be the one who save us all. Jillian is he a hero. We now know the stem school was warned Something Like this might happen. Cbs news reporting five months ago a parent called the district about, quote, suicidal and violent kids at the school. That parent said it was a perfect storm for a repeat columbine. Uber will make its stock market debut today. Set to be the largest debut for a u. S. Company in seven years since facebook went public. Shares in the Ride Hailing Company opened at 45 each. Jeopardy host alex trebek revealing this secret about his battle with cancer. What a challenge for jeopardy viewers is right now is to figure out is that alexs real hair . This is not the real me. Trebek talks about how he would be on the floor riffing in pain between show tapings. He was diagnosed with stage 4 pretty4 pancreatic cancer. He had a pain in his stomach that would not go away. Ed the last attorney general held in contempt eric holder fast and furious. The family at the centers of that scandal says holder has never been held accountable. They will join us live next. Nut. So simple, so good. 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With the new pronamel repair toothpaste we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. Its innovative. My goto toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. My goto toothpaste what sore muscles . What with advpounding head . Advil is. Relief thats fast. Strength that lasts. Youll ask. What pain . With advil. Attorney general bill barr may be held in contempt over the robert Mueller Report. The last attorney general held in contempt eric holder over the bached and furious gun running scheme. The family at the center of that scandal says holder has never been held accountable. Joining us now is kent terry his brother Border Patrol agent brian terry was shot and killed in the line of duty back in 2010. His death caused a National Outcry as a weapon from fast and furious was found near where he was killed. And ken joins us this morning from detroit. Good morning to you. Good morning, sir. Steve headline is the subpoena fight over operation fast and furious apparently has been settled. I know details are few. Your family has gotten a run around for how many years . It would be nine years this december we have been getting the run around. Steve and all you want are answers to why your brother died, right . Why he died and why they put a scandal out there, a reckless scandal that endangered Border Patrol until this day. Because as we know there is still 2500 weapons that are remaining up and down the border. As we have seen a couple weeks ago the cartel used them to smuggle kids across the border. At is upsetting that there is these guns running up and down the border and we want the answers why it happened and. Steve back seven or eight years ago, the attorney general, eric holder, when asked by congress to produce documents about what went into this particular fast and furious program, he would not provide them and thats why he was found in contempt. I would imagine this past week, with all this talk about the attorney general being held in contempt, you, you probably had a flashback . I kind of chuckled. Because this one is a complete hoax here what nadler is going after. Remember, nadler and them turned their back on my brother back in the few years ago to protect eric holder. They walked out holding hands. They turned their back on an American Hero to protect eric holder. Its sickening. Its sad that theyre dishonoring my brother that way. Steve the irony is that bill barr was voted in the committee a couple days ago to be in contempt of congress because he would not provide an unredacted copy of the Mueller Report. You want an unredacted copy of the fast and furious file. If they can do it, why cant . I thats all i have been asking for day one. I have been getting the run around. Mostly from the democratic side than the republican side. Have you people like grassley and issa and chaffetz and gowdy hanging in there fighting for my family and going up against these kids on the democratic side. Steve i know you would like the president of the United States to get involved and sit your family down and explain what happened that day on our southern border. Kent terry, thank you very much for joining us today from detroit. We hope you get answers. Thank you. Steve what do you think about that . Email us at friends foxnews. Com. She grew up unvaccinated and planned on raising her children that way. Something changed her mind. Now this mom is proudly vaccinating her children. She will join us to explain why next. This is the couple who wanted to get away who used expedia to book the hotel that led to the ride which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Flights, hotels, cars, activities. Expedia. Everything you need to go. Flights, hotels, cars, activities. 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He did not make a motion. He made a motion. Steve the question about the motions in our headlines right now. Screaming match exploded on the Alabama Senate floor over what could become the nations strictist abortion law. Tempers flaring when exemptions for Sexual Assault and incest were removed from the bill. A vote was delayed until next week. And hollywood is protesting georgias newly signed heart beat abortion bill. At least three Production Companies say they will no longer film in georgia. That includes the creator of the wire. Georgia is a popular location for shooting films and tv shows since it offers production tax credits. The new law bans most abortions once a fetal heart beat is detected. All right. Ainsley . Ed . Ed thanks, steve. As america faces a record breaking year measles 764 cases in 23 states formerly antivaccination mom is sharing why she chose to finally having sane nate her kids. Ainsley abby wrote i grew up unvaccinated before it was cool. Glad my babies dont need to suffer through preventable diseases. Proud to vaccinate. Abby is here to share her story. Good morning. Ainsley what changed your mind actually . I was reading but and originally you told your husband you didnt want to vaccinate your kids and changed your mind during your pregnancy . Exactly. Ainsley turn your phone off. Hd. We know your daughter is right there. Yeah. Trying to get her distracted. Yeah. Actually what initially started me to investigate further on the provaccinating side was talking to my husbands mother. She had actually contracted rubella as a child in grade school. And she had she almost died. She was sick for six weeks. And bedridden. They had the curtains closed and her brothers actually came down, she has three brothers. And they all came down with measles at the same time she was down with rubella. And yeah, she was on the point of pretty much on the point of death. The doctor wasnt sure she was going to make it told the family they needed to just talk to her and give her a reason to live. So her parents bought her a bicycle and just kept trying to encourage her. As soon as you get better you can ride the bicycle. It was a very emotional story when she described it to me. And she still has that bicycle today and she wont sell it. Ed a lot of people talking about this right now for a number of reasons. Instagram said they would block some of these s that they believe they were promoting this antivaccinationing. Ainsley misinformation. Ed it wasnt real. Lets put out the real information. Because a lot of people on social media, they are watching fox now. They are trying to figure out what they should do. What is your message to parents . Ed whats your message to parents . Oh, okay. My daughter was talking. My message is basically the whole all of the fake science, fake news that you are woman barred with online as mothers and trying to sift through all of the evidence, all of those all of that evidence and research is founded upon a very weak theory that is basically a Conspiracy Theory that hundreds of thousands of doctors and politicians and that are scientists in unrelated fields they are all in a conspiracy to get all of your money and hurt our children for some reason or other. And i think that that is for most conspiracy theories that might work, for this particular one it doesnt hold any water because every Single Person can get behind the idea of protecting our children and keeping our children alive. There is really no motivation for any of these people who have their own children and their own loved ones that they are trying to protect. Ed abbey we certainly appreciate your perspective. You have a daughter and more important than talking to us. We appreciate your perspective. Ainsley happy mothers day. Thank you. Ainsley what David Petraeus said about north korea. Bob mueller and china. Brian there is some experienced politicians who say they are not a threat. Are you somebody who doesnt think china is a threat . Sitor e. Improve our workflow. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. Yeah, and now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Only at Bass Pro Shops and cabelas. Like redhead trail head cargo shorts starting at under 20. And world wide sportsman angler shirts starting at under 20. Your adventure starts here. What do you look for i want free access to research. Yep, Td Ameritrades got that. Free access to every platform. Yeah, that too. I dont want any trade minimums. Yeah, i totally agree, they dont have any of those. I want to know what im paying upfront. Yes, absolutely. Do you just say yes to everything . Hm. Well i say no to kale. Mm. Yeah, they say if you blanch it its better, but that seems like a lot of work. No hidden fees. No platform fees. No trade minimums. And yes, its all at one low price. Td ameritrade. The matters. Ar. Introducing the allnew 2019 ford ranger, its the right gear. With a terrain Management System for. This. A bash plate for. That. An electronic locking Rear Differential for. Yeah. This. Heading to the supermarket . Get any truck. Heading out here . Get the ford ranger. The only adventure gear built ford tough. Introducing miraclegros next big thing. Performance organics. Finally organics that work. Tested and refined by plant scientists. For twice the results, guaranteed. Dont grow a snack, grow a feast. Dont grow a flower, grow a Million Dollar view. This new organic collection of soil and plant food is what you always wanted. No compromise, just results, guaranteed. Miraclegro performance organics. Ainsley why are back with a fox news alert. The u. S. Slapping tariffs on chinese goods overnight with talks continuing today. Ed china vowing to retaliate as President Trump threatens fresh levies on 325 billion in exports the president ratcheting up pressure on beijing as pressures grow also between north korea and the u. S. Steve meanwhile the United States has announced this country has seized a north korean ship last year for breaking sanctions using it to haul coal back to north korea. That announcement coming on the heels and the u. S. And north korea firing backtoback missiles although the United States says the timing was simply coincidental. Brian kilmeade is this morning not here on the couch. Is he down in houston. And unlike yesterday when we presented him with that handsome clipon tie today is he tieless on casual friday. Brian yeah. Steve, i was with 120 people yesterday, 99 asked me about the tie. The clip on what went into it how much they cost and how they couldnt tell the difference. Steve 12. Brian also why we have not cornered the market on what ainsley did cutting off on an angle the bottom of the second half of your tie and making it a pocket square could change the country as we know it the other thing i had a chance to do im in houston, texas, had the opportunity to sit down with general David Petraeus now with k. K. R. Doing some International Finance work. Is he here for the johnnie mac Soldiers Fund started by a guy named mike pompeo helped start it when he was just a congressman graduated west point and will buchanan went over and running the Atlanta Falcons and fc United Organization with mls. This group of guys came together. Johnny lost his life in afghanistan leaving children. They wanted to help out those kids and it got so much bigger. I cant believe this. They have given out 1500 scholarships. They have raised over 18 million. 4 million this year already. So they have already had a tremendous success. So last night for everyone that paid for tickets, they were kind enough to ask me to sit down for 45 minutes and talk to general petraeus about all the hot spots in the world and the challenges as well as his 37year military career. So heres a look at not only how he feels the Trump Administration is doing with nato will you also north korea a problem and china a bit of a problem. Watch. The president of the United States has been very firm in saying nato you have got to start spending. Stop depending on us while not investing in your own defense. Is he right to do that. He is by no means the first president. I heard president obama do this publicly and privately. I heard secretary gates, president bush, others have all been very frustrated that our nato allies have not spent what they have agreed to spend. The greatest gift to nato since out end of the cold war is Vladimir Putin. He has given a whole new reason for nato to live. Brian north korea shoot off rockets. Is the president approaching it in a way yo you can back. The president having a meet something certainly something hard to argue with i think. The real question is do we truly believe that we can demand that north korea agree to complete irreversible, verifiable destruction of their Nuclear Program before we do anything . Or is should we do a stepbystep starting out with a on the ground verification inspection, validation of what is there . The secretary of state is a seriously bright guy. We do have dialogue. I think he understands. Brian china, there is some experienced politicians who say they are not a threat. Are you somebody who doesnt think china is a threat and competitive . China is not just a competitor in the United States. It absolutely is economically diplomatically, potentially militarily. But it is also either our biggest or one of our biggest trading partners. We have to both compete and we do have to collaborate to some degree. Now, the big approach here should to be achieve a degree of coherence and comprehensiveness in our approach to china. Some elements of which are present. But by no means all. We should look at every decision that we take and ask what will the effect of that be on our relationship with china . What we need to be here is firm not provocative. We want to ensure that china realizes that if there are actions that they take that are not acceptable to us, that there is going to be a response. Brian so that was a little bit what the general was talking about. He also touched on venezuela and he believes the time is on our side there. And he thinks that Vladimir Putin is the best thing to ever happen to nato. You saw that. He said it reinvigorated the alliance. What we have done in terms of spending heavy machinery and refortified in europe is key. Were going to put the whole 45 minutes online over the weekend and have some of it on radio. But, guys, its just fun to talk to a guy that is still very much tapped. In. Ed good stuff, brian. Ainsley did you talk to him at all about the Mueller Investigation . Brian one of the things he said is hey, brian, whatever do you dont talk domestic politics but when you are in an audience and asked him questions we talked a little domestic politics. So Robert Mueller came up. Here he is talking about it. The institution is right down the center. I cannot believe that folks in the intelligence community, the military, or in the department of justice would embark on some kind of con spur toler effort to derail the efforts of president ial candidate or elected president. It doesnt work that way. It doesnt mean that there arent people out between the white lines. It clearly appears there were a couple of them at the very least. They werent running the show. When it comes to Something Like the Mueller Investigation, i have known and worked with bob mueller in many different capacities. Is he an extraordinary american. And i have salute confidence in his integrity and in enforcing that in the team that was doing the investigation. Brian its too bad people cant just look at the Mueller Report, read it and move on. That was another part of the problem. He has not ruled out joining the administration. He did enjoy talking to the president when he had his apprentice moment of walking into the tower and maybe becoming the next secretary of defense. He does back now soon to be secretary of defense shanahan. I think is he going to get it i would just end with this. I asked general jack keane Stanley Mcchrystal and perkins a four star about petraeus. Here is what jack keane said. Petraeus most celebrated successful general since world war ii. Having led a coalition in two different theaters. A standard generation of soldiers have worked to live up. To say perkins said one of the most clearminded strategic figures i have worked fomplet the guy has ph. D. S. I would love to see him at some point join this administration or any. It was fun. And by the way there is a lot of people that wonder about their money. Johnny mac soldier fund 95 goes right to scholarships. Something they can count on. Steve great investment of your time, brian, great interview. Thank you for joining us from houston. Brian thank you, guys. Ed im not sure what will happen when petraeus said the Intel Community didnt do anything wrong in the runup to this investigation. We will see. Ainsley jillian has headlines for us. Jillian good friday morning to you. Bernie sanders and alexandria ocasiocortez are teaming up to crack down on banks. Their bill looking to cap Interest Rates on credit cards at 15 . And place restrictions on shortterm loans. The president ial candidate and congresswoman laying it all out on facebook. These guy also continue to get away with murder unless people stand up and fight back. Now were going to get republicans on the record saying extortionary Interest Rates are wrong and we have to do something about it. Jillian the bill would hurt more americans than help them making it harder for them to get credit. Newt gingrich is accusing the New York Times of blocking his novel from its best seller list. The former House Speaker tweeting in part, quote once again, the New York Times is trying to suppress a conservative. My novel is number 5 on u. S. A. Today and number five on publishers weekly. It doesnt make the top 15 on New York Times. Fake rankings from a fake newspaper end quote. Times has not commented. Two colleges are pushing to boot chick if i pray campuses. Cal poly tech and Trinity University students voting to remove the fast food chain over alleged lgbtq views. In the last six months the company has also been barred from opening at Ryder University and two airports. But those boycotts seem to be back firing. New industry rankings say chickfila is now the Third Largest u. S. A. Restaurant chain. Well, take a look at this girl getting viral fame with her preschool diploma. You are about to see why. That is 5yearold lilly. Showing off her moves at her graduation in ohio. The video has been seen nearly 3 million times on facebook. And i think you can understand why. She is fabulous. Steve i think lilly takes some dance lessons. Ainsley thats so awesome. The girl next to her arent even looking at her. Doing her thing all by herself. Kids are awesome. Cant you just i can watch videos over and over all day long. We should get her to do those moves on the show. Ainsley we got to get her on. Really cute. Steve thank you, jillian. You heard democrats big promises for things like free college, free healthcare, free everything. How are they going to pay for it . New taxes you could face under progressives coming up next. coughing need a change of scenery . Kayak searches hundreds of travel sites and filters by cabin class, wifi and more. So you can be confident youre getting the right flight at the best price. Kayak. Search one and done. Stop fearing your alarm clock. With zzzquil pure zzzs. A drugfree blend of botanicals with melatonin that supports your Natural Sleep cycle so you can seize the morning. Zzzquil pure zzzs. Ed you may have heard 2020 president ial hopefuls a lot of them lofty goals when it comes to things like free college and healthcare. How do they plan to cover it . Senator Bernie Sanders plans to expand the estate tax. Senator Elizabeth Warren has talked about an annual wealth tax. And others say they are going to repeal President Trumps tax cuts. But taxing the rich cant pay for all of these social programs. So who else is at risk the of facing new taxes under the progressives here to break it down chuck devore is he a former california assemblyman, Vice President of the texas Public Policy foundation. In fact, you left the golden state in large part because of taxes. You have wanted to go to texas. Good to have you here. Great to be here. Ed start big picture and get into details. When you look at this field thats ever expanding. They want to raise a whole bunch of taxes. They do. So far looking at nine discreet proposals totaling a litigation morlittle more than 10 trillion. Thats a lot of money. Ed money has to come somewhere. Lets break it down. One democratic plan taxing the rich. Tax carried interest and charge fees to big banks. Does that work. Of course it works. It works as a political device, right . Because while it doesnt raise very much money, it forces the other side to try to defend interests that frankly arent very popular. Ed like tax the big banks. Exactly. Eds he had does it work im going after the big banks and a lot of banks pass it onto the little guy. The consumers pay it . Of course they do. Corporations dont pay taxes. We pay taxes because they pass the cost of operations on to us as consumers. There is no free lunch. Ed you have got to tell them there is no free lunch. Options that impact small businesses. We were just talking about the little guys. Middle class everyone says in both parties she want to help. Talking about raising Social Security payroll tax cap. Increasing the Capital Gains rate. Eliminating the mortgage Interest Deduction and repeal passthrough business deduction. That means a lot to small businesses. It means a lot to small businesses. Here is something people need to understand. Small business is the engine of job growth in america. One of the reasons why we are seeing now record unemployment, 50year lows for all americans and especially for africanamericans and hispanics and women the reason why is because President Donald Trump not only cut taxes, he cut regulations. And if we go backwards, thats all going to slow down. Ed something that could impact all americans, you can talk about taxing the rich. Look at some of these increasing the gas tax, go to the pump one way or another. Introducing a carbon tax and also this has been raised before. We will see if anyone gets behind it the valueadded tax that you see in europe and ends up hurting their economy. Right. So these are the big ones. These are the taxes that really hit everybody. And as a result, what you are seeing is that paired with them you are seeing proposals for massive wealth transfer because these candidates understand that if you, for example, raise energy costs on all americans, who is going to hit the hardest . Its going to hit the working poor the hardest. You have to insulate them from that by then taking a huge portion of those new revenues raised and giving it to favored groups. Ed tell the working poor give you free healthcare and free college your kids are going to be covered. By the way raise your energy costs and all the rest. Too expensive for you to drive to work. Ed thats important. Chuck, appreciate you coming. In thank you. Ed what happens when a Prolife Group shows up to College Campus . Dont do that please. [bleep] you are a terrible person. He had theyd didnt go well. Diamond and silk are here to react live next. Nothing says summer like a beach trip, so lets promote our Summer Travel deal on choicehotels. Com like this surfs up. Earn a fiftydollar gift card when you stay just twice this summer. Or. Badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com this is a very difficult job. Failure is not an option. A. More than half of employees across the country bring Financial Stress to work. If youre stressed out financially at home, youre going to be too worried to be able to do a good job. I want to be able to offer all of the benefits that keep them satisfied. It is the people that is really the only asset that you have. Put your employees on a path to Financial Wellness with prudential. Bring your challenges. Steve a prolife activist attacked at the university of North Carolina chapel hill last month. Maam, dont do that please, please. You are a terrible person. You are a terrible person. Maam, calm down. This is not okay. Shut the [bleep] up right now. This is wrong. Ainsley the attacker reportedly triggered by signs that the group created equal was displaying that depicted what they called the gruesome reality of abortion. And that one young lady she identifies herself as a prochoice feminist. She didnt like that. And you see the video there here to react is fox news personality diamond and silk. Hey, ladies, whats your reaction to this . Obviously an emotional topic. You know what . Its okay to be triggered but its not okay to assault someone. Steve right. Let us understand you have to realize when it comes to liberals what triggers them is the truth. Thats right. Now if she supports abortion she should be okay with these images. These images are horrifying and this is what women are allowed to you do to their bodies. Kill babies can s. What theyre doing. Thats right. Maybe its time for us to take a look and evolve into something greater and lets stop killing our babies and stop discarding them as if they are trash. These are human lives. Thats right. Maybe its time to say human lives. Steve you know, ladies, we had that video of the state senator down in pennsylvania a couple days ago. I think his name is brian sims where he went after these people who are and this is the video he posted on periscope. He went up to a number of people who are outside that planned parenthood facility in philadelphia area and they were praying. And he, you know, he was coming right up to them and getting in their faces and then have you got this. Can you imagine if a prolife protester hit a prochoice protester how big a story that would be . Thats right. And what gives them the right to make them think it is okay to walk up to a total stranger and hit them and put your hand on them . One day they will do that and walk up to the wrong person and that person is going to hit them back. Dont make the mistake and do that with diamond and silk. Please dont. Steve nobody needs to hit anybody, period. I know you live in North Carolina. This is a statement from u. N. C. The federal Education Rights and privacy acts prevents the university from commenting on disciplinary actions involving students. The girl was arrested. And then she will have a hearing coming up soon. What are your thoughts about that. She should have been arrested. I hope she is prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And i hope to teach other people at the university dont put your hands on somebody if you disagree. Walk the other way. Thats right. Its time for us to become aware. There is a problem we have women okay with killing our babies. With murdering them after the baby is born. That is a problem. We dont get to discard human life as if its trash. Its time to save babies. Steve your first comments were right on target. That is its one thing to be triggered. But you cannot hit somebody. You simply cannot do that. Diamond and silk, thank you very much. If you would like more, theyve got programs on fox nation. Check it out on foxnation. Com. Ainsley thank you, ladies. Have a great weekend. Thank you. Steve still ahead on this friday, we have got congressman from california devin nunes and Geraldo Rivera are here live. Ainsley thats right. Plus, pete hegseth he sat down with our Vice President mike pence or stood up with him. I got a good feeling [farmers bell] driver relax, its just a bug. Thats not a bug, thats not a bug burke hit and drone. Seen it, covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum the inlaws have moved in with us. And our Adult Children are here. So we save by using tide. Which means we use less. Three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. Anybody seen my pants . 1 stain and odor fighter, 1 trusted. Its got to be tide. Applebees bigger, bolder grill combos. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture now might not be the best time to ask yourself are my bones strong . Life is full of make or break moments. Thats why its so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. Only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. Do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it or take xgeva® serious allergic reactions, like low Blood Pressure trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling rash; itching; or hives have happened. Tell your doctor about dental problems as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. Speak to your doctor before stopping prolia® as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. Prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium; serious infections which could need hospitalization; skin problems; and severe bone joint, or muscle pain. Are you ready . Ask your doctor how prolia® can help strengthen your bones. Steve king and country performed this program live on our program and summer Concert Series is going to kick off shortly. Come on up to the mezzanine level. Ainsley rebecca saint james brothers. And one of them has a posting on that i am second on those videos. You should watch it they are incredible christian family. Ed i think the air fresher has kicked in. Greg gutfeld at the the five will be a happy guy. Ainsley we cooked with alveda king she made scallops and grits. Steve they were delicious. Ainsley greg gutfeld was complaining it smelled like official. Steve complaining about fish prepared 10 hours before he got up. Ed you mess up the office for the entire day. Steve brian is off. You saw him. Is he live down in houston on assignment. We have got ed. Ed good to see you again. Happy friday. Ainsley get right to this. Its a fox news alert. U. S. Now slapping new air force on 200 billion worth of chinese goods. It happened overnight. Ed the president putting new pressure on beijing to finally make a deal. In a series of tweets just moments ago he spoke out and said talks with china continue in a very congenial manner. There is absolutely no need to rush as tariffs are now being paid to the u. S. By china of 25 on 250 billion worth of goods and products. These massive payments the president says go directly to the treasury of the United States. Steve the trade war reaching a fevered pitch as tensions rise between the United States and north korea. We apparently just seized one of thinking big coal ships. Kevin corke is live on the north lawn of the white house where kevin, its an awful busy friday. You know, i know ed loves being up there in new york with you guys. But you know you miss it ed henry. Ed i do. You know you miss all the action down here. Couple hours trade negotiators will once again be having negotiations with trade deal on and off and on again. One way or another we know this that the tariffs did take effect late last night. That means billions again coming to the u. S. By way of china imports. But its a very curious circumstance because the president clearly wants to have this thing worked out but so far it simply hasnt happened. Let me share a statement from the chinese late last night they are talking about the latest round of tariffs and says this china deeply regrets that it will have to take necessary Counter Measures. The 11th round of chinau. S. High level economic and trade consultations is underway it is hoped that the u. S. And chinese Work Together and Work Together to resolve existing problems through cooperation and consultation. Out trade rep lighthizer and treasury secretary mnuchin talked to the president about the negotiations. He said this before that conversation. Steve we were getting very close to a deal and they started to renegotiate the deal. We cant have that we cant have that. So our country can take in 120 billion a year in tariffs paid for mostly by china by the way not by us. Meanwhile more saber rattling as the u. S. And north koretrade regularly schedd drills with curiously timed missile launches as the u. S. S. , of course, sees a see seized a freighter with coal headed to north korea. Interesting times out east. The president is busy on twitter. I will keep an eye on it and let you know if we get anything else of relevance of talks. Back to you. Ed kevin corke live from the north lawn. Our own pete hegseth sat down with the Vice President of the United States mike pence. He talked a lot about china. The stakes here and how the u. S. Believes look a part of the reason why the president is pushing so hard is that our economy is in a very strong place. China has been struggling the. The president thinks thats the best time to strike a deal. Vice president pence those comments with pete will be 7 30 later this hour. Ainsley two biggest economies china and the United States being number one. The president saying they were close to a deal and started to renegotiate you cant do that. Steve no, you cant. Apparently what had happened and this is when it went off the rails last week. Apparently the United States thought that china was going to detail the laws that they would change. So were going to write down on a piece of paper what the laws are. Were going to change. And then china goes we never agreed to that which apparently was not true. Apparently there was a high ranking chinese official in the talks yesterday when they broke down. They tried to figure it out. They called the president and said not going to happen and they said okay, midnight it goes into effect. They are going to meet again this morning. It will be interesting to see how wall street. Ed those talks continue. Ainsley were the piggy bank for china. China is so successful for us. He said they are building aircraft, they are building ships. Constantly. He said i dont blame them. Im friends with the president. He said its in our best interest for me to put these tariffs on them because they are not going to take advantage of us. He blames past administrations he said not just president obama either. Ed big on the International Stage but lets not forget whats happening here at home. Interesting james comey and Andrew Mccabe and others. Some of them have been speaking out and trying to tell their side of the story in recent days. Something to do with what bill barr. Democrats have been beating him up over contempt. The white house believes because he want to sort of muddy bill barr ahead of his investigation thats ongoing into exactly how this russia probe started. So james comey, a week or so ago came out with an oped. Going after the president again. Then he does this down hall last night with cnn on the second anniversary of his firing, right . Ainsley that day. He haded what he does he do . He doesnt take responsibility for what happened. Under the bus peter strzok and lisa page, watch. Considering the high standards we set for Law Enforcement, what do you think should have been the consequences for peter strzok, lisa page and Andrew Mccabe . I thank you for the question. I think given the standards that we have and especially we in the fbi have, there should have been and was severe discipline around their behavior anderson very different episodes of behavior. Everyone has opinions about political issues and religious issues and sports issues. You cant bring them to work and have them effect your work. There have to be severe consequences. Do you acknowledge that this whole episode was w. Strzok and page that it damaged the reputation of the fbi and perhaps tarnished the investigation . Definitely, yeah. Very painful. Made us all look bad. Steve made us all look bad. Ed as if his actions didnt make the fbi look bad. Steve of course james comey doesnt like the president. He called the president a chronic liar who displayed corrupt intent to intreefer with russia and the investigation there james comey who was the fbi director. Rod rosen stein Deputy Attorney general. One in the fbi one part of the department of justice. When asked about Rod Rosenstein last night, listen to what he said about mr. Rosensteins character. I think people like that, like Rod Rosenstein, are people of accomplishment but not real sterling character, strong character, find themselves trapped and then they start telling themselves a story to justify their being trapped yeah, is he awful, but the country needs me. Steve and that is. Ainsley i cant believe he said that. Steve people like Rod Rosenstein work for donald trump. Ainsley even if you think that why wouldnt you keep that to yourself . They worked together. Ed because he wants to muddy the results. Rod rosenstein was standing there with bill barr. Ainsley what good does that do anyone. There has been two years since he has been with the organization. The president said disgrace to the fbi will go down as the worst director and he says he was the one who brought down the fbi. Steve well, yesterday was the last day after decades at the department of justice for Rod Rosenstein. They had a very big party for him in the great big hall Kellyanne Conway was there. The president s attorney emmet flood. Had you don mcgahn. You had the current attorney general bill barr. And you had the former attorney general jeff sessions. And at one point it was actually it was a heart felt and jokey sendoff. Here is the attorney general talking about the demeanor of the attorney general and his former deputy. There has been a debate raging for the last few months and i think we have to get it resolved and decided tonight. And that is which one of us is capable of the most dead pan expressions. [laughter] i know this is a little unfair because i do my best work in the hearing in congressional hearings. [laughter] rod does his standing behind the attorney general at preferences. [laughter] so, what do you say is it rod or me . Rod . [applause] ainsley who has the best dead pan expression. Steve i have never seen bill barr smile like that. Ainsley i know. Ed is he like that behind the scenes very jokey. See him on the hill punching back. Steve rod . Ed bill barr. Rod rosenstein was being teased when the Mueller Report came out he was standing dead pan behind barr. You see it. He is in this jokey mood while the democrats are trying to hold him in contempt. I think he was also a signal to them i am not really worried about. Ainsley is that how the intellects have fun . Who is the most dead pan . Steve a lot of dead pan going on in that image. Did you go to real clear politics. Com, you will see the president s Approval Rating. And i would imagine that on this friday the white house would celebrate this. Its a 45. 1 . Thats the highest level since february 21st of 2017. When it comes to his handling of the economy. Its at 54. 3 . And the trend is on the upswing which, if you are heading into an election year, thats what you want. You want the trend to be going up and not to be going down. Ed seen this in other polls not just the broader approval the president s handling of the economy. The jobs report from last week is clearly giving him a lift right now. Ainsley joe biden had a message for the hollywood elites. He said its time to take back our country. Listen. Steve its a quote. Ainsley oh, its a quote. He said oh i guarantee you if its me whats going to happen is we will see this country come together like it hasnt in a long time. Because people are tired. They are sick. They are tired of whats happening. Lets lift our heads up again, not a joke, remember hot heck we are and lets go take it back. Steve go take it back. One of the other things have you got to wonder is whether or not the president s Approval Rating is going up because we have been waiting for two years for the Mueller Report. And now we have got it and while democrats say we need to continue to investigate and see the unredacted version i think a lot of people have said you know what . Time to move on. Ed yeah. We mentioned the harris poll that recently came out that said a clear majority, about 56 of the country, not just republicans, some democrats, independents saying all right. We have gotten the report two years of investigation. Time to move on and stop the investigations. Thats in the harris poll. So what do you think . Time to end the investigations or not foxnews. Com. Steve if they ended it, what would we talk about . Ainsley maybe north korea. Maybe china. Maybe our economy. Ed some big issues. Steve you are right. Meant of other stuff. Ainsley Chelsea Manning released from jail after two months for refusing to testify to a grand jury about wikileaks. Manning was freed because the grand jurys term expired. She has already been subpoenaed to testify to a new one next week. Mannings lawyers say she will refuse questions from that grand jury. The former Army Intelligence analyst previously served seven years in prison for leaking u. S. Military and diplomatic secrets. President obama commuted mannings 35 year sentence. President trump picking acting pentagon chief Patrick Shanahan to be next secretary of defense. The former long time executive for boeing says he will, quote continue the aggressive implementation of our National Definition strategy. The post previously held by james mattis asked to step down by the president last september. Shanahan now needs to be confirmed by the senate. Lets talk about extreme weather, heavy rain pounding houston overnight. Knock out power to thousands and turning roads into rivers. Take a look at these scary photos. Firefighters rushing to rescue a driver flipped upside down in a flooded ditch. Amazingly. They did make it out alive. And First Responders battling a massive house fire possibly started by a lightening strike. A Flash Flood Watch is in effect for the area until tomorrow night. Speculation stirring over where prince harry and duchess meghan got the name arch were for newborn son. Meghans friend telling the sun she might have named after beloved cat archie who she owned while growing up. She reportedly named the cat after her favorite comic archy. Archie harrison was introduce to the world this week. Steve hold it so the royal baby is named ultimately after a comic strip character. Jillian thats what report. Ainsley not archie bunker. Steve no, archy the comic. Ed i think they are teasing. Ainsley second name is harrison. I love that name. Jillian i have a cousin named harrison. Steve isnt it more important to focus on how the investigation into the president began . Some saying that. Brand new action being taken this morning. Ed Andy Mccarthy will take us inside that next. Feel the clarity of nondrowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. indistthat was awful. 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Steve confirms to fox news Catherine Herridge that the department of justice Inspector General now investigating steele dossier and how it was used to secure and renew the fisa surveillance warrants carter page. Ed Andy Mccarthy joins us. Good morning. Where is your sense where this shredded. Everything is probably on hold until horowitz finishes his report. Attorney general barr said in his testimony a couple weeks ago that we expect by the end of may or the beginning of june, we will see that report. And i think that will sort of chart the course for we go after that. Presumably, there are other things going on inside out justice department. The attorney general has said he himself and a team he has assembled is looking into things likes a he put it, the genesis of the investigation, which is the same thing the president is talking about. Steve you had james comey last night on cnn. He said of page and strzok and Andrew Mccabe. He said they made us all look bad. What they did, their actions. There is late breaking news, right . Theres a lot that went on here that is very disturbing. The bureau and not just the bruce but mainly the bureau was thrust into the politics of the 2016 election whether they wanted to be or not because the Hillary Clinton investigation was a criminal investigation that was going on right in the middle of the campaign. So there was no avoiding it the question is given that they were dealt a bad hand how did they pray . I think they played it pretty poorly. Ainsley do you . Yes. Ainsley do you ever remember a time in the history when the fbi was looked at this way. The president is saying comey is a disgrace to the fbi and he has brought down the fbi. Grawngt it the field offices are amazing and many people who work in that organization is amazing. Look what is happening. I dont think the rhetoric on either side is doing us a lot of good. I mean, i think for jim comey to come out and take shots at the president as he has and to suggest that because he was the director of the fbi he has some special knowledge, i mean, we just got a 400 page report from mueller. Which says no collusion. Right . And then comey gets asked last night well, do you think the president you know the russians have something on the president gee, you know, i dont know. I dont think its right for our intelligence chiefs, whether its comey or clapper or brennan to be suggesting that because they had these positions they have some special knowledge that they wish they could tell us all. Ed especially since its already been investigated. I dont think it helps the president to be taking shots at these agencies which we need. Ed thank you. Steve we will step aside. More fox friends and great interviews coming up. Diarrhea. Girl, pepto ultra coating will treat your stomach right. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Try pepto with ultra coating. Noso lets promote ourke Summer Travel deal on choicehotels. Com like this surfs up. Earn a fiftydollar gift card when you stay just twice this summer. Or. Badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com so now you can bring in your own phone, switch wireless carriers and save hundreds of dollars a year. Its pretty much the easiest way to save since sliced bread. Because savings is as savings does. And sometimes youve just got to stop and smell the savings. Im sorry, i think you mean roses. Oh right. You need to stop and smell the roses of savings. Bring in your own phone, switch to Xfinity Mobile and only pay for data. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Get 100 back when you bring in an eligible smartphone. Click, call, or visit a store today. Ed all right. Time now for news by the nuns. 1 billion. Thats how much Gavin Gavin Newsom wants to spend on helping the homeless. Democratic state Budget Proposal would double the states current spending on the issue. Newsroom wants i newsom wants ir job training programs. 300 million thats the size of the merger between two of the largest craft brewers in america. Makers of sam adams the Boston Beer Company joining forces with dogfish head beers. The deal expected to close this summer. Finally, 8 decades a world war ii vet dropping out of high school to help support his family. 91yearold getting his g. E. D. This week. He graduates alongside his grandson. What an awesome story. Thank you for your service, sir. Ainsley . Ainsley that is a cool story. Thank you, ed. He is fighting for gun rights one city at a time. Steve our next guest founder of black guns matter touring the nation all in an effort to promote the Second Amendment especially in urban communities. Supporting the policy of disarming women, people of color, poor working class, hard working americans, the most racist ideology that you could ever muster. [cheers and applause] ainsley here with more on this message is founder of black guns matter maj toure. We will show a clip from your interview with tomi lahren. Yeah. Ainsley tell us about this movement. Essence black guns matter firearm safety. Firearm resolution and diest call labor relation. Urban Centers Across the country a lot of time you hear the word gun associated with negativity. Steve sure. In those areas high level of guns control and high levels of ignorance along with it we go into those places detroit, chicago, new orleans where there is high homicide rate and focus on cutting down on healing a lot of the trauma as well as empowering Second Amendment conversations in urban america. Steve okay. What do you say to the folk when you say are out there . In essence we, one, the firearm is absolute last resort. Steve you have an argument put down the gun. Dont even think about the gun. When you get hit with that argument you say George Washington and those guys didnt put down the gun. You know, this is a part of american history. This is a part of our natural rights. Our human rights to defend our lives should need be. Again, you get the firearm way after dealing with conflict resolution, deescalation, proper ownership, safe and responsible ownership. All of those things are all encompassing in our group and what we are doing around the country. Ainsley you said the left has made a good job of convincing urban america that firnlsz are not for them. What are they getting wrong . The truth. American history. Not even they are getting it wrong. The left is lying. Directly lying. Steve why . They are lying because its a lot easier to control people and have them thinking that them having the ability to be a safe and responsible firearm owner that empowers people. Again we talk about the founding fathers. When tyranny was presented they said no, no thank you and had the means to defend their value systems. Steve why is it in the political lefts interest to lie about that . Well, you know, if i want a comfortable slave i have to make sure that i make them comfortable. I make them think a particular way. I make them think that you have a genetic predisposition if you are an urban center in america you must have a genetic predisposition to kill each other just because inanimate object is around. Steve do you think thats going around. That lie something told and per pet ted to urban america tremendously. Its everywhere. They have to have better p. R. They have to keep lying to urban centers because they dont actually have facts. Ainsley lets walch a little bit of your feature thats on fox nation right now with tomi lahren. What county conservative community do better . To bring in organizations like yours, help you put that platform out there. Im going to be very clear. The second time that you have made yourself available to this dude from north philly running around the country and all the ghettos across the country. Unseen happened to try to make sure that americans are not working together. If you want to control people and not allow freedom to foster, we are not supposed to be able to talk. Ainsley what was the reaction from your community and folks signing up for your classes . The reaction from the community, the actual people, they get it they understand that we have been left out of this conversation about not only firearms ownership but civics generally. The actual rank and file people get it push back from people who want to maintain that lie and that myth. They dont really matter as much. I get it they have a vested interest in making sure that a lot of americans remain ignorant to the facts. Steve you want to get everybody back on the same page, the left, the right, everybody, just understand what the truth. Absolutely. I mean, i think it was Abraham Lincoln a house divided cant stand. Steve right now we are divided. Certain uncomfortable truth we have to deal with when you focus primarily on party over policy. When you focus on the thing that makes you feel comfortable over the facts and justice and truth you run into a road block every time. Its happening in governments all across the world through world history. Our job is to bring it a little bit more balance and truth back to the conversation. Ainsley okay. We can watch it on fox nation. Yep. Ainsley its free when you sign up. You can have a little trial. I highly recommend it i watch it all the time. Great. Congratulations and thank you for being with us. Whats your website. Everybody can just google us or go fund me. Ainsley black guns matter. Yes, sir. Ainsley pete hegseth goes oneonone with Vice President mike pence. Does the v. P. Think we are in a constitutional crisis . His answer and his message for congress when pete joins us live next you feel like a room without a roof because im happy clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth because im happy clap along if you know and mosquitoooooooooooes listen up, scaredy cats. We all have k9 advantix ii to protect us. It kills and repels fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, too. Were allamerican in god we trust living the dream and never giving up in what we believe in. Ed thats your shot of the morning thats me receiving the folds of honor trophy. Look at that beautiful American Flag in chevy chase, maryland. Folds of honor, all the money from the golf event went to this charity. Mike bellman from the association of builders and contractors put it together raised hundreds of thousand sands 6. You know major dan rooney is on this program all the time. My friends helped me out but mostly im just glad look at this amazing trophy that was going to each member of the force and we got it here at fox friends. Its giant. It weighs a lot. Im glad pete hegseth didnt get this trophy. Pete super coal. Cool. It says 17th place. Ed we have a participation trophy for you. Ainsley when was this . Ed this was on monday. Country club. Fox friends really has done so much for folds of honor and in case you dont know and you probably do but in case you dont they provide scholarships for the family members left behind from our war fighters wonderful heros who paid the ultimate sacrifice we had a wonderful dinner on sunday night and monday played in Charity Tournament i was lucky to be in the four some that. It broke on the way it weighed so much. They put one of their folks, the association on to an amtrak to get it here. Ainsley i talked to major dan the only reason he gave it to you because they know you talk about the organization on tv there is a lot going on. Ainsley where did you go to interview him. Pete minnesota. I was there. Talked about the jobs coming back in manufacturing. New trade deal. Usmca done. I talked about is minnesota is a place they think they can win . Ronald reagan didnt win it in 84. They are gunning for it. This is the Vice President yesterday in minnesota. Mr. Vice president thank you so much for joining fox friends. We appreciate it. Steve good to be with you in minnesota. Pete thank you for income my home state here. You have been around the state today. I have. Pete talking about trade, manufacturing, farming the usmca. Whats your message here . The message is our American Economy is roaring. Thanks to the leadership President Trump has brought to this country. We have the usmca that levels the Playing Field for american manufacturing. For american steel. And its absolutely essential that the American People let the Congress Know that they need to enact the usmca this year. Pete do you think Speaker Pelosi is going to do it . Ultimately democrats would have to be willing to bring this to the floor. Look, if the usmca comes to the floor its going to pass. Its going to pass with bipartisan support. Pete speaking of trade. China, where are we in this very big trade deal . The china delegation is here again, the vice premier is here. President trump said yesterday that he received another good letter from president xi. He has a strong relationship we believe a deal is possible what President Trump has made clear we think we are in a strong position in either way. One of our representatives ilhan omar her district is right next door to here is she a reflection of the Democratic Party . What is your take today on ilhan omar . Look. Look. Ilhan omar has made statements, smeak comments. Statements against our most cherished ally israel that ought to be rejected by every american. And frankly the fact that very recently she has been trying to blame the United States of america for the deprivation and poverty brought on by the dictatorship in venezuela. Tells me, look, the people of minnesota will decide whether or not she remains in congress. Congresswoman ilhan omar has no place on the House Foreign Affairs committee and the democratic leadership ought to remove her. Pete korean peninsula. Missiles being fired, we captured a ship or intercepted a ship as well are we headed in the wrong direction there in the deal to denuclearize . Well, look, President Trump truly believes that chairman kim wants to negotiate but as he said yesterday, doesnt look like he wants to negotiate right now. Look, we are going to continue to stand firm. Pete have you heard the reports recently there is a bipartisan subpoena of the president s son donald trump jr. What do you make of the subpoena of donald trump jr. . Look, for two and a half years, this administration and the trump family fully cooperated with the special counsel. Literally millions of pages of documents. Thousands of hours of testimony, cooperation. And the Mueller Report is in. No collusion. No obstruction. As the Senate Majority leader said on the floor of the senate this week Mitch Mcconnell said case closed. You know, thats why i think its frustrating to millions of americans. Nancy pelosi says we are in a constitutional crisis over bill barr are we in a constitutional crisis . The president and i fully support attorney general barrs decision to refuse to testify under the conditions of the Judiciary Committee put forward. I was on the Judiciary Committee for more than a decade. I dont have any memory of a member of the cabinet ever being questioned by committee staff. And i served under republican and democrat president s. So, look, this is not a constitutional crisis. This can be resolved. Well leave it to the attorney general to work out arrangements. But its time to dial down the rhetoric on capitol hill. Steve good luck with that dialing down the rhetoric. Pete he really felt like someone who was truly treating the barr stuff, the mueller stuff as a thing of the past and charge youing ahead and saying look at these jobs. Look at right here this steel factory in saint paul, minnesota. Its thriving. I talked to one of the guys on the floor. He said i have been here for 40 years, its never been anywhere near as strong as it is right now. It happened under the Trump Administration. He said im not a partisan guy. I just look at the facts. These jobs are coming back. The industry is coming back. If you have that kind of sentiment amongst, you know, Blue Collar Workers thats a good stein. Steve no wonder mike pence went there. Pete thats true, went to the one booming. They also talked to farmer. There is a lot of pressure on Collin Peterson democrat chair of the ag committee to move the usmca. Nancy pelosi doesnt want to give the president a win. If they moved it would pass in the house today. Ed you and i are going to be back on the roads. Pete fox nation has inaugural summit next week in scottsdale, arizona. I will be there, ed will be there. Other folks you love on fox nation and the fox news channel. Go to fox nation. Ed i didnt make the promo its just all pete. Pete its in my contract. I dont do promos with ed. Steve will you be taking your trophy . Ed im going to take it all the way there hope it doesnt break. Its very funny. He apparently challenged Abby Hornacek. He doesnt know that i know that to a oneonone basketball shooting contest. Pete Abby Hornacek claims to be a champ at dave and busters live oneonone. My dad coached me, nba legend coached her we are going oneonone. Ed im going for abby. Pete i think a lot of people are. Ainsley you should let the woman win but if you do you will be beat by a girl. Ed uber hits the stock market today. Expected to be one of the biggest debuts in history. We are live next. Did you know you can save money by using dish soap to clean grease on more than dishes . Try dawn ultra. Dawn is for more than just dishes. With 3x more grease cleaning power per drop, it tackles tough grease on a variety of surfaces. Try dawn ultra. This ijust listen. vo theres so much we want to show her. We needed a car that would last long enough to see it all. avo subaru outback. Ninety eight percent are still on the road after 10 years. Come on mom, lets go yeah, ive had some prettyeer. Prestigious jobs over the years. News producer, executive transport manager, and a beverage distribution supervisor. Now im a director at a Security Software firm. Wow, youve been at it a long time. Thing is, i like working. What if my Retirement Plan is i dont want to retire . Then lets not create a Retirement Plan. Lets create a plan for whats next. I like that. Get a plan thats right for you. Td ameritrade. If you have moderate to Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ready to treat differently with a pill . Otezla. Show more of you. Jillian the fbi ramping up efforts to crack down on the violent gang ms13. The agencys new York Division director William Sweeney announcing a new task force on long island it will be made up of 15 agents focusing on thwarting violent crimes, drugs and human trafficking. Thgang has plagued the area for 20 years. Beto orourke is calling out cory booker on plan to mandate federal licensing of all gun owners. I dont know that we need to take the additional step of licensing every single firearm to every single owner. I think that may be too far. Jillian former texas congressman is proposing universal background checks to complement responsible gun ownership. Conservative Actor James Woods is ditching his twitter account after they suspended him for a tweet that he refused to delete. Woods telling the daily wire in part, quote until preach is allowed on twitter, i will not be permitted to participate in our democracy with my voice. As long as jack dorsey remains the coward he seems to be, my twitter days are in the past. Twitter claims his tweet last month violated their rules. Ainsley a fox business alert. Uber set to go public today. Ed the ride sharing business is highly anticipated stock market debut will be one of the largest in recent history. Steve whats going to happen . Susan li from our Sister Network fox business joins us live from the New York Stock Exchange to break it all down. I wonder how many will go to the Stock Exchange today and buy uber which goes on sale today . Yeah. There is already a lot of festivities underway. We do have people lining up and its going to be a big day here at the New York Stock Exchange. This is the largest American Company ipo and sell shares since facebook did it back in 2012. Its a tough week for uber to be selling shares given we saw a market sell off because of the u. S. China trade concerns and, the uber driver strike which is not good for the company image. Dont forget this company was started back in 2009. And its worth 82 billion. Thats roughly out equivalent of General Electric which has been around for more than 100 years. And they also have a lot of celebrity backers as well in the company. For instance Ashton Kutcher and madonnas manager they paid 500,000 for a few shares back in 2012. Today thats going to be worth 65 million in this ipo. We also have leonardo did i cap prix owe, will smith investing as well. Interesting transaction with beyonce being paid 6 million in unrestricted stock back in 2015 to perform at one of the companys events. So you can imagine what that might be worth today with that kind of valuation. There was some drama to point to and something that we are closely watching will be the companys founder. He is a 40yearold billionaire. His name is Travis Kalenick kicked out of uber the company he founded. He will be here along with his father. His mother died during the week around the time he was booted from the company uber. Now, what is interesting is that he is being sidelined from ringing the bell of the company that he founded. This is something that is developing. Something we will watch. Especially for somebody that built the company virtually from nothing 10 years ago to a company thats worth a lot. Guys . Ed its come a long way some were saying the initial price would be a lot higher. People were putting very lofty expectations out there on the market. This is brand that everybody knows. Its part of the every day vocabulary you uber here and there. Given the Market Conditions and what lifted in this ipo a bit of a disappointment price lower than anticipated. Might be a bargain for investors. Ainsley 45 bucks for each share. Home ownership hitting a fouryear high that is all thanks to millennials. Why are they buying and will the market stay friendly to them . Our real estate series buy or sell continues next lets see, aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol extra strength. And last longer with fewer pills. So why am i still thinking about this . Ill take aleve. Aleve. Proven better on pain. Ainsley Home Ownership hitting fouryear high in the Fourth Quarter all thanks to millennials. Believe it or not they are taking on 45 of all new mortgages in 2018. Our next guest, who is here for day five of our real estate series buy or sell says these types of investments are a great way to build your assets for the future. Here with more is roger healey named one of the top realtors in the country. Congratulations on that honor. Thank you. Ainsley you live in texas. I do. Ainsley you are seeing millennials buy houses. Thank god. Its been crazy with millennials and doing big things. Ainsley the reason is, they are getting older. Theyre getting older and wiser and making adult decisions and very grateful for that you know, its been a really Welcome Change and the millennials drove the rental market to absurd numbers. Now that theyre getting older they want to start making investments and building equity and doing things adults do. Ainsley more affordable to buy than to rent. The rental market paying a lot in rent. Seeing record high rents for the past three and four years. Submarket cities approaching 2 bucks a foot. Starting to realize the rule of real estate has always been location. Now its more affordability. If you can go and store some money away, use it as a down payment, thats going to make more sense in the long run. Ainsley getting older and smarter and getting married. Getting married. True love still exist. They have been like our olson twins. Making big decisions. When you are married you get to have joint income to apply for a mortgage afford something more i d desirable. Marriage is helping our market. Ainsley seasonal players. The reason the Spring Summer market so busy. Millennials graduate college. Get First Amendment they move to suburban core of the city and rent june, july, august, thats normally when we are busy with millennials in general want to go buy their first place when their leases are exexpiring. Fourth quarter very busy with millennials. Definitely busiest time year. Ainsley makes sense for the older people because they dont want to pull their kids out of school they buy in the summer and thats when they move. Yeah. Ainsley more millennial Real Estate Agents than ever before. We are in the influencer generation. A lot of millennials what do you do when you get cant a job do you real estate. Thats what happened to me. I couldnt get a job so i became a realtor. So many people doing it now. Way more than before. 20 of National Association is millennials. Over here encouraging and influencing their group of people to go make their first purchase whereas in the past the average reagent closer to 60 now closer to 45. These people are going in and encouraging their audience hey purchase your first place so we can get paid. Change in the market which is a good thing and encouraging millennials to go make a move. Ainsley is wise to put your money in property versus stock market . Buy real estate and wait. Dont wait and buy real estate. If you buy something tangible that you have control over thats a wise investment. The problem with the stock market is a little more volatile. You dont have complete control. Real estate you get to own it and touch it and a lot of times you get to live in it. Ainsley my dad said they are not making any more land. I want all the land that touches my land. Ainsley whats your advice to millennials that are watching . Buy a house today. Ainsley from you . Get out there. Buy a house. Save your money. Be wise and realize its okay. Your first place is probably not going to be your forever place and if you dont absolutely love it thats okay. You are building equity and the American Dream is still owning a home. You dont have to have a white picket fence. You can have a condo in the suburbs. Save your money, buy a place and invest in real estate because its never going to leave you. Ainsley okay. Roger seeley if you are looking to buy and in the dallas area give him a call. Would love to help. Ainsley thank you so much. Devin nunes, Geraldo Rivera and Stuart Varney all here live starting on a brand new day [narrator] meet the ninja foodi, the Pressure Cooker that crisps. Its the best of pressure cooking and air frying all in one so in as little as 30 minutes it will be crispy. Brian is away. Were partying in the usa. Were an hour away from the weekend. Ainsley were an hour away from the weekend. Much this is the last alarm clock for a few days. Congratulations you made it through. Steve president has been up tweeting this morning. Dont know if you are just getting up. At midnight new tariffs went into effect. President has been tweeting about that. Ainsley thats right. He said tariffs will make our country much stronger, not weaker. Just sit back and watch. China should not renegotiate deals at last minute. This is not the Obama Administration or administration of sleepy joe who bet china get away with murder. Ed he said were not really in competition with china. Even democrats were saying what . Lets bring in Geraldo Rivera, fox news correspondent at large. Ainsley hey, geraldo. Ed what is your sense of the trade fight . The president thinks he has opening because u. S. Economy is in a strong place . He is in a Perfect Place to negotiate. More importantly, ed, what the president is doing is fulfilling his Campaign Promise from long ago he would fight tooth and nail to get fair trade deals with the various trading partners of the United States. Even mighty china. He has a relationship with president xi apparently is working. The china has a trade delegation in the states right now. I dont think it is a question who blinks first. It is question of essential fairness. The United States with the great position they have right now, this economic power they have right now, with the economy booming, they are you know in a position to negotiate a deal and hopefully the chinese see it the same way because my 401 k cant take rocky stock market. I hope they get this thing done. Ainsley president says, sit back and watch. Well be doing that. Lets move on to don, jr. , he was subpoenaed by the Senate Intelligence committee. Democrats are threatening jail. Senator richard blumenthal. Listen to this. If he fails to answer he ought to be put in jail. If he fails to comply with a lawful subpoena he has no privilege. Prison is the only answer. Steve prison is the only answer. Some people are scratching their heads wondering why the republican senator from North Carolina richard borough cade the subpoenas for don, jr. . I think one reason steve. He is not up for reelection. He is retiring in 2022. I cant imagine a republican leading us down the same primrose path. I think the president s frustration. His subdued anger is totally justified. How many whacks do they get at the thing before they call it case closed. Don, jr. Testified i think 25 hours before one committee, eight or nine hours before a second committee. Over 30 hours total. For Goodness Sake at what point is enough enough . I urge, im a moderate person, generally speaking. I like bipartisanship but i urge the Trump Administration from the top down to fight democrats every step of the way. You know bipartisan, the senate is a little different, a little more complicated because there is a republican in there with the democrats but on the house side it is all the democrats. It schiff, nadler, waters and led by Speaker Pelosi. They have malicious intent, steve, i believe. They dont want truth here. They want to embarass the president. They want to continue to relit relit relitigate the Mueller Report. There was no collusion found. You have accused the president of most vial things possible. He is exonerated largely by the Mueller Report. The Mueller Report says there is no collusion. The obstruction case is so lame, i want the country to get going. That bipartisanship evidence now in the Senate Intelligence committee with what senator burr did, take that bipartisanship and apply it to infrastructure, apply it to the immigration situation. You know, support the president on trade. Get together and make something great happen rather than continually going back over the same territory. They have tortured this man and his administration for over two years. Enough. Lets get the thing behind us. I would, with don, jr. , i would fight them. Ed to your point, geraldo, Robert Mueller had the opportunity to indict donald trump, jr. And others if he thought they lied to congress, he did not do that, number one. Number he pulled back from any obstruction charges. Didnt clear the president of that, but im not suggesting that he committed obstruction. Nonetheless nancy pelosi is saying just the opposite about obstruction. Watch. This administration wants to have a constitutional crisis because they do not respect the oath of office that they take every day. They are advertising their obstructionion of justice by ignoring subpoenas and by just declaring that people shouldnt come and speak to congress so that the American People can find out the truth about russian disruption of our election, so that it doesnt happen again. So yes, i do think it, they have teeth. Ed geraldo, as you know, not just the president on the ballot in 2020. Democrats who last i recall last november they were talking about hey, elect us put us in charge of the house well take care of jobs, health care, all the Kitchen Table issues. Seems like theyre doing the opposite. On health care, they did, as you know, steve, ed, have some considerable success, using that issue in the midterm elections in 2018. They did have some success. First of all, let me say what the speaker just said there is absolute baloney. We know because of the Mueller Report there was no collusion. Her bringing in russia and intelligence or counterintelligence at this late date, relitigate go back whatever mueller did, no collusion, full stop. Get over it. In obstruction, there is no underlying crime. If the president was obstructing thing he was not obstructing justice, he was obstructing injustice. The republicans stress this was runaway effort to try to undermined if not remove the president of the United States for being a traitor a spy, in Vladmir Putins pocket, all of it fake, all of it false. Dossier false. That is the, that is the origin, that is the foundation of everything the democrats are doing now. If there is no foundation, now they continue to go forward, this committee, that committee, this subpoena, that subpoena. This is what i mean this is not sincere effort to try to root out truth this is effort to continually undermine the president of the United States. I do believe it will backfire. You know, you saw his chagrin and his displeasure over the subpoena that don, jr. Received. I think that he has been enormously patient, you know. I think he needs the support of the American People. I would love to see some democrats say enough, the way Mitch Mcconnell said enough, case closed. We have to move on. The country has a lot of business that has to be taken care of. Steve also all right i dont know if you were watching the other channel last night no. Steve cnn on anniversary of james comey being dismissed, fired, as head of the fbi. They had him on, asked him all sorts of questions. For instance one of them was somebody in the audience had a question about those fbi lovebirds. What happened behind the scenes. Its a great passage. We want to play it for you and get your reaction. Okay. Considering the high standards that we set for Law Enforcement what do you think should have been the consequences for peter strzok, lisa page and Andrew Mccabe . I thank you for the question. I think given the standards that we have, especially we in the fbi have, there should have been and was severe discipline around their behavior. As anderson very different episodes of behavior. Everyone has opinions about political issues, religious issues and sports issues. You cant bring them to work and have them affect your work. There have to be severe consequences. Do you acknowledge that whole episode with strzok and page, that it damaged the reputation of the fbi and perhaps tarnished the investigation . Definitely, yeah. Very painful. Made us all look bad. Ed pretty rich, geraldo you cant bring your bias to work, maybes everybody look bad. Coming from comey that is pretty rich. He should look in the mirror, he was the liar and leaker. If strzok and page were severely disciplined. Comey was not, he was fired, that is as severe as you get, the more he talks the less honorable he sounds. This was a man who leaked to his pal at Columbia University to leak to the New York Times then kind of covered that up. He allowed, in my opinion, this highlycharged political atmosphere to exist at the highest levels the fbi. And he did it to the discredit of the fabled fbi, this bureau, that we all exassault as premier Law Enforcement agency. You know, i think that comey really, he could have handled this a lot better in his relationship with the president. He could have had a relationship with the president. He could have been more evenhanded, he could have easily dismissed many of these charges. How many, 49 agents, fbi agents on the russiagate probe . My goodness. He was the bureau, highly charged politicized he as admits there, everybody has opinions, that is the grossest understatement of the year. Here they are, highlycharged, highlyopinionated my goodness at what point do you look at yourself in the mirror, you know something, im part of the problem, im not part of the solution. Ainsley he is shooting down Rod Rosenstein for his character. Meanwhile he is up there saying comments like that two years after he worked for the fbi. I dont know what good comes out of that. I dont know why he would go on stage and put everyone down. But i guess he is still upset about being fired. Of course. Ainsley the more he talks, the less exalted his reputation. Ainsley youre right. The longer he hangs around a bitter man, scold ainsley talk about other peoples character. Youre right, look in the mirror. Thanks, geraldo. Jillian has headlines for us. Jillian lets give you an update on a story weve been following today. Two suspects in the deadly Colorado School shooting are back in court. Meantime a close friend of Kendrick Castillo, the student killed taking down one of those suspects is speaking out. Kendrick really was as many people say the nicest person you i wish he was still here. I wish he didnt have to be the one to save us all. Jillian he is now a hero. The stem school was warned, five months ago a parent called the district about suicidal and violent kids at the school. The parent said it was a perfect storm for a repeat of columbine. Chelsea manning released from jail after two months refusing to testify to a grand jury about wikileaks. She was freed because the grand jury team expired. She is subpoenaed to testify to testify before a new one. Her lawyers say she will refuse to testify before that grand jury. Shy previously served seven years in prison for leaking u. S. Secrets. President obama commuted her 35 year sentence. Jeopardy host alex trebek revealed this seat credit about the his cancer. What is the challenge for jeopardy viewers now it figure out is that alexs real hair . This is not the real me. Jillian trebek, talks he would be on the floor writhing in pain between show tapings. He was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in march. Mothers day is right around the corner. If you havent picked up a gift there is something you can get without spending a dime. You know what my favorite mom fancy is . Having a quiet breakfast by myself. Jillian a recent study shows that 7 of moms would like to have all day to themselves. Another 5 want someone else to take care of the household chores. Im actually surprised those percentages are not higher. Ainsley me too. Ed recheck that. Come back. Ainsley give your wife a few hours, women dont get a few hours just to go shopping, i love to go shopping, i never get to do that anymore. We all shop online for multitasking at home. A few hours by yourself. Steve new jersey, the stores are closed on sunday. Ainsley they are. Blue laws. Ed that is good excuse. You dont have to buy anything. Ainsley i hope yall done your shopping. Steve we have done our shopping. Ed u. S. Slapping tariffs overnight. The china vows to retaliate. Stuart varney as the story next. Ainsley stuart, have you done your mothers day shopping . California walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Since youre heading off to dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. Sun care is self care. I used to not love wearing an spf just because i felt like it was so oily and greasy. But with Olay Regenerist whip spf 25, its so lightweight. I love it. Im busy philipps, and im fearless to face anything. Uh, well, this will be the kitchen. And wed like to put a fire pit out there, and a dock with a boat, maybe. Why havent you started building . Well, tylers off to college. And moms getting older. And eventually we would like to retire. Yeah, its a lot. But Td Ameritrade can help you build a plan for today and tomorrow. Great. Can you help us pour the foundation too . I think you want a house near the lake, not in it. Come with a goal. Leave with a plan. Td ameritrade. Noso lets promote ourke Summer Travel deal on choicehotels. Com like this surfs up. Earn a fiftydollar gift card when you stay just twice this summer. Or. Badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com steve fox news alert. The United States has slapped tariffs on chinese goods overnight, eight hours ago as china vows to retaliate, talks with china continue he writes in very con green yall matter. No need to rush as tariffs are being paid to the u. S. By china, 25 on 250 billion worth of goods and products. These massive payments the president says goes directly to the treasury of the u. S. Ainsley here with more, Stuart Varney, host of Varney Company on Fox Business Network and my take on fox nation. Hey, stuart. This is the most important financial story of the year. What youre talking about here is the relationship between the worlds two biggest and most dynamic economies, the United States and china. Here is the state of play. It is frankly a standoff. The tariffs have been imposed as of 12 01 this morning friday, eastern time. The tariffs are in place. The chinese say as you reported, they may retaliate but we dont know how. Talks are progressing, 9 00 hearn time, get underway again today. There may be a phone call between president xi or President Trump, dont know if it takes place or not. There is a assistantoff. Things are going very well. Talkses are very congenial manner. That is the negotiatorinchief right there. Ed the chinese economy you know better than anyone is still in difficulty. They have had a bad run while the president is in strong shape. He wants to negotiate from a position of strength. He is negotiating from a boss position of strength. He says im not backing down. This is hardline trump. When he sent out the tweets last sunday, they tried to mess up the deal, they tried to break the deal. They tried to break the deal, because that 150 page memo, that was going to exert real pressure on chinas economy. Xi xinping was not in a position to accept it fully. He came back, said we want to renegotiate this trump hardline comes down. Its a faceoff. I want to tell you i want to see President Trump in our negotiating chair and nobody else. That is what he does best. Ainsley he said weve been the piggybank for china. He said weve been paying china 500 billion a year. China rebuilt their country because of us. Nothing against china i would be doing the same thing. Im trying to do the same thing for america s all that accurate . China has definitely taken advantage of us. Our market, the American Market is huge. And they have exploited it. They have exported stuff to us year after year. All good by the way. We like the quality and low prices. Heres the question steve but theyre also stealing our technology. That is true. Theyre stealing our intellectual property as well. Can the president maintain Political Support in america, when you have got these tariffs which are going to hurt the farm belt. That is the key question. Ed well watch, top of the hour. Im glad. Ainsley they will continue talk this is morning. Im sure china is not happy. Hopefully come to the table to negotiate with our president. Steve thank you, stuart. Another recordbreaking month at the border as arrests hit the highest number in 12 years. What needs to be done to stop the crisis at the border . San diego Border Patrol chief rot any scott with us next. Rodney scott. Youll find i go to my happy place. See if we let tensions run the show up here, then our bodies wont perform at their best out here. Wait, arent we going to the sound check . Priorities. So im partnering with cigna, to remind you that how youre doing emotionally affects you physically. Go for your annual checkup and be open with your doctor about anything youre feeling. Physically, and emotionally. Body and mind cigna. Together all the way. Body and mind the matters. Ar. Introducing the allnew 2019 ford ranger, its the right gear. With a terrain Management System for. This. A bash plate for. That. An electronic locking Rear Differential for. Yeah. This. Heading to the supermarket . Get any truck. Heading out here . Get the ford ranger. 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In a New York Times op oweded, if the government shown it would treat survivors with dignity it could have a ripple effect. She accused Justice Clarence thomas of sexual harrassment. Chaos erupting would become the nations most restrictive law. There was no motion. He did not make a motion. Ainsley tempers flaring on alabamas senate floor, when exemptions for incest were removed without a. Another record breaking month on our southern border, arrests reached its highest level since 2007. U. S. Border and customs protection, reporting that more than 109,000 migrants encountered at border in april, nearly 99,000 were apprehended. That is one month alone. More than 10,000 turned away. Ainsley what sid intoed to solve the growing crisis. Rodney scott the Border Patrol chief for the san diego sector. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for what you do down there. Thanks for having us. Ainsley every month were seeing numbers rise. Were getting into summer months. And weather easier for them to travel. Are you expecting higher months this month . Our numbers keep increasing by the day. We topped over half a million arrests. As you mentioned at the beginning, that is only the first several months of this year. We havent seen those types of numbers since 2009. Those were for the entire year, not for just half the year. Steve back in 2009 i understand the people who were coming across the southern border and were apprehended, chief, for the most part young men, largely mexican. Now fast forward to today i understand its largely families, many of them from the triangle countries in central america. The reason for that is because, if you have a child, if you are a family unit, asylum is something that you are going to apply for . Yeah. That is actually kind of a misnomer. This isnt about asylum anymore. We had, in this last month, for example, less than 6 of the people we arrested actually claimed asylum. Once the smugglers figured out if you bring a child to the border that under current, the flores agreement and some Court Rulings we have to release anybody that has a child with them in less than 20 days. There was no reason to claim asylum anymore so now the smugglers started a whole new business, theyre basically exploiting children, theyre renting out children to create families to take advantage of this loophole. We identified 3500 fraudulent families just this year. But the massive numbers, were dealing with, over half a million arrests really limit the amount of time our agents have to do deep dive interview to detect the fraudulent families. Were clearly missing some. Ed incredible chief, you see it on the ground. A lot of lawmakers, particularly democrats in weeks and months saying this was manufactured crisis. Now they are backpedaling, theyre saying there is a crisis at the border. In the last minute we have what are one or two things you Want Congress to do in the days ahead to help others on the border . There has to be consequence for illegal entry into the country. We need to detain families throughout the entire immigration process. They get due process and hearing. We need to push the judges down at the border. Expedite the immigration review process. We need to detain people in custody until they get the hearing. Steve you have to have Congress Help you. Right now, it doesnt appear that the democrats have any appetite to give the president a win on his signature issue . I can tell you right now, this crisis is no longer constrained to the border. We had to pull multiple cpb officers away from other duties. Trade and travel is getting slowed down. Means International Flights will be slowed down. We pulled in several hundred people across dhs literally administrative employees to help feed and care for these people. But were beyond a breaking point. Without action from congress to create a consequence to illegal entry. We cant arrest our way out of this problem. We need congress to step up. Ed beyond the breaking point. Those are very strong words. We hope people are listening, chief scott. We appreciate the hard work. Thank you for your support. Appreciate it. Ed meanwhile fired fbi chief james comey not worried about his handling of the steele dossier. Are you confident you did everything by the book and that the fbi, people around you did everything by the book. Yes. Ed he said he did it by the book. What discuss congressman devin nunes think about that . He will be live next. In its weakened state. Its innovative. With pronamel repair, more minerals are able to enter deep into the enamel surface. The fact that you have an opportunity to repair whats already been damaged, its amazing. I think my goto toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. This and even this. Hark, i deep clean messes like this. But i dont have to clean this, because the selfcleaning brush roll removes hair, while i clean. [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans, now cleans itself. Every curve, every innovation, every feeling. A product of mastery. Lease the 2019 es 350 for 379 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Fbi doesnt spy to begin with. The fbi investigate. You said it is not spying. Why did attorney general barr use the word spying is a word mt. Used as well . I cant explain it. The only explanation he used because the president used it. How much work did the fbi do to verify the dossier . There were a lot of spokes that we dont know whether were true or false and we dont know what to make of it. Were you confident that you did everything by the book and you and everybody at the fbi did everything by the book . Yes. Ed perhaps he is worried what attorney general bill barr might be up to and scrutinizing. Devin nunez, california congressman, Ranking Member of the house Intelligence Committee who has been ahead of curve. Good morning. Good morning. Ed lets go stray straight to it. James comey said he did it by the book. Im interested in watching entire inter view. This guy continues to make a mockery of the entire fbi and the department of justice. This is the guy who remember, leaked his memos in order to make sure that a special counsel was created to investigate the president. This is the guy who put an unverified dossier in front of a fisa court. This is the same guy who, who, for months and months and months, did not interview George Papadopoulos who suppose supposedly was the man who knew the supposed european guy that had access to clinton emails. The russians had emails. There is lot of problems with comeys story. There is nothing that matches up with reality. Steve one of the other things, mr. Nunez, mr. Comey was asked last night by a audience member what he made of peter strzok, Andrew Mccabe and lisa page did at fbi. He said they made all of us look bad. They made them look bad and he made them look bad as well letting them get away with the behavior. Ainsley we played the sound bite that he is confident everyone under him did everything by the book. But in another sound bite he was criticizing struck and page. They should have been disciplined more. Were not doing what they were supposed to do, werent doing by the book. There is no question as it relates to the fisa on carter page nothing was done about it book. It was all done very irregular in fact this is the whole idea that you can take Clinton Campaign dirt and use it. The fact this is the fbi director, he didnt know it was democrats that paid for it. In fact he said it was republicans who had paid for it. So this guy doesnt really look i dont think he is telling the truth is the bottom line here. The former fbi director is not a stupid man and he is acting awfully stupid. If you go back, remember when he came before our task force at the end of the last congress, this is a man who couldnt answer a question i think, over 100 times. He said things like, i dont recall. So whenever put under oath on a body like the legislative body of congress the guy couldnt answer a question. He can do a town hall, make a lot of things up, but i think mr. Comey is in a lot of trouble. He should be. He made a mess of the fbi. Ed congressman weve been watching house Judiciary Committee moving forward with contempt charges against the attorney general. You have to wonder what is behind that. When the attorney general is investigating all of this. Breaking last few moments, axios is reporting, democratic adam schiff telling axios he is considered reviving what is known as inherent contempt powers. Would enable him to pursue contempt charges basically against various trump associates, what not, including coyers is i have measures they say like actual cash fines. What do you make of that . What does that mean . What i make of it is, this is somebody and whole team on democratic side they have been chasing russian governments in the closet for 2 1 2 years. They have to have a new idea, new plan. Media picks it up. Media runs with it. They create narratives. What us ends up they always end up in a rabbit hole. They make fools at themselves. You laugh at them. The problem is the Mainstream Media is so corrupt and such a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party every day they will run with these new crazy conspiracy theories, all you can do is laugh. At the end. Day people need to be held accountable for lying to the fisa cop, all the dirty comes in the fbi need to be held accountable. Here in the legislative branch it will continue to be a mockery. I dont think the American People will want the investigation to continue. I guess old saying you have dug a hole deeper. They will keep digging. Youre in the house of representatives. On the other side of the capitol is the senate. Sounds like the Senate Intel Committee under helm of North Carolina senator richard burr, somebody dropped something there. He is calling don trump, jr. , back in front of the committee. Can you explain why the republican would want to do that . So remember in the senate they have different rules. Both republican and democrat have to sign off on a subpoena. So, my guess is, is that this is mostly a warner play who is the democratic lead over there. Well see what happens. I have to, had to admit theyre getting close to finishing their report. You had the Senate Republican leader, the Senate Leader Mitch Mcconnell who said this is over. Case closed. Steve yeah. I have to assume it is part of them winding down, tying up any loose ends to their investigation. They must have questions they want to ask. Ainsley you dont think he will end up in prison or indicted or anything like that . Well look, i dont think he is going to come back. Ainsley if he doesnt, what are the consequences . You know, look they could hold him in contempt. They could try to bring him back. Look, the guy spent dozens and dozens of hours with the legislative branch already. My guess, maybe they can work out an accommodation. I dont know. Ed congressman to the last point a moment ago, many in the Mainstream Media predicted that donald trump, jr. Would be indicted the last two years. That did not happen. Point welltaken. Thank you for coming in. Ainsley thank you. Ed a lot of other news breaking this morning. We have jillian all over it again. Jillian lets get started with this fox news alert. Secretary of state mike pompeo is headed to russia. He leaves sunday to meet with president Vladmir Putin and the Russian Foreign minister. The state Department Says the leaders will discuss quote, the full range of bilateral and multilateral challenges. Pompeo is expected to meet with u. S. Business leaders, and lay a wreath at the tomb of unknown soldier in moscow. Uber will make its stock market debut today. It is set to be the largest debut for a company in seven years since facebook went public. Shares of the ridehailing Company Opened at 45 a piece. It is valued at 82 billion. A prolife activist attacked on a College Campus. The shocking moment caught on camera. Dont do that. Please. [bleep]. Youre a terrible person. Stop. Youre a terrible person. Maam, this calm down. This is not okay. Shut the fuck up right now. Jillian woman she was arrested by campus police. In a statement unc tells fox news, quote, the federal Education Rights and private city acts prevents the university from commenting on disciplinary actions involving students. A school is ditching valedictorian honors to focus on mental health. Mason high school outside of cincinnati will not give out class ranks. Instead they use the cum laude latin honor system to recognize students with high grades. The principle claims this will reduce the overall competitive culture at to allow students to focus on exploring learning opportunities of interest to them. Send it back to you. Ed jillian, appreciate that. Very interesting. CamKamala Harrissing blaming vor suppression why democrats had losses in 2018. Without Voter Suppression, Stacey Abrams would be the governor of georgia. Ed well Stacey Abrams claims she won the race. Our next guest has a reality check. Minority participation surged in 2008. He has numbers liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Nueven if you try to eat well,. You might fall short in key nutrients. Get more by adding one a day. Its the 1 multivitamin uniquely designed for men and women. One serving, once a day. One a day. And done. What do you look for i want free access to research. Yep, Td Ameritrades got that. Free access to every platform. Yeah, that too. I dont want any trade minimums. Yeah, i totally agree, they dont have any of those. I want to know what im paying upfront. Yes, absolutely. Do you just say yes to everything . Hm. Well i say no to kale. Mm. Yeah, they say if you blanch it its better, but that seems like a lot of work. No hidden fees. No platform fees. No trade minimums. And yes, its all at one low price. Td ameritrade. Jillian good friday morning, quick headlines now. Democrats chuck schumer, Hakeem Jeffries introducing a bill to decriminalize marijuana on federal level. It would remove pot from the controlled substances act t would provide 100 million next five years to remove marijuana convictions. Weak marijuana sales are putting a dent in californias budget. Democratic governor gavin newsom is scaling back what it expects to collect in cannabis tax revenue through 2020, cutting projections by 223 million. Experts say the retail pot shops are being undercut by a thriving illicit market where consumers can avoid taxes. Ed. Ed Hillary Clinton says the election was stolen from her. We got that on tape. As 2020 democrat Kamala Harris claims Voter Suppression in minority communities led to sop key democratic losses in florida and georgia. Watch. Lets say this loud and clear without Voter Suppression Stacey Abrams would be the governor of georgia. Andrew gillum is the governor of florida. So the truth is we need a new Voting Rights act. Ed our next guest says Voter Suppression is simply a myth. That minority turnout actually surged in 2018. He has got the data to prove it. Jason riley, wall street journal columnist, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a fox news contributor. Good to see you. Good morning. Ed well get to the data this morning. It seems to be dangerous to be saying Stacey Abrams won it was stolen. Hillary clinton claiming i won, it was stolen. It is incredibly irresponsible to be out there saying this but this is how democrats try and motivate their voters. They try to keep them paranoid and angry to get them out to the polls. I think youre right, democrats need to learn how to lose an election without playing the race card. Ed they were accusing donald trump as candidate he would not accept the results in 2016. Turn out the democrats seem to resist since then. Look at census data. 2018 turnout in the midterms, it was up 50 for hispanics and asians. Up 27 , lets repeat that, up 27 for black voters. So jason, quite simply, how can you claim that black voters were suppressed in state like georgia when black turnout was up . You cant. This continue as preexisting trend. Weve seen increase in minority voter turnout go up gradually since the 1990s under bill clinton. What is interesting, this happened even as more and more states have passed voter i. D. Laws and other ways to insure voter integrity. What weve sign increase in minority turnout. What we saw in the midterms last year was a historic high among minority groups in terms of turnouts. When blacks and voter groups are motivated they will turn out. Ed you think that some of the blacks that turned out in 2018 might turn out and vote republican. Absolutely. The black turnout rate exceeded white voter turnout rate even with states with restricted i. D. Laws on books. When blacks are motivated to turn out, hispanics are motivated to turn out they turn out. What Kamala Harris simply did not motivate people to turn out in numbers they needed to win. Ed president making his case, historically low unemployment for blacks and his panics. Not breaking news or anything, mothers day in case you didnt know. Tom shillue is back with the breaking news, to give us the mother of all questionses. Put our knowledge tv moms to the test. First lets check in with my friend bill hemmer. Good category actually. Ed why do you say that . Television mothers for 1000, alex. I like it. Have awesome weekend. James comey said a lot of interesting things last night. Jim jordan responds in a moment on that. Were on the clock for china deal. Watch it, Charles Payne is warming up. More news out of north korea, what were learning about the missile testing that happened this week. Friday, see you about ten minutes. Top of the hour. See you here on americas newsroom. Healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax. Not this john smith. Or this john smith. Or any of the other hundreds of john smiths that are humana Medicare Advantage members. No, its this john smith. Who we paired with a humana team member to help address his own specific health needs. At humana, we take a personal approach to your health, to provide care thats just as unique as you are. No matter what your name is. Ainsley dont forget this sunday is mothers day. So, we are taking the mother of all quizes, putting our knowledge of tv moms to the test. Steve was that the doorbell . We have host of fox nations, the quiz show, tom shillue. Here we go, guys. Get the buzzers ready. Steve category, tv moms. She was bringing up three lovely girls all with hair of gold. Was it shirley partridge, carol brady, Harriet Winslow or samantha stephens. Ainsley . Ainsley it was carol brady. Go to the tape. Yeah. When you come back to earth, would you please go tell the boyses to come in to straighten up their rooms . Yes. Steve florence henderson. Carol brady. Number two, this matriarch had to put up with intrusive motherinlaw that was lays did i but Everybody Loves. Marie romano. Maggie seaver. Debra barone or norma arnold. Steve marie barone . A is marie romano. Ainsley first name i wanted to call her mom and she went, thats all right. [laughter]. Huh. Why did you make me do this . Steve Everybody Loves ray. Mixed it up. It is debra. Ainsley marie was the motherinlaw. And she was debra. Number three, what tv mom is known loving by shrill voice of reason for her husband archie . 70s sitcom. Claire dunphy, louise jefferson, marion cunningham. Edith bunker. I got it first. Why would dumbbells like that live at the beach in the wintertime . [laughter]. Maybe it is because ralph is plumber and he likes to hear the sound of water running. Steve jean stapleton. Plain the rules. Wait to the end. I cant see because im reading question. Number four, this tv mom is the moral listic force for doughnut loving husband and three kids. Will ma flintstone, marge simpson. Linda belcher. Jane jettison. Ainsley. Ainsley the second one the simpsons lady. Gave it away. Beehive. Marge simpson the simpsons lady. This tv mom was known for her golden wise cracks living with her daughter and two friend with 80s sitcom. Rose, elyse keaton. Sophia petrillo or maude tipped lay. Steve maude findlay. Im not in. Wait until the beep to leave the message. Ainsley she was youngest one on there. Youre watching a lot of tv land. Golden girls. I thought it was too easy of a quiz. Obviously it wasnt. Ainsley it wasnt. Steve we salute americas moms. You can see his quiz show every day at foxnation. Com. Go to foxnation. Com to start your free trial immediately. Ainsley remember your mother this weekend. Did you shop yet . I did. I will see her. Ed more fox friends moments away. Shaving has been difficult for me. I have very sensitive skin, and i get ingrowing hairs. Oh i love it. Its a great razor. It has that fence in the middle. It gives a nice smooth shave. Look at that, how cute. Meet the newest member of the fox news family. Robert anthony. His dad is a graphic artist and his mom is an animator here at fox. Theyre part of our Media Production group. Baby robert is a masterpiece for these graphics folks. We want to welcome him into the entire fox family. So happy for them. Cant wait to meet him. The after the show show is on fox nation and figure out how to do your free trial. Happy mothers day to everyone. Bill good morning, everybody. U. S. And china back at the bargaining table at this hour. President trump sounding off on that escalating trade battle with beijing. The president hiking tariffs at 12 01 earlier today on 200 billion worth of chinese good. Beijing threatening to retaliate. Where does it go next . How do you find a resolution . More on that inside americas newsroom. The u. S. Now seizing a north korean cargo ship as tensions escalate between washington and the kim regime yet again. Good morning, everybody. Almost made it. How are you doing . Im bill hemmer. Have you had a good week . Julie a great week. You have a lot of energy

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