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Were very excited to welcome the 2018 fcs National Champions the north Dakota State University by son. Go grab yourself something we can eat right here if i can fillet they say . If i can fillet . Theyre coming to America Steve welcome aboard, folks. Its tuesday, march 5th. Join us for americas number one cable news show ainsley is back. Ainsley glad to be back. I got some sleep in a great mood this morning. Steve terrific. Brian kneel diamond once visited a house in massapequa and left a piano in the basement. Ainsley all the girls walked out onto the stage to at a talent show when i was in high school. What memory does it bring back to you . Steve not many. Is there a plaque in mass piqua where he stayed . There is no plaque. The rumor is sweet caroline was for the babysitter. Later on people changed that it was for caroline kennedy. Im going to look into both of them. There is also a famous person moving to massapequa. I dont know if i should give it away. Steve i think you mentioned it yesterday. Brian Miranda Lambert moved into my town. Ainsley she just married the police officer. Brian right. Not just any police officer, the right one. Steve welcome back to massapequa today. We have a busy three hours and great guests and today janice dean has a brand new book that comes out. In the meantime we have a fox news alert. Brian search for dozens missing in alabama set to resume at day break after the deadliest tornadoes outbreak in six years took place on sunday. Ainsley stories heart wrenching. Families returning to destroyed houses and communities reduced to you rubble as we continue to learn more about these victims. Three of them under the age of 10. Steve aisha joins us live whats the latest on this tuesday morning. Good morning to you. To see this upclose, first hand is absolutely horrifying. And i want to show you something that really struck out to me. Take a look over here. This is a high chair that was thrown so far away from the home that it belonged to. And to me it really tells a story of a family that built a home for their child, a home that is now gone. Of the remains of it you see all over the place here. You see cushions of a couch there. You see a pillow a book, somebodys book. Just completely torn up there and back that way thats whats left of the house just the foundation and few pieces of wood left behind and looks like a car still parked back there as well. And i want you to come over here with me because i want to show you just how strong this tornadoes was. Thats a dryer. Its a crumpled up piece of melts thats what a dryer was. Take look at the damage in daylight as well. I want to show you what folks have been dealing with digging through to find anything recognizable. We have seen cars crushed and overturned truck, debris everywhere. The lee county sheriff describing it as if somebody took a giant knife and just scraped the ground. Now, this morning, of course, the nation mornings the loss of the 23 People Killed in this, including the three young children. A fourth grader taylor authortothornton. 6yearold hernandez. Taylor described as a child of god to brought so much joy to all who knew her. Hearing about a 53yearold man david wayne dean. Listen to what his widow said about him. My life is gone. He was the reason i lived, the reason i got up. There was a special bond. He completed me and i completed him. That is just so hard to hear. And this is just so hard to see. Again, 23 victims and police here, authorities and search crews still looking for more victims. Its just an incredibly devastating. Back to you. Steve it is, indeed. All right, aishah the live report from beauregard in alabama. Ainsley sign from one of the flea markets the sign was 20 miles away. It hadnt been damaged but it was on the ground lying on the ground 2 o0 miles away state lines. Steve 170 mileperhour winds. Brian we are used to seeing the blizzard and we will talk about that shortly of request for documents of the president of the United States. Not many people thought it was going to come at the fresh congresswoman who has burst onto the scene after she beat joe crowley in new york. Steve the story this morning alleges that alexandria ocasiocortezs chief of staff ran a 1milliondollar slush fund by turning Campaign Cash to his own companies. We are learning this from a complaint from the National Legal and policy center. There is he in the back drop there by the way. Ainsley big fortune in silicone valley and worked for Bernie Sanders campaign. Steve alleged his companies seem to have been set up for the sole purpose of obscuring how the political donations were used and we have got a sound bite from tom anderson from the National League and he says i have never seen a more ambitious operation to circumvent reporting requirements. Representative ocasiocortez has been quite vocal in condemning socalled dark money but her own campaign went to Great Lengths to avoid the sunlight of disclosure. Ainsley thats the group that filed this complaint yesterday with the fec. The reason to believe for this is you have the Political Action committee. And he had two of those under his name. He established these two. And it was 885,000 in these pacs that was moved over to private companies, which he also controlled. Steve all about disclosure. In pacs you have to disclose money but then when its a private Company Money knows where the money goes. Brian went to a Brand New Company called congress llc. Exempt from reporting all of his expenditures over 200. This is way over 200. Congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez was asked about that and she diverted. We should be talking about taxes, taxes, taxes and his bank account, his bank account, his bank account. His Financial Statements statements statements because thats where i think actually some of the most troubling practices are. Steve thats a case of bad timing on the day where it is alleged that her chief of staff diverted this cash to his private companies, she is talking right there about how the house needs to focus on President Trumps finances. Jason chaffetz who was chairman of the House Oversight committee for a number of years says these allegations against aoc bad if true. There are campaign limits what can you give to a campaign, what can you give to a pac. How the pac discloses that and how they dispersed this money. It appears, at least basted on the allegation, that these pacs were created and then these llcs, these companies were formed in an elaborate scheme to funnel some money, nearly a Million Dollars. This is about as serious of an allegation as it gets. It includes fines and going to jail. If it was all true and found guilty. Brian nice first two months. We will see how this goes. 8 mint8 minutes after the top of the hour. News yesterday revolving around the president and democratic controlled house jerry nadler chairman of the judiciary made clear that he wants to do his own Mueller Probe, no longer content to wait. He has filed a blizzard of requests, 80plus document requests. Over dozens of People Associated with trump. Some actually related to him on areas of obstruction of justice, public corruption and abuses of power. Steve one thing but the Mueller Probe the scope of the investigation was focused. This is the phishing expedition because he is casting the net as wide as he possibly can targeting 81 entities and corporations and people. But he has got a really good reason and here it is. Listen to this. We are simply exercising our oversight jurisdiction and he is not he doesnt understand or he is not willing to concede to congress that we have an oversight jurisdiction. We have to youve had two years of sustained attacks by an administration of the nature that we havent seen probably in a century or more against the free press, against the courts, against the Law Enforcement administrations, against free speech, but we have to make sure that this is not a dictatorship and rule of slaw respected. Ainsley Mueller Investigation has proven no collusion democrats now r. Now trying to find a crime. They are going through all these different people President Trumps life, Family Members, people within the administration, people who have worked for him over the years and his businesses, serving 1 people documents and many people are saying i hope when they do have to speak publicly that they will plead the fifth because this is a trap people say. Steve right. People say look, for the first two years of the Trump Administration. Because the republicans were in charge of the house, there was no oversight of the administration. And that is why now there is going to be a lot of oversight. Ainsley some people served documents corey lewandowski, eric trump, donald trump. One said you didnt serve one for ivanka. We have our reasons for that and we dont have to disclose that information. Brian clinton. Donald Trump Revocable trust. The federal bureau of investigations. So i dont know. Everyone. Kushner companies. It goes on and on and on. Now, joe digenova said last night everybody should egg four it will. Ainsley take the fifth. Brian let them spin their wheels. I thought this is basically they created their own Mueller Probe. Maybe they got word that the Mueller Probe is not going to reveal something thats going to be damning on the president or damning enough. So they are going to do it themselves. They are going to do they are going to get to the point as Maxine Waters said the other day. They just want to get towards impeachment. If not, they want to wear them out and seem unacceptable for reelection within the next two years. Ainsley how many times have we heard dan bongino say what they are doing here they are normally you would find if there is a crime you would find out who committed it and what theyre doing is trying to find a crime by investigating everyone that he has ever been associated with to try to take him down. Steve in the march toward 2020 what the democrats are just trying to do with all these investigations is make it seem like there is so much trouble there why would we vote for that guy again . The big question is will people just grow weary of the investigation . Ainsley how much money are we spending . How many tax dollars are we spending to investigate this . Steve its oversight they say. Brian we will see if the people are happy that the house is in democratic hands because this is what their agenda is 12 minutes now after the hour. Our agenda says jillian wants to talk. Jillian yes, thats right. Good morning to you. Following a number of stories. Stuarting with. This following more fallout overnight from the decision not to charge the officers involved in the deadly shooting of specify fan clark. At least 80 arrests were made during a new round of protests in a statement the mayor of sacramento, california, said he was disappointed adding, quote i have many questions about what went on to precipitated the order of wil to disperse and subsequent arrests. Six people including ms13 gang member under arrest in a massive drug bust. The Drug Enforcement agency finding cocaine and thousands of pills believed to be fentanyl in four homes in arizona. Raids also uncovering a stash of weapons, body armor and thousands of dollars in cash. Police say one of the suspects admitted to being a member of ms13. Ben carson plans to leave his role as secretary of housing and urban development after President Trumps first term. I would be interested in returning to the private sector because i think you have just as much influence, maybe more. The president appointed carson as hud secretary in 2016. I will send it back to you. Brian he will finish out his two years. Steve thank you, maam. Ainsley President Trump giving his next guest a shoutout at the white house. In arkansas, attorney general rutledge has taken on the drug companies. Leslie, i want to thank you very much. Ainsley Leslie Rutledge will join us next. Because with expedia, i saved when i added a hotel to our flight. So even when she outgrows her costume, well never outgrow the memory of our adventure together. Unlock savings when you add select hotels to your existing trip. Only when you book with expedia. [indistinct conversation] [friend] ive never seen that before. I have. Little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. 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Taken on the drug companies. Launched Education Program and trained local Law Enforcement to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the Opioid Epidemic so, leslie, i want to thank you very much. Brian President Trump addressing the National Association of attorney generals at the white house yesterday calling out next guest and pointing her out for great work combating the Opioid Crisis from many different angles. Arkansas attorney general Leslie Rutledge joins us now. Thank you so much for joining us. What was it like for the president to call you out yesterday . Well, it was fantastic to recognize the work that we have done in arkansas through our prescription for life Educational Programs directed at High School Students to training Law Enforcement officers. Its always an honor to have the president recognize your good work and to work with you. I just appreciate this president for inviting the attorneys general to the white house to talk about issues such as addressing the Opioid Crisis. Brian what i love is that you took on the big pharmaceutical companies, johnson and johnson. Opioid manufacturers they all are. Why did you go big . Well, because we believe its important to look at every solution for this problem. And whether its the manufacturers and those companies that you listed johnson and johnson, purdue and endo to make sure their responsibility in educating doctors, telling doctors whether or not these drugs were addictive at the time. Thats why we went after their deceptive trade practices and thats why the state of arkansas is suing these companies. This is a multifaceted problem and its going to take a multifaceted approach. We will do everything we can. Brian when you talk about sanctuary cities thats another challenge the president took on from day one getting push back from the courts. Where do you stand on that and do you see why the parent sees such an urgency to stop that . Absolutely. I have long been an advocate for shutting down sanctuary cities across america. That america is one giant sanctuary. And we want people to come here but we want them to come here legally and, you know, in the middle of the day and not in the middle of the night, rather. And so i have advocated for shutting down sanctuary cities, you know, because what we see is through this illegal activity, those individuals crossing over the border illegally comes with them the sort of drug that weaver talking about, th we aretalking about and or Illegal Drugs. Brian william barr says the majority tell him the majority of cocaine and fentanyl and heroin in this country goes through our southern border. Part of the urgency. Nothing about humanitarian needs. Its about american protection. Thanks so much. We look forward to seeing your success and more of your success in arkansas. Thank you. Thank you, brian. Brian straight ahead tributes pouring in this morning for actor luke pear pery from a massive stroke at the age of 52. How could this happen to someone that age . Dr. Oz here. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It starts acting in my body from the first dose and continues to work when i need it, 24 7. Trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. Dont use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes, or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, youre allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your low blood sugar risk. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite. These can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I choose onceweekly trulicity to activate my within. If you need help lowering your a1c, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Theres brushing. And theres oralb power brushing. Oralb just cleans better. Even my hygienist said going electric could lead to way cleaner teeth. And unlike sonicare, oralb is the First Electric toothbrush brand accepted by the ada. Oralb. Brush like a pro. This is moving day with the best inhome wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. 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Steve meanwhile sad news from hollywood yesterday actor perry died 52 years old. Played on the Beverly Hills show 90210. Suffered a massive stroke last week at his home. Brian according to the cdc every year more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke. Ainsley many are wondering how this can happen to someone in their fitters but experts say a stroke can strike at any age. Dr. Oz is the host of the dr. Oz show and joins us now. Yesterday phones are blowing up at least my generation. We in high school loved the show. He has young kids. How could this happen . Shocking reality is roughly one in seven, one in 8 folks are under the age of 50 when they have a stroke that population at stroke victims is actually increasing. Older folks having less folks but the younger ones are having more. 795,000. Thats basically one every 40 seconds. Thats the incidence of strokes. Big problem. Women have more than men overall because women live longer so they can have more strokes. Changing us in very subtle and important ways. A lot of times the small strokes people have. Behavior changes. It sneaks up on you. Realizing have you got it early on. What the risk factors are can save lives. Thats the point of todays show. Brian doesnt a stroke happen like right away . It doesnt happen gradually does it. You could have small strokes. People think they have alzheimers. What they had is multiple small little strokes second grade and then high school. They are knocking out their first date. You lose bits of your memory as you make little potholes in the brain from the small strokes. Luke perrys stroke different kind. Much more important. Risk factors classic one for hardening of the arteries. High Blood Pressure number one. Block off the artery but also explode the artery and bleed into the brain u bleeds are not as common more severe when you have them. We dont know what happened to luke perry. The information has not been revealed. Reasonable likelihood thats what happened to him. Steve he had a stroke and talking to the deck admissions to came and picked him up in the ambulance and fine in the ambulance and then at the hospital he went down hill. When he got to the hospital, apparently he wasnt that responsive. Thats a bad sign. That means have you had enough damage that all you are now trying to do is pick up the pieces and a lot of times you get swelling in the brain. They put him into it seems they put him into a deep coma to knock him out so he wouldnt consume a lot of brain energy and again, thats another bad sign. People do recover from that. Ainsley i remember when my mom had her stroke and my dad had just read an article about the symptoms. He knew hours later how quiskly he needed to get her to the hospital. What are some of the major signs . Think of the acronym be fast. Be is for balance. You lose your balance. Pretty typical. You wont real rides it but people around you will. Eye sighted problems blurry vision, you dont see normally. F is for facial droop. Get me on camera here. Your face when you smile wont look symmetrical so that is symmetrical. A droop of part of your face. Lopsided. You wont be able to speak that well either because of that thats the s part of be fast and then the a is your arms. Have them put their arms up any limb and see if its symmetrical. People who have strokes wont be able to lift the arm quite symmetrically. They wont realize it. It is time. Dont pass go. Dont collect 200 it is a race. What time it was had you the stroke. Have you just a few seconds of wasted time. Most of it has got to be used within an hour open up that vessel, deal with whatever crisis is happening. Steve dont drive yourself. Please, no. Ainsley how important is it to pick out the right hospital . Because my mom happened to be sent to this trauma hospital the only doctor in our city that performs whatever surgery to remove her clot in her brain and it was so timely thankfully he was on call in the middle of the night. Always ask the most important question. I wish brian was as astute as you are on these. Brian i dont really pay attention. Over here. Over here. You should now find a major Stroke Center in your region know where it is so whether you have a crisis go there. Dont do to facilities that dont have the ability to take out a clot which is what your mom had done which saved her life. Best chances to get to someone who knows how to do this and not that many. Not every hospital should do it or equipped to do it. Good enough to be good at at it go to a mecca. Brian a lot of times closest one. You make enough noise if you have a bad hernia they will take you to the closest place. Gunshot go to a hospital. If you are having a stroke go to a hospital that can help you. Ambulances know that looking for the Brain Centers look for the heart centers. There is no point in arriving at a hospital that going to transfer to you another hospital. Steve dr. Oz, thank you very much. We will be watching your show later this afternoon. God bless you all. Ainsley President Trump assigning two active veterans. What is in the legislation . Robert wilkie is going to join us live next. Steve call it higher education. The college that wants students to go to pot for four years. Ainsley higher explanation. Steve thats right. An explanation as if its needed coming up. Higher want to take you higher h serious diseases are being targeted for cuts to their medicare drug coverage. New government restrictions would allow Insurance Companies to come between doctor and patient. And deny access to individualized therapies millions depend on. Call the white house today. Help stop cuts to part d drug coverage that put medicare patients at risk. Help stop cuts to part d drug coverage minimums and fees seem to your typical bank. N of capital one is anything but typical. Thats why we designed savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . We have fast food because i know you people very well. We like american companies. Chickfila they say. Chickfila. Steve its your shot of the morning. President trump yesterday welcomed the north Dakota State University Football Team to the white house with a fast food spread as you can see right there. Brian they are juggernaut, celebrating championship last 8 years. First trip to the white house. Ainsley you might remember the fast food tradition started in january when President Trump personally paid for the spread when clemson won the National Championship and they went to the white house to visit. Steve i think yesterday they had representatives from if i can which i lay and they had mcdonalds on board. Ainsley probably better than a fancy meal, right . Steve a lot of them are used to it because they have it in college. Brian lets bring in v. A. Secretary Robert Wilkie i believe for the first time. Mr. Secretary, thanks so much for joining us today. Thank you, brian. Thank you for having me. Brian whats the president doing to combat if it is indeed possible the epidemic of veteran suicide . Well, what you are going to see today, brian, is the president launching really the First National comprehensive effort to combat this scourge. Every day 20 veterans take their own lives. Some of those are on active duty. Some are in the guard and reserve. The sad thing is that 14 of those 20 are outside of our veteran system. And what the president will do today is convene a task force. I think i will being the cochair with my partners at the department of defense and other departments of the government. And we will bring out best medicine, the best social science in addition to going to the congress and asking for grants and moneys to give to our states and locations so they can help us in this fight. Ainsley mr. Secretaries, is there anything we can do . Because when you hear these numbers. These are individuals that have fought or our country. Sacrificed so much. These are gods children. These are lives. When you know that someone is at the depths of despair, is there anything we can do as a public . I think there is i will give you an example. I was in alaska a few months ago and i went to see the Alaska Federation of natives. Over half of the veterans in the state of alaska are outside of the department of veterans affairs. And i asked the afn to double the number of veterans tribal representatives to get out into the wilderness of alaska to help us bring in those veterans who we cant touch. We cant do this all by ourselves. What the president has recognized, he has recognized two things. One, this has to be a national effort. There has to be a war on this. The other thing that he has recognized the science has changed. I will give you an example. Most of our veterans come to us, many of us come to us in chronic pain. They are like professional athletes. A lifetime of wear and tear. And we have found in many of the cases suicide that some cant cope with that pain. So, instead of doing traditional things like opioids, which have you talked about on this program, we are now looking at different methods to ease that pain, tai chi, karate, things like that. Things to change the trajectory of this problem. Steve of the 20 veterans who take their lives every day, i have read the information from your department, 70 of them have little or no contact with the federal veteran service and system. Thats right. Steve you have got to get those people who feel so alone to open up a little and say hey, i need some help. Thats right. We are looking at a problem that goes back to the time in many cases when Lyndon Johnson was president. The majority of those veterans who take their own lives come from the vietnam era. My fathers comrades from southeast asia. So these are problems that have been building for now over almost 50, 60 years. It is those folks that we need to reach out and touch. But, because so many of our veterans are not in our system, 20 million veterans in america. Only 9 million are in. We need to do a better job of bringing them. And Public Awareness is the key. Brian and you have got to be ready to accept those big numbers. I know you have your hands full trying to get the v. A. Streamlined and more efficient. Congratulations, mr. Secretary. Glad we are taking some action. I hope it works. Thank you, brian, may i add one thing . Last week we had terrible incident at palm beach. Three v. A. Professionals dr. Federer, dr. Alba, and technician johnson stopped a veteran from committing suicide. They put their lives on the line. Two of them were shot. But that veteran was saved. And every day our v. A. Employees are intervening in the lives of veterans who have fallen on hard times. Its a wonderful story. Wish we didnt have to do it. But, your department is out there every day combating this scourge and we are so happy that the president has taken the lead. Ainsley finally we are starting to talk about this and the president signed the executive order yesterday to help military transition when they come home. Thank you so much, mr. Secretary. Thank you. Ainsley you are welcome. Steve 21 and a half minutes before the top of the hour and jillian joins us with some news. Jillian we are follow this story. The illegal immigrant charged with killing Mollie Tibbetts wants his confession thrown out. He claims he wasnt read his rights before police questioning. He also wants the trial moved to somewhere more diverse. Arguing the town in iowa does not have a big enough minority population for a fair jury pool. He meeted not guilty to murdering tibbetts last summer. Hillary clinton is putting 2020 rumors to rest. Im not running but im going to keep working and speaking and standing up for what i believe. I want to be sure that people understand im going to keep speaking out. Im not going anywhere. Jillian clinton says she isnt planning on running for office in her home state of new york either. The sisters rescued after two days in the wilderness are speaking out. I just wanted a little more adventure but i said to go a little farther and my sister cried the whole night and so i told her to think happy thoughts of our family. Jillian 8yearold leah and 5yearold caroline got lost after wandering more than a mile from their Northern California home. They survived by Drinking Water from leaves and hid under bushes to keep warm. They sang Nursery Rhymes in hopes of being found. His could youers reuniting them with family after surviving 44 hours in the cold. This college is bringing a whole new meaning to higher education. Hundreds of students at Northern Michigan university are majoring in cannabis chemistry. Students wont grow marijuana but they will learn how to measure and extract medical compounds from other plants and apply those to pot. That is a look at your headlines. Its a big business. Thank you very much. All right. Today is the day janice dean has a brand new book out. Its mostly sunny. Ainsley we are happy for you, janice. Janice thank you. Im a little nervous today. There is the cover. I cant believe its here. The forecast is mostly sunny but cold. Take a look at the maps and i will show you where we are talking about the freezing air as far as south as the gulf coast and the southeast. Take a look. There we go. Current temperature is single digits. Teens and 20s and even 30s along the coast. Northern plains you were midwest as usual gets the worst of the cold right now and we are going to see that cold again as far as south as texas through the gulf coast over to florida and then the southern South Carolina area where we have freeze warnings in effect. No precipitation but it is going to remain cold. I think we are going to set some record lows for many areas across country and then our next big system moves into the west. We will be watching that one over the next several days yet again bringing more heavy rain and mountain snow. That will be the energy which we will watch for the next several days across the central u. S. And we will continue to keep you up to date. Oh my gosh. Ainsley we cant wait. We are going to talk all about it coming up, janice. Janice thank you for your support. Brian one hour and 50 minutes. Take a look at the roster of guests. Janice dean, up early. As is Geraldo Rivera who went to Law School Test that knowledge and Charles Payne will be here live. Steve plus this teenager went viral getting vaccinated despite what his mom wanted today is he taking his message to capitol hill. First, he will join us once again live. Ainsley guess what . Aoc can be in trouble with the fec. Almost 1 million worth of trouble. What does this all mean . The judge is on the case. Brian you going to take her case, judge . Im back back in the new york groove im back back in the new york grove im back like new clay stick masks. All mask, no mess. Olay hydrating facial mist. For hydration on the go. And our breakthrough brightening eye cream. Boosted with vitamin c. Get your new beauty fix. Only by olay. Oh oh oh ozempic® announcer people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. 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Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. Ainsley major trouble this morning for alexandria ocasiocortez. The Democratic Congress and her top aide accused of funneling nearly a Million Dollars in political donations to avoid reporting them to the fec. Steve some have suggested she could actually face big fines and jail time. Here to weigh in fox news senior judicial analyst and host of liberty file on fox nation judge andrew napolitano. Judge, the irony here. Judge a lot of it. Steve aoc so often has railed against dark money. Yes. Steve thats what this looks like. Judge she has railed against this very practice of which she is accused. She has a selfmade Millionaire Campaign chair who established. Steve chief of staff. Chief of staff established some Political Action committees so far lawful. And the Political Action committees raised a lot of money. So far lawful. And the Political Action committees can donate to campaigns, including hers, so far lawful. But then the Political Action committee took a huge amount of cash and just gave it to a private Corporation Owned by this chief of staff. That is only lawful if its in return for Services Rendered to the committee or to a third party like the campaign. And there is no record of that. So, this now appears as though this is an effort to hide the existence and movement of over a Million Dollars from the federal Election Commission which requires that you report it. Ainsley i know this guy is a gazillionaire he could use this money. Judge however he wants. Ainsley to pay his mortgage . Judge yes. Even though this money was given to a Political Action committee ostensibly further the ideological views that this fellow and the congresswoman share. Brian one pac to the other congress pac to the justice democrat pac to this Brand New Congress llc. Its just moving money around for different shades of the same cause . Judge except at the end of the day to ainsleys point where is that money now in a private corporation which is not a Political Action committee which would allow them to spend it to build a dog house or expand his own house or send his kids to college. That money was not given for that purpose. Ainsley i would be so mad if i gave money to the campaign to this pac to help my cause the Democratic Party. Judge thats a very interesting point. I wonder if any of the donor also say hey, what are you doing with my money . Where is that money . I gave it to you to further our socialist left wing causes. I didnt give it to you exactly. Steve at love the donations were small donations from people. Could this explained as a mistake it sure looks calculated. Its such a huge amount of money, steve, it could be a mistake it would depend on how it happened. Were there wire transfers . Did it happen at once . Did somebody press the wrong button. Steve go from a pac into a private company. It appears as though it was an act of deception. That puts them in a dangerous category. Mistakes the fec will forgive. They may fine you for them. Deception they call the justice department. Ainsley she could face big fines and im reading some of these articles possible jail time. I doubt she could face jail time. Brian its more the chief of staff, not her, right . Its not her. He. Its him. Steve its her campaign. Its her chief of staff. She is in political jeopardy. Is he in legal jeopardy. Steve all right. Judge, thanks for breaking down this for us. Welcome, guys. Bernie kerik on fox nation today. Do cops know how to shoot guns . Ainsley i hope they do. Brian i heard they dont shoot enough. Judge do they train enough . Brian i will pat him down before he goes in. Judge sure do brian. Im sure he will welcome that. Ainsley another Democrat Congress ilhan omar still under fire for. Anna at this semitic comments. President trump weighs. In. Brian will he will join us live next. You watch the fox nation liberty file my goodness. Judge forgot to say that sometimes, the pressures of todays world can make it tough to take care of yourself. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. Ainsley ohio teen defied his mothers wishes but this time for a good cause. Steve 18yearold making the decision to get vaccinated after growing up after being told by his mother that vaccines have dangerous side effects. Ainsley he told his story last month on fox friends. Watch. She would speak very vocally again about how vaccines cause autism and cause brain damage and that misinformation isnt out of malice. We had conversations about that and i tried to give her as much evidence as i had and it hasnt gotten across yet but im hoping eventually it does. Steve today, ethan is taking his cause to exil and joincapitolhill and joins us. Who invited to you speak on capitol hill. I was contacted by some of the staffers. Committee hearing was towards vaccines and be interested in having a unique young perspective on the issue. I was glad to vocalize my part and share my story. Ainsley how are you feeling about this . Your story, you were asking questions on redit. And it went viral and now you are going to be speaking in front of this committee. How are you feeling . I feel very confident. I feel very prepared. I mean, im only sharing my story. Im not there to educate people necessarily. Its something thats been out of the realm of what i have been doing and what i feel im totally able to do. So im excited. Steve i understand, ethan, have you four younger siblings. Your mother has not vaccinated them yet and you are worried they will get sick with the measles or Something Like that. Since have you gone public with your story and you have you have been on tv shows like this one now. Has your moms opinion of vaccines changed at all. Actually no. To the contrary. She continues to look into using the same sources and continuing to disregard valid and Scientific Evidence i have presented and, again, arrests i said before on my last conversation with you, its not out of malice, its not out of any ill nature but with the information she has been getting, it does make sense that she would continue to go to the sources no, it has not been a change. Ainsley how has it affected your relationship with your mom. We continue to try to be respectful and affirming our love. Something like going to a senate thats a whole extra layer of stress. She is not completely supportive in any regard really im trying to work through that. Steve ethan, quickly, whats your message going to be to the lawmakers today about families who do not vaccinate their children . So, my message is very clear and simple which is that misinformation which spreads lies and evidence that is not scientific or true is dangerous because when people dont vaccinate you have a higher risk for spreadable disease outbreaks. For my family such is the case where because of myself or my family not getting vaccines we are at higher risk and people around us at higher risk. Ainsley thank you so much for being on with us. We wish you all the best. Thank you. Ainsley you are welcome. Steve a little before the top of the how about straight ahead a group of sheriffs standing up for the Second Amendment turning their counties into gun sanctuaries. One sheriff leading the charge is going to join us live coming up. Ainsley plus Geraldo Rivera and Charles Payne will be here live send me on my way on myway send me on my way on my way send me on my way help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. And got them back on track. What do all these people have in common, limu . [ guttural grunt ] exactly. Nothing theyre completely different people. Thats why they make customized Car Insurance from liberty mutual. Theyll only pay for what they need. Yes, and they could save a ton. Youve done it again, limu. [ limu grunts ] only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, Liberty Danny s voice of course you donte because you didnt . Your job isnt doing hard work. Its making them do hard work. And getting paid for it. vo snap and sort your expenses to save over 4,600 at tax time. Quickbooks. Backing you. Antisemitic. Smeament. Smeasm. Theyre our parents. Neighbors. Loved ones. Living with diseases like cancer, epilepsy, Mental Health conditions and hiv. Maybe youre one of them. But new medicare rules could deny access to the latest, most effective therapies. Therapies that keep them healthy. Are medicare cuts that save less than one percent worth the risk to millions of patients . President trump promised to protect medicare. We need him to keep his word. My life is gone. Ainsley families returning to destroyed houses and communities are completely reduced to rubble. Gas dryer, its a crumpled up piece of metal. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the devastating storms. Steve the story alleges that alexandria ocasiocortezs chief of staff ran a 1milliondollar slush fund by diverting Campaign Cash to his own company. We have to make sure that this is not a dictatorship and that the rule of law is respected. You know the beautiful thing . No collusion. Its all a hoax. Im not running. Im going to keep speaking out. Im not going anywhere. We are very excited to welcome the 2018 fcs National Championships the north Dakota State University by son. Go grab yourself something you can eat right here chickfila they say. Chickfila i want to bang on the drum all day i dont want to. Steve live from our fox news headquarters studio f as in fox friends. Welcome on board hour two. Ainsley janices book comes out. She reports the weather there was a big tornado that hit the great state of alabama. Steve in fact, thats our fox news alert. The search for dozens missing in alabama will resume at any moment after the deadliest tornado outbreak in six years. Brian all right. Families returning to destroyed homes and communities are reduced to rubble as we begin to learn more about the victims themselves. Three of them under the age of 10. Ainsley aishah joins us from the devastating down in beauregard, alabama as the sun is coming up. Whats the latest there aishah . Ainsley, it is awful to see up close and personal. Take a look behind me. This is what is left of a home here where a family lives. There is really nothing left except for foundation and car to the left of that house. And the rest of house ripped apart. If you zoom out its all over the place. This is what the house looks like now. Take a look over here to the right. This is what stuck out to me the most baby high chair and other baby items. Tells the story of this family, you know, building a home for their children, four their baby and the home no more. And i want to show you also over here just pillows and blankets all over the place. Just treasured items like this book over here, the daniel dilemma. Thats somebodys hobby right there to be to pieces on the ground heart breakingly others lost loved ones as well. 23 People Killed including three children. Fourth grader Taylor Thornton and 6yearold her manned dough hernandez. Taylor described as a child of god who brought so much joy to everyone who knew her. And then there are the families just giving thanks this morning one man racing home to his family hiding in a shed when that tornado hit. Listen. It was so black, you couldnt see. Rain and debris swirling. I could hear all the noise. It was just loud. The tin tearing off and all the wood coming down. Metal frames coming down. And thats what you see here. Pieces of wood, metal. I mean, everything you could imagine all over the place shredded in to bits. These are peoples lives, hobbies, loves torn to pieces. Brian, steve, ainsley. Steve aishah thank you very much a live report down in beauregard, alabama. They say most of the people who died were within one square mile. This tornado was traveling the track was close a mile wide and the speed was 170 miles per hour. Ainsley the flea market billboard this huge big billboard was thrown from alabama all the way into georgia, 20 miles away. Brian in local politics, things are heating up on the democratic side. These two rookie fire brands, alexandria ocasiocortez is also making a lot of news. But so is congressman ilhan omar and she is somebody who has not only caught the notice of republicans but now democrats for a series of antisemitic remarks. Steve remember last month she unequivocally apologized after she used the antisemitic trope its all about the benjamins suggesting all sorts of things. And then last week on wednesday she said lawmakers who support israel hold allegiance to a foreign country. Listen to this. Talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country. Ainsley a lot of people are not happy about that. Another congresswoman nita lowey blasted her hurtful. New calls for her to be removed from the Foreign Relations committee there is a petition. The president was responding to. This he said Representative Ilhan Omar is under fire for terrible comments concerning israel. Jewish groups have just sent a petition to Speaker Pelosi asking her to remove omar from Foreign Relations committee. A dark day for israel. Brian in 2012 she apologized for this tweet recently. She tweeted out israel has hypnotized the world because of their actions and supporters were motivated by campaign contributions. I dont know how many more remarks she has to make before serve ticked off at her. Congressman Elliott Engel on friday said have you got to be kidding me . When is this going to stop . Looked at her resume and said she was perfect for Foreign Relations is beyond me it seems to be, okay, she might have a lot of experience, but is that the policy you want put forward by democratic representatives . Steve well, you know, people are calling for her to be taken from the committee. So far thats not whats going to happen. However, the house of representatives tomorrow because there have been so much clammer about this is going to vote on a resolution condemning steasm. It will noantisemitism. It will not mention her but talking about antisemitism in general. Coauthor urging nancy pelosi to remove omar from the committee. She said this earlier on fox. Ilhan omar has proven time and time again that she lacks the objectivity and demeanor to be able to serve on this allimportant committee that where she will have access to classified information. This is not the kind of committee that someone should be sitting on. We definitely want her off the committee all together. Brian the american Israeli Community has to be the American Jewish community has to be looking at this and say okay, we have a president of the United States who has moved the embassy into jerusalem like other president s Vice President done. Has been a great friend to israel. On the other side you have a Democratic Party who welcomes in a freshman congresswoman and puts them on Foreign Relations to push forward American Foreign policy from the democratic perspective. Just from a pure electoral point of view, this is problematic for democrats. Steve well, she certainly has had a lot of apologizing to do and as they start their agenda, its not helpful. Meanwhile, lets talk a little bit about our southern border. Ainsley many people are calling it a crisis. Democrats are saying its a manufactured crisis. But, when you look at the numbers, its hard to argue that this is not a crisis. There could be 100 Illegal Immigrants arrested at the border this month accord ing to the Washington Post. Steve right. And youve heard a lot of news stories about how arrests have fallen in recent years but now they are returning to the levels we have not seen at our southern border since george w. Bush was president. In the the Washington Post today there,s a quote, it says u. S. Authorities detain more than 70,000 my grants last month according to preliminary figures up from 58,000 in january. It could be 100,000. Brian the department of Homeland Security expect the influx to believe it or not swell in march and april because it becomes spring. It becomes easier to travel. And they are looking for a u. S. Seasonal labor, they will probably have jobs. The question is, are these the people that should be getting work permits and allowed to work . Yeah, is there a need . Absolutely. Can we get some type of organization rather than saying just open up our arms and saying this is the right humanitarian thing to do . On top of that william barr said yesterday, that the da has told him that the majority of her win, methamphetamine and fentanyl gotten through the southern border and not just through the ports of entry. Ainsley leslie was at the white house on monday and she is talking about sanctuaries and how they help Illegal Drugs flow into oucountry. America is one giant sanctuary. We want people to come here but come here legally. I have advocated for shutting down sanctuary cities. What we see through this legal activity. Those people crossing over the border comes with them the sort of drugs we are talking about, opioids and other Illegal Drugs. Steve that brings us back to what the president has been talking about for the last couple months, a crisis on our southern border. Is there a crisis . If there are 100,000 migrants knocking on our door in the month of march, is that a crisis . Is that an emergency . He said yes but it looks like a growing number of republicans in the senate are saying no. Ainsley to her point not just immigration. Drugs talking about. Trafficking children. All these women that are apparently if you look at the statis particulars that are getting assaulted as they are coming up to the border. Brian the president s Emergency Declaration was voted down in the house and now in the senate, rand paul, murkowski, tillis. As many as 10 republicans are going to push back against the president s Emergency Declaration would have added 3. 6 billion to the money that he got from congress to build a barrier which would be about a billion overall. The president is going to be forced to use that veto. Steve he has made it very clear he will. Almost 7 11 in new york city and jillian joins us with news from overnight. Jillian thats right. Good morning. Following more fallout from this decision not to charge the officers involved in the deadly shooting of specify upon clark. At least 80 arrests were made in a new round of protests in a statement the mayor of sacramento, california said he was disappointed adding quote i have many questions about what went on to precipitate you had the order to disperse and subsequent arrests. Last weeks decision parked protests throughout the city. Stood in a shooting position with his cell phone u not running for president in 20206789 oregon democrat breaking news in the video. Today im announcing that i am not running for president. My best contribution is to run for reelection and do all i can to help the senate be a full partner in addressing the challenges before us. Mark cuban is not ruling out a independent party. We will see. Chinese hackers tried stealing maritime secrets from major american universities. The group targeted more than a dozen schools that conducted research on technology being developed for the military. China has previously denied engaging in cyber attacks. And happy fat tuesday to you. This is a live look at the famous bourbon street in new orleans courtesy of earth cam. One person out there maybe still celebrating maybe not going to work. Going home. Who knows. The parties did leave a big mess as you can can receive. Today marks the final day of mardy gras before lent begins. We can all celebrate fat tuesday if we like. Steve today is fat tuesday. Tomorrow is ash wednesday. Ainsley enjoy whatever you are doing that you are giving up tomorrow. Brian mixing in drinkenning and religion. Its been going on for centuries. Steve meanwhile straight ahead on this tuesday, a group of sheriffs standing up turning their counties into gun sanctuaries. One sheriff will explain. One of the guys leading the charge. Ainsley when no one showed up to sing the National Anthem one stepped up and blew the crowd away land of the free and the home of the brave [cheers and applause] biopharmaceutical researchers. Driven each day to pursue lifechanging cures. In a country built on fostering innovation. Here, they find breakthroughs. Like a way to fight cancer by arming a patients own tcells. And a new therapy that gives the blind a working gene so they can see again. Because its not just about the next breakthrough. Its all the ones after that. Its a revolution in sleep. The sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999. Senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . How smart is that . Smarter sleep. So you can come out swinging, maintain your inner focus, and wake up rested and ready for anything. Sleep number is ranked 1 in Customer Satisfaction with mattresses by j. D. Power. Save 500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Only for a limited time. Steve defiant u. S. Sheriffs in at least four states taking a page from liberals on immigration pushing gun sanctuaries in response to strict new state gun laws and refusing to enforce them. Sheriff tony mace is president of the new mexicos Sheriffs Association he joins us now from moreno. Sheriff, good morning to you. Good morning. How are you . Steve doing okay. So there are four gun sanctuary states out there washington in the west, oregon, new mexico and illinois as you can see right there to the east of the mississippi river. Why is that you feel you are obligated to say that the state legislature you passed some rules but i cannot enforce them . As sheriffs we swore an oath to defend and support the constitution. And protect our citizens and we want to protect their Second Amendment rights and preserve those rights within our respective communities across the state. And with some of these pieces of legislation. We have not just in violation of the Second Amendment. The Fourth Amendment and the fifth amendment and we figured, you know, there are these sanctuary status or preservation status will help us protect our constituents individual rights within these communities. Steve you feel the law would impose regulations on hunting or competitive shooters every time they share guns, right . That is correct. Steve what else . So that particular piece of legislation universal background check will impact our shooting sports, our youth shooting sports. It will impact the conceal carry classes that instructures teach across the state because a transfer is a transfer. And in mexico we dont have the mechanism in place to be able to follow those background checks. Even if they are purchased federal firearms license dealer under the firearms protection act that paperwork is destroyed after 30 days. As a state Law Enforcement we dont have any way to track those transfers. Steve you are not going to be devoting resources to do that because you feel its unjust. Whats the reaction been so far that you are a Second Amendment sanctuary . I have overwhelming support from my citizens within my county. We have had overwhelming support from the majority of the citizens across the state of new mexico. I have had sheriffs from nevada reach out and speak with us. And were just hoping that, you know, we can help keep this momentum going. Steve your governor out in new mexico this past week said this is hyperbole, falsehoods and fear mongering. What do you say about that . You know, thats absolutely false. We are sheriffs, duly elected by the people in our respected communities and were trying to carry the voice of those people. Not only that between our organization we have hundreds of years of Law Enforcement experience. We are the office of the sheriff, we are the one thats going to be responsible for a lot of these pieces of regulation should they be enacted law. And you know, before it becomes law we should be brought to the table and look at these pieces of legislation see whats going to work and not work and see whats going to impact the criminal element within mexico, not necessarily the lawabiding citizen because they are not the problem. Steve sheriff, thank you very much for coming on today what you are up to out in new mexico. Thank you. Steve straight ahead President Trump stunned the world in 2016. David hanson will take us inside the president ial campaign and see if trump can win again im winning whoooo. 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Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Customize each line by paying for data by the gig or get unlimited. Get 250 back when you preorder a new samsung galaxy. Click, call, or visit a store today. Brian time now for news by the numbers. First 1. 5 million the massive mega winning jackpot. The ticket was sold in october but the lucky winner just came forward. That person taking home the largest payout to a single winner in u. S. History. Next, 49. Thats how much Southwest Airlines is charging for a flight to hawaii for from two cities in california. Flights between islands can go for as low 49. Finally, 47 pounds. Thats how much this monster catfish weighs. Shattering the previous 36pound record. The big fish was thrown back. Makes you wonder if it was all worth it. Ainsley catfish stew have you ever had it . Its delicious. Brian whiskers tickle. Steve President Trump pulled off one of the biggest upsets in modern american history. While critics one of doom and gloom and desperation and corruption. One of historians argues that his time in office has been extremely successful. Ainsley thats right. A new book out today titled the case for trump breaks down how trump won in 2016 and how he keeps winning against the media and the d. C. Establishment. Brian joining us with more senior fellow at the Hoover Institute victor davis hanson. When did you realize that this unorthodox presidency was working . Well, i think sometime around may of 2017 when the deregulation started anwr, unemployment started to go down and the tax reform and reduction, Foreign Policy it became holistic. Each one became a force multiplier. A lookout of it was psychological. He let the spirits out. Instead of saying you didnt build that or now is not the time to profit or you have made enough money. It was go out and make money like i did. People thought that was crass. Psychologically people were holding back capital investment. When you look at all these rubrics, lower unemployment. G. D. P. , they are spectacular and you take away the word trump and this conversation would be were in america renaissance trump the man makes it controversial. Steve trump the man is also an entertainer. He is. Steve so when he does things, he wants to get results. And famously there is a wall in the white house where they have got all the things that he promised during the campaign and they check them off one at a time. Its a really good point. Whatever he is, he is genuine authentic. You dont see him going to regional places and altering his dialect or feigning a southern accent or putting on camouflage. Brian he did a southern accent jeff sessions. That was by intent. He dresses the same. He has ha queens accent whether at indianapolis state fair or down in mobile, alabama. Ainsley how does he triumph over the media . He understands that certain people are not necessarily popular. Certain stations so he is reactive. He doesnt preempt fights. He waits until people attacks him and then he has a dont thread on me. He selects his target. If its Elizabeth Warren or Colin Kaepernick he understands there is vulnerabilities overreached. He has a cunning and expertise that i think really under estimated. Steve he is running for reelection right now. And you think he will be reelected . Well, he is not in a vacuum. Remember, he has to run against somebody in 2016 it was hillarys foilables, trumps own. This time is h is he building a case whether you are independent or never trump republican the election is going to be donald trump is the only thing between you and socialism. So all these issues are being tagged with reparations, medicare for all, green new deal, basically infanticide those are not 51 issues. Theyre going to be tagged with them in the primaries he will just say whatever you think of me, im not that. He did that to extent in 2016. It was successful. Brian victor, when people say like joe biden and others, that we have given up the global the mantel as a Global Leader because we are not pushing the way we used to what do you say . Well, thats fallacious. Look at china. Until trump came along, it was preordained that they had a trajectory to world high gem any. People who dont like donald trump are now talking about china is cheating. China is rigging the International Commercial order. Chinas military has to be stopped. He changed the entire dialogue. Same thing with north korea and nato, nafta, eu. So people will agree with him in principle but they dont want to say that he has his fingerprints on these issues. But he does. And he is inseparable really from the message. I dont think another republican candidate could have run on what he did. People were saying whatever donald trump is, i want him to get even with the socalled media and the left. Steve real briefly, your observation about the democrats launching all these investigations . Obviously this is their Campaign Strategy in the runup to 2020. Yeah, it is. As a historian i just say did the voting machine. Did the logan act, did the 25th amendment, did muriel, did the mccabe tragic commit at this coup work . It gets steger and same old script and meanwhile he is going to north korea. It didnt work with clinton when the republicans tried things like that. We forget they did more than try to impeach him. Brian conservatives dont like President Trump. How do you explain we understand when democrats dont like a republican president. How do you explain republicans who dont like a republican president . They had an argument. Well, i may agree what what he is doing now and my prior position and because he is saying it and giving his support for it, im not for it they didnt make the ancillary argument. Donald trump is like no other person in the white house we know what f. D. R. And jfk and lbj did we just didnt report it. And his behavior is such that it nullifies an agenda. They havent proven that thesis. They are forced in this weird position of renouncing what they used to be for just because trump is for it and that doesnt work. Ainsley one of the most famous book the case for christ. And you wrote a book that comes out today the case for trump. You said that not me. Ainsley thank you so much. Thank you. Brian see you on radio. Yes. Steve meanwhile, speaking of the political left, Bernie Sanders says he wants to get rid of private Health Insurance and give medicare to everybody. But will that plan actually work . Were going to talk about that. Ainsley plus, we love our janice dean the weather machine. Now she is opening up like never before about everything from her family to her battle with m. S. And some fun stories, too. Her history with steven tyler. Its all in her new book and she joins us with a preview next. Brian whos that . 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Only if youre referring to gravityand we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum we really pride ourselvesglass, on making it easy to get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace this is fox friends. Hello there im january admission dean. Janice dean the weather machine. Brian repelling mr. Steve climbing machine. Now she is also a writing machine. Ainsley janice, whats the weather looking like . Its the super bowl of meteorology here in gobblers knob. This is like my favorite supportinsporting event. Ms a cause near and dear to my life. Its close to my heart because i was diagnosed in multiple sclerosis. Here to tell people there is hope. You can do well. We need more of that. Steve janice dean firefighter husband sean make a firehouse favorite. Thanks honey for cooking. What other dishes i do make at home other than a pizza bagel. Cookies. Take a look at the check she just presented. Happy to be on fox friends . [cheers] we love talking to you, janice. Steve thats great. Brian we count on janice dean the weather machine for uptotheminute forecast there is so much more to janice and now we know it because we have her brand new book out. Ainsley powerful new memoir called mostly sunny how i learned to keep smiling through the rainiest days. A look at janices life outside of the spotlight. Steve memoir hits today. I love the way you open the book mostly sunny where it sounds like the voice that you use out on the plaza. When you talk about todays weather. But its actually back in your childhood . Yeah. This is a dream come true ever since i was a little girl. I used to love to hear my voice in my dads big tape recorder. I used to read the book alice in wonderland before i could read i had memorized it and listened to my voice played back. And then i would interview kids in the neighborhood. Steve whats your name . Where are from you . Sound familiar . Janice amazing to me its a full circle moment that from that dream im here living the dream and to have this book now and be on the couch with you is truly surreal. Ainsley we have been through so much together as a family, as a fox family. So what i love about this you are very honest and very real. You talk about your struggle with your weight and how that one kid bullied you and you name him in the book and i love that. Sorry, but, you know, our words have consequences and the way you treat people can Effect People for the rest of their lives. You write about that. You are fun. You have been dealt in many ways a tough hand with ms. But you are so fun and courageous and loving and we watch you raise your boys. Fall in love with sean. You are just a real picture of what an American Woman goes through. Janice its a journey right . Brian as a canadian. I got here from canada legally. You will be happy to know i talk about it in my book. It is a journey that im glad to share because when you go through tough times you want to know that you are not alone. This is a book in a sense that i wrote to myself because there have been many moments in my life where i just wanted to feel that there was hope and that there was someone out there doing the same thing or going through the same thing. And so many of the passages in here i love to write because i was writing to myself during struggling times. Steve what about mrs. Klein . Who is mrs. Klein . Because you are going to read an excerpt out of your book . Janice im glad you are getting the teary one out of the way. Mrs. Klein was a teacher of my son matthew last year. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I wanted to read to you a chapter or a paragraph from that chapter. Thats very important to me because god puts these people in our lives for a reason. And on the first day of 3rd grade, my son matthew came home to tell me his teacher, mrs. Cline wa klein was in a wheelchair. She said it was important for her her kids to see her working like everyone else despite being in a wheelchair. I asked matthew what he thought of that and he said i think she is the coolest teacher i have ever had. Did she say why she was in a wheelchair . She said she had something called m. S. And at that moment i realized i had never really told my two boys that i have multiple sclerosis they knew i had to give myself injections to make me feel better but not exactly why. I had to tell his Brother Theodore why i had the same thing as mrs. Klein. Matthews eyes got wider and he said will you be in a wheelchair . So grateful she was given to me by god to be able to talk to to my boys that i also have the same thing that mrs. Klein has and she is doing great. Brian something else, too. You talk about neil cavuto. You want to neil when you were diagnosed. He was a hero to me when i was diagnosed i didnt have anybody to look. To say and i didnt know anything about the illness. And he had it and he was doing great and he had told others that he had m. S. I went into his office and i remember the day. He turned off the television and he sat there and he brought the chair right up to me and he had a steady stream of kleenexes and he told me youre going to be fine. We have got this. I have got your back. He is a hero to me. Im so grateful because he really paved the way for me coming out with my diagnosis and helping others. Brian go ahead. Ainsley so much fun. We all witnessed it. You always have a smile on your face. You make everything happy and you find just fun moments in life. And you have a little wild streak in you. Janice listen, i used to be a classic rock dj back in the day. Ainsley you and steven tyler. Janice i have a great steven tyler. Steve read it out of the book. Just read it off the teleprompter. Janice a few minutes later it was time for pictures with the band. I was number four and knew it would take a while to get to me. Group number one was called and they were getting into position with the band. Steven tyler called out where is janice dean . Janice dean . Where are you . Come here janice dean. He was looking over at me. And when steven tyler asks you where you are to come over you probably should come over. I did and he pulled me next to him and he said this is where you belong. Steve you made that picture and then years later he signed it. Janice i was on fox friends in the weekend we had played love in an elevator one of aerosmiths greatest songs. When i was a dj i met steven tyler and we had ha moment together and we took a picture and i would love to have him sign it. Ainsley is that where the moment ended . Janice 25 years later i get in someone who gets in touch with his pr people and he science it. Brian you didnt end up marrying him . Janice no. A tease for what might be in mostly sunny. Brian imus what a terrible human being. Janice i dont hate anyone in my life. It should have been my best job. It had everything i wanted. Bernie and sid. I love bernie and sid. It was in new york city. And he just treated me terribly. And i thought it was important for people to know what to do when you have somebody who is abusive. Brian did you. The whole book about you overcoming things not saying whoa is me. I need a plan to get out of this and move forward. Janice i did. And i came here. It was the best decision i ever made. Ainsley maybe you will hear from him after he reads the book. Ainsley listen. He has a family of the i get that but that year was one of the once of the most worst years of my life. I dont think i should have been treated that way and now i get to stand up. Brian absolutely. Steve some of the things that we had on the program were on your bucket list singing backup for lynyrd skynyrd. Can you read all about it fantastic new book available. Called mostly sunny. Janice i got to dance with him at one point, too. Brian kilmeade. Brian went on and on and on. Janice you said you never would. Brian the book is fantastic. Janice thank you to my family. Ainsley you are a wonderful person. Janice so are you guys. Ainsley how will benders pay for medicare for all plan. Congressman john joist is a doctor and says it will never work he is here live next. The scenery never changes. Thats why this is the view for every other fullsize pickup. And this year, its deja vu all over again cuz only the ford f150 with its high strength, militarygrade Aluminum Alloy body gives you bestinclass torque, bestinclass payload. And you got it, baby. Bestinclass towing. Still leading the pack. This is the big dog this is the ford f150. It doesnt just raise the bar, pal. It is the bar. Brian 2020 democratic candidate Bernie Sanders campaigning for, get, this medicare for all and he already knows what critics will say. The criticism of Bernie Sanders is he is going to raise your taxes. Well, i may. But do you know what im doing . Im doing away with all of your private Health Insurance premiums. We cant afford the present system. Thats why we are going to move for medicare for all. Brian fantastic. Next guest argues sanders plan wont work and he knows it doctor turned lawmaker who says its time for politicians to get real about curing americas healthcare system. He joins us now. A were foredermatologist republican congressman john joyce. Congressman, medicare for all its about time. Its finally here. Whats wrong with that . Its unsustainable, brian. A medicare for all system has been estimated to cost 32 trillion over 10 years. 32 trillion out of the pockets of hardworking taxpayers. Recent polls show that america is not interested in this. Less than 40 of americans are embracing this medicare for all idea. Bernie sanders has allowed this to become a political football as so many of the incredibly left leaning drastic candidates have. Medicare for all is financially unsustainable and as a doctor, as a new legislator i can tell you this isnt what america wants. Brian all your entire practice is all medicare patients, do you make money . I think anyone can work hard and be financially successful in that world. But, a medicare fee schedule drastically reformed and reformulated with a medicare for all system. Brian listen to the candidates who have followed Bernie Sanders lead. Cory booker, julian castro, tulsi gabbard, Kamala Harris, andrew yang Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. They say 56 overall support this and thats what im running on. But then when you tell these people get rid of private insurance and we will raise your taxes that number drops to 3 37 . And once you expose what this is, it is nothing but a campaign slogan. Its not practical or feasible. And it has taken us away from the real dialogue. Of the real dialogue is that we can have healthcare reform. Last week i cosponsored legislation to remove the medical device tax. The medical device tax takes away money from research and development, which is what americans really want. They want cutting edge therapy. We can provide them with that and we can do that with a bipartisan ability to reach across the aisle and come to that compromise that will allow the best healthcare to occur in our own country. Brian congressman, if republicans dont do anything on healthcare, they will lose again in 2020. They ignore the problem. They cut up obamacare and left it in tatters and said its not my problem and paid the price in the midterms. Everyone says its number one or number two most important issue when they go into the voting booth. Hopefully with medical background can you provide leadership there. Thanks for joining us this morning. Thank you for having me. Brian first border wall prototypes torn down to make way for a new wall. One company has a new offer for the president. The ceo is here live. Media went wild about tax refunds. Why are they reporting that refunds have actually gone up. Charles payne here and always finds himself coming on our show and giving us that plus shot all i need is a miracle all i need is you Mental Health, hiv. Patients with serious diseases are being targeted for cuts to their medicare drug coverage. New government restrictions would allow Insurance Companies to come between doctor and patient. And deny access to individualized therapies millions depend on. Call the white house today. Help stop cuts to part d drug coverage that put medicare patients at risk. A cfp professional is trained, knowledgeable, and committed to Financial Planning in your best interest. Find your certified financial planner™ professional at letsmakeaplan. Org. Find your certified financial planner™ professional take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. So you dont have to stash antacids here. Here. Or, here. Kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Ainsley the original border wall prototypes demolished to make room for a new fence along our southern border. One of the companies that made one of those original prototypes now has a new made in america Border Protection offer. Fisher sand and gravels proposal includes 234 miles of border fence to be finished by november 2020 and here to tell us more about it is the president and ceo of fisher sand and gravel. Tomi, you have been on with us before. Thanks for joining us. They just demolished your prototype and have you an idea for how can you make our border safer. What is that . Once we found out that concrete wasnt a bipartisan choice we went to steel right away and took the same innovations and patented a steel hanger frame. We can produce steel ballard fence in a much more efficient way and faster and give all weather life steel than what they are getting. Ainsley is this what it looks like. Yeah, it is. Ainsley why should the president choose your company. We have given an offer. He was told that 234 miles would take several years and 5. 7 billion. We do it for 4. 3 billion and we give a five year warrantee backed by a bond bumper to bumper. There is high speed access roads for the agents. There is full electrical capabilities and conduit for all technology. Whether you are a democrat or republican, you can get behind this. The agents need roads and they need technology no different than a barrier that will last 75 to 80 years not the 25 to 30 they are currently putting up. Ainsley how can your company do it faster than any of the others. With the patent we hang on the hangers, we can do the work five to 10 times as fast. We hang and the machines hold everything. There is no dunage or any type of equipment or bracing system to hold. Ainsley how frustrating was it when he said no more concrete and now we want steel and had you to change your proposal. Our integration. Huge Steel Company too. Only Major Construction company in the u. S. That also does steel. We build bridges for 75, 100 years. We understanding steel. Its no different. If the government says one thing and with the emergency we call ourselves the First Responders so hopefully he will see that no different than i think he will understand just like the central park deal with the ice skating rink, if you need it done now, nothing against government bureaucracy but it takes time. You need an expert to come in and do it now and do it right. Ainsley do you know how manis can you are up against. I dont know. I dont think any company could give the proposal as we did. No problem with our proposal being out time frame. Nobody noe one can build the quality and time we can build it in. Ainsley might be able to build it in time for the election, too. Thanks, tomi. You are welcome. Ainsley Geraldo Rivera going inside the Opioid Crisis. He joins us with an inside look at one of the hardest hit towns in the country in the next hour. S. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. Mthat im 19 native american,d specifically from the chihuahua people. The level of details it gives you its, its incredible. 20 million members have connected to a deeper family story. Order your kit at ancestry. Com. Ythen you turn 40 ande everything goes. Tell me about it. You know, its made me think, im closer to my retirement days than i am my college days. Hm. Im thinking. Will i have enough . Should i change something . Well, youre asking the right questions. I just want to know, am i gonna be okay . I know people who specialize in am i going to be okay. I like that. You may need glasses though. Yeah. Schedule a complimentary goal Planning Session today with td ameritrade. Brian search for dozens missing in alabama set to resume. Ainsley families return to destroyed house, communities are completely reduced to rubble. This is nothing left but a baby highchair. There are so many other baby items. Our heart goes out to those affected by the devastating storms. Steve the story alleges that alexandria ocasiocortezs chief of staff ran a one Million Dollar slush fund by diverting Campaign Cash to his own company. She has railed against the very practice he is now accused. We have to make sure this is not a dictatorship and rule of law is respected. No collusion. It is all a hoax. Im not running. I will keep speaking out. I am not going anywhere. Were excited to welcome the 2018 fcs National Champions, the north Dakota State University bison. Grab yourself something. We can eat right here. Chickfila they say, chickfila. Brian so much for the biggs snowstorm that was supposed to keep everything home. No big deal. Done by the time the show. Steve i had a lot of snow. Ainsley wasnt any snow on the ground. Steve better to keep them safe. Brian there is no reason to miss school. There is mass transit. Well talk to the mayor. Thanks for joining us. Were in hour three of our fox friends telecast. This is quite a story. Congresswoman from here in new york, alexandria ocasiocortez, and her chief of staff are under fire accused of moving one Million Dollars of donations out after pac into private account. Ainsley the allegations are alleged in a complaint. Brian Griff Jenkins is here in washington to explain. Unwind us. Reporter lets unwind it. Aoc and her chief of staff could be in serious trouble with the sec. 35 page complaint filed by the National Legal policy center accuses her chief of staff funneling 885,000 from two Political Action committees or pacs to two private companies that chakrabarti controls. Here is a key part of the complaint. It reads, appears respondents had off the books operation to make 100,000 of dollars of expenditures for multiple candidates for federal office. What does that matter . It would potentially aocs campaign to report money to fec violating the disclosure clause. This lack of transparency why critics like aoc says is dark money. It presents not only potentially heel problem for aoc but also a political one, comes on a day today she is introducing a bill before the congress to get every transaction on wall street taxed. Now the pacs in the complaint say the money was used for Strategic Consulting but the fec will have a chance if they choose to do so to investigate it. We reached out to aocs office and communications director. They have not responded. You will hear something about it, she will have to answer for pretty much violating the very thing she accuses others of doing. Guys . Steve what irony. Griff, thank you very much. There was a former fec commissioner on the air here yesterday and said that aoc and her chief of staff could face major fines and even jail time if they knowingly violated the law. What is extraordinary about this is, so you know, this are limitations on how much money you can give to a Political Action committee, a pac but then for the guy who ran the pac and it was, guy right back there on the phone, her chief of staff, to then divert the money into these private corporations, there is just no transparency. So you dont know where those contributions went. Ainsley cant track the money. If youre one of these democrats, you gave mon to one of her pacs, he, according to this complaint, he took 885,000 out of the pacs. Then shifted into private companies he controlled. The judge said, judge napolitano, said he could use that money to pay his mortgage or car payments. Listen what else he says . Where is the money now . It is in a private corporation which is not a Political Action committee. Such a huge amount of money, steve. It could be a mistake. But it would depend how it happened. Were there many wire transfers . Did it happen at once . Appears as though it was an act of deception. That puts them in a dangerous category. Mistakes the fec will forgive, may fine you for them. Deception they call the justice department. Ainsley Jason Chaffetz who number of years was chairman of the House Oversight committee, he looks as this as a big problem if accurate. There are campaign limits to what you give to a campaign, what you can give to a pac, how the pac discloses that and how they disperse this money but it appears, at least based on the allegation that these pacs were created, these llcs, these companies were formed in an elaborate scheme to funnel money, nearly a Million Dollars. This is about as serious of an allegation as it gets. It includes fines and going to jail, if it was all true and found guilty. Brian that was not only investigation believe it or not on capitol hill with this guy donald trump. Jerry nadler, people thought he would be aggressive as chairman of judiciary, man has he overdid himself. Focus on public corruption, april abuses of power, requested 80 people a ray of documents he wants to make sure, get this, we dont become a country run by a dictator. Listen. Were simply exercising our oversight jurisdiction and he is not, he doesnt understand or he is not willing to concede to congress we have an oversight jurisdiction. We have to you have had two years of sustained attacks by an administration of nature we havent seen probably in a century or more against a free press, against the courts, against the Law Enforcement administration, against freedom of speech. We have to make sure this is not a dictatorship and rule of law is respected. Brian what a great american. Making sure democracy is preserved of. Steve he says for the last two years when the house is under republican control there was no oversight of white house. So now that is what theyre going to be providing. They are going to look into, did the president use the white house to get rich, violating the constitutions poll poll you. And did the president abuse power by offering pardons or tamper with witnesses . These are some of the things you will see a lot of. I imagine you will see it right up until election day 2020. Ainsley so far no evidence of collusion. We havent gotten the results yet from the Mueller Investigation. Sarah sanders with the white house, she said this the democrats are more interested in pathetic political games, catering a radical leftist base then on producing results for our citizens. The democrats are not after the truth. They are after the president. Brian just unbelievable they were offramping all the things found last two years you thought better or worse this thing would be over after mueller wraps up which could be this week. Now turns out theyre trying to get their own Mueller Probe together, they get the sense, the word is not going to be the smoking gun make the president look bad and make democrats look better. They have to get all their own testimony, their own paperwork, so they can launch into these wednesday afternoon spectacles. Keep in mind, Michael Cohen was cooperating witness. When you get Corey Lewandoski up there, march out eric trump, some of the others you will get pushback. Not a walk in the park over the last week. Steve one thing about the Mueller Probe. Is, there was a scope memo that told the department of justice exactly what they could look into. This, given the political season is a fishing expedition. It is much wider than the Mueller Probe. Theyre just looking for anything. Ainsley anything. 19 people were served documents including Corey Lewandoski, eric trump, jr. , donald trump, jr. , julian assange, Michael Cohen, reince priebus, roger stone, sean spicer, companies and departments were served with documents as well, Trump Campaign and brian joe digenova says this is perjury trap. They will get individuals in trouble. Weve seen this pattern for two years. Democrats have huge risk of overstepping. American people, independentminded, is this why we cave them the house . The answer is yes, good luck what you got. Ainsley all the plead should plead the fifth. So they dont get into trouble. Steve nations capitol meantime. Jillian has very latest from alabama. Jillian officials in alabama will name all 23 victims after the deadliest tornado outbreak in six years. Heartbreaking video showing piles of rubble where homes used to stand. Look at that. Two of the three children killed now identified as fourthgrader Taylor Thornton and 6yearold armando hernandez. Rescuers are picking up their search efforts for dozens missing this morning. Well have a live report from the devastation in just a few minutes. Senior got vaccinated against his parents wishes is taking his message to capitol hill. He joined us earlier to explain why. My message is very clear and simple. Misinformation which spread lies and evidence that is not scientific or true is dangerous because when people dont vaccinate, you have a higher risk for disease outbreaks. Jillian the ohio teens parents didnt believe in vaccines. When he turned 18 he went and got them himself. First Lady Melania Trump having a town hall on the drug crisis. Listen to the advice she gave the students. You wish to not have homework . Im sure everybody wishes that but you need to study. Jillian who really wants homework. The first lady visited microsofts hq in seattle. She learned about tools to limit screen time. Prowrestling legend King Kong Bundy died at the age of 71. He eventually feuded with hulk hogan. He made guest appearances on the show married with children. No cause of death was reported for the 6foot 4, 450pound man who real name was christopher halib. Brian he came here. He lifted me almost up to the ceiling. He said grab my shirt. He then lifted me up. I let it go it was television and i would have taken it to him. Steve i remember you tried to lift him up. Brian it didnt work well. He is 61 years old. These wrestlers dying earlier. Steve a legend back in the day. Jillian, thank you very much. Ainsley protesters after High School Students say they were punished for wearing maga gear. Lawmakers are demanding answers. Steve the media went wild with reports about smaller tax refunds. Why arent they reported that the refunds have actually gone up . That according to this man, Charles Payne, come on up, youre our next contestant on fox friends, the home edition. Do you love me . I can really move do you love me . Im in the groove now do you love me . Do you love me now that i can dance . Watch me now work, work, ah work it out baby applebees 3 course meal starting at 11. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Steve certain Media Outlets that rushed to report that the tax refunds were smaller this year are suddenly silent. New irs data showed refunds increased, not decreased. Ainsley tax refunds rising 1. 3 from last year. Brian Charles Payne, host of making money on the Fox Business Network join us to weigh in. We have to beat the april deadline to file taxes. Weve seen returns already. What returned on the returns . More returns come in. Numbers have changed. Almost like calling a baseball game in the first inning. Maybe some folks in the media thought the score would change and so lets leap on this bad news while it is quote, unquote, bad news. I think it was just, dishonest, certainly nefarious, perhaps, who got caught up in the more than anyone else Kamala Harris who tweeted this out, we told you so. Youre not making any money from the tax plan. Irony of course this is the kind of story the media put out before these returns came. Your refund might be smaller because the major goal of the 2018 tax overhaul was to put more money back in the pockets of working americans. That was the kind of honest, reasonable stuff we saw before returns came in. Ainsley how does that affect the economy and markets . Well the headlines, let me tell you, i have a premise, the media, americas media almost pushed america into recession, the media. Steve when . In december. We got late december data is just coming in. Savings in november was 6. 1 . They went to 7. 6 in december. That number is unheard of. What is more remarkable, incomes went up 1 . 150 more than wall street thought. Our incomes are soaring. It is december. We stopped spending and we saved all this money. If you look at all the headlines in the month of december, which by the way influenced the algorithms which also pushed the market lower, im telling you that americas media was this close to pushing america into a recession. Steve but, charles, people who live in high state taxes like this one right here and the higher income earners with property taxes and stuff like that, theyre getting less money. Absolutely. Steve those are the same people progressive are targeting anyway. Everybody knew that happened. It was big debate among republicans that represented california, new york, new jersey. Brian peter king. These were not a surprise. Headlines, it was surprise, it was bait and switch that it was dishonest. Bottom line overwhelming of majority of americans kept more money last year. The good news the government kept less of your money. Brian big picture, market went down a little bit, went up a little bit yesterday. What does that have to do with the china trade deal and economy. I think the china trade deal is done. I think it will be better than anything we could have gotten from the world trade organization. It will be a boon to americas economy and chinas economy because china will be an honest player. Their defense spending is down again. That is north sort of sidebar all of this. Theyre spending less on defense. That is even better on the world. Brian the economy is not driving the revenue it was. Exactly. Steve thank you, charles. Brian Geraldo Rivera going inside of americas Opioid Crisis, getting an indepth look at one of the hard history towns in the country. He will join us live unless i misread the rundown. Ainsley she was killed by a friend over inheritance money and her killer could spend his life in jail. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday allnight protection. Can you imagine 24hours without heartburn . Neighbors. Loved ones. Living with diseases like cancer, epilepsy, Mental Health conditions and hiv. Maybe youre one of them. But new medicare rules could deny access to the latest, most effective therapies. Therapies that keep them healthy. Are medicare cuts that save less than one percent worth the risk to millions of patients . President trump promised to protect medicare. We need him to keep his word. Ok look, if youre not the lead dog, the scenery never changes. Thats why this is the view for every other fullsize pickup. And this year, its deja vu all over again cuz only the ford f150 with its high strength, militarygrade Aluminum Alloy body gives you bestinclass torque, bestinclass payload. And you got it, baby. Bestinclass towing. Still leading the pack. This is the big dog this is the ford f150. It doesnt just raise the bar, pal. It is the bar. Of every great meal is always the potato . T bite thats why it should always be an idaho potato. Only genuine idaho potatoes have the perfect taste and texture to get your meal started right. Neighbors. Loved ones. Living with diseases like cancer, epilepsy, Mental Health conditions and hiv. Maybe youre one of them. But new medicare rules could deny access to the latest, most effective therapies. Therapies that keep them healthy. Are medicare cuts that save less than one percent worth the risk to millions of patients . Call and tell congress, stop cuts to part d drug coverage medicare patients depend on. Want more from your entejust say teach me more. Into your xfinice remote to discover all sorts of tips and tricks in x1. Can i find my wifi password . Just ask. [ ding ] show me my wifi password. Hey now [ ding ] you can even troubleshoot, learn new voice commands and much more. Clean my daughters room. [ ding ] oh, it wont do that. Welp, someone should. Just say teach me more into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Steve missing person mister in new jersey. Her car was abandoned in 2016 with no trace of her to be found. 911. Where is the emergency . It is nottage emergency. Im on the del mar bridge. There is car abandoned. Off to the side of the road. Police found sarah sterns abandoned car on the bridge behind me. Seemingly abandoned without a trace. Looking for sarah for eight weeks. We know what happened. Devastating. We would not have brought charges against the two individuals if we were not comfortable briefing the proofs was sufficient to prove these two defendants guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Preston taylor agreed to cooperate the state. He is accused strangling 19yearold sarah stern during a robbery. Took me a half an hour to kill her. Trial lasted eight weeks, took just two days for jurors to reach the verdict. Guilty. Steve it has been less than a week since jury found sarahs childhood friend guilty of murdering her in an attempt to steal money she inherited from her late mother. To pay tribute to sarah, her father michael stern. Good morning to you. Good morning. Steve why did this guy kill your daughter . Greed. For the money. Steve he heard, she told him at one point that she had some money from her mothers inheritance, right . Yes. True. Steve did know where she kept it . No. As far as we know he didnt, no. Steve then fast forward, shes missing. At what point did you start to suspect him . Actually the first day she was missing. Steve why . Because the phone was missing. Sarahs phone wasnt, sarahs phone was off and he had lost his phone, police told me on my way back from florida that his phone was missing too. That was very strange. Steve after two months they found her. They never found sarah. Steve rather they found out he was the one with a sting . Yes. Steve tell me about that. Well his friend came forward with information that the police used to further question him and it was, it is just a horrible thing, the way everything came apout. They set up a string operation to record him and he basically confessed on the recording. Steve you just saw a little of that video. There the description is so disgusting. Its horrible. Steve how do you get up when Something Like this has happened in your family, in the morning . I get up to keep sarahs memory and her name alive because sarah would, she was very talented artist. A lot of talent. And it is just because of her that i do this. She had a lot of friends all over the place. Steve he will be sentenced in the third week of may. Right. Steve what would you like to have happen to him . Well hes, according to the law in new jersey, felony murder is life without parole. Plus six other charges. On top of everything else. So he can stay in jail. That is where he should be. Steve what do we need to know . About your daughter . Beautiful girl. Very talented. And she just, she loved life. Just a great kid. Great kid. Steve she had her whole life ahead of her. Michael the sketchbook she had, tough to look through it, because you know that she was drawing on each page. Yeah. One of the things she did. When she found something she wanted to do, she just went ahead to figure out how to do it. She became more intense with her artwork as years went on. She had Great Teachers in high school and college. When she started but her, everything was cut short because of this tragedy. Steve will justice be served when they put him away forever . Justice will be served for sarah. It doesnt bring her back. She is just, not here and you know, we havent been able to recover her body. It is out to sea. It has been 27 months. So steve michael, thank you very much for telling the story. Thank you. Weve been watching it here in the new york city area for so long. A sad ending. Thank you. Thank you. Steve all right. Straight ahead the search for survivors about to resume down in alabama after those deadly tornadoes. Were live on the ground next. Plus geraldo going inside of americas Opioid Crisis getting an in depth look at one of the hardest hit towns in america. He will join us live next. Use oe in the military, you pass that on to my kids. Something that makes me happy. Being able to pass down usaa to my girls means a lot to both of us. Hes passing part of his heritage of being in the military. Were the edsons. My name is roger zapata. Were the tinch family, and we are usaa members for life. To begin your legacy, get an insurance quote today. Brian were back with a fox news alert. The search for dozens missing in alabama is underway after deadliest tornado outbreak in six years. Families returning to destroyed houses, communities totally reduced to rubble as you can see. We begin to learn more about the victims, three of them under the age of 10. Steve we are joined from the devastation in beauregard, alabama. As we look behind you, there is nothing left standing. There used to be a house behind me. Take a closer look. There is nothing left. This is actually the home of state trooper robert burrows. If you look to the left of the house, the trooper vehicle the windows blown out by the tornado. He is in icu right now. He lived here with his wife and a grandchild he was taking care of. Actually, if you look to the right, you can see a lot of baby items all over the place here in the yard. A lot of items belonging to that child, that he was raising. Now while he is fighting for his life unfortunately the whole nation mourning 23 people this morning. The names of victims will be released today. Some are not able to be identified, physically identified right now. So the coroner will have to use, theyre telling us fingerprints to be able to i. D. Those victims. They are going to meet with families later on today. But you can just see the devastation is just immense here. The entire house, your whole life that you built your entire life, just gone, shred into pieces. Brian, steve, ainsley, back to you. Steve thank you very much. Heartbreaking. Meanwhile it had one of the countrys highest rates of Overdose Deaths, but recently dayton, ohio, has seen the numbers plunge. Our next guest got an inside look to figure out why. Brian here with more, what he learned about the Opioid Crisis hitting americas heartland of course in ohio, correspondent at large, you choose to be large, in cleveland. Larger than life. Brian you wanted to check out dayton. You wanted to see what they were doing. Good morning, everybody. Dayton was known as the overdose capital of the country for over a year ever since is this heroin epidemic, visited us and hasnt got gone away. It affected whole 2016 president ial run t decimated new england. Middle america is suffering the consequence. Steve why Middle America . Most highways, steve. Dope comes from mexico with fentanyl. Comes up in semitrucks. Under old nafta. Comes up into the country. It absolutely devastated dayton, ohio. Dayton, ohio, mobilized. They got the federal government, state government, county, municipal government, in todays part one we show you the Police Action against the heroin, fentanyl epidemic. Tomorrow we take you into the jail this is sheriff rob streck, Montgomery County sheriff in dayton, ohio. We bring in the world, unmarked units, Specialized Drug teams and air support. We come in like a tidal wave. 10 different agencies, local, state, federal, are involved. Right here you see a potpourri of Police Agencies from the region all working together in this joint task force, in this blitz. Initiate a traffic stop. Pulled the driver and passenger out. Searched the vehicle. And we found a loaded glock. So the male passenger, he is going to go for gun charges. Officer here made a stop. Well run the dog see if it hits on the car f it does, well search it to see if anything is in there. We put the money in one of these bags f dollar hit the on odor drugs money. Gives us probable cause to seize the money. Saying it has odor of drugs on it. What happened here . We had a truck with a female sitting inside. When she got out of the vehicle, some of the things she dropped, usually drug relate, stuff like that. When i picked that up, rocks and heroin in her possession. She was arrested. Ever get a feeling trying to sweep back the ocean . Sometimes. But weve always known that. Were going to fight. Month come from county were going to fight. We got sick of seeing our loved ones die. Everybody came together. You know what . Were done with this. Well do whatever we can to make sure that our loved ones get the help they need. Yeah. 72,000 americans died of overdoses last year. This county has cut Overdose Deaths by 3 4. They are really dramatically improving at least the survivability of the people using these drugs. You can talk forever about the responsibility of the pharmaceutical industry getting these people looked on opioids on oxycontin. Oxycontin prescription runs out they turn to heroin, heroin laced with fentanyl. They die. Ainsley part two you will talk with people that have been in prison. In prison, hardcore, with the criminal Justice Reform passed by the president couple weeks ago, hopefully treated more like a disease. But for right now the prisons are jam filled with people whose lives are wrecked, who are wrecking the lives of their families, neighbors. Brian perdue pharmaceutical is being sued because they made oxycontin they thought irresponsibly. For last 10 years. They said we might as well go bankrupt. The bankruptcy is in the offing. Perdue has blood on their hands. Ainsley thanks, geraldo. Jillian behind with you more headlines. Hey, jillian. Jillian luke perry the actor dead from a massive stroke at just 52 years old. Earlier dr. Oz explained strokes in young people are much more common than you may think. Roughly one in seven, one in eight folks under the age of 50 when they have their stroke of the that population of stroke victims is increasing. Older folks having less strokes but younger guys are having more. Jillian actress Molly Ringwald tweeting about perrys death, quote, my heart is broken. I will miss you so much, luke perry. Sending all my love to your family. Leonardo dicaprio tweets, luke perry was kind hard the incredibly talented artist. My honor to work with him. My thoughts and prayers go out to him. The actors worked together on an upcoming film, once upon a time in hollywood. That will be his last film. Lawmakers investigating a investigation into high school disciplining students for wearing maga gear. Saying these students First Amendment rights may have been violated allegedly asked to leave campus. Protesters gathering outside of the school in support of free speech. The school insists the students were not punished for their political views but they were causing disruptions. This High School Wrestler performed on and off the mat. Watch what he does when there is no one to sing the National Anthem at a tournament. Oer the land of the free, and the home of the brave [cheers and applause] jillian that is isaac bryant, belting out the starspangled banner in pennsylvania, his performance, you can imagine why is going viral. Steve i wonder if he won the match . Ainsley if he doesnt have future in wrestling i can sing. Brian another person with brute future singing janice dean if weather doesnt work out. Janice mostly sun is any out here. Steve name of your brand new book. Janice Beautiful Day in new york city. There is my new book. Thank you so much, fox friends, my family at fox news channel. It is mostly sunny, but it is cold. Tell you that much, 14 in new york. Feels like minus 16 in minneapolis. You know that is arctic front moved as far as south as the gulf coast into florida. Freeze advisories in place for next several hours. Well not get much above that well remain in the 40s, 50s, if were lucky across the gulf coast and across the great exla and northeast. That is where it remains cold. We could set cold record lows. Were watching this west coast storm, that will bring more rain and mountain snow to this region. What a great day. Thank you so much, you guys. Really special day today being with you. Ainsley you deserve it, janice. Steve always sunny when youre here. Janice oh. Brian well talk to you on the radio. Many of Bernie Sanderss youngest supporters love the idea of socialism. But do they even know what theyre talking about, what socialism is . Our next guest has reality check. Ainsley you know them from hgtv hit, hometown. The napiers are here. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace we see two travelers so at a comfort innal with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com brian social lyft ideology continues to gain steam among young voters but do young voters fully understand what theyre advocating. They point to scandinavian style socialism in denmark, norway, sweden as true socialism. One problem those countries are not socialist. Socialism is reflected in venezuela, cuba, old soviet union. All economic disasters and brutally repressive states. Joining us New York Post columnist, fox news contributor, michael goodwin. This is exasperateing people grasp at something that is not there, saying that sweden and norway have been socialist forever. There is confusion not just on young people but a lot of americans. I think of socialism this way. It is about grievance. Somebody else has more than i do. That is not fair. In age of inequality, where inequality is definitely growing in terms of income disparities there is a growth of grievance among the young and of course the Political Party on the left, stokes that grievance by basically saying if you have two dollars and i dont have any dollars, i should get one of yours. We should all have the same. That is, that is the opposite of capitalism. It is opposite of free markets. It is, really opposite of liberty, but it is now the rage because of grievance that is being stoked. Brian free college, free preschool, free medicare, medicare for all. So everything should be free. Right. Brian so wall street journal did a poll and nbc combined with them, and they asked millenials what do you think of socialism . 72 very uncomfortable, 25 comfortable with socialism. 3 are not sure. My sense is that if you have seven major candidates running essentially like Bernie Sanders, concern they, is the president right to label them socialists and make people evaluate what theyre supporting . I think the term again makerly fits. That we can take your wealth and redistribute it. Under this is a sense of grievance, somehow if you more than me it is not fair. Im entitled to the same as you. That to me is the animating impulse on the left and i think that is the Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, theyre trying to stoke, take some of theirs, they have too much. Brian look at the los angeles, look at new york city, look how it is deteriorating and what do they have . Now they will give people mandatory 10day paid vacation. Mandatory Health Insurance for everybody including illegals. Minimum wage. Brian minimum wage. On surface seems pro worker but not in the big picture. Look at money wasted in new york city, the mayor and his wife blew through 1. 8 billion over several years involving problems and schools and Mental Health programs that showed no results whatsoever. Not clear where all the money went. 1. 8 billion. Think of all the taxpayers that worked to give the money to the city. Taken from them to the give to the city, around the city squandered it. That is sense is of grievance, well take your money, well use it better than you would. Brian right. There has to be a limit but, now on the left there are no limits. Brian this is interesting, you have two new candidates saying im for market economy, governor hickenlooper and beto orourke, im for a market connie because im beginning to panic. Thank you, michael goodwin. Brian you them from the hgtv show, hometown. Sandra smith is here. Were waiting on update from alabama where we expect to learn the names of those killed by the deadly tornadoes. Stunning new images come in. Dozens are still missing a press Conference Begins short live. House dems targeting President Trump from all sides. The lawyer representing isis bride wanting to return home will join us live. Join us in moments in americas newsroom. Sitor expe. Improve our workflow. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. Yeah now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Yeah now business is rolling in. With tough food, your dentures may slip and fall. Fixodent ultramax hold gives you the strongest hold ever to lock your dentures. So now you can eat tough food without worry. Fixodent and forget it. In your gut, you feel confident to take on anything. With benefiber, youll feel the power of gut Health Confidence every day. Benefiber is a 100 natural prebiotic fiber. Good morning mrs. Jonhson. Benefiber. Trust your gut. Steve ben and erin napier made a name for themselves renovating Historic Houses in mississippi. Season 3 of their hit, hgtv show, home town is underway. The husband and wife duo are here to share the best tips to boost your homes value. Ainsley ben and erin are here in the fox studio. Great stock here. Steve steve i love your show. We like it too. How did you wind up in the business . It was social mediad ended up on tv. We renovated two houses for ourself is and documented it on instagram. They randomly found me. Ainsley how did you do that. I have a art degree and he is a woodworker. It was more out of necessary city because she has a art degree and i am a woodworker. Steve maybe a coat of paint, stuff like that, what is the most important thing to do to freshen up your kitchen . Were really big on making lists, prioritizing. Nobody foes into a house says lets do everything. Lets do everything. Ainsley everyone ends up in the kitchen. We love a pretty kitchen. It is the heart of the home. Were renovating our kitchen right now. So what you want to focus an what will be a big impact if you dont want to do the whole thing. Countertops, that is big surface area. Cabinet faces. That is is something home depot offers. You come out and they can measure your cabinets, reface them. Three to five days. And it is done. Youre not living in a renovation, for 6, 7, 8 steve doesnt look like a patch job. It is brand new. Like she said, installation is three to five days. And so thats incredible. Ainsley we dont think about that if youre on a budget. Just dot cabinets. If you have enough money, dot counters. Exactly what we did. We started with the kitchen. We did what we could afford. We waited a year, did half bath. Waited a year and did master bath. Youre doing a bath. We are. We cant decide whether we want the carera or fake wood stuff. What does she want . Steve she wants the fake wood. I thought she wanted the marble. Im leaning toward that. We had marble floors similar to that. Im a big fan. That is again, same with the bathroom with the kitchen you dont always want it do everything. Steve right. So you can do floors or update the fixtures. That is dyi project you can do yourself or you can call ainsley how do you know what goes together . If i saw this, i like this, probably better than that, so i pick this. But how do you know what wood to put with it . What do you know counter tops with it . White everything or gray everything. Guys, stop being afraid. You can use colors. See steve dont make it too matching. Dont make it too matching. Ainsley you dont want to spend a lot of money. Personally for me i would do gray, carrera marble, something to warm it up or brass or wood somewhere. Steve since you brought along a window, what did you tell us about windows . Windows are one of those things, firsttime homebuyer, wanting to put money, want a longterm investment, windows are great. Home depot Home Services they can come out and you know, they can measure your windows. They take care of everything for you. Ainsley theyre not like a kitchen or bathroom. Why do you spend money on that. It will help your power bill much lower. Ainsley that is true. More money to do the bathroom. Thats. Steve not drafty in the winter feels like a window open. In mississippi it is more hot. Steve great meeting you all. Check out their show on hgtv. It is called home town. More fox friends live from new york city coming up. [farmers bell] driver relax, its just a bug. Thats not a bug, thats not a bug burke hit and drone. Seen it, covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum what sore muscles . What with advpounding head . Advil is. Relief thats fast. Strength that lasts. Youll ask. What pain . With advil. Cancer, epilepsy, Mental Health, hiv. Patients with serious diseases are being targeted for cuts to their medicare drug coverage. New government restrictions would allow Insurance Companies to come between doctor and patient. And deny access to individualized therapies millions depend on. Call the white house today. Help stop cuts to part d drug coverage that put medicare patients at risk. Thats the book available now everywhere, wherever books are sold. Check it out on amazon or barnes noble. Com. Mostly sunny by our friend, janice dean. Its a wonderful book. Were all reading it now. Bill good morning, everybody. Breaking news, devastation in alabama. Rescue crews resume their search for survivors. We havent seen a story like this in some time. Im bill hemmer live in new york. Sandra im sandra smith. At least 23 confirmed dead. Dozens more still missing. The stunning new images coming in of the destruction and crews sort through what is left of a small community. At least three children among the dead including one boy ripped from his fathers arms. Support pouring in from all over the country. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the devastating storms in alabama, georgia, and the surrounding states. E

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